Joe Budden | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson | Ep 52

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Rory mad quiet the whole time idk if it’s bcs he’s stoned or just stage fright with being in a room with Tyson.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/SchoolboyJew__ 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

damn Parks should’ve made it to this

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Moron_on_Oxy- 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Can’t wait to listen to this tommorow

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/alxodz 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I like that he doesn't correct Mike when he calls him an alcoholic a few times during the pod

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/howsway-_- 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cohost being a ChemTrail believer just came out of fucking nowhere lmao

Great listen overall. Tyson is a real interesting guy, went right to the shits

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/RufinTheFury 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Not a fan of the “lets sit on it and wait” style of production. I understand why people do it, still don’t like it.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Observes 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Been waiting to hear this one.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Blacmanjoe 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

“You’re an alcoholic & a sex addict.” Mike Tyson came out swigging in the first 5 minutes! Ahhhhhh shit this is going to be good!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Damn, not on Spotify yet

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/DocterJohnSmith 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
we're the only species that does some [ __ ] like that what [ __ ] I hate them to feel sorry for us what's up everybody welcome to another episode of hot box and I'm Evan Britt and I'm Mike Tyson Mike we got we got a little cross podcast pollination going down button and we've got his sidekicks Rory and mom I didn't know you had a podcast watching you on a hip-hop show and one time I guess somebody stuff you and your girl awesome she got your back dog unless she still got she still gonna on his back some of those rules about you know I had approached I had approached two gentlemen a good guy - I don't want this good guy and now all that is in the past water under the bridge but I approached the gentleman about some things he was saying during promo at promo like I showed up to a radio station that he was there I didn't assume consequences yeah he's a Tribune he had the white girl right yeah that was a trip too yes I asked him about some things he said I guess he didn't like it and you know you did what you had to do I will be in that show about like 15 years younger 20 years I would be on that show [ __ ] rage ain't nobody stood the ratings will be through the roof with my cup oh my god I'm watching I agree I'm watching yeah we watch there's me my wife could we know some of the people in the show maybe no people everyone the show that's what makes it fun and listen anybody that be saying [ __ ] that [ __ ] and back at a [ __ ] big man I wish I was on that show well we got drinks we got weed we got some good dudes in here ready to [ __ ] have sticking with your one [ __ ] neck and girlie show that other ones on the side you see that take it take some will I know you're [ __ ] alcohol you a sex addict - so how did you know what's funny about that Mike I don't think I'm a sex addict the show shows that your sex addict you have an open to you you'll know the women in the newest and the newest season it shows quite the opposite of show who are you don't I ain't doing a whole lot of [ __ ] night no more right you're not no more I did it at one point that's how know like very aware how much [ __ ] [ __ ] do you want to be flies even [ __ ] the parable [ __ ] you that they will comes with their mother [ __ ] all praise be savage stop couldn't stop I had to go to the hospital for what the doctors couldn't stop that's kind of you yeah commitment issues I just don't commit quickly that's an issue yeah with Ken we all know the definition of the concept that I 100 matter the Qaeda never knew the concept the concept that that should tell this go around being married does he saw relationships to get this peep death this is my woman my wife I come here my wife right hmm now what would make me think this any state any country I go to like I run through in law why would I stop all that for her hmm what does she do to make me stop all that for her she don't you don't [ __ ] better than that last [ __ ] I [ __ ] in Belgium mmm why did I stop well fo yeah and Belgium has great waffle United me [ __ ] in what is it what do you come - and Master summers to improve myself oh yeah better person mm-hmm yeah you know that's our comes down with the earth I want to improve myself I want to be better well when's the last time you've been to Belgium no the UM that's just the way the world is you have to be in have a urge to improve yourself to believe that there are something better than me [ __ ] this [ __ ] I [ __ ] a hundred time I know what the feeling I'm gonna get after I do this I want to I want to do something that I don't know the after-effects of it mm-hmm I want to be surprised about something and that's growth and maturity and yeah yeah searching I don't know if it's growth to meet Rita better search I don't want this no more I don't want this no more then that's life got me with jail bad [ __ ] in the paper North suits my diseases babies that [ __ ] in the head mm-hmm you know that's what that life got me look at all the [ __ ] women bring women don't bring them you know I mean because I'm the conception I have of myself Porter my illusion of myself for it all that [ __ ] to me well what was that illusion excuse me what was that illusion there's what God hmm yeah how could they be better than me I did I did look good look at me I came from Brownsville could I come from Brownsville be right here and I have to be the highest-paid [ __ ] the Flies [ __ ] be youngest [ __ ] do all this [ __ ] and you know I mean that's it when it comes down to it it's all a [ __ ] illusion 100 persuade this is all an illusion this is my ego this is my shame my guilt my jealousy my in Venus what age you start realizing her yesterday oh my [ __ ] he goes [ __ ] talking [ __ ] man the planet [ __ ] comes scared somebody beat me up before robbed me before took my money I was a kid so now I'm and I'm a bad [ __ ] the way better [ __ ] with me again that kind of [ __ ] it work secure [ __ ] nobody didn't because now I gotta change everything that believe that made me this person I developed a bee I figured with a [ __ ] line so that I got read I gotta figure out who I really am but don't we have to continuously do that absolutely never it's an L yeah yeah it never stops yeah never ends definitely I feel like my tyson should be a therapist no Mike Tyson needs therapy constantly that's those are the people huh yeah a therapist yeah yeah you go how often you go I see him every [ __ ] day in my dreams really yeah this is like therapy in here yeah me for sure yeah I've had so many dudes hit me up being like thank you guys so much for the conversations you have I'm just like so angry I'm so tired I'm so [ __ ] you know the podcast you guys had the other day brought me to tears you know because it's just like we're going to [ __ ] that you know we're cutting to the core of what makes us us fear makes us and never get too hungry angry lonely or tired yeah that's real that's the material it's interesting that two guys for me what it is with two guys that come from such brutal sports can be such calm and like soft people like y'all are very like loving and passionate you have to be beating a submission yeah Venus mission brother you don't give that you don't get the ego up the egos not the ego that's this you don't say oh I mean use all that ego I'm bad they're gonna pound Padma [ __ ] and then I get everything the eagle I want to get summoned out and then I say hey I see you later bye it doesn't work like that mm-hm no I wanna hang around wanna [ __ ] that girl - I want you to do this I want you to do this now - doesn't go away what to control you you know what I heard the other day was no one will ever know the violence it took to become this gentle Wow yes yeah you know that's that feels like my life and I know that's Mike's life you know but yeah man it's all about continuously evolving and shifting and just being open to that you know not getting stuck in one place if this is who I am this is what I do you know this is what I believe even my because it changes all the time it's like Joe I mean you've I mean you've totally transitioned your life and who you are and what you do I mean maybe not the core of you that pearl essence that is Joe Budden but you know who you are and what you do is way different than it was 20 years ago probably 100% but I get bored easily too as a creator yeah so I cost I have to continue to feed whatever creative juices are inside of me so like everybody was really shocked when I said never happened no more mm-hmm but beside besides from besides looking at what it did for me how it changed perception how other people viewed me if the box that they took me out of because I was no longer rapping you know I was able to I was able to have conversations that I probably