Using Fire To Break The Geneva Convention In RIMWORLD 1.0

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing Britt and today we are playing some Rimbaud but to be more precise we are going to see just how many war crimes we can break in the wonderful game that is rim world you know what it's gonna be worn absolute bloody smithing game today so make sure you've got a cup of tea with you I've personally got mine and I think it's time we dive straight into this so majorly we're gonna want a new collimation that we should probably go crash-landed but we're gonna edit this a little bit will see just because we have to include 107 absolutely rough cassava classic now I've got a few ideas as to how to commit loads and loads of war crimes in this game but um you know it all kind of really depends on which enemies we're facing and how we want to tackle the bomb here we go temperate forest it's mountainous it's on a main road let's go boom 100 and surname stop man and of course we'll set them female and just randomize their image a little bit we don't want to understate men looking like a potato or like a pear I guess well I know what this could be understatement he's literally just gonna look like a tadpole but you know these things happen we ought to make sure he's maxed out in all of these skills because he's gonna be doing most of the work over to colonists they're not gonna be as important but you know it's good to have them there okay so here we have a wonderful squad we have stat man k2 and now snow stat man is literally a god he's 20 in every single stat he is a sanguine hard worker fast Walker iron-willed and each and every single part of him is Bionic or has been replaced by something even better yet he is a god and physically shouldn't be able to die on the battlefield I've given us a incredible array of weapons which should really help out with just causing a few of these war crimes and of course we're also using the hospitality mode as well as prepare carefully hospitality just means we can have summer guests which will come visit us from time to time a lot of wood around us which is good and here we go BAM as you can see we've landed with a ton of survival meals just because we do need it and a gold sword just because I thought it would be a good idea to have a gold sword you can question me on that one later but hey now we need to kind of like find a place to set up somewhere easily defensible like say right here this is actually incredible this is everything I was wanting anyway you might see that I'm setting something up here which kind of looks like a strange doorway sister because it's a great big entrance own that leads into our little base that we're getting set up here why is that the case and why do we have a little mining order set up there well the idea is that if we are to get attacked they shall simply run into here whereupon we will close this door come round the side close this bit off and then set fire or heat up this wonderful room I'm not too sure which one will do but um certainly one of the options sounds like a great idea steel door here and a steel door here now this is to encourage the AI to go into this room rather than coming around the side meaning only my men will be able to come around the side here and heat this little room up all all is the end of the first day on our brand new Rim world I'd say we've had a pretty good job oh my god just look how fast at my mines in comparison to everybody else good loved he is an absolute God when it comes to working our money all visitors have arrived they are afraid to enter your territory for the following reasons we don't have guest beds if you send them away they will stay in the area and come back later um send them away and they can come back later maybe we all what is this what is this I'm interested sat/rad stop man okay so for those of you who haven't played rim mode before I should have probably waited until we got the buzz of ancient danger which is telling us that inside here well though we do have an optimum baldwin target or in here which is very nice as you can see there's a lot of horrible things in here you need to run as fast as you can step out run run stop man good job you're doing a great job keep on running keep on running good job step man good job they shouldn't be able to catch us now good stuff okay now they're starting to break down our steel doors I'm not too sure what they're trying to do now okay the dog dog I've got to be honest you really should not be there oh god we're gonna lose the dog that's not really much I can do I'm afraid it's your fault for going to sleep when we're getting attacked okay just run run back for our defences mate are they able to chase us why can you not hit the target what is wrong with the inferno cabin this has been a glorious success already stop man even though you're literally God I don't think you were designed to 1 versus free ciphers you do need to get out of there stat man step man please for goodness sake oh god they're taken out oh god okay I think this could be game for the Coralie yeah this is the end ladies and gentlemen this is the end right and we're back but this time we haven't even greater squad of men we have the glorious lads on top starting with because jayveer literally an absolute unit he is not very good at moving or manipulation but or even consciousness for that matter very good at shooting very good at melee he is beautiful can't you just tell from looking at him he's also a psychopath so he literally doesn't care about genuinely anything we've also got stat man back again and one punch man and of course we've now all got armor for you that's right guys done your armor we've deliberately deployed ourselves really really close to these people here who now hate us and these people here you now really don't really like us because we've deployed very close to them so because we've deployed so close to people it gives us an advantage it means they're likely to attack us I'm noticing that we have got a structure here I kind of want to know what this structure is but at the same time I'm thinking it's very risky although now that we are free absolute units of men why not probably for Xavier wasn't vomiting it all over the floor we'd be doing great can you please stop vomiting