Uprooting The Word Of Faith Movement

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[Music] open your Bibles please to Galatians chapter 1 today I have a heavy message on my heart not that they all are so they're all so light but when you're uncovering things that you've been in for years you have to keep judging the Bible discerning and and looking at yourself and today I'm going to talk to you about one of the movements I came out of and to kind of do a disclaimer right from the beginning not everybody that preaches is has a bad heart you know that have been in these movements and not every preacher believes the same thing in these movements and so to just put like a lump thing of everybody on there but there are some basic doctrines that are very deep that I think some of us that have come out of these movements we know these things don't work we've seen a lot of things that are wrong what is right and what is wrong who's right who's wrong I mean people right now are going through a whole lot of confusion they don't know what to believe who to believe in and so today we're gonna look at this is a book I found through my research every time I'd research stuff and I and I go deep you know I keep looking and I keep looking I kept hearing this work this woman come up her name is Judith a matter now you got to have an a there because there are other matters that are really weird and you and I look them up and I'm like oh no they're flaky but this one here the born-again Jesus of the word faith teaching and we're gonna go through this book today because I know number one you're gonna have a hard time finding it it's written in the 80s and it's hard to find it's not an Amazon I think they wanted $100 or something for it I found it at the thrift store for 4 bucks so maybe you can find it there but it's the born-again Jesus of the word Faith Movement not attacking anyone but she goes into the Gnosticism of it and mic mark might be able to put down one of my youtubes that I preached on Gnosticism before I started studying this and seeing well I didn't know what Gnosticism was and because we don't have that history a lot of us don't realize that it's repeating itself and some things have gotten mixed in there and what she does she studied this for five years she's a strong researcher and basically what this goes through is the teaching of II W Canyon the grandfather of the Word of Faith Movement and I've shared some of this through some of my videos but she says some things today that are so foundational for our Christian life that I don't think a lot of people realize the roots of some of these things and why now we're seeing many many preachers leaving the Word of Faith Movement there's been confusion through the whole time I was in it from the you know the early 70s and people are always seeing the excesses of it the ditches of it even some of the original teachers didn't believe in a lot of the things so you know I also just thought well we'll just forget that part that doesn't work that part doesn't work but I never studied some of the very deep foundational things that we need to know what the roots are because if something has a root and it grows it has fruit right so we need to know why are so many people leaving church why are so many people discouraged and they feel this hasn't worked for me many preachers I've talked to even listened to and given testimonies they're like this isn't didn't work for me I'm mad at God I confessed I believed I did everything and my child still died or this happened or this happened and everybody always excuses everything and just says you don't have enough faith basically it's your problem but they don't realize that there's a whole lot more that we can't just Bach some of these things in little things you know like just these little ideas so let's look at Galatians 1 before I crucify myself with this message because people either love you or hate year after this and I've just decided you know people have asked me why aren't you doing these citywide woman meetings anymore because I am discovering some of the people that I promoted that I thought my whole Christian life I'm finding out some of their roots and today you're gonna you're gonna see some of these roots I can't in conscience good faith give out books to people I don't believe in anymore and a lot of us are going through this and you have to study your way out and I have studied we wrote it last three years four years we've really studied and grieved cried taught things that we thought was right not having all the answers but a lot of these things like I say I knew were wrong I didn't and I've preached against them pretty much my whole ministry but other ones I kind of thought while that was right and this person's all right and this is my mentor don't touch them and then we defend them and then we were taught in our movement don't touch them and you're gonna die you're gonna be cursed well guess what false prophets say that to prophets don't act that way there's a lot of clips on youtubes and they talk about how if you touch your children are gonna die if you touch this man I've got ridiculous that is just absolutely flesh it's but it put us all in the fear of we don't want to touch anything you know we don't I don't want to come against that one and we don't want to come against anybody to be coming against them but we need to find truth you know why this is your life this is your walk with God this is my walk with God and as a preacher I have to stand before God for what I've taught and trust me I keep repenting when I find I promoted a preacher then I'm like oh no and I'm finding out that wasn't good we're all going