Francis Ngannou | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

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Tyson got no chill, he went from 0 to 100 here real quick:

You can see it on Francis' face.

👍︎︎ 348 👤︎︎ u/ManliestManAmongMen 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really want to know the full story of him travelling from Cameroon to France- took him over a year must’ve been absolutely crazy

👍︎︎ 202 👤︎︎ u/YoelRomeroSayings 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I just got knocked out listening, careful brothers

👍︎︎ 138 👤︎︎ u/Mantheyshook 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Very interesting listen.

Heart warming hearing how happy he was for his first purse 2,000 Euros and immediately spent it on his mother to make her happy.

New fan.

👍︎︎ 125 👤︎︎ u/iamGilbertArenas 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Haven’t listened yet but I’m imaging Francis speaking softly for long periods of time is someone’s idea of ASMR heaven

👍︎︎ 171 👤︎︎ u/MMAguy101 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mike giving to Francis the confidence Cus gave to him. He wants to see him succeed more than any fighter I've seen him speak to.

Tyson cornering Francis would be awesome. Do it in an empty arena so I can hear that shit.

👍︎︎ 112 👤︎︎ u/Tailneverends 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Wear a condom and have a lawyer with you at all times."

This is the first thing Mike decides to tell him.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/blackjazz_society 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Francis is a cool dude.

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/krfcc 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is it just me or is this the clearest Mike has sounded in years? He sounds, like slightly aggressive. He has sounded like medicated up for the last few years.

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/BobDoleWasAnAlien 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
you gotta go out there make challenges you know you gotta make your challenge here go on television make challenges go to the television show everybody scared of me in the UFC you can't cry for your family your mother your father your sister your children all know your couch [Music] hey everybody welcome to another episode of hot boxing with Mike Tyson I'm Evan Britain and I'm Mike Tyson Mike we got a [ __ ] everybody's gonna know your name is are the name babies after you man be careful man we're condoms man oh you would a lawyer with you at all times man that's all you need a trainer and a lawyer you need nothing else only no hang-ups you need not unless you got your agent your training your lorda your lawyer Francis and Johnny welcome my brother and great to have you really fresh it is a huge oh no phone now I was just watching you before me you knocked everybody knock I'm the solo I was eating like that square though he'd knocked my man from Harlan I ovary now over arm and this is some good stuff some really legends that some all-time greats out man you know six years ago I was in in Morocco trying to find my way to go to to Europe because that that's always been my dream to get somewhere that I can have opportunity and out there you know you were just like immigrating so every we was illegal you know like those similar like mystique and trying to cross the border you get job no no job we're sometimes we deep in the forests hiding for the cops trying to cross the border to go to Spain and anytime that and it was you have food no sometimes we eat sometimes we have to go hand sometimes we have to go way to the trash truck anybody you and with a Haney food never know when they come we have to hide because we we didn't know who was the police or not and there was like in a real cool a close some time to come there detectives yes and when I went in rough sometimes you have a hard time and we have a chance to go to sometimes you have a chance to go on use internet on tonight and I always watch boxing because my dream was to boxing that was like my motivation to wash Mike Tyson on YouTube because that's when I never wash or fight guys because I grew up in Africa and I didn't have a damn TV nothing like that you know and I was watching it I'm like damn I cannot do this I'm gonna do this I wash all this fight I go through this I'm like how is it possible to be like Haiti way because heavyweight does support usually they are not so technical you know that how like how is it possible to be like heavyweight and be so technical everything was like like perfect you know and even today I still believe that I can put Mike Tyson video and then to teach those kid books and to say okay this how you put you raise your hand this how you move this how you dodge this how you do the clock because everything even in the fight was great which is something that I haven't seen before that you don't see often because when you see this professional fighter obviously as a matter of fighter they did all this stuff raised their hand most perfect leap and when they become pro everybody hand down is that and you can show some kids like this outer box that doesn't make sense why do you tell me that the boss like this and the professional boxer is boxing like these like that you know and it was for me or something just unbelievable and he was my motivation because despite my situation at the time I always believed that I don't know why but he seems like I had some voice in my mind would told me that it's going to happen how I don't know that it's gonna happen and then I'm like yes I'm gonna do it and I was just like six to seven years ago and today I'm here you're telling me about my ko which is like where I'm like yeah no you did what you don't know what you didn't know what you did your um um your words were your destiny you spoke out your reality music imma do that that's what happened to me I was locked up in a juvenile detention center and what in 1978 maybe 1970 not something today is 78 77 I was like what twelve eleven I was locked up in a juvenile detention and I'll be watching the movie the greatest and it was cool and as soon as the lights came on Muhammad Ali came in as soon as he came in everybody lost I mean the staff they put the cars a but look and that was I wanna be like him first thing I want to be like him I don't know why I said it maybe because they both class I'm going crazy that one that sort of dinner and I got high off that rushed I said I want to be like him did I kill you know detainees I didn't even have a chance to have a real murder on life like obviously we heard about my Dyson but I couldn't watch Mike Tyson fight we didn't have TVs you know we barely have a lamp to read our book I start to work at ten I was ten years old to be able to support my scholarship and that's how I grew up but you're right because the teen is like you know in where I'm from I'm from Cameroon and from some small village and it's very people they are very hopeless because I feel like they lose everything nothing is made for them you know they are forgettin and don't like okay you have to set her to this and that's why I always have problem with my family because I was a dream I was very ambitious I'm like I want this I'm like no you are not you enough for that glass of life you don't belong to that class and you can't do it I'm like why why I can't do it I'm like no you have to be like a farmer like your dad you have to do this like your grandpa I'm like then who says who say that we say you can check he can change you know then and I really looked back at that time like just being [Music] doesn't agree with my parents with my elder so he was like I was like a bad seed you know a monkey that's what you were called yeah I was a very bad one so at the point that when I go somewhere some if i if i sat here somebody you just change his wallet and put on this item like this kid is so ambitious he's gonna end up bad you know nobody never understand like what was my dream I'm like I just have to change the situation I just have to be something else you know I believe that I can make my own destiny I mean nobody say one B says he won't be he will be easy but it's still possible you know and they're always my thought and I think that's one of the thing that made me decide to know to make the change like I can do my aunt in and basically when I came up with my dream to become a boxer I'm like what the [ __ ] is that would tell you is possible for you look at you look where you came from how is it possible look in the entire country who have who had succeed with the boxing then they would take some example they'll say like because we have some famous boxer who unfortunately didn't do great life wise name like Joseph Basara jean-marie may be like what a belly Don's mentioned those graham like look at those guy their life their life is miserable I'm like yes but my own does I have to end up like that you can be different I can't take my own chance my own chance and doesn't matter if I fell you know I'm at least a try you know the the loser is those what the guy who didn't try if you try and didn't make it you are not a loser you know and maybe you're gonna do something else but be in