I Was W2S's Assistant For The Day

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last time I was a servant for a fatso we've been wondering there's a a bush just outside there uh-huh we're really curious how many leaves it has okay yeah I'm sure I could find that out for you sir thank you so much two thousand four hundred twenty-five thousand three hundred this time it's for Harry really throw myself into the deep end with this one obviously while I'm here you know this is my Christmas present to you so yours back to me you just like in the video down below let's try go for 100k lights like we did last time yo enjoy the video hello Harry I'm your servant for the day oh yeah I'm fully aware me I've got your first horse for you okay so in my pocket here you know we just did a little filming session yeah you're single all of these are lucky I brought Ben with me I've got a sink all your footage we just recorded for three hours it's an easy one is an easy one he records on seven cameras no we did one clap at a star but there's a lot of stops but you ever see testing further cards you got my good sir oh my some ways to lose these if you land and play the suitcase brother oh well it's gonna be a long Oh God yeah and you go and do Christmas shop with my family okay deal done see remember what he did on my a size shop come on that of you go up you go good work he's my order okay you go remember this on your forehead okay olives hummus hot chicken wrap yeah the Lumia pineapple no lettuce and then a glass bottle of water I bought the cup of water bottle all thought double check around lemon and herb bread cheese normal chicken I have fans I've seen won't you no lettuce halloumi of spiral garlic bread and the fans are still older and the answer is f who has ever spent 80 pounds in levels I've got you a planet but oh my god I like to fight he did ill for memory as well yeah no you enjoy that one lots of ice did you get the water right plants for one for my phone I've got to send it bad well he didn't cook them so I multiply okay thank you just in case you need some sauce there sir he just left me with its bag terrible life was going then sell my stuff come on this thing so I am my my football park thing there's no music okay so that's all from you I know he's bought for me I will we're in there although I was a bit bit sowing here so I've got speaker at home I don't get this man right here to take it back there so you can get all the way back to us and then all the way back here and then all the way into central London to do some shopping yes cool yes and then what I don't follow me Brandon all the way tell you a brand new brand oh you want me to get you a brand eme a new brand deals on your main channel no no no no I don't want to be if you get a big thing you give anything but I like I'll take an Instagram brandy look as we tweet elephant if i pull through of an instagram for you today then I've done a madman just making a couple calls hello Josh how you do I need to get a brand deal for Harry today what can we do he said I'll do anything he said up there enough Instagram Instagram thing or if we drop them a little message Harry's down to do some Instagram posts alright thank you I'll come back to you all right it's that easy when you sometimes apply studios the patio's coming through again is he your assistant now I've been if I put it politely we work together but actually you work for me seems to be outsourcing your works everyone powered by Harry's guy suitcase back yeah Kyle just brought you a coffee yeah driving is more like it if you could drive then you could drive us but I will drive you be careful with air be careful with it looks a car oh yeah this is somewhere where you'd like me to put the suitcase on my bedroom please be careful who's got cameras in it okay so a delicate carry out the of course then this is from the next full the next for the next for the quiz are here lad hello if you go on my desktop I'll no nose and about was on the kick town speaker he called the video that we were recorded with you know we spent four hours through the night to get that done that's mad all of this all this all this all right thank God okay okay on that now well take this to my kick town football part being a speaker so the one that we just came from yes yes that and while you're there could you get it to come like nice cinematics about cider yeah sure I'm also say come on kiddies calm down a kick town yeah I just yeah hand this off of them okay tell them it's from Harry ok score next then you've all gonna do a Christmas shopping am I paying for that I'll get my card actually might be quite fun we're doing our Christmas shopping as well was that clear that's one thing they did it on the a sauce shop they ordered stuff for them so why can't I do that I say we go for a nice little dinner meet liquor yeah so I need presents for a 50 year old man hello nearly 60 year old man yeah 50 year old woman yeah and then any presents for 18 to 20 so just anything cool okay mmm soup or some cool kinda quirky funny-looking stuff and a [ __ ] hairy nothing either and price budget 1.50 been going reading your bail for under just just around that family is living good this year yeah already saw just presence but this is just the extra stuff okay yeah the care expecially so rosy George mom dad if you're watching this click away oh you did all friends again yeah they watchin anyway it's you can I get Rosie something special please no one more thing okay follow me follow me follow me so like fully clean my robot just died okay there is something left to do all the way just to have a look at this but you're like this bent my wires and cables are all over the shop new toothpaste I need some new hair wax just just restock the bathroom why do you