through a process and so don't feel bad if you feel like oh I'm just finding out this was wrong with that one the truth does set you free there's a freedom that comes when your eyes start opening up and you're starting to see wow this makes sense because the Word of Faith really claims that they were standing on the Bible the word but they only took certain words it's not the whole Bible they took a word of and this is a thing of taking adding on to what God said and we have to unlearn some things and a lot of people to be honest with you if it's not presented really sweet and nice they don't want to hear it and if it's not 15 minutes they don't want to hear it but our walk with God is more important than that we have got a study to show ourselves approved like any preacher on the sir that God tells us to and say well you can take this but you can't take that why because we thought if a preacher was good everything you preached was good and so anyway all that to say you've got to really know first of all my heart isn't to attack anyone and never has been but I do feel like James says I have to stand before God and please him and not man and this isn't a very popular message but because of our YouTube audience you'd be surprised how many people are watching they're saying thank you for saying this because people don't want to stand up and say this isn't working or they don't want to say this has been false teaching and you know what we have to where are the shepherds and the pastors and I just encourage you pastors out there to stand up and start exposing false teachings because if you don't do it now we're gonna have to stand before God and he's gonna say why did you lead my people astray that is such a heavy responsibility to even think that you would lead people in the wrong path you know I don't want to get emotional but that's how serious that this is in this hour so in verse 1 of Galatians 1 Paul an apostle not of men or by man we are not just ordaining people to be apostles God has to appoint him and now there's the original 12 apostles that saw him they have these testimonies now we have these new apostles and prophets that that think they're greater than these apostles that's the first red flag but these aren't weren't from man neither by man in verse 4 who gave himself for our sins he gave himself for our sins sins were laid on Jesus he did not become sin people are teaching this whole doctrine we're gonna get in this today but don't thank God that there's a cross and he took our place right that he was the son of God in the son of man he said I marvel that you so soon are removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you who would pervert the gospel of Christ but though we or of an angel now there's a whole big messages on angels now coming from heaven preach another gospel than what you've heard let him be accursed and we said before so I say now if any man preach any other gospel unto you that you have received that then what you have received let him be accursed for do I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet pleased men I should not be the servant of Christ it comes back to that do you want to please men or do you want to please God this is his word and we have to handle it with reverence we have to handle it with fear and if we've taught it wrong or promoted false teachers we have to repent right and is it fun no but it's I'd rather do it now then and judge myself and and I know you're all going through the same thing he said verse 11 but I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man we do not want a man's gospel and this is what I want to get into now and I and I'm gonna announce this book if you can find it great because I'm gonna do a feeble attempt I'm only gonna bring to you what I can what I think you can handle in this short amount of time but there's so much more in this book it's called the born-again Jesus of the word faith teaching by Judith a Matta ma t ta and let me just go I know a lot of you don't read but I some people just aren't readers so I understand that but this is so important that we understand some of the foundational roots of the teachings of the teachings why are these doctrines around who created them why are they here because if you don't know what the foundation is you don't know where we're going we're coming into a big global unifying church and we're seeing a lot of the fruits of it right now and people are freaking out they're like what happened all of a sudden our churches like it's so different and it's turning into occult --is-- everything of entertainment and it's it's hard to even get fed people are going I don't even get fed anymore I just get stories why there's this is all by design so we have to know that we've had a part to play in some of this and we have to also know the truth of it so a couple of the things it departs from true Christianity into a system of success okay and the word of faith teachings breeds an intolerance for human weakness and a lack of compassion this is one of the first things I saw when some of my preacher friends were dying of cancer and people would come over and slap her on the head and say be healed in Jesus name and I saw no compassion I said this can't be God this no glove no care no concern it was you know and they came in with colds judging her and she said they were cold sniffing and stuff and she goes in there contaminant I saw right away early on I thought this is not right something is really wrong there's an intolerance for people that are going through something okay that's number one there appears to be no repentant heart or humble spirit before the Lord as a lot of pride we got in