Jim Gray | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

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do you still have those moments of anger not anger no but no when i work out i'm angry yeah that's true but i'm working on [ __ ] fears i'm screaming sometimes yeah what do you what do you attribute that to um my experience in life by experiencing taking the toll [Music] looks like a cigar it is a cigar that one in it doesn't have tobacco that's gonna kill me you do what you want i love doing what i want i love you gym for that okay we on the air everybody's ready right all right bring us in mike god damn we need a bat a fan in here though i'm gonna float out of here oh man come on you're guys are crazy let's go okay there's another episode of hot boxing with mike tyson i'm evan britt and we have a real awesome guest here today my buddy you know i mean sportscaster extraordinaire they're great hall of famer jim gray what's up mike been a long time with mike we've been together a long time that's right great to be here with you you guys have known each other a long time yeah i know mike since he was 16 how old are you now i'm 52 that's a lot of years yeah that's a lot of years we're coming up on on 36 years oh god wow think about that that was crazy it's crazy we still remember when i met you when when when what day was that tell us i met you well well you were you were training in the catskills i met you and then we had our first uh interview back then but we then had our first real long conversation you may be 19 or 20 you came into mateo's restaurant yeah yeah remember that i think you were with jimmy jacobs and yeah that was fun don king was there yeah that was i remember mateo was the best oh in westwood yeah what's the best remember maddie yeah i remember oh man he would come by introduce me to people and stuff everybody was in there used to be a restaurant on sunday nights and i'll tell them about this oh my god everybody sinatra was in there lucille ball sammy davis anybody bob hope bob anybody is sitting there now davis you're chilling out it's incredible it was fun this is westwood in l.a yeah now david still there it's still there it's on westwood and pico yeah it's still there still there wow it's changed hands maddie died and uh his wife jackie she sold it and uh but it was that was saying and they had a cleveland browns car because art model was the owner of the browns and he used to be in there all the time so they added a car cleveland brown's a car on the train set that was just an awesome place to be that was just really at that time of my life you're going in there seeing everybody bob streisand and seeing everybody like wow since you're a kid you watch these guys on these late night television flip wills and all these guys like whoa this is a trip they were all in there johnny carson it was something it was special that's pretty simple but anyway we had our first real conversation there he sat down at the table he was looking at the train the train was going round and round and uh i said hey mike and he had seen me on television obviously and i had interviewed him sat down and we had a conversation i was with my dad and then mike so mike was maybe 19 or 20. not sure exactly but every time i saw mike after that until my dad died about five or six years ago every time i saw him the first thing come out of mike's mouth didn't matter where we were what fight we were doing whether it was manchester or the mgm or anything first thing he would say when he saw me how's your dad jerry you know since you brought that up you know i met jim but what i always know i knew i always knew that um for my mom his father was just the man you know i mean all the um your father's associates and everything um marvin davis and all those guys you know your father was just a man you know and everybody always told me about your father he was the man don king was saying he was the man everybody just had great reverence for your father well he was he was a great man he really was and he helped a lot of people and uh tell us about him come on he gave me my love of sports and he gave me where was he where he grew up at where was he in denver yeah and he stayed in denver his whole life and he would travel around and do his work but you know he raised us in denver and my brothers were older than me so i got to spend a lot of time with my dad because my brothers were out of the house by the time i was you know old enough to you know really be able to do things and and so forth so we went to bronco games and rockets and nuggets games and he would take me down to the golden gloves golden gloves was big in denver and every christmas my dad loves boxing my dad we used to go to all the fights and he would drive us by sonny liston's house yeah sunny liston lived on monaco avenue not far from where we lived and grew up and so we would go every christmas go to see his lights and hope to see him standing outside he lived by stapleton airport which was the old airport in denver and we would go down there and and look at that and he would take me to watch ron lyle spa or ron lyle's fights and uh he just loved it and we would watch the fights on television black and white and uh bob dunphy and then howard cosell and and so uh you know i was just uh exposed uh to it at a young age that you know all those great great fighters and denver was you know denver had a big boxing community um so you know i kind of fell in love with it and and and it just brought me closer to my dad not necessarily boxing uh but uh just all the sports that uh and i was a tennis player so he would come to my matches and and my mom and you know he just gave me the ability to do what i wanted to do and and and the freedom uh without interference uh but the but the guidance and the love uh you know that that's required to to have a successful life and so without that you know without without pressing you or pushing you into what to do he always just told me you know whatever you do work hard and do it with integrity and uh so um you know we miss him he was my best friend you know it's a it's a tough you know everybody goes through it everybody loses loved ones uh and then when it happens to you uh you lose your best friends and you've lost tremendous amount of people in your life you know that they're irreplaceable you look for it in other people but there isn't another father and there isn't another best friend and there isn't people who are in your circle that you really trust that you can find it from even though you try to gravitate to those people who you think might it's just not the same so um was lucky to have had him for the first uh whatever it was 54 years of my life and my mom is still alive and she's great so the good news is when i see my mom i feel my dad and she's still in denver and rolling strong and so tell me what do you think you met her i want to know about more before what do you think make your father so influential his honesty his integrity his principles you know he grew up in a time you know where you know people didn't have much so they helped each other and he saw you know what his grandfather did in the community to help others who had come over from europe uh who you know and then my dad was a naval reserve for for the war and so you know they knew they knew that the times you know required that you had to figure out how to help others who didn't have what you had so my my grandfather was my great grandfather his grandfather used to always tell them jerry if you make a dime you give someone a penny if you make a dollar you give someone 10 cents if you make more than a hundred dollars you better give somebody more than 10 so he figured out you know that it was a uh if if you ever became successful that you had an obligation that you that there was a requirement morally to do whatever you could to help others so my dad was a very philanthropic man he got involved in all kinds of charities how did he meet his friend how did he meet his friends yeah he's got marvin davis and all those guys well my dad was a was an accountant by trade that's what he did yeah he was he was a and he had a certified public accounting but being an accountant just being an accountant you know you get to know so many people he ended up doing the taxes for a lot of people in in colorado and so you know he became trusted that you know he would handle people's circumstances in in in in their accounting and and you know uh figuring out ways how they could finance and and and and do things and and you know being responsible uh to paying the government and also uh you know being able to fund some of the other stuff so he was uh he was just trusted how do you gain trust why do you trust me it's something you can't really you can't really put your finger on you just know it our experience together correct so i would know