peace with yourself like okay I tried if I'm a strong believer and you know yeah during my life my life is full of mistakes but I didn't stand on the wall and do nothing I did something you know I didn't know the dooba and I made a bit of a mistake but it did something oh oh yeah oh hey yeah you did a lot understand on the wall and still nothing did something and then when your song worth fighting for dream for your dream for something to make something and then they came up with some story like with Mike Tyson on and this guy will end up go to jail and come back and to be in the top level on like everything is possible you know anything I mean it's like a motivation sometimes good things are really good but the most important thing some time that you can also look up in what's supposed to be bad and see the good in it and that's what that's what is really important that what you learn out of it you know I remember Ali you know he didn't go to prison but they took his he can fight for three years yeah and he came back venting when the title you know after losing the cool losing the fridge and loads in the Norton but he still came back and won the title that's because he refused to go to Vietnam oh absolutely yeah and when I want the prison for three that's imma do it too just like are lame but I won the title the first fight he didn't won the first fight we're afraid that's the first fight of a win yeah I think it's always good when you have to look to I mean you human we are weak and we always need to look up to somebody as an example or ours yes same things myself you know I said when I thought ugly and I didn't really never I didn't see I live in this crime by sorry Linda and I ran and I and soon as I saw them I said I this is what I'm gonna do with my life I'll die before I not make this swim dedicate my life to those guys and some guys followed in the people and created some what the people to do that for me for me it's for [ __ ] me up me up me out it watching him fight as [ __ ] I won't do that I want to be those guys you know it's pretty cool Mike that you had that experience and then through your career you can inspire guys like Francis you know a thousand of thousands of gang of corn is of course because I believe inspiration is not just about you you inspire people not just in boxing but in everything some guy who maybe has struggle as a lawyer or journalist or whatever or entrepreneur he might listen to your story worship look out to you and then you know be inspired by and there's a lot of people out there like this just like when you talk about those guys you keep your hands up nobody keep your hands up because if you don't keep your hands up look what happened to the guy she knocked out didn't keep their hands I mean so happened keep your hands up and that is life in general because gods up and I feel God the country scarred it up in life yeah I didn't have opportunity to do boxing on T I was 22 that was the first time I worked with a boxing gym I was 22 years old how did you get there very interesting because you know I was a you know this motorcycle taxi in Africa I was doing it Wow yes and at some point I'm like so I can do this all my life and how about my dream I'm like you know and this I've been working on this being working in my mind for a very long time and that's a 22 I'm like okay I'm done because I left school I was 17 so he was five years after I'm like he'd been five years what did i do exactly nothing I'm like I'm gonna chase my dream then I saw that motorcycle oh my family everybody said this guy lost his mind piece her friends his friends his brain crazy his hips or his bike to the thoughts what is boxing what the hell is boxing I'm like I don't know exactly what the hell is perceiving that is I know what is my dream and I gonna try it I don't have there's no guarantee that are gonna succeed I mean to be honest there was no guarantee there was not even I can't even I can't even blame them to don't believe in me because they was just realistic you know and but I was so bummed out that I cannot do this then I saw the bag I'm like I don't care about it let's go do it I'm like you should keep doing your job find a wife do this I'm like so unhappy it and they have the same miserable life ask me being ashamed in front of the eye friend all the time no we are gonna try something different and that's how I worked at the boxing I was 22 years old and what I found was a boxing gym by you near close to where you lived no I must not often a grass on a good like a ring on the ground and the dirt is something no that's why I saw my back because green up I have a dream to become a my martial artist since when I was a kid I never lost be nice so you soccer fans I soaky's famous in my country but never had a chance to having some way to train in karate in 1900 miles away around there were not in while to train you you know so I grew up with this i grew up with this frustration and I was always expecting somebody to come there and do something you know I don't know whoa but you know just come there and do something who could allowed me to be able to train yeah and then I thought about my back and when I worked the gym I find out some how interesting is boxing you know it's not just about fight it's not just about good and knocking people out but it's about to know how to fall for down-stay unlocking you know fighting from thinking well it's not for tough people they shouldn't be fighters yeah tough people shouldn't be fights only smart people should be fighting because there's a thinking game it's not a tough Man game yeah so you first time you ever boxed 22 No yes 22 I was ready to because when you what made you think that you wanted to be in the UFC who did you see fight in the UFC so to be honest I never I didn't know USC at the time I didn't know what was UFC I mean I have what you saw you see a few time on TV but I didn't even have TV maybe see sat in some bar and so see we have see fight and I was like okay I don't know what is that but let's move on until I went in France like in 2013 that was my first time then I walked to the gym I would I didn't I was homeless at the time because I didn't have nobody no money I just came out to Morocco that I've been there for 1 years then I'm gonna treat you nice in Morocco Oh [ __ ] it's hard to be black in the world not only that you're black but you're poor you're dead you like miserable you know you don't even have clothes you don't have what to eat now like shitty smell like [ __ ] sometimes you don't you you can do like two weeks with two weeks without take it take a shower and order steam so oh no you see is a really mental game this you have to be strong in your mind the poorest section in America is the heaven to somebody from Africa huh yes I know and that's exactly what's happened when I went in friends section in America is heaven is heaven to Africans having the poorest [ __ ] get staying in LA the ports are homeless all downtown a little homeless ad in off the street that's heaven to him as heaven that's exactly what's happened when I went in friends because when I went in France I couldn't even get them the [ __ ] out what are these people doing it I don't even have to work I'm eating everyday you know imagine if I start begging I might become a millionaire man you got to sign out there and the next thing you know somebody a rose would come pick you up at the end of the day and take you home yes when I went in France it was very interesting to see people complaining about everything you know her was free you can find peaceful to eat for free and for me this was heaven I'm like I was a homeless at the time but I think that this was the one of the best moment in my life I was somewhere that I can't even I cannot care about being sick or what to eat for the first time in my life I was over 26 or 27 at the time these were the very first time and I was very happy with that even though I was homeless and people was like where your situation is like really bad sorry I'm like don't don't mind me I'm good I'm really good no [ __ ] Amerika Amerika start getting mad I'm gonna fool ecosystem that's the [ __ ] guy eat the food we stop fighting am I gonna be hungry start stealing and taking stuff right that's what we do when we get on we start taking the stealing stuff robbing stealing yeah that's how I I mean when in France then I walk to the team and I tell them right away I was honest with them I'm like look guys I really want to do this but I don't have no money even no clothes nothing no place to sleep but I just want somewhere that I can train because I can I know when I saw you yeah yeah yeah so it was kind of like to controvert sorting like this guy worked at rue the gym with nothing and just like it's gonna be war champion so we are here we don't want to be world champion you know so it's this kind of ego but at the meantime they looked at man and I'm like okay let's give him some credit you know yeah and I'm like okay we're gonna talk to the man coach and see what he said and four day after they caught me and say yes the coach agree that you can't train you can come train with us and I was very happy I was like this is the beginning of every Wow how old were you then 2,200 no 827 he said yes I was