this movement we have more than other people have our churches it we have revelation special revelation and no one else has it instead of worship service they hold rallies of self-motivation there is no reverence for God but there is a brash confrontation with a God whom they consider to be their equal now this is one of the major problems in this movement it teaches that we are equal with God we are little gods okay and we're going to go into this more here and they say they teach on love the law of love it's considered a law but I saw a little of it you saw a little fruit of love and despising for people that were poor and I used to take up offerings for people that were hurting and I'd get rebuked people with it I don't think I went they had enough faith they did there there's a that is so wrong when we start judging people putting them down thinking that we're above them okay this you'll see very popular what she's talking about here this is just her introduction she said I became aware of the books of V W Kenyon and she studied these for five years these teachings push believers into asking no demanding what they want from God okay we're called to be humble but in this movement we become decrees and declares and we demand and we take certain scriptures and then that makes us believe that God has to obey us because we're speaking His Word but the whole attitude is what pride versus humility this teaching justifies the fleshly desires of mankind those who have desires for things of this world can justify their worldly desire desires with allegedly Christian doctrines it's a new secular movement that has been presented to Christians from pulposus in the media across the world Christians have been reluctant to speak out against any teaching for the fear being called unloving or judgmental and trust me just when you start speaking up against this because we all used to do it back in the day don't touch our favorite preacher we're taught to be defensive we're taught to be arrogant we're taught to be why don't you listen to the other side well today I just ask you before you throw stones at me listen to the other side you might have to undo and adjust and learn something and and no you know what you're gonna be better off to hear the truth we're not here to defend anyone we're here to stand on the Bible right you have to get to that place because we all had our little favorites that we defended you know and at the risk of being called divisive those that care about the church have a duty you have to speak out if you love the Lord and you love the body of Christ it's our duty to speak out where there is a false presentation of Jesus Christ in his atonement real love will speak to the teaching while praying for the people that teach it so you're not attacking anyone what are you doing you're trying to find truth the Bible says we have to rightly divide and some truth has been presented to us we didn't even test it we just assumed it was God right so we don't judge the hearts of men before I get into this we don't judge the hearts of men but we're judging doctrine why because your life depends on it it's important that we have faith in him we're not having faith in our faith we're not having our faith how we can write our own tickets to God we have to find out what true faith is I remember going to meeting after meeting seminar and go if I hear one more sermon I'm mark 11:23 and 24 there it was like a brainwashing of what faith was in a formula and it was just like I back slid I did I said I don't want to go to another meeting that's all I ever hear there was something in it that just repulsed me but I didn't know what it was so I never preached on that that part of it but there were other parts that I did that I was that I was I got sucked into but stop defending what are you afraid of before we go on what are you afraid of looking at the other side of this mountain what are you afraid of I lost my place already made me started okay that was just the introduction this is still the introduction many attempt to explain the problems presented by the word faith movement but the foundational doctrines have not been examined on any of these studies this book is designed to introduce the reader to a thorough examination of basically the teaching of II W Canyon now II W Kenyon is considered the the grandfather of this message and if you don't understand the roots of the movement where he studied who he studied under and had it has changed and I'm not saying everybody preaches the way he does but there's a lot of doctrines that he brought in from these other metaphysics and these different cults and these different things and he mixed it with Christianity now there's such a mixture it's very confusing I have read this book five times in this last week and there's times I had to sit down it's just like my head got confused because it's some of the things are so close do you know I'm saying there's such a closeness and the things that I've been taught and I'm like okay now what's what is the truth like someone I was meeting with for breakfast the other day they were talking about dominionism and I said that is the kingdom now teaching we believe the kingdom is coming thy kingdom come Thy will be done jesus said My Kingdom is not of this world well they're teaching that you go and infiltrate every part you dominated and the Jesus is going to come back the bride has to do it and where did this teaching come well it came from an extra-biblical revelation from a so-called prophet that said Jesus appeared to him and said there's nothing else I can do if you don't do it I can't do it in the name of Jesus you rebuke that demon if you didn't