Innuendos in English | Examples to Improve Your Comprehension

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hey everyone welcome to interactive english my name is wes i almost forgot what i was going to say just for a second uh this channel it's all about just trying to help you practice and improve your english if you are new here i definitely want to hear from you write your name in the chat or if you're watching this later write your name in the comments tell me where you're from i always love hearing from from new people today's lesson is i'd say it's a little more of an advanced lesson uh and we're taught what we're going to talk about we're going to talk about innuendos and trying to be able to understand them and identify innuendos this is something that i think is more common just in general conversational english it's not very it's pretty informal actually so what i want to do is we'll teach you what this means if somebody is going to make an innuendo try to think about how you can identify them and i'm going to give you a bunch of different examples to help you understand so i hope that by the end of this lesson you you'll have a better understanding of what an innuendo is and when people might be making them and when you might hear them if you're watching a tv show or a movie before we jump into it i just want to give a quick hello to some of wow so many members uh patrons here hello lolly takayo uh good to see you yasher uh welcome uh ali maddie jacqueline uh amible language learner ams anna great to have you guys here uh necla how are you good to see so many familiar faces sleepwalker uh as we go through this again i'm gonna maybe ask you guys some questions and you guys can put your answers in the chat if you do have some questions i may try to get to them uh as we go through this but let's begin just talking about what is an innuendo and right here i'm giving you the the definition this is from cambridge dictionary i'm going to give you a couple of them and hopefully it'll help you help you help you understand what it is so i'll just read this it says uh what are innuendos the making of uh a remark or remarks that suggests something sexual or something unpleasant but do not refer to it directly so you're making a remark or you're saying a comment and what you say it's not you're not speaking directly about this thing you're saying it indirectly and it's kind of you're suggesting something you're insinuating it it could be something sexual it could be something uh unpleasant so innuendos typically uh are not a good thing sometimes people might say them to be mean sometimes they might say them trying to be funny and again i'll give you some examples and i'm sure that even if you don't really know what an innuendo is i'm guessing that you have come across it and maybe you did not know that you were coming across it but that is when i'm going to give you some of these examples so let me give you another meaning of innuendo this is from cambridge dictionary i like using cambridge here this is from collins i like this meaning as well which is why i've put it up here an innuendo is an indirect remark gesture or reference usually implying something derogatory and insinuation derogatory is just something that's not nice something that's mean so again we're talking about a comment that somebody might say or maybe they make a gesture or they do something to imply something mean or rude and they they're insinuating something and again sometimes uh it can definitely be sexual so let me uh let me give you guys uh some let's get into the example part of this so one way to identify an innuendo right there this phrase right here sometimes not always but sometimes people will say off you know what i mean you know what i mean and when they do this uh typically they'll say the innuendo and then maybe they'll say that they'll ask that question like oh you know what i mean and in this case it's a rhetorical question which a rhetorical question is it's a question you're not supposed to answer and this way again they're kind of asking you they say the innuendo they're not saying it directly and they're asking like oh do you understand what i'm talking about you know what i mean so for example here is this i found a way to get some extra help on the tomorrow's exam you know what i mean so right now again think about that situation what do you think the person is trying to insinuate what are they trying to imply again i told you innuendos it's not typically a good thing uh but maybe you and i were having this conversation and i say this to you and i say wow hey i found a way to get some extra help on tomorrow's exam you know what i mean so what what do you think what do you think this innuendo is referring to i'm not directly saying it i'm saying it indirectly what do you what do you guys think let me uh no uh yeah okay uh pool kick uh sorry i've mispronounced names uh lolly yeah so again i put the the quotes there um extra help that should also tell you when people use those air quotes or maybe in conversation what they'll do is they'll kind of emphasize that like oh i found a way to get some extra help on tomorrow's exam you know what i mean so again that air quotes is also an identifier saying that you you know something you should focus on this it's not what i'm trying to say so like you guys uh like you guys just mentioned excellent in the chat they're talking about uh cheating so there there would be this picture to show you what's going on so if somebody's talking about extra help on tomorrow's exam you know what i mean they're really implying that they have found a way to cheat on the exam or they're again you're doing something unethical so in this case you're not really saying something mean but you're saying something that well it's wrong you're going to do something wrong this person is going to cheat and again that you know what i mean is one way to identify that somebody maybe they just said an innuendo here's another example uh dave has been spending a lot