The Great Delusion

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[Music] hello open your bibles please to acts chapter 16. we're going to talk a little bit about the great delusion everywhere there's a lot of shaking going on but the one thing that doesn't change is the bible and a lot of the things that we're hearing we don't know what's truth really we really unless our news sources who knows what the truth is in a lot of these situations that are really going on but god has told us there's going to be a great delusion and so in the midst of these shakings we pray that god would give us the truth and keep our eyes open that we will not be deceived because we're in spiritual warfare and we're in a warfare of truth of information and we know that and we haven't been taught it correctly in our churches we were taught something totally different so a lot of people are freaking out right now because their pastors didn't tell them truth and they're facing situations and their mind hasn't been prepared to gird up their loins and prepare for misinformation disinformation conflict deception a lot of the people they followed have been lying to them and now they're shaking over that and we've been trying to warn for four years at least take heed that you don't listen to a certain man because men can deceive us and i want to talk a little bit about controlled opposition this is kind of a new one for me so need a little grace but here in acts chapter 16 we're going to start and it came to pass as we went to prayer isn't that something as you go to pray the devil doesn't like it when you pray a little warfare a certain damsel possessed with the spirit of divination metis which brought her masters much gain by selling sue sang so what what does that mean she predicts the future today we'd say they're profits the same followed in that word greek there to accompli company very closely so saying is divination she speaks by disguising as a prophet most would have put her in the prophetic team today they would have put her as a true prophet honestly the same followed paul in us and cried saying these men are the servants of the most high god i want you to notice this is true because this spirit spoke truth many people believed her but where's the discernment here we're going to see there's a shift even though some things are said that are true doesn't mean there's a right spirit behind it so what are they doing these men are the servants of the most high god which show us the way of salvation and this did she many days but paul being grieved turned and said to the spirit i command thee in the name of jesus christ to come out of her and he came out the same hour and when her masters noticed that word masters saw handlers saw that the hope of their gains was gone it's all about the money isn't it follow the money trail they caught paul and silas and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers they got attacked and presented to the rulers and they sang verse 20 they're exceedingly troubling our city why because they got shook because no they they don't have a means to make money and all of a sudden something else happens the persecution happens verse 21 they teach customs which are not lawful for us to receive they go this is really a blah blah blah okay and verse 22 and the multitude rolls up together against them it's amazing when somebody says something and the multitude just they're all right there to clap aren't they we're seeing the same things today and the magistrates ran off their clothes and command them commanded to beat them and when they had laid many stripes upon them they cast them into prison now they did they went they got persecuted and they went to prison but guess what the prison shook and they got out right there was a miracle that happened but the part i want you to see is the girl's words were true paul didn't judge her by what she said but discerned the false spirit that controlled her now we're in a great delusion and what is a delusion it's an unshakable belief in something that's untrue many people are in a delusion today we talked about gaslighting and how their reality is being changed they're being told one thing but the reality so now they're confused the delusion what is its truth that conflicts with reality truth that they so-called say is truth and it conflicts reality so that's why i wanted to put this in under the gaslighting messages because what we're being told is a lie in many many realms that we're living in there are two kingdoms there's the kingdom of god and the kingdom of satan and these two camps cannot merge they cannot evolve or they cannot unite amen satan's strategy for infiltrating the church is a religious trojan horse and i have series on that go back to some of those because now some of you are awakening to see wow i have been deceived there are false prophets among us there are people telling us this and that and it hasn't come to pass a religious trojan horse what is it it's another gospel and it's another jesus the trojan horus what was that some of you remember it was a huge hollow wooden horse the greeks pretending to be defeated left the trojan that the trojans that horse and it was taken inside the city gates and they slipped out the greek warriors emerged from it and opened the gates to let the greek army in so what happened they were defeated from within deception that led to the fall of the city of troy it was deception and we have to always beware the end times what's the issues going to be deception satan has two avenues of attack infiltration attacking the church from within another gospel saying it's the gospel now we have a social gospel we have an emergent church all these different things are attacking the church from within another jesus they make up a jesus that lets them do whatever they want we're going to kind of go through some of that later so he attacks within infiltration and the second is without persecution he attacks it in acts 20 we just we can read on