rebuke that demon I could so what it do it gives all the power to the believer you have to remember it's still his power we're using his name he's told us to go lay hands in his name it's not our power it's his power just because he's given us his power doesn't mean he doesn't have anymore he's still got and we are not thank God he lets us work with him but he is still boss well in this teaching it makes you equal with him see this is why it's so wrong and we get arrogant and then when it doesn't work people backslide and it doesn't work for them either go look at those articles I've shared before on the death by face they died by they died with cancers and tumors and stuff secret surgeries I just heard one of the main guys went and had surgery he was deaf and he had surgery to hear again but he won't let any of us followers know that you should be able to free be free to tell people what you're doing you're believing God trusts and got there shouldn't be a secret side of you no I can't let people know that because I teach this you know there's just so much so this goes on it's like what the real Christians please stand up and quit lying I get so tired you think you meet people and you find out they're not even believed there who are you a whole nother secret life secret women anyway sorry I don't even know if I'm gonna get through this book today so this book is designed basically to go through the teachings of II W Canyon the foundations for this word faith system are based in Gnosticism Gnosticism means secret knowledge in the greek knowledge was a primary tool that the gnostic used to draw new converts into their groups they taught that man could become divine get this that man could become equal with God through special knowledge now this is still going on okay the problem with Gnosticism than it is now is that it's mixed with Christian terminology wrapped in Christian words it's hard to discern so you have to know what is the basis what are the what are they teaching you as a believer okay so she's going through this the knowledge of man's divinity was lost they say and now can be regained through special rights special magic formulas be careful whenever you hear formulas formulas to put on the armor of God well what happens when I go to sleep does the armor fall off you got to put that armor back on in the morning because it didn't work now it works again no we're walking in him we're living in him he the Bible says it's finished it's finished we walk in him we live in him we have our being in him we're not separated we're you know what I'm saying but there's so much works involved in this they de throne God they put you on the throne and then there's a whole lot of work you got to do magic formulas and part of this thing is you're going to notice in this movement elite attitudes the haves and have-nots the apostles that hear from God and then you peons it know nothing well guess what God says that his spirit lives in you he says he's teaching you he says the Holy Spirit's in you there is no elitism and then they act like they're so great and they have no fear but they're they have to have tons of security and why don't you trust God and believe he'll protect you like you tell all of us peons to do Oh trust me I had my own sir in back in the day they were all like I came from that big church stuff I hated it too I was like you guys I'd always go to the bathroom and leave my mic whatever they call him uh sure's and stuff and I was like why are you keeping me from the people they aren't gonna hurt me it's when I'm out of here that I need your help not in church but there's this whole you're so precious and special and you have such an anointing and we got to protect you and guard you and can't let anyone talk to you might lose your anointing elite elitism then the second one they reject the cross we were told to get rid of all the crosses in fact today it would be like having a little electric chair around your neck why would you glorify death did you guys hear that take get rid of the crosses this is Gnosticism suffering Savior there was no escape there's no reason to suffer for a savior who had himself avoided suffering by somehow separating himself from this body of flesh on and on there's a whole lot here I'm not going to get into but the role of Jesus Christ is always compromised in a cult whenever there's wrong teachings they're going to get this wrong and now do we get everything right no are we still learning absolutely but when we find error we have to especially as ministers we got to bring it out and we got to say this is right teaching and this is wrong teaching and if you don't believe it you know what you got to study yourself you're gonna have to research this out to find out what you believe because we've been told what to believe and then we're finding out some of the things we were told we're based in bad theology they will miss resent him as a mere man who can't can show the rest of humanity the way now this is what they're saying that Jesus he died he died sent as a sin you know sin was on him and now he was the first born again man apart from all of all of this stuff now we can follow Jesus and we can become like Jesus we can do all the works that Jesus did because we're equal with God does that make sense so now we're coming into a signs and wonders and miracles movement based on these teachings that you have Jesus as a model and you can do just as much as well guess what he's Jesus and we weren't oh boy that's that doesn't go over it they they tell you the world hates the true gospel of a crucified Savior and arisen Lord the world and its people do not hunger for the things of God for but