of time with kim if you know what i mean so remember in the first one the identifier i gave you the question like you know what i mean somebody might ask it as a question they may also include it in this statement right here if you know what i mean that's another way that people would ask this they'll say the innuendo and then they'll add if you know what i mean and again that's one way to identify that that somebody is saying uh an innuendo all right so again in this case in this situation what do you think is the innuendo what is what if i tell you this what am i trying to insinuate what am i implying dave has been spending a lot of time with kim if you know what i mean sometimes people would say it like with a kind of a childish smile um okay what do you think um please say my name faten there you go uh yes suhana henry nilma sleepwalker yeah you guys get the idea in this case uh dave and kim are spending a lot of time together they're getting friendly perhaps maybe um they like each other they're going to get romantically involved excellent i like that uh davis hanky-panky yeah maybe there's a little hanky-panky going on um some romance and yes i'll put that i put the kiss there as something to say that you're you're implying that there is some type of romantic relationship going on with dave or kim or maybe the situation that dave really loves kim or kim really loves dave or they both just love each other and they're spending a little time with each other if you know what i mean so again this kind of leads us into the notion of sexual innuendos because i would say this is actually a collocation when you're talking about innuendos often people are making some type of sexual innuendo referencing something that is romantic all the way to referencing something that is really lewd and inappropriate and maybe even disgusting so sexual innuendos can can come across a wide spectrum but again typically people would use them either you could use them to be demeaning and offensive and you could also maybe use them to be funny or humorous sometimes uh again depending on the situation the context like i said it could be highly inappropriate or perhaps it could be just a little bit of humorous in this case this is not something that i think is really scandalous or something perhaps people are gossiping oh dave has been spending a lot of time with kim if you know what i mean let me give you another example i love this example okay i love this example i've when i've taught uh innuendos before i've used this it's perfect okay and it's an example of a sexual innuendo so here is an article it's actually a real article um and i'll read it and it's full of well innuendo so here is the article and we're going to follow up on this so it says congratulations george brownridge for pleasing 15 women for an entire day we were all exhausted and very satisfied and we look forward to next year we all thank you and you see a picture there's george right there big smile on his face now i'm sure when you read that article like i just said something probably comes to mind like you're like wow that's a little uh that's a little crazy a little interesting this again this is a real article um and i'll show you why i i know this that it is a real article so again uh if you're just joining us we're talking about innuendos identifying them trying to understand them um and this is not something that i'm telling you you should try to use innuendos in in conversation really depends on the the situation but this is something that you will hear um especially on like tv or in tv shows or movies it's something that happens so in this case george brownwich for pleasing 15 women for an entire day we were all exhausted and very satisfied we look forward to next year we all thank you the reason why i said that you know this is real because this was in the newspaper and then later on the newspaper had to issue an apology and they put up this apology message right here our sincere apology to george brownridge and staff our intentions were to thank him for a generous holiday shopping trip which he arranged this annual tradition is much appreciated any inappropriate innuendos were unintentional and we take full responsibility for the ad that appeared in yesterday's paper so of course when somebody read that article the first one that i just showed you it seems very strange pretty inappropriate and i think when people read that they they maybe they were laughing they saw that and that that's why the next day the paper had to come out with this apology saying like uh oh we we did not mean to say that we're talking about a shopping trip that this guy i guess he might be the boss of the company george brownridge arranged for his staff of employees um but again if you look at the innuendo let's look at the innuendos from the original article where they're talking about this is where it gets a little confusing for pleasing 15 women so if you're pleasing somebody it makes somebody happy but also pleasing somebody is also used uh sexually like uh after when talking about sex and somebody is pleased they're happy they're satisfied so this is a verb to please someone that can be used in that context so again it's an innuendo it makes people think of something else like george wow 15 women and again it does not help that somebody says we were all exhausted they were very tired and they were very satisfied again also words that somebody may think of something sexual was happening and that happened for the entire day now what i do think could happen i think maybe somebody at the newspaper perhaps it was somebody young and immature and they wrote this intentionally trying to be funny and maybe somebody got upset and because of that they had to issue an apology so again maybe it was an accident maybe it was not an accident but this is a great example of an innuendo where you're saying something not directly but it makes you think that something sexual was going on yes it definitely makes me think angela that this guy george brownwich