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a mysterious button appears on our minecraft server and there's one rule don't press it but some of my friends can't resist this button can be good or bad from spawning rare treasure turning players into animals and even natural disasters this button will do amazing random things in minecraft who will end up pressing this button okay all right i got my fishing rod i found it oh you guys aren't fishing without me hey yeah you took forever oh yeah [Music] oh i'm a fish in the ocean and aphmau caught me he's not going to compare to this fine piece of salmon that i just picked up here about me i am pretty much a fine piece of salmon uh here we go everyone wants to catch me well i'm not going to catch anything else if you keep running that boat through here yeah [Music] let's go take a look oh my god what's this don't press this button a giant button in the middle of the bridge is this some kind of prank what does this button do no no no no no no no no no wait guys this is bad this is bad this looks like this looks like this this this huh right why did this button just appear out of nowhere to have us press it obviously uh you know it is kind of nice looking but i don't want to be the one to press it i want to be the one to press it think about it what what about it what if this button does something really really really good uh yeah that's why i want to press it what if it also does something really bad we won't know unless we press it yeah i don't want to press it too now see kawaii chan agrees that's all i need to hear i'm pressing find out see i didn't see what happened wow zayn i didn't know you had a flying castle for a house me neither well i guess that is really good now you you now you don't have to worry about your house catching on fire yeah way to look at the bright side of things half now always look on the brackets all right you know what that's it this button is officially dangerous nobody is pressing it i'm gonna put this glass around here all right nobody presses this button no you are protecting this button do not press it okay yes ma'am don't all right i shall protect it and keep it safe and face zayn you're banned from touching the button okay don't touch the button face okay but let's just say hypothetical reasons here um what if that wasn't the only thing the button did oh quiet get over here i'm taking him off no don't press no buttons all right i'm going back to my place all right what if it did do something good yeah maybe that was just a one-time fluke i wanted to press the button but it could have been my house okay and then we would have been having a rollicking laugh over that no we can't give it to temptation okay we have to be good sometimes temptation leads to good things right right oh no sheep okay there you go i have so much more you don't see you press the button didn't you definitely press yes fool you you're the one who pressed the button i trust that you know you wear that but look at what it gave us it gave us diamonds and gold and emeralds and they've killed us here yeah but instead i made us rich see what did i tell you good things could have happened if you press the button again okay but now where's the button where's the button what at least we got lots of emeralds and golden diamonds okay fine the buttons pretty good all right but but we should be very careful with the button okay we don't know what's gonna happen all right i mean honestly maybe the whole don't press it was a mistake like if you cover the top part then it just says press the button and then you're golden you're right much like these blocks around us look i'm tempted i want to press unfortunately we didn't turn into gold ourselves okay fine you know what button's gone all right servers at peace let's just go back to our homes okay i'm gonna go get so i'm gonna go get something to go mind these uh this stuff at all right so let me see really quick um i think i may have a pickaxe or something like that uh you sound really nervous like is that everything okay yes i just uh threw away something on accident of fire don't worry fire yeah oh [Music] yeah okay likely now that it's here don't you dare don't you dare oh come on i want to do it right here you're inside your house there's no one else that's gonna see this you're gonna hear us see since you're so worried about it i'm gonna do it again yeah wait wait oh my god what just yeah tell me about it that happened uh guys [Music] are you two okay oh wow we both have big heads oh my god uh i think we could completely say that that was a big brain moment on my part that is yeah this is a big brain moment you know what what are we gonna say like okay you guys must have found the button pressed it didn't you uh uh no actually that is not what happened we did not find the button do not lie to me no you didn't let me finish you didn't let me finish why no no no no no why else would we have big heads we didn't find the button the button found us yeah don't go to my house don't go to my house it's not there i'm going to your house no question i'm going to your house right now you can't follow me um see nothing's in here see you notice this button this button is just you know just like nothing that's all it does right did it hide in like the cupboard or the uh oh no see so you can't prove that we did it or not but i really want my head back let's um yeah i'm starting to feel my thoughts in this big head form big brain thoughts guys i hate to say this but i think we need to find the button i think okay i can't live minecraft like this okay did it come back to the bridge or did it go back to the bridge no it's not here oh no it's not oh oh i see something um wait what oh i see it too yeah head so if we press it again do you guys think we should ah uh i don't think i need to press it press i can't live my life like this oh button push all right push it oh [Music] well i mean um three out of four isn't bad yeah um hi i'm a cat are you going to be okay i guess so uh can i get some fish oh here you go my god okay uh so how do we get him back to normal um i think there's only one logical solution to this i think so too i think so too push just push it just just push it as many times as possible i