there 20 28-31 we see that the persecution for preaching the word and why do we think it's any different today because we've been in these big huge churches where there hasn't been any persecution so we've been conditioned to think this is a great the world loves us well the world be careful when the world loves your jesus because they don't want to repent and when you ask them to repent or give up sin all of a sudden now you know there's something wrong with you so we need to warn and we've been warning of false teachers false of prophets and evangelists evangelical celebrities what are they they're trojan horses the evangelical celebrities and all these false apostles and prophets our trojan horses to destroy the church from within these false leaders need to be unmasked why to expose who they really are who are they enemies of the cross let that sink in enemies of the cross teachers that turn us from the truth to a false revival with the false gospel false evangelists false converts the tares the bible talks a lot about the tares right false joy false hope so this has been mixing and it's a time of great shaking but it's a time for people to really come back to their first love come to jesus forget about serving and worshiping a party uh a person a church come back to loving jesus for yourself your own personal relationship with him and thank god if you have friends that also see this great deception that we're in the bible references in first kings 18 where the children of israel mix their worship of god with pagans and pagan spirituality we are seeing this and we're going to see it on a huge scale in the next coming year i believe we've talked about gnosticism we've been infiltrated with gnosticism worshiping of angels encounters adding to the bible taking away from the bible all these things have been trojan horses in the midst of christianity worshiping of angels an angel comes and tells me this and tells me that and oh jesus showed up 17 times to me today ridiculous i mean this this is the gospel that's being preached it's experimentation it's thinking you're going somewhere when you really probably are connected to another spirit from another dimension and you think you're hearing from god and so you need to repent and not seeking voices not seek what they're telling you to seek but go back to the bible instead of having all these experiences you're thinking that that really led people nowhere i think they're going somewhere and they haven't left their room they're just it's just it's the great delusion that displaces god with what was self this is what we've seen in our trojan horse churches or god is to serve man and let me give you a quote and unfortunately this was a friend of mine he's passed away now but i'll just say bahamas and you might know who he is but the prayer he says quote man prayer is man giving god permission or a license to interfere in earth's affairs a human must give him access god can only do what you permit him to do that is absolutely ridiculous another word of faith guy he said god has the power to take life but he can't he's bound you choose when you die and you choose what you you choose when you live and you choose when you die unfortunately i've been around people that believe this and when someone's dying they said you could choose to live longer you know like it's your choice and they've been conditioned brainwashed to think they can determine when they're going to die and this guy so-called went to heaven in some kind of a boxcar so yeah we really put a lot of weight in that guy right big huge famous preacher now matthew 7 15 he says beware of false prophets false teachers false leaders which come to you they're not going to come to you looking like a woof woof they're going to come to you in sheep's clothing they're going to come like an angel of light they're going to come with good they're going to say the things you want to hear that's why this is a day we have to be so discerning and we have to make sure that we're not following false teachers they come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they're serving another god inwardly they're there for an agenda inwardly they have been planted as a trojan horse to take you away from christ what do you think the whole luciferian thing is it's antichrist and there are many antichrists around the bible even was written it said the antichrist was there the systems well how much more today are we experiencing these wolves they claim divine inspiration or they claim they speak for god they claim they are anointed or they make similar claims for evil ends for agendas to push the sheep into deception to push people in different ways instead of speaking truth they speak lies and sometimes what's hard is they speak truth with the wrong spirit like this person here and acts they speak truth but there's a wrong spirit behind it don't listen to their dreams don't listen to their promises some of you are just hooked up to ipods that what are they going to say today what's the lord saying today and people are addicted to these false prophets for a word they're imitators they're double-minded or they double-speak they're angels of light god warned us about this matthew 24 take heed that no man deceive you in the end times perilous times shall come but the biggest issue is going to be spiritual deception what are false leaders they are traitors in disguise controlled opposition now i want to talk about controlled opposition i've experienced this i experienced this in the churches and some of you don't know i was in the background with a lot of big-name preachers been in a lot of their houses been a part of this and i think that's why i'm supposed to expose it but i learned about controlled opposition there it's very easy for me to see it now in politics because i refuse to get to one side or the other i take the side of a christian and i look and i see the playing and i see the mind games and i see the controlled opposition and i got introduced to