I Added the Most Wanted Minecraft Recipes

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i'm going to show you how i added minecraft's missing crafting recipes minecraft has a ton of items that are either hard to find or straight up impossible to get without cheats so i fixed that but not only did i make whatever recipes came to mind i also tried to keep all of them balanced and fair so that you can't get a lead early on by crafting an item you shouldn't have yet a lot of the recipes in this video are going to revolve around a few key items so let's introduce those first glowstone is an item that will show up a couple times throughout the video and i thought a neat way of obtaining it would be by grinding up glowberries this makes glowstone a fully renewable resource that can work in redstone farms you can use glowstone like normal or in the new glow lichen and glowing sac recipes leather i've always thought that you should be able to make leather from rotten flesh but just crafting might be too overpowered to make it more complicated to automatically farm rotten flesh has to be smelted to become leather which actually kind of makes sense anyways bottles of enchanting are really interesting items that i think should exist in survival minecraft they also hold a lot of potential for being in the crafting recipes of late game items as well as you'll see in a moment you can make one of these by mixing a splash potion with a gas tear and dragon's breath if you don't know you can get dragon's breath by bottling one of the ender dragon's attacks this recipe should make xp bottles easy to obtain late game but difficult to mass produce totems of undying are another item that i'm going to be using in recipes quite a bit since they're not actually that difficult to get from raid farms i didn't make them too too expensive plus everyone that uses them usually has multiple already anyways but the blaze powder requirement does make it a little tough to make early game which is good so now that those are out of the way let's speed through some of the obvious ones and by the way we just skyrocketed from 200 000 to over 600 000 subscribers in two weeks so why not make sure you're subscribed and keep it going chainmail armor and minecraft is super interesting as it's so difficult to obtain it's never worth it however since it's so weak so i figured simply making it craftable with chains is a nice way to get slightly weaker iron armor for slightly less cost name tags are a super popular item in the game but can only be randomly found in abandoned chests i dislike that you can be limited to this item with rng so i added a recipe for it that uses paper ink and string now nothing is stopping you from making an army of pigs named jeff tridens are a super cool item in minecraft but no one ever seems to use them since they're so annoying to obtain basic tridents aren't even that powerful so i figured a simple recipe of three iron ingots with some prismarine shards is perfect to bring back their popularity late game enchantments are what make them cool anyways speaking of interesting items people never use i gave horse armor its own simple recipe similar to normal armor and of course you can't have horse armor recipes without saddle recipes why do we not have that anyways crying obsidian can be obtained by surrounding a gas tier and obsidian magma blocks are now just lava-infused netherrack and with mushrooms you can make all red and all brown mushroom blocks or mix the two to make mushroom stems and if you mix a mushroom stem with glowstone you get shroomlite and since mushrooms and now glowstone are renewable resources that means you can make streamlight farms brass is a widely used block in minecraft though i think needing silk touch to get it is a bit much so now you can just mix dirt with moss carpet to get some another thing you see a lot is people with silk touch not having enough cobblestone i figured a nice way to save people's time is to add cobblestone to stone's stone cutter menu a lot of people like to build with concrete powder instead of concrete so i figured smelting concrete back into powder could be pretty helpful to a lot of people and for the last of the obvious things you can now make bells you can turn oak saplings into dead bushes you can reverse wool into string and you can turn strings into cobwebs which i guess makes cobwebs a renewable resource time for the fun stuff if you code obsidian in another right block in a smithing table you can make a piece of bedrock just keep in mind that you won't be able to break it without redstone so if you need to i'll link a tutorial up here is your important too far from your base no problem you can now make in portal frames to recreate your own important you can actually remove the portal frames and the portal itself just by growing a giant red mushroom inside of it and we of course have to try making spawners mixing a totem of undying with some experience turns it into a player head if you surround one in rotten flesh of bones or spider eyes it turns into a mob head and if you then cover one of these in eggs it turns into a spawn egg but uh there's a specific reason we need to make spawn eggs so how minecraft works if i try to make something like slabs right here you can see i can only make the bottom half of slabs i can't make slabs that automatically place on the top because inside of here you can't put any nbt data on this block so for example if i wanted to make a minecart with the chest it would always have to be an empty chest you couldn't make a minecart chest with stuff in it and so our issue is that we want to make spawners and you see if i grab a spawner over here wait if i give myself a spawner right here you can see without any nbt data it only does pigs we don't want pigs if we open up this crafting table we make our bottle of enchanting right here we mix it with a tube moving dyeing that gives us a player head we surround this player head in bones and that gives us our skull and i forgot to grab chains and we mix this skull with chains and it gives us a knowledge book but you may be wondering this isn't a spawner well obviously it's a knowledge book what happens is whenever you take it you get a bunch of weird data pack enchantment stuff and that gives you a skeleton spawner command block you turn around and you place it and skeleton spawner there we go but um there's a small issue if you try to do this in survival you may notice that uh you can't place command blocks in survival mode ever like no matter what so here goes that idea and so some of you may be thinking why don't you just use a command that slash gives you the spawner and well the proper way of doing that is to give myself a spawner with spawn data right here and the id would be a zombie and you can see this all checks out it's yellow you type it in place it down and it's big turns out it's literally just not possible to slash give yourself a spawner that has the mob already changed so sadly our workaround is going to have to be just making a normal spawner around a totem of undying because it's going to make infinite pigs so it's got to be a little expensive and then you can also just craft a normal skeleton spawn egg and you can just change the spawner like that so now let's test this in survival real quick just to make sure okay you can do this in survival okay i also made it so that you can mine spawners with silk touch but they'll just turn back into pig spawners so you'll need to make the egg again for the same reasons as before you can now access the secret redstone skull sensors early with glowing sex stims and ender pearl body and a redstone repeater center just try not to kill all your friends with the secret tnt minecart trap enchanted golden apples used to be craftable in the game but were deemed too overpowered for how cheap the recipe was so i made it harder it now requires an apple six gold blocks dragon's breath and a totem of undying i figured an enchanted golden apple was stronger than a totem of undying when i considered if i'd rather fight someone who has an extra life or someone that's almost literally invincible for meth at a time and of course the most anticipated one is the elijah recipe this uses six phantom membrane for wings another star base and an end rod to hold it all together i figured this was a very fair recipe considering it requires you to enable phantoms access the end and fight a wither if anything elijah are of equal if not more value than a beacon so an extra wither fight shouldn't be a big hassle late game so here's how to actually install this you'll start by clicking the planet minecraft page in the description and you'll scroll down to the download datapack button right here i'm going to save the file and that will put it in your downloads folder we're going to right click and extract here you're going to need winrar or 7-zip or anything that can deal with zip files like this and it should just have the folder of the data pack right here we're going to open minecraft and we're going to make a new world and then under this data pack section we're going to click on that open our folder and then we're going to drag and drop our data pack folder onto this little tile right here it'll ask you if you're sure you want to do that and you are so you want to move this over from available to selected this is the most important thing here make sure it's all on the right click done and now whenever you create your world you should see a little thing pop up right there so you miscast extra vanilla recipes data pack loaded successfully if you see this everything should be working fine
Channel: Mysticat
Views: 174,480
Rating: 4.9658504 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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