in France that's why this is what thousand thirteen mmm I believe it doesn't matter of anybody determination of world is what counts you know maybe we have to you know I mean the tenacity the resilience you know I'm a determination the willpower to succeed doesn't matter what age you are have to have yeah yes it was it if mindset how we polled is positive had manly manly affectionate in love with yourself you have to love yourself to treat yourself right there's no way you gonna be successful you don't have me not madly in love with yourself you have to believe you deserve all the success that you you're being given you know I mean success you know myself I'm the oldest money hundreds of me I don't deserve this I got it too easy and then work really hard to get really I'm hanging out and I'm partying I'm beating these guys leading one to round and I thought my mind started playing games got negative with me started getting self-destructive you know the fall you always think about beautiful things what are you gonna do that how am I set my children up for the future always have goals I want you to once I accomplish that goal the youngest chairman or whatever it was it got tricky then I'm gonna take more time off to spend time here do this now I come to my goal one I want to stop me and girl won't stop meeting new people and what's up learning things you forget your zest a focus to us over the fat ladies things you know when you when people watch you sometimes fighters are watching you other fighters are watch and see if you're stripping if you didn't know people that hang around you was he doing how's he working out you know we're waiting for you to fall you're threatening to people yes that's Nikki our own yeah and she doing yeah a stay on top always stay pods let them see you working hard at all times always prepared that's what fighting is about always being prepared never know when that championship fights will come a guy Mike fall out say you got you ready championship mask I'd be ready at all times mmm-hmm so be at dinner someone with fight call you ready to fight all times be ready when was your first pro fight he was four months after we started I started Wow yes I mean I was dead my very first time I was 27 and I went to the gym I'm like started do boxing I'm them like okay so if you need the faster and come to help you get out in your situation you have to do MMA then I'm like what's MMA I'm like this mix masher oh okay that's good but what's mixed martial art what does that mean you know so I have to tell them or they have to explain me all those things then I'm like no man I don't want to do that [ __ ] I just want to do boxing you know the Mike Tyson boxing they say yes all night let's do that one that's what I've been looking for I don't want a wrestler I don't want to do all these things I'm like okay but keep that in mind you know but teen put him together like humans after I went to the gym was a cross fight MMA factory and they say the same thing like yes you should do MMA and there was like specialized in MMA and I'm like okay since I just have my time let's do it I was doing Burks in an MMA and was one more than half someone after they said yes we have a fight we think we should you should try him like really they say yeah like okay let's go for it that turn now the first one was good the second one I lost the second one and I think that's why I keep doing MMA B was the second one I was about to win that fight win the title I'm like cookie I'm done with the MMA experience let's go to the boxing but I lost the fight since I couldn't leave the MMA with on with the loss so you sound like I'm quitting I'm like no that's not a good idea I can't do that I have to clean this out then that's how I keep move yeah and then then the next one I get paid like two thousand-year-old yes he was a tournament 2000 year oh wow that was the first money in Europe I just call in Africa I'm like a mom you know do you still have have you celebrate this because in March 8th is like international women day I say how was your an international women day from like well you know I'm like you know what you can have a special international women day your son is out here take you were just too so yeah you were just 2,000 year old but oh because you use a lot of you know a lot the very first one I know bang me yes that's awesome I never have that money in my life that kind of money in my life and I my friend who I was with friends out there in France and they always take me out and support everybody pay my own I'm like hey guy I got you this time it's my turn let's do it as I did yeah that's amazing that's beautiful how did how did it feel then as you you're starting to live your dream now how did that feel were you just like this is it this is where I'm supposed to be you know I mean I love what I'm doing I love where I am but I think I haven't achieved my dream mmm I'm doing great my life has to change what is he some bad mmm what are you doing my dream my mind mentoring is today to become a boxer and I think yeah I would take that dream away stay in the line I still have that dream in the line and I believe that I can achieve it you know yeah because what have five boxes matches yeah yes what's happened before with the UFC I was just there so when I I want the stone mint and I get this money and then I'm like very excited so at least I get something I get paid for something because I didn't have paper in residence card and I couldn't even work you know so there is something that I can have money out of it I'm like okay let's do it maybe to have money then two years after like it was my birthday my birthday and my coach called me I'm like guess what I'm like I don't know tell me he was like yes we just got your us a contract I'm like really and what did that mean exactly because I didn't even like expecting or dreaming too much about UFC I'm jobs like where whatever but I want to become a boxer that was my dream then since the UFC was the opportunity right there who came to me I had to take it before figure out what next but how to take the opportunity you know so that's how I get in the USA biggest purse you ever had yet my bigger purse yeah well it's not millions like yours expect that yeah you're gonna get your day trust half of me now that's a lot coming back home from Africa yeah it'll be more trust me yes a deposit so life is all about attitude oh yes give a wonderful attitude yeah yeah and what I like in it is like I mean I can't say I have achieved maybe some part of my dream not all of them but some part of it because when I go back home today I look at my family you know I'm I'm happy I'm happy that they are not concerned about anything anymore you know because my biggest fear before I left him alone I went see my see my mom I I stayed with my mom for like three weeks she didn't know why I was there for that long but I was there because that was my last time before I leave and I didn't know how it's going to turn and I'll end up out there because people die you're going in the ocean with note with the life preserver here and you don't know what's gonna happen then I'm like looking at staring on my mom sometime like did and shows like what I'm like no nothing so I was thinking like maybe this might be the last time that aunt I'm seeing her or but I have to do this otherwise you know how do I can exchange the situation because we've been through a lot and our mom always been there for us and I'm like okay this has to change sometime you know as a kid I I was able to see the fear in the eye of my mom I'm like she doesn't have to to fear she doesn't have to be like that and one of my goal was to take that fear out of her and it took a long time to make her feel like safe it was like when I started to do my team and like send money to her and she was even scared to use the money because some like okay if I use it today tomorrow what's gonna happen tomorrow you know when you when you don't have for a long time you have something you try and extend it for all the rest of the time I'm like mom I got you let's do it like you know but it been a long process trial process to get her over here in America I tried I tried to make her come to my last fight but they denied her visa for twice I tried twice you know but I'm gonna try again next year okay well when the US are gonna go in France first we're gonna make that happen in France agent cipriano something like that it hurt me but this it's not a it's not just about my agent my egos I'm talk about Louis you know it's political stuff we are a small country coming to America who are you what is your position in life you know my star is a star fighter in an American and UFC organization no and his name is certain shot and this is his name and he's Jeremy to be champion yeah that we represent in this country yeah that's cool but he doesn't help us much because even the UFC helpful you know they write the write down the letter and everything perfect but support everything I needed and work you have did he ever get you any immigration lawyers with an integration we're gonna try that next time but the first time we taught these gun shows gonna be I get some bad Gration lawyers she gonna come here man is not no way that she gonna come