Legendary Ring Announcer Michael Buffer | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson | Ep 45

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I love that in this day and age i can sit back eating dinner while watching Mike motherfucking Tyson smoking a j whilst talking with Michael Buffer. So good. Mike is so damn chill these days.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Hetstaine 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Really enjoyed his role in You Don’t Mess with the Zohan

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/yungpablosancheezy 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

That was a great hour. Thanks for posting

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TwoFaceLord 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wow, imagine fighting 35 times in a year. Tyson's analogy of "if water can do that" seems to drive home the idea that no matter how big the gloves are, every fighter puts his/her life on the line, even in sparring.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/saucymew 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
and I tried and now ladies and gentlemen fasten your seat belts you know man your battle station in the ice and of course the great Olli this game is for saying I'm so pretty I'm ready to rumble rumble young man Rumble boo beanie Brown would join in they go with float like a butterfly sting like a baby so I started to say let's get ready to rumble [ __ ] we have him bring it in please welcome flee that means to off you do that we can we can do something of course can we get uh let's get ready to hotbox and now for the thousands in attendance and the millions around the world who wish they could be here ladies and gentlemen let's get ready for hot boxes that was awesome well there it is everybody welcome to another episode of hot box and I'm Evan Britton and I'm Mike Tyson I'm Mike we've got the voice in here nothing bad about it good to be here 35 years wow that's amazing what was that like the beginning back to 1985 jeez I started in 82 I was a disaster the first 85 proto by 85 oh yeah I was introducing you by 85 man well Mike was Mike was doing for rounders and six rounders and he and you were like fighting every six weeks 15 fights in one year yeah that's you know I'm people people today there's like you're amazed by that but you know you're a student of the game and you go back and you look at Sugar Ray Robinson who I still think is the greatest pound-for-pound fighter in the history of the game but when he fought Jake LaMotta he was 40 you know yeah he had already fought LaMotta once and beaten him this is now in their second fight yes I remember listen to this guy ray all over the world listen to it Ray was a welterweight and Jake was a middleweight 14 pounds didn't make any difference they fought because they were just the hottest fighters in New York at the time they fight a second time and LaMotta wins the fight his first loss he's 40 you know he's still a welder way they fight again 21 days later yes but wait it gets better ray fights a 10-round her in between him agree before you frightful amazed him by then he wins and then over over his next 80 fights Sugar Ray Robinson goes undefeated over his next 80 fights until he fights for the light heavyweight championship but in the rain he lost in his 40th fight and then went undefeated for like 80 fights what do you know laws one day went undefeated for 80 it's unbeliev it was the guy that he fought for the light heavyweight title Joey Joey max I knew mr. Mac from real well before he died a no real great story there too because III tell it to the way in those days in New York you had to weigh in the morning of the fight yes now you know today any light heavyweight or any middleweight that's going to fight its super middleweight or light heavyweight comes in at the limit they put it on the way cuz they're all like you know they're all emaciated when they weigh themselves in day before yeah so try to imagine this race fighting for the light heavyweight title he's the middleweight champ yeah he weighs in at 159 pounds he's fighting for the light heavyweight title he could no he walks around at 159 every day he weighs in at 115 Joey Maxim ways what 173 whatever cuz that's in those days the guys were really that's what they weight the fight gets postponed at Yankee Stadium because of thunderstorms electrical storms so it's a Saturday night they sorry scheduled for Monday night Yankee Stadium Monday and they have to weigh in again on morning and if that happened today those guys would be 20 pounds overweight yeah absolutely do that today huh and the only reason Ray lost is because in those days the fighter didn't swallow his water between rounds yep yes and spit it out yeah they didn't they weren't really up on hydration yeah they carried the referee out of the ring after the 10th 11th round Ruby goldstein right did you carry the referee passed out alternate referee comes in to him Ray Ray lost 10 to 15 pounds yes and and passed out at the end of the 14th and he was ahead but listen Wow but this is interesting right yeah the fact that he lost with the best performance of his life that was his best performance by far it's brilliant yeah and collapse from me wow that's amazing you know thank God for you too because we can tell these stories and now people can go and look at like a definite I used to talk to Joey Maxim all the time cause he was a pit pit bull in the hotel and Vegas and the boxing here and I would go and talk to him every [ __ ] day every night there was a nighttime but it's gonna nighttime and I would talk to him would you talk about fighting yeah I talked to him about the Robinson fight and I said how did you see that I didn't worry about foot Adam will he's a little bitty guy wasn't worrying about it my foot Adam oh he's nothing he can't hurt me I foot add my foot walk car you know me I'm foot Charles and all these guys this guy can't hurt me yeah and those days the heavy weights were 185 90 pounds before had me for the heavy weight pattern all these guys I wanted to martyr so bad they wouldn't give me LaMotta I wanted him so bad - Marisa morning I wanted to Malvika that was the money fighting Amato with the big draw money people didn't know that back then the mana made a lot of money is the big draw listen Detroit the black city need the biggest draw in Detroit when he when he fights in Detroit he's the biggest draw LaMotta yeah Raging Bull you want us title in Detroit right Pete know who did it be sir dad or that man yeah hmm the history of boxing god that's amazing these guys today what do they fight two fights a year it's a year when when Ray was 46 years old his final year I think he fought like 13 or 14 times going going 10 rounds haven't got the record with 35 fights