have fairy liquid in your bathroom actually don't know I think I'll try another bolt Marber not Bob off week makes me restock the whole race stop actually I'm Annina as you see up so Bo to central London yeah and we can do the bathroom and the Christmas presents this is I've realized that Harry's actually got you just promoting kick town bear in this video she does yeah smart guy hey little kitties come to kick town I'd say that there you go tick yes Jos again cinematix how does this work right we're just going to go straight into it Oh people looking interested kick towns kick town whoa let down I need a coffee to keep you powered up for this shop and we're about to do anything you want some oh yeah anything literally anything oh yeah you've got the most Fiat 500 drink I've ever seen in my own church cheers Harry I know the parking is six pounds how are we gonna pay for it I know how he's not gonna know until the video goes I remember when Alan Harry the mayor shop and we said if the video got like 50k likes who come to Selfridges basically because it's really expensive well we're in Selfridges Jackie's dad snorts smart Nora yeah for sure snore run actually just could it's Nora probably taken in you're now on I'll take it okay is that for that might be from our car AC but maybe for his money wait goodness I forgot they're more than for them they're five huh big bone less we're gonna grab one of these razor I know you like taking photos ten rolls of film we're gonna get some our high base flavor but then we saw Belvedere personalized it's both holes and if we won't even see what's realized to be first yes I was 18 it lets up Wow I think that's the one been 200 pounds plastic tape I still it's cooler still get it you got something for everyone now yeah keep it straight but the chocolate we absolutely smashed it one shot expensive I wanted to cop something but it wasn't in Selfridges so I'm now on my laptop oh look at that I'm on my lap still trying to find one present on Amazon I'm connecting some public Wi-Fi when I connect to public Wi-Fi no just straight clear - I always go through a VPN well actually when I say always I only just started like two months ago and only because of the casein nice that video that I was watching because he was working with a company called Nord VPN who are the sponsors of today's video would you look at that the acacias I stake and the same sponsor but it's mad because I literally use their product like I will show you now connected right now yeah now alongside being protected when you're surfing the internet Nord VPN is actually handy for a couple of other things let me explain do you ever go on holiday you get some downtime where you just want to spend some time alone watching something you go on to your favorite streaming service and bang shows not available in that country well literally one click you can connect back to your home country now you are watching your favorite show I know some of you also serve some proper kinky stuff on the internet well connect and nobody all know you can get a non VPN on your phone your tablet your computer and they've got a Google Chrome extension and after the interesting stuff they have over 5,000 servers in over 60 countries so pretty much wherever you go you're covered it's hella easy to switch from like one country to another it's one click and if you go to noir VPN comm board / calyx they've hooked you up with with a sweet deal I mean get a sweeter deal them than when I signed up you can get it for as little as two pound eighty two a month and you get a free password manager which I don't have overall with my link you're saving like four hundred and fifty pounds yeah head over to noir VPN com forward slash calyx so Selfridges is in central London winter wonderland is in central London come on I had seen heavenly on bear farming I've got Harry's cards I sway as much me being Harry's a system I need to buy a couple drinks thank you - sorry I was given a PI so hard I lost one ring now you'll get back to a system bro no Harry's that's a no-brainer I reckon he's a bit of a linguist on yeah that isn't here to feel energized minions this kid definitely gets ill all the finally asks me for my space all right as we saw his bathroom earlier I've brought my stuff in here I'm gonna clean up a little bit like you asked then replenish his stock oh wait this thing weighs so much I've never ever spent that much money in a boots before thanks Harry quality babe I have another video that's very similar to this I make him very soon really soon you'll see you'll see he'll say anyway it's time to do this please here the soap you can put on the shower they know that I got it for it right my man is stocked up welcome back to your room here you go into the back from you go saw a jar of a couple things that cleaned up a bit actually yeah oh oh yeah yeah yeah sorry I know you get ill a lot and you come to me for stuff psychic job there my god lemsip ibuprofen like this oh he's a face mask just in case you know when you're relaxing in the bath have to know that I do I know your new toothbrush minions normal um I don't need this this is all for your shower and stuff you my friend yeah you should have known from the age of 10 yeah I don't you know I know you don't use shampoo I don't use products you do there's not mine you don't use any products on your body I use water what about your body water you--you'll holy you're probably even finesse but in corporations your body cleans itself you don't need this stuff is a scam you see here it's a Baba yeah that's good DUI managerial yeah cuz you obviously have very big quit bro so I've just looked out for some actual hands so be another hair wax well I didn't action by that was a mistake but you know what you smashed it it's