VERB TENSE QUIZ 📝 | Advanced Grammar Lesson

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hey everyone welcome to today's lesson my name is wes and this is interactive english and in case this is your first time here the channel it's just all about trying to help you practice and improve your english skills such as with these interactive live lessons that i hope uh all of you are going to participate in today's lesson because i have a little bit of a quiz for you it's actually uh i guess you could say it's a grammar quiz because we're going to be talking about verb tenses and i have some sentences that i'm going to give you with some blank spaces and all i want you to do is fill in the correct verb tense so that is the way we're going to practice in today's lesson and i want you to write all of your answers in the chat participate in the lesson even if you're watching this later on next year it doesn't matter you can still participate use the comments section as like your piece of paper and write your answers in the comment section so today it is it is a verb tense quiz that's what we're going to be doing in today's lesson before we start i do want to give a couple of shout outs to everybody who's here with me live today hello uh lolly as always great to see you angela sleepwalker thanks for joining me um althea let's see anar going through names as i see them uh yashar peter rosalinda as i go through i'm gonna ask you guys questions i'll give some more shout outs later on as you're giving the right answers as you if you give the right answers uh katrudas hello how are you welcome so let's just look at our very first question and again this is all about verb tenses i'm gonna give you a sentence with the blank i want you to to write the correct verb tense i'm also go i'll tell you the verb as well and i'll give you a little bit of a hint so here's the first one it's going to get more difficult as we go along so here is our first sentence all right and i want you to complete that sentence and this maybe this is a little tricky so i've given you a hint that this is uh well there is a modal in this sentence all right there's a modal in this sentence and i want you to the main verb is no all right so how would you complete this sentence he ought um better what do you think all right what do you think write your answers in the chat uh hi oh silvio hello how are you marty good to see you guys um write your answers in the chat and then i'll tell you the correct answer so the reason i said it's a little not tricky i think you guys got this excellent uh jet should be here uh giorgio fulia pt nekla hello ariane uh asan excellent the answer is to no so i told you that it's a little tricky because you're not only writing the verb you need to put the preposition to in there so ought is your modal verb many people really consider ought to as the modal and then when you have like a modal verb you're going to follow that with the base verb no so he ought to know better and in this case you're talking about something that somebody well the kind of a recommendation they should do this something that should happen and you could say like i think this is a common phrase if somebody makes a bad mistake or they make a bad decision and you say he ought to know better he ought to know better than that all right excellent uh you guys got that one perfect oh takayo hello how are you excellent glad to see you the next one right here um this is gonna be again maybe it's a little tricky we'll see i did say this is more advanced grammar so the plain your main verb is arrive at 8 pm your clue is scheduled time you might be thinking schedule time wait what does that have to do with anything i will explain when i give you the answer all right so how would you complete that sentence think about um somebody is saying that oh we gotta get to the airport the plane um at eight pm all right perfect wow you guys are rocking this uh saeed lolly excellent uh konisi uh peter ali brayan i thought this would be a little trickier maybe you guys you guys are just too smart so the reason i said i thought it would be tricky is because i thought many people might say will arrive which you could say but scheduled time it's more common that people are going to use the present simple even if you're talking about something in the future so if we have to go to the airport i would tell you like oh we we need to leave now we need to drive to the airport because the plane arrives at 8pm i'm talking about something in the future but i'm using the present tense because we're talking about something that is scheduled scheduled time you would do the same thing with um maybe a movie you would tell your friend they might say oh what time does the movie start the movie starts at nine o'clock i'm still talking about something in the future but because it's scheduled time most people are going to use the present simple if you say the movie will start that's perfectly fine but i think very common in this case people will use a present simple excellent you guys wow rock that one how about this one again [Music] your clue unspecified time all right the main verb is the verb to be so how would you complete this sentence i um to china twice and the hint that i'm giving you is just right there i'm talking about schedu unspecified time i was about to say schedule time unspecified time you're going to use which verb tense all right write your answer in the chat like i said even if you're watching this later write to me in the comments i always love getting those uh i see these old videos and people are using that comment section and i think it's great so excellent uh perfect lolli giorgio some of these names i can't pronounce uh angela uh situnia ali yes amen so in this case unspecified time we're talking about the present perfect tense i have been to china twice you don't know when i'm talking about i didn't tell you the time so in that case it's it's common people are going to use the present perfect tense i have been to china twice if i told you the time if i said last year in that case people would then use the uh the past simple i went to china last year that that would be specified time and then you would use the the simple pass but in this case we're going to use the present uh present perfect excellent here we go and this is true actually uh this is a true sentence for me and my family i'd say last year last year at this time we um a trip to romania your clue is i'm talking about an action at a point in time so hopefully these clues that i'm giving you will help remind you of the verb tense that you should be using because when you're learning verb tenses this is what this is the way people would teach them this is how i would talk about them and i would tell people oh think about think about it's an action at a point in time you're going to use this verb tense last year at this time we um a trip to romania the main verb is plan all right so excellent this one okay so if we get a little more difficult i gotta give some shout outs konisi perfect