Extra Biblical Revelations And False Trips To Heaven

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning open your Bibles please to Acts chapter seven while you're turning there I want to go over a quick article 20 New Age practices that are infiltrating the church boy has there been an infiltration on the last few years hasn't there the exciting part to me is these people that have been in a new age that are getting saved they're exposing it they're exposing what's been happening in some of these churches and one of them is Doreen Virtue and this article I'm only going to hit the highlights of it but she said she came out of the New Age and she'd come to these churches and she'd see the New Age in these churches and who better to blow horn than someone that's been there done that so she said when Jesus saved me and I left the New Age to follow Jesus I thought that I was done with it I was shocked to find how many New Age practices have infiltrated the church now this isn't just fringe churches we're talking mainline churches the devil is sowing tares amongst the wheat here's a list of 20 New Age practices that all Christians should avoid and rebuke first of all not preaching the gospel stay away from churches that avoid teaching the gospel that Jesus died to save us from the penalty of our sins because in the new age there's no discussion of anything that could offend someone so no one learns about sin Hell repentance Jesus work on the cross or salvation in the new age the belief is that everyone is going to heaven just love just love everybody's just gonna walk in love and unity the New Agers also believe that you go to heaven by being a good person that is salvation by works belief which is unbiblical people need to realize that we are all sinners and that we need Jesus as our Savior that is 101 but that 101 message is now being erased downplaying our doubting the Bible adding to the Bible with special revelations today I'm going to talk about extra-biblical revelations and why they're bad and another thing I had to repent of I'm such a guinea pig here because when I got saved I wanted all of God and when people said they went to heaven I just of course believed them and I took notes and I wanted to you know wow this is so exciting but then a lot of people know now that there's some people that are going to heaven heavenly visits that are we've been talking about in a lot in our youtubes but you don't realize this didn't just start this started in the latter rain Joel's army and the word of faith and today we're going to talk about a couple people that are from the Word of Faith that started some of this opening up the door to a lot of what's happening now that you might not know and I didn't know and I was told by some people don't touch these people if you touch these apostles and prophets everyone will leave you and guess what well some have but other people are like thank you for telling the truth and that's who we're going for we're going for the people that want truth that have to unlearn like me we repent we get back up again aren't you glad God cuts it's not done with us that we've all blown it we've all made mistakes but our heart is to be part of the wheat we don't want to be the tares we want to be the humble the the servants those that are seeking after truth not the the tears that are getting so arrogant so unbelievably entitled and narcissistic it's just gonna be black and white in the days to come but they're downplaying the Bible with their special revelations and beings that they have their new prophets and apostles they can just go to heaven and what I'm going to share with you today is not only are they going to heaven which is false what they're taking some of these trips but they're adding to the Bible and they're changing doctrines so they say Jesus told me this well who are you who are you to question when somebody had a visitation from Jesus and we're gonna find out did Jesus really visit these people because he's not going to contradict himself and he's not going to tell you one thing in the Bible and then tell you another through a special Apostle who just had a trip from heaven so we're gonna hit some of that today special revelation that contradicts Scripture in fact one of the Word of Faith guys I'm going to talk about actually said he talked with Enoch and some of these other guys and they felt bad that they were so negative in the Bible and they wanted to rewrite the Psalms if they could today and wow-whee that just went over a lot of our heads so the New Age says that the Bible is tampered with and incomplete with missing books special revelation message contradict what the Bible says therefore what they're false they're false and we're going to talk about some of these trips to heaven today that are false okay and then yoga each pose is bowing to a specific pagan deity now this is someone that's been there come out of yoga means to be yoked up with and actually in India it is a preparation for death they do yoga to being reincarnated into their next phase of life so she exposes that Yoga is not just stretching it is idolatry music with unbiblical lyrics we have to compare the worship music lyrics against scripture again I'm not reading the whole thing I'm just gonna skip over some of this is it Ricky Ricky Ricky and energy healing this is idolatry using energy from unfamiliar spirits and symbols for healing beware of anyone who using the word chakra in the church as this is a new-age belief so this is being indoctrinated as little subtly subtly giving self the glory instead of God the glory this is huge the me messages it's all about you were so entitled giving self glory instead of God the glory and the New Age positive affirmations are used to boast confidence to build pride these affirmations do not work which is proven by the fact that you have to keep saying them over and over and over and over again repeatedly the Bible teaches that our purpose is to glorify God and all we do it's such deliverance to forget about herself and concentrate on him isn't it in the New Age believe in yourself you don't need God just believe in you have faith in your own