a year can you believe this man that's crazy animal absolute well you did 15 yeah there's nothing to 35:30 how much listen I listen this isn't for me I have 15 fight the yeah I didn't have enough time to go to gym and train and spar Kyle afraid imagine um they must have had drink fans went back in the rink I had to walk around and if they had to make weight they had to walk around hitting straight yeah you know they'd get a call on a Tuesday can you you know can you make it saturday night I got a 10-round or four year like yeah they had him and they had to make weight and despairs she walked around if their pants were tight they knew not to eat dinner so had to be if they can't make the way to fight that the other fails I'll fight you because you gotta give me ten anomalous do you don't give me the you need the money so you have to give him the money the phylogenetic I was only making forty forty five hundred anyways yeah Wow that's crazy yeah I mean I guess that's how would you feel about that Mike having to be in shape all the time that wasn't her just camp you were it's all my life that's what we did with work or they went fifteen fourteen thirteen and like cuts who called me and called my school to say he's a bad was a bad accident at the house he knew we needed him right away we have a problem at home and so they'd send me out of school I would go to the gym test the box for father like Frank Bruno somebody a call to choose Williams you know up-and-coming fighters and I would boxing me get experienced boxing with them I just I just saw Frank a few weeks ago in London the guy looks like he has a 30 inch waist he's such a striking good-looking guy and people when I do with the introductions at the London no to the biggest hand is always for Frank Bruno they love him the British fans are great yeah I met him I did a Tony Simpson fight in the 80 came beautiful guy and he passed away with a beautiful old-time fighter old-school bleeder though yeah fight you to the death he had some greatness and he dropped a drop dolly dolly tough forgot about that he has him knockity-knock some guy dead food he knocked the female after mountain 91 1971 a left hook but they woke up this morning Rip Van Winkle all old now this [ __ ] hey daddy knock them dead wow great left hook that that reminds me of what do you guys think about this this young fighter that just recently died and coming down Ukrainian guy two kids just died Dada chef what I mean I guess they said you know there's video of him talking to his trainer with his trainer right but yeah talking to his trainer and he's saying you know if you can't protect your head I'm gonna have to stop them to tell them to stop the fight how do you get into a position like that as a fighter where you're you can't you're not defending enough to protect yourself sometimes being a fighting and hey sometimes you get in a state of um what is that what is this almost it's almost a state of bliss you don't need euphoria yeah you see it going on but you can't stop it doesn't even hurt but it stimulated your brain it stopped your brain for a second hmm sometimes you may buffer hang you in some letteth going on then you slowly die well it's you know a lot of people you know we look at Ollie and Parkinson's syndrome and everything and it's not like Ali had a career where he took beatings or anything hmm but I used to go to Deer Lake before I was even in this business and watch him train and you know put the head gear and not I used to love to go hold on the ropes in a corner like this and let guys like Larry Holmes just you know beat on his body and like then you know they were slipping everything but he wasn't afraid to take shots in training because they just have that headgear on people don't realize you take two thirteen-year-old girls and if they have a pillow fight every night one of them could end up punchy yeah only you never know how many blows you can take just because it's soft and you're protected you know not a big fan of having I think in Nevada 140 powders now have to use 10 ounce gloves you see guys getting beat up whereas they'd be better off with eights and just get whacked out you know and five weeks later they're they're you know in good shape why do they have more ten ounce gloves they assume that technically it's more of a cushion when it's that's just a heavier knocked out with any size club yeah died eating die with any size club 18 out of 20 two ounces 10 ounces these kids that play soccer and they practice headers yeah a hundred headers a day yeah you know yeah that's you know some guy kicks the ball at you and you're and you're doing a header with it yeah science proved it the one-drop top top top of water will drive you insane absolutely kill you it's imagine punch it yeah that's just a drop of water would make you punch to make you brain dead Samantha really punches and beaten you down with flips and kicks and knees and elbows water what do we do it hmm is there a way to take a punch to the head other than blonko nobody can kill you gonna be like this like this yeah usually it's an accumulation yeah blows yeah and then one yeah it's just like you know the worst thing we always hate to see this win this one was that limits a couple of death yeah yeah and I almost like try to just block him out cuz it's just yeah and one I forget who the kid was it happened at the Taj Mahal and then they found that later that the manager the guy at lost four weeks prior should have been on a 30 day it's no training and that and it was anything he fought in Canada so they slipped it through and you know they put him in the ring and he shouldn't have been in the ring mm-hmm when I was a kid I still remember as clear as can be with Benny kid pret and amyl Griffith and I mean I mean I can see in my mind and knew that he was done I remember do Koo Kim like it was yesterday you wouldn't think if you sort of fight you wouldn't think Dooku Kim was losing really he was throwing down well he was going down that's so interesting that you could be taking that damage and not even really you don't feel it obviously they're on autopilot someone that so guys getting back now : it don't punch it yeah background if don't put some actor on the floor Tommy Morrison when when Mercer knocked enough he'll Putney was place thrown punches well well while they were the doctor was there why is that you just program that is it's an instinct yeah yeah that's crazy did the consciousness still remember we're fighting yeah that's really interesting we did you get knocked into another dimension mmm-hmm but you still fighting in this dimension yeah well Michael how how has it been watching Mike since he was a kid I'm gonna come up and seeing you know you've seen me go through the craziness almost killing my foot I'm one of my favorite stories about Mike is when he's