Michael Rapaport | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson | Ep 16

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now grab I get him on top of a car his head is right here this [ __ ] Mike my [ __ ] exciting episode here and hotboxing Evan Brittany Mike Tyson we got our main man here right here mr. Michael Rapaport hell yeah glad to be here good to have you yeah it's a it's it's it's literally a winning where when when it comes to Mike Tyson mom tell us man where you we've actually fun huh yeah all right I'm from Manhattan yeah I grew up in Manhattan born and raised in Manhattan my whole life um you know grew up in the city playing ball that was my thing playing really oh yeah I loved and then and then you know when I was 12 I met my friend my best friend who's from Howard houses I told you about yeah yeah how is my my neighborhood yeah grounds that said the PA le learn the box did yeah so in 1983 and you know what remember was like I mean you were probably 15 16 I used to go out to Brownsville I was 12 12 year old white dude and I'd go play ball and Howard to play for the Brownsville jets with Jocko and they said and we'll be free without that world without them well I was out there I Williams you're the eyes of my guy a wolf and those guys guys that do you hammer and all these guys from Howard and but I was a kid I was a [ __ ] you know 12 and you know Mike knows what it was like I did but I wasn't involved in I was a kid that's what I wanted to say how did you get out there cuz if any white guy out there he's a dangerous person what were you doing you know we out there first so I wasn't in when you're 12 12 years old and like I knew everybody in Howard so I know shred is the [ __ ] trip when you think think about it and it just when the trip you know this it was it was crazy because at that time I remember in Spring Break of 83 I was out there playing ball my friends and there would be gunshots and I would literally like oh [ __ ] and my friends would laugh because they were so accustomed to it and when I look back and you think about in America and Brooklyn the fact that little kids would be get accustomed and gunshots like they're not I remember you know when you started when I started hearing your name Brownsville Mike Tyson from Brownsville Kid Dynamite and Sports Illustrated and seeing you on ESPN like you know there's so much people that came from Brownsville from the ballplayers will be free to - pearl - you know Jimmy Smith's - Otis Otis Wilson of that the Bears and this little this little [ __ ] neighborhood and you know and for me being around that at that time I was exposed to so much [ __ ] and it's a good thing you know because it opened my eyes and made me realize it's not just the East Side of Manhattan and so is it was a dope up ring but it was all basketball and hip-hop and chasing girls you know like I wasn't a treatment for the dangerous place dangerous [ __ ] place dangerous [ __ ] place but I was always you know looked after and [ __ ] cuz I was in a charm a god you think I don't care what color you they got you you and they got you got you know word date they had me and like [ __ ] were like yo this is our guy no [ __ ] once they say that you good you end this up man right yeah yeah so that's what I grew up in New York City and and and you know is all I had hoop dreams I wanted to be an NBA player I wanted to be a professional basketball player but I my hoop dreams turn into you know hoop nightmares how did you flip oh cause death what's been your relationship with hip-hop hanging around those guys and browns yeah stuff and the radio you know and in the radio like hip-hop was you know my father worked at he was the general manager of WK to you disco 92 with Paco and Roscoe and and and before this was a the first station in New York City to play disco and before they play disco they played mellow rock this is like 77 78 79 and then 79 he came home and he said you know stations going to disc on nine he just was telling me about it he started playing all disco in the station went from the bottom of the ratings to the top but that same year he brought home a record he brought him a promotional copy of rapper's delight' by a Sugar Hill Gang and he said this is rap music it's gonna be a real thing and [ __ ] I [ __ ] would get all the records and then being out in the streets playing ball and listening to BLS and kiss and [ __ ] like that I just wasn't ready ki Crocker breaking sheet rock afraid you better learn yeah and then that [ __ ] was just you know it's just around me so it was just so organic thing and I fell in love with hip-hop the music and then later on you know like going to the clubs in the Latin Quarter is Latin Quarter the tunnel yeah but black quarters in Union Square and all that [ __ ] was [ __ ] was it on you in 14 years where my uncle met with the matter who were you going here before you were Mike Tyson where you going into Rob [ __ ] and I never listen this is the deal right I had just stopped doing the robbing stuff I just met customer I was starting to hang out in the clubs again and stuff just like 86 no this is like what what what is it 81 ok ok I will go back and visit and stuff and man in the clubs was just crazy they're in a misfit zoning the missus went to hip hop's if he wasn't admit that you wouldn't be there it was just a place that people said you were that the hip-hop placement while me but be careful in there it was wild in the clubs you know you would see you I saw this with my own eyes in 86 in Union Square girls get their [ __ ] earring snatch you know dudes getting night and and you you know I mean in a club like I'm like and I'm like open Rob snatching change you know take him on [ __ ] jackets and and and it was it was in the club I was in Latin quarters I I never forgot this it was either 86 or 87 in in land quarters were infamously Plaxico Burress people would go out the Latin Quarter than any more guy but Latin quarters it's like a place that I guess it was around in the 50s it's been around but I remember being in land quarters standing next to the late Scott lorac from bdp I see my favorite yeah yes and and he asked me to come to the thing maybe around man I think when they come to the video video any no wasn't anything I was just - no I know anything about videos affected I ain't know it was a but there and and and I there was a fight broker there's always fights but I remember it was just a wintertime I'm Skyler rock is right here and I were like leaning on the thing there's a fight you're not really paying attention because they would get broken up and it'd be little skirmishes but this was a big fight that was happening over there and these are grown men I'm sixteen nine you know they didn't serve the reason why they let kids in is cuz they didn't serve alcohol at the bar I realized this later so so uh uh dude reaches into his his his uh his I think it was like a sheepskin or as a bubble goose and pulls out a sword in the club not a little [ __ ] box cutter or sword at it yo I ran down the stairs and and and to leave probably right where Plaxico Burress shot himself and then a somebody else from behind me breaks a bottle over somebody in the glass jars on me and I'm like fine I'm going to get my jacket from the jacket coat I say [ __ ] my jacket I go down the stairs and I swear this is all true and you there was a glass window and and a dad while I'm going down the stairs to the glass window I see a guy I see this oh oh Times Square I mean in Union like in times crisis in like 11 and I go into the corner me and this girl we're just like waiting for this [ __ ] to stop and then it just stopped got my jacket and a couple weeks later I was back Atlanta corners like it was like it was nothing but it takes to see that [ __ ] when you think about like the danger that was going on when you're 16 17 you're so [ __ ] dumb and I wasn't a tough guy was a round tough guy yeah but listen could take something that adrenaline is addicting you want to go back to that Club beautiful chick she never seen before them hot latino chillin out and my god what the first time I saw Mike Tyson you hadn't won the Bell yet you had been on the cover of kid dying kid kid Kid Dynamite you had been the cover of Sports Illustrated but I remember I saw you walking down the deuce in a red feel odd jumpsuit and you I guess you had gotten cut sparring and you had a band-aid and you were walking with a chick and you had a rope on and you were walking it was that Brownsville walk see that yeah yeah but you were Mike Tyson but I'm like you you weren't like famous famous but you'd like a few new boxing and that I remember you got walked past you and I was with my friend Gerald who's from Browns and was like oh [ __ ] there's Ike Tyson and we just said what's up Mike and you you were holding a girl's hand you had the rope on and and you're you're you're feel a velour [ __ ] and I was the sight so dude I never and it was when the deuce was still the do it was what listen listen I first came to the Doosan was 1977 those 11 years old I'm on the deuce ready I'm going in with pickpocket and so um when I get this so you sound like you never