Can I Use Tumours To Escape Rimworld?

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hello again today we'll be seeing how well a lonely and unfortunate individual named Burke can survive after starting naked and alone in the Arid scrub what makes him so unfortunate then aside from the fact that he's naked in a biome full of cacti well he's aai a xenotype which specializes in well having cancer a lot Burke will randomly generate a new tumor somewhere on his body roughly once per day which is undeniably a pretty crap way to live there is however an upside for starters talai don't feel any pain they wouldn't get very far if they did but perhaps more importantly they can consume their tumors to gain temporary Buffs Burke will demonstrate he's planted some crops now and in the time it took he's also developed a cancer in his leg using teratogenic swiftness he consumes it for a 40% move speed and Global work speed bonus so yeah maybe these talai things aren't such wretched creatures after all As aside from the way they look I mean but I'm being rude to Burke he's more than just a vessel for tumorous magic he's also a cannibal who feels a strong connection to trees anyway let's get to it Burke wants to get off this rock so there's a lot of work to do first things first we need a roof to live under Burke doesn't like cutting down trees and there aren't many here anyway so instead he'll use his unnatural swiftness to make bricks before he can finish his little H some dinner lands from space Lisa is here and now she's here very good anyway our first threat has arrived from Randy's office naturally as Burke loves trees he's sent in the alpha beavers Burke will hurriedly string up a bow and head over to slowly start culling the beaver population but just as Randy taketh away he also giveth a garanin pod Sprouts nearby Burke runs out and grabs the seed immediately planting it near his Hut and linking himself to it in the least appropriate looking tree connection I've ever seen it'll take a good few days but eventually some handy little dryads will pop out to help defend the homestead Randy's kindness continues with an elx meteor which Burke will immediately go and harvest in the 52 celsius weather courtesy of a heat wave thankfully there's a very simple solution to heat stroke it's called a box full of wet logs the solution to raiding iin is also relatively simple Burke has a short bow and he can run very fast you can see how this would be annoying to deal with look how quickly he works I can barely keep up with the Zippy little bugger it's time now though for him to focus some of that speed into the advancement of his mind he's been here for a few days and it's time for research but first let's upset the Empire by selling that elex we scavenged earlier to some tribals for a tidy lump of silver Burke's research plan in case you are wondering is to grab batteries ASAP before charging towards turret techn technology but that Tech is a long way off especially when poor Burke has to do all the research himself he's not entirely alone now though the first of his little stabby dryads has grown up and accompanies him out to Mining and it's a good thing too because a mad ostrich caught him off guard thanks for looking out little buddy Burke is getting a constant supply of Crash pods right now as Randy tries to add a colonist or two to the situation this one is called Goblin though which is funny because Burke's going to be gobbling him up shortly just like I'll be gobbling you up if you don't go and like this video right now unless you're into that in which case I won't be gobbling you up unless you like the video there I think that covers all the bases anyway the Empire who haven't figured out yet that we sold some eltec offer a very nice flower pot and a Venom Talon to test their latest fog machine on the colony for 12 days now here's something a Ganan kin named seoa asks to join being chased by a single Raider and after accepting that of course we have to name the place I think I'll simply call it Dreadful place there's no need to hide it right now that she's here what exactly is seoa well for starters she can summon these big dryads that are capable of cleaning and can be trained to haul that's very handy and as the name might suggest she's also rather good at working with the garland trees she's a bit more complex than that there's lots of interesting Je here but don't worry about it too much anyway a single pig man comes looking to raid our little home and here's how that went doesn't look very pleasant but you know what doesn't feel like being stabbed by a pair of angry little dryads using products from today's sponsor manscaped you've probably heard all about what they can do for your balls but what if you have a face that grows hair and you don't want it to be hairy I have one of those you might have seen it before they sent me the this thing the handyman they call it it's small and it goes you can slip that little Pebble into your bag fly across the world with it and stay fresh wherever you want alternatively just use it at home its battery can go for 60 minutes from Full if you have a really big face or just forget to charge it I suppose now I've used a vast quantity of things to shave vast quantities of beard hairs throughout my upsettingly long life and I like this thing that's why I'm happy to take this sponsor and let you know that you can get 20% off your own handyman click my link below or enter code haor at checkout now let's get back to it next to test the dryads is a single neander named gorilla yeah they they got him good so sequoia's companion dryads are keeping the home clean and Burke's stabby ones are keeping it safe it is time we made a fridge the human meat keeps going