here that's gonna do or dream you know do you juggle for your family to do so much for your families yeah it's amazing that you could do that you gonna take care of your family that way what is your next fight I think you should ask Dina why that Christian he's the boss you know what I don't know I don't have the answer with that creature not asking myself you can't listen she'll forget still yeah stay in shape that the people keep you got Alex at the Publix keep your face in and perspective let people know yeah yeah great personal time Africans come over there like the smile a lot and happy like you they [ __ ] put them in front of everything yes and I really see that loopy girl the girl the black Africa you know I'm told they got her everywhere she's like an actress yeah Lupita yes young go yeah she's like everywhere she's like the honorary white person and stuff she goes placing African Americans don't go you know and that could be you dude and then you open the door for other Africans that's the matter I should purpose you ask me you know that way yeah yeah I believe that you know so I was talking about like dreaming about somebody who could when I was kid dreaming about somebody who could come there and do something for us and unfortunately that person never never came and at some point I think it was like three years or four years ago and I'm like because you know when you grow up I don't know if you have that feeling but I always have this feeling of my childhood missing like there's something that I still have to filled up in my childhood box you know and I'm like okay I gonna beat the guy me for other kids but for myself and then I just open a gym there a foundation for kids you know trying to try to give them because they might have some kids there some kids with the same dream as me definitely I I believe that knowing that what that would represent for me you know I believe that even like doing it for like three four kids that's worth it definitely man so we going back is it why does why does Dana White do [ __ ] like that like why is it personal does he get does he just decide does he have you know is he judge jury and executioner when it comes to who's fighting and who did not know I don't think you called Dana like a promoter pretty much right so this is are permitted to promoter looks who's gonna be the biggest joy of your champion who's gonna put more people in the seats you know you could be listening some guy you look at a guy like Cormier he's a great fighter right but he's really good he's a great fighter this happens in boxing too great fighter can't nobody be them but he can't bring people to the seats like that I mean then you get a guy that's not as exciting than him and stuff of something but he has this little marker he does this thing he brings his flag in and stuff and that excites the people you know me they're um what do you call what you call that stuff when you patriotic with them and all that stuff this is the really patriotic country especially when you bring the flag in the ring but I feel like Francis is a guy that people are excited to see fight I think so too I don't know if Dana thinks oh no I think right now they're having a issue having fight for me basically with the trial og between us TP and DC because I should be next on the title line but since they want to do steeping on DC that complicate everything one put them on who are those guys sleep a mule Church I got a call me a the idea for me here so that's what is making my situation complicated right now I didn't want to fight you because I should parked I should be fighting a steep in X but they want to do is DP undies we're the big heavyweights right now steep a Cormier John Jones steam is the charge on jump in the chair yes I'm John John his light heavyweight yeah you wanna fight I want to fight the champ and I have a heavy on done business with Stevie you know I fought it once and that fight didn't go well for me and I want to fix it right now yeah I want a revenge on how the men time I want the title this is back this was their last fight in August he can't I can't believe he did that come yay he was getting beat up by teachers finally he is bought the body shot and then as soon as he started with that body shot the good one come you just start to feel really bad yeah when is there because John Jones keeps calling out where's John Jones in the order of that no John John is the charm delighted away yeah he was becoming everywhere well let let be so I'm in the heavyweight so yeah I mean if you come to the heavy where right now at this hour have some fights on back I see so they're getting ready to promote the 35 yes with DC and mule church and that's what really complicated my situation you gotta go out there and make challenges you know you gotta make your challenge here going television make challenges yeah go to the television show it's a television show the why I might not fight you know you should go everybody should go everybody's scared of me in the UFC you know maybe if you're not you can't pray for your family if mother your father your sister your children all know you're a coward show your family some pride put pride in your family's name you coward family you're a coward think about your family this is what you think that means I can have your wife this is my family now you owe my family now see you're a kind man so that's why I'm a kind but I did it to get in their heads yeah you know what I think I like I've been thinking this but he would be great if when I make my box interview I want you in my corner I want that damn I must you know work I'm gonna see you work - yeah I want to get your work everything you know on you know your life you know you are like your library all about what habits you have a working everyday you go to your routine every day regardless of sit-ups or push-ups you're running your exercise you spawn every day you're a hot water you're cold the vitamins you die it's every day just every day for like what 90 days it's every day get what you do your Sunday off yeah is every day every day so are you under contract with the UFC we fight yeah so you have three more fights yeah that mangalyam type of they're gonna hold you know but his objective is to stay active yeah I know what you know what because she was like he was get my sparring partners and we were just having maybe tops wanting to be contended and we fight for real in the gym Swamper but his fights really pay him like a victory you know for my paper fight for really has to constantly keep you sharp sure before every day fighting top guys every day in the gym so there is training but it's like fighting - yeah yes but my problem now is not really being in contract with the VSA it's just to have fight you know because it'd been four months already and this i standed maybe like two month notice so it's going from now if I have to they're gonna offer me a fight it's gonna be for two months we're gonna be like six months from my last fight and I still don't have fight so this can't keep next 15 fights in one year you have to stay busy it's not just past a 15-5 one year 15 fight Wow hey baby huh my first year 80 85 84 85 my first year Wow 15 fight 15 fights in a year Wow keep it baby stay fighting Stace you gotta be your life you could do it reasons like sleeping yes but you know in MMA is not exactly like person you cannot have as much fun dad not because there's a lot of injury in MMA as training us in five man listen you know let me tell you there's some talk let me tell you you just like our you saw the way you fight the way I fight it moves like the earrings you have you ain't gonna get hurt you ain't gonna be the one getting hurt you hurt everybody else the percentage is just it's that way the way you beating these guys these guys are intimidated they lost before you even hit them they don't want to be in there yeah different see when the fighters are scared to death some guys you hit you know you don't have them cut you feel like you're missing this they think you're fighting I take it serious they be playing that but when your knee across from I gotta take it figure I don't wanna shake your hand to the fights over [ __ ] don't come up and be no gentleman friend we're gonna fight I'll shake and when the fight is over yeah you know people know in the crowd you know you're serious real fight you know no you not tap you know I'm gonna be absolute at but I love your buddy with you you'll be friendly when I went yeah would be friendly they get in your head anytime be friendly to put your guard down them in the bell ring they questions actually gonna [ __ ] kill you that's what they want yeah they come at you like a [ __ ] it's a good brother you know we going man then they come into the key eat your [ __ ] dude raped his sister something he's gonna kill yes they look like this trade all day they keep their knife behind can they come - he - who view like a my brother hobby knife fight you so hard - I know those kind of guys hey Mike did you see that show him I can you pass me that like different of your buddy put your guard down it's a father trying to kill you totally definitely do the prereqs yeah I don't like those kind of fight yeah but I think some guys just able to be like to make