Engineering the PERFECT SETTLEMENT in Settlement Survival!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to settlement survival this is a brand new city builder game they're really loving the low poly look of this and this is a sponsored video so thank you so much to the guys at gleamer studios for sponsoring i'm really really excited to test this out right let's get into a new game i had a little go at the tutorials and although it looks like a pretty game it's actually pretty damn brutal yeah so i think we'll go we'll just go for standard mode yeah all that stuff special special and that's mainly because of these things they're called disasters uh hopefully we won't see any of them i'm sure we'll probably bump into one of them later but let's get started for now all right so this is our initial map you can see there's like there's a few resources dotted about so you can see there's like it's like little fish icons little cow icon over there and we get to choose where we want our initial base to be i might put it just bang in the middle there right so you can see now we've got 30 homeless citizens so our first task of the day is to house them we've got two types of houses we've got a house which provides a family of four and you can see it costs 24 logs 12 irony things and five ori things so if you come up here we see what they are so they're they're not irony things they're constructions they are a stone of course it's stone and then this was just all the other one or we can build this one which is a boarding house but you can see here it's a temporary shelter so basically like there's weather in this game and it will affect your buildings if they're not engineered strong enough so i'm going to go for the permanent housing i think yeah so let's bung this over here we can rotate of course let's just do a load of houses so the key is to have enough houses that are there's space so if your house is full obviously the people living there there's no space for them to make babies so uh you sort of always need to have like spare room if you want to increase your population all right you can see they've started felling the trees where our houses are gonna go right so you can see they're like carrying all sorts so you can click on this person this is brandon and we can see his actual perspective he's like adding to this pile so this is like our storage thing and what i love about this is you can actually see like what you've stored so these are our stone blocks we've got some logs down there we've got some food and all sorts yeah so they're building houses that is good uh we also need to think about gaining some food so we come down here food now we've got all sorts of different things we can build we got a standard field we've got a field field and we've got orchards and pastures if you build an orchard you can see there it takes several years to grow so this isn't like this isn't like a short-term solution for food meanwhile like this field where you can grow crops the farmers have to sow in march and harvest in september if they like go outside of those dates uh you can ruin your crop so you've got to be careful they've also got fishing boats over here so i did notice there was fish maybe we'll look at doing one of them i didn't touch those in tutorial but uh let's place one of these down so i think that sort of works they should be able to fish the fish and before we go on to the other farming thing i'm going to look at this one this is a gatherer station so if we place this down can you see there's like it sort of reveals all sorts of like hidden goodies it seems like mushrooms there's like carrots poking out the ground so i'm gonna try and find a sort of decent place and these sort of need to be within the trees if you start like cutting the trees down they won't collect as much food so what i'm thinking maybe if i start deforesting upwards and then food can go downwards yeah that probably makes more sense oh yeah look at that edge look at that edge right we'll go we'll go about going there i think so you can see there's a note now the plants only grow around trees so if there's no trees there's nowhere to gather so we need to be careful we don't deforest down there meanwhile we should probably look into our actual deforesting bit i probably shouldn't call it deforesting i should call it like logging or something sensible so in resources again we can go to the logging camp you see this the people that work there will plant saplings and periodically chop down mature trees so we'll shove this up here somewhere i think we'll rotate so the doors facing the town nice and how are the houses getting along they are looking good guys i really like that like they're all different they're not the same model every time can you see like this one's got like a little almost like a turret like a little lookout post like that but you could also see it's gone now but there was a snowflake symbol that's because we didn't have enough fuel it was basically saying this house is gonna get cold soon because uh we're running out of logs but i think the temperature's just gone up so we've got our temperature here and so this bar along the top this sort of shows you where you are in the season so currently we're just coming out of winter so we're in month two so february you see march is a time of planting so we really need to try and get our farms in the ground if we want to go that route you can see it's got full-on season so we've got summer we got awesome and winter and it it gets cold you gotta try and survive there'll be snow everywhere it's gonna be beautiful so as it's march let's let's get the farms down so we want you want some fields we can make these any size you want they're not like limited or anything i think we're gonna go i think behind those houses 10 by 14 sounds pretty good nice so we can up the priority of this i think we should get that done asap and up here we've completed our first task which means we get some coins and now we've got another task uh build two standard fields