St. Patrick's Day English Lesson | Pronunciation + Culture + Vocabulary πŸ€

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hey everyone my name is wes welcome to today's lesson um today i think it's a fun lesson it's a cultural lesson because what we're going to talk about what i want to teach you about is st patrick's day so this is a st patrick's day english lesson um because it's coming up it's right around the corner so i thought this would be a good time to teach you a little bit about st patrick's day while at the same time also kind of teaching you different vocabulary words related to this day um so before we jump into this uh activity the different activities that i have for you i just want to say quick hello give some shout outs and i want to say hello to lolly good to see you uh takayo hi how are you um sajad uh laura farman angela sleepwalker good to see you i've been uh i've been away for about two weeks now this is the the first live lesson i've done in a few weeks so it's good to be back um first off so today's lesson it is more interactive i want you guys to participate write your answers in the chat even if you're watching this later throw your answers down in the comments use it like it's a piece of paper make it more of an active learning exercise which is what which is what i'm all about is just trying to make more make things more active learning because i think that's just i think that's a little more helpful than just passive learning so uh hello uh cello catholo nice to see you all right hello how are you um sorry if i mispronounced names i apologize um i'm gonna get better at this so as we go through i will give more shout outs uh later on so let's this is kind of what's on the agenda first i'll say happy st patrick's day even though even though today is not saint patrick patrick's day i'm just throwing it out there um and we're gonna do a little pronunciation practice to begin with and then it is a i guess you could say it's a cultural quiz plus vocabulary i'm gonna really be doing those at the same time so as we go through this again i want you guys to participate write your answers in the chat and i hope that all of you learned something new from today's lesson so let's begin with pronunciation and i think a fun way to well i think to practice pronunciation is with a tongue twister so when you think of st patrick's day i think many of you think of well you should you would think of ireland so this is a tongue twister and the the goal of this one i think is just to say it several times as quickly as you can and this is actually really difficult because irish it ends with that sh sound and it's kind of like if you're trying to think about this sound like you're telling somebody be quiet like and then the next sound wrist watch that is a silent w so it begins with r and going from that shh to an r sound is pretty difficult so that's why i think saying these two words at least for me it's really challenging um it's a it's a good this is a good tongue twister irish irish wrist watch so irish irish and then switch to that r sound it's like you have to pull your jaw back wrist watch um irish wristwatch irish wristwatch so let me let's try to say it say it with me try to say it a few times and again i think with this the goal is to say it quickly because you're gonna make a mistake so i'm just gonna say it three times quickly and you can listen to how poor my pronunciation is with this irish wristwatch irish wristwatch irish wristwatch okay irish wristwatch irish wristwatch irish wristwatch irish so it almost i think ends up seeing irish wristwatch it's hard to transition from that sh sound that shh to an er and i again one way to do it but be thinking like you're saying telling somebody quiet to a smile or wristwatch irish wristwatch irish i'll try it three more times quickly irish wristwatch irish wristwatch irish wristwatch okay all right i hope that you um are able to do this possibly a little more accurately than i can um is just to to say it quickly so this i think is a good good tongue twister to start out because we're talking about st patrick's day um you might think of ireland and if you are well somebody um from ireland they would say they are irish um so if somebody thinks yes lolli it's not not easy wow uh but we got a piece of cake excellent all right so i think it's interesting because i think where um depending on where you're from maybe some certain sounds that you might found find difficult some tongue twisters uh may be very difficult and then others may be pretty easy i think and that's the same uh i think that's the same for native speakers even native english speakers might have um find some tongue twisters easy and then others a little more difficult and it's gonna be different for each person this one for me i i think you heard is kind of uh difficult so let's uh well get into some questions we're talking about st patrick's day so the first question that i have for you um is this one which is going to give you a little more information about this holiday so i have that one blank spot in there i'm not giving you any uh multiple choice uh answers so uh just let me know what you guys think from what you know about this holiday st patrick's day is a cultural and religious celebration held on march what the traditional death of saint patrick the foremost pain patron saint of ireland so we're talking about the death of saint patrick the patron saint of ireland uh so that day st patrick's day this year is on march what what is uh the answer what do you guys think um so i told you you you know that today today is not saint patrick's day i told you that it's coming up and st patrick's day yes excellent uh uh ten kritka um whoop lolly you're off by one day uh abdirah the the answer is the 17th all right march 17 is saint patrick's day so this is when st patrick's day is always celebrated it's the traditional death of saint patrick i was trying to look up i think people believe this was the day um in which st patrick died i don't know if people are absolutely positive about that but that's what they believe so therefore uh st patrick's day is on march 17th which this year is going to be this coming wednesday this coming wednesday is saint patrick's day excellent uh the next question that i have for you is this one and again this is kind of well learning about the the this this cultural holiday as well as some vocabulary the um is a symbol of ireland the name comes from irish i'm not even going to try to pronounce it because i think maybe i'll be giving the