Van Jones | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

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I want to be inspired or challenged or whatever I watch really yeah yeah the things that you've done you know cus D'Amato and and how like you bad Mohammed leaving your key like all these different things I was in doing for school yeah I know your whole thing I mean but yeah as a black man watching the thing that you've done if they did you've been through your ups and your downs you know you can learn from that your whole art I'm Evan Britt and I'm Mike Tyson I'm like he's got a really awesome guest here yeah he's cool I was watching show I watch out jay-z and I was really interesting yeah you know what happened one of my favorite guys from CNN Van Jones welcome to the podcast know the hottest podcast in the history of the podcast I'm glad well just to further introduce you you are the CEO of the reformed Alliance the reformed Alliance is committed to advancing criminal justice reform and eradicating laws and policies that perpetuate injustice in the US to achieve that objective the reform Alliance will strive to pass probation bills at the state level use media to amplify the need for comprehensive reform and build an inclusive bipartisan alliance of leaders from business entertainment sports and community industries who share a cohesive vision for ambitiously and efficiently transforming the criminal justice system that's it it's pretty awesome yeah well you know this is something I've been focusing on for about 25 years I graduated from Yale Law School in 1993 and the year before that was Rodney King 92 Wow and the year after that was 94 Clinton crime bill and so I'm a 24 year old black 24 year old black kid with a Yale Law degree and dreadlocks down my back and I was like I feel like I'm under the tar I feel like I feel like police brutality and and this this prison thing is aimed at me and both political parties were in favor of building more prisons it was a Bill Clinton crime bill California passed three strikes in your house California blue California built twenty prisons and only one University over the course of about 25 years somebody was getting paid exactly yeah it's no doubt about yeah and so I was like look we're debate I mean we're we're we're just gonna be you know the the Grist in the mill I want to fight back so I use my law degree in Oakland to try to fight back and I had to fight Democrats and Republicans because both parties were against us and now finally 25 years later both parties are coming around you got people like you know jay-z and Robert Smith and meek Mill he's you know big big vehicle coming around and I said I wanted to put my 25 years to use hmm well I think it's you're right on time ya know it's crazy it is crazy so take me back because as you say you've been an activist for criminal justice reform for a long time in Oakland you co-founded the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights Ella Baker Ella Baker is one of the great unsung civil rights heroines you know she when dr. King was a young you know guy coming on the scene created the SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference he hired her to run it because she was brilliant organized she's been in double ACP she'd been in labor she's a genius for organizing but these young black preachers was like you know she's like the black grandma I just you'll do what we say she said what so she quit working for dr. King and that later that year the student started sitting in spontaneously and she said they need organization she said I'm gonna build a a movement I want leaders that are movement centered leaders I don't want a leader centric movement she said dr. King's trying to build a leader centric movement I wanna move men Senate leaders so she interposed herself between the students and dr. King she said dr. King do you need to do what you're doing I'm help these students so the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee they did all that voter registration all sorts those were her young people nobody knows her name so I wanted to give her some critically a lot of time black women are the secret sauce they never get the name on the label so we made the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights you guys did a lot of super important work there tell me about Maurice Hudson yeah you know just recently in Philadelphia you know of course Meek Mill you know you kind of yeah I got famously gotten sent to prison prison that's supposed to be for four years luckily we got about because he was on probation and he popped a wheelie he thought like you didn't like you shoot nobody he didn't rob a bank he just put on probation popped a wheelie put it on Instagram boom four years in prison so that started a whole fight in Philadelphia that probation is being abused probation is being misused people are going back to prison for nine crimes it's a spider's web of probation I have this written a club in Ohio I couldn't hang around to pucker Bobby Brown stay away you violated yeah Wow I mean so going back to your telling you who you can hang out this is my partner at the time yeah I can't hang out with Bobby Brown or Tupac violation right away violation it would be any way around though you know I mean in in the via telling you that you know where they tell a Pookie and Snoopy and Sheneneh on the street corner I mean like you can't be with your cousin you can't be reality of that is that is total control like when he did that Willie it disgusted somebody how did that piece of dirt do that yeah they though they should all know they play since reconstruction mm-hmm and I don't mean to say like that but that's just how they list it it's just it's a shame that I have to say that yeah it's a shame that I know how they think yeah well I mean it goes back yeah I mean that's a form of self hate the fact that I love the way someone thinks about me and I think about that mm-hmm was it poisons your arraignment but Maurice the same judge they gave me mill those two to four years for popping a wheelie also grab this you know lesser known person named Maurice he's a janitor yeah he's a janitor he had two kids you know especially kids right he's with the baby's mom he's going to work everyday but you know those fees and fines pile up and you have to try to pay him off well he got a $1,900 and fortnight 1914 dollars of unpaid fine yeah she gave him two years in prison for being too poor to pay nineteen hundred dollars since a and so it was the same judge judge Brinkley the same terrible judge so Meek Mill jumped in and Michael Rubin 76ers jumped in and we got him out and but it just goes to show you have bad judges but you also have bad laws yeah if you can change the laws the judges can't do anything but as long as you leave those bad laws on the book a bad judge will find that bad law and abuse it so we're now in Pennsylvania trying to change the law so we've got a bill called 1555 in the house bipartisan we've got a representative Harris and representative jell-o's here he's black she's white he's a Democrat she's a Republican but they're working together to try and change some of these unjust probation laws so people don't listen if you're on probation or parole and you're out there committing new crimes that's different well if you're just talking to your homeboy or you're 15 minutes late for a probation meeting or your aunt is sick and you go to check on her in the so-called wrong neighborhood you're not selling drugs over there you just checking on your you shouldn't go to a prison you understand you send somebody to prison you're just gonna see you for three months hold on a second three months three months lock the door here in Clinton for three months and see how you feel and you had an apartment pretty much later that apartment is gone you had a little job three months later that job is gone your children three months later they're in foster care so why do you think that is I think it's because the whole way that the prison industrial complex mass incarceration is built is built off of poor people black people and brown people that nobody cares about if they listen I went to Yale not that please I want to I saw more kids doing drugs at Yale then I ever saw doing drugs in a housing project but none of them went to prison nobody even call the police if they got caught they went to rehab they didn't go to prison the cop cars would drive past Yale with the lights flashing past skullenbones past all these people do these drugs to go the housing project and put them in prison for a little bit even kill them or worse and so you can't tell me you can't I'm hard to fool you can't tell me that we don't know what to do with young people involved with drugs because if you're rich you going to rehab or Europe and you come back in your life is fine if you're poor black or brown you go to prison so we got all these nonviolent drug offenders that nobody wants to hire but hold on a second show me the person who's not a nonviolent drug offender most people know I'm you know I can say I've never been one but most people at some point in their life 17 18 24 last weekend were nonviolent drug offenders but they're in society they're at the Country