saeed that's what i was looking for um i saw another answer close uh who is it uh gosh it's kind of moving for anna perfect uh yashar we're talking about the past continuous last year at this time we were planning a trip to romania so to plan that's the main verb i i said it's an action so if you think about an action it's like something that's happening at a point in time which means it's going to continue because we're talking about an action typically it's something that will continue along and in this case it's the past continuous at this time last year we were planning a trip to romania so again i could ask somebody like oh what did you do last year and then i'd say oh we went to romania or uh or if somebody's asking for that point in time remember think of the continuous tense you're talking about a point in time like the present present continuous i am teaching a live lesson right now it's what's happening at this point in time and you could do the same for the past at that point in time we were planning a trip to romania excellent well done i know it's a little more difficult let's look uh at the next one okay the main verb is get okay i um the door in this case i want you to think about the situation and you're saying this sentence like it's a quick and sudden decision so perhaps you're you're in your home and you hear this knock and somebody says i um the door and i want you to use the verb get we're talking about a quick and sudden decision excellent uh well done hi hello isabella excellent uh lolly konisi hello mohammed sayet darby uh gatrudes yes we're talking about the future tense something in the future but it's like really the immediate future and if you're talking about a sudden decision i'll get so you're going to use will with quick and sudden decisions something that would happen immediately and i think most of the time in conversation people are going to use the contracted form i will ow i'll get the door i'll answer it so that is i think overwhelmingly how people will use this you are not going to use going to all right you will use will i'll get the door quick sudden decision the next one right here so this i'm telling you there's an adverb clause in this sentence and the adverb clause is before my alarm went off the hint is really like think about that adverb clause and that's going to help you determine the the verb tense that main verb which is here so before my alarm went off i um a loud boom what would you say before my alarm went off i um allowed boom all right so ooh interesting you it depends on the context i think i think maybe you guys are trying to so the answer that i have for you just think about is just heard all right before my alarm went off i heard a loud boom in this case i know many of you put uh had heard remember you're going to use the past perfect when you're talking about two events two past events in this case you're saying before my alarm went off all right that that has not happened yet you're just talking about in general something that happened before this other thing that that had not happened before my alarm went off i heard a loud boom past simple the reason why i wanted you to focus on the adverb clause is because you have that past right there it'll help tell you that the main verb will also be a simple pass before my alarm went off i heard a loud boom uh let's look at i kind of give you a hint for uh one that's coming up anyway we will get there let's look at the next one the main verb is learn all right we're talking about a continuing action i um english for four years and i will continue to do so in the future okay so i think you understand the situation another key word there is for f-o-r the preposition not the number so i um english for four years and i will continue to do so in the future so in this case it's a continuing action what do you think what what verb tense would best complete that sentence and again i think excellent uh lolly fulia sleepwalker lucy uh yashir um manolin arturo takayo trying to give as many shout outs as i can katrudus darby angela um if you're just joining us we're doing a verb tense quiz i think you probably could tell just by the way that i'm i've been presenting this so in this case you you guys are right we're talking about the present perfect continuous i have been learning english for four years and i will continue to do so in the future let me tell you why it's the present perfect continuous so that first part um that first independent clause i've been learning english for four years something that started in the past it's continued to the present so that really tells you you're going to use the perfect tense but in this case it's better to use the present perfect continuous because the next part is saying that you will continues you will continue learning english in the future so that is one difference between the present perfect and present perfect continuous i think of an action that will continue in the future you're going to use the present perfect continuous i have been learning all right i hope that explanation makes it a little easier to understand let's look at your next question you guys rock that one right there so here's the the situation there's two sentences your key is that there's like just some evidence uh and i don't want to give out i don't want to give too much of it away so think of the situation there's only one minute left in the match our team um win so win is the verb that i want you to use how are you going to use that what verb tense in order to complete that sentence so that it really that the situation makes sense what do you guys think write your answer in the chat because this is a quiz i want you to write your answer in the chat i want you to participate that's what these lessons are all about so this is a distinction between uh again you're talking about the future there's two different ways you can use the future tense you could use will or be going to and i want to give some quick shout outs uh people got that correct uh yes uh diane diane sorry if i mispronounced names yes amen in this case remember how i told you before that sudden uh sudden quick actions like something that happens immediately you're going to use will uh i the the door somebody's knocking at the door i'll answer it i'll get it in this case you're going to use going to when there's evidence or even there's a sign that something will come in the future you're going to use going to there's only one minute left in the match our team is going to win this is great it's the same way that think about this if you eat something and you don't feel well maybe you have food poisoning you you would tell somebody that's a sign that something is going to happen in the future that's like some evidence and you would tell somebody like oh i think i'm going to get sick oh i'm going i'm going to get sick so that's another example as to when you're going to use going to and not will so i was trying to kind of trick you guys with those because a lot of times when you're talking about the future especially like