that joe was a scumbag because all in the journeys of where we traveled so we met a lot of bad people so it would be easy for me to identify you as a bad person right so that experience that he had with others led them to be able to know that he could facilitate a relationship and be counted on and be trusted and he wrote i must be powerful stuff he really he really wanted to trust you he really was and uh you know he was he was proud of all the things that he was able to uh to accomplish not only in business but he was very proud of all the people that he helped who couldn't help themselves uh whether it was uh guys who who were nameless uh uh you know and and done anonymously which he did a tremendous amount of people for uh for people who you know no one not his friends not even his family i mean i had a guy come up to me at his funeral and he said to me do you have a moment and i was just we were just walking out of the funeral and he said can i talk to you for a moment i want to tell you something about your dad that you don't know and i'm thinking what the [ __ ] this guy going to tell me i got a brother or something another brother that i don't know i'm thinking this goddamn guy why are you going to tell me something about my dad that i don't know right now and so i kind of looked at him and i kind of kept walking he said no it's important i'm thinking oh god my heart you know how your heart kind of sinks you ever had somebody come up here absolutely and you're thinking oh god yeah when they serve you with some papers so he said to me he said to me you know you your dad was involved in something called the bridge foundation at the university of denver i said yeah he said he's a trustee and he helped create the whole thing and he said yeah and he said there's tens of thousands of students who've been educated because of your dad's help and they're all living much better lives because of what he was able to do and how he was able to help them all and what the program was is if you could not afford college and you came from i believe it was denver public schools and you couldn't afford it he would bridge the gap in other words if you needed a hundred more dollars he'd give you a hundred dollars if you needed a thousand he'd give you a thousand they created this whole foundation to bridge the gap of what people could afford and what they couldn't afford so that they could then be educated and uh so we changed the lives of you know thousands of kids uh in the community and he left the part of himself to be able to help others for future generations so uh you know it's a it's it's it's mind-boggling you know and that he had the time and and the inclination and the willingness to do that and all the other things that uh he did but uh that one i walked away from that guy and i felt great but i wanted to i wanted to smack him at first how do you live up to something like that you can't yeah you can't but it's a great example and you just um that's what you hope to do in life he always used to say to me if you can help somebody help them if you can't you hope they understand so you try to do the best you can and um you know as a great role model it's it's hard to you can't fill those shoes nobody can but you can try and do your best and the great example that he and my mom have set and uh just the honesty and decency and integrity and i'm glad you got to know him a little bit and uh what you said to me at the hall of fame uh again last year you know that made me cry before we started when you started to cry that was uh i wasn't expecting that but i can't tell you how much that meant to me because you could go to a place that i wasn't going to go you know i wasn't going to take the people there and he did that was a great moment thank you brother you know um just going going with this journey in life with you know i mean knowing you as a human being a person knowing what you experienced with you know just [ __ ] from people from [ __ ] with me and [ __ ] with um pete rose and all that [ __ ] and um the only thing that i i realized you experienced what i experienced we never gave up no matter what anybody said to us they try to break our spirits you know destroy how we felt about ourselves our confidence you just never gave up in life like that you know i was kind of fortunate just in my own brain to think that you know when people have opinions they're entitled to their opinions and if we're going to dish it out we should be able to take it so when people give you a hard time even when they don't have all the facts you got to correct the facts but opinions are okay everybody has an opinion and that opinion even if you disagree with it doesn't mean that they can't have it but it doesn't mean that you have to believe it so who am i going to believe some guy who doesn't know me some guy who who who for whatever the reason has venom or anger or jealous or petty or by the way sometimes the criticism's correct and when the criticism's correct you got to do your best to take it to heart and change i mean if somebody says something about you and you know it's true don't fight it fix it right 100 yeah so sometimes sometimes you just have to fix it sometimes you got to take your medicine when you're wrong and when you're not wrong well i just disregard it because what does it matter what they think does it matter to you what somebody thinks that doesn't know you it matters to me when my wife's mad at me matters to me when you're mad at me matters to me when people who know me and care about me when they're pissed off i better look at myself and and get it right hey what do you think about this um you know well he thinks that i was speaking earlier i took this ancient drug the tmd um explained to um generally dmt dmt 5dmt 5meo 5meo dmt yeah i don't know what that is it's a it's a hallucinogenic some so to speak isn't it yeah it's entheogenic so it it helps people dealing with depression anxiety addiction cancer you experience an ego death is it ignorance it's legal in ceremonial medicinal settings and you can go to legal in the united states yeah um i don't know maybe maybe not depend right depend if it's an indian reservation or something to that effect okay so where are we going with this what does this guy do listen this is going to be so interesting that's why i'm saying that um right that's i experienced with this um how do we call it what do we call it this ancient ancient medicine medicine and man um and so i'm thinking about doing this because i'm not worried about doing drugs the guys explain this is a magic drug it's a guard monocle and stuff and i'm saying so really i'm i'm hiring cocaine so yeah let me see what you got okay let me see what the [ __ ] you got okay so i'm going back the guy said not now let's finish the conversation because i'm interviewing him so he's talking about this and i thought i can't wait you're so full of [ __ ] i'm telling you you can't do this and so i go in there right and i smoke and man i just i said i'm dead holy [ __ ] the first time i said i'm dead these people killed me holy [ __ ] where is this what country um it's close by it's close by right this guy dr jerry comes from mexico he's a shaman he's performed thousands of these ceremonies don't worry about it and then oh i see you won't believe this you gotta see this i've been everywhere with you i'm not gonna not believe anything because i've seen it all every time i said i can't believe it okay i took this drug i disintegrated i have no longer a physical being i'm just all spiritual being there's nothing physical about me and i'm just i'm just gone and i'm dying and um it's over everything is um marginalized it's just it's and um i'm i'm happy with that no one's in my life no wonder you got all these millions of people watching this no some crazy [ __ ] i can't know so i said to all of us so what's the question all of a sudden i ask god i just ask god i want power i want power and also and i disintegrated that must have been a hell of a trip oh man the mic is really it's it seems like my first trip i did it five times mike has been better slow down buddy no way no way there's no way i'm seeing i'm i'm excited this guy is so much more than god when i first met this guy six months ago he was doing well but he had a lot on him you know obviously he's been through hell and back well when you alter all these chemicals in your brain and you start taking this stuff yeah this is gonna be a little lighter yes this is crazy be careful no watch out what you're doing i'm not afraid okay absolutely afraid all right definite stuff is not even his existence i don't even know how to respond to that so well let's go on to the next one okay you've interviewed this guy a lot yeah right uh-huh is it funny to be on the other side of the the mic no i would like i did a podcast with him a year too much yeah yeah