Using HEAT Cameras To CHEAT In Minecraft Hide N' Seek!

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I hate cheating

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Laurencewerewolf 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
in this minecraft hide and seek my friends have the craziest spots to hide but when they start to cheat i'll have to use my super awesome heat cameras to seek them all out from gigantic gold mines secret spas and even lovely libraries there's no place my cameras can't find them it's a game of smarts in this minecraft hide and seek as cheaters go up against heat vision cameras who will be the first to be found you'll just have to watch to find out oh and you see that heat red subscribe button be sure to hit it to help me out thanks [Music] okay oh there it is sorry okay i got i i got distracted i thought i saw something that looked like a diamond in the cave turned out it was a glass bottle and i got sad and kind of slow walking i actually had somewhere to okay don't worry we're going to have a lot of fun today because we're playing hide-and-seek and we're playing a very special hiding game i know a very special one because this one no one is going to cheat isn't that right my most trusted friends that's why i invited you guys because you're my most trusted friends on this server right i don't even know how to cheat i think that goes without saying oh yeah good good good because because because if you guys happen to cheat i don't know like maybe you just have to be my friend like that you know loud and clear hear you loud and clear all right all right all right ready all right i'm gonna count to i'm gonna count to ten okay and you guys you guys go all right you guys go i guess [Applause] so here's the best part they don't know i'm cheating let's see let's see i just want to make sure that they're doing all right now you're probably wondering like what i'm doing with this camera well check this out bam this camera has thermal vision so i can see what they're doing oh what is that wait what's going on there oh is that is that someone is that lava they're chatting oh my god i knew it i knew i knew i can't rub i set up these cameras i can't believe this oh someone's also cheating over here oh my gosh oh i know where that is fine fine you know what i'm dealing with a bunch of cheaters i'm dealing with a bunch of shoes and i can't believe it all right let's get started sorry guys i gotta try to head like oh seven six five four two two one coming so you think you can find us half now i think i'm pretty confident i hope nobody's cheating at all not at all not in the slightest not even an ounce bunch of angels here all right i'm gonna go you know oh we're gonna take a nap in these bushes i love sleeping in soft bushes gonna you know go like this maybe go inside a little bit what what's this oh wow these leaves are do these leaves talk i think they do oh my gosh that was foolproof you're a whole bushel of fun zayn is that you yeah i worked on the camo a bit is i thought i had it down right what are you doing with that you know just die i have to tag you somehow right what you could just you know tap me with your hand not actually throw an explosive arrow at me you know what you're right saying i'm going to tap you ready see yeah see that's exactly what i'm talking about we don't have to make this any kind of dangerous at all up got you in my hand my head happens to be an arrow where could someone be someone around here no no one's here nothing a bunch of balance no asparagus i don't know it doesn't sound good i hope everyone else has better luck than i did man i'm just gonna you know i don't like this water the way this water is looking at me it's gonna be some some weird kind of way right can i do something wow you don't like the way the water is looking at you okay wow wow you eat it look at you holding your limbs still oh my gosh all right max sorry you're gone you've been eliminated come on every time okay there's no way nobody's gonna find me oh okay oh i see all right um so question annoyer is all that's left let's see if i can uh find you guys see where you're at we'll never find where we are okay let's see this is so smart so smart you say how smart are you kawaii chan uh like super smart like this is my secret writing spot you have lots of those don't you yeah i love writing like uh [Music] no i have to seek you now sorry oh i can't do that right there oh my goodness you're so fast come here come on come on i would blow you up and i'll blow myself oh i'll write you any kind of uh a fiction that you want oh my god y'all x explosive arrow go go go do it let's do it love the explosive arrow so much that she didn't want to be parted with it and didn't want to get hit by it well you're dead kwan chan exposure i love you so much don't think that story was going anywhere yeah i know the main you know the main character oh my god it was just a force in rush you know it was very wait till the next chapter when it got spicy oh speaking of spicy noi you feeling a little hot these days oh you might be getting warmer or you might not be you won't know where i'm hiding really hard to find you know i don't know how you do it oh my god i know i have the bad skills you'll never find me yeah i'm just throwing myself in the lava the stuff that came from kauai town so maybe if i oh my gosh oh wow i touched the lava oh my goodness what is that you're kidding