all over our cheap clothes stop mind stop vomiting everywhere good lord come over here and stand next to this and tell me how you feel okay ancient danger we are going to want to build a large amount of wooden walls why have we built this were they out of wood well quite simply we're going to release these guys and then drag them along the fire corridor as I'd like to call it it is going to be a hellish experience for them but you know it's okay because they're aliens and they're a ancient danger which means it isn't a war crime so naturally we want to absolutely flood this place with campfires what a lovely game it is that allows you to just burn people to death just with sizzly campfires and nothing more now we build the door you can see the temperature is climbing and is at a nice comfortable 28 degrees Celsius mmm or we could add a heater I would also need a power production build a wind turbine just right next door to this place I'm saying we're not we're not wasting anything at all you know like anyone who thinks this is going a bit excessive no this is fine well what what could possibly go wrong here alright here we go we've got our little fan set up and a little heater your target temperature is gonna be I'm gonna say sixty degrees there you go we're hitting 44 degrees in that little room Jesus Christ okay good stuff why are you eating your food in there you can get heat stroke from literally just standing in that place don't do it okay we keep on climbing 70 degrees 70 degrees I think we can do better than that all visitors have arrived to the colony they're afraid to enter your territory because there are no guest beds we will ensure their safety I promise so I'm thinking we designate the guest beds into here what have you got you've got high expectations we've got no desk guest beds that's fine don't worry we're about to give you one so this is gonna be furniture wooden bed you can see where this is going daddies and gentlemen um okay this is gonna be for guests there we go and now you can come into our guest room it's 7:00 it's 55 degrees in there and you know what it can only get warmer really I'd actually like to see love a few of these doors so we're gonna go architecture structure had a wooden wall here and a wall here just to really seal them in what would we like our faction to be called are we gonna be known as the good boys because we are good boys we're doing absolutely nothing wrong and if people think you are the good boys there's no war crimes happening and the name of our settlement oh we're gonna go for safe town because it's safe and who wouldn't want to visit safe town speaking of which here's you the messenger sat in a 89° room 90 degrees in fact you're getting minor heatstroke don't worry it's okay it's just minor oh it's no series heatstroke oh no wait how you are you trying to leave okay you're trying to get into this place I'm sorry but this place is also 70 degrees enjoy that series heat stroke yes yes and you're down BAM that's a success and apparently you're unhappy with the fact that your delegation got knocked down well it's okay don't worry whilst we're at it let's deconstruct this bad boy okay so this is what we have here draft exit and run run here now go go go go go go go go run run run run keep the doors close behind you nice okay and now we just slowly heat up their place it's gonna slowly get a little bit warmer I don't know if you can give cybers heatstroke but the it is a plan [Music] they've got a little cryosleep pot in here they've got some glitter world medicine a bionic eye who wouldn't want one of those this person here has got extreme heat stroke and is soon to die as a mad tour toy somewhere okay right so our lovely human friend is about to die of extreme heat stroke I'm terribly sorry to hear that but you know these things happen or achieving 67 degrees in this little room okay you've died because of heatstroke rest in peace you're a good messenger oh there's the bloody tour toys why do you get all the way here without you go shooting it don't appear to be susceptible to heat stroke okay no no no no no no no Jeb you mate Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae you've got a little bit too close there for comfort and now and now they are actually coming this way okay play you've actually let one of them from JPA run i can none of you hit the target what the hell is wrong with you okay so I've realized that I actually haven't played rim world in quite a while and so quite a few things have changed and consequently I have no idea why I'm not able to do some of the things I think I should be able to do oh okay it was the shield bunker for some reason was stopping you from shooting great why is this the case why couldn't you do it before why couldn't you do it before step man you only took a stab wound to the chest and then guy that's never cypher down now we can actually rescue jovian now but I mean he's suffering from initial heat stroke so what's the point is his fault he completely beans the very paddies down that's one down one left guys one left the game has changed we're now on the offensive finally Joe via you know what you did a good job except you did nothing so oh god that is a actual weapon there goes dead one punch you of the honors open the sarcophagus what the hell is inside was it worth it we found em either sex slave I love you remote but that's enough for one day if you enjoyed this video please give it a like if you didn't please give it a dislike if you want to see me hit 100k subscribers please do hit the subscribe button it really does help me out and I'll see all of you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 646,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld game, rimworld steam, rim world game, rimwolrd 1.0, war crimes rimworld, rimworld war crimes, rimworld warcrime, funnt moments, funny, montage, funny montage, highlights, robbaz, robbaz rimworld, the spiffing brit, valefisk, rts, strategy, rimworld gameplay, spiffing brit, grand strategy, rimworld gameplay 1.0, rimworld gameplay 2018, rimworld challenge, rimworld tribal extreme, rimworld strategy guide, rimworld tribal, geneva convention, meme
Id: WV-Zx60qpNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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