i did that one and you know i've had we've hung out together in in you know just where you know we just shared life's experiences and we've been all over the world together yeah so i mean you know we have a relationship we have a friendship i trust mike and like i said at the hall of fame last year without mike you know i wouldn't be where i am today he's been an important part of my career uh he's he's trusted me and um in many ways standing next to mike you know along with others along the way you know made me famous if that's the right word you know you really are famous jim gray well i don't know about that i don't even i don't really i don't like that word but because of all of the attention that mike you reckon all of his fame when you're standing next to him and he's doing all this stuff and he's you know said his back is broken and he's bitten some guy's ear off and he's won championships and he's the youngest heavyweight ever it's not just the the you know the crazy stuff but it's the immortal stuff for boxing and for sports that he accomplished you know you get the benefit of that you get you get you derive all of the accolades that he is accepting because you're standing there next to him talking so you you get a lot of great benefits and i've been able to benefit by having been able to interview mike at all of these times when the public when he had the public's attention and not only was it you know in this country but it was worldwide and and and you know his greatness all of us at showtime all of us in boxing he elevated all of that so i've always been grateful to mike and so so you know what was that favorite fight like you know what was the excitement like you know i couldn't enjoy like crazy like the big i beat up frank warren is skeptical am i gonna go to prison after the fight what's gonna happen and then the fight's over quick and what the hell are you thinking what do you guys say the fight is [ __ ] over i'm gonna put that story when i if if i ever write my book i'm gonna put that story in the book i'm not gonna put it on this podcast i'm gonna put that story in the in the book but uh oh [ __ ] but i mean let me tell you something if i really you know if i really sat here and thought about it you could do a book on mike of everything and he's done his st he's done his story yeah he's done uh undisputed and let me tell you something he's left a lot of [ __ ] out of this yeah volumes a lot of material here volume and i don't know if it's because it didn't rank on top or if it's because he didn't want that exposed or if he's saving it all for the next chapter and the next chapter in the next chapter but let me tell you something every time you said i can't believe what i just saw or i can't believe that we just experienced it something else happened and here we go again fine what do you like being on the plane that wonder what's gonna happen next right now i met this fight i never knew you never knew and you still don't know i mean you still don't you know it's a journey yeah and it is and it's it's you know what am i just going to throw podcasts what am i doing a podcast i thought this stuff was for weirdos at first everybody was a podcasting on their phones and stuff and on youtube are you on your phone all the time are you one of these no i don't know only people the only person i call this my kids and my wife don't have me this company has me now really so you don't get on the telephone no no no i don't leave anybody i'm never out of my wife's children's site for more than a couple of hours how you've have you figured out how not to be addicted to the phone like everybody else everybody i want is hands distance you know my children my wife my mother-in-law my father-in-law uh my friends i come to work with them we're all in distance i know everything i want is relatively close and let's go back to the people who who you began your life with are any of them in your life no i just i don't know what they're doing in their life but nothing you don't ever see them they know i'm rory and john horn never i don't mean them uh uh uh teddy no kevin no any of cusses people oh yeah tom patty tom patty okay and how about jacob's family or the caitlyn family i don't even see those guys never saw those guys don king's family no i called don the other day used to say i apologize you did yeah what'd he say dumb don's a good man daniels don't get it you know i don't know i don't know dawn probably thought i was trying to set him up on the phone or something i don't know he's he's very protective he was skeptical he was very skeptical he wasn't he you know and after anyone and then i thought he he may believe that i was being sincere he said hey you're really a good person you know i say well thank you you know thank you that was good you called yeah but he caused that he was very protective huh what caused that i don't know because i had a really nasty feeling in my my body for throwing that water in his face the last time i saw him that was what that was that was the hall of fame yeah i feel so sickening about that because i was watching youtube and used youtube shoulders and shoulders and us wow and i didn't feel good about that i didn't like the way that picture looked so i called and apologized and stuff well maybe that wow that's awesome mike yeah okay good i shouldn't be doing the [ __ ] like that i've been doing i've been to too much [ __ ] in my life to be throwing waters in people's face like i'm a tough guy all that tough guy stuff got me in so much trouble i remember my thing i was a tough guy and i got me all that trouble oh man god jim what was it like getting in the ring after this guy fought to interview him i don't know what the hell i'm gonna say he's like breaking fire dude he's like an unchained tiger you know i'm gonna say you know it's funny he didn't know what he was going to say but he always was respectful to me and he was any any of the position so you know he never got nasty with me he never got angry with me one time he threatened to kill me i did i'm sorry he tried to kill me and don king he threatened to kill me and don king and and he said i'll kill you and i'll kill don king he was mad at don and he said and i s and i kind of looked at him and 45 seconds later he kissed me on my cheek oh my god and it was far more disturbing that he kissed me than it was that he threatened to kill me so i mean other than that one 45 second thing he was he was on time courteous to me and the people at showtime um even in his craziest moments he never lashed out at any of us that i can remember but then i wanted to kill you in no i remember i wanted to kill you and don king i think he just said it because it was an easy way to get to don oh i'll kill you and don was standing behind us oh no why did you i don't know why you said it what were you mad at him about oh no was that after you'd thrown him out of the car or kicked him out of the car or whatever i have no idea man no idea do you remember all this stuff i remember a few things yeah a few things i remember being in miami and um we're driving down what is that the 10 to miami what is that in miami 305 no it's going it's going towards um west palm beach i don't know miami i don't know miami i got to 20 to 10 i don't know something it's that freeway that's always busy yeah yeah before the turnpike we're driving on on the tournament and next thing you know i just freaked out and i kicked the guy and as soon as i kicked him in the back of his head he puts on a break and we stop in the middle of the street and i'm just beating him in the car i'm trying yeah i'm trying to get um i'm trying to get the girl in the front seat it's a friend of mine to hold him so i can get in the front seat with him because i want to get him in the front where he can't run like i'm in the back and i can't get him the way i want to because i'm in back of him and i'm in the car so i wanted to get out and so i told her to hold him so as soon as i let him go he got the car right he got the car so i tried to run oh man gosh this was on the highway yeah and you just left him on the highway no no he ran the car so i tried to run the car so he did another back turn and got back in the front and drove off and left me oh he love you that's me on the highway yeah oh but no no no check this out all right i'm on the highway right i'm on the highway so when he gets down there he gets his real fault so he lets the people who i was with my girlfriend and my other thing he left them out the car and they're walking up the highway where cars are coming down and they're walking up the highway while they come to get me and so one of his security guys in the roads where he comes he thinks that we're we're stuck on the road so he pulls over and i'm mad because he's throwing security i give him a shot wow out cars are coming the police car comes a