answer away um but i'll skip over that which is uh the diminutive of the irish word and i'll skip over that my pirelli i'm sure my pronunciation would be horrible and it simply means young clover so what word are we talking about which the the word this this is a symbol of ireland told you where the name comes from it's the diminutive the diminutive of something means kind of like the shorten the shortened form of this other word so this word is the diminutive of this other word and and really what it means is young clover that's what it means uh what what do you think is the symbol of ireland i gave you those pictures down there and then we're gonna follow up and kind of give you a little bit more information about this so think about it this is the symbol of ireland what do you call those uh well those pictures down there um excellent yes uh critique uh kritika lolli uh perfect the answer is a shamrock so the shamrock is a symbol of ireland and it comes from that i irish shamrock i don't know if it would be pronounced shamrock which is the diminutive of the irish word shamrock og which means young clover so shamrock means young clover excellent uh great job i think some of you got that excellent gustav perfect um luke english addict all right katie katie delio nice so i'm gonna follow up on this because some of you were were thinking about another word so shamrock is really it means young clover it is a type of uh well there are different types of clovers so basically those uh those two these two pictures right here those are shamrocks they are also they're clovers but they're different clovers now one of them it says the um clover is very rare according to traditional sayings such clovers bring good luck so this one i'm giving you the multiple choice there are only two choices um because those are two different uh they're both shamrocks but they're two different clovers one is a three leaf clover the other one is a four leaf clover so which of those clovers is the rare one that people would believe oh this this brings good luck i believe um that this would be good luck what do you guys think let me know write your answers again in the comments uh even if you're watching this later excellent uh takayo [Music] excellent angela yes the answer tatiana the answer is b we're talking about the four-leaf clover is the rare one uh the the three leaf clover is much more common so according to the tradition if you find a four leaf clover it it brings good luck then we have some other questions this is kind of a little more of a story which we'll kind of walk through or not not sorry before we get to that this this right here so my question about this first i'll just read it and then you can listen to it there was an old man from peru who dreamed he was eating his shoe he awoke one night with a terrible fright and found out that it was quite true all right this just listening to me read it you can tell this is a poem but what kind of poem is it that's the question that i wanted to ask you and i'll this may be a little more challenging i don't know how familiar many of you are with different types of poems um but what do you think what is this poem called in in english there was an old man from peru who dreamed he was eating his shoe he awoke one night with a terrible fright and found out that it was quite true these poems are i don't i don't know if you would say i would say they're common it really just depends they're very short poems they're humorous poems that's the they follow a certain pattern and you would call this poem what and i tried to find a picture and made that old man like look like he's eating a shoe so i if you just read it you can tell like okay it is supposed to be funny it's supposed to be a funny humorous poem um what would you call it a nightmare no uh it's not a nightmare uh even though yes that would be horrible to wake up and you're eating your shoe not a stanza these are good guesses again these are stanzas related stanza is more like a kind of a paragraph the same way [Music] essays would have different paragraphs poems would have different stanzas excellent uh vicky gustav yes this is a limerick so a limerick i told you they're humorous poems and they have that rhyme pattern a a b b a so a a b b a let's look at this you can see that those words rhyme peru shu true um this the first second and fifth line and then the third and fourth line are also going to rhyme night and fright there was an old man from peru who dreamed he was eating his shoe he awoke one night with a terrible fright and found out that it was quite true so this is uh this is an example of a limerick and the reason why i put this in there related to ireland many i think some people believe that the name of this comes after the the city in ireland the city of limerick even though when i was trying to read a little bit more about it some people believe that some of the first the styles of this poem actually came from the uk so i'm not really positive uh exactly where the name come came from but many people believe that the name of this poem this type of poem comes from limerick ireland the name of the city so i told you that i did have some vocabulary words that are related to the culture uh are related to saint patrick's day so this will i think this first question is a little easier and then maybe it'll get a little more difficult we'll see many of you may be familiar with this especially if you celebrate st patrick's day so on st patrick's day you're supposed to wear what all right what are you supposed to wear on st patrick's day write your answers in the chat the reason also why you might be wondering while i'm why i'm doing this i am from the united states i'm not from ireland but st patrick's day is coming up in the us it is still um it is like it's still a holiday that many people will celebrate and i would say that you you don't have to be irish to participate and celebrate in st patrick's day i think this is a day that many people in the united states they will get together with their friends they'll go out they'll have some drinks um and yeah i think many people will celebrate st patrick's day similar to the way people many people will celebrate cinco de mayo in the united states excellent so uh you're supposed to wear green perfect so green is the answer i've even tried i don't know if you guys can tell just watching this video um this is a very very dark green a very hunter green uh sweatshirt that i'm wearing so excellent um laura esther uh caddy sleepwalker uh angela jermon perfect so you're you're