everything to separate everything be professional like a fighter and just be a different guy outside of funny you know there can be nice maybe some to make you put your gut gut down and someone is just nice but when they get into there they just have to do what they are there for salutely listen now that that's why boxing so just um interesting because not everybody could do that everybody wants to be able to do but not everybody could do it some guys listen I don't know you seen this yet something fight some guys in the gym there could be anybody in the world a champ it could be anybody but you put him in a ring yeah you guess you put some lights on you get some popcorn a drink and say go and he panics yeah yeah and the gym he'll kill the champ nobody could beat them in a gym so they get in the ring [ __ ] path yeah hey listen some judgment gamers yes they could do it in the gym but they can't do they ain't ready for the big time it's just that this is the big time baby yeah that's big time don't care how good you need this heart in that gut skills really don't matter at the big time how much good how much how much you willing to take win that belt mmm that's different than the other being there yeah yeah yeah you see that football yeah but you can take it you know how much you can give up how much you can take yeah or do they get something out yeah yeah well Francis what what are you doing in the meantime brother what are you doing to keep yourself sharp you getting into movies Mike was saying earlier give me a movie listen man Fast and the Furious 11 dude you're the [ __ ] villain [ __ ] he's a doll he's like either action doll look at him he's cut like the action of superhero dude definitely that guy over there is his job so you have to tell him he's my manager watch out marquel come on kill me what's your patient in this business at the age so he's a guy come on in bro Hey yeah whoo named Buffett Markel Martin agent at CAA sports I represent the combat sports division all right so so yeah to your point you know Francis was he just been finished shooting last month fast and furious and I mean working on another big movie he just auditioned for I can't really give you guys he's working oh yeah yeah that's our job Alex Avon CAA you know I mean he can't he chose us because we're the best in the business were the best in the world at what we do you know I mean you guys gotta make them feel beautiful you know you foreign language I'm not seeing beautiful I'm hungry you know you know I want it I want everything you know everything up and still look beautiful you still eat I do like the action figured although yeah I haven't we haven't thought about that the next thing on Africa you know what I mean yeah action figure kungfu grip MMA goes out and say this is what I want to accomplish yeah I write them down said this is what I want to do I want everybody in this country to know my name I want to date the most beautiful girls in town that exactly what was beautiful scar when I have the most nice to the most beautiful house in Beverly Hills when people come visit me ask my open the door that's what I did always drip my life my big mansion oh yeah here and I wanna fly just envisioned it all live by the Hershey's and [ __ ] about my next-door neighbor with mom Malcolm Forbes I was chill needs to come by my house and shower here that Lamborghini g-man said what the [ __ ] is that I first I remember what the [ __ ] you dad like twenty it was a beautiful G basement and I bought one for Malcolm Forbes came out and supported believe me I have to do is dream to dream it your realities in your mouth you know you whatever you say you know yeah they come no no ohh laughter but I found that I realized that I got old all that stuff Justin Open Sesame advocate that but those are things those are those affirmation ancient affirmations yeah I found that those are internet formation abracadabra says Open Sesame and all that stuff to the Farman ancient ancient thousands of year old affirmations yeah speaking boxing into his existence you know the moment Francis and I met that's was one of the first thing that he said he wanted to do was not only be become UFC champion of the world boxing UFC gym you might not never be done about what everybody do that would be so awesome you know of Tyson Fury just said you wanna cross over and come to the UFC I'm like I'm gonna we're gonna welcome you here and I gonna meet you give you the return you the service in the ring yes I [ __ ] won that Tyson Fury and fight Tyson here - yeah I want that fight exactly so so I'm gonna tell you right here what was gonna happen where I'm from I'm from San Bernardino Inland Empire yeah so I'm so a little bit of quick background on me I moved to Las Vegas I'm a football player my moves lost I worked for Dana I worked at UFC for five years before I started repping fighters Dana bought me my very first suit I mean I love the guy great great guy you have to you know he's a savage on the business side of it but I get that you know what I mean but now that I'm on this side you know it's my job and our job to make sure that fighters like Francis has the best opportunities to be more than just a fighter you know what I mean what he's trying to do in Africa for the kids that's big you know he's got his foundation you know what I mean he has he has dreams because again it's prize fighting at the end of the day you know you know a lot a lot of times he's got to capitalize on his talents while he's young while he's on the top of the game so let me tell you something listen what he what he what he's talking about he talked to him exists he didn't know it you know yeah yeah I could parse it now you know your sees one in the boxing ring a possibility I'm gonna be involved as well as possibility and I was saying you don't have to go no way it's right here no I mean we don't have to better how about you've done oh no no no but you don't got to go out of any way you right here you right place saying you see in the box I'm coming - yes that's what I'm saying it's coming to you but Mike it's got to be under the right circumstances he understand the space that the pace killing boxing is different than UFC and that and that's where I think you know what's gonna be in you understand I don't know is he willing hey I don't know about that you know Dana smart he does he does yeah you know Dana smart but his value you have steered the most is rising sport in the world exactly but their champion don't get paid more than the heavyweight champion Oh Canelo just made 35 million yeah no one watched and they were waiting on though the UFC fight to finish yeah I was it you know I mean right exactly no nobody really cares I'm a much respect to Canelo but if Dana and Zuffa boxing whatever if they really wanted to put the marketing dollars and promotional dollars behind Frances who I'll ask you who's the most marketable potential UFC fighter to crossover in the boxing I'm the little brother what's his name I'm proper 12 Connor Connor Connor I I think that's more of a spectacle I I don't disagree he's a star yeah listen a spectacle but listen this is where it's not a spectacle mm-hmm this is the only respect to get but this is where it's not this is why that was listen um he never I really had a boxing match in his life Frank right he didn't have a boxing match right he went ten rounds with the greatest fighter in the last hundred years of boxing no Connor booth no you're not listening to me you don't understand what I'm saying yeah he went ten rounds scored punches on the greatest fighter in the last twenty a hundred years did he do them did he accomplish something star see people look at people yes they wanna see the black guy beat the white ones here but look what he had to fight against and look what he did when he fought against it that's true because nobody listened mad [ __ ] I never had a boxing match neither will any fighting boxing with me he's fighting me and we're fighting I don't think he makes it turn round man if he didn't we're fighting I'm doing my thing that's a bad [ __ ] first fight 10 rounds with the champ the best champion elasticity is something like that that's the winner of the fight that's the one of this should have been a 1 round 2 round fight fight for sure they took it easy should have been easy he had to sweat that the fighter he was fighting for my toes throwing back and he was worried that's the only thing when the guys throw him back you gotta be apprehensive that's the only damn boxing he's throwing back normally guys that he should have panicking up and throwing punches back if we kept fighting he should have panicked he never been in this shitty one day with the greatest fighter in the business he should have panicked he kept his cool so why is the money so different if UFC has become the fastest-growing sport in the world and boxing is sort of on a decline hey listen um they is know how to promote it it's about promoting it at the boxing 200 years and there's no what it is is habit - we're addicted to the promotion what does it call again I'm it's called subliminal subliminally don't want it buddy makes us buy it anyway we don't we don't like him but we still buy it's fun it's not exciting but we still buy it right