Using X-RAY VISION To Cheat In Minecraft!

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ready or not here i come we're playing hide and seek in minecraft and i have the power of a special x-ray mod which i use to find my friends who are cheating this rod allows me to leave my body to scan the area and find my cheating friend to expose them best part they think i've never moved can i trick my friends out of their hiding spots or will they discover my secret hat let's find out oh want to play a game then hit that like and subscribe button before i count to ten thanks one two three four now that we're all here you know what it's time for what what time to find out who's the best hider and seeker on our server of course i'm kidding it's totally me i am stuffed like ninja see you're not even see me you know you're behind the tree wow but let's just hope that ian doesn't cheat again yeah yeah i didn't cheat and i i never cheat and i'm definitely not going to cheat this time no sure nobody else for that matter right kawaii chan right now nobody never are you kidding me okay all right so to decide who goes first let's play rock paper scissors you guys ready oh yeah yeah okay all right everyone um uh we don't have any hands oh right all right all right you know what since i'm sorry we don't have anything there we go oh yeah that's cool and ocean all right i will so i will go first all right you guys go ahead and hide and i will just be behind this tree all right ready okay you all know they're going to totally cheat right which is why i've come with my special 3d glasses see aren't they cool and i'm just kidding they're not 3d glasses they're actually x-ray vision that's right and this is going to allow me to do something really cool all right so watch this watch this so see ready or not here i come you'll never find us yeah you know i'm just gonna go stare at the ocean just for a little bit so nobody better come out because i'm gonna do something like this see now i have someone left there this allows me to basically be out of my own body and have x-ray vision so i can do something like this where could someone be hmm [Music] he's got look at this he's at a big concert all right all right i know what to do all right now that i know where he's at i can go and get him let's go see what he's doing and hello what are you somewhere i'm never going to find me i'm having a i'm having a great time in my hiding spot hmm it seems like there's some really cool music coming from noyes house i'm gonna go check that out hello oh yeah uh he he must have left his steam cam cd playing you know silly noise oh did he now hi all right pig pigs get out of here we gotta get out that is the name of my sword yes all right one down the rest to go who else can i find is anybody else around here no no one's home sorry hello uh nothing so mac how you doing what are you up to uh you know just having a sweet old time in my ice cream i mean in my uh you know having a sweet old time not nowhere suspicious or anything uh-huh nowhere suspicious wait oh a customer hi um it's just me and my ice cream shop nothing scary here nothing at all nothing at all okay all right fine you know what you can leave i'm gonna chase you you you're gonna whatever you're not getting okay she's been slain don't worry max i can't believe you guys how could you be cheating all of you we would never cheat why would you accuse us of cheating i don't know maybe because someone here cheating i was just hiding no i'm not cheating i'm having a good time technically you mean hiding in secret hiding spaces that aren't on the server anywhere is not cheating well no okay i want to make sure that you know no one is uh doing anything that they shouldn't be doing like everyone's hiding under the rules that we have you know you don't hide in any secret spots you just uh oh we're not uh there anything just uh yeah whoo oh and hide in a secret spot i don't know just not up to any fishing under the sea no fishy business huh huh no fishy business huh huh better downward sweater take it from me oh uh you better run yeah that sounds like a plan huh and you missy i know what you're up to reading books watching um may i interest you in our finest grape juice i love grape juice but you know what else i love more than that um oh you tricked me okay all right so since i managed to find all of you guys that means i get to hide next wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i i don't know about you guys but i feel like she found us a little too easy yeah something's up yeah and where'd you get those cool gamer shades yeah where'd you get those glasses from oh you know i'm just always styling and stuff like that real talk you know what it's not my fault that you guys were cheating and hiding places that weren't on the store cheese you're still on the surface we're still on the server