fighting that the 4 is in the sixes and come to Atlantic City and we had that back then ESPN was like a fledgling cable yeah network and the number one show on ESPN before they had football and everything was top-ranked boxing on ESPN well he usually would be like that group of faith too yeah yeah parfaits great buffet that's in the buffets that's why the press was always there you know the press press they loved that free food yeah in the buffet so Mike was coming in as this you know young guy so anyway he's coming to the ring I don't know he's like 6 in know 1800 knockouts whatever he's coming to the ring you know and Atlantic City is known for a lot of Vinny boom boxes you know AI adorned just going on hey yo Vinnie oh yeah those two guys are sitting at ringside it might comes out you know he's been seen on ESPN in USA and it's before he started getting those weekend fights you know on the network TV he's got the black shoes low-cut you know high you know yeah low low high tops you know no socks solid black trunks the towel was just the whole cutout you know these guys hey look at this guy ooh hey where's your socks in there I don't know who was it was like 92 minutes in boom knockout and I can remember like you know and these two guys like Eileen after I announced you know the winner by the you know knockout victory and I leaned over and said hey want to ask him about the Sox now wearing those Versace shirts fake for Saji shirts with 100 chain they were looking good though that was the eighties well it's true they had you know the mullets and no but oh my god that's such a scene how did you get into this what was your how did you like I mean dude your voice is iconic they made a [ __ ] video game ready to rumble yeah yeah that was my first big big chick okay anyway that was huge on PlayStation what was that on it was like a special player yeah Dreamcast yeah that's right I had it too and then when you got to the end you would fight you and you would like morph into this giant muscular same fighting I told about it but I'm not a video game guy I just took the checks you know way back then you got a lot of [ __ ] girls in you the man back there ya know tell ya I was [ __ ] between after from 1972 to 1997-98 I was single and those were good days they're a single man was insane how did you get into it we're talking about all these fights and everything in Atlantic City and I'm a big boxing fan a super fan my oldest son is probably about 12 or 13 at the time we're watching the fights on TV it's a split decision the ring announcer remember Frank Shane Frank Shane was a ring announcer his wife Eva Shane was Eva yeah and her husband's Frank and Frank used to do ring announcing and a good announcer is you know he experienced everything but I didn't realize that it was sort of like a common thing a lot of guys would give a score and instead of giving you the two different scores and saving the winner for the final score this guy just announced score one score two and then you know who won the fight hmm so I guess those guys are rings severed hey no one to fight oh that drama of like you know for the winner by split decision and no you know yeah you know you get big man everybody's waiting they shot up and listen you get that Cathedral moment you know pop the crowd so my son goes like I mean he literally just like throws a TV Guide down he's like oh man I hate that you know dad you could do that at the time I was making a living as a model and I'd been doing some TV commercials and getting little speaking parts here and there so I guess a 12 13 year-old kid thought you know all the same thing announcer and I put together a you know a resume that might have said I had experience which of course I didn't and but the thing I pushed back then was I sent him a headshot I didn't know that promoters hire the announcers I thought maybe the hotel-casino did so I contacted all the directors of entertainment in Atlantic City and I included a headshot it was like that James Bond sort of a look you know and and I said that the image of the hotel I put this in writing like what a jerk-off but I did it you know and and suggested that the the image of a hotel casino would have that James Bond look you know a little and so one of them bit and said like asked you know the promoter to use me I was dreadful was on USA fights on their table I was really the main event you know I remember some of the names one of the guys name was his nickname was the Hebrew hitter Oh herb the Hebrew hit her something Brad Jacobs knows exactly what his name is to this day I can't remember but there was some I don't remember any of them becoming stars but it was six months before I got another chance Wow you know it I videotaped it I looked at it and I said and I still to this day I will like occasionally look at a show and try to improve I'm just very conscious of always trying to be a little bit better what was it that what was that first that first fight what was it about it that you were like I could do way better than that were you just not yet and your voice yet yet in founders yeah yeah I've I've always tried to improve technique you know on microphone and and that sort of thing but yeah timing and be a little more familiar with the scorecards and and you know that sort of thing I I was for years I used to do all the fights and then today I just do the main event but and I would get there early I would go to each dressing room make sure I had the right color the trunks and their records and I know what I was always amazed that like sometimes you go into a dressing room I'd say you know the undercard guys I'd say is this right 20 wins and 5 losses and they fight it would go I don't know look at his manager as coach he'd see ya there he would know his own record is crazy we you know we used to do fights in Merrillville Indiana French Lick Indiana the crazy excites for top-ranked yeah and you had you know a lot of small-town guys I don't know if they were the best fighters in the world but they could put on a pretty good show yeah yeah they were fighting for their life probably oh yeah hey yes they were what was the first fight where he came up with let's get ready to rumble yeah happen you know here's the thing excuse me one second let me call my lawyer oh yeah anyway you know we started we were in the era now in the 80s of the main event it's music they have speakers and it's exciting fighters come to the ring you know and the ring walk a spotlight and everything so you have this energy you know people come especially we would have fights and resorts in a ballroom and the theaters those elegant things when we came I would say wow look at the lights in the theaters didn't have all these banquettes the VIPs those many guys again Hey look at a guy ring and it so taking pictures we had ring announcers somewhere