Club they're at the Yacht Club they're golfing so they're okay but they won't hire you because you're not because all I'm saying is it you ask why I think because we have dehumanized I was just fade out saying this and you think you take it listen I was reading them don't look at him off a slave documentary it wasn't really safe it's a black duck to me about um black people in the show during slavery slave period how they wrote so Ellison so nicely how useful the slavers and the blacks are so strong and useful to me and they're sort of slave and reconstruction they talked about how lazy they were and so they changed they kept that perspective on the world and everybody when you see we expect to see a black man shot in the street this is normal to us it's not shocking it's not resounding whoa seeing that no this is what we're supposed to see a [ __ ] get being a black woman get shot in the face of some cop beating this black woman we're not supposed to get shocked at that that's that's why we show it every day see even yourself you see so much you almost become numb to you expect that to happen when it becomes shocking then it becomes where people care mm-hmm I remember when being back during the black lives matter first jumped off and you thought 13 and they would show the videos and everybody would go crazy and stuff like that now but I'm looking on my Instagram if I see one of those videos almost go past it because it's just I've seen it too many times it's like it's just too hard and you don't know what to do and I know if I feel that way a lot of people feel that way it's become desensitizing and it begins so we have to participate in the normalization march but this will be a custom tool anyway they killed another black person a rape but we're accustomed to that you know that's just what we're accustomed to in the black community yeah well let me know the positive part is that people at least are starting to realize that you know this incarceration industry that's what I guess an incarceration industry trafficking and human bodies yeah so once we get them out of prison what do we keep them on parole then probation how do you work that fit so how do you do in a guy's already spent 20 years in jail how do you how do you civilize him well I'm you got supplies Society first so we don't put people in prison for that long for minor stuff and I know but listen death could be very deadly though that may take a minute they can get out now but when they get out now now we have uncivilized people excuse me I think I don't know it doesn't matter what I think but my my way of thinking if I ran a civilization right that people that come out of prison have to be in a program to get civilized in society they can't get Doremon society ever gotten pretty 20 years fighting for the a stabbing and cutting people and sometimes getting [ __ ] but next he still fight and now he's a savage I go Dolman society and somebody talked to him a certain way and and he slept he blows up luckily you know we passed the first step back yeah last year and they get 7,000 people have come home there was one who do did wrong and and actually went up now he's being charged with having kill somebody so you you're correct it does happen but there's six thousand 999 who did it who did come home and who have done a good job so I think a lot has to do with when people are in prison what are we doing and a lot at one person since the big impact yeah that's a great big impact in 699 they did good yeah so that's what we have to like to make sure to tell the stories and lift up the stories of the ones who are doing well also one of those powerful things is more people are going behind the bars now to do literacy programs so talk to women who are mothers behind bars whatever and when they get behind there they're like what the hell are we spending taxpayer money creating this much pain and suffering and that started having impact but how do you how do you stop them from being at what's the word I'm looking for stereotype to that page toughly addicted to it I'm addicted to food I mean when I used to get locked up I first got locked up in sports and I'm 12 years old I'm scared to death because I hear what they do the people in sports it but I'm on the streets will always keep the wild kids I'm on the street I'm a ghetto kid I've never been arrested I've been arrested my number one that man locked up before and so I'm scared I'm going back here out everything they stab people ability I'm scared to death as soon as I get in there and they prove me to the child time for breakfast they bring me in and it's dirty Mike yogurt all my friends was in there oh-ho I'm not worried someone I got 200 guys right here oh my friend those guys from my hand got somebody we know on the streets from robbing houses and they run the FIR they run the place matter of fact I don't want to go home them I want to stay here Wow why cuz they've all my comrades in here this is my family I gotta go home in a stinking apartment of [ __ ] rats and roaches no food [ __ ] that three hots and a cot fighting stabbing ho this is what I live for I don't want to go back home there's nothing if I go back home I go get someone and get back in here well you know for me imagine that for 20 years yeah I mean for me you know I'm uh that's one day yes I see my friend in this home I'm happy did I am when I'm home I'm happy here they're gonna stab somebody they're gonna fight for me I worry about nobody hurting me this is home you know our lives are so different because you know I grew up in the rules in the rural South my father was born in 1944 so segregation and poverty basically what you would call a shotgun Shack they didn't call it a Shack but it was a shotgun house where each room is behind the next room so you could fire a shotgun through the front door and hit everybody in the house so that's how narrow the little property was that they had and he joined the military to get out of poverty put himself through college but it's little brother through college put a custom through college married the college president's daughter my mother because my dad had it like that he was there he knew what he was doing and so I was a total nerd like he he would open up the refrigerator door like I complain about anything do you see this refrigerator there's always been food in this refrigerator has always been put what do you talk about I'm like you know that's not that impressive to me sorry like so I missed that whole experience and I wind up my father died they put the picture they put him on the general program was him standing in front of Yale Law School with his fists in the air you know we did it you know and so I'm like one generation removed from all the stuff that he went through but I was sitting listening him him my uncles and that sort of stuff talking about that stuff I mean for me I feel guilty I almost feel as a black man like I just never like survivor's guilt I'm like why me mmm so many guys were smarter than me I said the same thing all the time to my worth it and smarter than me got more power than me more money than me has a bigger family connection everybody respect them you know me and they didn't make it right and I always say is I'm is to finally got it hmm you know I mean we can't explain it but we know it yeah we know we're different yeah and it's a it's a I don't know it's a weird feeling you know I go into prisons a lot just because I'm a lawyer I'm trying to help people and I just see all these brothers and they're brilliant a strong better-looking you know mean like everything they have everything above over me I mean if I had to compete with these guys I would be their intern you don't I mean I would I'd have to work for these guys but they've slept up all these black men and put them all out of competition so then I go in there and I come home and I'm like I mean I just feel that's why I fight so hard because I'm like these these guys deserve a shot if these guys had a shot they'd be running everything because they're that stronger that's smart Wow you get the you know you don't believe it either this this is interesting well you're pretty smart listen um you can't you have nothing to do with that you know this is survival of the fittest hmm they look better than us they perform better than us and all the praise be to Allah but they're not hmm it's an illusion where the survivors is where the strongest their survival those fittest and if you don't look at it like that you strongly mistaken you think you went all those schools by accident you know me you were designed to do that your father won do you think that was by accident or design to do that my mother was I'm father was there were street workers they had me yeah my brother's a doctor to an emergency in LA right but listen no David's the street people and they had me probably because they were horny and look what look what I've been all over the world the craft the colored people I've touched you crazy and touched me mm-hm and it's just um it's just not by accident because I had a low self-esteem but still my megalomania I think I'm so special you know but no one can see him no one can see the things that I crave about myself like I'm a I'm a piece of [ __ ] someone else say