gonna get it's gonna get even better it was cold my hand and close your close your eyes okay alright now I'll just stand here right and yeah open your eyes okay how can I spend fifteen hundred pounds on something that's like that's more I like it just doesn't worry about that honestly anyway right so I'm with the thing that we've got here this is the best chocolate in Selfridges is the best shot clip and it cost me only 330 pounds so was there as there are hundreds of chocolates in there yeah you're gonna have to get another suitcase what is it you know little truffle balls right yeah hundreds of them the biggest one there was right like you miss dude I've got stuff that can you know be for everyone this is either for mum or dad a vibration massage device that's cool really good it's really good I tried it in the shop yes I was there last time there's a woman like trying to do it on you like yeah I just - are you very good very good alright there you go so wait are we happy with this one as well I know that I think this one I think is very sick but I don't know if it's gonna fit in my suitcase yeah it probably won't this is if not mate just leave them I will happily happily digest 300 pounds worth of chocolate oh this one's a good one let me guess it is ya know I don't say that on the outside right but I'm not gonna unwrap it because it's been wrapped really nicely but this is for your brother okay cool and I've engraved the ball with what Harry's brother so I know he's just turned 18 right yeah so there's a wheezes oh you know what you know what I'm impressed so far thank you 303 yeah good okay i right oh oh it's four four I know it's four four yeah yeah this one is for herb open your eyes oh my god why is this why is this this is an ornament piece but you know hub can look at it I don't think you can buy it oh it's like a it's a statue yeah yeah I got a present for herb you didn't even ask for it you've got to rate that I do rate it mate if he puts his mouth into that then yeah we'll take it we'll take your brilliant brilliant 15kg piece already see how this is but this is for the cysts okay I am the jack - Rosie cheeky little Polaroid cameras were present last year - ha brilliant I spend the least on Rosie right and she got the same president no I can have it and a nag or extra film [ __ ] not your Rosie I'm sorry I'll make it up to you are you free next Wednesday Oh a little something something extra because I won't pass this for your bro it's gold Mickey Mouse ornament actually very cool thank you they're cool I'll give you a few 777 you know what it was hard you know it's hard to pay out I still owe you a couple things cuz obviously we're both out all day so tomorrow morning I'll see you then you sleep well buddy yes Harry you know I appreciate my present there I appreciate you taking my speaker too kicked off video and the sinking sinking and I appreciate my far from being done but where is my brandy oh I forgot to get an update a Josh from after-party studios outreach to three brands on behalf of you and we are waiting to hear back I'm seeing you in the morning anyway okay so I will have an update by the time you wake up good you have to understand that brat deal isn't an overnight process you say look I will try my best and if not you will get one within the next 30 days but if I pull through and get you one now I'm a legend you're my employee but if you fail be a bear brand ale although I appreciate the rest of the stuff you will have failed right it's a dude babe or go what would you like me to do now how does this even work really I know I can do better that I have better than that I love you well as you know I'm very stressful day ahead of me you do indeed a lot walking a lot along in sukie's about so it'll foot massage massage have you showered today oh yeah yeah I can see I don't even know how to do this you know how you doing all right it's a bit for a dig something out okay what like more like this there we go okay this is grim but it's just grand now wet in the shower I'm on a great time we need to do this video more often you know how about you do for me now may you do you doing a good job yeah I'm still a little zoom get a nice though yeah there we go there we go was that okay was up more than okay beautiful weather outside is cold it's 11 degrees outside today oh what's the capital of Turkey from a quick Google search I can see that the capital of Turkey is Istanbul would you like me surfing yeah you know what yeah okay I'll take these outside for you sir actually quite pleased now because you're going okay this efficiency yeah yeah yeah you should have got the Train but oh no put that down is my system for the days you all this sorry one more thing Colin so as you know we have got a dog yeah you've got to walk the dog around the park I have the dog yeah I know just make do with what you got they do what you got you give me the most ridiculous requests brother he's gone you know he said to me he said one more request you know I'm going home to see her well you don't have a hope to go and walk an imaginary dog in the park God's sake I guess I'll go do that and that's see that's the end of the video okay Harry I'm out walking my dog now there's so many people look at me in a weird way Oh we want to stop there yes I am using a HDMI cable but it's a sturdiest that I could find come on herb is it good boy didn't mess my dog didn't notice my dog at all oh no if there's some pigeons up ahead I know how herb gets when he's around pigeons Oh No Oh No
Channel: Callux
Views: 4,206,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callux, w2s, kicktown, funny, harry, harry w2s, wroetoshaw
Id: Fsxkf42m1VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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