along the line some ring announcers started they introduced all their buddies on the Commission you know a New Jersey State Athletic Commission state I thought a control board boxing commissioner Robert Lee and then they would introduce the the chairman the commissioners the board members the corniche the judges of course and all the doctors and if it was a title fight good job the president of the WBC a unified fight president WBA to their supervisors that you killed the crowd yeah I mean you actually you know the crowd hears all this the music the lights that come out it's exciting fighters are ready Mike is it like disco and you've taken away you've taken away all that energy right right so one of the greatest expressions that gets a crowd energized is gentlemen start your engines man and I did that at the Indy 500 and the place goes nuts okay I wanted I wanted something that for the stars of the show when I grew up as a kid I used to love to watch the baseball all-star game and they would plate an ounce each player and they'd line up on third base and first base and I just thought that was so exciting to see the stars of the show and the place would go nuts you know so to me I wanted that the audience to be pumped up for the for the guys that just came out and are gonna go out there and do the thing and be training for six weeks the fighters they're the stars yeah and so I I wanted to come up with a hook that would let the audience know okay I introduced all this [ __ ] now I want you to get back in line in and give these guys a hand and I tried and now ladies and gentlemen fasten your seat belts you know man your battle station the iron and of course the great Ollie was famous for saying you know I'm so pretty I'm ready to rumble rumble young man Rumble moodini Brown would join in and they go would float like a butterfly sting like a bee rumble young man Rumble yeah so I started to say let's get ready to rumble there's nothing like you here today you know I would just say you know let's get ready to rumble ten rounds of boxing in the middleweight division I didn't you know I didn't want it to be like hey I'm trying to make something out of myself but I wanted something to get the crowd energized and a few years later when I started doing shows all over the country I met a guy out here in LA named Jody buries it's passed away and he was a singer he used to used to be the opening act for Ella Fitzgerald and supper clubs were real big in the 50s and 60s this guy was like he was mr. show business he had the always had the cufflinks and wear an ascot and had the Clark Gable mustache pompadour you know great guy and we were out drinking one night and he's had a few and he says buffer when you say let's get ready to rumble shut the [ __ ] up Jody I said people want to react this is coming from a guy that performed one stage live and everything the best advice I ever got it was the best advice I ever got it was it just it made a big difference because then I started instead of saying let's get ready to rumble 10 rounds up I started saying let's get ready to rumble then it was let's get ready to rumble you know I did it and it grew and I shut up and the audience would react and of course you know when we started doing Mike's fights in the late 80s and early 90s and you know with Spinks and the fights in Atlantic City that became it became pretty popular and it made a big difference dude is awesome it's one of my favorite sayings in all sports you know it's been such a blessing for me Bachmann big again my dad let me bark them big again it gives me that makes my skin [ __ ] but you know I said been blessed I've done it four Stanley Cup championships World Series NFL playoff games home openers for the seasons for different sports NBA championships yeah that's so awesome it's it's a great way to start off a sporting event and you know for me it's just very exciting to be there and enjoy that stuff it's up there with as I played in the NFL it's up there with the flyover with the Blue Angels jets flying over let's get ready to rumble though it's the same feeling you're just [ __ ] fired up and ready to rock after that it's and when you do a big stadium and a really or a really big fight you ever do one Luton Wembley yeah 90,000 Nate H a and Klitschko that's 90,000 and that was showbiz the ring walks yeah you know that the British fans might like you said like they're the best that they're knowledgeable they're supportive listen right even if you beat their guys they respected it come watch you fight you get three thousand come on play to watch you fight the three thousand five thousand people come watch when fight remember when ricky hatton fought Pacquiao twenty thousand Brits came to Vegas fifteen thousand of them knew they couldn't go to the fight okay Wow but they just wanted to have their feet on the ground where Ricky was you know and of course they opened up the ballrooms and had closed-circuit TVs for him everything Wow it was unbelievable the way in was the unreal I mean just all these British fans mm well you know I was going to England I could do impaired on hard times and I will go to England my wife and my kid we were going there will be two dinners we sit down and dinners and people would go have action and this is just amazing they love fighting in this sports stars that much they have dinners for Mike you can't walk you can walk down the street London or Manchester no way no way hey no way no it's great they know they scare you it's scary are you scared you can't control them you can't stop they know they know where your hotel is yeah they can there's nothing like you would ever imagine a polite but they're there Anya damn your faith baby and they start crying and children everybody there this is crazy man they just want a little peace it's great a good fans out I mean they're loyal they give you the mementos from their family's history it's just crazy is Anthony Joshua British yes yes London great people incredible people yeah olds race of people they've been here forever yeah it's amazing they forced Julius Caesar there are there are Roman ruins in the UK where the Romans were everywhere you know so yeah that's insane like I gotta tell you something I'm gonna make it come back into the NFL I know I know it's crazy I don't know I don't know if I'm in NFL football shape but you know everything we talk about man it's just like you know living your truth in the the will of the universe and I just feel like I'm being pulled back in the football man I don't think we can do this podcasting cool with that Mike Mike you're wearing the rake on wireless earphones they're so stylish and discreet I didn't even notice them it is great khans of so small I don't even know that any that but I hear them really well aren't they half the price of premium earbuds yeah go