faith this new-age slogan glorifies yourself and says that you need to follow your heart the Bible says the heart is deceitful and anyone who takes an honest inventory of their life can see that their heart misleads us proverbs 3:5 says that we must trust God and lean not upon what our own understanding now here's her coming out of the New Age saying the Word of Faith name it and claim it commanding God giving God permission your best life now decree and declare sowing a seed for prosperity in the new age this is called manifesting or the law of attraction Jesus calling books I'm not going to go into those cymose you know that's New Age the channeled the canosa's doctrines the teaching that Jesus was just a human that he was not God that he emptied his divinity during his earthly ministry with new age and occult acquits so if Jesus put aside his deity and he had the anointing they say we can do the same thing as Jesus did this is new age and now another one that's creeped into a lot of our movements is the little gods in the new age the Bible verse be still and know that I am God is taken out of context New Agers believe that they are in training to become a little God that's why they keep getting layers and levels and going higher and higher now the big thing now I'm hearing about is the co-creating with God co-creating we need God we are to follow his will which is clearly outlined in the Bible it it's the whole thing now that they co-create their words are as powerful as God's words this has been going on for many many years praying to angels we're not going to go into that one but we know that Harry Potter acceptance and tolerance remember that God sends angels according to his will not ours then the intagram that's this personality test this from automatic writings which is a dangerous occult practice of getting metric messages from what unfamiliar spirits the New Age practices are similar to alcoholism they are progressive and people crave more and more intimacy they may not start out with something that seems that was something that seems innocent but it's always leads to a darker experience the New Age is a devil's tool the New Age is the devil's tool to infiltrate the church so beware of these practices amen now let's start today in Acts chapter 7 and we're going to talk about three men that were actually allowed a glimpse into heaven they were given a glimpse into heaven and we need to see what's really the Bible and then what these new prophets and apostles are saying because according to them the rules have changed the rules have changed in the most popular place now on earth is heaven and you can go there anytime you want according to them now let's see what the Bible says because in Acts chapter 7 we see Stephen Stephen was a man of God he did miracles and when he died let's see what happens here in verse 54 he was preaching the gospel they these all these people that were against God that were rebellious rebellious they gnashed on him with their teeth but he being full of the Holy Ghost what do you do when you're dying I also believe that's going to happen sometimes I've been around people and you can almost tell that they're they're entering in to that next realm and they're seeing things and when you die you you do trance go into another realm he looked up steadfastly into heaven anybody saw he saw the glory of God and he saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God and said behold I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God of God and then here we see that there was a young man there this name was Saul verse 58 and first 59 and they stoned Stephen what he doing calling upon God he was dying he was being persecuted and saying Lord Jesus receive my spirit he kneeled down and he cried with a loud voice voice Lord lay not this sin to their charge and when he had said this what'd he do he fell asleep that should give us great comfort so here we see stove Stephen being stoned and then we we see Paul let's look at Paul in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 Paul who wrote a third of the New Testament let's see what happened to him verse 1 it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord I knew a man in Christ about 14 years ago whether in the body I cannot tell or whether out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth such a one caught up to the third heaven let's look at verse 4 how that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words underlying unspeakable words in other words he was not allowed to talk about it which is not lawful for a man to utter so here we see Paul who wrote a third of the New Testament he was not allowed to tell us what he saw and what he heard in heaven think about that from these two apostles John now John the revelatory he also was given a vision of Jesus Christ and he wrote the Bible and it prepares us for what is coming and where we're going so from these two apostles Paul and John we have the insight we need to have faith what is waiting for us as we are pilgrims and believers on the earth right so we're called to walk by faith that's trusting in him trusting and what he says what he what his will is walking with Him doing his will on the earth in Revelations 22 were told that we are not to add to what the Bible says and we're not allowed to take away what the Bible says so how come now we have people that are going to heaven all the time they have books on heaven they talk about heaven just as freely as going to the bathroom there's no reverence there's no uh turrent like but Paul here he couldn't even speak about what he saw and heard he wasn't allowed so have the rules changed or is there another Jesus is there another gospel being preached today we're told anyone can go to heaven not just go but make multiple trips they're telling us in certain of these schools that they take all the children to heaven during lunch oh are they all goal what's happening to some of our mainline Christian churches they said that they can go back and forth any time they want now John was writing the Book of Revelations he was given a vision of the end of the age he had a special mission now we have all