believe me unless you're thousands of people walking around and you have people coming up to you and after cocaine got that we got that [ __ ] on the side got that [ __ ] got hoes got pizza okay and people overwhelmingly intoxicated right and then you're getting your friends a little picking pockets and stuff some people we um some people we have to rob we have bad to get the rob one of the goddamn mom ha ha ha ha the perverts and stuff the guys don't want you to sucks wanna suck your dick and [ __ ] so we set them up and Robin and say we let them suck I think Oh and we rob them yes daddy gov it was crazy so noisy dad it was this is right I mean it's a it's like some straight-up taxi driver [ __ ] like this is like it was like it was you know pornos and movies and pimps and like it wasn't that's not a set that's a real [ __ ] and if you [ __ ] up you can die yeah he left up there well my brother and I where we were born in New York City lived in Brooklyn till I was 10 then my mom moved us out here but we were talking about you know and that was the early 90s how much cleaner it was Giuliani but it was still a good job raising cuz cuz you're a little older than me and and you're a New Yorker cuz people go back and forth this you know that's like uh uh like some people say the old New York I'm like yo the way we described that it's cool to reminisce about it but that [ __ ] wasn't dope like you listen my kids did take my kids here right well never want it to be like that again you know like let alone your kids I guess in a dope you feel safe right feel safe I would never do so because I took my careful baby I come I'm I can't bring you here baby I couldn't be my kids here no why would you bring your kids in like it's a [ __ ] for no weed coke does scumbags [ __ ] robbers the lowest of the lows of the city name I came from different states if the seasons so dirty was so [ __ ] dirty at all so crazy it was a [ __ ] line very slimy people back so yeah so that's about New York is I mean [ __ ] it's it's change it's changed but it's good it's good change is good you know for you know there's always pros and cons all that [ __ ] yeah so how'd you get into acting then I got into acting cuz I wanted to be a basketball player I knew when I was about 17 I wasn't even gonna come close to being a basketball player I got kicked out of school every single year just for talking [ __ ] I wasn't no nobody wasn't burning buildings and starting fires I just was disruptive disruptive behavior did your mother take you to the doctor get you medicine stuff they wanted to give me medicine in the third grade that to me Dean and all that yeah it's crazy yeah [ __ ] maniac that's why I turned up [ __ ] up my mom my father didn't let me get on the [ __ ] I dropped the mind yes I probably could have used a little [ __ ] mood stabilizer but they date at the time back then back then yeah what weird aunt would they had you'll cuz you were just were you were you wild physically wild emotionally like why didn't love mostly physically cried the drop of the dime attack the teacher all that crazy [ __ ] those guys right Rob did you snatcher personally the [ __ ] class running up the classroom where do you think you're going with a purse I'm gonna spend the money I know guys come back to school and I come back to school to copy their ass my ass this is in Brooklyn yes yes oh I uh I was just disruptive but I would have been in the client you know they called it the retorted class yesterday and you know the fucked-up thing is we were just in there no they never really but I'm really glad I mean it wasn't [ __ ] special ed together and in Ginny in junior high school Portland school Ella Elementary yeah you would Riddick yes Jesus [ __ ] nice crazy school explain Brownsville is in terms of like defected to heavyweight champions at the same time from the same era came out of explain that the size of it listen right it's a trip it's not a big is not big but it's over [ __ ] crowded over pop projects just prop projects right and we have people on top of one another constantly it's pressure on top of another and every now and then it's tough to blow and people just start shooting and stuff rob and we have riots it's just really crazy small [ __ ] area shooting cops cops shooting us yeah it's you know it's [ __ ] up because they can't they can't fix Brownsville unless they there's too many projects listen up they're not gonna gentrify brown brown I always said that that's not that's the only part of Brooklyn that's not gonna get that pretty to go fix it up they may put a few trees there but they're not gonna fix it up make condominiums out of the projects is this too much yeah you know with it really it was a waif is the weight feel before was a brown the browns really just a waste field where they put the garbage at then they've turned in some guy brown brown bought it oh they called the Brownsville and cleaned it up with no more garbage dump and Brownsville East New York I saw it like you if you look at the beginning of Goodfellas like like there was like Italians yeah my grandmother look grew up in East New York I'm God he's from Brownsville right so I I mean I don't know how the [ __ ] that should happen but it's it's of I don't know man it's it's a [ __ ] up it so it so it's a [ __ ] up [ __ ] up situation out there because now that they're trying to you know give people better opportunities in Brooklyn I don't know how the [ __ ] they're gonna fix it I'm a Joe Pepitone of the B got busted in Browns yeah yeah yeah and a day yeah yeah yeah Joe Pepitone that's crazy so yeah so I so I was a [ __ ] talker as far as going back to the AK I was a [ __ ] talk I had a big mouth funny and always loved comedy and I loved Eddie Murphy like I wanted but I didn't want to be a comedian I wanted to be Eddie Murphy everybody did back then man he was the man oh yeah have no idea it was just the [ __ ] man he he's the first guy then I realized I wanted rolled voice I've been to this house before I was always living in our apartment condos and stuff in the city right and then I went over this house I saw his master's property it's called the [ __ ] in Jersey yeah right bubble Hill where every was and that's that's what I want I don't want to con them only live in a house that's dope dude though that was like one of the first like party like you guys used to party your help man didn't we make what do you remember about that [ __ ] specifically Eddy's crib you have crazy parties he was know like he was he was doing that [ __ ] before it was like but he didn't drink her what he liked we had a bunch of girls about this time my life I was really just on the scene a little bit shy and stuff but he had them all he had them all everybody yes I even married listen I'm married to a good at men she was party in there with me one time I married her stuff Wow she's my wife out there yeah but she couldn't cook she had a boyfriend up boy everyone let it come to Eddie's party wait that the marriage not Robin no [ __ ] way forty no after that so yeah so I mean it's so but I'd like that he was like the guy I wanted to be I loved movies and when I realized you know I wasn't gonna be a basketball player I started doing comedy when I was 19 this is 1989 and then when I started doing come I was okay I was I was okay I could talk [ __ ] I could [ __ ] around but then the first time I ever read a scene like like sides from a scene like a scene like it came more natural than ever playing basketball then doing comedy and I was like this is what I'm gonna do like I knew what was the it it was you know there was a show for HBO that never went but but reading the sides like it was like literally like a fish to water like basketball never came as easy yeah nothing nothing ever came as easy like I was like I'm gonna do this and and and and IA just was I was like a comfort doing it and and then I fortunately got good brakes I got good brakes because I I know I could do it but then it's about the opportunities and you know and if you know and I got I got a good break when I was young and and you know been rockin ever since and love doing it still and you know like I love I don't like the business of it nobody likes the business of anything man the objective is him the one in you to lose yeah the business is [ __ ] it's show business it should be called business show cuz cuz we're without the business there's no [ __ ] show but the actual doing of it to doing it and and and and the performing and the artistry of it like I still get elation from doing it and I love doing it it's awesome man you've always been one of my favorite personalities - I remember listen don't you remember that I had a fight one day I don't know where with the fight in Tennessee I think jay-z and them have some shooting you as hosting for them yeah yeah when you fought the [ __ ] what was the boo they would dip the black snake black [ __ ] you mean the black rhino the black rhino and and jay-z was ho doing a show for it for Showtime a concert this is like 2001 2002 something like that and and and it was gonna be a concert then we were gonna go right to the fight and I was I was hosting it with jay-z's Rockefeller