Rapper IDK | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson | Ep 49

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I’m a huge fan man, looking forward to seeing you at longitude, how many upvotes does this have to get for you to bring me on stage during longi x

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kiwikid1000 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
my path my career prove that I can't handle that the whitey told me that stuff why did it give me an ego you know I mean I don't have a ego why did he give me why didn't make me believe that stuff that I'm special well it's nothing special about me I'm contrasting from brown why did he tell me that why did I graph to that why did I meet him with E why am I here we got a great guest today though yeah help me by the man listen and come from a great area but I didn't know the [ __ ] is in 1990 87 86 I knew every rapper and the words nude it was coming up and he lived in Tokyo somewhere nobody now okay well we got our man idk actually stands for ignorantly delivering knowledge you further say knowledge that's cuz that's the only way these dumb [ __ ] are listen you feel me yeah but listen if nothing's really ignorant you know it's like what was like Socrates saying that he if don't know he knows that he don't know mmm anything no one knows anything oh I do what the man who knows something knows that he knows nothing at all absolutely true because when it comes to the fact that how old are you no I'm 27 beautiful I had to become like partly 40 10 then I have to find out what is my purpose here - not even my name but what is mine what is my purpose in life then knock people to make money to lose it all to go broke to come back and make more and then act like I'm bad I came back or to learn from them be humble what is I don't know damn that's always changing for me to come back and be a monster and get revenge and burn my [ __ ] enemies down or is it to me to thank them for put me in that position to be enlightened I don't know hmm I think it's the second one he if I was the cheese you feel me down there well tell us man what's it like being a young up-and-coming rapper oh you must feel like a God in a way you know what's funny what's funny like everything you saying about being humble and stuff I was just having this conversation with somebody about money right so like I'm just now coming into a little bit of money you know what I'm saying I'm the first millionaire in my family you know and thank you and I literally was like man I'm glad it's happening when I'm 27 and not 17 actually when I was 17 I went to jail for armed robbery I've been in jail like three times I've been a state prison in Maryland everything just a baby to a kid like 17 I got charged as an adult for robbery and uh you know basically could have thrown my life away but I was able to turn it around I thank God for that situation because it made me way more humble and it also made me patient it made me understand him and maybe victory to humble and meet you I'm aware lurked great um I think I'm that's real - I think I was afraid when I went in I think when I left and I came out I was more determined than afraid like I think that's the reason why I had the courage to do music because I knew that it would be hard to get a job you know what I'm saying uh uh you know let alone I'm already a black male in the area that I'm in and then on top of that I have a felony you know what I'm saying something like yo where will I work how am I gonna get a job how am I gonna do anything luckily in jail I learned how to rap I was writing music and stuff all the inmates used to want me to like rap for him so it was like a Friday like everybody's like yo yo I see you writing all the time freestyle like spit some [ __ ] like you got three books and I was nervous at first and I got over my fear from that so by the time I got out it was like okay I can try this I can step into this and it took me like really like seven years to really see something significant from it but I kept going and what I did was I used that little bit of in Karishma that would come from small accomplishments to keep me going because there were so many times I wanted to quit and I was depressed I thought like I was wasting my time I thought of my life I wasn't gonna be [ __ ] even though I was trying hard the music wasn't catching the way that I needed it to and one little thing like a fan might say something nice to me or somebody might reach out to me like wale say oh you know I like your music I'm paying attention I'm like damn you know about me and then it'd be like a blog like fader magazine or post me or something just little things like help spark and then keep going and it'd be like you know how like um you're trying to learn somebody to something and you just put a little bit of bait and a little bit of bait and a little that's that would be the bait until I finally came to where I'm at now and I still got a long way to go but I'm here you know let me tell you something about it's so funny that you said that yeah Wow you know I came when I first started boxing you know I mean Carol just locked up I learned I was discovered in boxing I was 12 years old and I was boxing with a guard there who's a professional boxer and we were boxing he started teaching me how to box and one day I broke his nose and wife said I don't want you boxing him no more and so he took me to somebody else and the discipline this guy for some reason I was a guy at the street guy Rob still do anything she's jumped I was a savage I was amongst in the white kid I didn't love myself that's why I showed it by acting like a savage and um the sole weight Italian guy said um he told me I was handsome he thought I was handsome and he told me and he told me I was good and he gave me a 5 or 6 some life affirmations and then all of a sudden I thought my name should be raining without examiner grating Achilles where did that come from how did that happen and I'm nobody I'm a bum my mother and my father were nothing this guy told me a few words and I I took those words in and now I think I'm a car don't let me see a mirror I wasn't I never saw a mirror I didn't love I'm self are I'm so madly in love with myself I turned into a monster I had to be humbled and still I guess no it's not you don't even have a good guard is jealous of me because I'm reaching up to its level no I'm not gonna stop I'm never gonna start tonight daddy's had to keep getting humbled and keep your number and then I felt myself here empty with nothing broken and yes a what the hell am I doing here there should be dead man why am I here you know man I'm not meant to be humble men are meant to be humbled yeah you know that's real well the universe will certainly do that oh there's no doubt the universe have you think here the baddest [ __ ] that God hath existed to being on your knees clang oh god please have mercy on my soul yeah yeah it's funny you say that that says me when I went to jail it was like I thought I was this that and the third my mother used to say you know you know don't do this you're gonna get in trouble obviously the [ __ ] that every you know mother says and I'm 17 I'm like man like I'm that's why I'm not gonna get caught and I remember she would always say if you ever go to jail I'm not bailing you out I'm never gonna call you I'm gonna disown you I went to jail and I was the things I was in my head and immediately like you said it humbled me because I'm like damn I'm in this environment I'm the only one I'm by myself I'm scared I don't want to do all these other different inmates is trying to test me and they all together I'm by myself I'm like damn that humbled me like I'm like I'm not what I keep trying to be or thought I was and I'm just a human being like everybody else you know what I'm saying and the only person that had my back in that situation not my friends nobody that I was with when everything happened it was my mother you feeling I'm saying so I know without that situation I will that was the first test that I think I got from God humble in me you know that was the first time I really saw myself feel like okay I need to tone it down and get it together and think differently I've had probably three or four more times when that happened especially with music you know you'll see things going crazy everything is going good you know people so much.you you start feeling like you don't have to hit certain people back you know under saying you feeling like you you don't have to respond at certain text or whatever you you walking and thinking you that's down a third and then you drop that one song that doesn't do nothing and then nobody's talking to you no more in the way that happened so many times back and forth with me to where I learned that on the way down a lot of these same people you know they're gonna be around looking at me I need to uh you know be