that it's a fight right away because I don't think that but sometimes I think I need to be checked because my head is too big I think too much of myself I don't think nobody could check me but me yeah I I watched the you know a couple documentaries about you which you know I have on my laptop and but I want to be inspired or Challenger whatever I'll watch you really yeah yeah man the things that you've said that you've done you know cus D'Amato and and how like you bad Mohammed I leave when you're a kid like all these different things I was in the fourth school yeah I know you're all think of me but you know as a you know as a black man watching the things that you've done and things that you've been through your ups and your downs you know your good decisions your bad decisions or whatever it does provide a road map because I mean you're everything you do is so extreme I mean it's just like the king the biggest chip it ever like knocking people out or whatever then like you don't have noise problems and so you can learn from your whole art but I think you know from me I was a nerd I didn't get any trouble cuz my dad and I was just like scared of my dad and I don't know what to do at this point I'm 51 I work for President Obama I work for Prince I was a grassroots outsider young radical militant that became a White House insider targeted by the media right-wing media now I'm a part of the media you know when I went to public schools in the rural South I went to a fancy I believe so I've kind of done 360 I've been so I'm hard to fool I've seen so I've seen all these different points and parts but after that I mean you don't know what to do I mean I don't know if you figure out that do something on this podcast whatever but you can go through so many things in life that you don't really know what you know what you do you know I don't know if you do it that would but you may maybe you can give on your needs you can do it and you can show gratitude and thank God for all the blessings that you got thank him for your beautiful side yeah your hands your feet you touch your beautiful children you're experiencing life gratitude gratitude then triples your blessings I was such a selfish self-centered person and I'm still that within this time but I'm just very grateful and I have a lot of gratitude but you as I saw you with your with your wife that was amazing you like y'all like you like touching her hand and like doing all super sweet stuff cuz I'm my wife is um I know who and even see my rock my wife is much my solar system when I my wife on my favish I have no respect for women nobody yeah my my my wife makes me out makes me know that my man makes me remember I'm a man and I'm not an animal huh excuse me how does she do yes existence the knee in this effort hmm just didn't e in this over isn't being in close to her now thought that hell it's crazy like you know there's these little tiny gestures like nothing's really going on on sudden I look over and you like just like touched her hand or you like leaned over toward or whatever does it put your head on our shoulder I'm like it's like the most fearsome no it's just different you know I know what my man my wife has been married for 10 years I know my wife since she was 18 yeah and so we have a we have interesting relationship and during my relationship my prayers are free and many times and I still want to do that anymore you know I don't know I don't say enlighten put up I've learned a few things over the years and I don't want to be the cause of her pain anymore god is good well he's he's good but it looks bad - he's always good it's awesome it is awesome it's been awesome to be here with you might also not be with you man you know to watch your growth and your evolution over the last couple of years it's amazing dude I guess meant um I know that I know this I know human beings and I'm meant to be humble they meant to be humbled you know we have to we have to learn to be humble hmm you know because um we have to know that you know sometimes when we look at ask me and my wife one day we were watching my son play his baseball game we're sitting down as a paper look at his hands and all these answer and it's about the time to see them where they die so by now they've done everything within the summer they've done everything within two months whatever summer is then we can do in a lifetime hmm right and then I said you know that baby not that wonder this just like we're watching I wonder who's watching us so ever think I might have to be watching us like you watching me then because we're when we're great but we're not that significant yes if all those ants died the world would die of all the birth of all the trees that the world would die if all of us died the world would flourish so we're not that hot [ __ ] you know we're not really hot [ __ ] I look at my ego and I wish I could shoot myself in the head since I'm acting so many great things and I'm a god in all this [ __ ] and then I have to go and pick my son's a basketball game well then you've got I mean you you know man I I don't I think you're right on your destiny path what can we do I don't think you do it I mean this is important work you're doing manage at that and and you have cultivated a very significant presence in the media I believe that and I think that the work you're doing right now is is invaluable and you know I think you know exactly what you're doing dude you know I tell you I am I'm getting closer to God again mmm you know part of what I think happened you know when you're african-american man you're Democrat and you decide you're gonna work with Donald Trump can we talk about that yeah pass the bill you go through a lot yeah I'm sure that I felt like we were in a you know a dilemma you know a no-win situation either we just because Republican would start to move in a better direction on criminal justice you know Rick Perry in Texas weirdly yeah but listen from their point of view now from our point of people from their point of view they don't want to see a big failed government bureaucracy eating up taxpayer money making stuff worse sure some of them are Christians they don't want to do see no redemption some of them are Liberty I want to see liberties being till they've not for our racial justice right look at their own reasons sure they had come around and then Trump comes in and Trump was like law and order and you know and was pushing the Republicans in the wrong direction again and I had to make a decision Democrats aren't as a courageous when they feel like the Republicans are gonna come after him and call him soft on crime and that kind of thing and so the key to Democrats being strong as Republicans being strong the key Republicans being strong as Trump being strong so if I want I gotta go deal with Trump yeah and or I could just say well I cared about black people under every other president I cared about people in prison under Obama I was in White House every week under Obama big and let people out we gotta have criminal justice and now this new president comes in I'm nowhere to be found right so did I really care what was the ego was it career so I got to go in there and I got a deal with the guy and you know front frankly he shocked a lot of people he signed a bill that's led out a bunch of people he's done way more than people thought but man that was a tough process because you know people say oh you're giving him a win you're giving Trump a victory but it's a dilemma right if I can keep denying him a victory but I'm also not all these people in prison a victory yeah I can give these people in prison a victory but I'm giving him a victory well I would rather for the people who I know don't have a voice to be able to come home and see their kids said okay he was in the White House thing when I come home to their Mama's house but man I don't I went through a lot people that I have respect and love say I was a sellout Uncle Tom a [ __ ] a traitor you told me yes still talking like that in the 21st century hey look at Kundun well first of all we didn't hear enough of this in the media William hear enough about this in the media about the victory yes yes the first step back victory you're the first step back yeah no I mean it was think about it now December 22nd I believe it was maybe December 21st Trump signs the first-step Act which the New York Times says is most of substantial breakthrough in criminal justice in a generation yes it may where women and be shackled anymore in federal prisons when they're pregnant it made it where people have to be held closer to their families that made it we're a half the federal prisoner to have people in federal prison can earn their way home sooner by doing a bunch of good stuff programs and stuff a hundred percent can come home sooner they just stay out of trouble and 7,000 people got chance to come home so that's a pretty big deal and but do if you're the liberal media do you want to give Trump that big victory right probably is not gonna show that [ __ ] they showed they showed it for a minute but you know then the next day I think the government shut down their offer to other issues and if you're and if you're the Conservatives you know you kind of like it but yeah agent in a way yeah and so