police closer and the car is out the guy's shoes and the cop picks up me i have cocaine i have marijuana i have it in a box and my girlfriend is holding right the guy gets this and the cop puts us in the car me jackie lose and myself he puts it in the car drives us to a hotel said are you okay mr titan thank you very much officer and lisa's up there have cocaine in the bucket i have marijuana box a big box right there oh my [ __ ] brick of cocaine i got [ __ ] marijuana everything in there and um are you okay mr toad yeah we went to my hotel room and everything i'm stuck on the highway i should be in handcuffs i want to hide when somebody's all cold on the highway he should put me in cause we should be in the cop car and we should be gone but the guy put us in um the car took us to our hotel and then he asked you why he was out there excuse me he didn't ask you he didn't ask me [ __ ] i would still my heart was beeping the girl's heart would be i'm ready i'm thinking he's taking us to the police station he took him right to our hotel wow that's amazing to convince our host i couldn't even believe i you know i can't believe it he didn't say a word it drove us and we're holding the drugs in the boxes he was so stoked and he's just took us in his okay mr titan yes sir thank you officer were you the heavyweight champion at the time no no it was my laugh i didn't have no money i was broke i was i was destitute you know did what he ever did to me and i was i don't even know what i was doing out there now let me ask you a question what i wanna i wanna ask you a question what did you do with all that money hey i just gave a lot of it away i had a lot of fun and [ __ ] i did what i wanted to do i had a lot of fun um when i was a kid i just had a really good time i was all over the world i was in sancho pay doing oh forget it with awesome people wealthy uh we just it was almost um it was almost so bad it felt so good it felt wrong you know you're so wrong you're so wrong to have all this ecstasy have all this sensation have all this fun and all this wealth it just didn't still felt wrong but it was awesome do you miss it no no it's going to happen again but not the way it happened last time you know so i always was amazed i guess you're supposed to ask the question but i always was amazed that that you haven't had regret for that portion no you may you may have regret in other things that you've done and and feel bad and apologized or or whatever but for the way you live your life with that money no i don't have no regrets but maybe some but no as i got older i say no because when i was younger i said maybe i should have regrets you know but i should be good because my life should be it should be different than it is now but it is it's the way it's supposed to be now because it's prepared for grander things now that i'm in the stage of being able to understand them and handle them before i'm surprised i'm not dead for the way i lived my life you know what i mean i'm surprised at how disrespectful i was you know during that time thinking that i was god you know i mean i had some tough friends so if you don't agree with me you're gonna be in some trouble you won't go out with me all right your boyfriend's in trouble now just you know i mean it's interesting because i've heard you say that mike and then you know jim talks about how respectful you were to have been to him and to his father and i've heard that all the time and i see you act and you have a ton of respect that's awesome humility you know i learned that from cuss too but this is how i was gonna be i'm gonna kiss the ring that's right you're the man i'm gonna kiss the ring but the people below me they're gonna kiss my ring too the old mic right there you guys there we go i hear that emotion sure no but it's not it's not about yeah totally that wouldn't make sense it was never about that but that's the way i was raised you know you kiss the ring but they're gonna kiss yours too one day you know but that was all ridiculous when i took the toll what i realized and understood about the toll we all bowing down to god we're all the strongest the post powerful the riches the weakest we're all gonna battle under god or something's bigger than us a higher power why why do you have a tattoo of days of grace and arthur ashe and and chairman mao i just i'm just very fascinated with both them i thought they were awesome individuals and stuff i really um when i was in prison i really wanted i almost got um it was almost like a hypnotic effect they had on me when i was in prison in what way on how to how to better myself and strengthen myself for revenge against myself you want to decide against society yeah society that put me in here and lied on me but it was really a blessing in disguise you know because i started to learn who i could really be not who i wanted to be but who i could be at that particular stage of my life and what did you learn huh what was it that you learned from them that i learned that um we all going to make mistakes in life but when we make those mistakes we will allow those mistakes become blueprints to a bigger a bigger part of our success in our life and in civilization so you were in the right place at the right time for the wrong reason absolutely there's no doubt about it i think if i didn't go to prison i would have aids or something want to explain that yes these people were really my my friends were dying they're getting sick and dying you know reckless lifestyle reckless sexual appetites and i was on that same wagon with them so if i didn't get that three years i would have probably been in a lot of trouble yeah wow and jail pulled you out of that yeah big time i was absolute um slave to sensation when i was a young kid when i was fighting before i went to prison i was just slavish it felt good i did it no matter what it was or what it was so whether it was sex or drugs or hitting somebody in the head whatever made anything that felt good being disrespectful it was if it felt good i did it and how did prison break that just the inability to have freedom no i wanted to be in control of myself i just wanted to revenge i didn't understand i thought going to prison i was i thought i was i thought it was the [ __ ] alexander dumas who was this guy he wrote the book about the guy who's the guy that went to prison camera money chris yeah i was reading that i thought that was that guy am i a [ __ ] idiot to believe that this was that kind of harsh punishment i thought that this was the worst thing could happen to a human being i only did three [ __ ] years of my life and i had a ball in prison i had a girlfriend i got a pregnant prison i was living a life in prison how did you do that i just it's just it was meant to be i was mike tyson anybody gave me what i want and i feel like a dick even talking like i'm some tough guy or some cool guy was just a pig who brought you the women they worked there they're my teachers and did she have the child no i told you there's a lot of chapters in there there's a lot of layers mike when's the book coming out no not about no book it's just that um no this real life that was something that was just real that was just real life i was a savage i wanted to survive i thought everything i needed to survive i need this to survive i couldn't you know i'm surprised i wasn't getting hiding because in my mind i wasn't i couldn't i couldn't succeed and survive i did drugs and got high so i didn't get high in prison how many people would you say have that experience in jail you describe jail as being a good experience i don't know i'm sure listen um i didn't want to leave when i left why because i was secure i was safe safe from yourself safe from society safe from both both so was there a judgment that was there uh was it a tough um a reacclamation um big time big time big time yeah i really didn't know what i was doing when i came out of prison i didn't know what the [ __ ] i was doing it's always fascinating to talk to mike i'm i'm i have so much podcast i have something going on everywhere i had so much [ __ ] vin vindictiveness venom in me i wanted to prevent that from somebody you still have something still hearing me i hear the old mic no but they didn't do anything i just think that someone did something to me because i thought that shouldn't have happened to me even though i took it as experienced the best experience of my life i still feel like it was somebody did this to me instead of looking at this was your best experience to find out more about you that you still nothing that you think is something even at my the worst thing with the worst the bottomless i can be you know me i might see a [ __ ] mirror and say wow i'm good looking i can brush my [ __ ] hair and my ego will always come up some kind of way i don't care how i try to crush it do you understand what i'm trying to