grateful for all the accomplishments but always know that it could go away and I need to have a plan for that one that happens this music industry is people expect it to be like this and it's not that it's literally no it's not like that or it's like oh no listen no listen it's what you wanted to be you create the way you want it to be you believe that it's like this and that so it will be that gap for you you forget though forget about believing like that only remember being this way and it'll be that way for you your thoughts in your mind is your life you just signed a deal right yeah I literally just did a joint venture with Warner Brothers meaning I have my own label I'm a 50/50 partner and I own my Master's mm-hmm you know awesome yeah so this is the next chapter of your test right here yeah because this is when you're gonna start to get the money again people are gonna start to know who you are right people are gonna be reaching out to you everybody's gonna be loving you and this is like you know right now it feels good but it's also like I know that it doesn't need to make me feel like I'm better I don't know how to explain it like I got a new crib and it's a really nice spot everyone loves to come there a lot of people there yeah and Mount Olympus the only ones like right now right now I'm the only one and it's like I'm young nah so I beat you know I fight people over and I it don't matter how many followers you got if I fight with you if I like you if I if I'm inspired by you I show you love you feel me and that's kind of where I'm at with it like I admire you made you made a great deal of money or you have a ability to make a lot of money okay it had white flight up T or something right there I was gonna say though with money though one thing I trained myself to kind of one way I trained myself to think before I came into it I always was thinking like this so you know how people say when someone has a lot of money and someone doesn't have a lot of money we look at them equal you're supposed to all be equal we all human I kind of feel a little bit differently so when I see somebody at McDonald's working right and they're like um they're busting ass they're doing everything they got to do they got a smile on their face and I'm working and I'm getting whatever I want to get from them you know ordering my food whatever the case may be I don't look at that person equal to me I actually look at that person above me why is that because I don't know how I could work for that amount of money every day and probably have a family and kids that I gotta feed and have a smile on my face so a person that can do that to me is a special person that I want to strive to be like that's interesting that's interesting so let's go through another scenario okay you don't know who that person is you don't know what he woke up to this morning right you know what if he came from another country and his whole family's been tortured I cut the pizza and somebody from a different clan right now he's there I have no idea we need to know these peoples life I can't make judgment of their life why he's down there why he's working maybe he loved them maybe that's his livelihood that's his life possession is working I mean therefore doesn't mean that's a theory of him accomplishing something right right right my shift I look at that and I see em I don't know what I think might say somebody working hard I look at me I feel that's me that's my mother that's my father right that's more than my mother and father right right right I mean and so why am i doing so well and he's and he's in that situation but I don't know it's life so I can't say maybe he's in a good situation maybe he's happy he has a job to feed me family we don't know it no one's situation stuff could I look at this when I was younger and I had quote quote when I was poor and living in the cuoco ghetto and I had nothing I was blessed and so I became quote quote the Mike Tyson quote quote rich and famous and then I became cursed so what if they deal with that hmm so what's the deal with that when I was poor I was blessed than when I was wealthy I supposedly made it then I became cursed mmm so how does that become about how does that happen yeah it's my lifestyle I'm living my lifestyle is my gin my soul is my spirit it's not corrected in the way God wants it to correct right it has to be brought back to his justice has to be brought back to her melody hmm I'm blessed everything's good I'm getting rocked up but I'm blessed I'm with the right people always hurting me nobody's doing this and that to me but I'm blessed I should be dead before I even started boxing knew I was a kid I should be dead why am I not dead no my other friends are yeah hmm well I think there's two things I'm not smart these guys was in school these guys who I never went to school I was an idiot couldn't read and write for twelve thirteen fourteen so why did the wise these guys are smarter than me they got good families you know me they didn't have to rob and steal but they did it anyway so why did they do that I had to I had nothing to do I had no food at home I had no family searched my mother's a prostitute my father's a pen they don't care really about it there huh why did God give them the [ __ ] ability to believe they could have children and raise children how did they believe they can take care of kids what the [ __ ] were they thinking well when you were a kid you would probably say that you had a certain type of mental thought pattern at some point like you talked about when cus started lifting you up telling you what a handsome kid you are what a great boxer you be all that and you started to believe it and you started to view yourself in the eyes yes awesome she leads a talent listen yes let me it's one thing why would he tell me that I can't handle that stuff I really that's my my my my path my career prove that I can't handle this - why'd he tell me that stuff why did he give me an ego you know I mean I don't have ego why did he give me why did he make me believe that stuff that I'm special well there's nothing special about me I'm from trash I'm from Brownsville why did he tell me that why did I graph to that why did I meet him who is he why am I here it's a lot of questions to do what you're doing what am i doing being you know you're just being you're just speaking your truth man yeah and that brings me to the second part of it first of all you had certain mental thought you had sort of you had a specific thought patterns that puts you on a trajectory to become the world heavyweight champion then you had new thought patterns created because you started you had the dream was realized you had all the money and all the access you could ask for then what why wasn't I happy why didn't I make that I was told that what's gonna make me happy because that has nothing to do with that made me miserable yes that was miserable Wow hate myself Wow why do I have all this money they don't have anything these people don't have anything why do I have all this money I'm nothing I don't have an education I'll do anything that people I'm bad to people why do I have to why is God blessing me with this this god I don't deserve this heart I've deserved I've heard so many people since I was a baby all my life I've been I've been uh objective the law my whole life I've been the [ __ ] I've been I've been a family my whole life my mother my father we've all been involved the crime which brings me to the universe higher power spirit whatever it is has a plan for you hide you pissant beyond what we think it is you know you get into a certain thing in life and you start thinking oh this is it this is where I'm supposed to be this is who I am this is what I do and the next thing you know the universe is showing you you know what that was a good little platform we got to but you know what this is the next thing right so we got to go here now and maybe that means your mindset turns really dark and you get really angry at something that in the moment you might not understand why you're angry I have everything in the world why am i angry well because you're not where you're supposed to be mm-hmm there's some aspect of that that is no longer useful on the path where you're supposed to go you know and for you idk ya mind if I call you J yeah you come you sure so yeah but you know cuz this is for you man you have a great opportunity as far as with your mind set and your awareness of your position and what you've been through on your journey through life to get you to here 27 years old unbelievable record deal for yourself the first millionaire of your family that's [ __ ] huge man yeah those are common sense and you have an opportunity you have with the awareness you can set your attention towards your intention whatever that might be you know and because we get blinded by all the material [ __ ] yeah in our life you know the money the women