Glitching 1,173,312 Items To Break A Minecraft Record!

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i want to move over 1 million buckets of milk across the ocean to my new beautiful minecraft base but i have to do it in only one trip if i'm going to pull this off i'm going to need to use as many item tricks as i can think of without dropping a single one into the ocean and to make things even more difficult i'm not allowing myself to pre-build any sort of railroad or redstone transportation system so how can we do it the first trick i thought of was using the new minecraft bundles now if you don't know what a bundle is it's essentially a bag that holds 64 items and you may be asking what's the point of using a bundle if each slot already holds 64 items well that's because bundles can hold a combination of items typically in minecraft you can only stack 64 items in one space but with bundles we can stack maybe 32 logs and 32 stone or four of every color of wool or in our case 64 buckets of milk into a single inventory slot but this is where we encountered our first problem while bundles do exist in the current version of minecraft they're not craftable in survival mode which means the only way we can really get bundles is to cheat them in with commands but luckily for us i already have a solution i recently made a video where i added all of the missing and removed recipes back to minecraft so if we just add that data pack to this world then voila we can craft our bundles again but here's where we encounter our next problem when i went to fill my bundles with milk i noticed something it turns out that any unstackable item in minecraft takes up an entire bundle on its own so the image i showed you a minute ago was actually fake but if i could find a way to exploit the game and make that real we could multiply the number of items we can carry by 64. so i had an idea this command will summon an armor stand that's holding a milk bucket but here's the catch we can modify that same command and change the count from 1 to 64. and while this armor stand looks the exact same if we take its item we now have 64 milk buckets stacked up in one spot although you gotta be careful with them because they're kinda buggy so if we grab a new stack of 64 milk from our armor stand we can put one of them in a bundle why does everything have to be so complicated if we're not gonna be able to put milk buckets in a bundle ourselves why don't we just force the game to do it for us so now if we take the bundle out of this armor stan's hand it should already have 64 in it awesome i have so much milk in this one bag but if we're gonna move one million buckets of milk in a single trip we're gonna need more than just a few little bags so i decided it was time to move on to step two shulker boxes shulker boxes are late game chests that can be automatically mass-produced the reason we want them for this challenge is because they can uniquely be placed inside of other chests this allows us to increase our carrying capacity astronomically a single shulker box contains 27 inventory slots this means that if we fill up one with our milk bags we're fitting 1720 buckets of milk into a single inventory slot that's a lot of milk all right so now that we're storing the maximum number of items possible in an inventory slot we need to figure out how to move as many inventory slots as possible with us and reminder we're not allowed to pre-build anything between the two bases so we're really gonna need to think here so let's start with the obvious ender chests ender chests are essentially magic portal chests that no matter which one you open it'll always have the same stuff inside and similar to a shulker box an ender chest also has 27 inventory slots this means that if we fill up our ender chest with shulker boxes we can carry another 46 656 buckets of milk and i know that sounds like a lot of items but we still have a long way to go so i started thinking what is something most players completely forget about that can help you move mass quantities of items at a time llamas llamas not only have the ability to dress like my uncle but you can also put little tiny chests on their backs and the number of inventory slots at the chest correlates to the strength value of the llama so if you were to breed all max strength llamas each one could hold an extra 15 inventory slots for you this means that for every llama we can bring we get an additional 25 920 items that's kind of insane but that's not all if you make a llama follow you with the lead you can have up to nine additional llamas follow that llama in what the game calls a caravan but here's the thing about caravans in minecraft remember how i said if you lead a llama nine more llamas can follow it well what if you lead two llamas what if you lead three llamas apparently they never implemented a maximum number of llamas you can start a caravan with but there's always another issue and this time it's the water the thing is while llamas are extremely strong at carrying items they're not very strong swimmers and if you have a full caravan it is extremely easy for some of them to get left behind so i did some testing i wanted to find the number of llamas i could bring to have the maximum number of items without losing a single llama because remember this is one trip if we lose a llama that means we'd have to go back for it and it turns out that number is four full caravans or forty llamas which is the total of one million thirty six thousand and eight hundred items on their own we haven't even counted our own inventory yet which by the way if you include the offhand it's 63 936 but even though we already have this many items i still have one more final idea to get a little bit extra by the way don't forget to subscribe if you'd like to see more weird videos like this so i started thinking back to the most recent minecon where they hinted at wanting to add boats with chests in them in upcoming minecraft version 1.19 but of course we're in minecraft version 1.18 so chess boats won't be possible for at least another few years or will they you see boats and newer versions of minecraft can hold two entities at a time that means one seat for us and one seat for whatever else we can think of and guess what i thought of llamas so together with our own inventory our llama buddy in the boat our ender chest and our four caravans of 40 llamas total we are carrying a total of 1 million 173 312 buckets of milk across the ocean in a single trip it's gonna take me like an entire hour to drink all this milk and if you don't know it yet we actually started a new hardcore 1.18 survival series over on my twitch channel there's a link below in the description if you want to go follow that but thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and i think you might like this video next
Channel: Mysticat
Views: 2,624,484
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Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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