wouldn't have been able to have before with some people I was able to maybe close some deals or with doors that would have been closed to me as a rapper just a lot you never know what's on it I got stigmas rappers do have sticks are stigmatized and and much deeper than that we're we're black so you always have to battle that that battle never leaves so you know my mom raised me I want to take it as many of the stigmas away as possible oh I don't want it to a buncha [ __ ] just believe in a whole bunch [ __ ] about me that's not true what's important for my words my actions to match and just the hip-hop that raised me to hip-hop I know the heat comes from it's different today man but it's I got a kid this 18 you know huh it's not it's my my energy is my time my focus I've spent enough time on me like the selfishness and that's where rap was I needed to stay alive I need to defend it why what never the richest [ __ ] ever but the time that you miss from your family the holidays just missing your kid grow up it's just like kind of like what Mike was saying earlier that constant evolution like the timing of you combined with the timing of where the universe is and what you will learn from that you know man yeah I don't want to get it too talking too deep in here but else we got wood so how did you guys all meet because you guys are awesome you're great team the podcast is off the [ __ ] channel yeah thank you you guys are killing it I want to talk about the live shows cuz these guys we're getting ready to do a little hotbox in life [ __ ] location is [ __ ] - yeah we love it invite don't just tell that you guys are definitely I'd love to come so how did you guys all meet how did this come together well I met Joe years ago through a mutual friend and um but I had we had like I had seen Joe and Def Jam being that my family worked at Def Jam at the time so I would see Joe in passing but we'd never really hung out and like was friends and then years later we met through a mutual friend and our relationship Connor just grew from there and we lived together for for a few years and yeah it's just like you know just the relationship we have as friends as friends it's awesome Rory I met Joe in 2012 or 2013 working on a video for him and then we just kind of became cool and kicked it from there wasn't really an intricate story so I really awkward - yeah when I hear how men French had the same sarcasm and music it's like [Music] on the show I think people have dry humor immediately identify with someone else that has one and hit it off because it takes a different type of brain to really appreciate drying we're yeah me and Joe was just like polar opposites so I think that's why our relationship works a lot of [ __ ] he's not doing any [ __ ] no more underst under states under states this book for many many years mall has been the person to keep me calm hmm that I'm often it but that's because we're polar opposites like I operate from this type of energy and he's over here I'm just like I used to make you very much erratic impulsive decisions that would harm no one but me yeah why do we do it the only species that does some [ __ ] like that what [ __ ] it is their [ __ ] I hate them and one feel sorry for us you're absolutely right yeah right now for love crying for love yeah then we played it with flour you Harper that's what we are 1 for my love is so bad we don't know we want to kill ourselves right yeah yeah oh damn it's crazy when you put it that way [ __ ] yeah or just attention sometimes it's not even love let me just I just need attention if the perception of the [ __ ] know do I think I am out that one [ __ ] to see me even in this show [ __ ] wanna hear the farmer uneducated [ __ ] talk with you know me stable [ __ ] diction what I want [ __ ] laughing a [ __ ] one listen to me why I got all these [ __ ] you know what's this [ __ ] that you got none of the people listening to positive you know me a [ __ ] ninth grader [ __ ] I know I think that's what it is all my that your story is just so intriguing and interesting to people that they just have to they just want to talk to you and wonder if just pick your brain no it's not that [ __ ] deep down you in my ego to tell me a [ __ ] flying [ __ ] need to hear me I need to shut my [ __ ] yeah you do definitely yeah I think most of my like my all my success is based off my ego my low self-esteem but my megalomania of think that thought that I have of myself but these days these days you walk around thinking [ __ ] have to hear me no no I tell myself shut the [ __ ] up yeah me too a lot yeah shut the [ __ ] up but still I can't help it listen to me I can talk to I came to work today right you know you think it happens overnight you know me it feels their own something look I got you this she's dumb [ __ ] I got you the chappie I got you this now you don't know you've been talking to some other [ __ ] for two hours you don't want it to be down with me no more look what I did all your life right I sent you to prison to donate but you know we all feel that energy that we can't explain it allowing us to listen to what I'm saying right now and I'm making my opinion than I mind before we even say anything right you know how come we can't describe that maybe some of us do you feel like this is therapy for you like having a show [ __ ] them no no no no I just like the show right the show is should I get accustomed to it right I like the show and I like some time to get mad after you guys we got a [ __ ] um IX Mafia and four informant coming in here this is going to be pretty interesting yeah but Mike Tyson will be a table will be paying attention yeah so Joe what is it that you want when this is basically almost over 375 so what do you want what is what do you want how do you want to finish this [ __ ] gig if I get to 75 yes when it's over I was I would look at God and say boy while you did that and as I never pictured that I never pictured out I never looked at that before I will I always put it put the benchmark at it like at 15 I saw it I saw it 21 being in at 21 I saw it I had the same [ __ ] 30th might not come living like that - that's why I can't believe I'm [ __ ] man catchy hey there's no [ __ ] diseases and all that [ __ ] stored it some serious [ __ ] right now and so this devil to kill myself I said let me try to live right yeah yeah yeah this what can I try I tried everything yes didn't work let me see it's gonna work I mean how many of the fighters today do you like me how many of the fighters today do you men so on talk to I don't talk today but I say my house I leave my job and I go home sound like me yeah I don't go nowhere I eat sometimes I'm I don't know I get that sometimes I don't trust myself yeah you know I take my home yeah let me know I trust myself in here trust myself my you know though with demons hmm oh go for it dude yes well on that note of the boxers thing we've been having we've had some of those guys come in here now and it's really interesting to see them with Mike hmm and you know just the wisdom that my chasm and in this new version of Mike to see him like we went and talked to the University of Alabama Mike you talked to the football team before this is what the University of these people believe they really uh I don't really wanna really wanna do they know what they have on their hands do they think there's kids waiting for a chance I'm gonna take these kids there these kids have been adapted to a certain lifestyle weight living their life well they miss cheevus they're gonna get in some [ __ ] yes he believes if he takes these kids and he put them away keep away isolate them yeah I took training to prepare money let them out for the game and so in the game and the season is over I don't care what you do no more not that [ __ ] animal they're gonna go out there and go crazy you know it's like it's just like a conquering army to conquer the city or country nice hey your day is over now they're going out there you know it's all about preparing people for life kids for life is my opinion but the prepare them with financial advisors they're not interested in that are interested in winning football I know but you have to have class my ability to be in a football team absolutely but you still come out of there [ __ ] up because you're in that [ __ ] prism of being a football player like it's like me and I'm prison so when come out of football they have to be dirt they have to meet their Derby that yeah yeah we'll be done become you going to the Spartan camp for four years may you play for five years and now you come on Hank buy that was wonderful game thank you but you still you still competitive you still got hungry you still you still bipolar that's why all the musicians are [ __ ] up exactly what you just said hmm same same same thing with the labels and care about you in this album time care about you in the show Tom care about you all the time some countries the government is a lifetime thing after you go to school we pick head of school we take education take care of houses but we're taking care of kids now we're taking cake me show you um your social security but it's a lifetime thing you're [ __ ] with this country you know you know I mean and this in the country like America hey every man for themself is a woman for themselves scratch to the top crawl to the top it's a rat race and even though you win you're still a [ __ ] rat 1000 yeah you know yeah we gotta talk like that about a miracle non-pom time the world the best the best people come out of this country know why because we have without us knowing we have to