say absolutely yeah do you still have those moments of anger not anger no but no when i work out i'm angry yeah that's true but i'm working on [ __ ] fears i'm screaming sometimes yeah what do you what do you attribute that to um my experience in life my experience in taking the toad you know i might scream i'm a [ __ ] guard and then say excuse me i'm so sorry i said that god this toad thing needs more examination but the toad thing didn't come into your life until recently so yeah the anger's been there all year how old 53 years yeah but but it's not towards anybody there's no physical being that caused my anger nothing from a physical perspective not a human being anything i can name anything that breathes doesn't cause my anger it's all internal all internal yeah and how would you describe yourself the internal equilibrium of mike tyson these days i i like forgiveness from mike tyson yeah you're trying to forgive yourself yes have you succeeded in some aspects yeah there's a certain part of me i don't like myself and think i should punish more punish yourself more yeah that you had too much of a [ __ ] good time so you feel guilty about yourself sometimes yeah sometimes and how do you how are you ever going to reconcile that hey that's not me to find out it just happens you know it just happens well if you don't have any control of that path if there's no if there's no way of knowing what the next step in the journey is if there's no thought process and you're just reacting well my reaction did pretty good i'm doing pretty good with reaction you know because it's not meant for me to think you know it's my life that i have nothing to do with my life has nothing to do with me my actions have nothing to do with my life because my life is on a divine path has nothing to do you're not in control of yourself excuse me so you're not in control of yourself or you are not from a divine perspective no from an action perspective absolutely that's only only be controlled on me and be um concerned with my actions nothing else truly exists in that that particular realm what do you think jim mike always makes me think no i'm just no i mean i have to i yeah you when i look at my wife and i think about the fact that um this is this is um this is not actually my wife this is um this is god's creation and i have no control over that there's no way i can ever control that that's a powerful realization with your spouse the fear that i can't that i can't have that that one day i may lose that from health reason the death reasons of its reasons i don't understand why and that could be a possibility that could be my biggest fear and i have to look at that as this is god's will let's talk about flip i spoke to somebody about flip two days ago i spoke to somebody about tell everybody who flipped was flip listen flip with this guy that had this is really existing flipped with this guy that had a lot of um influential pulling all the hotels and this is the age listen this is what i found out recently i had five thousand tickets to everything yeah he was something wow this guy was dressed impeccably black guy yeah i mean this guy was a tall guy long beautiful baby blue one day royal blue the next day he had beautiful green hat you don't see people like this they don't make people like this no more these guys have written out of history man you can't believe that he was at every fight all these fights yeah ali ferns he's always asking me if i want tickets to any of the concerts sinatra andy williams this guy had everything and he would sit where would he sit in the in the in the goddamn hotel the front bar caesar yeah everything was i mean john but everybody came to see flip really everybody flipped new joe lewis too remember joel lewis used to be i wasn't around when joe lewis was the guy oh joe joe joe used to be in caesars and he would he was a greeter yeah yeah what was that like seeing him every day will your father tell you about him it was great because he was an american hero he was an international treasure and then you'd see him and he'd be talking to these people you know caesar's you know the government uh had taken a lot of his money he hadn't paid his taxes or they were after him for whatever the reason and uh so it was kind of sad that here was this great american hero and he was shaking hands with everybody in the casino so it was but he was pleasant you know he was happy with his you know he was he was very nice i mean you know i remember with my dad i was just a little boy my dad and you know we went back and you know it's not like youtube or anything if you wanted to find out about somebody you had to get the encyclopedia or you looked at the library physical work so it wasn't like there was just film sitting around of joe lewis you had to go search and seek this stuff out and so he taught me about him and you know and so it was you know it was like you became in awe and then you'd see him the next time and you had that history now in your head because you'd been taught about him and um he was great but i'm telling you he had a crowd around him everybody wanted to say hello to joe everybody wanted to say hello to joe but everybody went to flip to get something done listen joe lewis set a new um standard you know because now people do that for a living meet and greet we do that for a living you know i think people become millionaires meeting and greeting people that normally would have been bummed would have been sleeping in their cars or what are you talking about the memorabilia age now the autograph joe lewis would have been holy moly when did he die i forget when he died listen no he died the day that we home fought cooney um no trouble burbank 81 82 yeah so i said early 80s yeah yeah oh wow yeah but he this guy was something but wouldn't flip die he had to die in the late 80s and 90s wait wait he wasn't around for the tyson holyfield he went i don't think he's around for that stuff yeah [ __ ] yeah when when the fights left caesar's he didn't see him much anymore we had fun back then jen there's a lot of stuff what were you guys doing when you guys were all on the plane all the reporters on the plane together you know i used to go to fights early and you know you used to come early every man he was at all your fights too who's that john madden used to come in on the bus and we would sit remember that really oh yeah it's caesar's john would come on tuesday said john john used to have all of the close circuit fights for the oakland area he was like the distributor so he would get all the fights to deliver to the fans and and john loved boxing i mean john's a huge he still watches the fights to this day still text me and yeah talk to me about it anyway hi man so john you remember there used to be that little elevator and that glass thing that went up and seizes right before he went out of the pool i forget what the name of that i remember yeah you go out to the pool and there was this little bench right there and madden used to sit there on that bench and he come in on tuesday we would then gil clancy would come by and tim ryan would come by and dick young and all the young man all these riders would come you know come by and sit down and talk to madden and he would just kind of hold court there and he would sit and you know he was a super bowl winning coach and he was in his you know beginning of his broadcasting career and they would send him like for cbs sports spectacular to interview the fighters before the fights so you know he would have ray leonard on or he would have haggler on or hearns or duran or whoever it was whitaker you know any of those guys are all those old guys that used to fight you know on on cbs and uh or before their their close circuit fights so i used to sit there with john all week because we'd be the only people that would get there on tuesday you know i'd get there early to do you know because top rank it hired me uh bob aaron had hired me to do you know all of his satellite interviews and done then don hired me to do all that uh all these uh interviews so i would hang out with john madden he became a dear dear friend and i love john and john was brilliant he's brilliant he's a genius he was a genius about people a genius about real estate genius about football and he became the most popular figure in the history of professional football you know madden madden the game now today crazy is you know it's it not only did he win uh more games uh he won he won more games to 100 he was the the youngest coach to win 100 games first then he won a super bowl uh with the raiders and then he you know had this incredible broadcasting career he won like 25 or 30 m he's the best broadcaster forever i mean yeah and then he created a madden game so but he'd love boxing and we used to talk about you all the time oh my god honestly is mike tyson crazy what do you think