bad in the heat but realistically that also means we need a new power Source we'll get to that shortly but now another garanin seed has sprouted meaning seoa can get a tree of her own it's also time to make some proper bedrooms look at Burke just throwing horseshoes over a sleeping sequ it's a little bit inconsiderate but you've got to recognize the dedication to the game first another raid two shotgunners one of which is a slug person don't worry about that thankfully their AI fails them somehow and they never never even pull the triggers before each getting cut down by the dryads one of their guns is bio coded but the other is Burks now it's about 50 days since we arrived and you can see the base is taking shape I think it's going pretty well considering there's just two colonists so far I'm starting to explore just how far burk's Tuma Buffs can go letting him build up more and more before consuming them four cancers makes a 4- day long 75% speed boost very nice but it goes much further as you'll see later a pair of Traders provide a few things we'll need later plasti gold components all for the price of a load of random leathers and armaments that have dropped from the sky with Gunsmithing finally researched we can start making shells for that pump shy we picked up earlier and continue research towards turrets and start to plan a defensive area research is actually pretty quick now thanks to seoa basically living at the bench so just like that we can build a few turrets an exotic Goods Trader sells us some Advanced components for later meanwhile Burke is making bricks faster than primitive technology a quest comes in to take a volcanic winter for A really lovely statue and some other bits we'll probably never use and then some Manhunter fenic foxes come in and run straight past the turrets that I had completely forgotten to make ammo for oops at least it's just some foxes nothing serious a kind reminder from Randy to make some rounds for the new turrets but Randy's next move is to have burk's daughter show up she's called Crystal and she's also a taai we've got a spare seed so why not give her a gan and tree of her own well because she's not a follower of The Wretched way that's why we'll have to convert her but of course you can't really do that effectively until you have three followers of Any Given ideolog Legion what this means is that for a very long time Crystal will be upset that we haven't made any conquests lately and that we don't have any slaves oh she's also going to be really unhappy about all of the cannibalism speaking of which the gang of neand or as we call them here meals arrive and push straight into our somewhat unfinished defenses backed up by burk's shotgun they're no real trouble and sure this raid will feed us for a while but why don't we also wear them a fine neander Tor leather cowboy hat and dust a combo for Burke very good we get a toxic Fallout event next which is no problem for the taai with their tox immune lungs and actually also for seoa who just lives indoors at the research bench since she lives there we'll make a human leather armchair for her the old Rim world classic the toxic air finally clears and out from the fog runs a gang of insane monkeys to be put down in the freshly built Kill Zone but with the base and its defenses expanding both food and power are becoming issues especially because Crystal doesn't like eating people anyway Burke is starting to form bonds with his dve ads naming one of the chloras Levi can you blame him what a cutie but the reason we're having food troubles is thanks to two long crop stopping events in succession the first was The Toxic Fallout but now a heat wave is bringing the temperature up to 60 de C Christ the only thing willing to live in this heat are ostriches so Burke guns them down with his shotgun for food we can solve the power issues by Walling off a helian gas geyser and building a pump on it then building some generators in the base but more importantly it's time to push the limits of cancer magic even further with Crystal what can six tumors do a 100% buff for 6 days so the duration is one day per tumor but the buff scaling isn't linear we must explore further because look at Crystal hauling these Boulders like a fleshy wretched Sonic but for one reason or another in this playthrough Randy really likes throwing colonists with relationships at us a human named Ian Crystal's husband has just crash landed on the one hand he's a follower of The Wretched way so we'd finally be able to convert Crystal on the other hand he's a depressive wimp I'm just going to heal him up and rescue him if he decides to stay fine but hopefully not given the rancid state of his wife I suspect he'll leave and sure enough he's near immediately got up and he's leaving I think that's probably for the best Burke once again is forced to turn his shotgun to some incredibly responsible gazelle hunting to feed the colony in lie of any edible Raiders or crop growth he's been here for close to 100 days now so it's probably wise to put up some higher caliber defenses before armored opponents start showing up as for food I swapped over sequoia's dryads to Berry makers so that even if there are no crops growing we can't hunt anything and don't have any human Raiders we can at least have large piles of berries in reserve we won't need them for a moment though because here's a gang of Wookies delivering us their large meaty bodies only two of them fell to the turrets though before the rest fled I sent out Burke in Pursuit but sadly he couldn't quite get it done anyway with fabrication finally researched we'll build up a little workshop down here next to the new and shiny wreck room that Burke just finished up before a raid of lizard folk