leave the ship secrets of all the greatest warriors they never lived on this planet cuz that's how we live we put the it's like Alexander the Great just like arm I tell her that on all those guys we take all the young kids and we put them against each other have him compete the brothers the sister haven't compete and whoever gets to the top if the King the best let me focus on him hmm that's just how it is all said it's a group of people we focus on this group that's how we work in this country if he's shining they come you know he's shining this focalin let's put some more energy on him let's put some more water I love having to grow they feed him some more interest he's just he just comes with a spark let's feed them to a spark to become the fire let's be feed that fire that becomes the roaring [ __ ] blaze and that's how the stars are born yeah but they need help they need grown men yeah Roselle Dan Lee being competition it's like battling caught they have to be in competition you have to know who's the best well your talk was the ultimate [ __ ] eye opener for those kids you know I mean one of the things Mike said is all you guys you see that because they played this badass highlight reel of them all Mike's knockouts and and you know Mike's like you see that guy up there that dude that you think you know or who you think I am that Iron Mike guy I don't like that guy I'm not that guy anymore and it was like you get here [ __ ] pin drop in there you know I don't know what they were expecting yeah that's what I think that's what it is people have a perception of Mike because you're watching them and seeing everything that he's done everything that he's been through so if somebody would just always fixated on yeah so then when you see him everything that you thought he was so that's what I'm going through right now like everything I thought Mike was and I mean I've been watching over the years as his change but it's still hearing certain things I'm like you thought you felt like that back then I remembered what it was to sit down and order pay-per-view to watch a fight and the whole family beat it yeah and the image I had him is this is the baddest dude on the [ __ ] planet walking into the ring it was just of yeah the Anteaters sort of hear him say in that moment it was just scared yeah it was [ __ ] me mind-blowing like cuz I know what it did I felt like the baddest [ __ ] in the planet watching you come out and fight 100 reserved so you to say in that moment tell me that you were scared [ __ ] me up yeah I don't know why bomb if I never felt scared I would never fight that bit mode of it and motivates me it's like fuel for [ __ ] successes if I don't have it it's um it's fear but everything in my [ __ ] sight has to [ __ ] die it's just feeling it feeling like an intergalactic juggernaut hmm yeah but they executed yeah like that's like that's why these these type of platforms I think are so important it adds context and understanding to a perception they may have had of you from just walking out to a boxing ring where you have to be in a completely different mind state to operate there these platforms are the most important and that's not being stated enough these are the platforms that are gonna explain the world to the world they won't think I killed my pigeon I turned into a monster that's what happened that's my old life started come back do my [ __ ] pigeon I don't play over pitch though you guys know that story no yeah oh yeah yeah yeah definitely yeah and then I met these [ __ ] guys that were like back I'm they took all the money may kill this [ __ ] the seat up snatched change dick pocket breaking out then I met those guys cuz I fought back with it and I killed my bird that made my whole [ __ ] life changed then I became the bully the [ __ ] criminal or the bad guy hmm it all started yeah so it all started mmm well I saw me fight back well dad this has been a life lesson for me this just this this sit down and that's why podcast so important cuz I would I just talking out there I can't believe that a podcast is what got me in front of you no I'm saying it's still like crazy to me but that's why these platforms are important yeah awesome I did the fact I thought the [ __ ] that was a mofo gonna make fun of my [ __ ] Melissa [ __ ] got a million people viewing this [ __ ] with the [ __ ] my fan I had for my one tip in right yeah listen what we want to talk to you about son what do you think about deaf brother before the [ __ ] gets over what do we only have you what do I think about death we're no you no longer exist in this physical world here we go yes death is death in the physical I got fascinated so I talk about death a lot too um why do you talk about it you fear you're curious something I don't figured oh yeah I don't fear you can't talk about it after it happens that's why I talk about no we all know I think it's just part of the process as you think can no longer exist nothing no matter for a blink of an eye no we are here I think when it's over I'm floating up to wherever the next chapter is mmm hey tell him about us stuff that that I take every down there the toad yeah if I wasn't that the toad what's that what's that old you guys live in New York yeah I love Jordan your vein today yes yeah yeah it's closer now longer yes Bulger no of course that's important yeah the toad is a mystical creature found in the Sonoran Desert and they utilize it for its venom and they extract its venom and they dry it out and it becomes this five Meo DMT you guys have heard of DMT so five visio DMT is like the next level of an eat oh yeah diem together it's got an extra methyl oxy group on it so it travels faster to your brain so you can vaporize it in a ceremony and you have an experience of God an ego death you you know feel the oneness of everything people honest am drinking my stab you can smoke to tell depression anxiety you know it cures all sorts of mental and you know maybe physical ailments as well and Mike has done it a few times he sounds excited yeah kind of but it's really worth it though I'm sure what is the experience when you want it 15 Detroit laughs for the rest of your life well you feel that it lands you when you woke up you thought you asleep for 10,000 years Wow I think you think you'd never oh we should have listened you're gonna find it in the toad the toad is not kind of doing you can do and we can talk yeah toad you going out so leaving your body oh you're gonna have an experience with God yeah so DRT yeah I've heard of DMC actually would drive in say more telling me about it that's it the same thing get where that I'd give it to me that they don't get and when I had that Oh myself inside behind [ __ ] I tried to prove somewhat that try pony [ __ ] white boys killed me they killed me I'm dead that's just what I said trying to prove things I couldn't explain nobody could believe me because I didn't believe myself I said let's do it again I can't believe what I just experienced the same things I'm able to I'm breathing like a hand look no something different yeah so now so now did they provide the tote or did they tell you weird no the shaman right and he's talking all this [ __ ] that this told us this it a tree makes you mean it's the guard monocle you can make garden everybody says shut the [ __ ] up let me see it shut the [ __ ] away that bird it's a real Bobby didn't did I said whoa it humbled me it looks and everything that you think you had with the secret that's madness everything you see this is think you have a secret and you know what nobody didn't know you serving your mind they notice the pain they have on you now we're totally go to other [ __ ] direction all of our secrets that we may have also you smoke this you have the feeling that everyone in the world knows it now imagine you feeling that man is feeling the seeker you don't want nobody ever no matter what it is he said oh [ __ ] they all know I don't know if I want that feel you you learn the Caesar release never know who we really are sometimes we don't like him then we find hey that's all right right no we have to find out who we are before we leave this for a bit we have to get in touch with this mmm yeah we can get in touch with that that's wasted life just waste it yeah that's intense have you done it I've done DMT I haven't done eternity DMT the beautiful that's fun it's like a like I said like ten thousand years of experience coming at you fast feel evidence in your life go way back to a little baby I you know you want to share it it's over yeah it's just everywhere I go like you know anywhere in the world we just came back from Poland catalyst an old and I got one people come up to me for hey congratulations I just tried to toe - congratulations on your experience mmm okay sounds like that yet people that try to you be in a family your brother gotcha gotcha your brother got you okay I think I can't can't even bring it all back of the hood you have anybody start talking about life and dying and after death the end of the world what's my [ __ ] purpose he really get the [ __ ] rap afraid that my purpose don't feel like my purpose yeah you know what can I shut up why am I thinking about me why I little about me everything I'm [ __ ] think of this about me Wendy shut the [ __ ] about with that [ __ ] foul let's go to [ __ ] away you get tired hearing about yourself you know it'd be so many weeks where I said you know I'm so [ __ ] tired of hearing my [ __ ] voice I can't cuz y'all got to hear my voice but I'm sick of it I be needing sabbaticals I'll be needing yeah [ __ ] that's what