oh i just built one normal field not a standard field okay we'll build two standard fields so these ones they're actually limited in size but i think i think we can squeeze those into one that one there cool and then meanwhile i've noticed down here we can't actually build this because it doesn't just take timbers it takes planks as well and we don't have a sawmill which means our fish need will survive a little bit longer than it should i was hoping to disturb the fish nato but uh you're gonna survive for at least another day i think right so our first field is done you see it's got a question mark so if we click on that we can choose what we want to plant did we want tomatoes pumpkins or broccoli i think we're going to prepare for halloween so we're going pumpkins and then we can see we've got this field completed so i think we'll do some tomatoes in there and then this one will go broccoli broccoli gives you strength doesn't it you can't just live on tomato and pumpkins you need some greenery in there cool sorted yeah we've still got loads of homeless people they are still building houses man there's a lot of homeless people look at them sorry guys i was looking at i think you can click on the house and you can upgrade them can you see you got an upgrade button down here so our first upgrade is structural that increases the strength so it can withstand rain and wind and stuff and also beds furniture and a cat you can raise cats in your house and it relieves the citizens stress but the materials you need for that are literally cats surprisingly we need to actually trade if we want to gain cats so there's a whole like trading system in this you need to build like a port yeah so if you build this a ferry uh there's a merchant ship that arrives periodically you can exchange items and stuff but won't look inside yet the cats will have to wait for another day because i'm like i'm a dog person really i'm not sure paddy would take too kindly to me if he saw i was giving my citizens cats anyway what's the problem with this what are you after they need stone and iron so we don't actually have enough stone or iron or you can see up here stone we've only got 26 we need 30 nine or we've only got 25 but we need 30 as well so what we need to do we need to come down to here and we can select things to be mined so if we use this one collect stone and iron we can then highlight all the stone that we want to mine so this this is a load of iron so we'll say come and mine that and now it's got a little ax symbol on top they're not gonna axe the iron do not worry they're just gonna mine it the same with all that rock there most of the stuff that surrounds we may as well start mining so all of that up there may as well do that and now you see down here and a horde of people with their pickaxes they are mining away you can actually see their first person perspective kathy she's she's not the best libra look look at her face she's pretty grumpy to people um but to be fair she is homeless so we should probably try and fix the homelessness of our citizens i've also realized although our login post isn't complete we haven't selected any trees to be cut down so i'm probably gonna say let's cut down all the near ones like that sort of thing remember we don't we don't want to go south because this is where our gatherer flag thing is it'll be from there north oh i forgot as well we can collect our tasks so let's get some more coins oh no it wants me to close a field now i don't know what to do how much do i value coins more than broccoli or tomatoes i don't know too far i actually i don't really like tomatoes so we can use this button here and we've closed it now we can gain our coins and now we can open it again so don't worry we will have tomatoes after all oh yeah i'm glad we got these because i completely forgot about water of course our citizens they need to drink if we come into resources we can go to a big well this takes logs stone and iron ore thankfully we're mining all of those so we can build a well and we'll put it bang in the middle the other thing with the world doesn't just produce drinking water can you see here it also extinguishes fires so you do get fires happen in here and they can literally destroy your village in a second so probably a good thing we get the world done as soon as i'm actually going to prioritize it because i've scared myself thinking about fires you can see our pumpkins are in there oh look everything's growing nice halloween is gonna be a good one i can tell you that i mean all down here the fish nader is still going strong we need planks i forgot about planks so to make planks we come to production we'll build a sawmill workshop now i'm going to put this near this near the logging thing you can see the main thing that the sawmill produces it's not planks it's actually domestic fuel so at the moment do you remember earlier we had our houses with our snowflake symbols uh you can't you can't just put logs into a fire that's that's nonsense that's architecture talk you need to turn it into proper fuel so that's what this guy will do here i'm also looking at our storage thing it's literally just full of iron and stone now i think we're gonna have to make that bigger so what we're going to do we're going to make a huge area for storage so if you come downstairs storage we can click this one which is an open warehouse and we can literally just like make a massive ass storage area all right so here we go we have created the strongest storage shape space ever it's probably getting filled with stone and iron though i think we probably need to look at more food our food has grown let's slow the time down i was on time 10 speed there yeah we so we fast forwarded along quite a few months we're now in may if we click on our pumpkin you can see we're 75 of our weight of being ripe yeah so we should be able to farm them soon which is very exciting look at them all they're so cool all right meanwhile our well is complete so we can grab those coins and we're still not making planks i'll