I Learned to Beat Minecraft Using JUST My Brain Waves!

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I'm going to attempt to beat Minecraft using just my brain waves no keyboard no clicking for the first time in human history everything I do in game will be controlled by my mind so how am I gonna do that well I need to learn how to use this it's called an EEG I did consistently scans your real thoughts and with incredibly intelligent code those thoughts can now be translated into actual keyboards and mouse controls for example if I close my right eye and think of lifting something in the air I walk forwards would I be able to harness the power of my brain to beat the most popular video game of all time [Music] and we're walking we are walking over the past two months I've been ruthlessly training my brain inside this software to move this cube in four different ways with just my thoughts and then whilst in game I'd imagine moving this Cube to activate the controls for example to left-click I'd imagine pulling this Cube towards me oh my I have just mined wood with my brain to open my inventory I think of pushing it away from me haha and to right click I close my left eye and think of parts of the Caribbean don't ask me why but that just worked so the only thing my mind wasn't controlling was my camera and with these thoughts I slowly managed to gather up the basic materials I'd be for step one of my three-step plan to beat the game with the next item being diamonds but this wasn't any ordinary plan because I had to take into account things like nausea I don't know why but the consistent concentration made me feel violently ill and that wasn't helped by the facts are mired for an hour straight without seeing a single Diamond until finally I'm finally getting closer to crafting my diamond pick but this celebration was short-lived because I then accidentally used my diamond to craft a jukebox despite how will I feel I will not stop until I get that diamond pickaxe potentially diamonds up there I see something it is it is it is oh I've done that completely with my mind everything was going great I crafted myself some armor meaning I have now completed the first step of the video purely with my thoughts but my next step was to get blaze rods and ender pearls and before I could do that I had to build a nether port now normally building a nether portal is very easy you just mind some obsidian place it in a rectangle and you're ready to go but building this with just your thoughts had a whole different problem [Music] apparently 73 of us generally get distracted after just a few seconds of concentration but to mind obsidian I needed to focus for 10 seconds straight this is making me realize how not in control I actually am of my own thoughts but if I wanted to beat Minecraft with my brain waves I needed to gain control there we go it was like a switch of inflict in my head I started collecting up obsidian at a rapid pace and then before I knew it laughs we're into The Nether purely using my brain I won't lie get into this point it felt like somewhat of a miracle but I still had a lot of work to do with blaze rods being the first item I needed thankfully I located The Fortress pretty quickly and then built myself a blaze trap got one got one so for the first time in this video I was starting to feel confident the nausea was gone and I was making serious progress there we go seven blaze rods Dragon I am coming for you but I still needed ender pearls and this started off terribly not a single ender pearl what is going on on average you have a 50 50 chance of getting an ender pearl from an Enderman so Minecraft please tell me what this is like I'm trying to beat the game with my brain waves here throw me a little slack anyways this was the least of my problems because I was starting to notice the major weakness of this headset which was intense combat and what happened next could only be described as pure chaos ah please this is getting ridiculous now the issue I had was try to concentrate on the two commands walking and attack in quick succession like I wasn't even listening to in-game sound here I was listening to classical music to try and help me Focus well that didn't work however this was a skill I needed to master before fighting the Ender Dragon later on so I entered an almost trance-like State like I was in The Matrix and through that I did manage to hone in my concentration just enough to collect 12 of the 15 ender pearls I'd need and with just three left to go I got a massive stroke of luck wait did that piglet just trade for my last pearls that piglet may have just saved not only my morale but this entire video after one of my many deaths one of these piglets had ran over picked up one of my golden apples and traded it for my last remaining pearls so I left the nether very slowly crafted myself some eyes vendor and got started on step three of my plan by searching for the strongholds however this wasn't gonna be easy because if the stronghold was across the ocean I would be stuffed you see I couldn't use a boat as I didn't have a Crouch command and I couldn't swim because I didn't have a jump command but this is where I got my second insane Stroke of Luck by finding Frost Walker boots These Boots would instantly turn any water around me into ice meaning I could now cross the ocean with ease it really did seem like the game actually wanted me to succeed but I still needed to find the stronghold and whilst to do that I'm gonna tell you guys about War Thunder which is a free-to-play epic action game that you can play on your PC PlayStation and Xbox okay this way let's do this come on War Thunder is a super realistic battle experience that uses authentic military vehicles with endless ways to personalize your Combat Machines this allows you to download Community made skins decals and even anime style decorations which means you could run into battle with my face on the front of your tank which I don't advise doing oh that looks a bit closer it can't be that far away now and especially for those anime fans hobby pillows have not been added into the game which you can stick on the front of your tank for moral support War Thunder includes vehicles from 10 separate Nations and these vehicles include Ground Forces Aviation and Naval vessels and each of these vehicles include different destination effects such as aircrafts with burning fuel tanks is it here uh it's here it's here it must be with a wide range of customization and maps that looking try a wolf or funny make sure you click the link in my description as a big thank you to War Thunder and by doing so you'll get the anime body pillow and many other bonuses so with the stronghold now located I had one more item that was vital for me to get and that was snowballs in the end there are 10 Towers right with crystals that regen the dragon's health I need to destroy these but I can't use a bow because I don't have enough control of that command so I'm gonna attempt to use snowballs instead you see with snowballs I could rapid fire them at each Tower destroy the crystals and then hopefully kill the dragon with my ax but even with this plan I was very nervous so I put on my classical music thoroughly practice my commands as I collected up the Snowballs and for the very first time in human history lit the portal with just my thoughts all the training and hard work I've done over the past two months have led up to this moment you take the blue pill the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want you take the red pill you stay in Wonderland oh yeah nice as I destroyed Tower after Tower it finally felt like I had full control of my thoughts oh I saw this house I think so with all the towers now gone all that was left to do was killed the dragon yes and whilst attacking the dragon I found that by moving my eyes in circles after every ax swing I would reset my thoughts allowing me to deliver Max possible damage so the rest well the rest is history so close now [Music] here we go here we go here we go I have killed the end of dragon with my mind oh my God [Music] what a relief I now never have to touch that headset ever again down [Music]
Channel: Dom
Views: 2,102,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dom, dom minecraft, bigboydom, bigboydom yt, minecraft challenges, extreme minecraft, minecraft, I Beat Minecraft Using JUST My Brain Waves, Minecraft Trick Shots, World Records, Minecraft Speedrunning, Breaking Records, Brain Waves, mind control, thoughts beating game, brain control device, dom face reveal, custom pc
Id: P9iVF0TayTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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