it is some guys gonna better take man I think that's what it is you gotta meditate [ __ ] yeah share to toe with white boys when they give you know they're gonna be your mentor you be like Maharaja you know it's just some ism enlightenment you know I came in this business looking for money and wealth and [ __ ] I needed money cuz that's all I thought was life was about getting money getting bit to get my man choose my place but looking man somebody has succeeded and it all comes down that realize it's all about giving it away let it go getting out of your [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] then only for you to knock yo the [ __ ] you think you I mean get on your [ __ ] knees it's such a tough realization I have quite a few people in my life weird you know they come to me for advice and my advice is you know we don't matter no man you are so life no man is so insignificant we say that you know everything and that when you realize the line should get on your knees and pray all got a full so I please have my send myself yes I'm sorry I did that to that girl I'm sorry oh [ __ ] I'm sorry anytime man oh [ __ ] you the off [ __ ] when I have a hard time with that I just look up at the sky I might I did I just look I look up at the moon or the Sun the end like this is what the [ __ ] we down here doing place in Nepal I mean told somebody before with a bunch of Buddhist monks live right and they all keep a skull in their bedroom just realized this is what life's about it's a joke cuz even when you always see ask us ahead of us colors always appears to be smiling or laughing life with the joke how serious we took [ __ ] no lost I here called Harley tax court diseases how cuz man we are but but to your point earlier to get to get to this level of sad called spirituality you gotta go you gotta go you got to go through it I say all the time I'm either coming out of some going through some or about to go through something the end good stuff no good exciting goddamn dance it's gotta say there's always there's always [ __ ] goin down you know life has always happened but can you matter where like it's life is so exciting here man you a death it's gonna be like mmm life does not be glory bliss the kids gonna be [ __ ] I think like I always tell me I believe our dreams and our death is life is a birth in our death our dreams and our life is go on forever mmm you know awesome and I realized I hate living that really I'm so awesome lived at this particular time I [ __ ] Michael Jordan Ulis [ __ ] will arrive is I've met Sammy David but frankly I met all these guys before they all died in this stuff yeah time to live I've already played that entire scene out imma be in the sky flying away from you [ __ ] I think it's gonna be just like me down here I don't think so big I believe you all been a different life before it'll be a different life we say five we don't even know how old the world is we don't know we invented car yeah fukiko nothing you know nothing about life there's no rumors of life in the history of life only did the rumors yeah we know all the [ __ ] that they put in the books and taught us in school or attempted to we I didn't I didn't know I would have to unlearn in every you look at rappers fighters and stuff but we're greater than [ __ ] Roman generals we created an Alexander the Great with greater than all those great generals that ever live all those masters all those dis spots all those great monsters or leaders good we're greater than all that and we're seeing what they can never see and that's the future right and that's another big big huge reason that I just I can't I can't fear death but I feel like I can see the future that's gonna sound nuts and I won't say it nowhere so I'll tell it to you yeah I think that's I think that's a mistake to the fear death I really think that's a mistake I think that's almost gonna be like I said huh you're gonna realize this is such a this is when we live this is when we wake up one need eyes will be wake up and you shouldn't fear something that's supposed to have it supposed to happen today was supposed to happen is that's our ego that with egos telling us that we gonna how can I die I'm gonna have to go live in the next dimension yes is you go to think you guys control the interim down here things I have control I never lose control until I lose control you know what the [ __ ] we'll have control for anyway every time I had control our loss but I want to have control for I need the mouth to guide me cook me lead in my life yeah you know roar he touching your soul right now you don't want top 50 rappers Liz yes yeah I said is that really your picks yeah yeah Frenchy's hey no listen now check it out right y'all talk about like 15 20 years ago rat with a imagine when the first start when you first start out like what I say 1979 1980 mmm and we're looking at which we did on my breath it's the building somebody got that I'm like the Latin quarters or something wrapping it somebody's in there rap and say Melly Mel's in there rapping the flashes and they're rapping at the time right it's packed everybody is the cops outside away it's like a man it's like a [ __ ] crime scene mmm if you was associated with that you were bad people even the black community associate with that [ __ ] hip-hop [ __ ] [ __ ] you're [ __ ] crazy mm-hmm I should've whacked that [ __ ] for bad people mm-hmm that's a distinct what it was just all for bad [ __ ] good people didn't associate with hip-hop mmm back then and now it's the biggest no absolutely I used to go to all the kind I went to all the Run DMC concerts they were going all over Houdini act hang out with them when they went to England went to the concert when they were performing out there I did all those cars back in there LL Cool J let me see this Fresh Prince Will Smith Will Smith did a song about me when he was a little kid city really yeah mmm all those that many was it but the juice crew dates to be with the juice screw with bit with Biz Markie and all those guys so I see Joe you looking for your name on the list no but the people that speak like my I'm not on the list I should be but the people that people that talk like Mike like with this hip-hop [ __ ] they all have Treach hi them only when I get around young people or them oh yes like no I have treasure but up he's a man man yeah Mike why didn't you put Treach any breweries in group huh treach's in a group he's a naughty by nature now but the [ __ ] way but the group was nothing without them well if there's no him there's no group yeah you guys sound so feels like so diverse the crack so you know the group is on its back so it's really like Treach hmm no but it was great you too yeah he's the writer here listen this is this is interesting too this is not really good this is this is the ego crusher to way I could write these songs for everybody that's a right through all but only this guy makes it magic hmm everybody up there give me they give me a fright they give me gold and stuff they give me platinum ISM but this guy makes me magic mm-hmm why was there enough for everybody else and they're good to go I doesn't give a magic like this guy because he's touched he's special you know I didn't put big as number one I put the mouth then somebody else put them in order oh just like fighting I can never say who's the best ever all the time and it's really hard it's one guy that could listen JD could be doing my 20 year running nothing but hits right and then one guy who only had one hit and it could dominate anything hmm the whole 20 years or something that's how it happened that's how fighting is well what guys will be having rain for 100 years if one guys can last for one year but having one excited year makes you never forget who he was you know he's like a burning comet that one that little moment is making lasts forever mm-hmm yeah there's people that I don't even know why they exist like that they don't even care about themselves they don't care they look but they cut there's magic when they do whatever they do singing and dancing rapping whatever it is run himself hack then whatever it is that you can't probably can't wait to see them the next time yeah my giver we did our top 10 fighters list oh yeah I think about all the time who's the greatest fighter never say foo [ __ ] you know I mean right so you guys think about the one that sometimes you look at me look at Matt especially at Wu stay Pernell Whitaker we have lost him he's [ __ ] absolutely insane right Amy did drunk and he beat the best fighter in the world at the little kitty without now he's drunk and he just beat the [ __ ] out of a little kid with a great fighter mmm it's a man it's winning Olympic World Championships Pan Am Games Olympic titles and sometimes just drinking beating all these there's only eighteen seventeen years old beating all these guys it's different beating everybody you know one see that is so big is beating about the kid beating everybody twice a day if I beat everybody no one can touch him Russia and cube and Poland will you tell you to anywhere in the planet beating them all hmm so it's off you just always pick a number one absolutely absolutely day today baby yeah just um you take a guy like this take Sugar Ray Robinson here's what he fights right Michael took my 40 fights right didn't first take him on he lose he beat you come on the first fret second fret fight Jake come on take him on beat him right so he had he's 40 and 40 and one now right he after that he goes 85 and oh maybe man you know there's some people beat up I'm the greatest fighter