a very famous person that was controlled opposition how can you tell how did i tell because where they preached wonderful actually this was a radio person but they a big following wonderful utterance i mean just amazing reporter and all that but there was no holiness by their fruits not by their giftings but how do they live and i'm not saying someone doesn't mess up and they sin we've all sinned and all that but there was something different about the spirit of this person there was a deception it was a wolf in sheep's clothing and i discerned it and i backed away and boy i tell you once you start coming out of these things you can see it you can see the controlled opposition this was someone pretending they're christians but they had another agenda and i would listen to certain preachers and then i'd hear the agenda what are they pushing for who do they want there always is an agenda but they speak truth and this is what we have to understand we're in a war and the devil wants your mind and he wants you deceived it's harder and harder to find people that don't have agendas to push so we're going to talk about controlled opposition first we have to remember we're in a spiritual war and unfortunately we're not going to get out of it we were born into it we're born into a matrix and we're going to live and die in it this is this is the world that we live in and we have choices to make we choose which kingdom you want to serve and the enemy now is calling us all to unite remember those two kingdoms cannot unite they can't evolve now vladimir lenin said the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourself the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves controlled opposition is a protest movement that is being led to trick and overcome their enemies pretending deciding to be or can you read my own writing they're pretending deceiving to be on that side so here's here's what they want to do they want to divide and conquer so then they have a person on the inside that pretends to be on that same movement but that way they can control what's going on in that movement they can decide how far it's going to go and they'll let it go a little ways but it'll never go as as far as it should go because their people are leading it now if you underst look at any spy double 07 movies all that they've always had an insider that's always letting them know what's going on right that strategy of war so we have to know we're in a war there's controlled opposition i was the most naive person in the world i thought if you're a christian everybody was wonderful we all love each other we all just need to get along and then i started seeing other things i started seeing wow a lot of these preachers are in it for the money many people are abusing people many people are deceived it's another whole most of my life was messed up in the church can i just be real trying to just serve god i just wanted to serve the lord so let me say we're in a war controlled opposition here we are it's used throughout history and guess what it's used today it works so well this tactic known as controlling the opposition is the best way to win a battle control your opponent's movements through the power of money they're able to remain in the background and at the same time control what's happening next one thing i like to think of is the wizard of oz think of that wizard of oz behind the man behind the curtain never saw the man behind the curtain well we also have men behind the curtain and that's another whole message controlled opposition merchants of the earth who are there they're the guys that are controlling that shouldn't be but god's got them it's not a good ending for them controlled opposition puts their puppet people you have to understand people are placed in certain positions they are selected in certain positions in the limelight and how are they put in these positions huge propaganda when something goes viral why is it going viral because they want it to go viral an organization is formed with their men in leadership positions which is then held up to the public as the opposition do you see how controlling this is do you see how deceptive this is there's a lot of good people in movements they think are good but they're being controlled by an agenda and by controlled opposition that's why i say don't be pawns in the game don't be set up for them to use you the pers is it persons of interest or people of interest person of interest was a good series that showed how you thought you were serving one thing and you were they were really controlling all the opposition and then they killed them and said thank you for your service when they were done using you for the greater good that has not stopped we are in a war so they make them go viral they go they get a platform the purpose of controlled opposition is to destroy the enemy within and control from the inside the result movements really go nowhere how come nothing ever happens how come we've got this guy saying this and that but nothing ever has nothing ever changes controlled opposition they own the chessboard movements really go nowhere only so far down the rabbit hole it's a matrix they go on and on and on with nothing happening nothing changing nothing's being accomplished why because of the man behind the curtain division happens divide and conquer are we there yet controlled oppositions are traitors in disguise their purpose is to keep people divided their energy and their money siphoned off and ensure these movements never accomplish much of anything they've been guided into defeat by the very one they should be fighting but they're deceived because they're being controlled by a puppet that's leading him down the wrong direction but saying the right things the same thing that happened in the book of acts do you see we'd still have the same enemy they did there for some reason we think we're in america nothing's going to happen to us yeah god loves america more than other people nothing bad is