you're chilling doing it no not i i why would you what is it camouflage i can't believe this oh my gosh your butt is you're cheating so bad your butt is telling me the truth look at that that's some cheating right there can't believe you've done that sorry you gotta be eliminated you're eliminated jordan i missed hold still hold still you can't explode sometimes is that far from me oh yeah shiny flower just for you oh i didn't mean to do that sorry ow i love hiding especially in a nice you know not cheating place like this very nice me too it's so relaxing what what my turn to get this going i gotta look at everything he'll never find me up here and never find me you can be on the bridge could be under the water in the trees you look so tiny down there oh wait wait down there what what what are you doing all the way up there you know i feel like you're going to be able to get me anyways day look at you you're you puny little man oh you you so you don't think i can get up there in time huh no no you can't what are you gonna do you're gonna try and get me you're gonna bark at me you're gonna park in the oh hey buddy oh just a little thing i picked up for just such an occasion what is that what is that ender arrows oh that's so cool hey can i see what i've never seen yeah can i can i can i try a little bit uh here i'm gonna hear this explosive arrow we'll train we'll try to train wow wow cool i never knew these things existed i had no idea wasn't i just so smart to even think about using such a thing wait did you just you just fired that thing off where did you go oh i gotta find a place i gotta find a place stay away stay with me i know right ah nice view little pool some cookies it's perfect i love this tea ah they're never gonna find us here i know right pretty cool huh this is it this is yeah look at that check out my canon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i found you oh my gosh [Music] yeah have [Music] wait what is this oh yeah no that'd be great i love some give us some tea yes oh thank you look at that some tea hold on hold on where did half mal go she was right here oh guess we gotta go find her leave us oh she got away again oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh wrong arrow wrong arrow what look at you jenny i can't believe this yeah put me down nope nope nope how could you how could you kawaii kid i'm gonna get out of here with you i'm gonna get out here with you i cannot believe it i cannot believe this zayn i found someone that you might like look uh here here i sacrificed i sacrificed yourself i'm guessing my process of elimination that's kawaii chan uh yeah i'm uh i'm monkey mon mcgee [Laughter] [Music] i can't believe this i cannot believe why chad wasn't what mcgee a nickname used for one of your fanfictions oh my god oh my gosh guys come on it's not fair i can't be the seeker again oh you enjoyed it so much last time and you were the first one found yeah but look just because i'm a good seeker doesn't mean you can make me keep being the seeker you know that's uh that's not fair you know that's true you really are a good seeker thank you oh yeah i like that opportunity an opportunity you said always look on the bright side of death man what what what what is this something i said just gonna process that for a minute ooh i went like are you guys so you guys promise you're not cheating this time definitely not absolutely not i don't know why you would think we would even go to that point again yeah we're a couple of angels here oh yeah yeah exactly there's no way which would not not not cheat okay all right i just want to make sure i still make sure that nobody nobody's doing anything naughty all right i kind of have an idea of what to do now what to do let's go over here and see if there's anything by my house maybe hmm do you have like some kind of naughty spidey sense or something what what do you mean what do you mean what are you talking about what where you can like sense people being naughty a little a little you know it's just just just a little wow [Music] yeah i know seriously you know i need to get an axe for this tree that i'm going to chop down be right back sorry to interrupt the game guys i just really need to get an act or something i'm chopping down a tree i'm going to go ask the true question but this is uh [Music] revenge oh my goodness this tree is just not doing too well you know maybe if i go to check i don't know kawaii chan's house i can find something oh no they're uh i'm not hiding at my place yeah that would be too predictable too obvious yeah exactly let me go let me go see if i can find uh kauai chin really quick stay calm stay calm i'm sure it'll be fine chan your cakes are delicious i love your cakes they're so good yummy yummy yummy it's hard on them i know i'm going to eat them off you don't mind i'm going to eat this one no wait wait she has cakes right now yeah i'm eating cake i don't think are you jealous i'm eating kawaii chan's cake ha ha it's mine zayn i'm so good i should come out of the spot right now if you see a smallish cake don't take it in it's all gross [Music] yeah so gross all right i'm gonna eat it no there's no way it's just gross and moldy you know okay i ate all the cakes zane sorry see you you you having your own little heidi has spot somewhere too huh i mean of course i'm still hiding right now what's with that laugh i don't like that one that laughing means bad things well you know