you wind up with this with nobody knows what to do it doesn't fit the narrative that's what people write that's what people don't want to involve the religion because religion is like this if you don't have the other ideology that we have I won't change the ideology you're going to hell that's basically all religion the Christian that's all religions you don't follow us you're pretty min you're wrong you're wrong yeah yeah so it's only well it wound up being so politics are like that if you don't go with this way you're wrong yeah but I'll tell you what now I'm a lot closer to God well that happens when you get in your fifties because you close to your mortality you know there's any moment you know um that's like when we did the total you know this just it's no it's gonna be over soon not possibly win go see another 50 right 2030 so you have to prepare ourself for death we do it without anything is unconsciously we prepare for death that's what happens when we start preparing for I def first moment we born without unconsciously knowing we stop the pan for it oh he ready huh I do you feel ready absolutely I think I was born I think I was living too long oh they anybody's with that why you say that it's just um what are we here for that's our purpose you know we a purpose to die and go to another place and some time and some of us in difficulties and handling that stage of life we kill myself before with our time because it's frightening about dying but sometimes the thought of living life thinking's my vine is too much mm-hmm so you say this that's what I said in one stage God made me I'm I wasn't doing anything no one asked to be here I was made and now some and I gotta worry about dying and then as I got older I realized life was glorious we need the worst of life is glorious I think death have to be glorious as well as life because of - how do they not be as it does not be glorious and life is glorious life is glorious if you're homeless or a beggar if it's been hell life is there's nothing there's nothing deep yeah I am I don't know me I look at my kids now and I got 15 year old boys tall as me and super like you were talking about you know how your kids are like really smart and doing all kind of good stuff like I got my older boy is um like a 4.0 and taking physics and Mandarin and he's like a soccer player and also so and yeah I watched him and but you know why he's living totally different life and I lived when I was growing up was I wasn't good in school and I wasn't a good athlete so about watch this guy and I'm like you know someday I'm not gonna be here and he's gonna talk about who his dad was mmm you know life just goes on yeah and you know hopefully you know he'll do well and he's little brothers 11 Oakley he'll do well but yeah it does mean it's crazy also I'm can III have nothing left to prove for myself in terms of hmm to be able to walk into the Trump White House and come out with a victory for our people even though it wasn't seen even though it was recognized even though I was criticized I know what we did that's so huge and so you you know and so I don't for me I'm sorry I'm thinking about ways these next 5 10 20 30 years going to be and I agree with you you know gratitude is important but I just it I'm at a crossroads what are you grateful for right now alright well my kids you know my boys are like amazing I mean the you my little boy is emotional and difficult and creative kind of like me and then the big boy is like super like smart and pretty well discipline this was a poor teenager I like his mom and it's like a chance to watch these like smaller versions of us you know what I mean going through the stuff that they go through and I'm thinking let's listen man I mean to get a chance to work the Reform Alliance is amazing yeah I got to sit in rooms of like you know billionaires who care about people behind bars look screw and you just lay and they're not they not half steppin they're not messing around they're like we got to do something most people don't know that there are people at high places they care hey you ever think about you why you do this why you you know commercial break today what do you mean no why do you why do you what do you do what you do why are you interested in this why do you care about [ __ ] prison mm-hmm that's all somebody some dad daughter Mike died you know even when I was a child I just had a lot of feelings empathy like I live we live in the country gravel road no you know we had like a septic tank you know and no streetlights and stuff like that so at night you can see everything because there's no streetlights or whatever but also as a lot of animals so you know you see dead you see death you know your little kid you're looking out the window and all sudden it's like there's like a dead dog or a dead frog or a dead deer or whatever is like just smashed up on side and my parents got to the point they wouldn't let me look out the window because I'd be crying for like a day or something like dog that I saw and you know why why whatever so I was always been really sensitive and you're an empath yeah and so and then yeah my dad was tough you know and I wasn't and so that was an issue in the house he was afraid that I was gay or whatever he's afraid of but you know he's this tough kid grew up in the you know you know not even the hood like like really poor and it was a military and so he's this big tough he'd been a cop in the military and this type of thing and I think this like little kid that cries all the time and like yeah so it was like an issue in the house and and so I would read comic books and stuff and I was read about these great heroes who you know they were I could nerd you know like Clark Kent or Peter Parker but and they would like you know become a hero and I just think that imprinted on my brain that I wanted to go out help people I don't know why there's no there's no there's no one thing that happened I just knew from a very small age I wanted to help people and also suddenly I looked up I'm like 6 1 you know almost 200 pounds I was like this big like all through high school even into college like a little scarecrow with big glasses you know getting picked on and then all sudden I'm not and I felt like I could do something but people have asked me a lot of times I don't I don't have a good answer except to know that I hate bullies I hate when somebody has power and abuses it I hate to see anybody being mistreated and it doesn't feel like a choice to me it's just like almost like an automatic reaction trying to do something and so I've just spent my whole life fighting for really for other people maybe for my own glory and stuff but at the same time I know if I was just after the glory I'd be a lot more famous like I'm only just famous enough to be able to fight my fight you know I don't want it that's what you think yeah it's all from your perception yes sir what do you think I think you're more famous than you think you are yeah thank you it is too bad think you're more famous than you think you are but you don't think you're that thing that's really weird well I mean I work with like Anderson Cooper and Jay Z like these guys are like legends at your level what did you just say what did you say you say okay would you fix I said I work with let's go that's it you don't work with the militia they're equal they may not think that mmm but why were they talking to you hmm why are you talking to them why are you talking to me I'm really happy to be talking to you I've seen you talk to all those big shots whatever insecurities I have I don't have no more can I talk to you to just make those big shots did you're the biggest Big Shot they out there but that's that's that's who the most insecure people in the world the most powerful ones remember that they say whatever you know how could you not be insecure cuz you secure the position that you're in you're in position to lose that position you can never be secured in our position okay there's always somebody gunning for it true so how can you be secured when someone's gunning for you it's not no that's not a secure position abiy yeah like a uneasy where's the where's the crown or whatever there's a crown spear stuff yeah yeah man yeah y'all y'all know podcast a lot more difficult wait can we think about what do you ever think about who's the first you whatever the first Minto this man is 4.4 billion years old right Lucy so 4.4 million years where was the first year who you think he would think you're Asian you think you were white you think you're African what do you think you were goli what do you think you were the first you say 4.4 million years ago the first male your sperm what do you think what do you think you would really think you had I mean if they after the Africa but then they found that there's a country under Turkey that's 9,000 years old now they gotta rewrite history what do we know how do you rewrite history when you find something uh a problem like that no I don't know anything we know if somebody told you need not old you you know you know you're a 51 because do you see the age of 51 do you see the said I'm 53 so I'm 53 he said I was born in 1966 ad so that's when I was born I didn't get no information from nowhere I didn't do no