supposed to wear green on st patrick's day and let's add to this on st patrick's day you're supposed to wear green this tradition is tied to folklore that says wearing green will make you invisible to what all right so this is part of the folklore of st patrick's day as to why you should wear green if you wear green then you will you will be invisible so think about why why would you want to be invisible on st patrick's day who do you who do you not want to see you so basically you are invisible to someone i'll go ahead and tell you that so what do you guys think uh your the folklore says that when you wear green you are invisible to to whom all right and i think again this is another this well this group of people uh associated with saint patrick's day perfect uh yes oleg uh lolly you guys got it the answer is leprechauns so the tradition uh that is tied to folklore that when you wear green you are invisible to leprechauns the leprechauns they cannot see you and well one of the reasons why you don't want them to see you is let's continue this is because leprechauns like to um anyone they can see okay so i told you that we kind of started up here reading through um part of this uh holiday on st patrick's day you're supposed to wear green the tradition is tied to folklore that says wearing green will make you invisible to leprechauns and this is because leprechauns like to um anyone they can see so what do if if it's saint patrick's day this is the folklore uh if leprechauns can you're not wearing green leprechauns can see you what will they do that's the question so that they lolly bother yes they do bother you but how how do they bother you uh what do they what would a leprechaun do and again think about i would tell you to think about saint patrick's day what happens of course if uh if many of you if you're not familiar with st patrick's day that might be this may be a little difficult a little more challenging uh excellent uh well tatiana close maybe um laura you got it perfect so kidnapper steal so we're talking about um yes perfect gustav nice they would pinch anyone that they can see because that is at least i think of when when i was well when i was younger especially at school uh st patrick's day you'd show up to school many people would wear green and if they didn't maybe your friends would come around um and pinch you typically in high school maybe your friends might punch you in the shoulder or something like that but uh the the folklore would go that the leprechauns would if if you are not invisible because you're not wearing green the leprechauns would uh pinch anyone that they could see so i mean maybe i don't some of you put like play tricks kind of maybe that that might also be it uh this is the information that i found mostly mostly thanks to wikipedia i will uh i will credit that even though that's not the most solid of sources so the next one the next question that i have for you speaking continuing talking about leprechauns and of course you can find a leprechaun's pot of gold at the what where might you go uh to find a leprechaun's pot of gold this is again based on the folklore the tradition where people would say that um leprechauns would guard their pot of gold where would it be where what how would you best complete that sentence all right you can try to find a leprechaun's pot of gold at the what all right i think many of you may maybe you're a little familiar with this part of the folklore the tradition especially if some of the other questions had been a little more difficult um perfect yes uh lolly uh angela per silvia perfect yes that is the actual curiosity that is the specific part um lucian excellent uh elian laura we're talking about it it is the rainbow specifically you would finish that say the end of the rainbow that at the end of the rainbow is where you will find a leprechaun's pot of gold all right so these are again it was kind of a mix between teaching you a little bit about st patrick's day the history some of the folklore behind it as well as some of that vocabulary related to it of course you know the color green um but uh leprechauns they would pinch people and of course you might think of like those a clover you have a four leaf clover good luck a three leaf clover and those are shamrocks which is the symbol of ireland so i hope you learned something new from this lesson i know it was a little bit short and sweet but i hope maybe you learn some new words or phrases or even just learn something in general about st patrick's day which remember is on march 17th which is this wednesday i really appreciate you guys being here with me today uh if you guys enjoy these lessons if you like what we do at interactive english uh and want to uh join our community and become a member a patreon links uh to that are down below in the description also if you uh want to join you can join our email list there's also a link down below to that in the description it's a great way to keep in you can keep in touch with me uh you can get access to the secret fluency lesson we'll send some updates from time to time i also send out some resources and i do not overwhelm you with a bunch of emails um and of course you can unsubscribe anytime you want but it's a good way to keep in touch uh with me but thank you guys so much for being here i know i told you this was kind of a short and sweet lesson but i will uh planning to come back next week with uh another lesson thank you guys so much for being here uh mzz lolli uh marcos perhaps uh lucian in in the future i will do a q a and then get to more some more specific questions uh yash um and trying to get as many shout outs uh as i possibly can young suhana and i apologize too if i mispronounce names of course you guys i'm sure you're well aware of uh maybe the many misprint many pronunciation mistakes that i make when it comes to some of these names hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend and i will see you next time
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 7,005
Rating: 4.9672132 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, live english lesson, english lesson, american english, english practice lesson, learn american english, english vocabulary lesson, learn vocabulary, english vocabulary, advanced vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, st patrick's day, american culture, learn st patrick's day, st partrick's day vocabulary, st patrick's day english lesson
Id: QVxM-G3Bkik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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