tell you what that's actually that's a sawmill or water storm i don't think that's what i built up here was it no i built a sawmill workshop so that's why it creates fuel it was the wrong thing and i tell you what i don't think we have that unlocked yet so if we come into here the development button check out how many things we have to unlock that is what we call a tech tree people and with these you can literally you can go like any route you want you don't have to like stick to farming if you're not a farmer you can be a proper engineer we can just work on construction and i think that's what i'm gonna do this is the sawmill i think that's what we're going to unlock so yes we will activate you nice and that cost one development point oh we did have six now we've got five and you can see they sort of build up here so we need to be careful about what we unlock yet sawmill i think was essential we should probably look at what essential ones we need definitely not a bar of soap oh man there's so many things to unlock i want them all i want them all now as you've got so much stone about this might be stupid but i might go with this this allows you to build like stone roads and stuff and they increase walking speed by a hundred percent and being an engineer bridge building seems very good to me but i think for now we'll just we'll just stick with what we're doing first things first we've got to build a sawmill and we will plonk that up here all right and then finally we should be able to get some planks to create this and destroy the fish nato once and for all excellent if we speed up that's a proper fish nader who is spinning so much that's actually quite a slow fish but it's not the focus of the game it's not the focus oh look all this food they're harvesting are they harvesting now yeah they're harvesting which means you can see in our very efficiently shaped storage area we've got like food and stuff now oh nice all right i'll tell you what i might do another storage area up here cause this is gonna be the logging central that sort of thing and i think they'll store like logs on the fuel up there and they'll only bring it down if they need it all right so over here you can see there's a load of buffalo i'll tell you what it might be worth trying to get some food so we can build a hunting cabin if we plonk that there it says here the hunting cabin covers the entire map and they go hunting once a month yeah but they cannot cross rivers without a bridge so shall we do that should we build a bridge i'm sort of thinking like over to here because like there's cows over here oh what the hell who what are they what the are they turkeys they're turkeys i was worried they're like weird ant creatures they're just turkeys it's fine all right so let's build a road because we haven't got a road yet through our town so plonk that in this will increase our walking speed by 25 not bad and i'm sort of thinking if we do a road over to like there ish from the fishery thing down to there then if we do a path on the other side can we bridge between them or not all right so we can come to the bridge and we can say from this road we want to go over to there there's our bridge we're gonna have a first bridge sick although we still have planks come on come on we got to get planks all right let's make this sawmill first that's got to be priority now i'm going to up the speed i think we just need more builders actually so i'm pretty sure there was a building thing somewhere was it in production services that's it oh that's a point we haven't looked in services at all look at all this cool stuff we've got churches clinics pair shops but we want construction so that will assign builders it looks like we've already got one but uh now we've got two you can never have too many builders oh no one of our citizens is injured so this one what's wrong with you patrick what happened patrick they've sprained their ankles so he got slow movement there he is he's still doing his job he's still mining i tell you what look at all this land that's opened up i might do some farming like animal farming oh god it's nearly autumn how much food do we have food is good two and a half thousand food uh fuel is bad you can see we're coming into autumn so with the winter on its way we really need the fuel which means we need to prioritize this building come on guys hammer away hammer away that's it you got this ah and just like that we are done all right now you can see we've got a question mark because we haven't specified which type of fuel we want to make so we can either do the usual of turning timber into domestic fuel or we can do something quite bizarre quite out there dried animal dung yep we can turn that into fuel now we're going to go the timber route because we haven't got any farms yet that's what i was just about to build we still got three homeless people all right let's build one more house and that should mean everyone should have a house for winter and i think as well before i bother doing the farms i might sort of get one of these and we'll go for a clinic we'll try and fix that guy's sprained ankle we'll go to church and that'll make people happier we can build a school and basically that makes our workers more efficient i think it's worth investing in education early you don't want a town of architects you want a town of engineers oh wow look at my storage it's literally it's full of wood so i think although that was the strongest most efficient storage shape i am actually going to add more because that is completely full so we'll do that now we built our new house it's built now but we're still we've still got three homeless people i think what's happened they've all formed groups of three not groups of four you idiot i assume that's so they can uh multiply if you know what i'm saying i'll tell you what i think we'll build some more maybe another house but this is the last one you're getting guys just being greedy oh and our bridge is nearly complete who's this guy richard come on dick you got this i'll tell