Extra Biblical: Divine Revelations Exposed

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] open your Bibles please to revelations 22 I'm going to read a quick scripture we're continuing from last week about extra biblical revelations and trips to heaven and today we're going to talk about trips to Hell so called people are saying now revelations 2218 says for I testify unto every man every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book If any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto Him the plagues that are written in this book and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part of the book of life and out of the holy city wow that's quite a warning isn't it for us to fear the Lord and not add now the New Apostolic Reformation which is hiding under many different names but basically you can tell they're new apostles and prophets because they have special dreams and they're sent for heaven or to hell to come back to the church with new revelation well we see right here from the scripture that God's not sending these new apostles and prophets to give new messages right he said don't add and don't take away now to add scripture it's there new revelations and to take away subtract it's the post modernism and they're taking away scriptures so both of them are wrong and bad now today we're gonna jump over to Luke Luke 16 we're not quite ready there but we're gonna we're gonna talk about the parable that Jesus spoke about Hell and a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning Jesus spoke a lot by parables and so we're gonna look at one of the parables and why did he speak in parables he spoke in parables to reveal truth to the seekers and to keep it from those that aren't really seeking so to them he always spoke in parables so just a little bit review not only does it say in revelations 22 not to add it also says in Deuteronomy 4:2 you shall not add to the word I commanded you Psalms 119 160 says the end party of your word isn't is truth the entirety of your word is truth then it says in proverbs 30 ad thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar what's a liar false teacher they look to other things as their authority they don't look to scriptures they look to their new revelations they look to their new now we have a trend of visiting heaven or some have already visited hell and today we're going to talk about some famous books this isn't just on the fringe this is famous books that are out there that are saying they went to heaven and they went to hell so we're going to judge that test it according to scriptures because that's what we're called to do now in 2nd Corinthians 12 2 through 4 Paul wrote a third of the New Testament and he was not permitted to speak about what he saw or heard think about that he wasn't permitted now John in the book of Revelation was he spoke about it he wrote a lot about it so I want to ask all of us have the rules changed and now we all just go get a revelation and come back and say God said well according to this scripture these scriptures no he's not adding and we're not to take away so his word is truth in the the scriptures give us light in information so it's very important and also one another thing that they all do is they talk to dead people they go to heaven and they go to hell and they talk to dead people well that's necromancy and in Deuteronomy 18 10 through 11 talking to the dead Saints is forbidden so when we go through these people's tours of heaven and hell we have to keep these scriptures in mind so we can test these things okay so because they add on to scriptures and they tell us what we need to know now is called progressive revelation progressive revelation means progress it's ongoing it's cutting-edge it's up-to-date so in other words the Bible's out of date and they're more progressive we have to progress into the cutting edge and no that's that's there's a safety and that we don't follow these false teachers now in the Old Testament they got stoned thank God for the New Testament we just reject their teachings amen okay so I'm going to continue from where we left off last week just because people ask me too it's got they gonna got a kick out of this so we're gonna pick it up just going to share a couple from a woman's book she says she goes to heaven for the last ten years she can go to heaven on demand wouldn't that be nice just beam me up Scotty and going to heaven today and she has special revelations that she feels that she's called to bring to the church and one of the revelations kind of that we almost entered with our gonna pick up they have a place called jello land because kids like jello but it's even more fun when you jump on it and eat it at the same time all the buildings the streets everything is made of jell-o and all kinds of flavors and it's not going to melt so we have Paul who couldn't even utter what he saw and now this person is just talking about how much fun with jello she's gonna have then she we talked last week about you learned to fly like Superman in heaven and Christopher Reeves is the one that's going to teach you okay if you're an artist I didn't share this this is kind of the newer stuff today if you are an artist and you paint a masterpiece in the spirit realm every time you move the paintbrush you release music notes from it by the time you're finished with your artwork you have created a symphony that is captured played in the throne room whoa and placed in your praise gallery somebody has got a very vivid imagination or someone's