SIDS they're called show up looking for trouble they found trouble I made the decision to take the difficulty up a notch here since I was just outmatching Raiders so completely and I was rewarded with our first taste of mechanoids a defoliator ship of the mechanoids guarding it though only one of them has any significant range so I have Burke make himself an lmg and send him out to spray down the Pikeman his weapon handling is increased massively by his teratogenic coordination so a weapon like this is far better than usual in his lumpy tumorous hands good job Burk crowdy but with mechanoids showing up it's probably time to pop down the biggest turret we know how to build a 14.5 mm heavy turret load that sucker up with ap ammo and it'll rip through pretty much anything all right anyway we're starting work on a hydroponic setup to generate a steady flow of cotton and hard drugs for the colony but here's more Mex yep that's a Mech cluster all right yeah okay I think we're going to need mortars for this one it's a top spew in the middle of the cluster which isn't a big deal itself especially with Hydroponics up but I'd rather not be trapped inside the base forever and then not even a day later another cluster drops to be fair this one is considerably less dangerous but still all right Randy I get the points I'll consider researching mortars we'll need to do some chemistry for that though with combat extended you need an explosive compound called FSX to make H shells which is made from chem fuel which we should be able to make plenty of from our supply of dryad grown berries I like that thematically picking berries off the back of cute little dryads and turning them into explosives that's a solid bit of Rim worlding right there unfortunately though even with mortars researched we still need a reinforced Barrel so we're stuck waiting for a trade ship or a caravan that gets lucky and slips through the mech clusters while we're waiting for that even more mechs arrive just a rage this time I suspect we'll be just fine and sure enough none of them live long enough to even take a shot good to know that the big guns work but now we have to continue hiding inside waiting to make even bigger guns to deal with these clusters and if we're stuck inside we might as well make it a bit comfier now that we're growing cotton in the Hydroponics we can sling down some hideous Brown carpets finally though a combat supplier is above and is willing to drop us down a reinforced Barrel it's not cheap but we'll just about afford it in order to make the mortar and its shells though we'll need to send Burke out on a sneaky little mining mission for some steel and whilst he's out doing that the neols arrive of course bur's Speedy enough to make it home and the turrets aren't going to struggle with these big fleshy Folks at all nah lots of Butchery is in bur's near future but now let's start throwing some indirect fire at these mechs okay we might need a spotter yeah let's make some binoculars and oh Jesus whilst I've been busy with the Mech I let Crystal's tumors build up she's packing nine of the things right now the danger of this xenotype is that if you're unlucky a bad combination of tumors can quite quickly render someone too sleepy or immobile to consume them for a buff but she's fine and now she's got 9 days of a 200% speed buff and remember that's Global work speed and movement speed so I figured I'd give her the binoculars and send her out spotting for burk's mortifier but apparently using the binoculars to Mark enemies is considered violent and right I never really mentioned before that she's not actually capable of violence so it's up to seoa instead once we've manufactured some more dryad berry based explosives out she goes to Mark the tox spew a couple of direct hits and it's done so that's nice but it's the turrets that I really want they can be a bit of a pain to deal with since really only a direct hit from this 81 mm mortar will destroy them in any reasonable time we get The Inferno Cannon done though which is the really rough one before giving up for now and returning to work locked away inside the base passing by day 150 I like what we've made so far and I like our current colonists the two taai zip around at mad speeds hauling and crafting whilst seoa plows through the research but we need bigger guns a 155 mm artillery piece might do the trick the issue is the insane cost of its shells almost 100 steel two components and 17 FSX for each shell they're not made in batches of five like the 81 mm motor shells were but on the other hand much bigger boom Burke can go out and finish the last of the mini turrets with a newly made sniper rifle that just about outranges them now we'll just need a few more shells to deal with the big guns over here before that though some tox folk are here with bad intentions they are unsurprisingly no issue at all and now that I take another look at this cluster I realize I should be able to safely dismantle at least one of these turrets thanks to the walls here as for the last two big boom very good finally we're free again to go out and grab all of that steel that we so desperately need but then whilst I'm counting crystals tumors the drug lab goes boom a power conduit went bang directly beneath our store of explosive chemicals Burk and Crystal Brave the near 500° sea a to bash out the fires before running off to heal talai passively regenerate wounds so Burns aren't a huge worry for them but now we've got to rebuild and also I think probably deconstruct our turbines and batteries we don't need another boom like that thanks surprising surprisingly Burke is very happy at the moment enough to get a work frenzy which combined with his cancerous speed make him the fastest