Dame - beanie sigel freeway and all him and I was the host and I was like the liaison to get from you know I got Jay on stage and then afterwards like all right we're heading right over to the to the fight we had a police escort and it's my first time seeing notice - my second time seeing him like maybe it's the first time seen a Mike Tyson fight was the McNeeley fight after this or before - flooded this is before McNeely after it okay so I was at the McNeely fight so I go to these [ __ ] 87 second fights you know where you're all height to [ __ ] and it's like it's over before you know so so we do the show we get a police escort over to the arena I sit right and [ __ ] literally where my hands are on the ring like literally ringside like I'm like this mic comes out buh-buh-buh-buh-buh the whole thing's [ __ ] over it wasn't even as long as a jay-z song and it was like I go to see these [ __ ] fights and you know but I got to see Mike fight and and you knows you know you look back on it it's the [ __ ] it was it was a dope-ass a dope-ass don't pass time I don't pass memory to have that you know in the history of it especially it also being a boxing fan like i grew up such a fan of boxing and and and and such a fan of the ABC fights such a fan of all that stuff Saturday fight yeah and and you know and then like when the guys they were like in the morning afternoon time you didn't even like it was like you come on and and you you know you're your other guy like I remember watching Mark breelan and air and Pryor boom boom like that fight where that cop that was on on on on ABC fine Sookie that was during the day fight - they both were fight banging 15 rounds there bang that's the best one of the reason they change it to 12 rounds go most of the death happens after the 12th round around 40 around but the fights were big so like you know being around it and my father loved fight fighting and I used to go to the fights but every fight that I've gone to every boxing match that I've gone to live has been a whack fight if it was a Mike's fight I seen a couple of [ __ ] um fight so my man my man from Philly Bernard Hopkins live always bad fights or boring fights I've never been to a like I've never been to a fight fight like even like the Riddick the Riddick Holyfield fights like I was never at good fight i watch them on TV but I've never seen like a great boxing match alive man [ __ ] [ __ ] Chavez with the Beast back in the day it's cool you see the chair [ __ ] Aaron Pryor yeah look at the grave god we will kill you um I saw him when they hit this guy in the liver the liver the spleen there boom the guy started just [ __ ] on himself going to fight yeah Buster stool like just as a fan forget the business of it cuz I'm gay you know I like you're such a fan or you were I don't know if you still are as much and you know boxing so well but just as a fan to the fan in you are you sad at the state of boxing today just just as a fan you know what this is what I have to say I'm sad at the state of the promotion of boxing there's a couple of good friends um there's some arrows fences out there this Giovanni Davis and Plus you know they got the great [ __ ] um liam lomachenko AHA right those guys should be put up on promoted more people should know they are these guys are really splendid fighters and they will make people go back and see boxes and people knew who they were do you think that do you think that the fact that like um the clips go guys and and and and Linux started it because he was extra big but do you think that these guys being like 6 9 Rock'em Sock'em robot [ __ ] has taken away from the heavyweight did the heavyweight division because like in your prime your 220 yeah your 510 217 these guys I mean whether you could beat them or not it's just like why is it six foot nine 280 pound guy fighting a 217 pound and this is the heavy weight this is [ __ ] like like to me it's like wouldn't like when you're watching to six foot nine guys just boom boom boom they could barely [ __ ] move uh whether they did good on that Klitschko deal or not what it does not interest like Ali was six three to twenty Earnie Shavers has weren't big guys like I feel like there should be a loose vision for that weight like between 200 to 40 no this is the reason you can't do that know why it's interesting because they're still guys that 200 pounds that Kanaka guys is 260 but what if you get in the Wondrich I can't knock the best 260 guy out it depends it depends on the fighter depending on the world the determination of the fight scene just being a a big fighter it doesn't mean anything and you've seen that these things you big as good but the guys will and determination he can beat you I know but I'm saying like even it like I would like but but as a division like the best of the best is there's a certain thing but like I'm saying like you know like the as a whole the heavyweight division you notice the [ __ ] that you should be the the biggest star in the world whoever it was if it was you if it was Buster Douglas it was Ali Ken Norton going back that was the guy and now it's like who's a heavyweight champion it so it's Tyson Fury D aren't they oh wait what - [ __ ] weak yeah it's just eventually in time they don't have to take it I get that together and all these guys on have to fight one day I guess I hope so downright yeah I just miss I just miss it I miss it cuz you know I like UFC but I just missed though that golden era of it should be one champion and he should be a fifth I should be she won chairman he fights everybody from every division for me his organization yeah yeah I miss it because I love it like you know I love the the sport I love the sport and I have such admiration for it and it's just not the same you know whatever no man it's interesting [ __ ] though you know what you know what I think is dope Mike is that I call myself the New Balance King but the fact that you [ __ ] with that New Balance dad sneakers 17 size size is 14 1440 Mike I it's it's Larry David Bernie Sanders Woody Allen every other every other old Jew and Mike Tyson's much my feet of luck you got these are the best it's often you need a bath bro can't live without those 1440 yeah Jesus Christ [ __ ] Mike I'm can you hook up hook up yes cuz I was like Mike Mike is rocking the dad shoes now like I love that about that I love that about my family I can't wear any of the shoes I can't wear flat shoes I can't wear any of that fly [ __ ] anything I used to fight without my socks on stuff just barefoot I got my um my feet cut off [ __ ] what happens when they get black and hard on the couch or something like that out yet but my toes blew up looking at toenails blue you got [ __ ] up feet Mike yeah my feet will scare you man my feet are like Eagles my toenails many stitches okay what else Mike you [ __ ] with the housewives at [ __ ] I love the housewife where are you at right now I'm your Bravo [ __ ] listen to no one I do I must get on with the Love & Hip Hop but the housewives really with the Atlanta housewives I like the Real Housewives of Atlanta yeah like they're bummed out right oh yeah trip man and and real love and hip hop it I'm just like wow there is no [ __ ] there's no shame in the game I love and hip hop and and the house ours like they just they just they just go like I guess you get comfortable around the camera cuz some people say that shit's fake I'm like that ain't [ __ ] real that listen they may tell them you got to spice it up a little make a little bit more violent something get more drunk well I think they say why don't go go talk to her about that thing that really bothers you because you Meryl Streep and and Marlon Brando on their best day they weren't as good as these watch it all [ __ ] now what the reruns could be caught them I'm glad you guys are you [ __ ] with that cuz I'm all about it myself when I was young I might win out one of the girls what did you some of those you know some of those Housewives right you I respected but when you watch it because I do like to me they're like stars it's like so proud it starts to me to know [ __ ] dude the [ __ ] hip-hop chicks and the guys I'm hit all those guys it's entertainment to me it's like soap opera for men and [ __ ] completely I love it with no shame in my real men watch Real Housewives oh oh listen my man Joe for one [ __ ] up and locked up in Jersey guys [ __ ] up yeah yeah yeah juicy Joe yeah we gotta get you out of this freak show three years ago three [ __ ] juicy Joe you know what Mike what do you think of this uh this this Empire kid that Jesse Soleil [ __ ] Oh does he's smaller small a small and hot from what perspective I could look at from the woman to go passion and say hey listen II still even being and what he did yeah I want you Mike I just want your instinct on that like what the [ __ ] is this guy I'm it's not like econ in a lecture chair yeah but listen no I think what was the purpose of doing it he wanted people to love you so sorry for you and sympathize with you and get you jobs yes get you to [ __ ] other [ __ ] now that they know that just are your biggest fame is [ __ ] him up the fame [ __ ] it like he know the attention wasn't