to buy rake on Comm slash Tyson to get 15% off rake on wireless earbuds if you've been eyeing a pair now is the time to get an amazing deal go to buy rake on Comm forward slash Tyson for 15% of them what do you think of the state of boxing these days because of not just social media but communications today compared to 25 years ago it's bigger than ever and yeah you know a lot of people are always saying well MMA is is taking over from boxing MMA has a solid loyal fan base okay but they could never MMA you you can't have 50 fights every weekend and at a championship level or you know like I mean you go on the internet and you go to like the different boxing sites and what's happening this weekend you'll see a half dozen to a dozen really good cards worldwide and because of communications and the satellites and especially social media now and YouTube a fight fan doesn't have to miss any fight at any time maybe they watch it on a repo or whatever but they're going to see it so I think boxing is bigger than ever and you know I work in the UK all the time unbelievably supportive the fights at your call where the holds I don't even know nine hundred twelve hundred people packed the o2 arena just have it the English love and they'll be there and they'll be there for eight fights all the Olly fights you know you watched you watch down to the babies is in the baby's blood hmm no no serious what do you if you see you seen the look and look in for coming daddy I want to fight that boy over there those trip out of the blue yes that's only are the Warriors they're over the ancestors were worried they foot to your season so interesting yeah it's amazing great fans it comes to football which we call soccer forget about it yeah you know yeah you forget about it nice and proper and respectable and Inlet there's blood does they want to fight it's so interesting you know what I love is when it it's a tradition where they play Sweet Caroline before the main event oh yeah yeah really oboe the whole audience gets into it so over the last couple years when they play it I get in the ring and I like egg the crowd oh and I'm going like this those you know like Hulk Hogan like you know make that side and I run over the other side and then they try to outdo each other it's it's they're great fans it's so awesome are you related to Bruce Buffer you made my brother his brother yeah Wow yeah how do you cuz I mean he's he's really did you guys grow I mean when he when you took over this yeah it's a very interesting story I have two brothers Bruce and Brian buffer Brian has retired the cop here in LA well and I was born I'll be 75 in 10 weeks you look unbelievable unbelievable we have a snapper I was born in born in 44 during World War two I'm a dude ish damn man my parents were married like at 18 19 years old World War two she's pregnant he goes off and of the War II comes back they I mean they don't even know each other but well you know at the age of 11 months because you know she had to go and work and and so I went to live with foster parents in the Philadelphia area who I ended up staying there my whole life so whenever I say mom and dad I'm talking about the people that raised me well just like when you say mom sometimes you're referring to you know Camellia and it's it's that relationship you know that's what matters and I always knew my real mother growing up I saw her you know every Sunday afternoon we went to the movies in everything and so it was perfectly normal for me to have you know have this home and then Christmas can you have another parent come in and bring presents so it's great you know I had to leave it to beaver life in the 50s the same exact thing yeah Brooklyn yeah so when I I was raised with the last name Huber hu BER that was my foster parents name social security number high school diploma says michael huber 1965 I enlist in the army and my birth certificate has buffer on it and so the very first day I go to report for service and get sworn in they Oh kid by the way your name isn't Huber anymore its buffer so I became Michael buffer at age 20 and yeah and then 25 29 years later I get a phone call where I'm doing the fights at Dan goossens receipt a country club on ESPN a phone call comes in it says a guy by the name of Joe buffer called and said give him a call now I always knew my my birth father's real name and here he lived in LA lived out in Malibu and everything and that's how we met Wow that's how I met Bruce and Brian great guys Joe buffers wife little mama the mother of Bruce Brian it's like now I've got a third mother and she's still with us thank god she's in her in her 80s and as beautiful as ever and so it just turned out to be great Bruce Brian was a cop Bruce was like this businessman and you know so I you know that and then those days late 80s I'm starting to get a lot of phone calls like do you want to do this come to the Cowboys open the game that you know and so it's really hard you can't negotiate for yourself you know Mike you've got agents you got representation so I said the Bruce I said look why don't you take these phone calls and you know and we'll make the deals you know and and we'll and Plus work that a thing we formed a partnership I had the trademark you know was cooking and I said you know you go out and knock on doors and and you know we'll we'll push the trademark and appearances and it worked out then I got a job with this thing called UFC and it was like they had their fourth or fifth show and I did three of them and those days they couldn't get licensed anywhere so I had to go to Montana whatever but at the same time I had a great deal with WCW wrestling with the Eric Bischoff on TNT and it was when arrested Lee the wrestling wars were on man WWF ratings were ten each attend share on cable do you know the Kardashians don't get tens Wow it was like unbelievable so they were raiding each other and so WCW had Hulk Hogan ready macho we beasts tomorrow I was with WWE we beat them all we broke the records yeah yeah we beat everybody we broke all the records we beat everybody during the battle between the two raw and what was the call to WCW nitro Monday night yeah yeah motive everyone at the same time and they each got tens twenty percent of all cable was watching professional wrestling yes so anyway Joe W so Turner and WCW they said look you know we got that you got this fat contract we would appreciate it if you didn't do that that that UFC stuff that's going nowhere so eventually like you know Bruce occasionally would do like an undercard for me and he was and he was really you had those pipes and everything and Bruce has actually trained in MMA he's really knowledgeable and also you know he said would you mind if I he like try to get my foot in the door said man you know I'll go for you hind it you go for you know and that's how he