a planned event you can use either one you could use will or be going to but sometimes it's more appropriate to use one over the other such as this case right here when there's a sign or evidence that something is going to happen like oh there's dark clouds outside i think it's going to rain um that then you're going to use going to um yes mama said yes if you're sick i'm going to throw up i'm going to be sick exactly that's an another example uh all right i started talking about that now everybody's uh commenting on it let's look at the the next question or the next sentence that i have for you this is an example of the subjunctive technically the subjunctive mood so here's my sentence the doctor recommends that she um some sleep what are you going to how are you going to complete that sentence recommends is you're really that's your m that is the main verb the that she um some sleep that is a clause but a clause it still has a verb in it and i want you to tell me uh what you think how are you going to complete that sentence and maybe uh i think i've done lessons about this before so hopefully you've seen some of the lessons and it makes it much easier to understand yes uh georgia uh sleepwalker the pika takayo uh angela so this is the subjunctive subjunctive mood in this case you would say she get the doctor recommends that she get some rest did i say sleep in that first no rest sorry maybe i misspoke when i was talking about it the doctor recommends that she get some rest now i will say that again i'm writing this down so in writing i think it's very common people use the subjunctive mood especially in the united states because i'm from the u.s that they would use this in the united states i've heard that in the uk some of you in the uk might know that maybe they will say gets now if we're talking about spoken english i think that people will say gets and this is sometimes when the way people speak does not always match the way somebody would write something that is grammatically accepted or correct spoken english can be a bit different but because we're writing this i really just wanted to point out that okay that this is an example of when you might use the subjunctive mood if you're talking about verbs like recommend or suggest or there there are a list of verbs and the reason for that let me try to explain this quickly is that remember if you're using a modal verb you're going to follow it with the base verb so something that she should do she should get some rest now you could say that there's a hidden modal verb that should we're hiding it and the reason we're hiding it is because the meaning of recommend the meaning of that verb is actually like it's telling you something you think this should happen i recommend that she should get some rest but we don't need to say should because of the verb recommend so you just say the doctor recommends that she get some rest the doctor recommends she gets some rest so that is the subjunctive mood um here's another one are you guys ready what do you think now many now i talked about this before previously a few minutes ago two past events all right and now i'm giving you two blanks so think about the situation by the time i um at the restaurant that is actually an adverb clause the main clause everyone um and i want you to use already order so how would you complete that sentence there's two different blanks in this one by the time i um at the restaurant everyone um and i'm talking about two events that are in the past so both of this has already uh happened and i'm kind of speaking as i speak i think i'm using the the verb tenses so the first part by the time i um at the restaurant that is my adverb clause and with the adverb clause you're going to use the simple past the next part it's appropriate especially because you see the word already that to tell you okay the perfect tense and because we're talking about the past then you would use the past perfect excellent great job uh alexander fulia lolly uh who else do we get sorry i know you guys are throwing these in there uh artura nyla perfect uh all right let me show you the answer yes by the time i arrived at the restaurant everyone had already eaten and again this this time i'm talking about two events that are in the past and those are the two events that are related to each other because everyone had already ordered that happened first and then later on you arrive at the restaurant and then now then later after that then that's where you are now so it's almost like you're talking about these two events that happened in the past by the time i arrived at the restaurant everyone had already eaten so i this is a good example as to when you would use the past perfect tense excellent so this was just a a quick little grammar quiz that i had for you guys today to help you practice uh verb tenses it wasn't a very long quiz there were just 10 questions but it's always good to get that practice and i think it really helps with your overall english fluency i i want to say again if you guys like what we do here at interactive english i saw some members and patrons uh with us gertrudis uh lolly silvio uh takayo uh the i will there are links down in the description if you'd like to join patreon youtube i have some different rewards for you if you want to check that out help support uh what what we do here at interactive english if you enjoyed this lesson please give it a like hit that like button it lets me know okay i should do more quiz lessons in the future this is just a great way for you guys to practice in real time and also for me to interact with all of you and kind of explain some of this different grammar which is what we talked about today some of these different verb tenses so i hope you enjoyed the lesson thank you guys so much for for joining me and we have one more question sorry i have no more questions at this point but in the future i will have more quiz lessons like this to help you practice your grammar help you practice vocabulary pronunciation i really enjoy doing these lessons and if you guys think they're useful let me know hit that like button thanks uh for being here good trudes lolly mzz arterior arturo great to see you uh ariane darby sleepwalker laura angela [Music] thank you excellent i get to practice my korean a little bit arturo silvio good to see you esther garish uh takayo yes thank you guys so much for joining me enjoy the rest of your weekend
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 8,579
Rating: 4.9801488 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, live english lesson, english lesson, american english, english practice lesson, learn american english, english vocabulary lesson, learn vocabulary, english vocabulary, new words 2020, new words dictionary, new english words, new english words 2020, new vocabulary 2020, new english vocabulary, learn new english words, vocabulary from 2020, new words added to the dictionary
Id: Lp01IpEZlL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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