mike no he john had respect john had deep respect for athletic ability really oh my god and he he he was he was enamored by it he was uh he thought you know he thought that the guys that put in the work that rose to the top step of the victory platform were guys who earned their way that you couldn't [ __ ] that you know you could [ __ ] in life and you could make a team and you could get on television and not know your stuff you know you could and madden would always say that guy's a [ __ ] that guy's a [ __ ] but then when they when champions and and and true great players and great athletes he was he was really had tremendous admiration and respect and john's still doing good john's up in oakland pleasanton nice coach madden yeah he retired and he's one of the only two people i know in my life that walked away when he was on top in television only only two people quit television otherwise television quits you yeah johnny carson and john madden left while they still had a lot left in them i'm surprised you never met coach matt um i did an interview with him a couple of times i've never seen the interview i did with him yeah okay good so yeah you know that's cool yeah jim were you um was your line through journalism were you really did you as a kid you wanted to follow that were you interested in being a sports writer like how did you come yeah how are you getting involved in this i love sports and i was a tennis player and played tennis in high school and were city champions and so forth in uh in denver growing up and i loved i loved sports and playing sports and watching sports and so when i was a freshman summer freshman college going to i went down to the abc station in denver and asked for an internship or a job and they didn't have anything and they said if you get into school college you'll get come back and try for an internship so i went to college and the first day i was on campus i saw the man who i interviewed with he said go over to the journalism school and try and get an internship so i got an internship i was there for a month or two and they were converting from film to videotape so all the guys who were in the union for the film took the buyout so they hired me and i got hired as a videotape editor nobody knew how to videotape editors they were i was 17 or 18 years old so they were teaching every you know see yeah that's good so they paid me a lot of money paid me like twenty five thousand dollars when i was seventeen years old that's crazy i thought that was i thought that was more money than i'd ever have so i was able to buy my car it was a toyota corolla and that cost like 1700 and then i bought beer for everybody you know in the dorm i'd get a cake for them every week and i still had 25 22 000 after that you know so so anyway one day i was in my edit booth i was editing a red miller was the head coach of the denver broncos i was editing the red miller show at 7 30 in the morning and the lady who was the head of the bureau for assignments came running she says you know you know some you know something about sports don't you and i said yeah a little bit she said muhammad ali's at the airport he took an earlier plane he's two and a half hours early go out and interview him because back then there were no cell phones there was no beepers there were no computers no no nobody had if you did not answer your home telephone they couldn't find you right so they couldn't find the anchorman they couldn't find the lead sports guy they couldn't find any of the report they couldn't get it nobody's answering their phone they were sleeping they were in the shower their breakfast no god knows where they were no pages back then nothing so so i ran into the weather man's office took his coat and tie didn't fit it was a little itty bitty guy named stormy and the sport coat came up to here so i took it off but i took his shirt and his tie and i went out and interviewed ali oh my god ali was coming to town he was going to talk he was talking about his fight with sphinx was coming up and then he was going to fight a guy named lyle alzado who was a denver broncos yes in an exhibition after the sphinx fight that's right so i interviewed him he gave me 45 minutes he was great at the airport um he was just he was just wonderful he was patient he was nice he was funny he was thoughtful he was all those things he called me the the local young howard cosell so anyway so i took the interview back and was going to edit myself out of you know they weren't going to put me on the air i was you know i wasn't on the air so the head of the bureau came in there they had a news director a guy named roger ogden and he looked at this and i don't think this guy even knew my name you know he didn't even know my name said you interviewed i'll lead it i said yeah he said let me see it showed him all 45 minutes he said let me see that again so he spent an hour and a half with me and he looked at me and he said we're going to put you and this on the air it's barely adequate so i tell everybody i've been barely adequate ever since so that so so abc saw the people there at the station saw that ollie took a liking to me for whatever the reason so they then sent me to all of his fights to do an interview well then bob aaron saw that wow and he hired me don king saw that and he hired me so i worked for top ranking for king vision you know top ranked first you know doing all these interviews before the fights with all the fighters and then after the fights and then they would put them up you know on these satellites in the early advent of satellites and all everybody would take them down and use these interviews and it would help them you know promote their the early days of pay-per-view was closed circuit in the theaters or you know you'd have to go someplace to watch the fight and then you'd pay like twenty dollars to go to get into the fight were you you weren't born when there was closed circuit well all the other i just started when you thought closed circuit started 78 no i'd say early 70s yeah it's like 70 you know or probably the first the first ali frazier fight 71 51 yep so and then it got bigger and bigger and bigger and then they were figuring out how to deliver to the homes you know the theaters and all this so anyway aaron bob aaron hired me and was great to me then don hired me and so that's how i really you know became a sportscaster and and uh there was no grand scheme or plan or thought just happened by happenstance that ali came early and ali was great to me and that was my first interview and ali you know was honored me all those years later he let me do his last interview on on television in 2000 and we took we we took america's greatest living olympians so we took muhammad ali ray leonard mary lou retton and carl lewis carl lewis the most decorated track and field mary lou retton who would revolutionize gymnastics in this country with the 84 olympics ray leonard who was an icon and then the greatest ali and we went up to the stamford pool uh in uh in palo alto two nights before michael phelps left for the greek olympics in 2004 as before he ever won a medal and we bet that he would be the greatest uh swimmer of all time that he would break mark spitz's record have you ever met mark's bit yeah what's the deal with him tell me about his personality what's this we just finished this so anyway that's that that that show at the end of that show all these last words on television in that in that interview we had a torch sent to us from the uh athens olympic organizing committee that's the one he had yep and ali handed that torch and he said i'm the greatest you're the latest it's now up to you and he handed that torch to michael phelps and now michael phelps all these years later the most decorated gold medalist in the history of the olympics i think it's 18 gold medals 22 medals overall and now that show when you look at that show you know i don't think anything like that could ever happen again the greatest athlete ever our greatest ali the greatest olympian ever in in in phelps and carl lewis to this day still the most decorated track and field athlete with nine gold medals all those broad jumping over four olympics you know starting in los angeles going to seoul barcelona and atlanta so and mary lou retton you know kind of made popular after olga corbett and nadia come in each you know made gymnastics popular in women's sports you know you can kind of trace to her making it a catapult so that was proud of that show what was the question i was talking to you about mark's best i always heard rumors about him he was a nice guy and this and that and he was nice to me he was nice to me but he turned down doing that show he did not want to do that show because he thought it would hurt him commercially really yeah it was the worst decision ever made by any guy that i mean why would you not want