for what the world has to offer in these teachings what have a lot of them do now not all of them have but some of them do they make success health and wealth prosperity the goal of Christianity so people run to get saved just for that message no we got to get saved and make him Lord we have to make him Lord and repent and renounce our sins and take him on as our Savior and our Lord right so a lot of people are just saying a prayer hoping they have a better life well guess what he's promised his persecution are you still wanting to get saved he didn't promise you aren't gonna have trouble he said there's gonna be storms and trials but he's with us and do we throw out all the this stuff no there's truth you know every kind of even in Mormonism I mean they think they're gods too but they also got their man that had visitations from angels too that gave him a new extra biblical revelations just like what has happened in the Word of Faith these angels come and they tell us stuff but Kenyon's gospel redefines faith to mean believing what is spoken will be brought about in this life according to the amount of faith that one has his carbon-copy followers and struck Christians and others from television and radio programs about their legal rights okay the term Gnosticism means knowledge it's one who exalts knowledge above spiritual moral and intellectual value knowledge becomes the tool for controlling life so what the whole message is is if I get into this Jesus and I say the right things I have power I can control my life I can control everything I do in the world that's called the law of attraction and the church is called a word of faith now that's sad don't throw your stones just finish it out knowledge becomes a tool for controlling life first search for information becomes all-important and all obsessive desire to want to know the secrets of life the laws that govern things and people and sometimes cases the desire to use this knowledge to become as God you are little gods now they've come down on that a little bit because it hasn't went over so well but there's if you go back to some of these original teachings they will you'll hear it and you'll see it in the Gnostic worldview however the physical world is governed by lesser gods some called forces look over in Daniel I think it's 11 38 and 39 it says how about the god of forces the Antichrist is going to be ruled by the god of forces and gold and silver and all that stuff it's gonna be all made up of the world and stuff we don't want to be a part of the god of forces God does not operate by laws of faith okay they say that there is a faith force have you heard that that force is a or faith is a force and it doesn't matter if you're saved or not saved these laws have to work just like gravity there is no Bible verse for that force law of faith there is not one they make certain things but they go into the forces and this is Gnosticism we didn't hear about it so when we heard a lot of faith was a force we're like oh I want that but their origin must become considered without doubt to the original temptation remember and said you want to be like gods you shall be like gods oh yeah want to be like God that's still the lie of the devil people are wanting to be like God take your place as a creature and let him be who he is take a break the toll of Gnosticism is to release the inner spiritual man from its material world and self so that he could attain to his original divinity now this is why they deny senses they deny the physical realm they have to put down what they see and they focus on what they want the law of attraction that you speak it out and it is attracted to you you don't want anything negative spoken because then you'll get the negative thing right spoken to you in their system Jesus was a revealer of the way in attaining this this he was away he's not it he's not the way but he is showing us how to act and how to be like God see this you see the fine line there's got to be a separation between who God is who Jesus is and who we are we have to keep that separation in these teachings they unite them does that make sense I know I'm not doing a great job explaining this but hang on oh thanks for the encouragement it's just such a huge topic the the ultimate fascination of Gnosticism is not with god or gods but with man the whole focus is on you what you have to do to get God to get you what you want it's man centered and it's self centered God is an idea who can be known and controlled by man through knowledge that's Gnosticism do you see it in any of our movements today with this knowledge will come control that is the desire of this movement to be in control of his own destiny as Gnostics they want to know the secret of power that is assigned and ascribed to God alone guess what we need to keep the power in God he is we pray we seek Him we humble ourselves we pray we do we don't throw out all the things that that's in the word because people have used it to an excess this is where we all are trying to find out okay where is the balance do do we still believe in certain things yes but to command God to demand and and to have this attitude that we're so arrogant we're so special we're Kings were Queens were so elite it goes back to Simon the sorcerer I was gonna preach on that today but don't have time what is that he wanted the power he wanted the power this is what I'm seeing now we got the power we got the power it's his power and if he lets us use it lay hands on people he gets all the glory he's the one that gets the glory we don't get the glory we still trust him we still believe him for things but guess what he gets the glory in the Gnostic worldview now