enough he wanted more he wanted to be a freedom fighter yeah listen yeah no he just want to be a [ __ ] held up high right that's you like hearing it cuz I think it was all I can he said I'm the black Tupac I want to be looked at like somebody's for the culture about the people and all that guy to forgive the guy beside the thing is I'm not being dissed no he's a new young actor he's not like some big I mean it's no disrespect he's like he's an up-and-coming actor that's it that's it man what he did set people back I agree you know man I'm nothing could be from a black perspective to by me talking about people being beat down it's dangerous fondling yeah you shoulda did that and listen I'm I'm no one to judge members god damn yeah I think you do it you wouldn't the [ __ ] are you doing what the [ __ ] are you doing dude like dude do something that sort of cherry juice do something what the [ __ ] are you doing yeah wait he's gonna go a hole that he's clear everything he wants when you go to prison you know I mean he's clean yeah problems if he goes he's not gonna go to prison he probably do jail like for three months well isn't he claiming like mental illness he's gonna explain so he explained the infliction the exploit he being gay now he's gonna exploit the mental helm the member is he talking that [ __ ] that's what he's saying that's what his out is fan I think yo Mike this is one question I'm gonna ask straight up man I know you don't like to talk about this I love talking about everything now but when you just simple as this when you were in prison did you ever have to shoot joints that's a question I wanted like did you ever actually shoot joints cuz there's all these rumors and like for you know like Street fables but what did you ever have to put hands on somebody when you were locked down um just one time one family one somebody trot like wanted to shoot joint or you had like like how does that work with you at that time to my fifth a nice whoa nobody's hit him boom that's it yeah why would anyone want like they were talking out of pocket to you or just around the in in you you know what I mean no we would lock down for a long time and he was just send them with irritable he said Sunday's when overhead got you alright so it wasn't like he wanted to school you know we're going outside knock down we couldn't get out we're going to the gym use lockdown for my gut stabbed through the woods lockdown and I was just upset Ghana terrible all right all right cuz you know like you know like in Penitentiary in these you know these movies act like somebody would want to actually shoot joint on him no I don't have to shoot join happen now all right and then my second question Mike I know you've talked about this and he's made a return are you knew him back in the days and you probably reconnected with him dapper dan that's all he's looking good too man you couldn't do with him no I haven't talked somebody I'm gonna get him on here trying to get him on this [ __ ] iPod here Mike I could connect you yeah I could yeah I won't do that listen I used to always get my clothes from dapper Dan's back in the eighties right and listen this is what happened that's not rented a stupid [ __ ] mid screen right I had went to that but then earlier that day like 12 or 11 o'clock that afternoon I'm morning and I fitted for some clothes and so we were supposed to come later but we hung out we probably drinking and we were in DC so we drove all the way back and so we came back for this cold up there and get my cousin living there I got my clothes we are laughing Walter Barry was in there we were all having a ball we wouldn't ever us laughing so my back is turned ever but everybody's laughing and all of a sudden everybody stopped laughing and I'm talking stuff yeah this [ __ ] ass [ __ ] man that [ __ ] I'm waiting him I said I've turned my Mitch greens in this [ __ ] he's got a little scared oh [ __ ] Mitch [ __ ] green then he started talking what the [ __ ] you doing to my hood [ __ ] oh then it was awesome then and you guys you guys stood out in the street wearing diapers in back street and it was quick real quick Papa talking about he was just talking a lot and I'm I really told you to grab him from my pocket try to pull my pocket back cuz he pulled my ripped my packet all the money a fall but I won't have chance to get my money after fight this cat right and then my money to the wolves so anyway that's why you started punching him and it was over quick yeah dropped him a couple of times but he was high on AngelList so he kept getting up right just like Friday the 13 the [ __ ] Mike Umayyads that guys talk about this in your show right so when I'm in the car now so I'm in the car I'm tired cuz I'm overweight a little bit I'm fighting this gun I'm tired right I'm a little drunk are you bugging that like you dislike your the Heavyweight Champion and like you're a dapper dance like this is happening in the street like are you like what the [ __ ] is going on did you feel comfortable that I felt comfortable doing about like [ __ ] I hurt my hand in this [ __ ] but then I mean I'm in the car he rushes to my car breaking my Rosalie's he breaks the side mirror pulling brakes and then um when I Jimmy his [ __ ] was already frozen that wasn't either his bleeding but he didn't get he didn't have to rely Jami so I went up to class excuse me woman I got the car and I hit Mitch and Mitch went down in the bindle when I grabbed his head at him boom one time hit the concrete boom oh then that's when he without whom and I got scared didn't move anymore when it's headed to concrete and that's when I ran I ran across the [ __ ] out of here I thought I killed my so scared and right on 120 25th so what happened in the game the paper also had Walter Barry was there yeah Walter was still amerimike I feel bad like the season I think what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] up we did this respectful [ __ ] a [ __ ] [ __ ] crazy yeah this is a disrespectful [ __ ] you had to see this [ __ ] you had no idea I disrespectful this [ __ ] you have to fight this guy in the street he's gonna talk to you like a pig infernal oh don't see how you ever see I'm Harlan me that all of people walking he's talking to you like a [ __ ] piece of wretch in front of thousands of loud laugh Jerry Hill mother [ __ ] that [ __ ] ass [ __ ] homo [ __ ] dick sucking [ __ ] oh he was one of the last l'ile ask the last of last remaining people with a jheri curl - now listen you don't sit down I have nothing else in black you could look like that that's gone all right they may have a little temperature in the hair but no more the jheri curl that's gone errors over the little man this guy has rockin it yo but this is what this is how interesting he is this guy will rob the gas they just what he would do so there's not enough money if it's too early got there too early he would tie the guy up hide them under the gas station and start pumping the gas and taking the money come in again mr. green piece of [ __ ] yeah I'm I ran the guard pump together they got the guy I don't know that's [ __ ] funny Mitch green is a [ __ ] character rap did you start acting in New York LA I came out to LA okay the reason why I came out to LA this is a good Brownsville story so in 88 before I had really figured out what I was gonna do my friends now I was with some at this point like I wasn't doing anything but they're my friends I grew up with them I had been with some dudes that had been their rough dudes robbing drug dealers you know they were they were they were they were Brownsville dudes daddy they but they for me they were my guys this [ __ ] and and they can't I went to college for one semester at SUNY Old Westbury you probably went up there bagged some chicks Union I want the Union right so so so they came out to my college and this is like a [ __ ] [ __ ] it's all kids from New York City so my god boy bear who passed from Howard and my two other friends they come on like you don't don't start any [ __ ] cuz these are literally dudes that were on some like they'd walk past you what are you looking at and if you didn't say nothing they and I'm like you don't nothing with anybody just everybody's cool here squat go to school here but these were literally all you can't take them out of the neighborhood like they're on net what are you looking at [ __ ] if I was my friend suit you want to show you friends a good time I made it come check this out guys and then they [ __ ] other new friends little white friend Sheila [ __ ] out [ __ ] tease my people man it's gonna be alright you you must know that what you learn that [ __ ] all the time I had to add the line I get reprogram cuz of the reprogram me because what are you looking literally start so we're up it in [ __ ] on Westbury there had been a couple little like yo chill did literally like you have to like like like like like a pitbull Jill Jill Jill stop you know you can't keep him off the leash these are when I look back on so we made it for was get ready we were getting ready to leave we were getting ready to leave and and we're coming out of some [ __ ] like hallway or something like that and these other