I Ruined This AAA Flash Game With An Autoclicker

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today we're going so deep we're going to see daylight on the other side here's an original idea one click equals $1 and our ball gets closer to the ground but for $11 we get an upgrade now it's $2 per but we can also buy our first drill for $50 which is just as exciting as it looks it's literally a piece of wood on a circle the faster we click the faster it spins so we can definitely break something with this logic so that was drilled North this should be drill South right on the opposite now we got two sticks destroying the dirt and I would imagine we're going to get some pretty Wild Things on our ball eventually drill West and before we get to De BLS upgrade our clicking power as much as we can now we get $7 per click hold your breath or you ready for this drill east four sticks one ball oh we get auto rotate $250 now I don't actually have to play the game anymore I can leave auto rotate is about as fast as my brain so we're going to have to help it along with some clicking and I can buy a swing for $300 oh it rotates back and forth that's fun I've got a swinging ball of Doom on a string and we're headed straight to Australia or whatever's on the other side I'm not really sure I know Australia is upside down so I assume it's that we've already made $1600 I was having so much fun clicking I didn't even notice or sell income plus 10% drill North is the cheapest so we're going to start to upgrade that because obviously it hits a new level and turns into a better piece of wood obviously all wood gets an upgrade when it turns into dimensional Lumber I'm not sure if we hit the bottom of the mine or what happened there but we're now on my level one I wonder if we get more clicking power do we spin our ball faster it kind of feels that way we're up to $11 per click and our ball is going very very quickly so let's see if we can upgrade the rest of our drill parts up to their next level this one's going to get expensive but the more powerful it is the faster we drill downwards and the more money we make Spike number three is dimensional Lumber as well now one more to go so we did hit the bottom of the mine now we're on mine level two so we should find better and better stuff we're also going to take scaling for $1,500 all damage plus 10% damage seems to correlate exactly to our income because as soon as we got extra damage uh we got extra coins as well so I feel like it would be stupid not to do that again and we're up the $13.2 per click M level three we've got new ore over there we're really starting to chew through the ground now this gray ore is probably worth a lot we're going to see if we can upgrade the next drill now we got four pieces of the dimensional Lumber we are clicking a lot so let's upgrade that uh once hopefully soon twice we'll be over $15 per click M level four every level we're getting more and more colorful ore the more color the better drill North is going to upgrade hopefully to its next level very very soon and we're going to find out what's after dimensional Lumber $6 hard earned dollars later and we got a shovel an actual digging tool imagine that luckily for us this is one of those games that allows you to use an auto clicker at insane speeds the downside of that is if an ad pops up you definitely commit to watching it in a hurry so we're going to get the crystal chance to spawn there's a 2% chance of that but it's got to be valuable and a point two times reward for 3500 so we definitely need to keep our ey for the crystals and hopefully eventually all the ground is made of crystals for now let's increase our damage one more time that's an extra 10% damage across the board 16.9 for C and we've unlocked the dangerous new skin okay or cell is what increases the damage of uh those guys I believe they're at 18 now if we click that they go up to 19.5 so we click it again and more damage I think we're overdue to increase our swing power quite a lot now we're really get side to side and break some rocks what do you think happens if we spend $188,000 on auto rotate does it actually go quickly well it definitely goes quicker I wouldn't call it quickly but nothing seems to be in much of a hurry except my auto clicker my digging instruments are destroying the dirt pretty quickly though so that's a good sign as per usual we must make a mockery of this drill s you're getting upgraded to shovel level drill W you will soon be a shovel mind level s we're getting some emeralds that's going to help our income scoot right along as for now we got $37,000 we're going to spend that on drill W and drill e four shovels of Doom going all the way to the bottom we really chew through the dirt this way I'm starting to suspect that most of our income comes some our Auto clicker so we can upgrade our clicking power uh this much so now we are getting 25 forck and we have a new kind of or again this one looks like a lily pad it's hard to see past all my money we made $100,000 for the first time so let's increase our damage by 20% and then the uh or chance of these guys by that much now they're doing a ton of damage while my clicking is doing almost 30 and on this floor M level 10 we get a blue ore which is worth even more again we're going to increase our chance of getting two times things so now we have an 8% chance to get double everything or two times or is maybe how we get two times or you can see how that might get a little confusing whatever the case we now have a 20% chance of double or one in five I'm pretty curious at this point to find out what comes after shovel so we're going to spend a lot of money and we got a better shovel an iron shovel Minecraft has taught me so much over the years I'm seeing a lot of different redot because different stuff is obviously worth different amounts but the iron shovel is obviously the best one we have so far since these are displat 10% bonuses uh the more damage we have the more these are actually going to be worth it like we can get all of our damage up another 10% that's actually huge now we're up to 30 click damage one coffee later we have 650,000 to work with I think it's logical to spend that all on clicking power and make that number even bigger we go from 30 damage to 38 but then we still have $200,000 left over so we can click that and then we're over 40 damage $833,000 let's see if we can afford what comes next for our shovel a gold and shovel aside from that let's increase our swing a little bit so we're really getting side to side the Auto Spin is actually getting really strong so let's spend $220,000 fixing that that almost doubled in speed so between my super clicking and the golden shovel we're going places h M level 19 we're finding lots of even gold ore we have $820,000 so all damage is going up by 10% and we're going to increase the or sell value uh a whole bunch and then we're going