listen to this the spirit world and its laws govern the physical laws of our visible world the visible around world around us is a reflection of the spiritual realities and operations by controlling the spiritual world the believer can control his physical $0.05 world this is Gnosticism they can believe they can control their body by the spirit the father of the New Age is wolf Ralph Waldo Emerson and on he taught a W Kenyon he was a devotee of one of his colleges I'm not going into all this but he claimed to have the knowledge of the secrets of the universe given to him from divine sources GW Kenyon sat under him another author was tr I and II he had many books he sat under this man which was new thought a metaphysical point of view which stressed the unity of Geddes all religions in a religion of love we are going to hear this more and more its ecumenical it's bringing in everybody under the banner of love the law of love listen to some of his books the law of prosperity Jesus taught that all men are like him affirmations to create thought forces there is only one true religion of love Wow new thought go study on new thought okay let me get to my next little spot here I don't want to read all this okay a man one of these famous preachers was on a famous television thing and he says I want to teach something and he acts like he's taught God can I tell him and everyone's waiting on he's talking to God right now is God gonna let him tell us okay I guess I can tell you he said who was the biggest failure in the Bible and this host goes well Wow it's now it's not Judas Iscariot he said no God is the biggest failure he lost 130 of his angels and he lost his main man Adam it was only in giving his son that he got other sons back therefore God became a success by giving and send in your thousand dollars please Wow the host goes this is a revelation from God this limited this limited view of a weak God who is a failure is at the heart of the rebellion of this teaching the man wants to take control of his own life and not risk following the plan God has for him do you see how serious this is this is not a little bit of oh it's just a little false doctor and this is man centered man wants the power man knows how now we figured out the laws that can control God to give me what I want the sovereign God is truly unlimited they make him limited the God taught by though this system is limited to man's response to his plan he is helpless in God is helpless in the wake of man's disobedience in the Garden of Eden they make God down to are guess what there's a whole lot we're not gonna figure out how to about him but they bring it down do you understand they're bringing it down does this make sense you guys they cannot come right out with directly saying man is God people would freak out but Jesus came according to these words not to die on the cross and obtain reconciliation between God and man through the forgiveness and sin which we believe instead he came to restore mankind to their rightful place as equals with God do you see the root of this teaching how serious this is no he came to get help us with our sins and there's there's no human nature you're either satanic or divine there's no neutral ground here we were we had a human nature we needed to be born again okay we're gonna disobey does this make sense to you guys since since man is equal with God as a spirit and this teaching he can walk in the god-kind of faith' the god kind of love the life of God of which all are separated out and available to my God kind of being like men walking in the love of God for instance means walking in another law this love becomes a force which brings favor to the believer independently from God apart from God by walking in God's love quote you release a force to work in your behalf a force stronger than any force in existence and I've always said that to love is the strongest force in the universe where did I get that from one of these guys I repent I repent it is not a law these but the whole Gnosticism is faith is a force love is a force righteousness is the force all of these gods of forces the these teachers set aside the divinity of Christ saying that he acted only as a spirit-filled man while on the earth this is essence denies that Jesus Christ is actively fully God and fully man do you see that because then that could make us be like God if you later know Jesus was fully God and he was fully man this this is huge now I never understood that teaching and I never ever preached on it thank God but I've had to study this out now and it's like it does it make sense it is kind of confusing if Jesus is a born-again man and is now exalted at the right hand of God then you and I who are also born-again are equal with God they say this is the foundation of this teaching this is the heart and the foundation of all their teaching to make themselves equal with God and be in control of their circumstances and of their lives just a little more the new creation this teaches are basically man centered like all gnostic cults their main focus is the believers identity and powers now remember we're in Christ we don't need to be apart from him doing all this stuff all these formulas to try to get we're in him there is a rest God said it is finished our trust is in him they have made faith in our faith well I just guess I don't in it and when it doesn't work it's your problem you don't have enough faith you're condemned you're put down I just read a testimony of someone that was going to one of these supernatural schools and she said I I did get my healing well go back into these healing rooms and sit there till you get enough faith to get healed it always