got into the UFC and over 20 years now in it he's just he's a superstar oh definitely family I talk to them yeah hey told me said he said tell Mike I said hi that's so awesome man what an incredible story that is yeah juh knock so he was kind of your de facto agent for a little while still is still oh yeah oh yeah now we still we still have that wasn't it awesome when you met them cuz it's my family it really is yeah it's you know a lot of things that happened to me that are just amazing like if some people they think like oh man you were in foster care no that was the best thing ever happened to me I was blessed with with a family I had I had a sister and I had a mom and dad we took vacations and I grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and it was amazing best thing ever happened to me oh you went into the Army during the Vietnam War three years I never got sent west of Fort Knox Kentucky I mean it's it's the luck of the draw man yeah I'm making a living with my voice 11 years ago I have throat cancer mmm tumors so I had right now it my whole left side of my my lymph nodes and everything taken out tonsils little teeny piece the back of my tongue 3 2 & 3 little tumors 30 days later I was back in the ring after I thought was 63 and I thought I was done you know I figured after surgery I won't have a voice anymore and it's it's it's luck man it's it's a bless it's not just my car brother my sister in the car you know that we think I'm not smart enough to have all this stuff yeah and arrange myself back in this position so I know I'm not steering the car me is very grateful to God and the energy to be yeah that's awesome you're still doing fights right uh you know for the first time I'm exclusive mmm for 36 years a lot of people always thought I was I I was working for HBO mm-hmm but when I first started you know and and and Mike actually you know made HBO explode then you made Showtime explosion I used to do I used to do I used to do all the fights top-ranked with mostly top-ranked fights but on HBO and Showtime and we've you know weekend fights and then take other jobs too I was worked for the promoters as an independent so then this guy and Don King leave HBO and go to show times and he's going to fight razor ruddock in 1991 and you remember Jerry Solomon with Budweiser mm enjoy okay so I'm all set to do the fight you know Jay Larkin was with ya ten days before the fight in Vegas I get a call from Jerry Solomon and he says I got some bad news for you I don't know what you want to do he said but Seth Abraham the header with HBO the head of sports and entertainment HBO Sports says you if you do the fight on Showtime hmm you can never work on HBO true story I'm told what are you talking about it's like two weeks away says now you know so I have to call up the Dinkins and Jay Larkin and and let me say look you know I've been told and at that time away yeah Holyfield had the title yes right he had gotten it from Buster holy pod title he's gonna fight George Foreman HBO is gonna have this TV KO which bombed out and so I have to make this choice and I'm independent but I have to make a choice if that happened like ten years later I would sue the hell out of him and walk away with a you know a seven-figure a settlement a heartbeat but you know back then like 1991 yeah anyway and they were and Jay was saying like is it money do you want more money I you know I'm gonna have to make a choice and I so I went with the HBO fights and Foreman and Holyfield was the next fight there and then it was great because Jimmy God has got his chance and put him in a Hall of Fame so things you know it's a blessing sometimes it's it you don't think it's good worked out great for me and it worked out great for someone else too you know I was the first one to say it's Showtime yeah how do you feel when those big intimidating corporations are back they were bullies and star fight was either fight tooth and nail with right there I knew them when they first got in the office so I wasn't you know and they were feeling smelling him so they're like big top they became like tough guys all of a sudden yeah it's true corporate America man that's what they try to do was [ __ ] control everything and after I made that choice I would go to a set and I say like well you know how about uh you know we make a deal and I even I even made an offer back then where I said listen how big are we able to make those assets you you can you can use I'll make a deal with you if you hire me as part of the broadcasting use let's get ready to rumble for promotion put it on HBO shirts and ass Annette and I just guarantee that I do every fight as I know yeah but you know what it all worked out pretty good because come moving forward I had planned on retiring at the end of last year I was gonna retire at the end of 2018 yeah 74 I mean what they know things are looking good how many mortgage I got cars with no payments like yeah I love life oh yeah and along comes Eddie Hearn and it's that berry and does own and they gave me a couple million good reasons to be exclusive for them from so that's where I am right now where I do fights just for matram boxing and on the zone and Mister zone thing man you need a home that's all our objective in boxing I want a home I'm gonna home with this television company I went on with this cable company on whatever this is my home this is confident revenue even when we're not fighting yeah by them and I made this deal with them and three months later HBO went out of business in the Box it's gone yeah Wow hey man you got to just keep evolving itseif growing you've taken what the universe brings you how much longer you want to keep doing it just until until you can't come on god I don't know I I have another year to go in the contract and we'll see you after that we'll see maybe I'll just just special appearances right yeah I mean that the voice but thank you very much Mike I appreciate that what do you think of Mike in this stage of his life what do you think people a lot of people actually ask me that like you know what else Mike Tyson what's what's what's he really like this and that and the most important thing is Mike is happy in his own skin yeah you know Mike Tyson is glad to be Mike Tyson no doubt about that yeah you know and there are there are there there were times in your life where I don't think you were well yeah you know and and there's nothing better than being an adult being a grown-up not a kid anymore feeling good feeling healthy married to the perfect woman you got kids you got a life an income you're in a position to help other people and Mike Tyson is happy in his own skin and I feel like it's awesome no doubt it's been such a pleasure I've got I've known Mike for a little over a year now and it's been just the most awesome experience and then 35 years man