doing I'm not even to say what they're doing she says sports are played athletes are in heaven football with the larger field no helmets helmets are needed because you never get hurt there but whatever team wins guess what you do the winning team gets to carry Jesus across the field [Music] this person's always whisked away immediately into heaven talking to the father as soon as they wake up in the morning I mean they just have this intimate relationship that they can just wow she saw Jesus playing a game of golf I'm sorry but both the Holy Spirit the Angels told me that heaven is always increasing and adding new things for our enjoyment flowers sing and colors change in your mansion they grow out of the walls so flowers are just growing balls okay but this these books are very popular no this is this would be sad but it's so sad she explained some of her teaching she learned in heaven okay now these are special added-on teachings that she learned in heaven do you want to know our worship becomes a weapon as it passes through Satan's realm on the way to the throne room it sends spiritual missiles which do great damage to his property they have to patch and repair a lot when we passionately worship our Lord when we do a clap offering for the Lord it sends earthquakes through the second heaven and demons scream and terror she explains that only in the throne room of God lightning comes from the father it's the only place you'll find lightning in heaven it's a million megawatts of love people actually run to get struck by that lightning she claims to go in and out of the throne room she describes there are four steps to the throne she sees the Father in Jesus and is able to sit on God's lap no aren't we a little friendly where's the fear and lastly with this this clearly goes against the scripture from John who had the vision and wrote the revelation of Jesus Christ John and 1:18 no one has seen God at any time the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father he has declared him so what let God be true and every man a liar now in 1st Corinthians 4:6 Paul gave a palace and himself examples and he said to the church that you might learn in us not to think of men above which is written that no one of you be puffed up for one and against another well these special revelations make people puffed up it causes people to look to them it causes people to admire them and follow them new revelation puffs one up and they've been chosen specially chosen to deliver these messages more of the Bible adding to the Word of God to people and so people are instantly while these people went to heaven now sadly most of us in the 80s read a lot of these books and what I'm going to talk to today about is hell this one special person went 30 days and 30 nights in one place in 10 days and 10 nights in the other place she got to visit heaven and hell for 40 days wow that actually more impressive than Paul or John the Apostles in the Bible they put themselves right up there with the people that wrote the Bible but back in the 80s and 90s some of us read these books we thought wow this is awesome before I knew it there's just a couple scriptures once you know these scriptures it negates all the rest of it not to add to or take away so I'm doing today what I wish someone would have done for me years ago and just told me these scriptures to keep you out of danger stop following false teachers and know what the Bible really says so John he gave us the revelation of Jesus Christ which brought us the Bible in the end of the ages to his conclusions read the book of Revelation there's a lot of heavy stuff in there if you want to really know a lot about heaven second Corinthians 12:2 through four again he was not permitted to speak Paul was not permitted to speak about what he saw now Steven when he was stoned he had a glimpse into heaven and he saw Jesus standing on the right hand of the Father right but there's also things that about held that God tells us in his Bible and we're not to add or take away from that as well but if you want to read revelations 4 1 through 5 go ahead you'll see a lot about what John saw those who use the two apostles for justification for those experience manipulate the scriptures people take the scripture and they say well it happened to John so it can happen to me just because something happened to Elijah or to Daniel or to some of these other ones we don't put ourself in that scripture and manipulate it and make it say something it didn't say to us who it might not be written to so what do they do they manipulate the scriptures and they change or they skillfully force or persuade people to do what they want they take scriptures and they manipulate and be very careful when people manipulate scriptures to tell you what they wanted to say now in revelations 2 - and you have tested today we're gonna test and we're gonna prove those who say they are apostles and are not and have found them to be what liars what's a liar a liar is knowingly he utters falsehood declares facts he knows is not true with an intention to deceive Wow so let's look at these so-called trips to hell now in lick Luke 16 here's a parable Jesus is speaking again a parable is telling a story an earthly story with a heavenly meaning and he's teaching us there was a certain rich man verse 19 who was clothed in purple and fine linen varied sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar what was the best burgers named Lazarus remember the burger was Lazarus and they both died in verse 23 and we're