to get a higher chance for two times ore so that's really pushing our income over the top so even with the booster on even with finding these rare crystals our income is not going up quick enough I want so many digits I don't can't even fit on the screen anymore but before we do anything crazy we're going to spend $600,000 on auto rotate I just want to see how fast it starts to go so we need to prestige at this point but we need to get a 46% bonus and for some reason that means we're making $5.6 per click to begin with I've noticed something a little odd we're still only on M level one but if I prestige again at this point I already have 270 Prestige points so I think that's based on income so this I think grows exponentially so I think we have actually good potential to break something with really really big numbers but now I'm just going to keep upgrading damage and clicking away okay so it really didn't take long to save up $5 million so we can upgrade our damage at least once there and our clicking power that much so even at this we're we're 311 already we could do it that fast a few minutes later $7.7 million so we can upgrade damage again and again here that's getting expensive but we're up to 340 The Prestige points seem to be slowing down at this point so we're actually going to prestige again for a monster bonus I'm not sure how that's calculated but we're already doing 30 per click and this is with zero upgrades that was probably because my bonus carried over I didn't think it would but we already have A4 million dollars and it's been like 10 seconds it doesn't take long before we can already add 50% to our Prestige now our base is 54.2 so the fastest way to do this is just Prestige and within a few minutes we can have over 500 points really easy so because there's something wrong with me I've gone ahead and use this high-speed Prestige to get myself up to 15,000 Prestige points that means at my base with my bonus I get 304 per click so we're 304 times where we started so those few clicks already earned us $5,000 so if we go like that there's $223,000 we could buy more clicking power then we can do it again there's $300,000 and then if we buy our way down to the damage upgrade we can already spend 1.8 million on that and then we go like this and then we have $1 million back already so this is obviously a little bit of a quicker way of doing it now per click we're already getting 10,300 so now we can finally make those big numbers we all dream of damage upgrades are getting expensive but I can't increase my clicking power so now we're up to 18,000 per click the next 10% damage is 11.2 million but I mean we've already made that which puts us up to 18.75 per click and 25 million for the next upgrade 19,600 per click and I just spend another1 million on clicking upgrades so up to 22,400 the upgrades just keep coming faster and faster we're at $58 million which is enough for another 10% damage so we're making about a million per second right now which is pretty good we can spend $35 million taking us from 24 to 26ish th000 but I kind of want to see what happens if we spend $ 37 million on auto rotate this is its basic speed after spending that money it's up to 2.9 and we created a windmill of Doom and we have 10 thou $10 million left over look at it it just blows through the dirt it's moving so fast that I could probably get away with upgrading only one of these and it's going to start to be absolutely insane so there's a golden shovel which is going to melt everything in front of it now we're on to a pickaxe uh these upgrades are getting expensive quickly we already can't afford a new one but that pickaxe should carry it now between the two of us we're going places we're on M level four but we're going deep fast so it's probably worth it to bring some of the other drills up to at least golden shovel level that way they're all doing a little bit of damage and die out click too far but now it just free Falls straight to the bottom all the or gets one shotted so we're making progress Quick Auto rotates only $12 million to upgrade now it's going faster than ever I guess all the damage upgrades we got along the way probably didn't hurt either we can also give it another 10% damage and that's going to help everything I've also spent a large amount of money many millions upgrading our Crystal chance to 2% so we'll start to see a lot more of those I feel like we also need some swing power it's kind of boring when it goes straight down let's have it swinging back and forth rapidly that was maybe a mistake cuz is now we're not going down nearly as quickly we're going from side to side and I want D but at least this way we'll take advantage of more of the crystals and everything that forms and just make a lot more money even basic clicker upgrades are $32 million at this point the next one's 50 I guess we do need to figure out what comes after the drill it's now a copper pickaxe well we're going to let it run like this for a long long time and come back to an absolute fortune that didn't take long at all 4.6 billion and that means we can take our damage from 32,000 probably up quite a bit there's 4,000 and a few more clicks 37.5 it's crazy to think that even though we're doing all of this damage we're still not absolutely destroying the Ora which is coming up on level 50 anyways let's spend $200 million see if we can find the next pickaxe and we can't because it's really expensive so let's sit back and relax for a while an hour later we have $4.7 billion so let's see what our pickaxe turns into a golden pickaxe that's already up to 1.3 billion then a red pickaxe which still isn't enough to break a lot of these blocks not in one shot but we can get a m passive bonus to our prestige again now we have a 40,000 per bonus and as soon as we click 800 it's been about 10 seconds and we already have3 45 million every click now is 50,000 a minute later that jumps all the way up to 65,000 it's very important at this point that we buy more Auto speed so that's going to be $82 Million worth and that thing's moving then we just need to give it a little bit of damage and it'll be going straight to Australia that's a little better now it's basically in freef Fall mode it's insane how quickly we made $200 million so let's byy scaling 10% damage 130 and then also this more clicking power and we're up to 72,000 a few minutes later we have a solid $6 billion and we're back on level 50 mining away so let's upgrade one of our drills for $6 billion all the way to the red pick and even that isn't really enough to get us moving very quickly it is shooting through the dirt but not very fast so we'll leave this thing running for an eternity [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 52,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DfShGNtcxMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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