puberty so yeah let me get married go through my marrow that's amazing a funny story we're in Tokyo Cubs fight right and he had just gotten married to Robin and her mother was you know I mean I'm quite a few years older than Mike and everything and Mike says hey yeah would you like to go out with my mother-in-law look at woman may give a comment above him you're testing the waters and I believe she liked them I think yes I will go yeah you're just saying if Mike was interested it's nice like did Ali come to that fight yes yeah and he was still you know you know we both know Vic then he started giving yeah it was just just just at the edge but he was still doing the magic tricks the the location invitation that they'd have this fake thumb it stick in his hand they would take a hanky and go like this and then the fake thumb and he go you know and you didn't know it's like you know I need get that hand away real quick they had this dopey-looking film understand but that was Ollie and and no matter what who you were with he could be with your mom you'd be with your wife or girlfriend and he would always Oh girlfriend and then he would put his arm around her make believe he's gonna walk away he always did that right either that with everybody was but he said to my wishes my I wish I was back in young again yeah I would have you but as the years went by you know you had when you talked to Holly you had to actually put your ear right up right up to his mouth you know and and cuz it was like this and and he waved me over and I put my ear there and he'd say I'm still prettier than you he would he did that forever god bless him Oh what I just you know I can remember like it was yesterday watching a black-and-white TV in 1960 and Cassius Marcellus clay this 173 pound flawless athlete fighting in the Olympics in Rome you remember them I remember him and I was what 15 years old oh just just amazing and you know he I remember fighting Spinks I mean when that was understood I was picked parking for my dad and [ __ ] fight was on in the store and the person was looking at the fighting that's how I was able to get get his money out of his pocket and I remember watching him fight Holmes broke my heart yeah and you know and he was he had medication that he was supposed to take her like a thyroid medication he was and so he tripled the medication because it was he would it would make him lose weight rapidly and he looked remember how good he looked but his skin was ashy it was a just something wasn't there they he look slim and he was older then and it just wasn't there you know I mean like as much as we loved Ollie he did not like to stay in shape between fights no you know Roberto's the same way would you say that's why I got that bad habit from watching Ali and Roberto durán no this is the story I knew idols yes listen this is something that this is a bad habit these guys would um maybe they wouldn't fight they bi press conference every fattest pigs at press conference get ready for the guy in six weeks a week three I'm six weeks or something maybe a month or something and they're so arrogant look at laughing people are talking doing that stuff and the next thing you know they're getting a gym and they just dying and it'll eat no food they don't drink no water will just [ __ ] sweat suit all day until they go to bed in the morning take the hot tub I thought some bath put the suit back on run all day with a suit or they hit chopping trees riding a bike Shadow Ball killing himself yeah all day they're working out all [ __ ] day for a month yeah a week all day died and hot bad steam room exercise shadowbox the exercise the punch disbarment jumping rope all day little water or animals well all day just to get back this what happens they weigh in the perfect way soon as they finish when they start go again yeah but they do that today these guys I mean guys that a fight as a middleweight today are light heavyweights yeah if they had to weigh in the morning of the fight they'd be fighting as a light heavyweight Canelo comes in he gains 18 pounds hmm remember when James Toney fought Roy yes he gained 18 pounds in less than 24 hours and he couldn't lift his feet off the growth than that you know must know how to do it muscle tissue takes 48 hours to rehydrate hmm so they're they're a day short of their peak you know they're not as good as it could be yeah but you talked about Roberto but they're doing this man went after the after the way they suck even in the bed - eating in a bit sucking on eating grub and food eating fruit grapes just me chewing steak and spitting it out all of me the tuna gods being on that chewing them yeah they can't all day dehydrate whoo-whoo just imagine Roberto durán though he won over a hundred fights and after he moved up from lightweight to welterweight he never trained between fights when he went to that two and three fights a year thing listen he be 195 we got to go to 135 baby me 180 I go to 135 baby a little 147 baby we look like snowmen when he got when they got knocked out by Tommy yeah which was brutal and he had never been to taken out like that he came down in like eight nine weeks from 195 to 154 I mean come on that's you're killing yourself Hey he just was lethargic in the ring but the guy would you look at him today his skin is nice I mean just imagine if he stayed in shape between fights yeah he'd look like a movie star I mean he just was he really was a great defensive fighter something she's a dad a lot affecting your nervous system yeah that fluctuation and weight definitely it's not no yeah down like that we're the only species that could do no no we're the only species that kill us suffering and the urge of improving ourselves with the idea that we're improving ourselves let me say that except with the notion that we're improving ourselves with the only species that kills ourself in that process weight pills and all this all these pits that burn is all this [ __ ] the [ __ ] that you stick what's that [ __ ] calling in the needles growth hormone steroids PG can't stop we're addicted to it you can't stop it yeah it's true man Michael I mean it's been awesome having you in here brain that's been great to be here a lot of fun it's really a pleasure that's your vet out there yeah we gotta go check boxes ah laughing that's a limited-production zr1 755 horsepower that's number four for four out of I think eighteen hundred made and now they come out and I got it it's it's a 2019 and I got it like six months before anybody else yeah because I do a few NASCAR races it had some Chevy connections I got it I've been driving these Mercedes and everything said man I go back to getting a Corvette zero to sixty and two point eight five that's car in the world oh that car Escalade oh I got my third Escalade and now you know what my wife sees one of these g60 