in the world you know all these pecs do the foot all right you did fit to let me see you go 85 90 in a row yeah but there's no way within a what a five-year period four year period so my four year three years for us mmm what he for worthy for 27 years ago 55 for Ray Robinson for 26 years right he had 200 was it 208 fights put that in perspective - how are you gonna fight I for 15 times in one year how often you gonna fight that's how you that's how you that's how you sometimes you hear like a rap I don't know what they did a some thing I might start [ __ ] doing that [ __ ] riffing thing and that's like I'm fighter come on bring it on I'll fight you today tomorrow next week next Tuesday I fight you in your [ __ ] living room with your family that officials more you do it the more you want it how do you feel about Floyd though how do you feel awesome fight a great fighter you know he he's a little too into himself you know he should be I was the same way too but you have to come to reality some way you have to bring your head down the guard we know we're nothing to be [ __ ] a grenade will you expect us to be ignorant and arrogant look where we came from that's why I asked the question earlier about you mention our fighters because I feel like I feel like Floyd looked at you growing up like every other fighter and the persona and the lifestyle was like growing up in the hood we looked at it like that's Mike Tyson we see the cause of jewelry that the the flare like you was a movie star you see that I didn't see right so that's why I'm saying you know Floyd is going through that and you can see it and I feel like you're like a mirror for him and you have you can tell them what it's gonna be on the other end of that means nothing I mean it means nothing to tell somebody that he got a feel like I didn't know it's higher you can't tell listen I'm a little [ __ ] mind we're doing it I know I'm Mike baby's [ __ ] mind you know who might think my folks you think I'm a bad thing on the planet who - [ __ ] to think that I'm I deserved for some [ __ ] to praise me I think I'm somebody great with my darkness why do I deserve why don't I deserve to get us my knees and kiss somebody else's ass else to help somebody else that need to be helped why want to hold all my money why not give to somebody they need it they need it more than me [ __ ] champ I'm Mike Tyson when I'm broke I'm special these [ __ ] mm-hmm that's just what it was I thought when I was broke I was finished nobody's gonna be around me no I'm not gonna get more [ __ ] I know every respect we don't wanna left I had the more I got more take me I [ __ ] us then I realized it wasn't nothing wasn't the money it was me choosen two people in the world I strayed all the time those that are humble and those that are about to be and and that's a life lesson oh no we met people people especially that men men and I meant to be on mobile they meant to be humbled hmm humans are meant to be humbled and I'm not gonna be born humbly crazy well yeah why the [ __ ] I gotta be humble [ __ ] [ __ ] anything [ __ ] sneaky like to tell you sometimes that's tough up - back to your question while I was talking about this foot off in terms of rappers though it's just sometimes it's tough that's a tough lesson to learn for really wealthy people yeah it just takes some time yeah yeah especially if is thinking about Floyd you know he probably has more money than he knows what to do with mm-hmm and he's not trying to kill himself with drugs or whatever it else at least from the outside view right so then what is it that it's gonna lead a guy like that to an awakening you know I don't know nobody know who the [ __ ] of one perception no no but you know or that people need to have an awakening another camping stuff I was lonely all those people around me I was lonely man that's what I'm about to say Evan used you said he lives a drug-free life but there's so many more drugs to draw yeah yeah absolutely yeah the attention I'm watching that that's the number one drug right right now right yeah yeah yeah yeah the weighted mics that he used to view money some of these people you know without that attention and you just left with you now I never wanted me so shallow I wanted somebody to tell me I was somebody you know how a [ __ ] give a girl a [ __ ] a band anything she told me I was the greatest hmm I needed [ __ ] security I was nothing I was a nobody that one to be a my tea give me give you all my money tell me I'm great tell my ticket the biggest mmm yeah you know you're [ __ ] you never know how you gonna respond you don't know who you are until you get there yeah why do I have this money I ain't [ __ ] my mother ain't [ __ ] my father I don't know why I never knew anybody was [ __ ] where I got this [ __ ] mm-hmm no filming how do you understand that Joe how come you're rapping and none of the boys are rapping from the block they tried to rap no no no why I never sit why's it that way why are you rapping but then I rapping though they tried to represent the rapping even though you laugh but then I wrap up your children still rap you can still rap our company my rapping we wish sometimes we ashamed this is what we received of we ashamed to say there I'm the chosen one while I was just about to answer you and say God God is just an really great hear me my takes for you to get that to say that yeah you know I was out there I was out there we all so afraid to say God chose me I was the chosen one I don't want to drop my best to [ __ ] it up yeah I don't want the same I don't want this [ __ ] I don't want people come with me I don't know you know hey what's up take it I'm used to come people come they come up it's gonna stick you up as I'm paralyzed for autographs pulling out guns on people affecting for what you guys want a picture I'm an animal I don't know how to handle this [ __ ] how do you deal with Los Angeles I did that before too and the eight is my first got married I did the Los Angeles thing that's why I wasn't mad didn't stay married wrong even in that Mike you gotta get to the point where you hurting someone that you love actually affects you now right no one affected me that she [ __ ] I got busted hmm I said I was so so so so sorry you a [ __ ] about to my kid about me then yeah but now oh now that that scream my friends tell me I'm a bad [ __ ] - hmm you know mmm my friends my [ __ ] they tell me I'm a bad negative right the ego yeah Wow yeah when you ain't said a word yeah but that's what they think - you can't you can't tell something like what's going on in their head you can't tell somebody head mm-hmm you don't think you could fully understand your father until your own kid is yelling at you I would love to spend a day in my Texans brain oh man it would be I think I made anyway I don't fight you don't say that about yourself now you're bad man you're good man Mike that's not true you loving your then you know you weren't unlike you when you did that it's like that going on but I'm sorry Mike that's where all my life is gonna [ __ ] sorry he's come from them sorry it's from the diamond I'm sorry please forgive me God I'm sorry I don't mean to do that can I give them money you think get the family money I we think are they [ __ ] gonna say get the [ __ ] away from me I want to buy myself in heaven sometimes I was gonna give people money I'd make money and I wish I can give it to somebody that I heard before vark is not really your responsibility on how people forgive you yeah it's kind of I know that's true no I know but I'm just dealing with it how do you deal with that it's been done and you did it you bought her for life because of you you people affect the favor feel right because of yourself even to yourself is you had to do it even even money but you have to do it oh there opee yeah therapy dude wait you wanna hurt somebody in one item I just wanna see them suffer well on that idea of being a chosen one whatever that means I think what that translates to is that you're a person willing to fully Express the [ __ ] that's going on in here out here you know I think a lot of people are really afraid and terrified of being themselves absolutely yeah seen as having any joy because nobody feels like they deserve to feel worthy or happy think it's a thing that's there's this thing in our culture where it's not really cool to be happy it's not cool to be a positive person like it's a cooler thing to be negative yeah and that's all of that those are the Sheep you know those are the people who are going about the [ __ ] nine-to-five miserable depressed popping the pills that their doctors prescribed going to the job that they hate because they think that makes them [ __ ] people maybe Joe then I see some people that do that and they're happiest most positive people who earn their happiness they may go like this I can get you a job at the [ __ ] I'm the farm yeah at the [ __ ] factory or something they it's positive we really can't put our fingers on people and why this and that because then you see another person and they say [ __ ] life is beautiful I love the [ __ ] factory that I work in at absolutely that's a different mindset don't get you a job - mike is so good they got pulled there to have a whole life there right well what I'm saying is it's the people who you know whatever column the chosen ones column you know the leaders of art of the tribe called humanity you know you're [ __ ] putting this [ __ ] is all spirit anyway it's all coming from the universe and coming from the cosmos and that's all being expressed out of you and through you Mandy