exactly okay i mean i was still visible what's the point of hide-and-seek okay but you know what maybe you guys maybe you guys weren't smelly i wouldn't find you because i could i could find your best smelly you know what you do again we're gonna get better hiding spots this time yeah yeah like a great idea i'm gonna start counting i'm gonna start counting ready one two three just let me know where you get those questions four come on we gotta hide uh okay you all saw that right all right our agreement is that when we play hide and seek so everyone's going to hide in places that aren't sneaky okay and everyone's hiding in sneaky places and i'm coming for you ian i see you outside you better hang out try it out perfect all right if someone sees this they're going to freak out they're going to think that i'm not looking for them but i'm just like [Music] oh ian what are you doing over here okay so i have to come up here who else can i find so ian is hiding next to my house um kauai i see what you're doing under here having a sneaky tea party no how did she get here that's it i'm gonna go over and get them all should i start with ian first all right let's go oh my gosh i love swimming even though i can't swim i only need to be like in a knees worth of water man i wish ian were here to swim with me if he could hear me i don't hear you because you're nowhere near me ha ha hear something oh hello wait wait hang on hang on hang on uh you want to see a trick yeah sure sure what's the trick okay okay uh look at the phone i'm looking at your bones yeah i'm on fire hang on let me just hop in the pool to uh and you were so easy to find that time what happened buddy wow mac are you in your house uh no no definitely not in my house nope nope nope can't can't say that i am man it's almost like you know you have like a stuff secret in your kitchen huh yeah but that has nothing to do with me i'm not definitely there left right left right corner left door cuz loud lines but i feel like a big watch nice score buddy you did a good job yeah oh you have those cool glasses on again uh you wanna be my player too it takes nuggets yeah no for sure give me some of those uh oh man i really need to pick up with my sword no no no no god one is not started round one oh man that was tough man ladies are y'all waiting for me are you all waiting i'm just chilling in my secret spot i mean in a normal spot that's not cheating that's not cheating okay not not cheating it's not it's just not fun you guys don't worry i'll find you it'll be perfectly fine don't worry whatsoever okay okay i'm here for the tea party oh yeah have a seat take a slice of cake i'll take a slice of cake you slices here let me cut it with this oh so sweet beautiful wait oh oh oh no oh no i'm stuck in this corner oh um what if i bake you um unlimited supply of cakes for one year one year yeah i got one year of supply of cakes from kauai chan uh mac what do you have to offer me um i have a lot of really cool clothes that are really cool and if you're interested in them that sounds pretty cool like in a closet or something like i don't know or something oh see okay hold on wait wait see look clothes oh those are diamonds [Music] look at all that diamond stuff pretty great huh here let me pick it up again where are you going hey hey hey i'm cheating you can't escape me i sorry i was just testing the sword on some cows okay [Music] over here is my spot nobody knows about go back let's go back up let's see oops i gotta open this up because these doors are acting a little weird but that's perfectly fine because if they act weird that means the seeker can't get me mao welcome to my secret lair it's my secret layer [Laughter] what are you doing come on i found this it's my secret spot it can't you see the purple fine you know what you can hang out i mean yeah but i was just trying to hide in the apiary and then all of a sudden i touched the ground and ended up down here so liners keepers fine whatever we can hide together just here give me something i'm just going to sit here all right let's see what he ends up doing oh my god wow wow ian wow sorry sorry sorry i i had a real oh my god brain freeze you know you know what i'm saying brain feeds a little bit of breakfast you know yeah you really zoned out there for a second yeah yeah yeah yeah don't worry what happens okay how about you stay right here you stay perfectly still okay what is this i have a feeling that um no i'm going to get you a ball get out of what happened i feel so betrayed i told you he was locked and loaded but no you didn't believe me you had enough cookies i don't have the sword anymore where are you going nowhere nowhere hi ladies what look like i put this in my house i got a loaded back [Music] [Music] okay why does that mean she said no we're not cheating see the thing is that oh my gosh if he comes down here why