is definitely a playboy uh so again i like this example when trying to teach innuendos because typically innuendos it could be an accident but i think often they're they're not really accidents you're trying to you say them to be funny or again maybe people say them to be offensive and demeaning the other examples that i want to give you to help you understand and i told you before at the beginning that you have probably if you watch tv shows or movies you have probably encountered or heard a lot of different innuendos maybe you were able to identify them and understand them maybe not the reason why i say they're pretty popular is because you find them in movies all the time especially children's movies and you might think that's a little strange because you're talking about wait a second children's movies they're meant for children why would you put a sexual innuendo in a children's movie and i put these companies up here like whether it's disney or dreamworks columbia 20th century fox pixar um i think the reason why they do this is because they p they want to make movies entertaining for everyone it's meant for children but i think companies might feel comfortable putting an innuendo in there because many of the children are not going to understand and the adults will understand the innuendo and for them maybe they think it's funny and therefore then the movie is entertaining for everyone it's good for children it's good for adults and typically these sexual innuendos that they put in there they're not like meant to be like really offensive or demeaning they try to put them in there maybe a little innocent but again an adult would pick up on this they would understand the reference the innuendo and they would then enjoy the movie as well so let me give you some examples of innuendos that you would find in some of these movies for children so the first one is from the movie aladdin and in one part of aladdin uh the quote is down there he says i thought the earth wasn't supposed to move until the honeymoon all right so what do you think what do you guys think that he's referring to saying i thought the earth wasn't supposed to move until the honeymoon if you're not sure so in this situation i guess the earth is shaking and moving um a honeymoon is talking about after a couple gets married they get married and then they go on their honeymoon typically a honeymoon people would travel to some nice location uh it's kind of like a vacation but it's a vacation for newlyweds when people get married they go on their honeymoon so they're talking about when when people would go on their honeymoon uh sometimes uh i don't know nowadays it really just depends that's when people would consummate the marriage and the couple would have sex and that's what it's referring to is that this uh this newly wed couple having sex in the earth is shaking so again this is an example of a sexual innuendo in the movie aladdin which uh is a disney movie and again it's a movie that's meant for children and again i think if a child were to hear that they they probably wouldn't get it uh when they say oh i thought the earth wasn't supposed to shake uh and move until the honeymoon they're trying to be funny and adults might find this humorous another example this one is from toy story which i think toy story i think it's pixar you guys can correct me if i'm wrong so in this situation i've given you the situation down here buzz lightyear one of the main characters in the movie toy story in this part of the movie i guess he sees the the cowgirl jesse another main character uh in the movie and when he sees her the wings pop up on the side and that again is another sexual innuendo in this case it's not something he says remember the collins uh dictionary mentioned that an innuendo could be a remark like a comment but it could also be a gesture so this is more of a gesture that the wings pop up and what that's telling uh the viewer again that this that buzz lightyear he's excited he's getting aroused he is attracted to jesse the cowgirl that he sees her he's like oh my gosh she's so beautiful she's so amazing and his wings pop up so again this is another example of a gesture that children probably would not pick up on but adults when they see this they think it's funny they think it's humorous um and therefore again um maybe the the movie might be a little uh maybe more enjoyable for an adult that these movies are both for children and for adults and typically a lot of these movies yeah you can find quite a few uh sexual innuendos in these movies so yes they are referring to like i said yashar uh anna henry yes like an erection that buzz lightyear he's getting excited he he's very much in love with jesse the cowgirl then we have here's another example so again i hope this makes it a little easier for you to understand and i told you if you're watching tv shows or movies you will come across these quite often not just in kids movies but just in general sitcoms anything you might be watching uh this is from the movie cars and the situation is lightning mcqueen gets flashed by two enthusiastic fans who beam their headlights uh at her so i don't i haven't really i haven't seen this movie i don't know who makes the movie cars i'm not sure if that might be dreamworks uh so but in this case again so lightning mcqueen i think is a very uh famous car and these other two cars that you see in that picture are flashing their lights mcqueen's very famous they're flashing their lights uh they're fans so you know they're fans so the innuendo is again they're flashing their lights you would need to know what the the meaning of to flash someone is so again adults would see this and they would think oh this is funny so right now i would tell you do you know what it means to flash if you're saying that it's an informal phrase uh flashing is when a woman would lift up her shirt and reveal her breast to either a group of people or maybe one other person some typically it might be done in a car you're driving past the car and the