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all right you ready yeah well i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready let's get it today we're looking at 10 easy science experiments to do at home and so i brought along the two most scientific side men members we've got many it literally says 20. what did i say 10 10. oh well well yeah wow you got twice as many exactly exactly i was i was i was i was underselling it and so when they had they watched 20 they were like oh my god what how amazing we got more than we thought we were gonna get oh wow i've never done a science experiment at home you know oh i never did like the volcano one no that looked dodgy yeah that that looked slightly dodgy and it's not telling me how to do it it's just i know i'm really hoping don't tell me it's this the whole way through that's like metallic ferrous liquid okay vick you got to explain it to us yeah tell us what's happening here is it going to conduct electricity we're going to make sparks wow oh wow i wouldn't really call that an experiment you've just sat some but it looks cool like look at it look at look it's kind of the way it's the the photo it does look a bit like a firework it says that you can do it at home but i do have to go out to get this stuff yeah yeah this is one get clear glue you might have glue water that's easily picked up food color yeah put it nice mix it up and then you drink it as part of the drinking green things drink one color you become the color probably harry have you ever told people the aftermath of your blue drinking what do i have i blew [ __ ] how blue wait because we were drinking that like blue cacao stuff which is like yeah yeah it's like food like like drink coloring essentially so yeah for like a few days i was just pouring blue but how as blue as the top i'm wearing like it was a bit still brownie but like there was blue and was it like all blue or was there like blue bits no no fully blue the toilet water was blue like it was odd it was really peculiar and i was like it's bizarre that is so bizarre what happened the other day i had loads of beetroots for dinner right i had like roasted beetroot it makes you pee like red i did a poo and it was bright red and i was i was panicking thinking i had like hemorrhoids or like a tear in my bowel or something until i remembered i'd beat you the night before oh my god a little insight into harry's life okay so iron filings we're a bit done for there and what you can make like putty or something magnetic putty oh my god oh that's actually really cool oh that's that's cool if you've got any iron filings lying around do this this is really good that actually is through i really like this one very cool it's just eating it bro that's an alien that's how aliens eat oh mate i'd have so much fun with that [Music] okay ah the old bed of nails but even so i'd have thought if you'd have put pressure on that like oh that's crazy what it spread out it spread out evenly though yeah there's still a spike though like they're still there yeah the pressure on the balloon is divided by like 30 times sex it's like 30 nails that's how people lie on beds of nails no i get the lion on the better nails but i still think it would but i thought it would have popped wow blow my mind to be fair they look kind of blunt they look kind of blunt it's still sharp enough though yeah sodium yeah around okay hey heat it up what's gonna happen to this i can't lie there's an out this tune in the back is a bit of a banger yeah a bit of a hit man oh that's very cool that's very imagine doing that on like a massive scale like get a pool yeah that would look sick and what does it become then is that just like crystals i guess like sodium crystals like salt i guess that's that's a david dobrik video you know what i made my pool a [ __ ] sodium acetate pit or something [Laughter] then he is could work on the title a little bit yeah that's not really youtube now imagine our fans discussed when the next sidemen video is called sidemen make a giant sodium acid so what he's put i don't even understand what the aim is here just made dry ice oh wow oh i say what [Music] oh that's sick it really annoys me you can't catch them though i really want him to hold one yeah i want to throw him oh god is that it i hang about mix it up see i have these ingredients right i could do this it's gonna be like a lava lamp or something why did you have a glittery oh there's a glycerin i thought it was like i didn't realize that's really cool though that is can i buy this stuff can i could i go to a shop and buy glycerin or do i have a license or something no i think yeah see i don't know what's in that on the left [Music] by the way you like used to make the uh bicarbonate of soda volcanoes as a kid simon just asked that i never did it oh sorry literally when we started the video because i've never done one at home i went you never did the volcano you never did like the volcano one no yeah i must have missed it yes i did the volcano volcano there's your answer from five minutes volcano brothers i used to be like paper mache volcanoes and stuff and you haven't come on top it was sick was it like part of your school work or did you just do it for fun harry though that's the real question i don't know i feel like it might i probably did it for fun let's be real i think i did it for fun without the volcano part bubble yeah yeah so is that frozen what happened yeah oh wait what the [ __ ] is that hang on a minute how's it supported but what is that did i explain no no it's just it's the mystery ingredient people can't do this at home because they don't know what it is from my what i don't do that that's just that's just cold water okay and then what's he putting into it what's that i don't have that bro wait i think it's something like if you have water that's below freezing but you keep it moving it won't turn into ice but then if you let it become still in introduce an ice crystal to it the ice crystal grows i think i could be wrong but i think that's what happened i'm not gonna argue against you my friend i'm gonna comment let me know comments let me know if i'm absolutely waffling or i know what's up okay thanks okay i got a battery oh that's pretty soon it's pretty sick very cool oh oh oh that merry-go-round that's way better yeah i like the way this video is shot this video is shot very well good cameras and everything they put the heart and soul into it okay glass bottles i can find a glass