going to ever happen to us that's deception this is a world order we are coming into they want a new republic all governments have to come down for the rise of what the antichrist system don't you wish this was just a dream take heed that no man deceive you take heed that no man deceive you don't put your trust in man keep your trust in the lord remember the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves i want you to memorize that the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves and of course they disguise their puppets so they think they're not really leading you in a bad way this is a strategy of war throughout history and it is still today look at judas shown in scriptures how this works he compromised himself for money we're told not to take bribes some people get in positions and they want money they'll do anything then they get blackmailed and bad things happen throughout the bible we see the love of money the love of it they sell themselves out for money he sold out but then what happened he hung himself money wasn't good then was it because he violated his conscience he he did something and he thought that was good and then he didn't really think they were going to go after jesus probably who knows the deception he was under but deception causes you when you when you fold you're divided amongst yourself my my heart's telling me this and my head's telling me this and he hung himself over it double-minded and he got seduced another thing i want you to know is the system we're in a b system always needs an enemy right now we have an invisible enemy they can do whatever they want under the umbrella of an invisible enemy laws can be changed nations can do this and that it's the worldwide umbrella to bring in the great reset they even have a book on it telling you that themselves in their own words the system always needs an enemy they infiltrate a group and use their agents to control their opposition from the inside history shows control the opposition by leading it with a wolf in sheep's clothing from the inside this is war strategy the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves i want to keep hammering that this controlled opposition strategy is used in the truth-telling movements well i thought they were telling truth they have agents there too that's what i found out firsthand i ran into an agent how did you know i can't tell you but it was very unholy the things that that was going on in this person's life churches they follow false teachings and politics you cannot well i'll say that why does it seem like nothing changes i want to repeat this over and over controlled opposition well i thought we were really doing good how come it went nowhere how come it went nowhere giving the controlled opposition a platform they're funded just like judas judas got deceived they gave him money they funded him they get things done through funding people that way they control how far down the rabbit hole they will let you go or see some politicians are never christians until they run for office controlled opposition this strategy is as old as the hills war games spy movies hitler loved to do this always use the strategy of the other side attacks them they'd attack themselves and blame it on someone else or show them they're not with them if some if they attack themselves you see we have an enemy in war games you have to have an enemy movies pretend to get arrested so the gangs you know the insider we better arrest me so the gang doesn't think i'm with you there's always a game being played and there's always seduction and lying going on the attack from the other side gives credibility to the infiltrator they're attacking me they're attacking me they've become a martyr no they're the chaos system right there classic strategy that works to get laws passed there must be an enemy there's got to be chaos they cannot make major transitions in this world without an enemy you need someone to hate or someone to blame don't we see this in our nation today people either hate this person or love this person people are more divided than we've ever seen in our lives today we have this invisible enemy that makes changes possible i've been talking about this for a while they could never do what they're doing without an enemy now we have a conservative enemy so they can transition their agenda they couldn't do it without an enemy to cause chaos order out of chaos we must understand our enemy his plans his schemes he's a deceiver this is how controlled oppositions work the merchants of the earth control the other side and then assist with the takedown of the side they're pretending to be a part of can i say that again this is my own definition this is how controlled opposition works the merchants of the earth the kings of the earth psalms 2 whoever you want to call these people you'll never know their names probably you'll never see them they're the puppet masters the merchants of the earth the bible calls them the kings of the earth they come against the lord and his anointed right in psalms 2. the other side then they assist with the takedown of the side they're pretending to be a part of they now have authority to silence any voice they deem as dangerous they don't have to attack every little thing now they can just come and say you're conservative you're a terrorist do you see the plan i don't know if that's going to happen or not but we'll all watch and see the only voices and opinions are the ones that you're allowed to hear that's what fact checking is that's what censorship is it's not our opinion then you can't say it for community guideline rules opinions contrary to the mainstream will not be tolerated this sounds like hitler doesn't it ever wonder why nothing changes is your tax ever went down have your utility bills ever went down has anything ever changed really no matter who gets in two words you tell me controlled opposition second thessalonians 2 11 a delusion a diluting influence so they will believe what