minor I've ever seen in Rim world and with the turbines gone we can turn their space into a large warehouse to store all of the stuff he's mining but before too long a few groups of pig folk drop podt around the area I can't see it being much of a problem and sure enough and hey look at that they brought a decent amount of flat gear as well which was kind now we've been running a ground penetrating scanner between research projects for a while now and it's found a very convenient plast steel deposit here Walling it off means we should have pretty much all of the plast steel we'll need for advanced components of course though that does come with the near constant infestations it's not a big deal though the companion dryads are happy to body block for Burke and his chain shotgun that the pigs kindly donated a moment ago yet another crash pod lands nearby containing a baseline human named story she's nothing special but is a follower of The Wretched way so if we recruit her we'll be able to actually do IDE Legion stuff so it's on the dining room floor She Goes we'll build her an actual prison soon enough and near immediately afterwards a child named jerk wants to join for some reason I decide to let them in and as a reward they're another taai poor kid but at least it means they'll haul quickly they're also following our ideolog meaning we don't need to wait for Dory to be recruited to make Burke the moral guide the temple needs tarting up though before we start conversion rituals for Crystal which is bad because her already foul mood is being worsened by a psychic drone leading her to vent her rage on poor Dory which sucks for her but as far as mental breaks go I'll take that a short while later seoa also goes in for round two poor Dory and right in the middle of constructing her a nice plush prison cell she I suppose understandably goes for a breakout only to have her ear bitten off and put on her ass by a companion dryad this is followed up by a group of imps who roll over in the Kill Zone exactly as you'd expect back in base the temple has been polished up a bit so let's start Gathering to yell at Crystal until she realizes that cannibalism is in fact the only way now another Mech cluster is here though with a climate adjuster cooling The Zone down and a group of turrets Burke man the artillery oh that's just lovely really a thing of beauty all that's left is this poor little milor o now I couldn't tell you why but I decided that Burke and Sequoia should be lovers I sent her over to his bedside to whisper some sweet nothings to him in her War mask and would you look at that they're in love somehow the heavens rejoice and cry a tear of elex for Burke to mine before some mechanoids ruined the fun and set up an Emi Dynamo nearby shutting down everything electrical until it's destroyed fine off bur goes to deal with it in the only way I know how by just walking up breaking in and smashing it before running away so with Burke back home all is well and the base is ticking along nicely when another Wanderer joins during a blood moon named caki they're pretty basic nothing special they do need converting but they're kind so that shouldn't take too long as the colony passes by day 200 I figure I ought to research and build a transport pod launcher to make friends with the nearby Alliance of onun who have offered a Persona core which we'll need for our spaceship after another quick infestation Dory has finally been recruited very good the conversion of saaki can continue nearly there now with our first harvest of devil strand Burke can get started on a Recon helmet for himself in casee there comes a time where he needs to man the front as it were thanks to the IDE legion's morbid style it's a skull too spooky it's time to start shooting shiny stuff over to the nearest Alliance of Onan settlement so they'll sell us a Persona core now we'll give them some elex I'm sure the Empire won't mind after that pod and another full of hard drugs they're willing to tell us where to go once Burke has made his armor I'll send him there a little while later a small group of pigs dro pod directly into burk's bedroom and start chucking around the molotov they were dealt with easily enough but I don't like that kind of behavior another round of alpha beavers arrived next which I didn't think I'd end up mentioning until they scuttled right into the base and ate Burks Garland tree as cathartic as I'm sure it was for him to gun them down that's going to upset him for quite a while we'll plant a new one but you can't link to one until you get over the last regardless we've still got to go get that Persona core so Burke fabricates himself a charge rifle and a set of recon armor but before we go what's in this ancient danger oh a big scary centipede that's what the basic charge rounds don't appear to be capable of going through its armor so we'll have to make some of the advanced stuff concentrated charge even that is doing really tiny amounts of damage but Burke Can Dance all day here in relative safety eventually finally taking it down all that for flesh shap and a little AI thing that finishes your current research the inhabitants of the pods had some nice armor though so there's that before Burke goes and gets that core it's time for him to get married to Sequoia in the living room that's covered in the equipment of a recently butchered person now that they're happy to sleep together I'll make a very shiny double bed that provides 146% rest Effectiveness but before he can sleep in it off Burke goes his mind full of happy thoughts and the screaming of his dead tree to get that AI Core and when he arrives the place seems clear but once he gets close it's a theander Ambush unlucky neander TOS Burke is fast and he's