the the house the cars the parties the look of being successful yeah and the truth is that if we can stay grounded stay stay locked in stay tethered to the thing that you are in the universe whatever that is man maybe it's just for you to get this message out through your music right right you know man you want me to speak on that rope absolutely so it's funny I thought about this and I'm a spiritual person I believe that there was a God higher being whatever you want to call it I feel like I was put on this earth to walk in the darkness in order to bring people to us to the light almost look at myself as a sheep in wolf's clothing not a wolf in sheep's clothing but a sheep in wolf's howl I feel because I went through a lot of darkness and I've done a lot of things but my intention is always good now like especially now like everything I do everything that I talked about everything that I've been through here's an example back home right I'm not from the hood I'm from a middle-class family like your friends I was one of those kids that didn't have to do none of this stuff I was doing it but I felt like I wanted to when I went to school and PG if you don't go to a private school even if you live in a good neighborhood you're going to a bad school all of my kids into private schools all the public schools is bad so so listen I already all that all that you know you already know so listen so listen with me they bringing guns to school all that so look with me I'm literally in a situation where I already don't get good grades in class I'm already like getting in trouble you know doing little things so now when you throw me in a high school full of other troublemakers and they from the hood I'm not gonna hang out with the honor roll students I'm not I don't have I'm not I don't know interested in that so I'm I'm hanging out with the [ __ ] from the hood and they like making fun of me cuz where I'm from or where I live and I'm like I gotta prove myself so I'm doing worse stuff than they doing you feel them saying but I went to jail and college in the same year state prison and college in the same year that's a perspective not a lot of people have being middle class and going through what I've gone through but then still being able to relate to [ __ ] from the hood because I went to jail I can talk all to jail they go I can tell you about the hookups and all the different ways people eat and order like different things that you would only know when you're in jail I can talk about that so they feel like they can relate to me and then when I say look but I'm a millionaire now I was able to turn all that into this you can do the same thing now those people who probably couldn't relate to anybody else who had money except for people I was going the wrong thing can look at me and say okay maybe I can do the same thing and that's an example of being a sheep in wolf's clothing it's like I appear as a wolf because of what I went through you know if you look at my videos and stuff you probably think I do this standard third if you meet me you'll see that I'm really not all of that I'm I'm a nice person I have a good heart I have compassion and I'm trying to help people at the end of the day you know what I mean if I was a straight sheep and everything was right and I was doing everything good and I would be just like all those other people that's telling these kids in the hood a go to college and don't do this and that I get a job better a lot to them they can't relate to that you know me they can't just relate to that if that was the case all of them would be doing it they wouldn't be looking up the drug dealers you feel me but if they could see like oh yeah I'm living a life similar to it I guess a drug dealer would live but a little bit better and not illegal and I don't have to worry about going to jail for the things that I'm doing it now they're like oh man maybe I could if I'm telling it enough I can do that and then maybe he helped me maybe when I get there I could help somebody else and we keep the cycle going you fellow sangre yeah that's kind of where I'm at with it right now man at this point in my life I do music I don't do music for money I know a lot of people say that but I'll here's an example I didn't even know I was making money before I signed a deal I was making decent money like for you know like if you want to compare it to someone with a really good job I was making a decent money like I think like like before I got sign I made like five hundred thousand that year you know what I mean and that's a lot too you know for a lot of people how are you getting your music out there then anyway possible Spotify use that of course ever just marketing myself a lot of his words about how do you know telling me you ever get on like those teen show awards and stuff never I want to I want to heaven how do you how did you come to like everything you do yeah it seems you know and we all have our mmm-hmm with this your music is a camera guy right there yes do you want to come in guy Gus that's good you can tell them more advise it right there you guys want your camera guy yeah yeah just a head [ __ ] could send me some stuff do it all the night I wouldn't have to steer it event mics here and he knows you've been taking all of this Mack welding stuffs what what do you mean dude Evan hey what do you got my ship for Evan what are you doing my shirt ever why are you doing this it's taking my schedule I know you've been taking my shirt for a while keep the shirts okay okay listen let's make sure this never happens again yes sir okay yes sir thank you so much thank you two for 20% off your first order visit Mack Weldon calm and her promo code Tyson for 20% off your first order now that's Mack Weldon calm with promo code Tyson for 20% off your first order where did the music start for you did it start in writing raps all the tree was a writing list music sausage is freestyling what did it start you to break down I was in a sixth grade and again I wasn't really always getting good grades I was struggling in school but I'm in a sixth grade and we're in English class and the English teacher says okay here's five words that all rhyme I want you to make a poem out of these words and everyone made their poems and had to present it to the class and when I remember when I got to my poem I did mine and the whole class was laughing because it was clever how I put it together a teacher everybody and then she was like no that's a good one that was a really good one and that was like kind of gave me a hint like okay maybe I could rap a little bit maybe but I never thought about it seventh grade I wrote my first song I used to back home I used to wear north face jackets I couldn't afford one but I wanted one so bad but I feel I wanted one so bad that I wrote a song about it you feel me and I remember I'll get I'll go to the lunch table and I'll have somebody be like oh this is the beat I'll show him the beat and I'll be like do this beat and then I'll rap the giant and then that was like my first rap song so seventh grade well 10th grade fast forward 10th grade I was writing a little stuff I wanted to be like wale and Kanye West and everybody so I saw I'm writing basically biting them right in the same way they were writing stuff right and just like them and then left it and I went to jail the first time it was for four months and I started doing like writing songs like singing and there was a time where like the guards everybody would ask me to sing too and I would do that and I left the wrapping thing alone when I was in a go-go band so I was doing go go ya know so I was in a go-go band doing my thing before I got locked up so I was taking that same mentality yeah that stuff nowadays they were young bands back yeah yeah yes yes they still do it to this day it's actually probably bigger than it's been in a while right now yeah yeah it's a big movement going on with that hahahaha yeah so boom in jail right singing this stuff I get up miss I'm in school everything trying to get my life together violation I go back in jail for two months my lawyer couldn't get me out of jail I convinced the the clerk's office to let me out because I was in school I was doing good I needed to like get my [ __ ] together I don't need to be in jail I can come back for my court date I'm not a flight risk I'm talking to them every day okay that's crazy so boom like I do that oh and I get out so I'm out for two months and then I go to jail for my court hearing my initial sentence was three years actually gave me two years over oh damn they gave me they gave me 15 suspended - they gave me 15 years suspended two three and I did three it was supposed to be on home detention I violated home detention after 2 years so I had to do my last year in state prison because usually if you if your sentence is under 16 I mean 18 months you do it in jail but my sentence was overall 3 years even