research the research I did find out that this guy told me how old that was so I'm gonna know anything about myself that what I do know that I went to prison I did this I became chair my work here I do this definite but that's what I know but after that I don't know anything about nothing about me I don't know if I'm from another planet a plant here I don't know I don't know anything what do you know less than I thought you know I mean I know anybody's trying to figure out the world what's the key what's the magic key and somebody told me especially for black people said the answers so simple but for black people who have to be complicated have to be real complex to be the answer mm-hmm if it's right in front of you it can't be the answer the answer to everything is really so easy well yes because it's so easy we can never figure it out so we still want to lecture we'll have to be some apex and to let you stuff that we can't pronounce like Nietzsche or [ __ ] are you yeah yeah man I am I'm glad I'm glad to meet you guys I mean that I think you're doing something uh would you write them I wrote down bipartisan because I want to make sure to underscore that Republicans are doing some good things mmm I feel like you know it's so polarized that um you know we we almost don't want to give the other side credit when they're right yeah now look when they're wrong and listen this is a lot of stuff we just not gonna agree about and that's in a democracy you will you disagree you're supposed to fight and democracy you're not supposed to agree dictatorship you have to agree democracy means you can have your opinion you can have yours you can have yours but when we disagree we're supposed to fight but where we do agree we're supposed to work together and we stop doing that so I always try to remind myself point out that out and then I brought down my son hmm just want to make sure to give him some credit I can name by I work with a dictator I don't think they should ever be a dictator I should think that should be illegal agree no one should be a dictator well in our country it is illegal but still we have well still listen Napoleon said this to his mother there are always be kings even if they go by different names and that's what it is yeah Trump is running this country like he's a king yeah and that's just what it is he feels like a king you know and people who treats him like a king so he lives like a king and people love it everybody wants to be a king in his sick mind you know well he's um anybody think they're king in their own world believe it or not you know I mean even though my wife is the boss of my house I believe I'm a king I will leave on the king Oh have the title yeah that's a great quote by Napoleon then what do you see I mean I know criminal justice reform is going to be huge in this coming election they're letting out damaged people well but I I do see it differently because yes there are some people who come home you know who've had challenges but usually my experience has been the people who bloom enjoy people were coming home they really want to land on their feet and do well and we've got to do a better job of give the place from Brown the book ok yeah and this is what I know what is it they call the return rate receive the rate what a very nice yeah from Brownsville Brooklyn man it must be 80 percent if not more everybody I know that's been locked up it's been repeat offenders me all my friends they're all in jail now our dead are strung out on drugs very fewer than my feet so you're one so you just saying but you saying that we need to make sure that there's a program when they come home they can land on their feet you're not saying leave them in there forever you're saying when they come home your program I mean I must indeed I love this Trombley because it helped me is know it helps yeah and what what yeah yeah Oh Graham yeah what you like what types of things like an Outlook program you have to go before you find the job you have to get a skill for the job you have to be able to they have almost like hospitality skills take care of yourself in the workplace I think we should spend a lot more time working I think we should put a lot along with workers you know you came out of prison talking to people crazy now you got to go on the workplace what did you say you have to be very careful after talking to someone what you say to somebody that did 20 is improvement it's all about respecting how they talk to it's just a different world yeah yeah you can't say [ __ ] off all right dude yeah it's just to the network biggest disrespect he told me to [ __ ] off right you know you got to change that mindset before we get in the workplace yeah I think as much time and energy as we spend building up these prisons with locking people up you know 140,000 dollars per year per young person locked up you could send two kids to use a racket so crazy what I would say is now take that same amount in or keep that same energy put fewer people in make sure when they come home they do have those kind of programs and will be alright the problem is that we spend so much time and energy damaging people and then we don't want to spend any money when they come home do these guys that we imprison they're making these plates they're making these things in these prison the people who they're making a fool they should make it possibility for when these guys get out after making all that money for our company they should be able to be civilized a little proper word to say rehabilitated trans transform what if I call it sure this man I know what they do behind the awesome and I say bring I say I say bring him home and keep that same energy to make sure they come home there right away that's right absolutely being a Mamba was to go bring him home - yeah let's go but what does it do that --eline out of the cage after 20 years and just let him go on and population I like I said you and I agree that the way people come home should matter and we said for them the moment somebody goes in and you know I wish that few people were going we should be thinking about that day they come home and every single day should be supported to look right now nobody makes money when the people go home and do well they make money when people come what go and they come back return customers and what we've got to do we got to change the financial incentive I want a warden to be rewarded I would say listen of all these five six people if they leave on Friday and they come back on Monday with their best friends you're fired if they leave on Friday and they stay gone for three years and and they've been productive we should give you a million dollars because you just saved us so much money in other words you should you should get a reward for every person who leaves your prison and does a good job now every day you're in my prison I'm God you I'm doing yoga with you right I'm teaching you you don't mean because everybody come back into my pocket there's no financial incentive to do a good job that's America I looked at our few years ago I watched this um program about students like you say in Germany hmm you're a young kid 16 15 [ __ ] school I don't want to go to school right I want to smoke weed not the police the government takes you and we train you to work on our BMWs and I'm a city bibs and work with the everything you only gotta go to school for three hours here you gotta go to class occasionally but you work on our computers and stuff gonna go in the cars and so this guys we're gonna rock concert now he has a job he doesn't like school you don't my school would give you a job here yeah give you enough school so you can graduate from high school and you keep your job here and then you're not there cousin yeah working right you don't like school you playing hooky or I'll give God take care you hey you do in Japan for instance in Japan great stood the business you know what there was those the radio companies and stuff from Japan Sonia Sonia yeah I see all those places they make deals with the school if you give me two hundred thousand good workers I promise them jobs in America you don't make is on you yeah you're born if you don't do that you're [ __ ] he's on you you [ __ ] up yeah the government and the school system work together yeah they're better business and the government work together in their live better ways if you see if you see every kid is your kid you have a totally different system than if you say oh well those kids their kids nobody says oh my kids on drugs give them 17 years in prison there's nobody's ever said that about their own kid but your kid give them 50 years and so that's you know that's that's a spiritual crisis that's that's a you know the humanizing the opposite see no hope in us yeah and by it's not by our government not saying hoping us we don't see hope in ourselves you know me so they don't see a better hope in life you know me failure the death pit I don't see better why have I got to go school why I listen to my mother why I'm gonna die anyway they killed my father they killed my brother my mother survived then how do you feel about the more act marijuana opportunity reinvestment an expungement act of 2019 look I'm all for it look I'm a nerd I've never had a beer I've