these new apostles and it didn't just start now even though we're just kind of hearing some of these terms even the movements I came out of and I want to talk about that today some of their so-called visits to heaven in open visions and how they subtly change the Bible and you might not have seen some of this so have the rules changed has the Bible changed how come we're hearing another another whole set of rules that you can go to heaven and in fact they're saying now that if you don't go and have encounters it's not acceptable it's not acceptable now the movement I came out of the Word of Faith one of the main ministers there said he had an open vision Jesus appeared to him and told him about the ministry of the Prophet and the Lord said that he's going to give him a message and if they don't accept the message that this man was to give him because he's a prophet they would be responsible and he said there will be ministers who don't accept it and they're going to fall dead in their pulpits you know what this is ministers are being bullied into accepting the new revelations or be killed by God plain and simple Jesus supposedly told him that Christians were in charge of their own personal angels and were to order them around to bring them money nowhere in the bible does it tells us to talk to our angels to get money and also that if we're led by the inward spirit that we would be rich he's not against us being rich he's against us being covetous is what we were taught well hum I know that is not scriptural if you look at it in the light of what the Bible says this is someone with a what extra biblical revelation and many of us spent years under these movements these are direct revelations they say are from God historically you need to know this cults and false religions who claim to speak for God condemn all those who refuse to listen now another word of faith guy goes to heaven by a cable car with the blonde angel okay we're gonna look at that now these new revelations as subtle as they might be they change the Bible into believing something different right so in this one this is a really small rating the guy that went up with the cable car because he's word of faith he goes to heaven and he meets Bible characters in heaven and he actually says they agree with him on the prosperity message he meets King David in heaven who tells him that he should have done a better job on the Psalms can you imagine saying you go to heaven and you can do a better job than what you did in the Book of Psalms as he explained I allowed God and I need to come through in that Psalm 23 David said and other songs I sang strongly about my troubles I think I should have allowed more of the answer to come through instead of the complaining this is so-called David this is contradicting in heaven now let's just change everything to to be all happy it's Kuwait this is just the beginning David also told him I wish I had written more songs about God's answers than about my problems this undermines the doctor of the inspiration of all scripture in first Timothy 3:16 says all Scripture is inspired so now we can have trips to heaven and meet these guys and they say well that I was a little Negative David was apologizing for his Psalms these passages they're saying that they're a mistake and then another one of the same vain this man talks to Paul okay now first he's talking to David no remember necromancy is talking to the dead those guys are dead they might be living in heaven but we're not to be going to heaven to talk to these people okay because Deuteronomy 18 tells us that we can't do that so why would God contradict and have these guys go to heaven and tell him things that he told us not to do it's like a bad parent don't go drink but then they drink you know what I mean hypocrisy so anyway he's talking to Paul now and then Paul also realizes that he made a mistake in one of his passages yeah Paul is contrasting this temporal life long time with eternity and supposedly Paul in heaven read it this way a moment not in is not a lifetime Paul in heaven is quoted change it back to a moment so Paul now that he's in heaven is a faith teacher who doesn't think Christians should experience afflictions except for perhaps a moment our outward man is decaying day by day is speaking of the same thing as momentary as or do we believe that a man who talked to Paul in heaven all of a sudden always going to change that so in other words we don't have afflictions because you got to change everything when you're in you when you're pushing doctrines you have to change things that don't agree with your doctrine so these are new revelations that come to the church but the Bible says it's the scriptures that make us wise unto salvation so why would God tell us these things in Scripture and then have some guy through a cable-car in a blonde angel go talk to David and Paul and they both regret the the scriptures that they were a part of what that was a little negative should make us think shouldn't it instead of thinking oh god they all went I wish I could go another promise prominent false teacher that's on TV large book sales says we are entering a time that everyone who really belongs to God will be having spiritual encounters and making trips to heaven and every person of God is supposed to be entering into the heavenly realm get with it would you and return with evidence of heavens reality because they're saying that heaven is coming down to earth okay now if you haven't heard this you don't realize this is mainstream this is happening all over the place return with evidence of heavens reality and its authority over anything on earth he claims people have to enter into heaven more and more more and more trips to heaven are going to be happening and visions into the spirit world he states it's no longer longer an option if you're saved it's no longer an option you have to have encounters and you need to be going to heaven this teacher claims to be having personal encounters with Enoch and Elijah again these guys are dead they are not supposed to be giving us further new revelation and the real reason he said the real reason they did not die is