threes look at you we got five dogs that she's not yeah the dogs will love that the dogs I love that my Cadillac for that yeah you can pay me to take my Cadillac the Caddy dude it's in comfortable I love that Escalade yes I got my third one man three in a row where can people find you where can people check you out they can go to let's Rumble dot-com let's Rumble Darko and that'll go to the office and/or info at let's Rumble calm and get in touch with us and everybody half the party that the fight that was good times baby that oh my god you know Mike you know what's funny is Atlantic City all right we'll run into guys from 25 and 30 years ago and like I never saw this guy up who says hey you remember that night the Atlantic City we want the buddies bar and you know we got drunk and I'm like who the [ __ ] is this guy yeah it's some guy was on the other side of the bar and he's like sent a couple drinks over and like for the rest of his life he partied with me you know he said yeah party with Michael buffer I have no idea I've ever running these guys all the time I'm like oh yeah good to see you again and my wife will say like yeah no you have no idea who that is guys like that don't exist no more you still find guys like that I can't find a guy like that a couple years ago I'm in a nice restaurant in New York and a guy comes over to the table and he says he you're a guy your dad ready to rumble guy he's like say it for me I'm like hey listen I said if you were a plumber would I like ask you to fix my toilet for free I mean come on I'm here having dinner it'll be a time like in the AIDS when he was said that you said lets get ready to rhumble could he know it because circumstances after that Nicky Scarfo knows guys who there was psychopath yeah they were band they were banned from dick they weren't allowed on property Atlantic City Wow it was and man I would run into those guys in clubs and that sort of thing and they all wanted to like hey give me your phone number right I will keep in touch yeah I can like you know these guys their phones are all bugged yeah that's what I need is to have them call me I was they are you doing you want to come over South Philly tonight and have a couple of cheesesteaks yeah they didn't fool around they killed the whole South Jersey they wiped everybody out they weren't playing around everything they had the union's everything Atlantic City you'd get you get it found you get a towel in Atlantic City and you dry your face and you had lint all over your face yeah and that's because you had to use the mobs shitty linen rental company it was just like junk uh oh it's crazy everything video stood anyone open the video store anything anyone open up you have to go to the mob they own all the real estate was Jimmy Hoffa in that was he in that part of the country shakaal North Chicago for my time that we should Carlo I think he's supposed to be right by on a resting-place supposed to be the Meadowlands right they say that underneath underneath the the field is that's crazy I was looking on YouTube day you're not many missing celebrities they really is disappeared no what the hell here's a YouTube video about celebrities dissipated thin air I gotta check that out basketball plays and I wanna see if I'm on the list yeah thanks hopefully never oh [ __ ] well [ __ ] man thank you so much thanks for sharing a knowledge is fun sharing your voice I mean I think we're gonna use that intro from now on so Mike you're gonna come to Riyadh Saudi Arabia I wanted to do that to see the five-year high I'm gonna send I want to send an email to somebody today and see if they can like you know get in touch with you okay beep it's a heavy way yeah in case somebody's watching right now we're talking about December 7 is AJ and Andy Ruiz rematch there we go Saudi Arabia there we go my brother's over there yeah like you should definitely be laughter though they be sick it's awesome you're you're bringing the fight in come I will be there yeah it's a match room is the promoter and it's going to be on the zone here in the states I kind of have a schedule wise in the West Coast they'll probably have to watch it around noon whoa and 9 or 10 o'clock in the UK so that's like 3 o'clock in the afternoon in New York but fight fans will find a way yes they will stay well Mike you got anything else ain't appreciate John you create such a presence this was awesome experience for the fans good to be here Mike absolutely it was good to see you Friday night to it all charity event wasn't that hey what's up with the pump brother there creates a it is amazing man they know everybody everybody in basketball baseball I'm talking the guys in my in my hotel room we're talking I think they put on the phone is Jamie Foxx who you want Mike who are the pub brothers a couple of guys from the valley yeah Alden Northridge okay their mom and dad both passed away from cancer and they for 19 years in their parents name they have raised millions and millions of dollars and for cancer research and and oncology and chemotherapy and radiation and yes screening and may my family be friends with them for under 2 years and stuff and we just wouldn't help them whenever they need us yeah good guys in some they put together a thing every August first week of August and man hey the who's who was sports yes whoever you are dr. J was there my celebrities Jack just yes just for Mike yeah just for Mike with Shaq Evander buster yeah Jim Gray yes is amazing I've just for like Mike's and then because award right Antonina Cedric and Eddie Murphy was there for said it's super Eddie looks great my god he does look good subjects they can they have like five awards and they categorize each one but it's like it they honor each guy one was it a doctor that's done great research oh you and Danny oh my god this guy actually found a way to have dogs smooth smelled the breath and tell if somebody has diabetes cancer skin yeah I'm scared a man devoted his whole [Laughter] all 911 what no [ __ ] wow that's amazing I know that's so awesome that I mean it's amazing what they're doing now you know oh the advancements of science on that note we're gonna we're gonna get out of here let's do it man well thanks for watching and listening watching and listening everybody be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel hot box and with Mike Tyson check out our website hot box and podcast calm until next time i'm evan britain and i'm mike tyson and let's get ready for hot box in Oh in the house we're out of here MB [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 1,359,106
Rating: 4.9140491 out of 5
Keywords: mike tyson, Michael buffer
Id: DPRXnzOjggA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 34sec (3994 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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