got a gun good luck once they're all dealt with he grabs the core and starts his walk home and once he's back he's got a lot of advanced component crafting to do the ship will need stacks of the things we'll prep an area for building the ship and then start strip mining the whole map since will need massive quantities of Steel to make the aforementioned components the first few parts of the ship start coming together the frame and the computer now we just need to spend a very long time Mining and crafting I've got little jerk spending basically his entire Waking Life at the Deep drills but the vast majority of the output is from Good Old Speedy Burke next to be built are the sensors and the caskets for everyone to sleep in just need the reactor and three engines now which mean we need a shedload more uranium plasti a bulk good ship was able to provide a good chunk of that plasti and then we learned that Burke got the job done leaving seoa ready to plant a baby yeah that's how Gand and kin do it they produce a sapling which takes something like half a year to grow into a child so we'll plant the sapling but we're close to finishing the ship now I'm not sure which will come first but we'll see at 241 days since we've arrived the ship is ready to start powering up which takes 15 days and attracting a whole lot of attention from the locals attention meaning raids what I didn't realize is that almost every single raid would be a breaching raid the ones where they break through your walls one way or another the first to arrive are the ash beasts who run at the West Wall earning themselves a pair of artillery shells in the process before breaking in and facing Burke who was sent berserk by a mind eater or whatever the cthulu guys are called enough of them had fallen to our artillery and burk's charge rifle that after one more of their ranks was punched down by the angry blob of tumors the rest fled chased all the way to the edge of the map The Next To Arrive were the impit who just aren't really prepared to face 155 mm H shells and a charge rifle wielding Maniac so it went pretty much as you'd expect for them now though an actual threat the mechanoids have arrived and they brought a termite with its weird kinetic Siege Cannon uh never mind and it's dead the rest of the gang are still going to show up and shoot at the walls but Burke can handle them at this point realizing it was just going to be a symphony of breaching raids I repaired the hole in the wall with embur placed a turret behind them and did the same at a few strategic points around the walls the heavy cannon in the bedroom slowly scanning through a hole in the wall certainly makes it a bit less homely but you really can't argue with that peace of mind the next raid then naturally lands directly inside of our base it's the pigs again I hate those guys they ruined the dining room luckily they're brain dead and run at the turrets despite already being inside the base fair enough next TOS folk who ran at the turrets good job more mechs then two termites this time having seen the result of only sending one I guess they near immediately destroy the Embraer and its turret leaving Burke once again to lead a solo defense the recon armor is doing it job though seeming to easily shrug off the blast of the termite cannons just like centipedes though they take a very long time to die but they do die we desperately need more steel now to fund this continuing war effort so Burke and his teratogenic Works speed are forced to stand at the Deep drill for a few solid days some iin came next but they're just normal Raiders so you already know what happened to them but wait at the same time Haywire drop pods ared from the pig folk they enemies of the iate so that turns this into even more of a clown Fiesta than it already was right you get the idea though this continues in much the same fashion mchive raids Pig folk SIDS everyone wants a piece and they all get one but with Just 2 days before launch a Siege shows up and it doesn't respond well to being counter sieged running at the base defenses instead of waiting for further bombardment next is another Siege and we're all out of 155 mm shells but we did grab a load of 81 mm ammo from that previous Siege so we'll put that to use instead sending tox shells at the beses for whatever good that does it's okay though they didn't bring any H shells either so are mainly launching fire foam and smoke at the base meanwhile sataki is busy making some H get one of those On Target and in they come to their deaths another gang of Mech are here nothing too serious looking and the wall turrets deal with them I thought that would probably be it but no the imps just had to have another go silly imps now we can go it's ready come on everyone in it's actually nice to win a game of Rim world for a change I feel a little bad about the sapling child though left all alone down there with just the abandoned dryads to keep it company oh well I'm sure they'll be fine you won't though if you go outside that is so don't just remain indoors it's not safe out there until next time thanks for watching and goodbye
Channel: Hazzor
Views: 591,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, modded rimworld, rimworld biotech, rimworld tips, rimworld ideology, rimworld guide, rimworld game, rimworld biotech gameplay, rimworld ep 1, rimworld story, let's play rimworld, rimworld episode 1, rimworld 1.4, rimworld royalty, rimworld biotech dlc, rimworld mod, lets play rimworld, rimworld 100 days, 100 days, rimworld genes, rimworld insectoids, rimworld challenge, rimworld taukai, rimworld cancer, rimworld spaceship
Id: L_l1iNNAsJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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