to talk with people and give revelations now Isaiah 8 19 through 20 look there if you can later but they tell you they talk about you seek those with familiar spirits and wizards that peep they're peeping into the spirit realm they're peeping and they're going places they're not supposed to go and the reason they do that is because the light is not in them now Paul had revelations but he also had a thorn in his flesh do you know that did I read that in second Corinthians I didn't did I okay we got to read that second Corinthians 12 1 through 6 it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory I will come to visions revelations of the Lord in in the body or out of the body I don't know ok and verse 4 we got there and heard unspeakable words which is not lawful for a man to utter and then in verse 7 he says unless I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of what of the revelations there was given to me a thorn in the flesh boy the movement I came out of you don't talk about this thorn of the flesh that was it because they have no excuse for how come he had a thorn in the flesh well if you read on down it tells you what is the what he must had eye problems he must have had this or that people make up so the strangest thing but he said there was given to me a thorn in the flesh the messenger of Satan to buff at me lest I should be exalted above measure and then he said he asked didn't ask it to go away but it did in verse 10 here's what the thorn was I believe therefore I take pleasure in what infirmities he was being attacked in reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distress is for Christ's sake for when I am weak then I am strong because God told him my grace is sufficient for you so he had all these revelations and the enemy was attacking him right and these people do you really have revelations from God you want to be attacked oh no there's no consequences for these people they just visit it up and down they have no persecution no trouble they're all just happy joyful their best life now interesting so this teacher claims to be having personal encounters with Enoch and Elijah and the real reason they didn't die is to talk with people and give them revelations so you know that's why God told us don't add or take away he wanted us to know don't buy into these flaky people they're gonna take you away from the Bible they're going to add new things they're gonna say they talked to all these people in heaven and they're going to come back and change things God doesn't want us he's not the author of confusion wouldn't that be confusing so here these false teachers say you need to learn the message of Enoch do you know what the message of Enoch they say well here it is I found out what their message but Enoch saying these days oh this is a good one these visitations from Elijah and Enoch he says that Elijah is just not as joyful as Enoch in heaven because Elijah was so focused on evil all the evil going on in his day and all the error instead of being happy and he claims that it's why God took away the ministry from Elijah and gave it to Elijah now here again is a doctrine being changed don't focus on end times don't focus on what's really going on in the world live in this false reality live in the glory realm or you can't really face if you're sick or not it's taking you out of reality and it's bringing you into some weird zone this advancement of visitations and extra-biblical experiences are with spirits and demons that reject using the Bible as our standard and guide for the truth so now we sit under people that sell us books and DVDs and make a lot of money on their trips to heaven and we put more confidence in what they saw then what Paul and all these other people are talking about in the Bible because after all this is happening today in our day so it's fresh it's deception then these prophets make clear charges against those who are promoting fear or causing division and fault-finding now if you're just discerning Christian today you're the one that's going to be persecuted and now we know there's a big change coming to YouTube and all this the purge isn't gonna affect these people trust me it's going to affect the ones that are pointing out the errors of other people he claims we are going to see these people removed this is called separation in the New Age movement he claims we're going to be using jacob's better as the example worse this is the thing well you know Jacob used it so we're gonna go climb up and down Jacob's Ladder and have all these revelations and talk to these dead people and get fresh new things we're supposed to be climbing further and further into the heavenly realm during our life to have trips to heaven and enter the supernatural spirit realm what was Jacob's Ladder Jacob's Ladder was a confirmation of the Abrahamic covenant not an entrance for us today to go in and out of portals of heaven like you go at the in and out II hamburger joint Jacob's Ladder represents the mediator Jesus Christ who came to earth and became the ladder the stairway and the Redeemer for us so we may live in heaven for eternity this is like a game unlike the Tower of Babel who tried to reach heaven by their own actions what is that that's what's happening through their own actions they're trying to peep going to places that God's telling them not to go there Wizards that peep in Isaiah chapter 8 these new breed of super false apostles can take trips to heaven at will any time they want to go they just go well Stephen died and he saw into heaven let's talk about some of those things now there was one this is a lady in 2018 she said in one of her newsletters or whatever as some of you know I've been fighting the flu for over two weeks now and it's been frustrating yesterday I sent it into the heavens to enquire regarding some warfare I've discerned in the spirit but did not recall clarity so I pursued the Lord again today with a couple of my key intercessors Paul was caught up in the third heaven he did not go wherever he felt like it as many of these na our prophets teach when describing the event Paul spoke in the third person as an indicator of his humility and