in hell the Bible says there is a heaven and there is a hell he lifted up his eyes being in torments so there is torment and seeing Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried and he said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame now Abraham is verse 25 Abraham said son remember that in a lifetime receiveth that goods and likewise elaborate Lazarus evil things but now he's comforted and you are tormented in verse 29 read all of this but verse 12 verse 27 he's asking the rich man down there is asking he said will you please send Lazarus to my father's house he wants someone to go and tell his relatives about hell for I have five brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of torment now listen to what Jesus says and Abraham said unto him they have Moses and the prophets let them what let them hear them he doesn't say I'm gonna send Lazarus I'm gonna send this one I'm gonna send that one he said they need to hear the ones I've sent and he said nay father Abraham but if one went into them from the dead they will repent and listen to what he said he said unto them if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded the one rose from the dead people today now are saying that they had all these revelations of visitations they came from the dead but they're not if they didn't believe the prophets before them they're not going to believe someone if they were risen from the dead okay so here is this woman she went 40 days journey through heaven in hell that Jesus she said personally took her to hell for thirty nights and heaven 10 nights the purpose was to write a book so people can hear the gospel well the people can hear the gospel through this book right now the divine revelation what is that she said it's an embed a divine revelation it's a new revelation it's further revelation well be careful because the Bible says don't add we got to keep that in mind every time you read a book or something from someone's don't add or don't take away from what God's already said this divine revelation is information God makes known about himself and his plan that has never before been made known but what is what do we all say red-flag that would be a red flag because we're testing now to see if people are telling us the truth so it's through Scripture that we know about Jesus it's through Scripture we know about heaven and hell so if revelation is open why would God put in the Bible revelations 20 to which we distrust read don't add and take away if it's open revelation in other words God's gonna keep sending more people to tell you more like she said I have to write a book to let you know about Hell and about heaven but the thing is let's check out this book this divine revelation that she's got it's a warning and a protection first of all the God tells us Paul made it clear in 2nd Timothy 3:16 17 all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for what teaching reproof correction and training and righteousness scripture contains what we need to grow in Christ be saved and glorify God the movements we came out of people don't like to read their Bibles they they like it on the screen they like different translations that'll water it down give us a nice story water the the gospel has been very watered down in the last 10 years so now we have new spiritual experience that lead us to new revelations this is the new trend and unfortunately in mainstream Christianity it's not going to go away because what these people are preaching now I just was listening to one just to catch up on some things he said I was just taken up to heaven for eight hours today and this is a all these people are on television right now and unfortunately I think that's what's going to happen eventually to the internet they're only going to put the preachers they want on and the truth tellers will be taken off so we need to be thankful for the day that we could still speak truth now the best this is a best seller she quotes Jesus this is what she said jesus said my child I will take you into hell by my spirit and I will show you many things which I want the world to know so now right now she's right up there with the apostles I will appear to you many times and I will take your spirit out of your body and will actually take you to hell she claims Jesus revealed to her that hell is shaped like a woman's body and resides in the middle of the earth hell is shaped like a woman's body very large and with many chambers of torment she got a tour starting with the left starting with the left leg I'm sorry I just don't know if I can get through this she gets a tour of starting with this woman's left leg with individual pits with fire and brimstone with each pit each one of these pits in this leg is holding a lost soul in the form of a skeleton crawling with worms she got interviews they revealed why they were in Hell and they told her each one what they have done they cried out for mercy and Jesus would say it's too late it's too late you should have repented while you were on the earth the results when they when Jesus walked away they would curse him because he refused to help them now this is this is very interesting she said Satan himself dwelt there with a massive demons each having appearances such as grizzly bears monkeys etc the demons were having a good time tormenting lost souls now the way she describes Hell say in charge of he'll having a good time she describes now this is a popular book these are not books that you've probably not ever heard of these are bestsellers these