not conscious wouldn't and what most people are in but when you're not conscious of that stuff it only works for a certain amount and stops working I don't think so you know I think you have to be a great being grips with yeah into it you should let it go and think it's gonna get stated forever without working on things about it concentrate with it oh yes you know yeah I grew that I think people see negativity spreads so much faster than negatively cook comes across so positive yeah it's for you know means that says it feels good to be negative it feels good to fight yeah that's what we will be for more than we [ __ ] in history hmm can you imagine that sometimes we [ __ ] we fought the [ __ ] [ __ ] them it's just um we did that more than [ __ ] this I need to the fight but it's not we're not structured for fighting my hand I feed that L we're not it's not built for fighting mm-hmm they break easy you know kinda hits on my Twitter fits break or damage your hand so we're not me for fighting but still we fight we have fighting spirit and you can't stop it even though we're gonna hurt ourselves we fight yeah it's timeles that brain I guess you know stimuli separating like Joe what was it for you that you had to step away from rattling uh I don't think it was one thing in particular well there was it say you want you know I can't do this anymore I put out an album in 2000 when it all of lost my 2014 mmm I didn't want to do it anymore when I was actively doing it mm-hmm I didn't come on we released Apple it was redundant and boring did he get the response that you wanted no it not response it didn't get the result that you and that meant that I wanted because I was saving money this little Wayne yeah he was on that he was an animal but that that happened that was a listen it save your life time it's not really about the label gonna be mad you only gonna do 20,000 or like they won't be but i'ma be alive and that was my last album on that particular label from that point on it was about how do I stop this hmm I don't three four months and to creating a project tack on another two to three months if you want to tour it tack on another did you try our app yeah I do the worst on my life miserable because that album was such a dark album for me that by the time I went on tour I was no longer feeling that way yet I had to perform those records it was a constant reminder it come it always brought me back that's so interesting yeah you know if I go on stage right this is my ego if I gonna say [ __ ] my life is happy my life my dick is hard I people are applauding me and looking at me and [ __ ] and why do I feel that way you know I don't like the fact that like that I feel that way mmm that makes sense yeah 100% also rappers wasn't getting paid like the streaming these streaming services ain't really they're not doing the right thing just yet and got a long way to let ecosystem is structured properly if I was a good rapper I would just do home parties I would just go to people houses hey I won't perform at your house before uncle rich guy misses and that's what I was I take a banner fair like I did Frankie Beverly made I said performer my house for my 30th birthday party so I had them before so that's what I do so when I throw parties that's the parties will entertain a little bit like wrap your fingers or something yeah I love how you just said that so casually yeah you're perfect Frankie Beverly and maze do what you do in that life that we all make money we all do this thing we all want to do something big we all want somebody to remember some of us about this party or something that's our ego too I guess and you know that's why we did it that's what we do you know we can't even help it that we do that we don't even like the fact that our ego is talking to do it but we don't have no control over it so we do it it tells us how good we're gonna feel that that how [ __ ] special I mean [ __ ] are gonna love with Thai many people gonna notice an industry and yet they're never gonna stop talking about you and then I love you like you love yourself that's what's above ya are crazy breakdowns [ __ ] you're dead you're just like going on the ride with it because no loans what he's seen and we accomplished what he's been through and the things that he's done so to hear it coming from his mind it's like wow because these are a lot of things that I'm like yeah I want to experience that but for him is going through it and then say that ain't about [ __ ] and no one's my biggest thing when I use like go to the record companies and stuff and I always loved the girls in the [ __ ] offices they were always fairly [ __ ] sexy and smart looking at [ __ ] and you're always [ __ ] awesome and [ __ ] right so we think the girl in the [ __ ] company offices and [ __ ] mmm and always want the workers you want a bunch of line looking black woman or Latino women in the office just cut that [ __ ] together at the [ __ ] the [ __ ] suitcase their bags looking elegant in the hood yeah no flat I was starting that [ __ ] for sure yeah I took the black away that team of minorities went to that other level quick they said I represent in the world then without even knowing it what else you got for us Evan come on give it to us that something do you got five years you guys been doing the pot in February will be five years Wow oh I'm [ __ ] - every [ __ ] day pretty much you're basing your opinion spreading your word out you have to you have to build and design your life the way you want it to operate mmm I didn't want to go on tour I really hate touring to be perfectly honest do you want to be a businessman you want to be important you let me entrepreneur you let me be involved with um finances yeah yeah yeah oh look all the good stuff all the conversations they would never have to me if my if my priority was putting albums up my dick they just would not happen I don't think I would fighting my [ __ ] I can't even getting out of my perspective out I'm just selling I'm so into my own [ __ ] head mmm I'm so glad listening I'm so glad that ego was never really my struggle oh man you must doesn't think I'm telling you something right now it wasn't you don't even know it mm-hmm you can't even stop drinking I say you go you can't stuff with the bottle down you know that you didn't know that come on just stop [ __ ] playing [ __ ] game all the time know what I'm saying what I'm saying is I don't want to just air correct I don't want to drink yes you do I don't want to guess you are no I'm not get the drink you drunk let's [ __ ] some [ __ ] now mmm that's your [ __ ] [ __ ] you just get that money back from the negative beat us in the [ __ ] studio let's check them [ __ ] they owe us money oh let's just start going on now no see your ego nice was more exciting than any time I was drunk and I had two [ __ ] in the living room all came upstairs everyone did none of us from the rap industry nervous for my where we came from in our neighborhood where I thought we do is talk [ __ ] and everything without half and [ __ ] that's what we do is brag and play the Dozen on people how can we not have egos that's the all that's [ __ ] and we don't even know how we got here we were on top lady but it's looking at us we babbles and we forgot we got it how do I [ __ ] get here now I figured who did I beat to get here hmm to get here who did I beat really wasn't my first fight wasn't my last with this big bull fight got me here's where I'm with your guys on this [ __ ] mic right here all of them huh all of it all of them in all of it maybe so you probably even right but I always think what got me here okay before I got here I was trying to count with high all the time I'm [ __ ] on cocaine I was [ __ ] drinking all the time so how did I go from near and I got here once that uh that very thing mmm and then realizing that was wrong to get here no I want to go back over here and then I guess I involved tonight um I guess I hit rock bottom and I didn't want to go any further I was afraid to go to that other level the last lecture yeah I didn't want to go there it was getting scary sighs I submitted huh you know it's a minute I've unlocked plenty of rock bottom secret doors got a ways to go Wow it's insane so you guys do the podcast live and you [ __ ] sell it out yeah podcast what are you doing a podcast on boys smoking weed on the pod all yours for all this I don't smoke on the pot anymore you know not anymore I don't smoke on the pot anymore but I do smoke I don't drink yeah yeah and you're vegan Oh pescetarian I'm funny too you know sometimes it'd be like say they're doing pigs or cows or something to be a dead pig that can't even be dead in the garbage for two or three days then they throw it at them at other pig and cow either me and chop them [ __ ] episode them to us yeah well we're being slowly poisoned I heard this the other day from my wife because our daughter went and had a playdate with her friend and they had McDonald's for lunch and it was the first time in my daughter's life she's had McDonald's seven and a half pretty [ __ ] pumped it's pretty good did you know they got impossible burger now with McDonald's and stuff I know I know that's good I mean that's a good step but you know french fries at McDonald's in the UK have three ingredients potatoes salt and sugar patife wrench fries at McDonald's in the US has over 20 ingredients over 20 and green I don't taste good in English I don't do the French rather than [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] right the French fries in English like shrimp is [ __ ] look up in the