though I only had a year left so they sent me up the road the state and I did that there and that's when I like started rapping rapping like really writing like really trying to like okay let me like try to put these words together let me try to make songs and when I the way I used to release music I used to put that [ __ ] on YouTube and just this high used to do it so on Facebook I had a lot of friends on Facebook like maybe 2,000 friends I would see who's online and copy and paste yo-yo just send it to everybody mmm yo and then the people who will respond I'll be like yo I just got this I got this song I wanted you to check it out I want to see what you think about it and I would do that [ __ ] all day long like all day like back-to-back see most people would just send you the link and go check my music out or just post don't worry like that yeah because that's BAM but if you say yo first then it's like what's up and then you hit them with they're more likely to pay attention so that's what that's literally how I started marketing my music I mean I put my first song out and in a day or two days they had a thousand views and I'm like [ __ ] a thousand people listen to this have been exciting feeling huh oh yeah I'm like damn that's what that was the first spark remember I was talking about the bait yeah that was the first name when I would see those views and stuff on my I maybe let me so I was trying to release music once a week at first and then that was just too much to do and then I I remember I used to sell sneakers and stuff and I remember I said I'm gonna sell all these sneakers I'm gonna take this money i'ma holla at my boys we gonna put some money in and we're gonna shoot a legitimate video and my first video was 500 dollars it was this you know the first video was $40 this this the second video was 500 but it was good quality everything looked cinematic and [ __ ] I'm like damn this is tight I'll put that out and it's accumulating views accumulating views and then next thing you know it's that 50,000 views and I'm like damn this is working and I just kept realizing that maybe I put quality into my stuff it'll happen faster I made a lot of mistakes not everything worked but I spent a lot of money but it brought me to where I'm at here right now and over the years I learned how to navigate the business and if I didn't learn how to navigate the business I wouldn't have the record deal that I got right I would have a regular artist deal probably you feel me yeah what made you let's go somewhere else what made you ever wanted to be this be a rapper yeah who did you see well give you influence to say hey that's what can be what make thing I think while they honestly was the first one Kanye West 50 cent but these guys were like huge mega stars they didn't feel accessible while a was from whelmed from and I saw him one day I was at I was getting piece and he was at the piece of place and I'm like damn this is why la like that was accessible to me so I felt like I probably would say he was the first one to make me feel like I could probably do this yeah and then as I started to get bigger and starting to meet people and know you know he gets a bigger big artist that I've been like I thought were unaccessible that made me really feel like okay nobody I'm trying to say right now what is the center the center of it like um what makes you think that people should come and get you okay what makes you get that will give you definitely acting forward almost immediately so let me be one be happy really I don't think I've ever said this before us when I was a kid I used to get made fun of I didn't have the shoes [ __ ] was like I used to be depressed going to school because I was so dark skinned well I'm not even that dog thing but people used to make fun of me because I was too dark seriously like it was about light skinned with like cornrows and stuff like that so everybody's making fun of me I make in front of me cuz I'm African you know my parents are from my mom's from Sierra Leone my dad's from Ghana African people make in front of me it made me not like myself almost I feel you flex a question cuz I'm a kid I don't know what's going on I'm now looking back I'm like no kid is supposed to feel like that you too young to be thinking about feeling like that I'm feeling depressed almost as a kid because I don't want to go to school and get made funny no that drives you to become who you are exactly cuz then i remember one day it I remember I used to get one pair of shoes maybe two if you know I might get another pair on Christmas um uh year seventh grade I had some some chucks and I had some Air Force Ones and then shits to the ground and everybody's making fun of me and then I remember my grandma brought me to Charles Barkley's for Christmas and I'm like I got some but they were white so I was a big mistake but I was this finessing them joints for a little bit then eighth grade I had to go to Pennsylvania because I was given you know getting in trouble and stuff they really sent me with my uncle Pennsylvania Pittsburgh they don't like the way we dress down there so they make it in front of me even more and I had a pair of Jordans that my friend had an accident form just was [ __ ] fake so one day i go to i go to i go to lunch yeah the jump man was going the other way listen the jump man was going the opposite way and somebody with the real one and he was fat and you couldn't see his fingers there was no detail I'm like I knew they were fake though at that point I already knew but I was like China Fionn I was trying to cover the back up you know if you don't see it you won't know you know I mean man ace I just remember everybody laughing behind me and I look back and then somebody comes and starts pointing at the back of the joint and then a folk dance shoe next to mine this is going in on me the whole time all the girls everybody man I cry did you cry I didn't cry I just I felt bad though I remember that feeling that Stan let me taste I was a little kid one time and um I was skipping school could they I kicked my ass in school the day before so I was just go to school for lunch and after lunch I was walking around the school stare at a neighborhood to school this out get my books and I used to go home want to see the people they kick my ass earlier and so I'm in Brooklyn New York and so when three four kids came over there they see you got any money I'm saying no I'm probably dying it so ten years uh no it's all we finally keeps her to check my pocket with no money and so the guy said you wanna fly with us and I say yeah I don't know a [ __ ] fly me six climb the fence they give us those create the milk crates I was trying to say let's do and so they walk with me and so they they go in the buildings in the bitter when abandoned bills I don't know these guys are too son to me [ __ ] kill me rape I don't know I'm sick kid you know some gold is building me go on the rules and see the birds and pigeons just a wire and some of the all day I'm psyched with the pigeons and a bird [ __ ] on my guitar on me I got dirt on me all day and they think I'm going to the sinner tonight they got a chance me I didn't know anything even to a party if I'm ten years old nine years I never been to a jam I know that stuff is at the center so I go there not knowing that I should have went home and war I never washed before I don't know nothing about changing I only go to school and when I went that I still had to [ __ ] on me the tar from the pinnacle and so everybody was lose this dirty [ __ ] y'all know this [ __ ] man who the [ __ ] is this dirty nasty funky ass [ __ ] right and I was I was crying but I was laughing too but I was crying I was just scared and so I remember um one of the guys this is the older guys the friend of one of those guys that said you won't find me brothers if they shut the [ __ ] I hate but meet me at the pigeon coop tomorrow morning it's not one of them so he came I was there tomorrow morning went to the pigeon coop next morning and so he was there so he took me someplace he knocked on his door first away answer the door so he took me in the back and he opened the one and he put me in the window and he said open the door [ __ ] and I went over though we robbed the house they were guns there was money was robbed stuff I was just ten to nine years old but I didn't know what had so I remember he didn't give me much money give me like five bucks or five dollars a rock bed yeah but it was here to give you father he did something he went and took me shopping I bought me a bunch of clothes he said make sure you coming to [ __ ] sin on Saturday [ __ ] and see what the [ __ ] make sure you wear this [ __ ] I bought and I came today and remember I was the same person yeah people laugh they never know the same person they were around me talking to me I know I was that person they would laugh that made fun of told me nasty stinking [ __ ] bump they didn't know who I was yeah who was that guy and I could probably dead down yeah [ __ ] it showed me that people with materialistic right and they didn't remember me how could you not remember me using milli ate me like a week ago right they didn't remember me I come out different cuz I look like a Mac I had Pierre card and all that's [ __ ] weeded tweeted pan so I had a [ __ ] long Jean watching I'm ten years old [ __ ] damn yeah that and that's funny because literally that they've great night time but couldn't [ __ ] tell time do you understand I'm saying though I had to look this way this how you have to look to be accepted right all right I can't tell [ __ ] time no I have that watch that is of a chain has at the pier car damn that my tailor suits I had then he took me to the tailor made me a [ __ ] suit that pads on the pocket on my side and [ __ ] it was crazy in the 70s Mega Man 77 76 can't believe that that's my life I gotta rob and still to have to make happy doesn't mean to be respect to have to hurt people mmm daddy we had to rob them maybe kills them mmm for people to respect if I don't do that I'm [ __ ] food they've taken all my [ __ ] I think my money take my clothes my sneakers everything right if I don't do that they don't see me doing that being an animal did it they're gonna feed on me right right they're not crazy if they think like that that's what I'm saying you have to be a kid in limited environment that's crazy yeah I ain't know it's all about fear if you got just cutting these [ __ ] shooting and making these people afraid of you they're gonna do it to you right I feel that bro that's why I was saying like were me like that little that that literally naive gray going in a knife I said I'm not gonna be that person anymore I'm gonna figure out how to give some money I'm gonna figure out how to get some nice clothes and I know buddy's never gonna make fun of me for not being able that's what I said that's it the same thing ever again I said the same thing yeah and then once when I realize what life is about life is about giving everything away you know anything that you feel you love you have to give it away anything you feel you can't do without you got to give it away when I when I go in on the told no one I realized would all comes back to it all comes back to getting on your knees and praying worshiping realizing that we're nothing you know the elements is everything yeah I say to myself how can I did I even think I my car to see I'm [ __ ] that guard I think I'm a kid leader Alexander what the [ __ ] is on my mind am i delusional Who am I what the [ __ ] is wrong with me yeah am i so small I want to be so big I think a [ __ ] delusional [ __ ] damn that's really you know as real as [ __ ] I am I feel scared I have to be a [ __ ] monster Who am I afraid of one of my favorite raid of myself hmm I want to be a bad guy toughing me monster well nobody know how much I'm afraid mmm yeah that's true that's real I was gonna ask you when you um got into boxing right I guess it's like you do amateur boxing at first right so as an amateur like were you like beating everybody no no no that wouldn't be I've lost faith but I was I was uh I was very good cuz I they taught me a little I learned quick and I was really for ocean and violent and unpredictable and use mean and so people would take the kids out of the tournament they won't let me fight their kids so I have to fight older people all the time all right so my 14 13 I have to fight a guy 28 28 years old damn so when you wanted your first big match what was that the big one first big one national championship in 1980 and you won that and you want a lot of money for that no I didn't win any money but the whole um the country no world saw me fight ah you know in all the boxing people I like boxing Pro fighting it stood watching up-and-coming people and they were very excited about seeing me I was very um a very reckless kind of guy hmm how many years into boxing was that for you like from when from when you started to get to that first national championship on one yeah when one year yes they were like 14 and knocked everybody out you were 14 yeah and I stayed about one round Wow as fast I had an incredible train I had a master trainer yeah costea Monty's incredibly he worked my psychic my feelings didn't mean nothing to me nothing meant only thing manages my glory in my objective my objective was to madame annihilate somebody mm-hmm and the more I night later I had a little self-esteem and he told me if you don't feel you love this the more the more in annihilate these people the more the world will love you mmm so it goes back to that thing we've talked about here you've said about the importance of the ego because without your own ego you'll just get [ __ ] on your home yeah you know because no one is gonna stand up for you or do anything for you other than yourself at the end of the day everyone else around you has ideas about who they think you are and what they think you should be doing yeah yeah so the good thing about the ego is that that gives us the strength to stand up for ourselves and to find the confidence to go and do what you did you know do you feel like because you had so many fights on the street as a kid before getting to meet cus that he just plugged in the mental attitude portion honey yes honey you throw a fit where you come from they could fight it somewhere you come nobody problem with you come he made me he gave me pride and dignity and gave me a ego where I came from I know I don't want people to know I came up around this book I'm so ashamed to be for these [ __ ] negativo savages it's all used to be so proud to be from there yeah what tough fight at all great fighters come from there they don't know xx the Jews in the twenties and stuff yeah and he was just telling me that he's always made me proud of myself in like then next thing you know you give you a co you go get so far you do you forgot please humble me God can y'all your Eagles are Street income you straight confrontation with God that's what it is mmm is that direct confrontation with God yeah that's real it's damn nice in real that's really really rare it's good it's good stuff I mean that's real yeah that's the balance hey you know we don't really when I'm hitting I'm young and stuff cars gonna do what to me come at me I'm invincible look at me God gave me this to be this way and then you get 50 years old no you do is take off please have mercy on my soul I get 50 years old I'm scared I won't go at that Marissa you know [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn't ask for mercy yeah all I should I do now I'm scared I'm asked for mercy skin it's getting close to meetings art I need what can I do now get the money but what kind of another bite from mercy off for you what you think the wildest thing you've done I will say what you think the wildest thing you've done that you need the most merciful is always a lot that you can't even God knows yeah I was gonna say so alright back to this money thing know what is your like experience when you first saw your first million dollars Wow know what I did with it yeah what like how did you feel about it was you know what I mean did it even hit you or it just was like whatever no um I want my mind was already in the sit that that's nothing know who I am you know what I'm gonna make I was always in the ego was taking over without even knowing mm-hmm you know yeah you was young it's nothing [ __ ] that's all I'm getting I wanted the money those all the guys got I wonder the Olympians when they got my [ __ ] that I want more mom better than everybody why do they got much comparing myself with everybody everything I compare my now I'm the best of all the fighting I let me see I want to compare with all other the table so I make more money than them then I beat them that what about their owns in the past what about car what about that king katar 20 dear thousand years ago am I better than him hmm now why did I stir who what made me who gave me an inclination to think like that why am I thinking like who the [ __ ] am I my mother the first my father Who am I shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] who the [ __ ] are you but it's still Queens if I think I'm somebody mm-hmm yeah yeah well you are somebody and you're nobody yeah you better remember that nobody a lot though yeah you know [ __ ] you think I wanna be rain with a killer the [ __ ] make you a [ __ ] [ __ ] I should be begging you should be begging to be [ __ ] frogs every day finish it you think you know if you can't never forget um our whole life is just to be humble right let me call God um so I made this to Humble us because we think we're somebody yeah cuz I'm a nobody always wanted to be a somebody you know yeah I think I think that's exactly kind of what gave me the encouragement to be what I became so much of getting beat up in