two dudes like yo step outside my man had just been in the hospital I had gotten shot in Bravo that little Brook they the Rob put the building live real girl he had just gone out he wasn't even healthy he had just comes out there and and he's like he still has stitches in a mother to guys oh we're good they're like what are you look step outside something and the next thing you know we're in a parking lot and there's cars and the dividers in the parking lots all have rocks that's how they fill up you know the spaces so when we step outside they're already out the day start throwing rocks I'm like what the [ __ ] is going on so this one kid me him we're like fighting and [ __ ] we're like tight tight tight up you know like we're grabbing this [ __ ] like that and I see his man and it's it's it's it's either three on for two or four but they were like step outside so we get outside me and this dude like tied up with like it's not like we're like fighting with like tied up and I see the dude throwing the rock come coming at me throwing a rock and I leaned down like that and and I I feel like boom and I knew it wasn't a punch just the way the blood come man I felt the blood coming down you see this scar right here I can dig this [ __ ] so so um dirt like I'm like oh [ __ ] I grabbed the door well I get him on top of a car now my weight is fully on him right my weight is fully on him my arms are underneath him I can't get my arms up his head is right here right to my face this [ __ ] Mike bit my [ __ ] ear when he's biting my [ __ ] ear I go yo you're biting my [ __ ] ear I looked as if he didn't notice [ __ ] I feel like my ear like it goes numb I pull off him I could feel blood coming down here blood down coming down here no one's punched me like it's just a skirmish we get in the car yeah we try to run these [ __ ] dudes over my Browns will do to it just one of them just kind of shot like I'm like my life is over I can't feel my ear like to them this is like a nothing yeah he's there laughing these dudes are laughing like yo son you're good bit my [ __ ] ear so when Mike when you bit that [ __ ] here I swear to God I had a physical reaction I know no one else I understood that [ __ ] like it was I remember like so I had to get a skin graph in my [ __ ] you know what's so funny though but that was some Brit that's what you get for hanging out with Brownsville yeah after that he said Brookdale I went back to Brookdale Hospital they had to put me and they left me there I'm waiting wait this is like this is this is 89 the [ __ ] service in Brooklyn is something that it should be ashamed of I'm laying there I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting by myself these guys don't wait like you're good you're gonna get a stitch here be fine and I'm on the gurney you know cuz there cuz I had that you know they cover me up and a guy comes roll he had no shirt on he had a [ __ ] huge rap around his head and I'm like getting agitated like come on when they could get me out of here when are they getting me out of here the dude next to me in the gurney he's like what happened you I just I tell him a whole story that I just told him I'm like 19 and my heart is racing I'm scared to death all this [ __ ] he I tell him this whole story like it's a big deal he's talked to me got a whole rap on his head he said I said what happened he said I got shot in the head I was like well you could go first yeah that's a real [ __ ] story real [ __ ] story and then I remember it and then this is when when you said started acting in 1989 I called my father told him what happened told him who I was with and cuz I hadn't called him all night he said I was worried about you and I told him what happened he so I'm glad your ID cuz I'm getting to the point where I'm scared the next phone call I'm gonna get is dirt you got a bullet in you oh no and that was the end of my that was I went to Los Angeles a couple months later and I was done cuz my father said that to me I was like that's not happening to me so tell me tell me Michael right hanging around of people Browns and little blacks and stuff right how do you how do you how do you explain your family because listen sometimes I have to explain to people what they mean when they call each other [ __ ] you know I mean I have to explain to people what the [ __ ] they mean if I'm with some white people around go friendly and thank you saying [ __ ] they get intense right what do they mean why are they calling each other [ __ ] Mike I said no [ __ ] like a [ __ ] [ __ ] like person a guy a girl a [ __ ] dude bro whatever you have to explain it you know it's using certain context you know you got no one to use it I don't know if you use it with the attitudes depending how you use it you know smile when you say in the hole some change it the way you say it Martin for me Mom I remember my for me to even explain to somebody it's bugged out yeah it's like a it's like a person a white Caucasian like a person you know I mean that sounds crazy but that's just what it like Browns that I've had people explain big white Caucasian [ __ ] where did this and that yeah yeah uh when I was a kid I like what the fur like I was just when you're young you don't think so much but when when my dudes used to be in my were kids in Miami at my apartment I remember one time we were watching a game [ __ ] was me and my two friends and and this and that and this and that's the rules probably this big and this is because we're kids these are two black kids and me like we had grown up like that that's how we spoke and and my father burst in the door I would are you guys saying whatever it is I don't want any he was confused like why and then and then [ __ ] him in and you know he was like you guys either stop or get the [ __ ] out of my house and my father always remembered that felt like being down south soon with him he don't know what the [ __ ] is going on my father was like amazing Jewish teams and what the [ __ ] is season seven where you get like you guys are laughing it sounds like you having the time of your life but yesterday but but having it you know one of the things that like now where we are and everybody's like the peace eNOS and people of color and and people you know and and all this stuff that people have one of the things that really bothers me is that the the the over did like the white guilt is at an all-time high and a lot of to me the white guilt comes from because some white people and some black people we're both we're both guilty of it but I'll just speak for my people go for it they don't know physically know intimately know any black people they look at black people like there's this foreign kind of people like they have to be instead of like people are people and there's some black people that don't [ __ ] know intimately and I'm saying not saying sucker I'm saying intimately like they have any friendship they've never been to a black person's house and we don't know each other so this is where these stereotypes and and these dis dis dis stuff comes in and you start looking at people like it's something you see on Instagram or something you see on blackish or something you see or in a rap video or something you see on the Real Housewives because you don't know people and there's [ __ ] up white people there's [ __ ] up black people there's [ __ ] up Jewish people that's [ __ ] up Chinese people we're all foot we're all the same and that's one of the things like cool that I grew up like I know you know being being exposed to black people being exposed to [ __ ] in in in in 1560s New York Avenue in the in the stairwell like I'm like yo this is it does something like you it just is what it is and that's the blessing I got from hanging around all that [ __ ] and you know they do the cursors get in my ear bit off ya [ __ ] bit my [ __ ] ear mic can't we fight they're looping he knows no ruthless to fight yeah that caught me off guard that caught me [ __ ] off guard that caught me [ __ ] off guard your ear bit off in a fight you have to understand listen we frighten people in the street when there's a possibility you might seem but the possibility we never gonna see these people again right so you don't want to be the fact you ain't gonna see this guy again and he left you with all this [ __ ] and what is it over this is literally over nothing no money no girls nothing or so stump if you looked at me wrong literally what are you looking at and the next thing you know they're throwing rocks and my [ __ ] ears bit and my friends are like laughing at me and you know heaven could have anything could happen yeah I could agree respect is a big thing in the hood yeah you know I mean any hood black white oriental is that such a big thing yeah how long we been going we're rocking we've been rocking you're gonna keep us going for a while the you don't stop strap you're the man dude listen true romance man was that day with that um hell deep blue sea [ __ ] romance what the romance without a trip they beat that girl a dilemma maybe they're oh my god James Gandolfini Tony Soprano yeah what was your first movie this first one I did was a movie called zebra head I remember that was that