I mean because this linden time is the right thing to do people are talking about it cuz it's hitting everybody people are talking about it cuz I'm doing the boom hit you when your friend your wife hey you think you want to go to fight yeah we had to fight that's what it's not like people want to go to the fight we get forth to go to the fight we're safe to the subliminal message they've been doing this for thousands of the years they know how to they know how to make us spend our money we're puppets just like we have people that are puppets to us there's people that we're puppets to you know like I was told much my mines mines my wife that we watch it and through wasn't this any different watching all the characters that's a baby and I guess who's watching us you know someone's watching us just like me watching those ants you can't believe we're the superpower we're only one here I'm praying and I thought even tells us that that someone's watching us we even feeling I'm lying somebody's watching you don't even know why we feel that we would be feel like somebody's watching us yeah you know but yeah to your point I mean it is it is a habit of you know your question was why hasn't why is there a difference in money making between the UFC and boxing boxing has that tradition of paying the the fighters 80% you know 10,000 owes money on Friday a real fighter you know fighting big fights what right but it's different in the UFC but you see the UFC fighters now they have a platform to where I mean even Jorge miles but all he may he made some money but now he's calling out Canelo why because if you cross over into that sport your your values higher your values increase and then you can you can kind of demand more of that money listen that's true too but listen I'm gonna take it to another level did you just you don't know about boxing right oh this is gonna blow your mind so thank you make that crossover now right in that fight so you did great he did great but it didn't turn out well for you and you got a big payday 100 million out they say hey listen I'm giving a fight a big [ __ ] you feet and another hundred men I'd be off I can't get home it didn't know what happened gotta wake him he gets her he gets a a [ __ ] power drink commercial he got forty million dollars he's not a man if he's drinking so less maybe 50 at one but whatever he got that is just popping this showing his [ __ ] muscle pumping I'm not trying to make you laugh and they love that all those international Germans and everything that's bigger that's why all the German all the German and European too they some of the all go to Africa to get palm bones out and stuff you see a lot of Germans and stuff coming down soon they'll come in car camera yeah they do that they come and stir them out and I mean maybe is looking at him fantasies France more antenna thank you think I'm what do they do the Anthony Joshua and you what those Caucasian over there do to him you think I'm not playing this is real [ __ ] [ __ ] he'd be a guard I didn't even know why they like me as know that I supposed to like instead something it's just that you know it's just that day one stay 50 miles you're taking once I said my mind I'll leave living it around once I'm with them all the way anything is so I'm buying even though there's no good for me it's just my mind is planted that way yeah I want to be connected to them that makes me feel better it makes me look better that means my ego feels better it's just what it is you know I know him yes my man what's up this [ __ ] makes us feel good know people I don't know it's just that's how we program that's why you're aiding you want to help famous people you want to know the felt of helping these people and some other people come to you that's who we are as people the social animals I thought that's how do we get for bloomin a trick to do things because it with social animals this is the right thing we're supposed to do but just that now we're paying for it yeah I got a question for you so I mean no one can know I known in this room knows a fighter's mind like you do so if you're Francis what is his next steps what do you think well listen he always but he always he's always a gentleman there he is right he's always a gentleman but he could politely call people out yes you have to let the people know that this is what I'm aware make them aware of what's going on since these guys don't want to fight it and then people make the crowds make the people aware that the people are afraid to fight yeah I've offered this for him I offer this I ask him to fight me here what does that happen to I have to take cut off my arms to fight me yes I'm correct like that wouldn't they have to do from the fight because nobody wants to listen I give you the divine share the purse please fight me please fight me comfort you're gonna have to use this for hospital bill anyway please fight use it to buy fight wheelchair that's all please always be polite or bitching for people want to get savage animal even that's what they want but they know in his they know from his past that's what he is yeah so he doesn't have to act like one they know he's one so be a contrary to be a gentleman call them up politely and say hey listen what do I have to do to fight you you know I'm gonna have to be to be a little brother or something yeah come on make your family give some prize to your family at least you fought you didn't stand on the wall and did nothing to look like a coward please I'm embarrassed asking you to fight me yeah I'm embarrassed for you you know stuff like this it's especially if a boxer right won't fight an MMA guy in boxing because I feel I want Francis to fight a guy like Tyson I want him to fight a guy like Dante Walter why not oh absolutely well once you get to cut listen this would have come down to the quick it's easy for you to receive could you you have it ego you have to believe in yourself you know you have to believe that you're here for a purpose to enrich the world no you have to believe this deep that fun this is where I'm born this is where you're crossing me this way you're crossing why do you think you here you think you hit by osmosis this is just you're lucky and this is the break that you gather your life in you and me of course if that's what you want that's what you wanted right oh oh yeah and that's what happened and it's the same thing with the championship the same thing it's like this window jamb it comes to you your destiny is in your mouth and your mind and the person who once you once you receive that that level of confidence you know I mean and it's practice properly it was the pastor genius there's nothing more supremely confident confidence breeds success and success breeds confidence applied properly you're in conquerable you know it's very deep what what you're saying because like I don't used to talk too much to share my thought with people because they always think I'm like over over deke stop right there stop right there yeah that's what they want you to say they don't want you to talk about yourself they want you believed your dumb [ __ ] from Africa and your monkey they want you to believe that they don't want you to believe that you Hey they don't want you to believe that you're divinely guided they don't want you to believe that once you believe that the Nephilim and whether it be these people people don't like no no no no I don't like that that's not true listen they love it they just don't got the balls to be that way yeah they wish they were you but that's why they say that's not nice because that's what they were this that's what they were they were limited to so they want you to be limited but there's nothing personal they just want you to be in that situation yeah we love company that's successful but yes they're feeling successful successful at the ceiling you want to break through the silver and go to the stars the universe the galaxies yes and I think you I don't understand I mean I really is very interesting how the way that you break down things because that I can't relate in in that like if you keep your toes to yourself when people know your cousin how you feel about yourself they trying to block them yeah so you don't let them know your thoughts never let no one know you taught you keep your thoughts to yourself yeah don't let nobody invade your privacy very it's very interesting I'm deep you have to believe this you have to know this one thing I'm gonna tell you this is spiritual right yeah see your your fight feel your fights and stuff on your nachos is spectacular know what that means all this good stuff happening to you know what that means that you're favored by God you know that right yeah right but that's not what's something that you may not know to when you're favored by God you're also favored by the devil he's coming for you too so you gotta be strong stay on the right side whose side you got going on he's gonna give you power too he's gonna get in your head too but your suicide you don't stay with you stay with who brought you here hmm you stay with you go home with the guy that brought you to the dance you know powerfully he wants you to come in as you go tell you either he's gonna tell you how beautiful your [ __ ] tell you I made you