you what the fish nato just will not be destroyed still not making any planks is that because oh this still hasn't completed yet even though it's on high priority anyway fuel is our main concern why aren't we making fuel yet oh they go they're making it now they're making the fuel now um i i might build another one of them i'm a bit worried we're not going to survive the winter it's going to be cold without fuel we've got like two maybe three months before the snow comes yeah i'm gonna prioritize that i'll tell you what i should probably do a road up to this area because that'll make things quicker as well let's go straight up here up to there nice all right i think now let's have a look at some development what do we want to unlock i think we might invest in some mining so yeah let's activate that then we can unlock a mine yes we'll have some of that please oh and up here the sawmill is complete so we've got to choose what sort of fuel we want again so just timber again all right so up here our sawmill is now complete and if we click on this in production rather than just fuel which is what this sawmill workshop has we've now got building materials tab where you can select the plank so we can do that and now we're producing planks finally yes you can see our guy here we look at his perspective he is chopping them planks nice right meanwhile bombs i'm going all out on the farms although i do have all the mine stuff now oh there's just so much to do all the time so for this mine pit you can see there's a strip of three red squares that's got to be like pushed into a mountain so if we come over here you can see that's the perfect spot for it or we could put it there yeah i might put it there actually because i feel like the road lines up a bit easier so that will be our mind pit that is going to be cool all right the temperature has dropped and uh this house is feeling cold you can see their fuel reserves are low we are producing fuel now we need this one to be built so let's up the priority on that and that will mean we're producing more fuel because it's like game of thrones over again winter is coming oh look in our clinic they're fixing someone with a brained ankle and it's dr barbie our school is also complete so jenna is the teacher there she's currently got zero students although we have we've just had a birth you can see in here we've got one child there's jonathan let's say his perspective he is the only child in the village he's got no one to play with he's currently playing hide and seek with himself i feel like we need to like do something with our bridge i've sort of got a bridge over here but i haven't selected anything i think maybe we just want to destroy all the trees so command harvest trees oh i've also forgotten as well this one i forgot about this so i was wondering like why the hell are there like mushrooms and stuff floating about here so we can use this one collect all the plants in the area and now i've just selected them all and this whole area will be harvested now but over this side i'm gonna rather than just the trees i did i'm gonna literally clear all resources so literally completely destroy everything now you can see everything selected like all the little plants all the rocks all the trees oh look they're getting to work already deforestation is beautiful and look they're using our bridge cool very nice how is our fishery getting along it's got 10 planks we're getting there we are getting there finally all right and it's december now i think it's the start of next year where the snow is going to come do we have enough everything i am not convinced if i'm honest oh but we're making babies so look we've got four kids now nice so our school teacher is going to have a bit all those currently still zero students i assume that's because our kids are a bit young they need to grow up a little bit all right so now it's time for some pasture i think all right so i had a bit of reshuffle of this so we got we got our crops down the bottom all of these are going to be different farm animals if we fast forward a bit we are in the winter i'm a bit worried it's going to get cold very soon and fuel reserves are still light oh that's because i haven't selected this one to do it god damn right make fuel but it looks like the winter's been very kind it's been pretty warm this winter looks like there might not be any snow at all this is our water sawmill down here i've built that on the sneaky sly while you guys weren't looking so of course we'll create some planks down here and basically the water mill just has a better efficiency because it uses the water to power it and it looks really cool so next to the bridge that's going to look banging and then over here this is our town hall yep i built a town hall well we're in the process of building a town hall yeah things are going really well though so you can see happiness really good health is pretty good as well uh we're multiplying we've got nine kids now oh and our minds open let's choose to what shall we mine i can only do iron or coal we have to research silver shall we do that i don't know if i don't know why we want silver but why not let's do it activate now we can say mine some silver although we don't actually have any we don't have any jobs available everyone's working see fair there's a lot of builders maybe we could lose a builder if we come to our builders cabin thing we can say brandon you fired me cool and now now our mine is working we're going to be making silver lovely oh yeah and it looks like we survived the winter let's fast forward and try and get all of our stuff built oh look over here look at this we've got so much space all right so i'm thinking as they're going to be mining all of this maybe it's worth doing a storage thing and this will be sort of our like stone area and i might look at some like blacksmithing some like tool edge so we got blacksmith here so they can create tools which make like mining and everything way quicker a lot more efficient so i'm gonna shove that there i think uh