the solemn nosov this occasion furthermore the revelations he received came at a price he had a thorn in the flesh the boasts about these other people they access into heaven they trained others to do the same and then they profit from revelations they go to classes you have to pay money to learn how to go in and out of these realms it's sad isn't it but then she goes on how the spirit letter into the second heaven and he showed her a number of evil spirits who were dropping spiritual black clouds down to the earth I saw that these clouds were called plague and death I knew instinctively that the plague reserved represented the flu virus and that not only the plague but many has attacked him they've been dealing with this flu virus she was given a large sword and the Lord said used this sword and cut off the heads of the demons releasing the plague of death these plagues of death and I as I responded by taking the sword to the head she took off these boys she was such a warrior she took off the heads of all these demons then she said it's finished and after the demons were halted there were no more black cows coming out of the second heaven and I felt the Lord say the flu virus is finished and then she says this is 2018 now apparently it came back again ok a lot of people are fighting the flu again maybe she needs to go up there and fight again I believe we are to go to the new levels of authority in this hour I decree and declare today that I saw what I saw in the spirit this year's flu virus is dead and then she shares about stopping the third world war and then she curses the Ebola virus boy talk about power trips are you guys doing okay Jesus is not in the business of taking groups of people on tours to heaven or hell Hebrews 10 11 through 13 says he's at the right hand of the Father until he returns to establish his physical kingdom on the earth right again Deuteronomy 18 10 through 11 necromancy talking to the dead is forbidden why would he have Christians talking to the dead in heaven if he forbids them to do that now here's another article and I'm not gonna read all of this she won't believe it but this is found on lettuce reason ministries heaven believe it or not what's the most traveled place that's not found on earth is it space is it the moon Mars no it's heaven that's right heaven is most frequently visit placed by those who profess by teaching the church's new revelation Paul the Apostle went once to heaven he was told it was illegal to speak on it John the Apostle had a vision was allowed to speak commissioned to write of what he saw because it had to do with the last days Jesus setting up his kingdom and how become our scripture there are others in our day who speak of traveling to heaven as a constant occurrence this one woman she claims that God takes her to heaven all the time she goes there and comes back with messages from God to the church she's had tours of heaven over for 10 years now visiting it hundreds of times she said that if you want to be like her you have to live a surrendered life to the will of father if you wish to pursue this type of intimate relationships in other words you are not to question her visions or trips to heaven because you're you're not she has this special relationship that most people don't have though she's special she said if you don't understand and you don't believe your trips to heaven you're not spiritual enough it's your fault she said I've been caught up to heaven like John in Revelation for the purpose of sharing it to others so here we have the danger because her revelation goes far beyond John's and she's putting herself on equal status with an apostle who wrote the last book of the Bible this is what the New Apostolic Reformation they put themselves on the level of the Apostles that wrote the Bible and beyond she claims her revelation will usher in the greater glory instead of the great darkness that covers the earth see they they will not discuss what's happening on the earth to them heavens invading the earth and if you looked outside your window you know it's not we're in trouble but they won't discuss that they're living in another deception and she said that heaven will actually invade your being heaven has begun to invade our lives on earth and we'll continue to do so at an acceleration accelerating rate and she also says by reading her book it will cause the fear of death to be swallowed up then she claims in the last days God's gonna catch more people up just gonna keep getting caught up a lot I'm not going to read a lot about angels scribes angels writing new books saying new things the Scriptures tell the truth the world will grow more wicked the devil will set up his kingdom and persecute the true Christians this is what's happening now the true Christians are being silenced and these false ones are being exalted that's what's coming according to the Bible the revelation we all should be listening to and not these false prophets another one rights one of the normal ways you're taken to heaven you want to know how you're gonna go well by transport that comes in many models like a cable car kind of confirms the other guy cable cars take you without cables there's motorcycles with hyperdrive that you can travel by just jump on one of those children they go on Hoover boards hover hoverboards okay she even refers to the Jetson cartoon for what she saw in heaven it's a sad if this wasn't so pathetic she also preaches that heaven is a literal world round just like the earth only huge in proportion she repeats with other word of faith teachers said long ago that heaven is a planet that earth is a copy of some of you came from those churches you told me about that I had not heard that in her description of heaven can be likened to an improved earth that's supernatural there are restaurants art galleries sports arenas movie theaters and even an amusement park one of the best things about heaven is that you don't need money to purchase things everything is free food is not necessary but we will eat in heaven without any weight gain yay your food will not be animals killed but made from light and there are lots of restaurants to eat