never smoked good there's smoke where what I've never seen I've never had a sip of wine never no no so I can say as a complete nerd anti-drug nerd that I'm against the drug war because it doesn't work and you it has never been prosecuted like there's more drugs in a country-club Yacht Club Ivy League school asked me out how I know I know I've been all those places way more drugs in those contexts then in then on a street corner in the hood so now that they're making it legal marijuana every single person who is convicted of that it should just be wiped off their record yeah and all the money coming in the tax money should be gone going back to those communities back to those individual and helping them get on their feet and otherwise it's just another situation where black people created a market why people come and exploit it mmm when we did it it was illegal they do it now it's legal and we did when we did rap music in the street the cops came and shut us down yeah now the cops come to stop the people from freaking and stores I'm still in it yeah I mean yeah but I mean I've seen it I've seen in my whole life you know I got a chance to work with prints I did all of his philanthropic work for about six years but that like yeah I'm stoked he's a very interesting ya know I mean I am he saved my life man because you know when I worked for Obama I only worked there for about six months and then the right-wing media came after me because I was like young militant and stuff and they're bringing back all the stuff from when I was younger so they're also making up stuff have me some stuff about healing the younger what did you do to make them think you're a militant I was a Marxist I was in suing cops I was protesting everything I could I was every issue I could find it was against the system nationalist Marxist and her kids in deist because I was pissed off I was like man if you're in your early 20s I mean we were same age I mean you know I mean a week in the 80s you know else when Public Enemy and Spike Lee and NWA came out so they had put it in our mind that we need to stand up for ourselves then we get in the 90s we finally get rid of Reagan and Bush we got Clinton and Clinton's worse mmm and he dropping all these terrible Bayonne bills against us and and he has this brainwashed she had Clinton has more black people brainwashed in liquor man yeah yeah yeah I mean all that all that whole sick clique although look I appreciated Bill Clinton more after he was president when he was doing he doesn't get credit for afterwards see when he was doing the Clinton Global Initiative and raised millions of dollars and helping people around the world but when he was president he was weak on affirmative action weak on welfare a weak on anything black weak on criminal justice and so I was mad and I wasn't I didn't and I felt like my parents lied to me you know my dad had been in the military and you know liberty and justice for all and all this type of stuff and I'm like I'm at this law school and I can't and I can look down this street to the University and see kids buckwild who gonna be senators and I can look down this street in New Haven to housing project and kids who are doing less bad stuff who can all gonna be in prison I don't think and so I'm like my dad lied to me this whole system lied to me so I was just I was on the left side of Pluto I was I was considered a left-wing radical father didn't like he was just told you estimation he was fed right exactly I was just passing along but you know so you know when I was in a so as a look I was considered a left-wing radical in the Bay Area you have to work hard to be considered a left-wing radical in San Francisco and Berkeley in Oakland but that's what I was but that's where that stuff came from the exactly so I was in all of that in my 20s when I got to my 30s I burned out because it was just too many protests too many too many funerals with you know community kids and who I work with or work here at about in caskets and grown people with gray hair send up in the pews like the opposite of how it's supposed to be and we're just banging our heads against the wall and I couldn't see how we could make it different so I burned out and I decided to try and do something more positive for the community bringing jobs and we had just passed all these solar bills and stuff in California so I said why don't we get these kids on the street corner jobs putting up the solar panels solar panels don't put themselves up and these people ordering all these solar panels and they've taken three months six months nine months because nobody knows how to put them up so I got the city of Oakland to start a program called the green jobs Corps to train these kids to put up solar panels Nancy Pelosi found out about it she had just become Speaker of the House the first time she said bring van Jones to Washington DC I was a nobody as a local activist to talk to all of my Democratic Congress members about this idea George W Bush then signs the bill called the green Jobs Act to spread my little program in Oakland all across the country that's 2007-2008 I wrote a book about it the book became a best-seller people on Barack Obama's team read the book 2009 I'm in the White House so I go from being a frontline grassroots activist in like a two-year period to being in the White House so the when the right-wing media figure I said wait I was like good dis dude mr. F the police mr. suin cops mr. Z goes down with the system is now in the white house no this is not gonna work so then I so so I said so prayer saved my life because when I left the Obama White House he picked me up all right so cool that's awesome what's that mean I mean what you just told me what's all that mean how do you proceed that you can see that all from your hard work do you think that because you work hard no anything no no it's not what you think do you think that because you were crying and working on it felt like I like all of a sudden I was like walking down the street and I put my foot down on what I thought was the asphalt and it was like a magic carpet and it just took off and all sudden I'm in places I've never been I'm seeing people I would never thought I would meet I don't know I know this is not you in your 50s now right mm-hmm wow that sure that's your mission I figure out all this stuff why is this [ __ ] going on it's not gonna stop you guys figure it out what's going I'm thinking that to it I'm thinking this I came in here four years ago I'm well they decided to make this shot that this is a [ __ ] joke I would be an [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah then so um we get a guest that's out a shaman I don't know the Charmin that that found Jewish to me I see him he's not no he doesn't appeal with Jewish so he's Mexican right Jewish too so I'm just checking my so he's talking about this toll in the venom and stuff what are you talking about let me see I'm gonna cocaine well you can't do right here so what kind of [ __ ] you talking about you can't do that I mean cease doing drop out folks this whatever is right here and he likes to stand a crack pipe he's like some toads in a nice smoky because I'm [ __ ] I was drugged a [ __ ] aficionado that's smoke where he goes out and I die and if die you know is the most profound moment in my life there's nothing in my life not even much it was ever been nothing that profound that experience I've seen or felt and um this one particular time I just felt like I feel all the pain that I caused everybody that I've been experienced in my life cause I felt the pain a million a night it's just I thought I'm a tough guy think I'm a bad [ __ ] I thought a card of war and I [ __ ] disintegrated in his presence I was nothing you know and I guess I never looked at people the same I treated them the same of sense and then I was mr. Kosan that I've ever felt to experience anything to finally Carly it was so overwhelmingly breathtaking everybody has different experiences and every time you do it at the different it's not like you get prepared for it they're always taking you somewhere else um yeah I know I don't I feel I feel that I have a calling on my life hmm I feel that's where I wanted to give him touch I want you to get in touch with that back home why did you feel you had that girl who gave you that calling a job I had to see somebody I remember being a child and I will always want to go in the backyard at night and lie down on my back and look up at the stars like I said we didn't have street lights so you can see Larry every star and I'd be out there and my mom would I could see her opening that they had a glass door you know there's like a like a back door and she'd be the Anthony because my name is Anthony Anthony get in this house and I'm praying mama branches you can pray in your bed get in this house but it was just something I just felt and I was probably like six seven I just felt the prayer so god I felt that that was something I was supposed to do I felt when I would every when I was a child they would they would show us some you know Bobby Kennedy and dr. King and these guys and you forget like now they've been dead for so long it's like not that big of a deal but if you're born in 68 that's a year they were killed