we haven't got taylor all of our we can't make clothes currently we'll build a tailor and then a distillery because of course we can ferment potatoes make some vodka and that will make people well happy and we've also put a repair shop down here so this will make sure when our buildings get destroyed by weather and stuff we can fix them because i feel like it's only a matter of time before that happens oh god what's why is everyone hanging on what's going on everyone's got a hand saw above their head uh it's because they have no tools do not worry we are building our blacksmith we'll prioritize that it is nearly completed to be fair we're going to tell you what is completed finally our fishery thing our fishing boat so we've just told them go and get some fish so madeleine is our first fisher and you can see her here she's gone straight into the heart of the fish nido oh god we are starving citizen why are you starving there's loads of food we've got 1800 food man just eat oh and i'll tell you what we do have as well look at this all of our farms are complete so we can fill them with animals so cows or buffalo i think we'll alternate in a checkered pattern between cows and buffalos all right and our blacksmith is complete we can decide whether we want iron tools or stone tools we're going to go iron because uh we are progressing and everyone should have some tools soon meanwhile the turkey's natural habitat sure has decreased oh look it's time for the autumn harvest how's it awesome what the hell where did the year go we haven't grown anything yeah we do have a lot of like look at all the different foods well you can get like you can always like there's lobster there's lobster yeah you can have like one of every animal there's lamb beef chicken turkey duck pork horse meat donkey meats yeah this is one of those games that's gonna keep on expanding uh speaking of expanding i feel like we probably need some more houses we have not grown in population in quite a while now although we do no we do have space we got space in all of our houses oh look our distillery is complete i'm gonna make spirits from our potatoes wait we don't have potato we need to research potato right research agriculture grown in the field i'm not sure how to get potatoes so we're gonna change the distillery to that one because we've got we've been we've been collecting that the tequila plant as you can see up here our first animals have moved in load of cows and a buffalo and look that's a baby cow we get a little tail going yeah but we have no farmers working here currently that's the exclamation mark so we really need some more people we got 12 kids though 12 children and winter has happened okay this is quite dodgy how much fuel do oh god we got like no fuel what is going on all right so you can see there's like a heavy frost over all of our buildings you can see the snow building up on the trees and we might get a few deaths here unless our fuel can be sorted but yeah i love like how over time like the snow builds up and goes back down like as the temperature rises and falls you can see the snow melting on the trees it goes cold again it will do the opposite yeah just a very small little cold streak there there's only there's a bit of frost lying about it wasn't full on snow but look we got some warnings down here so we still haven't built any tools i think he is building away it just takes time so that'll be all right that's going down that's nine now this one though there's 14 citizens without clothes they're just walking around in the mangapanga and that's because of taylor's workshop we've got no people so i'm gonna have to pause someone maybe from a farm yeah so if we pause you betty now betty you're gonna be the tailor and see if she's in there now nice okay so fuel is still absolutely terrible maybe up over this side we'll start making some fuel things do a road up there actually no no we don't need to build those counsel them cancel cancel so notice up here we can actually just increase the efficiency by hiring more people so if we do that once we get more people because we've got so many kids now we've got 18 kids once they grow up once we can put them to work we can uh just get them in there that's our town hall what does this actually do then we can accept nomads and recruiter mayor okay not entirely sure what that does oh man look how many cows are in this farm there's so many how about this this field has one buffalo in and then this one they've just filled with cows and yeah all of these ones completely empty look it's actually a max capacity i wonder if i can divide them into separate pastures yeah look they've gone into that one oh wait where are they going don't go too far don't go too far that one's escaped that one's escaped get back in oh so the farming's pretty in-depth you can proper like divide everything in all sorts but uh this field is just really producing cows fair play nice all of our crops are growing again how's our storage look it's looking colorful i like it it is looking colorful and the one over here is just very gray and mundane all right guys i think we'll leave that there for today if you if you're enjoying this give the old like button a boosh and we'll probably revisit at some point soon to see how we're getting on i'm just so excited like there's like so many things to unlock i've got eight development points i probably should start using them next time but yeah let me know what you think below and uh and check out the demo on steam which is coming out in october's next best uh use the link in my description to check out anyway thanks to the guys at klima studios for sponsoring this video a really really fun game really getting into this i can see myself spending a lot of hours but yeah peace love and the return of the fish nato i'll catch you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 579,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S9GNaA1xSD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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