from but doesn't it sound exciting I wonder why Paul didn't tell us this what happened to Paul you can even shop in heaven hey you can put gifts in the mansions I'm not reading a lot oh there are places it's snow in heaven it's called Christmas town and it's snows there all the time oh I just got a share a couple more just a couple more things there's jello land for the children she goes to heaven quite often but they can't see her but she she listens in on all their conversations so they have a place called jello land because kids love jello but it's even more fun when you jump on it and you eat it at the same time all the buildings the streets everything's made out of jell-o all kinds of flavors it's not going to melt Wow she describes a movie theater where people play roles in the films John Wayne is featured in one of the films and he's got guns these chase and villains some of the buildings in heaven aren't even on the ground they're like up in the skies of heaven you just float up there to them you learn to fly like Superman and and one of the really exciting things I found out is who teaches you guess who's gonna teach you up there Christopher Reeves yes he made it to heaven and you know one of the best roles he ever played on this earth was Superman he still gets to use that in heaven in heaven God gives you the desires of your heart so if you wanted a horse on earth you're gonna have a stable in heaven not to be concerned you will not have to feed them or even clean them oh I think I might want to close down on this just goes on and on about how the rules have changed now because Paul couldn't utter anything but boy these people have made a lot of money on these books the last thing I want to share was there's a boy some of you can you guys know this boy I feel bad for this boy nearly five years after his bestseller lists a book that purported to be a six-year-old boys the story of visiting angels in heaven after being injured in a bark bad car crashes being pulled from the shelves it was it was pulled because the boy said this week that the story was all made up a supernatural encounter that will give you new insights on heaven angels and hearing God's voice the decision to pull the book comes after this boy wrote an open letter to the to the retailer he said I did not die I did not go to heaven I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention when I made the claims that I did I had never read the Bible people have profited from lies and continued to do so they should read the Bible which is enough the Bible is the only source of truth anything written by man can not be infallible so here we have a new term now it's called heavenly tourism so many people are going to heaven they could just tour it you know this poor boy his parents are divorced now and they all live with his mother but all the prophets never came to this boy it went to this guy's dad now he's opposed to it and he knows it to be error according to the Bible and his mother said I'm fully aware of what it feels like to be pulled in there are many who are scamming and using the Word of God to do it they are good especially if you are not digging into your Bible and truly studying it they study their audiences and even read success books to try to build better and bigger ministries and businesses but thank God this boy came clean with quite a price isn't it Wow so have the rules changed or as the Bible still the same so we can't be caught off guard knowing this is what's happening in the end times extra biblical revelations going to heaven and talking to these people and saying oh yeah the Bible should have been changed I mean I was a little negative down there and wasn't wasn't quite as happy as I should have been lord have mercy right so why did we share this because this was something that I I actually thought was true about 20-some years ago or not even that long ago I was supposed to do a funeral thank God I didn't but it was a very famous person I won't mention his name but I was supposed to do his funeral and nobody wanted to do it because they didn't know for you saved or not so I thought I'll just preach on heaven because we don't know if he got there not but let's just believe you know thank God I woke up and I didn't have to do that funeral because I would have had to have more repenting than I do right now but thank God we see these things and we come out and we repent and we change and we get back to Scripture we get back to Scripture and say wow a lot of people are being duped today and are these people deceived yes are they making money yes are they doing it on purpose only God knows the heart but we don't have to be a part of this deception and delusion amen dig in your Bibles and find out what it really says there's so much in there we haven't even started to see a lot that's in there father we thank you for your word we thank your word is truth and even though these things are funny Lord we pray you you deliver people today for hearing this that have been caught up and these extra biblical revelations and they come back and realize the rules have not changed Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever and everyone said thank you Lord in your name amen we want to share a message with our YouTube audience today please like and share on your social media if you find these youtubes helpful also if you'd like to subscribe to our channel so you get every message right in your inbox that would be nice and we'll send them right to you we are viewer supported here and if you'd like to help us you can donate by going online - living in his presence Church org in the upper right hand corner there is a give button where you can give by credit card through PayPal or stripe or if you'd prefer to send us a check and send it to Li HP at P o box one eight eight nine Maple Grove Minnesota five five three one 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Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 4,071
Rating: 4.9417477 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: Mnd6TWMLoS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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