what the [ __ ] you doing in a movie this is real love don't hide the menu baby is black and white layers you want it like this baby did you know that girl in the Boucher the actress you knew her I've seen her around right off back in the day she was very attractive yeah this is what Mike was popping popping popping around back in the day yeah yeah I am Mike knew everybody yeah that's pretty it's pretty fun um so yeah that was my first movie Zebrahead and then you know just been able to work and and continue to work and now I you know do my podcast and talk my shade and continue to act and you know does he ever go out there the bush girl I didn't you something did you go out you never know like the [ __ ] she's so hot and stuff you know you know who you know she was dating at the time when we were doing the movie I remember she told me this we were we were in the hotel room a few of us but it at the time this is 91 92 but I remember she didn't say it didn't say dating but I knew what she meant DeNiro and I was like oh so [ __ ] lucky [ __ ] Bob De Niro was putting it in yeah yeah so but I remember hearing that [ __ ] I hadn't like hearing somebody that even met Robert De Niro I was like what the [ __ ] you knew you'd [ __ ] Robert De Niro used to give her a hard time all the time you use this like we see her at the clubs and [ __ ] like that yeah it's [ __ ] talking with this guy this big dick with the Boucher yeah [ __ ] funny me what's her name Naboo she she's an actor she's still around she's but she's a Brooklyn girl pretty nice nice girl he's really getting a [ __ ] nerve there with you and my mama didn't I and I went through this process I went to rehab and I should make amends with everybody that and I made a man hey are you serious when you had to make amends the first time did you have a long [ __ ] list my man listen man I wasn't gonna do it because the list was overwhelming I wasn't gonna do cuz I I didn't released those feelings I had with these few these intense bad intentions I had with these people it was hard all right and some people some people had to make amends but they were just regular people at the time I didn't but I'm like am i rehabbing so these people became successful people and I said [ __ ] I'm gonna get next to this person now so and I find that one day I met them in the elevator had two bodyguards and stuff and I made my men that was a little nervous cuz they're these [ __ ] monsters around number seven and I hold their hand and everybody looked up my settings you know me I like to make amends my life is different now and I mean immense to them that's dope yeah that's so awesome dude I mean mr. um I still not finished you got a long [ __ ] finish funny that's [ __ ] funny Clements do these crazy I respect that don't mind I I told you you know I sometimes I have no respect for some of these people don't you make amends for yeah I have to make a man thing you know how do you do that though oh hey listen man you have to look at bigger than you right and then we had to get all that dirt out of you right I hear you because I wouldn't have no respect from I wouldn't continue harassing people can't you do other stuff you ever done DMT right what's that oh dude what the [ __ ] is D I never even heard of DMT what is that Tito DMT is like psychedelic molecule I'm not [ __ ] with any of that [ __ ] hell a [ __ ] no man he'll [ __ ] no I'm not [ __ ] with no there's some acid [ __ ] no it takes that it's like a hundred times more so than acid [ __ ] yeah Mike just smoked five Meo DMT which comes from this toad it's a toad venom Oh see you guys are [ __ ] around on another [ __ ] life did it really I had a bunch of [ __ ] disgusting hope I had cocaine had liquor I was about to kill myself I was gonna die I know that I was right dying stuff Oh Dean all the time is destroying myself and this [ __ ] this [ __ ] like what did this [ __ ] do I don't know what it did that's the whole thing I don't know what the [ __ ] it did I just I don't do that no more right I hear you don't know what it did [ __ ] you [ __ ] thought he was done everybody in this [ __ ] place I got feel like everybody in this whole Studios whacked out of their [ __ ] tree the cameraman are you guys [ __ ] whacked out of your [ __ ] on that toad venom interesting guy you're on that [ __ ] toad venom I had talked to everybody out there these guys everybody stoned out of their [ __ ] minds [ __ ] died there on that good toad venom ice guys [ __ ] it's true yeah I say I can't no it's good stuff man it helps I might look like addiction where do you get it from you do with the shaman shaman he gets it from Sonora Desert in Mexico and he live in the ground like 10 months out of the year yeah all right you can't take turns environment could they won't be as potent listen I need to be under doctor's supervision to do that [ __ ] man I don't want to like but my wife doesn't want anything to do with me I'm sure she'd be like man [ __ ] no listen it's just I'm just very grateful at the opportunity to experience cuz all my life I thought I'm at that stage in my life before I did the toilets and nobody can tell me shipping all over the world I dunno kind of good I made all kind of great business days I've been wealthy before I done it before that what do these [ __ ] gonna tell me this is common looking mother far what are you gonna tell me I can tell you never see this [ __ ] you guys so I experienced it um it's never been the same do you smoke it or is it like a smoker yes putting in a pipe there's like a crack pipe in your smoke Wow that toad venom toad venom I'm more ego number thing I'm a badass [ __ ] on the planet [ __ ] you [ __ ] no more [ __ ] to hold and all that stuff it's just I don't know I hear you all right what do you got some toad venom here oh man wish we go yeah baby what happened yes cold man since you're smoking you just go to this um dimension you if you can't it's inconceivable you can't even explain it to people do you know how long you were you were high for on it 15 minutes and I thought it was two hours three hours Wow you [ __ ] with that toad venom hard body right I could tell you but you asked and DMT but not the five Emmy cuz what I did was like the riverboat ride this shit's like the space I hear you I hear you know if I woulda knew myself into if I didn't knew that I was gonna feel that way about us or this on the film advance before I'd that was never took in it hmm pretty dope tonight maybe I got a I got a I got AI got a running up the flagpole what are you doing to kids what do you have what kind of time you spend with them well they're older now my one sons in New York he's going to colleges [ __ ] meet that boyfriend the girl well I'm he didn't introduce you to his girlfriend he but he I know it's but yeah they're they're they're they're young adult my girls don't bring their friends to see me they'll bring their dads your you're a word I mean even though you're my tasting you got all [ __ ] you got a [ __ ] New Balance so you're just a dad right yeah and am i shooting in a cool it off my kids oh they must be servos [ __ ] I try to tell that to my kids are like the New Balance like now the New Balance they wear them it's like ironic for them yeah yeah yeah like you know that Mike's like these are becoming hip with the kids cuz it's like ironic like oh I'm I'm cool but I'm wearing dad shoes yeah yeah them stiff shit's Mike even you can't make them [ __ ] school I'm sorry I know [ __ ] so yeah but but my kid I see that lighter my kids are the same way they don't they don't want to walk really up there yeah they're really good my daughter is graduated from NYU oh [ __ ] Mikey my son goes to the new school it's like this it's like a subsidiary of my you it's like art it's more specifically based on the arts you know like music and I don't yeah so but it's it's right near and why you write down there in the village no I'm Evan no it's became no one's challenging I'm paying two wishes a trip [ __ ] that's a trip right you know didn't you really know that your arm you're an adult when you're giving all this money for someone else you know I'm say wow this is a lot of money to be paying these kids you know you realize the guy that I really want them to go to school do they really want to go to school you do they really want to go like it's a no [ __ ] you're not going to like just saying that this ain't a trip to [ __ ] Palm Springs my son who goes to American University in DC but I don't know if you really wanted to go to school you know and and the reason why the reason why you start asking that is because of the prices yeah a hundred grand a year close 86 so you start to go like [ __ ] I'm paying for this you really like um yeah [ __ ] yeah I'm pissed I'm paying for something that I don't have to pay for eighty six thousand dollars that's a shitload of money no so if you're going there does you're not going are those in quarters [ __ ] isn't that the whole page yeah yeah yeah it's fun just one yeah that's one right school was a [ __ ] a [ __ ] in high school [ __ ] and you start to go like eh you don't want to [ __ ] do this [ __ ] go to public school yeah dude when I play for the