can't i got you don't worry you don't have to do this right [Music] all right all right here we go [Laughter] don't worry ladies [Music] this might still work you know [Laughter] guys you can't keep making me sick just because i'm good at it [Music] yes we can oh my gosh i will yeah fine fine you know what i'll just have to use my uh my smell powers to find you totally what that is yes oh i showered i know i showered i think i showered oh yeah i've taken about three showers today by the way mac can we check out your ice cream parlor later oh yeah you can definitely go to my ice cream parlor i'm not there though are you guys hiding in a spot that actually you know is it a secret spot yeah totally there's pretty bright colors oh my gosh whatever you do it too wow wow that's because i only get chosen like every once in a while then i find out you guys are cheating so like you know cheating what no i would never ever seriously we're just trying to be innovative with hiding mm-hmm mm-hmm sure sure okay honey that's what i hear i say i am the as honey i would never do anything wrong i will make sure to find all of you guys so don't worry it'll be great she's gonna find me here you guys i'll find some good hiding spots yeah i'm in the least expected spot i mean i'm i'm still looking but i think i'm close to one you're close to one huh yes [Music] well why don't i just uh turn on the channel and uh all right as long as you guys aren't hiding and you know anything of mine that wouldn't be that would be terrible you know oh never terrible that's supposed to be sounded like a loaded threat yeah you know just uh you know i may have my ah here you know you guys just oh hello hey guys i'll be able to hop on the server in a little bit i'm just finishing up a little round of hide and seek hi oh hello hi i should probably get back to you i think i've got another call coming hi hi apple oh one down others to go you know i wonder if i would find someone at the end of a rainbow or maybe on top of one maybe a hidden group oh no definitely not mm-hmm i don't think so i think there's gold at the end of rainbow that mouse silly oh is that what you think so yeah i love watching tv you like you know yeah i love tv see it's it's this is a really great channel i'll watch whatever you i'll listen listen i'll watch whatever you want anything oh my god even twilight oh my god watch it yes it's just hurt you know what it makes me go oh oh oh oh no no no no no no no i didn't know the plot line was that hot oh that's right that's right we have kawaii chad and ian left don't we hmm um no just question no just in just just watch it i don't know just just kawaii secret diary i have a secret diary the one that you have is an instruction manual for a refrigerator girl it's true i was just lying you can't okay question you're sweet here's a potato okay you're like a sweet potato it's okay [Music] for a cookie but this is good too where did you go oh it's okay don't worry where i'm at my sheep now bye give me your refrigerator manual manual your diaries girl she's trying to trick me with a refrigerator manual i cannot believe this i don't even know what a manual is ian are you hiding somewhere uh yes i mean no you shouldn't even bother looking for me really i'm just uh you know just uh doing some uh chores uh some redecorating you know just boring stuff yeah you know uh hiding somewhere you shouldn't be huh oh no i mean no uh i'm gonna help you with some redecorating in a little bit okay just give me give me like one second oh okay don't worry it's gonna be beautiful i don't know where you are but you know i'm decorating something and i think you're going to enjoy it oh is that so yeah just just you know i recently acquired some uh real estate and you know just uh making it truly my own you know yeah no i totally feel i totally feel that all right let's see um and you know what i think wherever you are i'm just going to leave you alone you can have an explosive good time you know i can yeah you can be all good i'm just going to stop right now i think the game is over the game is completely over i don't really like that game it was a fun game i had fun we all had fun it was a great day
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,811,281
Rating: 4.9152575 out of 5
Keywords: I cheated in minecraft hide and seek, xray, x-rayhow to cheat in minecraft hide and seek, minecraft hide and seek aphmau, minecraft aphmau, aphmau, minecraft, xray hide and seek, minecraft but your cheating, ways to cheat in hide and seek, hide and seek but everyone is cheating, best ways to cheat in minecraft, best ways to cheat during hide and seek, minecraft funny moments aphmau, minecraft no swears, minecraft prop hunt, thermal vision cameras, minecraft xray vision
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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