beautiful you do what I say I'm not gonna let you get all this fame I'm not gonna enjoy this pleasure either he might want you to [ __ ] mind I suppose the [ __ ] but I wanna fire you know they get in your head you believe you deserve it why don't you Mike Tyson tell you know should be a foreign language oh they talk to you like they're your best friend you have to be disciplined discipline is doing what you hate to do but do it like you love it they may be I'm gonna go home that night remember Carl loves you so that's he he's after you too it's a war yeah I really believe that you don't believe it you find out and you have to be smart to keep to stay in the right side need faith because you're not smarter than Satan brother I know you may think smartest thing we faked me face but he's good he knows your weakness he knows you before you at the christening he knew your mother before you knew your father he knew he knows you before God in existence they knew you together they would even they made you together you know you you can't no secret from you can't talk flick the he'll gives you all your thoughts probably sometimes I think I have been fed - he's been smart you go hey we don't have all day we all doesn't have it's not what it's the ultimate way it's the only way you don't have to be smart yes but no yes to do and then it's gonna work the only guys stick with what's work you know it's not gonna work you've been in Africa you know it's not gonna work if your friends are this is not good you never be any doubters not gonna work no doubt that should be eliminate you should be a doubt Annihilator you should be Annihilator of doubt you kill people in the ring you should kill doubt in your mind and then your soul when y'all kill it it's dead fight it every day cuz it's gonna be hard not going anywhere let's rise try those many negative thoughts that you as possible you gotta throw as many and triple the positive thoughts whatever thought those three of them you throw 16 back at them how much you love yourself and how great you are and how you love God for your hands and your feet and your legs and your skin and your movements everything thank you your gratitude for your life yes you know your blessings triple when you have gratitude you just do be agreeable don't you think God give him gratitude my mother for my hands thanks my mother for caring for me to make me put in that situation gratitude by your mother something nice thank you mom it's all gratitude so I learned gratitude gratitude I was friendly I was generous but I always did it to get something you know you got to do it for nothing it comes back it's just what you do out there coming back to you my first I was the hater - so that's - a lot of stuff happened to me I was hating on people jealous for people you know in my mind keep my thoughts mad at him I wanted that woman you know yes jealous no less should come back around he just come back you can't help it it keeps you nice if anybody get those [ __ ] cousin to come back boo me I mean what happened to my man hypercar look that [ __ ] yes no no he was hating on you I like the are done pitching [ __ ] [ __ ] then like what you saying that [ __ ] you know that [ __ ] happens you know got to keep your thoughts clean yeah no bad [ __ ] that was when this bad got some bad she gets it I'm sorry I didn't mean that God whatever that's just my thing yeah I'm back to you anything the [ __ ] imma great I'm firm believer I think you're right on and with all of that you know well Francis I know you gotta get get out of here where you going right now that sense when you leave here where you going what's your next uh going back to Vegas fake will you don't fake it will you live in big I live in vaguely live in the Silverado ranch survivalist over that were Easton which one the Henderson Las Vegas before no no no yes Las Vegas prove what before before Houston yes yeah yeah [ __ ] that man it's been awesome having you here brother yeah good one to use thank you very much I knees so justice sorry only how do you handle your money are you good with money oh really good money I'm really good you know like that's as I said I was I was saying before about my mom I'm like about about the same way you know I always think about tomorrow about next year I always think like this could be the only thing that I have from now you know how do I get a handle it you know trying to be smart trying to think about tomorrow next year you know why are you doing that to live for today you know it's always think about that they live for that they enjoy this moment this morning right here the second way that's only happiness when you're in the moment we're not in the moment right this like it but sometimes we're talking about this in the moment thinking about 9:00 up to this moment Neff that's happiness yeah and it became very difficult to me to like live in the moment as you say because I always carry it like this fear like oh this thing could break down no let's keep it let's save something let's save for nine late that doubt is never break down it's not gonna break down you're destined to be here for something you doesn't help your mother you have things to do how could it break down I think you put that thought in your mind it can't break down I can take the turkey get my [ __ ] great that don't say that again [ __ ] yeah great I can't get my mother [ __ ] I wanted that what I'm taking about breaking now think about it's gonna go well and I'm gonna be over here and I'm gonna give a grandkid and that's what she taught me to take care of a grandkid yeah you say as you said before you have the deal they got under David and sometimes you have this positive thought you keep having positive thought and sometimes the negative thought trying to sneak around after a fire that's cool that's cool right yeah doesn't happen to you what don't know what happened something else oh yeah I mean like when you keep hyper fighters you fight it with again this negative thought even though you're trying to be positive all the time but there is some moment like I don't know like negative trying to take over I have to really fight hard to put him away you know well like do they have new don't you some negatives and the intervening your positive thoughts absolutely how about you how about you listen it's in practice you ain't doing different yeah what choice are you gonna make you lose the negative with it it'll take you away from all of us probably our day with the positives will keep us together forever and see us succeed and prosper get abundance we're positive yeah that's what we're gonna stay and listen it was easy everybody we do they can fight that everybody can fight the temptations that's the whole thing once you do good cause give me a minute of hey the second hammer so he got really likes a man let me throw this [ __ ] is me right stab matter than God let me throw this money let me throw this house at him see how you ask that [Laughter] no [ __ ] yeah they're sticking with the bright side as the best the best dice - listen yeah that's gonna happen I see this happening your success the light is on you that's a trip you don't even know but you feel it the right is on you you don't know why but the right though you anybody you see like you honey but I see them like come on look everybody you seek [ __ ] on the [ __ ] you you got it all don't [ __ ] and listen I've been around oh yeah okay no one wants you to not dig my words out nobody wants to know if it's possible maybe if you don't know I like you more than you like me I can get a price from you you know that's what it comes you always gotta let people you're the prize you're the champ you're the best fighter to God's creation you gotta believe that the best fighter since the beginning out of the Dawn's you know you have to believe that yeah yeah I know it's laughing but you have to believe it you have to believe it because if you don't believe it you won't be that person and you're on that road to try to be that person so even though it's embarrassing why are you on this road there's role is to be the greatest fighter in history for the world that's what the road is for you on the road laughing no I don't want to know you gotta accept me I embrace your dance you gotta embrace it this is it greatness you're on the road don't be afraid of it greatness is scary that's why a lot of great people don't make greatness because they're afraid of it you got a grasp this day is mine but you know ordained by God you have to believe it don't have to tell nobody us believe it I know when I say these words is what it's not cool so when I used to hear there was a [ __ ] I know you want those world ordained cards so damning me with greatness and it's true but you gotta believe it why wouldn't you wanna do it why he gave less people than you greatness people rather than you greatness why wouldn't you want to give you greatness because you ID be awesome because you believe yeah believe it said it believers if your way of worshiping him believing it yes creating you're his creation why are you gonna be negative to something that God made he made you why you think you're nothing why I think negative things about your card made you use oh my god if you don't like you you know I can't