to be on television with muhammad ali mary lou retton carl lewis and and and ray leonard and michael spitz i mean it's like it's like and michael phelps i mean it never made any sense he thought it was going to hurt his commerciality he thought that it would somehow detract from i don't know i can't explain it but i had i talked to him 30 times about the show he was always very pleasant but i could never get him to commit to do it and eventually he just passed on doing it and it's kind of sad but it turns out we didn't need him you know better off we didn't have him now that we look back on it did you know jackie robinson no sir no i know his wife yeah she's great she's still alive yeah wow but i remember you know who else used to come into my tails who ray robinson really oh sugar ray robinson all the time oh yeah i don't know when he died he probably died in 89 1989 i went to the funeral yeah he used to come in all the time really talk to everybody and oh yeah he drew a big crowd everybody wanted you know they considered him the greatest fighter ever you know pound for pound why well listen um how could somebody eco handle that how could what how could my ego handle that being called the greatest fighter of all time he's the greatest fight i've ever seen how could he handle that ego how did he how could he live like that wow that must have been some demons huh you know what though because he had losses yeah you know the ego is with the zero okay so like like look at floyd floyd walks around 50-0 yeah okay wait a minute wait a minute so so that when you when when you're never defeated then you know you think you never will be defeated i know you are rocky marciano i didn't know him but he had a no after him too right yes ray robinson never had that oh so he knew what it was like to lose so when he was called the greatest he could say well you know what that's your assessment may not be my assessment because my assessment is i know i lost how many times did he lose oh he lost him 19 times okay so he lost a lot at a 202 fights knockout so he knew what that felt like so anytime somebody might say to him you're the greatest he might say well i'm going to accept that and thank you but i know internally better i think you still can't tell your story about him please well somebody this is just a story this is just a small part of his career why somebody's thinking yes forever and then he lost the fight to sugary i'm not um jake lamotta his first loss and then went like 79 and now or something without the loss how do you do something and i'm thinking that the guy looks so beautiful when if he looks like perfection he was tough and rugged like a dog competitive you have to kill him to beat him it's just really it's marvelous entertainer just watching them fight which is awesome what do you think of this batch of heavyweights hey i think they have their purpose in their generation i think they all do i think since um wilder and tyson fury had that right yeah i think that fight um cemented them and a generation of great heavyweights i really believe that's because deante wilder's a great man yeah really yep i don't know him you should here you should yeah you should you should take the time you should take the effort and vice versa i believe i think not as you said i think i'll look at it from that perspective yeah yeah because he's worthy yeah he's worthy and he's got you know he's got a young child who's spina bifida and so forth and you know he's been a terrific terrific father and i think you're right and i think i i feel that was i think um anthony joshua and lance lewis should talk they have some kind of funny weird beef right and and i think they know joshua i've met him it's really bad i don't like that i think they should talk they shouldn't be like that these two guys don't you mention their name there huh you know it's really not good and tyson fury's an interesting subject too oh he's an awesome guy though yeah very interesting uh his about his his background and he you know i don't know how that guy got up that was like that was like unbelievable like that was like frankenstein stuff how did this guy get up off the carpet that was incredible but anyway but but yeah um like these guys you know at first i didn't but i started to respect them after the last fight said wow this is really awesome that's good that's right that's good boxing needs to have you involved and for sure you you bring you bring out in people memories of that are fond to them so your your involvement should be important to you because it's important to other people and if you put an arm around some of these fighters and you give them your respect and your time i think it would really help the game and really as opposed to you know so much now everybody looks back at their generation and says you know what we were better and they get resentful of the money that these guys make and the attention they get now but everything's changed social media has changed television's changed the delivery of it's changed uh the dollars have changed you know it's just it's just it's just crazy back in your day when you were fighting for all that money people looked at you the same all these generation and and all those shaffers and all those other guys looking at you and i said well he couldn't beat me they maybe didn't say it but they felt it yeah they had to feel that right because you know but but i think we live in a different time now in a different era and um i just think your participation uh would mean a lot you know because you're the guy you're the guy they look at they're looking at you on the video games they're looking at you on youtube they're looking at you all these knockouts and everything and in many ways what they want to be is be you but they can't be you but they want to have the ability to have your respect that they can't have but that's up to you that's weird because you know when i was a young kid that's all i wanted to do i want darlee and he said sugary and everybody around to know my name and respect you yeah i didn't care i just wanted to know my name you know i trained hard you know i worked hard i used to go to their restaurants and wait for them outside the restaurants and stuff really yeah and what and did they know your name huh did they no but i just watched them i just stalk them and [ __ ] that's why tell us the story what you decided to put this uh tattoo on your face i don't know i'm i was supposed to do it earlier put this hat i wanted a tattoo on my face i was supposed to do it early and i i was gonna put a bunch of hearts and [ __ ] on my face there's a bunch of little hearts and uh my friends are not i'm not gonna do anything whack like that but i do my heart's gonna be you know i mean immortal i don't wanna do no way i'm not gonna do whack quietly so he said um let's let's think about putting a tribal mark or something on there and i said okay we'll do that so like he called me in a couple of days later he brought up this tribal mark and so i said let's do it and we did it that's happened you like looking at that yeah you're happy i'm very happy you didn't want any more no no i was gonna do my whole faith at one time i don't know if i want anymore it's a possibility it'll hurt i might put a toad on my heart did it hurt attacking my face no that didn't hurt my face that was my stomach was really painful why why was that painful i don't know why it was it was just pain but that one didn't hurt none of my face were you high i'm smoking well okay so maybe that took down that didn't some of the pain no because i was smoking i did my stomach and it didn't help no you have any tats jim i don't no no tess i never had that desire i've never yeah no yeah so that's cool no i think it's all fine whatever anybody wants to do absolutely cast any aspersions make any judgments at all everything i let people know how they want to live you know this is how i you know what uh they want to do is fine it's great i want to change the world you know jim i wanted to change the world when people they had to accept me who i was you know if they want to be in my realm they want to be my speech they want to accept me they have to accept me who i was who i wanted to be did you ever just beat the hell out of somebody excuse me did you ever out of the ring did you ever just beat the heck out of somebody just like you just somebody just pissed you off yeah yeah me no oh come on i'm talking about did like did you just like see somebody and you and they did something they forget about the suits or whatever i mean did you just ever beat the heck out of somebody and they just took their medicine yeah and what tell us about it i always just wondered is this some guy down the street says something stupid to you or some guy was in your presence in an office or somebody just did something dumb and they got the