is false why refuse to love the truth and be saved when you really get born again and you're saved you know you have an enemy and you know he's the god of this world and you know there's a kingdom of lightness light in the kingdom of darkness and they're not going to emerge that means war we're not attacking anyone we don't hate anyone but they're forcing their beliefs on people they're remember i talked about the god of forces you're forced it's forceful it's a you have to do this you have to do this and why are they going to be in this delusion they reject the truth and they believe a lie they abandon faith and they follow deceiving spirits first timothy 4 1. they reject the truth and they prefer lies even when you tell people the truth they don't want to believe it why they live in deception i'm going to close with this and i don't know i'd give credit to some of this guy who wrote this article but i'm only taking parts of it but i don't have a name many public persons are not who they pretend to be we just watched a show about a senator oh my that was that senator was not who whoa who he pretended to be how easy it is to create a certain image in the public eye what we are being witnessed of through mass and even a greater part of the alternative media is mainly if not all staged controlled or corrupted controlled opposition is a term coined to refer to psycho psychological operations or psyops that are meant to control the mind of the masses and manipulate them immensely and emotionally it works as a double-layer bluff psyops and controlled opposition such oppositions were led and planned way ahead of time are designed to keep the masses enslaved distracted when things are going on always on the news i'm like what's really going on because they said that they failed in germany but this time they were going to have more circuses i think we're in a circus circuses bread that means give you more money mysteries uh more bigfoots and that kind of stuff just get distracted and and miracles now this thing we're getting is miraculous just some miraculous discovery remember this we're in war people and god wants you to have your mind intact and not be controlled not be gaslit not be lied to or dis or controlled by any leader pastor pope anyone think for yourself and what this mass media has done is pushed you in one box or the other box well guess what we're not in any box we've been bought with the price we belong to christ we're not just pushed into this and a lot of people don't even believe in that box they were like well i'd rather have this box on that box but you didn't choose either box it was forced upon you and you only had two boxes i like to color outside the lines so you have to understand how warfare works you have to understand how control opposition it works it needs an enemy or it can't pass their laws without an enemy because they have to use fear porn because people won't do things unless they're afraid they're going to die now you know so the devil always uses fear pushes fear forces fear upon you god said i haven't given you a spirit of fear and god's not confusing this invisible enemy if you stand up you can get it but if you sit down you won't get it it doesn't even make sense it's deception all of this is deception because why new laws are being passed past because there's new plans being implemented we can't change it but we can see it so it's planned way ahead of time now i'm almost done designed to keep the masses enslaved distracted and looking away from the root of the problems molding public opinion indeed these are highly sophisticated disinformation projects relying on easily predictable responses fear so they create a chaos a problem then we react and then they have the solution which the solution was what they wanted all along but without your fear they couldn't have done it without controlling you it wouldn't have passed so they have to create someone you either love or hate so you can divide over who you love and hate create chaos indeed these are highly sophisticated disinformation projects they rely on easily predictable responses using predictive programming and designed to spread false information you know what it's going to be hard these days to know what truth is because this person will say this this one will say this they contradict each other they fight each other this has never happened in history the way it's happening now because there's a big agenda being planned there's something big happening and i think we all know something big is happening using predictive programming and design to spread false information in order to influence what public opinion they got to get the masses they got to get the masses to think a certain way and respond a certain way so they are like sheep to the slaughter it's based on the principle that the best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves we put our person in that position i don't care if it's in the church or wherever it is and we can control everything that's happening through our main man psyops are also a perfect way to divide the truth community distract people with unsolvable arguments you just fight and fight and fight you go to meetings meetings meetings and nothing ever gets resolved and discredit conspiracy researchers there's some good people that are really smart but guess what they've been silenced a closer look at how mind control works can also help receiving the constructive narratives of controlled opposition it is also very much linked to the hegelian dialect problem reaction solution that wants a certain solution to be voted for and that might even be at the root of the creation of the problem in the first place controlled opposition networks are related and back up each other one often finds good hearted people in these dark agendas so what happens they mix truth with lies we go back to acts what do we see we see someone speaking the truth well what's wrong with that they're saying the right things amen wrong spirit behind