didn't know now if you don't like you yeah you got love you if you love God I love you you know you've got a God's creation so you to disrespect yourself and set yourself up I was what's that word sabotage yourself you disrespecting her I fed the found out late in life all I was doing with disrespect me I wasn't disrespecting myself I'm God's creation I'm just expecting a hammer keep yourself clean but you gotta think when you see when you know well I should he saw anything you think you did it was bad you didn't like he saw you do it look he's looking at these maps he's watching us so we're gonna have to explain why I didn't know people thought that you are a boxer I didn't know that you're like Phyllis I have to be beaten and submission didn't happen it didn't happen happen tonight I have to go to prison for this I had to lose all my money for this and lose my wives and lose my gold digger girlfriend who I love so much I'd lose all that stuff for this to get whatever I have whatever you think I had back to look it's all about loss and all about gain keep my game is about lost yes and you can you always again more when you love something no doubt about you appreciate it more than gratitude life is about loss if time goes on we lose fights you lose people we love lose our hair then we lose our life you know it's all the loss but by the exhaust but from all these losses we learn so much and all that all the experiences that we learn it's just inconceivable it's just beautiful life is beautiful even at its worst at its worst it's beautiful if they have life is beautiful even slavery times they laughed and enjoy that moment of life when they was treated so badly they had a moment with here sit down laughing they're laughing at the slave master it's laughing in that moment yes I'm pleased yes yeah that moment is all about the moment nothing nothing forever none last day if we were happy companion sees you know me continuously like every second of the minute we was happy we might have a heart attack how could nobody happy every second of the day is this it's not enough time we have to be other things by happy we have to be sad we have to be there determined I have to be you know we have to be pretty precise on how we make our next move you know we have to be practical amount right we have to be so many things and then we have to be happy if so many things have to be encouraged it and be happy yeah yeah to make that movement speaker because if you're happy all the time and you don't appreciate it I don't way ya know that's why you have because you understand pain and pleasure you know me yeah it's awesome though that's a [ __ ] great show that's the science of love right and pleasure it's been great having you here brother my dope yeah no your dope because you're doing dope because you're the future you're special than all of us is this your future in your prime but imagine that the future in this crime the future doesn't make sense we out the bus know the past dictate doesn't dictate your future the past is the past and the past can't live in the future the passive stay in the past because when it comes in the future it deteriorates the future it stays in the past the future doesn't belong in the past yes but the past Bute the future that's what I'm saying the plan the past the past can see the future yes the past can't see the future but here being involved with it if I'm the future Chum you are the past charm and you're you being charm in the past buuuut me going to be charm in the future and you mean gem in the future it's gonna allow another champ and Africa to be the champ yeah it's just how it goes you always gotta pay it forward so past beaut the future absolutely okay awesome Mike great show but I think you're the great show your answers thank you more more than great I don't my English is not good enough no they won't have to know their words which is beyond great but this is more than great you're great Mel Burke you keep doing what you do always look up Alex believe in yourself even when times are hard oh it's believed don't lose doubt yeah yeah get away the nightly doubting every morning I asked God to vaporize any doubt that might linger in my mind that's one of my affirmations I said I'm a doubt Annihilator yeah vaporize that [ __ ] no doubt has there's no use to you you know think of you all you got to say I'm a future king of this world every day I'm a future king and that's where you see this toggling you see the beautiful people in that beautiful cars in a beautiful house and they listen I'm a future king to this world it's all be mines one day I mean look at me that's what I say in every way I'm getting better and better that's what I thought about that like the surf believing some time you wake up you stand in front of your class you look at yourself you just feel like the king I'm like I can have these are gonna do these are gonna do that trying to convince yourself and that also help you to kick out the doubt absolutely you don't convince yourself you already know this is gonna happen you have to let yourself be aware of it did you want but you let yourself people always need affirmation even before fight I need it because I'm a low self-esteem you gotta do that but I'm a megalomania because I believe I deserve everything you know I mean well that was your affirmation I was part of your affirmation absolutely I refuse to lose a few lose I refuse to lose even losing matters I refuse to be discouraged nothing will discourage me for reaching my goal you're a great man you can't let them look like a little loss discourage you great people don't let not lost the skirt they let them influence them yeah I lost you influence you to be better yes lost heard YouTube to be come to find the best version of absolutely absolutely Mike I'm gonna take a self yeah out of here hey what happen - I got it from the the PFL we've gone yeah Don [ __ ] gone Mike came out Donnie Davis you know Don Davis yeah yeah Don Davis loves you me of course he does well David letting us know you don't have to fight with you go over here and stop p'mote so doing your training over there you can still fight earlier but promote over there and channel with him I'm sorry hey why not why not well he told me that then he's not alive yeah that's what he would do yes I do it yes I saw him last week anything yeah a couple of guys over the you wanna bring over it he can get him over here now yes hey you get your bar over here too hey listen this is this is what you're doing your affirmation you touch your estimation they help you find the right people to get involved with your life to push your career to help you do things you're gonna get in touch with the right people the right people in life is gonna help me with my life I'm gonna connect myself with the right people to help my mother and my friends my life my career I have a great life in America thank you God yes I saw done last week at the Pierre fair and we have we talked a lot about like fighting and it was very interesting about Africa and I was only on fine fine so give me some guy this my card called me email me the information we're gonna take some guy and promote them and that's money right there buried in half insane money and that's all you tell whoever's you're monitoring hey let me get over these [ __ ] three fights a little bit and you could do where you fight you get me the promotion I really promote your fighter training if I do whatever was you over here and fight of it and I'm not saying that I love dinner is the context not what you want after your fights here hey we have other places to go it's just business it's just business nothing personal yes it's business baby not personal well I fancy good things happen to you you know you deserve it definitely thank you for coming over it have to believe it don't go get the scurries nice looking let's go out yeah [ __ ] everything that's what you should be doing as a coach in my corner yeah you put me out not on an absolutely pump missiles I might fit the other guys managers I'm Connie I'm talking I'm you oh no it's a fight that [ __ ] really when we were fighting [ __ ] I had my drawer the [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] homo suck my dick it's just great thanks for watching this episode of hot box and Mike Tyson Thank You Francis I'm Evan Britain and I'm Mike Tyson we're friends how do we find you oh you got me and Instagram Twitter on you yeah my what's the name tell these people how to get in touch with you my Instagram mr. Francis and y'know my cuter on my Facebook and uh this is my man contact me how many people you're looking at him now you know you have a lot of people yes um tell anybody any single people out there that interested in talking to you yes in a Potomac atomic weight Potomac way but time with taller tonic platonic relationship you tell flat for me take out my shirt you got the price you gotta know the price is nothing come free everybody this African royalty here [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 2,175,379
Rating: 4.9404836 out of 5
Id: NllWOM4bOSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 4sec (5104 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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