put the pressure on the people just get enough faith well how do you get that they never really quite tell you how you get it you just got to get more of it Jesus Kingdom remember it's not of this world even if you just learned that one verse his kingdom is not of this world these people are trying to make everything become a part of this world we are pilgrims pass them through right we're just pilgrims passing through much of their rhetoric is that man can save himself from destruction you can save yourself you just have the right words you have the right power you can save yourself have you found out that doesn't work this is the secular New Age message in one phrase the man can save himself the separation preach between God and the Christian must be kept as a sacred boundary without the separation the believer himself becomes God and center of his destiny we always have to know who God is I don't this is should be so simple disaster follows one who refuses the lordship of God and listens only to his desires and wants so what do we have we have a bunch of selfish toddler Christians that are demanding God around Boston got around using people to get wealth using people promised them things that aren't true would God do that if he doesn't lie why should we as preachers lie promising you all the stuff you're gonna be so rich and wealthy and gods commanded you to be rich and wealthy and after 30 40 years you know what you find out I have to work to get my money God's blessed me he's helping me but you can't just promise things we live in a real world okay just a little more this search for power apart from the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit is clearly seen in the Gnostics Simon the magician he desired power go study that outtakes x89 2:24 from the Apostles and was willing to pay money for the power of the Holy Spirit people are willing to pay money for power today I don't know why people are so power-hungry well I got to have this and this is the gift I have it's all his gifts if God chooses to and I believe in the gifts of the Spirit I believe in the word of wisdom I've had him I've had dreams I've had a lot of stuff but I don't go running around saying this is what God's saying now to the church he might tell me something but then they tack on thus saith the Lord to every little dream they have this is what God's saying now don't you believe in prophets I don't believe in nonprofits with the secular humanist preaching the power of man the manifested sons of God will smoothly into the pattern of a great worldwide effort at unity and peace which will sweep the earth man is in control of the earth and must overcome that makes sense let me close with this one saying here true Christians can read the last book in the Bible the Book of Revelations and find that is not man's power that will rescue us but the power of God who destroys his enemy and allows us to reign with him forever with power safe in the hands of God isn't that good faith is not a force it's a relationship it's a relationship we put our trust in him in dependence upon him we have unconditional surrender like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and anyone else that's in a fiery furnace I trust you Lord but if I don't get delivered I'm still serving you Lord if I still go through a storm I'm still serving you Lord our dependence is on him error puts us in charge error puts you in charge truth puts God in charge isn't that a safe place to be and tells us to surrender to him for his will by faith what do we do we abide in Christ and we walk in him we rest he said it's finished we trust him we read his word we don't have to keep reading books from these men that said they're getting new visions from God and we what do we do we're depending more and more on men and that's why I like this book because it comes it makes you go back right to your Bible you know what we have to expose some of these doctrines as hard as it is and not everyone's believed this but a lot of people have and now now they're in a state of confusion and they're angry and they're mad at God one testimony has reading the guy says I was so mad at God I've done everything they've told me to do and it didn't work for me what's wrong with me what's wrong with my why do I have kids that want to rebel I trained him I did everything I know because I have a will you can't control people's will amen you guys okay father we thank you for your word that while there's so much going on in the body of Christ these movements and we have to know where they originate because more movements are coming they're becoming massive revivals in your name with signs and wonderings following and there's going to be a lot of New Age and ocultism in it and if we don't rightly divide we can get swept away and taken away to another gospel and another Jesus but father we don't need encounters we don't need anything unless you choose to do it we are thankful that we're saved right on our way to heaven we trust you we believe you we we live every day with the presence of God in our life we're so thankful that you saved us from this evil and corrupt world that there is a heaven and there is a hill and we're thank you we so much thank you Father our sin was laid upon Jesus we thank you for that cross the cross of Jesus is so important that they don't want to talk about today that that's where it all happened and we thank you Father you said it's finished we believe in your finished work everyone said [Music] you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 6,620
Rating: 4.8883719 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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