it what the majority of agents will call them agents you can call them whatever you want of such operations are saying is often true yet the nature of the knowledge they're conveying is serving agendas and kept hidden from the public oh i just love this we're going to be more transparent this administration is going to be the most transparent you've ever seen the movie we were watching last night same thing the guys i'm so transparent he got busted oh my he was he didn't want to be transparent he was lying like a rug they kept hidden from the public eye and that are not serving the interests of humanity remember we have an enemy loose and unfortunately in our churches we weren't taught about the enemy we were taught how great we were my words are so powerful i can control the weather i can have whatever i want i can have whatever you're not even being taught who the enemy is you aren't finding out what's going on in the world you don't understand about how warfare really works nothing you don't know anything about history because nobody ever talks about anything negative i mean you can't have negativity because i need positive energy around me and if you're negative i just don't have time well you're in for a real rude awakening mr positive used as baits to seduce an audience into believing the deception most of these agents reveal only what is allowed for them to reveal in terms of secrets in closing again they always laugh at my many closings let's keep in mind real whistleblowers are people who are real in this world are being persecuted neutralized and silenced they're not going to go viral they're not going to have big platforms they're being shadow banned they're being taken down they're being censored they also face death threats they're being taken out of the picture deceivers also pretend they're being targeted the deceivers pretend they're being oh they're taking me down now you got a little rest and what happens to be a safe community everybody relaxes it's gotta be true it's gotta be what happens you let your guard down you forget you're in the presence of a wolf in sheep's clothing we've all been there we thought they were telling us the truth oh you went to heaven i want to go too you went in a box car how can i go let's take a trip let's go to heaven well he went to heaven he saw jesus he's got to be telling the truth i believed that for years and years and years till i studied and i went down that rabbit hole boy there were days i went 14 hours at a time i was just i can't believe everything i've been taught wrong and i felt bad i was a preacher preaching i was friends with a lot of these people it ripped my heart out when i found out a lot of these other preachers were part of the deception i just wept i was like how can you not let this affect you when you realize these are controlled oppositions in our churches it affected all of us and some of your friends are still in them one has to be cautious that anyone pretending to be an avatar or a teacher or leader of some sort something else might be at work behind the veil we're not here to be famous we're not here to make money we're here to serve the lord amen and that's what we're going to do in our final hours we're going to preach the word the bible says the the word shall be preached then the end shall come and god we just thank you for giving these youtubes wherever they need protection we need protection because this is uh strategies of real warfare and of what's really happening in our in our lives in our ministries and churches and politics and all these other things the devil really does not have any new tricks he just uses the same one over and over gets how people respond uses fear guilt control puts them under bondage they think they have a savior the savior fails them guess what we have a savior's name is jesus the people of this world are not going to save us they have a new agenda plan they want a new republic they want a new they want a new brave new world but you tell us about that in revelations chapter 17. and everyone said i just want to make a quick announcement that if you are subscribed to our channel you'll probably be unsubscribed i have been for a long time i have to keep looking for it sometimes it comes sometimes it doesn't but uh if you ever get lost just look under roberta morrison youtube's and they all pop up or living in his presence dot org we post them there if you like it and share it that helps it go up those rhythms and stuff so we need your help to spread it while we can we know the time is short but we also know the word of god is not bound that was a good word god's going to get it where he wants and we want to not be deceived we're not attacking anyone we don't hate anybody we just want to disconnect from all these circuses and trust god and lead people to to him and his word in these end times so help us thank you for helping us we are just so grateful for you helping us there's just no words we're so appreciative our little youtube audience has kept us going you know so much we could just say and just thank you very much if you would like to see more messages from roberta on youtube be sure to subscribe to her youtube channel roberta morrison hit the bell button to be notified of new messages from her and be sure to check out her youtube playlists for other messages that interest you go to the website page and click on the messages button on the top center to go see her messages there are free audio downloads of the messages available also we are viewer supported on the main web page at the top right is a give button thank you for watching and see you next time apart from you we can't do nothing so we depend on
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 5,845
Rating: 4.931232 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Gilbert, Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible based teachings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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