sky at any point in LA and I guarantee you see a [ __ ] jet flying with a [ __ ] you know smoke dream behind it what the [ __ ] are they pumping didn't someone tell me then put a jet fuel employ they're pumping [ __ ] chemicals they're just lacing us with chemicals let's see what this [ __ ] does today wouldn't see when they do that to it that wonder what they think well now I gotta go and I gotta land the plane now I gotta go into the chemicals I wonder what do they ever say that right well it's compartmentalized yeah so the guy flying the plane he's like yeah whatever I'm just [ __ ] shootin some [ __ ] out of this jet I'm flying we always a job to do yeah yeah but listen man this is what I always say every time we have the deep conversation and we worried about the world then I fade it gotta take care of tomorrow yeah listen you think people we might not be here yeah that's that's the whole thing don't wanna see guys don't wanna do it listen it won't solve all the bugs and the planet died the planet would die if all the [ __ ] trees realize the plant the bird died the elder there the plan would die right if all the humans died the [ __ ] planet would flourish can't be better you know flourish it would grow they won't cut [ __ ] they won't kill [ __ ] everything will grow we have more than we can ever imagine mmm okay that's what we do we hear the killer as we kill the blank between us and are we are cancers this is a giant party win for my knees body and this isn't weird cancers just trying to kill us he's trying to get us up the planets trying to get us down with it we're fighting them to the [ __ ] bitter end we're polluting them with [ __ ] putting bombs you opening it up and getting all the oil out of here we're getting the [ __ ] volcanoes pissed off again [ __ ] what's that [ __ ] that toxic gas blow like you're coming out give us optimism but that's just what we live in we live in is are losing giving this opportunity your [ __ ] you like estimate no no no you believe everything is beautiful that's what we all here but the world is in up world we think we can destroy the work on destroy so if I do not believe that everything's beautiful I do not believe that living is what we're doing here I don't know that we don't start living when we leave here I don't know that's what I said I don't know that's why I want to know are you operate from this piece of I don't know hmm I can you not be curious and know something it make me believe I know something don't let me fit I'm gonna die I think so man 100% I hope so 100% you know when I wonder when I took the toll you know and then I didn't have no parent I didn't remember my wife and my kids everything I love didn't exist that's all about me it was nothing that was associated with it existed in my mind at that moment hmm I didn't think about my family my kid call [ __ ] canal in the [ __ ] house [ __ ] [ __ ] you son I need some reason a morning for coffee stroking those young you're living long that ain't it it's something else some [ __ ] attested not felt resist oh my god we just like never know who's gonna stroll through yeah you never know I like that we just we asked on my trial basis that's how this this world has been doing since the beginning about trial basis it works strangely this stuff I did was try slavery in another perspective where I keep remix and you have to wear that biggest a the biggest theater soul everywhere the biggest one especially they make you love yourself we hang out with you you know me it then Leslie you might be the honorary white people one day a thousand years from now or something you know I mean you never know you gotta get we have to prepare these people I think the elements is gonna wipe all of these idiots out before racism before we saw before we see what racism yields I think it's gonna be a big snowstorm or all the dams a break and everybody's gonna drown and I'm gonna be up to beer and my ghost corner saying I told you [ __ ] right that's our ego to we're not that fortunate enough to be around within in the world you know I mean something that you'll say we're gonna be around when this [ __ ] all goes down we won't ever you think the Chinese water China the war alone it took 2,000 years to be made imagine living life what happened within that 2,000 years I was born you were born all that time your grandmother your great-grandmother with blame I don't I I don't I'm not sure that humans are part of the earth evolution am I not it's not sir for everything that you said earlier about us when it all of humans die the earth will flourish I'm not certain that we're a part of that we weren't always here yeah wasn't we weren't better but the earth was better you know yeah no I don't know what's next they got dogs [ __ ] pigs they got they taking this gene mixing it with that gene they're doing all types of [ __ ] charlie [ __ ] [ __ ] dog I used to watch films and stuff bestiality cuz I couldn't believe him [ __ ] [ __ ] on a pig pig [ __ ] a [ __ ] some [ __ ] like that my suckling pig dick of something you see what the [ __ ] you know I mean and this is what's out here you know sometimes right I saw a horse [ __ ] what I'm not bail to never watch another my sex classes I know what sexting really do sex kills us it's our [ __ ] it's our [ __ ] dream it's the BTS sure this person I love I want them to love me that's why I want to [ __ ] them and you want to [ __ ] for love that's all they want you want the person that loved them or the dog or the animal or whatever it is all come from love [ __ ] I think there's better ways to get your dogs I love you it's funny it's funny but it's what it is yeah you can't deal with the reality of what it is it's in your face but we want to be what everyone likes this for you want to be a part what everybody likes us what we want to be like you want to be loved the only be known for [ __ ] animal the [ __ ] people who are not animals but should be animals still people think should be animals you want to live a life without judgement I'll have that ever gonna happen that's what we want don't judge me I still love you but don't judge me you don't even want nobody loves you judging though cool weird external of right that's the essence of life but we turn it down so he's not he's not one of us he [ __ ] somebody that he shouldn't have [ __ ] oh it's not cool the [ __ ] I live with they're all a bunch of hypocrites that's who we are it's just human beings that we're all hypocrites all we can't help it we can't even help it mmm oh well this was amazing I think you can [ __ ] rise above that man's about what judgment can rise about rise above criticism rise above the voice in your head that accept all criticism absolutely once you do that then that's easier except that once you do that it turns and then I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say to me whatever the [ __ ] thing was but that's how that goes they're gonna judge you I'd judge me every day I give two [ __ ] you don't I'm sitting here I guess your your attachments to it you know what I mean but as an individual but look at this is just think right this is this instance right right now right this man we gotta put aside we got to pick a side gotta be a side we got a pic you gotta be a side we're gonna pick sides how do we pick sides I wouldn't pick I first feel huh I feel I feel I ain't pickin nobody side but you gotta pay because we feel compelled to pick a side maybe for my signal maybe every situation I was gonna lead to it might lead to violence that might be the alienation and [ __ ] you know I mean what anyway would have to pick a fight with a bull yo you fight it out and yes i'ma stay with what I believe in these whoever wins while we can't do that why are we such a we an such a following culture well people need to follow something I agree that too except for the ones who don't yeah you know I don't see how y'all can even have this podcast without a bunch of weed around no I came in out of hand with on mushrooms one time I did this and it was really awesome or good though yeah shrooms are good have you done I never did Oh [Music] they're in bistros I want to do it though yeah I want to do it yeah they'll be like [ __ ] ribs are changing experience yeah I don't know if y'all really want to do a pot on shrooms yeah so happy one day I was just happy hanging out in the [ __ ] press rooms chillin yeah I want to do shrooms a mall oh yeah there was a listing I want to do you guys should first do it like out in a forest or [ __ ] somewhere peaceful where you cannot be around a lot of people because it just turns up your senses to a million I'm gonna be there to watch and you know if you're around too many people for the first time it might be a really unpleasant yeah the first time I did it was not everyone did it so it became just a weird energy in them yeah where it's like four of us are on shrooms and you two are just kind of in the corner yeah why are you here because you realize that everything is out here man it's all [ __ ] out here all your feelings there's nothing but your feelings in the [ __ ] world and your attachments to everything around you and your relationships to everything you know your thoughts that's all there is no I'm a duck guy from time to time in the past no I didn't get that vibe from you buckets definitely did for sure but I loved it I loved you I loved watching that love talking to you for real man this is very much this was an honor for me he said he's coming to talk to you tomorrow he's coming aboard yeah he said he's coming tomorrow what are they doing live nation