Bears so you know I played for the Bears my daughter was in a [ __ ] Montessori School in Chicago that was like two grand a month to gran you'd be lucky that paid for that now yeah lucky to [ __ ] oh yeah I'm talking about $35,000 for sixth grade I know the [ __ ] dude this was preschool and they're complaining about [ __ ] yeah 35 you [ __ ] yeah I'm not making for $35,000 there's no more daddy can you make me a sandwich they need to figure out give you something ravioli or something you know um that's just that has a lot to do with us anion securities when I get to have the best part of year and then had the best that we want them to have more education of a better lifestyle than what we had you know that's right that's really what it is right reckless as we were I agree you want to protect them and all that [ __ ] but you start to win its wind when it's 35,000 or college like [ __ ] we're not this is [ __ ] no I understand the joke to my son as a joke to him and stuff you know the stuff is the jokes and he didn't get it yet it's so crazy that that happens you know when you're born into that right that you don't realize well took this [ __ ] guy came up you know yeah I know it's so crazy oh yeah like you what it took for you to generate that life and then your kids think it's just normal that's like the normal they do life my kids don't have enough black friends and they're black yeah no I don't know black friends well rap put you up to these days man I'm all getting ready to start shooting this Netflix show the third season called atypical and I got the iron Rapaport stereo podcast so tell me man about this next flick everybody going and next week they give it money away huh they're giving money it's consistent it keeps getting bigger and bigger and it's changed TV and [ __ ] they it's like a network it's like a network but it's it's uh they changed their game changers they [ __ ] change the game so they got all kinds of [ __ ] original programming and you know movies and it's Netflix's dope you you watch Netflix yes yeah yeah who doesn't staple that looks like it's like it's like you know Nike Pepsi Netflix ABC you might even say Netflix before ABC or HBO yeah it's [ __ ] bid ten years it's crazy it's crazy that it's become it's of course I got Netflix like the answer is of course I got no don't if you don't write alien cuz Netflix is dope yeah never [ __ ] dope it is man Netflix and chill chill yeah it's yeah so I'm just doing that so I'm doing the podcast I am rapport stereo podcast championship podcasts tell me this what is it that you want to be your crowning achievement what is it that you want to achieve in this particular field if I'm keeping it real keeping it real my crowning achievement would be to to write direct and act in a really good movie whether whether it makes money or be like if I know it's dope like if I wrote directed and acted I would be like that's that's pretty for as far as artistry like acting you know like it's not life that would be something I want to do and that's that that's the thing I'm like I would I would be excited about to do that [ __ ] which is not easy people you know you see people do it pull it off actors do it when they do that [ __ ] that shit's if you write direct and act in something and it's dope that's rare to happen what the [ __ ] you think about so you Mike what the [ __ ] you think my man is solely like enlightened - I'm about spike Lee winning the Oscar that incredible I mean [ __ ] Mike that's incredible was so happy I was almost gonna cry for them oh it's awesome yeah it was it was dope it was dope seeing him do it and and and his movies and you know I got harnessed I'm gonna get it how I know how ping-mei that he is yeah openly the way he talks about these people and they got that award and you know you you know Mike's spikes sometimes I'm like yeah but but Spike Lee Cree Spike Lee gave careers to so many Rosie Perez John Turturro got Danny Aiello his only Oscar nomination made Denzel Washington a sex symbol mo better blues Robin Harris the late great Robin man yeah that's my guy had Robin Samuel Jackson listen Robin never got the praise they deserved uh but he was the man oh man yeah he got me a life he got Ray Allen so man you know so he gave a lot of people you know he's been we sort of you know he's been why gotta have now the going to you know he's been rockin so I'm glad he got the award and uh you know he cuz he if anybody loves and appreciates the business and the culture of Academy Awards and understands the history of it spike is like he knows everything about this business yeah the good the bad the frustrating the movie business the Academy Awards he knows all be seen everything I [ __ ] like an encyclopedia Google of film and cinema so it's dope that he got it that's dope he needs a Brooklyn dude yeah man that's awesome you know and he was one of the first people to like bring you know like my path Jay's Road is lighter thank you he was one of the first people to like you know you know have like shops in Brooklyn he had the Spike Lee store and you know and he was always talking about that you know that Brooklyn [ __ ] in a different way so so it you know Crooklyn Dodgers feel so good to be a Crooklyn Dodger so yeah [ __ ] up in here was that movie you play with you higher learning you were the [ __ ] do you turn into the Nazi guy you can't started hanging with the skinhead yeah it was dope you did a good job thanks Mike always mom you always do a good job man oh [ __ ] I learned it was dope Regina King was in there she just won the Oscar - nice cute she's dope cole hauser eat Jon directed it omar epps it was originally gonna be Tupac and Leonardo DiCaprio movie in higher learning oh wow Tupac they couldn't finance it they couldn't get insurance cuz he had got locked up oh well you know being a booking guy so priority Brooklyn guys make it you know I know what it's like no one makes that know by the time they make it they love so many people yeah I mean yeah yeah well uh it's Brooklyn you live in New York I'm back and forth okay you're here in Los Angeles said no and New York I know I don't [ __ ] with the winter I don't have friends like I'm used to be friendly to for a long time then when you made it they took us over to bring with them and you guys my friends anymore kind of yeah it's tough yeah because you know you want to help out but then you can't you got you can't abuse yourself you can't abuse yourself that's what we do by doing that yeah uh and I used to be overly generous and you say oh well that's not a bad thing yeah it is a bad thing if you're overly generous and you're generous and and and you know Mike I got a face like I think is a disposition like that people think like I got like a [ __ ] dumb looking face like I just as part of my look like my face is like kind of like you dumb [ __ ] even if you you know me and and sometimes I think people try to get over on that and it you know relationships for platonic relationships with you with your boys we're guys they're not [ __ ] easy either like you think about how thick you know like so being married to one person is tough but like just being friends with somebody for a long period of time yeah you know it seems all good when you're at the club and you're young and not you but you know things happen people get jealous people people [ __ ] you know relationships are hard to keep you know they're there work all of them you know maintaining them staying in touch when you get old you got kids you move oh I haven't seen you in the menís one year and I haven't seen you in two years and and you know and then like real tight people like success and money and you know like [ __ ] all that I gotta take care of myself I gotta take care of my family I'm not taking care of like I'll hook you up a couple of times but at a certain point but sometimes you can't it's hard enough sometime you can listen them I'll give you a job but they'd only want to work I'll give my job if they want to work then they don't work and then you got a farm so you're a double [ __ ] yeah it's tough I just had some [ __ ] with like over some money and success and I'm just like interesting you you you you you've been rocking with me from day one and now you think you think someone's like having a second wife yeah no seriously I'm a second wife yeah you're right you [ __ ] right there's this partner and success and money and it's not about like success and money necessarily like famous people just regular it happens at any level it could just be anything it could just be any [ __ ] thing it's ya know I just went through it myself and a great friend great guy but I got going with this life now this is the new dimension in my life we got to deal with it's [ __ ] you know hmm it's it's [ __ ] it support doesn't have to be some dramatic fallout either I just could Bisbee you know you'd say sometimes it's drama sometimes it's just I wouldn't just you know this ain't happening right now you could come back around who the [ __ ] knows life is short who would you want to work with who's your director you want to work good Scorsese yeah Quinn Tarantino though those are the guys that I talk to these guys