I Discovered A CRAZY Minecraft Trick...

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they removed vertical half slabs from minecraft so i'm gonna add them back but not only will i try to make vertical slabs in vanilla minecraft i'm also gonna try to do it with only one command and stick around for the end of the video because i have a surprise announcement these videos have gotten us 300 000 subscribers in a week so why not keep it going so like i said a second ago vertical half slabs did used to exist in vanilla minecraft and all you had to do was place two walls like this make a little thing of blocks on the side with a sideways shulker box right here you could drop sand or gravel onto the wall and it would float above you could open the shulker box and i would push it half a block this way and then you could drop it down break all the rest and now you have your full vertical half slab and vanilla minecraft like this but moyang didn't exactly like that so in newer versions of the game if you try to make the same thing i'm going to make my little pillar right here with the shulker box if i try to drop a gravity block first of all it snaps to the wall like this and then second of all even if it didn't you can't open the shulker box anymore so i'm just gonna have to find a way to do this that they can't remove so if you didn't know whenever sand is falling a couple blocks like this during that transition period it's actually not a block of sand and it's an entity called a falling block if i try the command slash summon falling block you can see for half a second it does make a sand falling block at my feet but if we add the parameter time of one then it will exist until that timer takes down and if we don't want it to fall and turn into a normal block we can give it no gravity one and now we have a floating sand block with no collision so we need to figure out how to summon those perfectly positioned anywhere we are with one command so how i want this to work is you should be able to stand on the edge of any block and run this command and it should make a perfect half slab centered on the edge you're on so let's try to execute at our position the closest player and we're going to align with the x y and z axis and this will make it perfectly centered and then we're going to run the command to sum in our falling block it should be perfectly centered right here on this corner of the block right here although a block hanging over the edge of another block is not necessarily a vertical half slab so let's kill that block we're gonna go up here and this time when we type our command we're instead going to move it 0.5 blocks on the x-axis that was the wrong direction we're going to move it negative 0.5 blocks on the x-axis and now we technically have our vertical half slab right here and that's great but you'll notice that if i try it on a different edge it doesn't line up with the thing like it does over here oops but this is when it started to get a little more complicated so what we could do with this command is if we go to the edge right here and we run our command then it does the thing and if we go to this corner back here then we're far enough away that it does this side and that's great and then if we wanted to do the other one just instead of negative 0.5 on the x we could do negative 0.5 on the z positive 0.5 on the z then i mean this does technically work if i stand in the right spot but now that we have it working with two commands let's narrow it down to one so i need a way to perfectly find the edge of a block with one command is that possible item frames i think we can use item frames so if i get an item frame right here and put it on the side of a block you can see it's always going to be centered on the edge of a block right here it's actually super convenient let's execute at all entities of type item frame right here within a distance of let's go two and a half blocks sure we're gonna run the command to summon our block okay so if we kill that and we do the same thing but then move it up 0.5 then we have our vertical half slab right here okay but we need to test and make sure that you can do it on all the sides all right this i think we got it okay oh i broke the block but obviously no one only wants to build with sand vertical half slabs so what we can do instead is add an edit to the block state right here and that should be more curly braces and we want to change the name to minecraft colon stone there we go let me get these old ones out of the way let's do that all right stone half slab and what i think i just realized is that you can just place a bunch of item frames then if you're close enough and run the command it spawns all of them at once this is actually working out a lot better than i expected so now you could just go building with this immediately right now with that command however after like a minute all of the slabs would uh despawn so to fix that we're going to change the time from 1 to negative 1 million just to be safe because if it always counts down it'll never technically hit 0 if it's already negative but as you can see there's still no collision with these so let's fix that our obvious first choice would to be a trap door so let's place a block back here and let's try to find an angle to place a trapdoor in there and sadly the texture is phasing through i mean it still has the hitbox i can like crouch and i'm on this but that's kind of ugly maybe a candle can work i think you need to have blocks below them nah they're gonna stick out of the side let's try a player head right here let's try to place this did that oh okay it's fully inside the block um you can stand on i mean you're a little bit inside but it i mean it works how do i how do i break this all right it's time for the big brain right here time for the big brain this is how we're gonna break it bam oh and push the block you know actually a ladder could be pretty good because it's gonna be the same as a trap door but it's not on the sides oh it's still in the top though oh dang well if you're gonna have a block above this then i mean a ladder is great but if not then there's no way a fence is good right like i can place a fence here and i mean it looks pretty cool you could probably build some cool scaffoldings with this all right speed round we're gonna make a chain that goes through here and i mean that looks cool but obviously that's gonna stick out a hanging bell there's there's no way a bell's gonna work right yeah there's there's no way that sticks out too far well you can't even place a lantern on a wall i don't know why i thought that yeah that's a horrible idea although this does look pretty cool but it looks like our best options are going to be a ladder like that and a player head or wither skull although player heads might be a little less laggy because if you look on top here uh wither skulls have the inside right here the player heads don't so now that we have our fully working vertical slabs in vanilla minecraft we should probably test them out i have of course never built with vertical half slabs before so i just went for like a really basic tower where you can make kind of like like a like a cylinder sort of shape and i didn't try super hard i just kind of put stuff together and this is what came out of it a small little tower and vanilla minecraft with vertical half celebs and if we open the door and we go in here we can climb all the way up to the top there's a little bit of texture tearing but there's not really that much you can do about it what i did to get these little extra half slabs on top was i just placed the item frame here and instead of spawning it 0.5 blocks up i spawned it one block up right here see the difference change the 0.5 to a 1. so remember at the beginning of the video when i said there was going to be a special announcement if you use these commands and build something really cool and tweet it at me with hashtag mysticatchallenge i'm going to go over all of the submissions live on my twitch channel in a couple days and give the winner 50 and uh my schedule's not very solid so if you want an update on when i go live either follow the twitch now or join the discord why don't you subscribe and check out the time i started a minecraft hardcore series uh but i didn't let myself use any tools this one was a little bit weird
Channel: Mysticat
Views: 2,611,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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