the sense as a kid verbally mentally and like [ __ ] like not [ __ ] with certain exactly and you feel like you wanted other guys that nobody definitely not until you been I've seen up to that [ __ ] [ __ ] leave it woman I don't say to Ben I could you Maddie took your [ __ ] yeah I wanted to be like those guys mmm you know those guys I'm not even made to be like those guys I want to be like them so bad it's not even in my blood of my bones to be like them but I would be like them so bad when I kiss their feet or worship them I want to be like something I'm nobody crazy right we'll do a [ __ ] Mike yeah let's take that thing of so what you're maybe this is the conversation with this is the hypothetical conversation with God you're having okay you're doing really well you're treating your family well you're doing well in business you're spreading some good into the world and some positive but do you think we forgot about that all that other [ __ ] so in your mind what what is it is it some punishment that's coming is it some reckoning as a what is it that God is me I need to be more humbled I need to build my needs more I believe that's what I believe I believe I should be and that's okay there's that's okay to constantly have the robot I think that why do I get these [ __ ] what's those things that the psychiatrist called um those mantras sorts of diamo thought the [ __ ] angel and you thought about what I'm [ __ ] about ruling the world well because you aspire to a great thing and thinking that my my Heights potential to be when I don't exist anymore yeah that's great but at the end of the day don't you think that God whoever that is is gonna welcome you with open arms I don't know any ones I should to stop in my head I want those voices to stop which voices the banjo voices yeah I don't know man well we're here to do [ __ ] you know we're here to have an experience we're not here to just sit around and [ __ ] twiddle our thumbs and jerk off you know we're here to do things we're here to put energy out right how do we know we hit those veins really actually you know because now I realize now that there's something going on that I use them can't put my foot absolutely at my finger this Sun going under define me that I just can't put my finger up so right I mean you think God called me to see if my leaders be living up there now we don't exist anymore what did he make up for that for what what kind of image what did we leave behind what it must be just some quality he wants for us and say hey that's all I need I sending ones that we do when we exist yeah and he needs us all for a certain part we all need to play a part for this part of the world while survive and now it's over and I was going to the other part of it did that make sense when we go down here why haven't all the people when we die when I'm to the people that was next to us driving the cars the world P we looked and stuff that girl may be firing Carly Here I am to those people where were they in our life we only met them 4/10 of a second why would an eye like why would they driving next to us what is it all about I have those thoughts all the time who knows wow that meant to feed that girl faith in the car at a guy in his family in the car I've thought about this lately anywhere I am in this office out at a restaurant driving around it's amazing to think about how every human being at some point maybe they still do and they do they have dreams and visions for themselves an idea about what they want to do with their lives yeah and everybody has something sacred you know we get so diluted with all these people around us and [ __ ] you know you're driving in traffic and you're trying to make something of yourself that you forget that we're all just human beings here man with ideas about what we want to do with our time yeah it's like [ __ ] that means something that means a lot oh wait say I wonder what that person's thinking right now you know I see something in the car it's towards my death wonder what that thinking hmm it means a lot all of this means something and maybe there's obviously meant to happen if it's ordained to happen if this is the course this video is just meant that before like ten thousand years ago this was ordained to happen this is already in their written into the cosmos but it is deep man life is [ __ ] deep life is deep you know and through I believe cultural brainwashing the system of life having to get a job to survive to make money to put food on the table it's distracted us and it's made us all [ __ ] really cynical about what we're doing here and the meaninglessness of this life which is wrong before we got to civilizations all we did was voice show yeah every everything we did they thought about God yeah oh no it's crazy what I was watching this thing I don't know where it was on YouTube and it's about this guy who or this village of people who are basically like cavemen almost I don't know the right correct word but they were living happily with like no clothes they were used making their own stuff everything was good right and this white guy comes and he's like he comes to the place he's filming everything and he introduces himself he learns their language and everything and then he starts giving them money and then they take the money and walk miles and miles and miles to the market and start buying stuff and then either coming back with radios and now he needs batteries and he needs all of these things to listen to his radio he likes music all of this stuff right but now he needs money so he's asking this guy every time yo I need some money to go get this then he starts making up lies I need money to do this but he'll take the money and do something else and now the next one is I need money like he's like needs money now he got clothes now like raggedy kind of clothes but it's still clothes now all of this stuff shorts whatever he's like nah I need money to get a boat so I can get to the market faster but the white guy's like nah I can't if I give this guy a boat they're gonna move their economy is gonna grow too fast because they can move too quickly between town and back and forth this guy's like no I can't do that he's like man I need a thousand whatever it is rupees or something like that cuz it's like near India he's like nah man I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this I mean the guy [ __ ] he comes no he comes back he threatens to kill him he gets the whole village to turn against them he says you can't leave this village until you give me my money he's like tripping you know what I mean not letting this dude leave the camera crew everybody's in danger now eventually they say you know what I give him the money they give him the money they roll he goes and everything is I don't know what's going on now but you see they were happy when they didn't have [ __ ] yeah this [ __ ] comes and introduces them to money and look what the [ __ ] is going on E is the root of all evil that's what my last video I just dropped today it's basically about the misunderstanding of money right I think that's more accurate for sure money in order to handle money is a heart but think about this though how many people know how to handle money versus not know how to so it still lives the root of all evil there's a few people that get it very few but not a lot of people get that listen Noah this is how the game is played the Monday the work the wealth got is so big it's bigger than ever there's been last year the world right right and it's the people um what I see the masses get used to it like in the poor African country right um they don't expect nothing they stop expecting things and when you stop expecting things you happy see guys like us we expect [ __ ] you know I expect to go someplace they're gonna pay me for my time I expect them to lace me all the great hotel great limousine a rolls-royce good food have them give me some extra money if I was doing drugs back then I'd make sure they have them [ __ ] drugs ready make sure they have some [ __ ] for me if I was that way back then and it's just that's the way it was mmm you know yeah no I we definitely expect and that story of that guy's like a low level of what expectation can do you feel sad like my life I don't expect anything yeah you know me don't expect anything right I got I don't know if you would expect a gift I have a gift for you yes yeah cool it's time I got this gift is a special gift that it took some thought because I'm it's something that I like to look at old man I don't know about that well I know a little bit about the toads I know about the toads but I also know about the pigeons you know I know you like the toes and stuff you know what I'm saying I found out about I found that out a little after I already got the gift for you but I want to bring it in honestly bro I don't even like beautiful yeah [ __ ] oh no they can you look you know better than me perform