i just i just happen to to have this feeling you know that you may you may have you know some some deep deep underground you know issues that you may want to talk about you know with me wow assumptions much yeah a little bit of assumptions but you know what it's because i feel your pain zane i feel that pain i feel it in my bones okay well i'm glad you feel that connected to me but uh no i i think i'm good i think i'm good to hold off on talking about that until the game is over oh until the game is over you say i don't even i'm not really paying attention to what you're saying but i i see that you may be uh you know having some golden golden opportunities to uh you know be great i thought this would have been a good spot ian leaves all his stuff unlocked but who said that so it's easy to just go in and do whatever you want in this place who's talking to me there must be a ghost here i better kill it are you serious is she really going to do this oh nope nope just gold nope let's go oh queen's gonna love that ah oh blowing up his horde blowing this up let's see uh get rid of some of this listen closely you can hear him screaming that no no no okay don't like it don't like it oh no okay i guess i'm out oh i blew this up oh no uh i gotta figure out how to get out of here oh no no oh it's up to you now mac okay let's see your secret spot mag let's see if we can find your secret spot what does your second spot look like um i don't know super secrets having fun okay okay all right all right you have fun in your little super secret spots yeah it's so fun i got movies i got a wii i got books oops uh let's see if i can over here oh nope oh wait is that gonna teleport me back down there all right well you know what i'm gonna go see if i can find you in the uh in your house let's go take a look at your house where your house is in my house like i'd hide in my house i'm not having to make kawaii's mistake oh that's what you say huh mac you didn't yeah you can't i can't believe you do that mac we i thought we were best friends i would never wait what you're doing in my house got my tv and stuff oh let's sit down let's talk about our feelings all right yeah yeah yeah i like it healing time hawaii oh my god she is just like the coolest girl i've ever met but she's dating zayn she's too good for him girl too good he doesn't even know what he has no he doesn't know what he has i swear oh my goodness i can still hear you all you know oh he's dead he's so dead oh my gosh all right well matt i don't hear anything it's a nice conversation but i have to explode you now um come on come on let's talk about this let's talk about it we've had enough feelings talk about no no you don't need to talk about it therapy session over oh guys come on what we're just hiding like you said this time i'm trying to play a fair game here oh that's the best joke i've heard all day you guys started it you guys started it i didn't have okay look look i did not have to come after you guys so hard if you weren't cheating i promise we're not cheating this time 100 pinky promise you can't see i'm crossing my fingers of course i can't because oh my gosh all right you know what to find my friends experience tranquility and become one with the [Music] you guys are so pure and innocent i'm so sorry i ever doubted you how could i how could i be that kind of person that called him the wave west yeah exactly how pleased you gave you off now oh you're welcome you're welcome forever yeah are you guys so close together like you know close friends is that you know i'm just just asking uh-huh yeah i would consider us close friends yeah like how close like right you know are you close like you mesh together so well like water oh yeah that's a really good way of getting it now see water can flow or it can crash it like i said it's formless you gotta you just gotta go with the flow in these situations oh man oh well what was that trying to get that bug over there oh my gosh she's going crazy with the explosive arrows you know making doing this is making me so thirsty oh my gosh i'm just gonna maybe uh just get rid of that bug over there too get this bug over here too you guys hear that thirst i'm going to get some water ah yummy yummy oh my gosh hold on there we go i'm good yeah yeah yeah uh oh your puddles okay puddles oh my gosh look at this look at these sit back and just watch the water evaporate and do nothing oh i'm gonna give her that bug right there oh these bugs oh my god water should not go through such torment i'm escaping you're going the wrong way [Music] you're some weird water you put fire instead of water that's so quiet are you okay i'm not even doing anything you almost had me you know i'm not good well you know what i win
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 14,297,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I cheated in minecraft hide and seek, how to cheat in minecraft hide and seek, minecraft hide and seek aphmau, minecraft aphmau, aphmau, minecraft, hide and seek cheaters edition, minecraft but your cheating, ways to cheat in hide and seek, hide and seek but everyone is cheating, best ways to cheat in minecraft, best ways to cheat during hide and seek, minecraft funny moments aphmau, minecraft no swears, minecraft prop hunt, thermal vision cameras, minecraft heat vision cameras
Id: dn1Qo55FtW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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