so when you're in kindergarten that's just five years ago now imagine if somebody killed Obama right now a child that was born in that year five years later they've never they don't know so I remember this kid named Patrick Carmody in my kindergarten class asked my teacher Miss Brown who was Bobby Kennedy and she started crying like a baby and I never seen an adult cry I didn't even really know that dogs could cry you know because there was so you stopped crying so and I was like whoa and I asked my mom and she was stumbling around words and stuff and I just felt again that these guys died the year I was born Bobby Kennedy was trying to do something positive dr. King was trying something positive for somebody it felt like I was supposed to take up their car but it's not rational because other kids heard the same thing Brett the same thing didn't they didn't do what I'm doing so all I can say is that my whole life I never had to guess what I was going to do I always knew I was gonna work for justice help people you know write and fight that was the two things I wanted to do that was too nerdy to fight but in my mind I was preparing so I feel like there's a calling on my life I feel almost now like I said I have nothing else to prove I already I've gotten four presents in a row to do something positive that I believed in and the world is a shambles and all the stuff is happening else polarization I don't care what the Republicans or Democrats think I don't care what white or black thing I just want that's why I'm stuck I there's there's a there's a prayer that's trying to come through me that I've got to get myself completely cleaned out and and enable the channel so I can really find out what God wants for me to do going forward okay yeah I can take that you know there's nothing really rational about following your destiny path because you're just divinely guided by spirit you know so I mean it makes total sense to me man I was 12 years old I'm here at 13 I met this old Italian guy right he became my mentor and trainer right when I first met him I was a [ __ ] about Wow so uh such a low self-esteem so he was white I was really small the white behind it was judges that the cops that arrest me and I'm and um mmm also I'm not kind of guy thinking about robbing a house I'm [ __ ] a little thief I'm sleazy I'm just devious and all sudden this guy talks to me and I'm I'm like a [ __ ] rat and next thing I know one of my name's we mention when Achilles then friend is a great how does that happen you come from nothing then you want to think yourself serious you have an illusion of yourself that I'm greater I'm somebody I don't know how does that happen but it does that's custom auto yeah really go out the best in people yeah yeah if your relationship with him is just unbelievable and his love for you and and the way that you kind of saved him like yeah they only want to fit something close and he was telling people in 1982 that I have a 15 year old kid is living that clearly champ mm-hmm you do crazy I say to myself with this guy when they come from house they get tired you know he was 57 years old when I was born how do you think I have enough to meet me and it teach me that a short period of time I accomplished this yeah that blows my life yeah it's really honor to meet you man oh good thank you it's pleasant well the event it's really it's a pleasure to have you here man before we get out of here yes sir I want to ask you a couple more your thoughts on a couple more things oh the Rodney Reed case who's minding me Rodney Reed is a man on death row in Texas right now sure wasn't that on television yes I'm seeing in something it's been all over the news then they stopped establish yes a new trial yeah so he's getting a new trial I was just curious your thoughts on that and you know I there there are two camps around his case in terms of trying to get some kind of justice I was the candidate said freedom and there's a camp that's it give him a fair trial I wasn't I was in the fair trial camp I don't know if he's guilty or innocent I know that trial was effed up and I don't care if you're you know you know the Nazis got you know trials the normal world trials like right now at what you did you deserve a fair trial otherwise you know weird not who we're supposed to be so I'm glad he's getting a new trial I have no idea he's guilty or innocent I never took a position on that it's amazing know how you know we have so many bad cases out there you know dr. Phil for whatever reason left on this dude's case and then suddenly we were able to get something done but it's always like that you know one of those people prominent um Caucasian citizens have to say something I'd like to wait there mind hey they could be right because he said it standing like this you know he could say the lion is the truth and I could say the truth when that's questionable yeah and so you know for me and a lot of people in the criminal justice world they resent the power of celebrity in this thing I don't my view of it is you know any weapon you know whatever you know you know David was picking up rocks with a sling you know whatever you can can use to free people sure using saw and I'm actually glad that more celebrities getting involved but I think we have to be careful and be reasonable and you know like I said a fair trial versus free that's that's that [ __ ] I want I want you to have confidence in me you know a year later if some bad facts come out no I would I listen to van he and pretty guy it's no mystery man you know we made mistakes I'm letting out the wrong people too right sure you know yeah the a big guy member that got added back in the 70s normal email in them got him out of prison and stuff they wrote the book what's the book they were Billy it was both Jack Abbot and then he got out in the restaurant and I guess the way this is something he thought with disrespect when he killed them you know yeah I mean we remember those things but you don't think this guy's guilty I'm saying those things out there as well yeah yeah I mean that's the thing is like you get both sides of it oh yeah we have all these people out here who've never been to prison who were gonna commit a crime for the first time right now we don't say lock up all those people just in case I couldn't commit a crime but my view about it is that we do have to be we have to we have to receive responsibly because we don't want this movement to be destroyed by reckless you know decisions so with that case I'm glad that he's getting a new trial yeah yeah it's good now you think the country that we live in I need to be paestum a country that we live in there's not ready for justice yet hmm well we're gonna get him ready yeah I want that's what I wanted to say there was it that this um Tyson Rancher you know how boxing can do to help you in your cause gonna have some brothers that you know I grew up with that I go visit them prison up there and all this field in New York and they definitely got a couple life is bad it's just drug-related crime no one got killed nothing on the record and it's really uh yes they growing old in there yeah well I think you in my heart we need to let him come home I mean the whatever whatever we thought in the 80s and the 90s was going to be a positive locking up all these people for all this time it's not turn out to be positive at some point you know if you have a child and they make a bad decision you want them to revisit that decision and do better but the grown people don't do that you know the adults pass these laws the adults built these prisons the adults you know are the ones guarding all these people and we know what's wrong and so you know I'm I'm not gonna stop until some stuff is just like I call it's like we need to build a like an anti stupid coalition like someone stuff is just stupid like you think they're gonna do to us an X that's what most African Americans think what are they gonna do to us next I see it differently and here's what I say why you asked me about why me I don't have any good answers back and I can tell you this all of these African people who were brought over here 40 years ago and they haven't brought that many of us over here since so yo I'm like I'm a nice generation American and I'm the first one in my family born with all my rights recognized by this government in 1968 to think about that they stopped bringing us here like kind of 50 years ago but here we are and for all of our problems and all of our pain all of our suffering this community of people not only in terms of the level of creativity and music and art but politically we're against every war black community we rich black people vote like poor black people you know taxes programs all that type of stuff we're like a saving grace in this country and we as wild as we are toward each other collectively we bring a wisdom we bring a grace we bring a beauty to this country that I think it's going to be the saving grace of this country and so I believe that that's why we were brought here I think if you just had these people came over here is like Cowboys killing people and stuff and gave them a country this rich just for them to run it would be one of the worst things ever but we're here and we keep challenging