wrath of the heavyweight champion in the world that they were actually on the receiving end of that without a glove listen um i never asked you that question yeah i've hit a lot of people in my life yeah repercussions some sometimes in different countries and stuff i've hit a lot of people lawsuits yeah i feel like but i mean how about just the guy that just took his medicine that he knew he did something wrong and you beat him for it and he just took it did you did that happen i'm sure it happened i used to remember that you know i remember um for one instance um i was in um like like if some people just have fights you understand and they don't end up in court over it it's because they had a disagreement always end up in court and stuff well because they want a payday yeah but i really did bad stuff to himself beat him up broke the cheeks and bones or something jim have you heard the story of mike's first fight ever in his life i don't think so when a kid took his pigeon yeah and killed my bird and some guy killed my bird and stuff and i was crying this holdery almost been nine to ten how do you take your birth well i had birds um hidden somewhere in an abandoned building in a condemned apartment and somebody told these kids from another neighborhood where my birds went they were going to steal my birds and one guy snuck one of my birds out and i had to chase and i said give my bird back into no fat [ __ ] [ __ ] you want this bird he was black too but he called me a black [ __ ] [ __ ] and he broke your butt in half she didn't rip the head off the bird [ __ ] yeah and then the guys that mike fight him and afford him what happened that guy i don't know what he is i beat him up that day but i don't know what he's doing somebody told me he was doing hard times i would love to see him and stuff you know his name gary flowers carries flowers scary flowers wow gary flowers yeah that's amazing mike you remember his name never forget him wow never forget you know and and and were you were you involved in boxing at all yet no never had a fight in my life okay and and how much longer after that did you go to fight boxing and probably that sometime that week i started somebody started um giving me money to fight other kids from other neighborhoods oh and so you would beat up with the kids another elsa would get beat up yeah why would they beat you up because they won the fight okay so so who would give you the money excuse me who would give you money um older kid he said you fight him and if you take this and you take this then you'll fight and how much was the money dollar dollar five dollars something like that so this is the in the in in what year i'm i'm taking seventy seventies okay okay so you started who who recognized you were good at this other than the kids in the neighborhood who recognized yourself people keep there had to be some older kids the younger kids saw the fight and they told some people and someone and the next day i know i saw this older kid came around with the kid that was at the fight and another kid and that other kid was for me to fight so i guess the kid from the fight was telling the older kid about me and they brought this guy to the neighbor so that's why that guy was there with the older kid and it's like lord of the flies yeah yeah wow i can't believe i'm talking about this and i thought wow i hate me it's not for a minute that explained it that this guy came with this other guy the young guy told the older guy and the older guy brought this guy over here and that's the guy i was supposed to fight because this guy told the older guy about me and how much older were they they were like 15. the oldest guy was probably 15. and you were nine yeah did anybody ever steal your pigeons again yeah people stole my pigeons because then that's not about confronting you and stuff it's about if you know they befriend you you go somewhere you're not there oh i'm talking about today ever still at the time no nobody ever nobody listen um ever since that day i was known for fighting people knew who i was they respect me for fighting and stuff in the neighborhood did you know your father not well i knew the man who they said my father was but you were never sure no did you have a conversation with that man yeah did you ask him was are you my father yeah what'd he tell you well i'm champion well of course he'll say yes i'm talking about before then never before then never before then i just took it if they say my father hey dad and that was it yeah you didn't want to ask him any questions no i did get to know him later and start asking him questions and stuff i'm not a question that really wanted to know and answers i didn't really want answers and stuff it was pretty it was pretty grim stuff he was a pretty dark guy and stuff is he alive no how long ago he died he died in 92. did he want anything from you i don't know because i was offering it too quickly and he never asked i was offering it too quickly he never had a chance to ask was it weird for somebody to walk into your life when you're a heavyweight champion and say i'm your father hey um i wanted to be mean to him and stuff you know but i wasn't angry at him you weren't no were you thankful yeah i was very grateful that he came back in my life at that stage not alone but he came back in my life was very great i was very kind to him he didn't have much to tell me you know what was his name his name was curly jimmy kirkpatrick and did he maintain any relationship any of the time with you with the woman who was your mother no no they didn't speak to each other it's hand me over when they're finished with me your mother yeah and what was your relationship like with her she was loving but she was kind of aggressive never never i'm pretty much had um never had a life together never pretty much worked wasn't afraid to really beat you hit me with it hit you with anything pretty much i drank heavily and see what had a lot of boyfriends and stuff a lot of boyfriends and stuff sometimes a boyfriend would come over there and be drunk i would cut their pockets and rob their money that was just the world and how old how old were you when your mom died 16. and that's when gus cuss took over and well i knew cuz since i was 13 right but i mean a major part of your life and pretty much change and the people in the catskills well because she has she had pretty much signed me wheeled me over like found me over the course before she died what was the lady's name camille camille yes and she kind of took it from there yeah we had to start when did they sign you over i think i was 16 at the time 15. what's that feeling like excuse me what's that feeling like your mom who you had known even though she was abusive and it hit you with a bunch of stuff and just kind of said take him i'm i'm done i wanted to show the world who i was when they were in the world know my name what was your feeling when she passed revenge is that why you have that sign the best way to show them is success or whatever it says no just um that's revenge when i say revenge revenge was because we never had anything we never had money we never had food we never had anything so my revenge was half and everything people know my name how often were you hungry a lot but uh you know when you sometimes you get hungry your mind you forget you're hungry you go to sleep sometimes you know people sometimes people say um you sometimes you can't sleep because you're so hungry i think that was a lie when you're tired you sleep don't care how hungry you are that's how we run the streets all day you know my mother hopefully she from somewhere somehow she'll get some money and bring some money and food home don't know how we're going to get but whatever you have to do to get it you got it let's take a break yeah man well we can wrap that's that's right this is just talking yeah jim you being a such a close friend of mike it makes it you know you go for hours so hey man thank you so much for coming thank you yeah thank you mike you're awesome man anytime well mike great episode brother awesome you know what you wanna do take us out dude all right everybody thanks for watching another episode of hot boxing with mike tyson i'm evan britton i'm mike tyson i'm jim gray and jim gray do they need to if you want anybody to know where to get in touch with you how to contact you and contact mike okay all right thanks guys check us out through him subscribe on our youtube channel hot boxing with mike tyson subscribe on itunes uh check us out everybody thank you out of here peace look at the [Music] girls [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 408,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HrllQQaxQ4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 53sec (4613 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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