we got it from whatever whatever whatever got to get done you for me but he's a cool tree he was flying all over the place the other day I'm yesterday at you know we didn't catch him I'll be bottom we bought her oh yeah yeah in the room and stuff it's a cool bird so you gonna name him you got a name for him no problem bro for sure it's really beautiful but um yeah that was unexpected yeah I wanted to ask you about this piece you got yes it's beautiful thank you this black diamonds crystals called a to see stone um well I haven't done research on exactly where it's from but I got it from a jewelry store see I had this thing of um I know right now it's like a lot about white gold and all that stuff and and diamonds and things like that but for me I felt like I wanted to be more into different types of stones that look beautiful you know what I mean I just felt like I said he's more unique thing to do when this look comes from Mansa Musa yeah and richest man in the world right my son took one of those those tests who he was in the previous life and that's who he was this is how I become a billionaire scripture how to become a billionaire is our trash you weren't about before but let's go back though you said how I feel about this Rolex right to be honest the more I look at it the more I have it I don't really feel [ __ ] like I used to like wanna have a Rolex and have different watches and stuff because I was like one of the things like you know growing up like everybody you know I'm saying yeah and I got one and I got actually got two of them and I mean it's just whatever it's whatever it's almost to be honest with you there was a time where I'm like man Rolex ain't [ __ ] I wanna ap now I want dude and it's like my mind is already starting to think like that I gotta tone it down because it's like life you have to tone it down because like it's only gonna lead to wanting more and more and more who do you want to be there you know how do you have twenty seventy cents when he said so who do you how do you who do you want to be that thing 35 what do you want to do what you do when I'm 35 penis of your life most of your life is all when you have to copy your game who do you want to be what do you want to be I think one thing I'm China what's that look like yeah one thing I want to do is two things I wanted the RET movies that's one of the things that I'm like when I'm 35 is funny exactly what I'm 35 is when I kind of want to be into that and an other thing I want to do is I want to eventually open up some type of animal sanctuary I don't want to say a zoo I want to kind of rep out what you want to do that you love animals I love animals I used to have Birds I used to have cockatiels I used to have I had doves I had what's those African bird that talk back to Oh African Grey parrot but I just like turtles and [ __ ] like all types of different animals I like I used to love watching Animal Planet a [ __ ] so pretty much that's one of the things I want to do I want to get into like impact investments so basically invest in things that make an impact in the world you know what I mean that's like like isolate right DVD or CBD oh yeah it's a future of medicine right there CBD that's my house everyone so it's the future of medicine maybe I need that [ __ ] for my [ __ ] knees we all been playing basketball lately and [ __ ] that money yeah yeah I'm starting to get there hey oh I always actually like wisdom amount of money do you think you want where you'll be like I'm good right a lot of people say I want everything I don't want to stop what is everything there's nothing there's no such thing is everything it's like you'll be you it's definitely not gonna happen in your lifetime yeah no but this is this is how it goes and I don't know why it goes like that yeah I don't know if we got everything we want we kill ourselves I feel like the more money you you get what we are purposely more you are no purpose after we change our life is over was my purpose for life was my purpose for living [ __ ] don't mean almost nothing to me anymore money doesn't mean much to me and will don't mean any my kids don't mean it have everything they mean nothing that's all about me well it's my purpose I want to meet God come on yeah I bring gold I see I ain't get that far bro I didn't get to the guy part I think like I believe in God but I don't think I ever had a point in my life where I thought I was above God or I was gonna you know compete with him I never got that far but I definitely there was a times where I was like yeah I want all this money I want all this but it's like for what what do you want it for like you know it's funny when you start making money right when I was when I was when I had no money twenty dollars for some food made a dent in my pocket right okay and I get to a point in my career where I'm making you know hundreds of thousands of dollars food doesn't do [ __ ] no like unless I'm eating that Nobu every single day or some [ __ ] like food don't really hurt me there gets a point where your money gets so big buying a car doesn't really hurt you boy that's cool too right right check out what goes like this huh man you get to live well you don't like food no more mmm you don't like food you get to a level you don't like food the pleasure killing me now I never gained from oh no I'm not quitting inside my body I can't fit my pants ah got you I can't get in my clothes yeah yeah I feel embarrassed now right right two fat people are looking at me mMmmm I'm not gonna eat never [ __ ] get in my life cuz I wanna kill wanna die yeah yeah people are laughing at me hmm well you reach that point with everything don't you Mike yeah this is what I am sure no listen this is so I have a lot to do I was talking to my wife anything I'm saying while I was slightly crying because I we we love each other and I said to myself the reason why I never went back to anybody else in my relationships and my ex my ex was because I was too ashamed mm-hmm there's no way I could live with the mess that I did all that [ __ ] to though I could be with my I couldn't trust him again I didn't trust Bo it was just so scary and I just gave him to I gave my life into shame I can't do this no more so I was going to new people because after [ __ ] I been doing me please yeah oh you can't never trust yourself you can't trust these people you feel so bad you've been do you did this to them oh my god to be which I got to go back mmm this is crazy mmm you can never trust yourself anymore you know I thought you always you know guys like that's when we've come from worried someone you know regardless you're middle-class we rarely get a chance to know how to love ourselves yeah well come how do you love yourself really I always thought loving myself with always getting the best girl right getting a nice car get a nice suit go eating my food I thought that was loving myself that was destroying myself Oh killing myself I was trying I was killing myself to live yeah you know the time to live yeah I think that's a really important question how do we love ourselves how do you do that how do you love this thing when you say well no this is bad I'm not gonna eat all of it or something like that I'm not gonna drink all of that I'm not gonna sniff all of that hmm you know I mean how do you how do you do that when you're at my job when your personality is all out I gotta go all out I can't live if I don't do it all I've died but what is it that makes you feel like you gotta go all out I don't know what is it maybe maybe it's just um my mortality will you die from this you do it all [ __ ] I don't know that's where we all have to ask yeah no thanks yeah man that's a hard question no like outside of those things that I want to accomplish I mean I don't I don't know I think there was a point in my time in my life and I probably get back to this where I just when it's all said and done I wanted a family that loves me you know what I mean and I wanted to create an environment better than what I kind of grew up around you know what I mean but it wasn't really a lot of love or affection being shown regardless you know you came from the situation you came from I came from the situation I came from but they're similar in a lot of different ways you feel me I think that I wanted I think that was my ultimate goal even if I was like I would take having like making like five hundred thousand a year or something and having a family over being multi-millionaire and not ever having it you know Naveen so I think that's what I always wanted to strive for right now I'm kind of so focused on what I'm doing right now I know that that will come so I'm not like rushing to do that you see anything but I think later on I'll get back to that kind of thought process where that'll be probably my ultimate goal to have a family in you know reproduce and be able to teach my kids and things that I may not have learned and