I'm trying to get I'm working it's kinda you know it's the right they know me I know them it's gotta be the right thing at the right time where they see it and I see it and and it'll happen you know and it's so Len I'm a [ __ ] fan oh I love those [ __ ] Scorsese's my [ __ ] dude yeah I've you know it just has always well that's my fellas casino forget it Raging Bull all right dear oh my god Raging Bull is so good Mike talk about Jake just as a fighter because I know you you know all this talk about Jake LaMotta yeah determined fighter would determine fight a very hard fighter beat strong-willed determined hunt is hard to be as a [ __ ] rock hard like hitting this [ __ ] wall you know what I mean had that low style yeah but he was he didn't get hit as much people thought he did everybody got hit more than he did he was real smart you know Sugar Ray Robinson they were beautiful fights they would go at it oh they're rivals a puncher versus oh like the boxer versatile puncher right yeah but they were punch each other out they would go for it man dance drink fight you know what I call I call myself - Jake LaMotta podcaster because you could because you know I say I'm gonna take you 15 rounds into the deal the deep water like Jake he's like thank you the 15 like I'm the champion for me I talk [ __ ] so I call myself the [ __ ] did the champion of [ __ ] talking and I'm gonna take you 15 rounds into the deep waters the Jake LaMotta of podcasting right that's one thing about our leaders file he was so tough to beat right cuz I believe this is one thing you have to realize when you're going to fight Ali the first thing yeah this is just the first thing you sympathize you have great boxing skills you punch all you got great determination before all that stuff you have to have a program in your [ __ ] mind and in your heart I'm going 15 rounds okay cuz I'm not knocking this guy out that's it yeah you gotta prepare to go 15 [ __ ] Russia this guy's going nowhere nowhere no he's gonna you better prepare to go 15 rounds 15:20 would Harlan [ __ ] yeah y'all hate you then and box no interesting when you lose them at the 15 and 20 round fight really the guy lost some exhaustion can you imagine 20 [ __ ] around awesome exhaust yeah 20 fun pick your arms up 20 rounds of boxing with bare knuckles and [ __ ] and this is what I thought this I said well listen it was 20 40 rounds back then those guys probably for in slow motion to keep themselves just able to go to distance and if I don't do one punch of 500 around he's got the fighting full [ __ ] speed ahead 36 that's [ __ ] crazy tremendous shape it's all psychological they're in tremendous shape unbelievable knockdown he gets back up the fortieth rounds on bully gets back down the 28th and he come back and knock the guy down in the 40s round 5 that's some collar [ __ ] that's savage [ __ ] I told you I started doing stand-up comedy when I was 19 but you know what it is now because you you did the show even though that but like you would riff off sometimes we had unusual a sudden you I never seen anyone do that cuz I seen you do the show three times it's different man do you understand who can mean that's a different month that's it's a different thing and I started back doing it it's and so instrument as deep right there you know you got expect to make these guys laugh talking to yourself right yeah come to laugh yeah at least with a one-man show like it's a script and you could always revert back to the script and you could go well I can make them laugh I can make them cry comedy clubs they come for one reason to laugh yeah they [ __ ] come out that's like saying I'm gonna go to the tennis that go to play tennis I'm going to play tennis I'm going to the comedy club I expect to laugh [ __ ] so that depth that I keep that in consideration when I'm up there [ __ ] around sometimes because I'm like they paid to see a show yeah and that coming some some of these comedians really a bitter kind of people if they're there they [ __ ] they flunk before and every people boo and yes before they always gotta be on top of their game and imagine like you said being a person who's talking to themselves like that's their psyche that's why comedians are [ __ ] weirdos in real life have been kind of dog yeah a dark and and and narcissistic and you know so so I like it I'd be not this is God for this kind of game like any kind of competition like football yet that that belief that your God kind of you know I mean you know is another thing Mike I just wanted to throw this out you talked about the podcast I I said this last week I said on the on the I am rap for stereo pockets I was in the middle of some some [ __ ] with some [ __ ] talking I said my taste is impeccable my style is impregnable and I said a shout-out to the great Mike Tyson oh yeah I said that but legging my [ __ ] talk and I was like my taste is impeccable my style is impregnable Oh shout-out to the great Mike Tyson oh yeah so that I use my boxing references in my [ __ ] just because although I've never by sparred one you're not Danny Jacob yes yeah the good guy what do you think I'm gonna do against um Alvarez Tinnell I mean what do you think could be a good fighter be tough for me or who do you think like if you had like who would you say is gonna win [ __ ] I would like Danny to win you know I mean it's gonna be a tough fight for ya Canelo's a [ __ ] do you [ __ ] with any boxers at all like like in terms of like like do you do work with like you have anything to do a box in our like or fighters not that much really no more if a young fighter that was like like a real boxer was like a Mike I wanted to come in and and see if you could help me you know do the body movement would you work with a fighter that like like would you do that for the love for the money or if the person asks you like I want to help like the headsman listen if I had the time I'll do it for free for the love yeah if you respect and I love early it's really helped the guy right hope the guys can if it was somebody that you thought was worthy of it I don't have to think he's worthy if they asked me to do it that's dope you know that's down the sensei sensei Mike wasn't that great I was thinking about like I can't believe the box before and your style was [ __ ] ill it was weird that was just weird doing this stuff vicious ma'am but the the the the body movement yeah the legs is [ __ ] like is your back good my back is it from is it from this yeah my back of my neck my neck held my football never do it some prehistoric like old schools like I did with the [ __ ] strap in the way yeah yeah the neck now they got you across like that and Wow yeah [ __ ] brother let's wrap this thing yo are you ready yeah you ready brother how we do it how do we do it rap thanks man hey do you want anybody - awesome brother area pockets Mike I said to see before you've been a part of my life I'm such a fan and and the thing I told this and I wrote about it in my book I said you know you know and I know you I know you're working progress like all of us but it humbled me watching you come to the other side of who you are today because you know I go around my big mouth and I'm a fake fake fake tough guy and and when going seeing you go through your stuff and we're New Balance and I'm just using that as a as a sort of symbolism but for you to be humbled and chill and on the other it's something I think about when I start to think that I'm invincible you know and that you have to grow up and that you you have to let your guard down and you know let the young kids let the young kids rule essentially and you know be a good person a decent person and and and I respect that so much Michael and I'm doing my best man but that's what you mean you hung out with Jocko in those guys those guys look these guys are like legends in my neighborhood they take all the kids that have telling them stuff and they're helping it to the pros and they guide them and these are all some role models in our community you know in our community there's a lot of guys I think they're badass you know got a spare everybody respect Jocko everybody respected him so anyway I'm from brown film for that to respect people if you just wanna kill you they don't give a [ __ ] mmm Jaco had a deep respect cause everybody was a good man they knew that [ __ ] he was a coop at the Brownsville Recreation Center the BRC shoutout to Jocko yeah Greg Jackson former New York Knick Brenda Leigh who the player - oh yeah dude I'm [ __ ] Mike awesome episode brother any time I'm so happy you guys are doing this and I can't wait to see uh what's next for you guys and and this was this is my pleasure Thank You Burke thank you great episode yeah brothers and sisters man I got a brother yeah and a sister older younger older different but similar hey I can dig it definitely is a holder the right show all right you guys we're out of here Mike peace [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 1,196,959
Rating: 4.7962976 out of 5
Id: Nyt8Q2bvwS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 29sec (4769 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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