woman would lift up her shirt that is called flashing so if you didn't know that maybe you learned some new expression today to flash someone it's very informal but in this case again they're making that reference that innuendo that they're flashing their headlights so that's what they're going with to flash like they like again like they're lifting up their shirt and revealing their breast in this case the two headlights so again this is another example of a sexual innuendo i don't think children are going to pick up on that but adults would and they would maybe think it's funny or humorous uh let's look at the next one i got another example from frozen okay so i think this is a very popular movie very common movie um i'm gonna get this wrong probably you guys how do you not no we're frozen frozen is uh disney i think frozen is frozen disney okay yes all right my wife just clarified yes frozen disney um and in this situation uh you have christoph and anna that kristoff is ana's talking about her um her fiance hans and they just met and kristoff is saying like really do you really know this guy you just got you just got engaged after one day you don't really know him so he's quizzing her on how much she knows about him and he's asking these questions like oh what are what's his favorite food what color are his eyes and then he asked her about like uh how big uh how big are his feet and she answers like foot size doesn't matter that is another sexual innuendo like oh like what's what's his foot size and she's like oh foot size doesn't matter again it's a sexual innuendo in reference to the size of his you-know-what all right i don't need to to tell you but it's referencing again the size and she's saying like oh size doesn't matter size is not important so again it's a sexual innuendo in reference to hans's you-know-what but again the way that they do this in this situation where they're talking back and forth and he says what about foot size she's like oh foot size doesn't matter adults are going to pick up on that and it's funny it is humorous if you actually go and watch this clip in the movie i think you could type in like on youtube um frozen foot size and you would you'd be able to watch this clip where he's quizzing her and it is it's funny but children are not going to pick up on this this is a very uh it's a very subtle sexual innuendo and that's what i would say in these movies that are meant for children you're going to find a lot of them but they're very subtle so i hope that i hope that you guys were able to follow and i understand the different innuendos that we just went through because i think this is good for your comprehension i told you in movies and tv shows you're going to hear this a lot one thing to keep an eye out for would be that phrase if somebody does ask you know what i mean then typically they just said some type of innuendo maybe it was offensive maybe it was inappropriate perhaps they were trying to be funny and they say oh you know what i mean so i hope you guys enjoyed this lesson on innuendos i want to do more on this maybe i will follow up and talk about innuendos in a future lesson because i think they're fun it's very important it's about well i don't say very important but it's more like conversational english but also a bit cultural as well because you learn about culture and typically what people might think is funny or humorous or how how people try to be funny or humorous so if you guys did like the lesson please hit that like button while you guys are here please go ahead hit that like button i really appreciate it if you want to even go a step further show us a little love and support down below in the description there are links if you want to become a youtube member or a patron it was great seeing so many members uh in these live lessons uh takayo lali uh so many people vicky uh good to see you um when i said i said stefan was right excellent excellent it's good be able to identify these great to see so many members and patrons here it does help support what we do if you guys want to show us a little love but uh again i think this is something i do want to follow up on in the future because i think these lessons uh from what i hear from you guys i think you find them interesting and i told you if you're watching even a tv show like friends they are going to use innuendos when because mostly to be funny in that situation so keep that in mind for your listening again i don't expect you guys to try and go out and just start saying innuendos left and right um but it's definitely good for your comprehension and then the more you're if you can easily identify these innuendos and you really understand them then i think that's when you could go out and perhaps try to use them in your conversations as well and if you want you could follow it with that yeah you know what i mean you know what i mean they've been spending a lot of time together you know what i mean all right so thank you guys for joining me uh give out some shout outs uh ahmedni regina lolly uh pool kid good to see you guys suhana um i can't pronounce uh your name giovanni uh yashar mamet mati uh hello marcio takayo thanks for joining us uh nissa zanat um okay i can't pronounce it sorry aksana hope you guys learned something new um teresa hi i just saw you excellent i hope you learned something new i hope this was easy to understand and follow and again maybe i think in the future i'll try to follow up with another lesson talking about innuendos have a wonderful day enjoy the rest of your weekend and i
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 14,899
Rating: 4.9539523 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, innuendos, sexual innuendos, learn innuendos in english, english cultural lesson, sexual innuendos in movies, innuendos in english, what's innuendo mean, examples of sexual innuendo, english live lesson, innuendos examples
Id: _YSk5KWmBb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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