the conscience of America from within and we keep saying but you put on paper as liberty and justice for all and you're not doing it you put on paper America the Beautiful but we're being ugly there's a there's something of our suffering is redemptive because we keep challenging this country to be better and this country would not be a democracy except for us it was a settler colonial slave state at its founding and they fought a civil war to turn it into apartheid because we had a hundred years it was segregation still it still won a democracy it what a democracy until a couple years for you and I were born when dr. King and and Ellen Joe Baker and all those people made it a democracy so you know dr. King is like the final founder in a way it took them 200 years to even get to where we are now and we were pushing the whole time abolition and justice and labor and all these things so for me I don't ask what are they gonna do to us next I say well how are we gonna continue to evolve our capacity to be a saving grace in this planet how do we keep our humanity how do we can gather we continue to be who we're supposed to be and I don't know if we're gonna succeed or fail but I'm a lot more I see us as the agent of history I don't see us as the object the victim I see us as the agent of history and you know that's that's for me that's my calling you know that's pretty awesome too that's extremely awesome and I go with by this I look at this situation African Americans and now 2020 and I'm a mom 1895 that's um that's when I'm Frederick Douglass was dying and he said there's no hope in the black race he died with no hope for the black people and then you look at guys like you myself and everybody he was one of the greatest minds ever lived he was so wrong no way the greatest mind my greatest leaders he was so wrong that's what I hope for the black we could at bay et 95 he thought there was no hope for us so just the way the laws were the Jim Crow Becca it was just so oppressive mm-hmm but you know we fought through and just 40 million of us now like I said they stopped bringing us over here a long time ago so the people who literally the same people but think about the same people he was looking at then there's no hope they didn't present it exactly awesome stop that's why I know nobody knows anything okay who you are brilliant you are when you know when the universe start to make their plans it just happens this world is gonna be okay it's as bad as we think global warnings gonna take us out all this this world has been here for a long time and it's gonna be okay else is gonna be like the rest of the flatness around us dust yeah Mars we don't know what's on there you know we might have come from there and that's what they're talking about could be hey Sam well I wanted to ask you about Colin Kaepernick what's that with that guy he look good at Miss practice I was watching yeah yeah yeah I wish you'd gone to the practice that they set up for him yeah that's how I feel I know that jay-z and and Desiree and the folks at rock nation fought very hard behind the scenes I'm represented by rock nation they fought their side caps agent agents don't know know it but you know they were helping you're helping this yeah like you know this all these doing away I think they're too hard on Jay they love cheese I think they is too hard I think I feel the green-eyed monster in this situation when Jay Z's involved yeah I agree no I I agree listen Jay Z's a billionaire he doesn't even have to sit down the NFL and do anything but yeah there's gonna be announced as made in terms of the amount of money that's coming from the NFL to the hood for the first time even beyond beyond what's been done before and you know he fought very hard behind the scenes to give Colin Kaepernick his chance and as as did the Masters I mean the masses are are and weren't with Colin saying hey let's brothers should be able to speak his mind and go out there and play this game but to me if I'm going for a job interview and it's a nine o'clock on this corner and I changed my mind and say no I want to do my job interview at 8:30 or 10 o'clock on another building yeah that gives them an excuse not to give me the job yeah and that's my problem I just wish that he just just go Jamie it's not for you it's for this for all these children who are looking at you as a hero and a czar as somebody who's like the Muhammad Ali of our time right like go and knock the dude out be Bahama dolly go and throw the ball in they face yeah and when you don't do that now they have an excuse forever well we would have if you now come on man so that I just wish that he just gone and done and how they listen to just humble yourself for one second and doing how they said do it show the whole world now if they don't give you anything we can march and protest and the whole world will know that you were stolen it was stolen from you because you were there and you did it now it's always gonna be a question mark he doesn't know how to play the game yes I was gonna be a question mark now he doesn't want to play the game you'll make it really complicated you know we all play the guitar we all dances here yeah that's what my son was was asking about the thing is like well you know college should be able to I said white people can't tell you when the job interview is that's not racism like no white man can go to a white man and say I'm gonna tell you you're gonna do my job interview over here I said white people ain't even out that much right you gotta show up yeah that's a job interview when they say even if you wait row that what do you think I'm helpin us so that's not racism at that point that's just that's just how it works I mean can you just go and then tell them we got this job did you just tell them when you know yeah white people can't do that no so I appreciate that yeah anyway move in you're the man no [ __ ] man thank you for coming here I appreciate it may I appreciate the opportunity and have me back and like I said I'm I'm Lily at a spiritual crossroads and I'm praying for God to give me give me my next set of directions and orders and you know this has been powerful imagine I mean we just met Mike so exactly that's our step yeah I always love your perspective man yeah his corporate media sucks I have to say it's it's not it's not a public radio or you know the stuff I love still why love I love Sesame Street I love hotel you know I love mr. Rogers I love Electric Company because TV was like to see Morgan Freeman electric company yeah but you think about it because TV we're going up with like a wasteland of like cartoon violence and cut Cowboys shoot America and they had these couple of shows it was all violent and crazy and then they had a couple of shows they said that we're gonna use television for good yeah and that's what in my heart I want to use TV for good and so I appreciate seeing and they let in the Van Jones show they call Sesame Street for grown people I try to mow bring people together they let me do the redemption project where I was showing people coming together who you know want to commit a crime the other would have been the victim we brought them together incarceration incorporated podcast so let me do so CNN keeps letting me do positive stuff um but it's tough because it's uh you know it is it's a very very negative media environment right now and we got a we got to keep we got to keep our candle lit for good we gotta keep our total it so we'll keep doing it man amen thank you spreading the truth thank you brother so awesome got our support and any way that we can support you don't worry hey listen what it's not time to fight I call on all forces awesome people can do where they can find you and which is good yes listen a reformed Alliance calm just you go there you can sign up you can be a part of what we're doing I'm proud to be a part of the cut 50 movement see you t-50 org is also a great organization but the main thing is in your own life if you can give a job to somebody consider somebody who's formerly incarcerated consider somebody who's you know from a tough neighborhood if you you know if you've got a school you're running or program include people just because somebody did something and got caught that you probably did when you were in college don't leave them out love it very much what do you think what the world needs more now is love sweet love Amy yeah Mike yes great show beautiful beautiful episode hey everybody thank you so much for listening to this special episode of hot dogs I had my mother-in-law right here because she came to see the Van Jones hi to the people out there mom it means of people looking at you my love but they got good genes in that Fame yeah good genes good people awesome well until next time everybody I'm Everett Britain and I'm Mike Tyson we're out of here see ya peace Thank You van that looks pretty awesome husband thank you very much definitely that the deepest interview I've ever done [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 272,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: McHrGLsSyP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 4sec (4744 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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