try my best to steer them in the right direction so they can do the same and the legacy can continue you for me that's kind of probably what eventually I'm gonna get back to well I want to go back to one thing you said now yeah because you talked about what's an AP and another watch yeah and I'm on your lie and you caught yourself you were you said oh well I kind of need to pull the reins back on that yeah it's not so much like well let me let me throw this out there because I know Mike has some thoughts on this too and you know as we are in the flow of life you know yeah and the real point is to be able to live moment to moment whatever that means right so maybe it doesn't matter if you are living your life to the fullest in the moment that you find yourself in or if you're constantly living in the moment to the point where you're analyzing every thought you have about what you want to do for yourself or what's the next step or what's the next thing I can buy because maybe that's what I want you know and then at the end of the day you know you're gonna find yourself somewhere else and then and then what you know are you gonna feel bad about buying the watch are you gonna feel bad about not letting yourself buy the watch oh and at the end of and when all of that settles you know really all were left with is what was did I make the best decision in the moment that I possibly do you think like that though based on I feel like that ourself something as simple as a simple as maybe getting a watch maybe not I will buy certain things and be like damn maybe I could have put this money here or did this with this money but never like I never dwell on it too much I think cuz you know I find a way to make it back or it comes back in a different way or whatever the case may be the thing might make me happy for the moment but like right now I got to watch okay it's cool I'm kind of already like tired of when I made it to the league I got my first check yeah I got myself a BMW 750 li and I got myself was beautiful beautiful machine making a beautiful car and then I bought myself [ __ ] Breitling it was ten plus thousand dollars yeah dude I probably wore that watch six times Wow and I realized I don't even like watches but I was following some idea about what you're supposed to do with your money and how you're supposed to look when you have money 100% you know what's funny when you first get to watch right you want everybody to see it and and it looks like in this you could tell people respect you differently when you have a look at you different look at you differently over this watch like after a while it doesn't even you don't really even notice it anymore yeah but you meet me you might meet this girl and she's like beautiful and she's acting so nice to you and [ __ ] and everything is good and you forget you got this watch you forget you got a nice crib you forget on Instagram you got this many father all that [ __ ] and you just think oh yes cuz it you know I'm saying you're like you it's cause of me about all of that [ __ ] like that you have home I used to think I'm a [ __ ] killing the way I dare take my [ __ ] with me and not to mention you chill out either killer okay it's chill hey what's up brother right he's I was um I was a megalomaniac yeah I was somebody yeah you know I feel like duh yeah I don't like that you know in fact so maybe you can do it how you want to do it now you know that's what this is all about maybe you can do it free of any expectation or what somebody else has done or what some idea you had ten years ago about what it looks like yeah and you can just do it the way you want to do absolutely dumb guys them I didn't feel like I deserved it for some reason no dude I went through that stage I got a list this [ __ ] guy I don't got [ __ ] I'm on no good [ __ ] [ __ ] and this is kind of a good guy and I got this and I don't got that hmm hmm that's a trip that's a trip looking true as a true good guy I think about this you live in a hood right okay somebody comes and robs you from another hood you have to kill that [ __ ] yes because if you don't kill him everybody gonna feel like they can rob so now you kill this dude you kill him his neighborhood is like okay we gave him you let me first of all I'm already mad you killed my boy but then I'll let you come and kill my people if I don't do nothing now everybody's gonna see look at me like nah we can come over there and do whatever we want to these guys crazy it's crazy so now it's a back and forth back and forth back and forth and then never stop never get involved with years later the kids might squash it it could be something as simple as they going to school and a [ __ ] step on it your students from the wrong place and say the wrong thing to you when he does it and now it's a fight okay it's a fight the new thing now is negative we don't fight you know I'm saying it's fighting there's not cool no more you got a kid or somebody that's but just what it is that's how you really show who you are oh but they have to learn to love each other that's what doc that's what we're loving each other that's what I'm trying to beat each other differently with respect and dignity 100% how do you tell a kid that kids growing up you learning the concept of respect as a man is because if he lives long enough he will learn it yeah I hunt if he have a chance to live longer god bless him with the ability to live so turn to H you will learn humility he would learn Keith he would learn love 100% and put away his gun and he would somebody kill him for God could take a soul mercy on his soul right right I mean you think listen you think these guys feeling real do you think they really feel good about themselves didn't kill some people some people say [ __ ] the Nicky dessert but you think they really feel bad when they're low management that loan they have their demons with knowing no one's around myself and my demons start talking to me as people we're not put on his earth to kill each other that's not what we're built for I know I agree hundred percent certain people that might do it might have gone through certain traumatic things I make it easier for them to do that but nobody's supposed to do that we're not here for that you know I mean you know young young lady from noise man we're bonded I know we're not wanting to kill and I know upon the love respect I represent you know what I love my respect as real as hell yeah man J it's been awesome and I appreciate you having me beautiful happy nice fun oh yeah great show man yes still time DK everybody yes everybody first of all second of all he want something you want some advice huh from a guy who think he was a player hmm monk yeah yeah go ahead um nah Valachi the women hmm you're telling the truth hmm you will have you you listen oh you you you have no idea how much power that you have yeah tell me the truth yeah and listen to that bull Shafter you telling the truth buddy can they have to submit to the truth I don't care who powerful me yeah submit to the truth right right right how mad they offer for long they gotta film it to the truth right right the truth the truth of the guard you have to submit to that right right damn that's real I appreciate it listen this is an honor to be up here I've been forward swish I told the truth yeah yeah the second though the truth absolutely third that time the truth okay they can respect be respected so they don't like but they respect it right they they don't respect them I won't they don't respect the right they don't respect you right yeah Femmes man it's been real man thank you guys man we appreciate you a shout out idk idk is he real on a way yeah you really see real real real he said I'm real he said I'm real sorry the [ __ ] real dog hmm you can't worry about people people don't know we don't know it realize we don't know what is we don't know what is real we don't know dream what is this real this [ __ ] I don't know I don't know yeah this is real I don't know you dream too we don't know our purpose we've been put here for a reason that we have no idea what it is Thanks yeah you know just enjoying the ride that's all right one moment to the next all right everybody yeah [ __ ] great episode great awesome episode hey be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel hot boxing with Mike Tyson and I appreciate you guys i'm evan britain with my brother mike our new brother IDK in the house thank you guys so much thank you until next time drinking amigos this bird gonna get high baby okay endocannabinoids hi a bird I kept smoking with any football yeah it's not bad for damn alright y'all I until next time peace [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 205,039
Rating: 4.8510528 out of 5
Id: aI6SQr0QNx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 30sec (4770 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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