want to see magic i want to see animorphs up in oh yeah guys what happened it's gone did we anger it i i don't know no but no needs to get back to normal oh my god i mean i'm okay with this oh there we go look now he always gets to land on his feet now we need to get him back tomorrow so guys we gotta find the button we gotta find it okay let's go find it we gotta get some more fish you're a cat you can catch it yourself yeah go okay oh my god cat okay let's go no we'll get you back to normal i promise all right i guess your birthday almost somehow we just got to find that button button ah that was easy all right guys all right i'll push all right because i obviously have some good luck all right i gave us big brains uh-huh and you know i mean you gave us you gave us diamonds and stuff but um they they kind of you know i'll push it i just want to push it okay okay okay okay okay fine fine uh [Music] i think it's pretty obvious what it is um they may only have seven bones in their neck but they're still really heavy they have seven bones in their neck oh that's a really big hat scene yeah okay all right so at least you didn't turn into a giraffe okay you uh that is true don't think this one's going to get away from anytime soon okay but noise still oh no not no okay all right we got to figure out what the next button is okay all right you know what you got this you got to say you have it uh button is up here good luck reaching that one yeah how are we doing we need my cat like reflexes to get up there uh here noy let me eat you real quick let me see if this works ah yeah i got this here ready okay that didn't work can the giraffe press the button uh well you would sink it ah not close enough does it seem like all right does anybody have any extra blocks maybe we can use some of this wool kawaii channel yeah yeah um yeah there we go see see see we got this we don't need no big brains to just get up there look at this look at this all right let's hope it's worth it for all the effort i'm getting up there don't worry don't worry we got that oh no i i'm cool as a cucumber all right just good luck you got this i've i think you should do the honors all right it's your house it's your button oh no no no okay okay okay don't worry no get you back to normal question okay go for it oh okay did it do anything no no no no it's normal anything yeah i still feel like a cat no oh man that's got a giraffe on my head [Music] uh why are there frogs everywhere why are they still coming i know there's so many everyone is starting to look kind of familiar to something god okay all right uh guys let's just go keep fighting let's go find out where it is we gotta fight oh my god i can't really see anything through my giraffe's hooves oh my god okay guys i think that's the last of them finally okay all right i think we'll go find the next button okay oh let's do that gotta get back to normal and zayn your giraffe needs yeah he's getting antsy all right uh let's see how do i even get through here i don't know just jump skills jump a little uh oh my god just use your cat like reflexes zane does anyone see the button like anywhere no no no no no i see creepers oh oh oh no oh no creeper no creeping come on stop it stop it stop it no creeper wants to meet my giraffe i wonder if they'd make it got it got it too late to find out does anyone see the button anyone anywhere i'm looking i'm looking over here guys i see it what my giraffe spotted him spotted don't worry guys we got this okay we got this oh yeah i'm sure i'm sure you do okay let's spin this wheel again all right this is it you can do it all right all right all right let's see if this works and [Music] your cat face is just anything different i don't see anything oh my god [Applause] get up oh my god i don't think i can't that you're right that's good you can do it if i can just get the giraffe off my head i think i'll be fine okay press the button again press the button again press the button again i'm pressing pressing and pushing let's try it again [Music] what's going on it's fine i just had to sacrifice the giraffe to the pink ooze and now i'm good okay i think we're all good nice the button has spoken it's fine but uh there's this um oh boy i don't know about this okay doesn't want to mess around at this point guys we have to get back to normal look at this look at him i'm starting to get tired of me okay normal all right i'm i mean maybe he could just learn to live with it we've been going through a lot at this point i don't want to be eaten for the rest of my life we do it okay we just need to do it all right here we go ready yeah i don't want to press it yeah all right but i also do i'll do it yeah another one let me try one more time uh see if this will do this and press and press it and don't you do anything okay now watch out oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay the sign isn't there it should be fixed right push the button someone push it okay now now it just says not to push it so so now i'm gonna hit my god guys guys i think you survived your countless reflexes made it so you what is that why am i the only one dying from all this i've gone through eight of my lives so far it's okay someone i don't wanna try your luck quiet try your luck maybe you can do something this is spooky right here goes nothing oh just take just do it oh i don't think i want to risk any more of my lives okay all right okay i don't like this no okay out of the way one more this button's mine oh no zayn i have had enough of this i had a trust in buttons long before this but you have burned that trust away take this press and never come back back guys you know what the best part is no more meteors the button is done okay bye
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,761,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pranks aphmau, button pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, don't push the button in minecraft, pranking my friends don't push the button, pranking my friends don't push the button aphmau, funny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears, secret base, don't press the button
Id: T5aQwZi2wIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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