bottle that's no problem three glass bowls i got a house yeah yeah okay fill it with water just any old water as well yeah just a straw all the way down one and a straw peter oh yeah this is this is actually still people yeah oh my gosh can either of you do that before techie no but i saw theo baker do it recently and he did it yeah but not he's never done it before and he just did a perfect one for her yeah that's impressive that's good and what's the science behind that just that the air can like get in easier yeah yeah basically when the air can replace from the top very easily jeez i ain't got time to pour water like that man i've got things to do [Music] i still don't truly understand this and how heavy cause does it go like how heavy and i oh wait what wait no no no no no no no no no no no that was coming i thought it was i think when you said that you're just talking about the fact that it can hold the cardboard you're telling me that no i refuse to believe that yeah i don't believe this i don't believe surface tension no no all i have to do right is a glass that's half full put it upside down are you going to do it i don't believe it go on time come i don't have any cardboard chilling bro i'm not getting baited into doing this like i'm going to pour water over myself i can tell i i have the facilities to do this right here right now okay let's see i'll do it i want to see i want to see i want to see it um i i you were the one giving at the big ends as well about service no i don't believe it i don't know but i said i don't know i don't i don't understand how this works here we go i don't want to do too much water because now you only need a little bit yeah just enough okay this cup might help it okay yeah then you turn it upside down and you want to slide it out okay slide it out slide it out i'm gonna wipe myself it doesn't work no no no you gotta commit to it come on do you do it slowly or quickly i'll check this wait let's watch the video wait hold it hold it it's leaking he peels it off all right you ready yeah well i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready let's get it [Music] [Music] but this just doesn't seem legit what he's done mate look look yeah honestly i think there's i think there's like cling film there's gotta be no peeled it off there's gotta be like cling film i swear no wait come wait wait wait look at that i'm gonna nah actually there's no way you can shake it like that yeah no chance no chance honestly i've been click-baited bro they said easy science experiments to do at home i've tried it and now the kids the kids as well they're gonna they're gonna pour all over the poor children i think it is because you used metal you know you think air pressure exerted on the card from underneath is greater than the weight of the water inside the glass this is why the card manages to hold up the water not letting it spill out but that that i believe yeah i just believe but i don't believe that you can shake it there's no way that has to be a troll there's no way yeah than that i know no no no and also also look at this look at this [ __ ] when he shakes it water comes like a bit of water squirts out you see so the surface yeah i think that's the troll i'm actually watching one right now and they're they're debunking it oh wait no no but look how he did that watch the end right look yeah he could appear something ah this one says there's like a lid basically on the cardboard why watch this boys i'm gonna see how i'm wearing oh you can see it yeah oh yeah so you're telling me i've just mugged myself off in front of everything a little bit yeah i mean you backed it okay so your pens you've written on a piece of paper you've set it on whoa what again i feel like i'm not on fire yeah i feel like i'd set the book on fire at that point that's not right what okay again imagine you pull up to school and instead of a rubber you just pull out a torch bolt on a magnet i can find that okay okay put a string so then you get an iron bottle whatever the metal bar let's just pull one of those out of my cardboard oh okay oh there's a bit of something on the line here it might break the bulb if it goes past it oh wow confident man yeah now but the thing is they've lost all integrity after that last one yeah i don't believe any of this honestly they've ruined my day i'm soaked i should have stopped the tent oh i've seen that one before oh is it like everything above the water burns yeah i feel like ethan did that at some point yeah ethan has set lots of things on fire so i'm i wouldn't be sure no it was on sidecast really they were trying to set a well before sidecast when they were just burning things sounds about right helicopter helicopter all right some copper wire everyone's got a copper one a battery i can find one easy they'll tie it around this scares me and asks just getting an electric shock or something like this i don't like this is that all the battery was used for nah nah i'm gonna make a return i know don't you worry oh no he's not now he's what's he doing all right okay here we go it's back if this is just the one where it spins i'm pissed i reckon there's more to this yeah yeah i think you're about to see a madness he's gone to a lot of effort for this one well what's he building he's building the car all right okay oh it's just gonna spin in it bro it wasn't worth it is that it bro we saw this one earlier is that is stuff conducting through his hands there oh no he's just holding he's holding it okay cool that looks like a bomb bro you know kids what a fun thing to build at the airport if you're waiting for your flight i have seen this oh that's sick yeah and it looks like it's not even moving anymore oh wait what's it wait i think that's called laminar flow oh i want to do that you're so smart i might be wrong i might be chatting out my ass wait what no that yeah that was laminar flow and what's this um static that's like static that's avatar bro the last airbender you know what the last two you know i've kind of i've been a big fan of it's very nice and you have to feel good every time that was nice i enjoyed that you know apart from the [ __ ] the scam all the way through i'm literally i was gonna say that was my favorite bit
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,779,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sidemen, Sidemen Reacts, SidemenReacts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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