at rock nation was well rock nation is a management company and uh they manage artists and they help brand artists and things like that athletes and you know Jay is controlling all that over there you know just just doing this thing but Biggs and Jay was you know just friends growing up and you know Rockefeller back in the days of Dane and other things they did and now Biggs is doing his own thing so no we don't get electric music dance music stuff we get ready to get involved with them we got property in any property in city yeah yeah yeah I was watching time I was looking at thing why I want to become a part of this woman cuz I looked at it different looked at it were the [ __ ] from a political perspective that was power 250,000 people there man 250 people rolling down on New York on [ __ ] Central Park or [ __ ] somewhere in Washington State and watching them bomb in Washington DC yeah you know me yeah we got the right that of a party there man such a message you can control the message that you give that's what everything about music everything is political it all started from political rapping you know they did like the guy from the 1500 therefore therefore what happened to the Queen I saw her with that glue beggar last night whatever it is you know that's what we are we're like Vanguard's of the modern age we telling the stories and that's what life is all about telling stories people make movie like a thousand years ago 200 years from now people make movies or for people's raps like it was real certainly who's a real life that you really actually happened what they're doing it which I've seen all the movies yeah yeah yeah sure but they're gonna do in the way that we never believed could be done you know in the name of the fan who's who's doing the Mike Tyson movie who's the actor hey listen right was it Jamie fine then I look at my life is nothing for different now I could take something like Mike Tyson and the plus they're taking a little take some like Mike Tyson life and I can make an atom at um cartoon cartoon and put it on show like every week something that happened in my face right as a kid this happened and it starts some ten years old all the way to what 52 like getting this business and stuff and the EDM keep on going but look how long you can go the movie can years ago we have a movie with here's letter play for the rest of all we have this continue to go right yeah it's right my story this happened out of 13 over 10 I wasn't spotted I was locked up here I would say Iraq or whatever just play from that perspective mmm more people seeing that we can make more money ain't gonna miss even really not what they used to be yeah no you know hmm I need a movie on Spofford oh yeah you know spawn fit yeah minutes Buffett on my life I'm the kid huh oh yeah that was that was the place we wanted to stay out of gnawing up here you heard about that from khilafat yeah that's closed down all right yeah all right what you got well it's been [ __ ] awesome having you guys here it is never go in the studio again I could be an offense I'm I see a bill job post fitment spitting on wanna record and nothing Mike we didn't have all this great amazing talk for me to pretend I know what tomorrow holds loneliness you're creating an out people songs and feel just fit man you still do that right no ah man no yes finished huh yeah you know it's like you said earlier once you once you once you let go it all came yeah you're right like the second I stopped rapping there were vast improvements all around my life mmm dad they don't come for me to say all right let me get back in my Joe bag and do what Joe wants people are so strong I can't imagine seeing you when I rap and I thought was faithful just stupid question and you know what's interesting about that Mike what I learned yesterday is it was never to wrap it it was always me it was all the way back to that chosen one thing all that power and all the things that I was able to make happen independently in music and that's a lot if you understand a music that's a lot the second I start wrapping those things continued it was never the action using one or two bars it's not it's all an illusion like you say that's it's me we decide to rap next year or in two years with with a quick here's where I'm at it'll be it'll be from a place of what and that need it won't be because I need to live it won't be because I need to vent it won't be because I need a dollar it won't be because I need attention how do you feel about money I could give a [ __ ] about it I can give I think I only have some because I have all never given a [ __ ] about it money allows me to have shorter phone calls with people that quote yes go ahead okay go how much got it for me I'm so low maintenance might I don't need nothing I've been homeless my [ __ ] like we could really sit here and talk I don't need much all this [ __ ] but God's grace and mercy think it could all be gone tomorrow today we walk out of here and black people he knows [ __ ] that we operate from that fear of not one day's to go back to how they they were so yeah that fear drives me up it motivates me more I don't know why going back the book and be going be like money put the nice treat [ __ ] still in the tree the cameras the [ __ ] turn the cameras man they still the light that blow up that keep the luminate the place with the crime they used to say traffic like [ __ ] ago she a [ __ ] that kill you they kill themselves l care man look I still love them I'm proud to be from there so probably be from there it's awesome so I'm glad to hear you say that like oh absolutely I might even had a pair of lime-green Karl Kani jeans [ __ ] on a baggy suit you talking [ __ ] where you get some track suits some hot box of track suits yeah yeah door oh [ __ ] smiling I never [ __ ] stop smiling I forget your bidding I should bend this [ __ ] right those wipe your hand well you guys want to tell everybody where they can find you out you still talking to people on the internet though right yeah yeah you can definitely definitely find us on Spotify twice a week every Wednesday and Saturday you can find us so no one in the award for you um podcast yet you want it be social or noise yeah don't do that don't matter it's a form of improving yourself you've never done this before now you got a wolf or something you never dreamed of doing before this is hey this is uh no no no no it's not they not ain't not the determiner of of when our improvement occurs no no thank you for the acknowledgement exactly everybody is we all are we want you to succeed that's why you know number one guy cuz they're the fans we all want you to succeed off my fighter our fight is so much bigger than mm-hmm thank thank you I'll get it out the way it's a distraction okay you got a big fight going on are you telling me you tell me yeah but all this all the thin though if anything's out here bothering you it's because it's in with them if you cool within that night about this is nothing this is no losing this is the [ __ ] physical wouldn't composure you out here no [ __ ] you this is no I'm mad at the discrepancy in ad dollars between white people and black people and this podcast game and in some other games but we've been here too long so I'm not gonna start there I don't think that comes from hating me I just think it comes from a good understanding of what the [ __ ] is going on in the ecosystem out online yes make it better that's all don't complain but we have to make it better I know what [ __ ] thing Rory is here all your skills I'm not a lawyer no no I'm a Poli skate man and I podcast I manage here and there wouldn't know I hire lawyers laughs yeah I'm not a lawyer things gonna happen with this podcast man can't go any higher absolutely I don't even think we've scratched the surface of how big podcasting is gonna get into the award point you were making I think there needs to be a proper award show that really sure and in platforms like you guys is just absolutely a world what cathica they have it all over the world it should be a world championship a world festival whatever it is it's a moral perspective I mean five years ago it was way [ __ ] different pasta oh yeah people barely knew at podcasts were five years ago yeah and now it's I don't know it was when I started one I didn't know what that word meant hmm and a second someone explained it to me I said oh I just remember seeing the app and being like the [ __ ] do I do it yes on an iPhone it's not music what is this that's how I discover my dick when I was 12 I'm gonna [ __ ] yeah hey we're gonna get some food thank you guys so much thank you welcome here anytime thank you really appreciate and when we will be back hey we did with the okay last time you did a song with him he was good yeah it was he doing all right these days I wouldn't have spoken stays yeah hey miss wings off the hook - Mike follow me badly Instagram that nothing interesting button be [ __ ] [Music] I'll be back here this beautiful establishment let me talk to you about told we not offer that still my tracks I want to tracksuit oh yeah we got one oh yeah yeah yeah I'm jealous yeah it's cool - all right way to cool down too hot to it as [ __ ] he sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel hot box Tyson chicken our website hotbox a podcast [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 1,698,351
Rating: 4.8833117 out of 5
Id: st2xd81bzJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 9sec (5589 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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