some of these people are still doing tours today she describes it in hell there's a fun Center we're Satan torment souls for his own enjoyment Jesus told me that there is a place in hell called the Fun Center the Fun Center is shaped like a circus arena several people who are to be the entertainment are brought to the center ring of the Fun Center can you imagine every imaginable method of torture was allowed the souls being tormented cried out for death but that is eternal death Satan gave the orders for all of this to be done that is his fun center demons having fun in Hell at the Fun Center okay then she said preachers are in health and preachers are in hell I remember reading this back in the 80s and it puts the fear of God in your like was this true or not preachers are in hell for various reasons she claims one in the right leg of Hell was there I don't know why it just seems so funny right leg left leg woman woman center of the earth one in the left leg of Hell was there now this is because of unbelief this preacher went to hell and another preacher was in the belly of Hell in a coffin being tormented by 12 demons with the spear with Spears he bled as he was tormented he said the Holy Ghost baptism was a lie and because he didn't preach the baptism the Holy Spirit he ended up in hell is that in the Bible she said Satan himself spends a lot of time tormenting this preacher in a coffin here's the threat don't question this woman's theology in other words she preaches all this stuff wait till you see some other things she said why you end up in hell don't question her theology or you'll end up in hell okay according to this new revelation not only is Satan in charge of hell and having a good time but she says there are a lot of ways to end up in hell do you want to know the revelation she got of why people go to hell preachers who don't teach the Holy Ghost baptism gossips well we could all go there couldn't we gossips those who won't forgive end up in hell ones who are not generous the stingy go to hell and people who don't listen to modern-day prophets hello wait for it here it is in other words if you don't listen to her because she's a modern-day prophet with new revelations you could go to hell see how they they use fear to bring you in and then if you die at the wrong moment she said if you just died you didn't get a chance to repent you just die at the wrong in other words the way she puts it your salvation is very fragile you could lose it any mine any minute any moment but what about first John 1:9 that says that if we confess our sins his blood cleanses us from all sin doesn't say anything about his blood cleansing us Paul told us in Galatians 1:8 not to even listen to an angel from heaven with a different gospel guess what this is a different gospel and a different Jesus this is not the Jesus of the Bible today hundreds of apostles and prophets claimed to be having these new revelations just turn on your local Christian television and they're going to tell you the visitation that they have and the new revelation now that they have tours of heaven and hell to give to the church and they condemn you if you don't receive these new revelations that's why I want to share this because this is going to increase unfortunately and if you don't know your Bible and you fall for this stuff your salvation you have no security I mean if you don't listen to the latest prophet you'll be purged your anointing is gone they say God's gonna give it to someone else so now in Hebrews 1:2 we need to know if scripture says that God is going to speak to us by his son doesn't say he's gonna speak to us by a new prophet there's security and knowing that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever but if you turn on your TV or internet or whatever now you're going to hear these people with new revelations all the time and if you don't know what the Bible says you'll be deceived but if you know you don't have to be you can just get your popcorn sit back and go here we go again another one because all of Satan's apples have worms and he seems to kind of repeat himself and keeps doing some of the things if you know history study the latter rain movement because I didn't know about the Lateran movement now I do and it's just a circle of Lateran stuff happening angelic appearances I didn't want to go into this make this too long but there's a whole thing about angels that they say that angels are giving people pens now and there's new books being written and you can also go to heaven and get a body part if you there's a body part they all say in heaven so you can just reach up I'd like to know how they reach up and get it they just reach up and they get a new kneecap if they need it yeah interesting but the scripture says in Hebrews 1:2 God has spoken to us how by his son Jesus is the word the word and God are one okay so these visions and these books are to be rejected to be rejected and if you have him at home throw him out like I did I've had to throw him out okay and lastly here in Luke 16 again the rich man cried out and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger finger and cool in water and cool off my tongue for I am agony in this flame well this woman's book she reads as she rocked in a rocking chair in hell so that she says there's be rocking chairs in hell really and she said tears rolled down her cheeks and Jesus cheeks well there's no water in hell so how can there be tears in hell rocking chairs and tears and health she said Jesus cried Jeremiah 14 14 the prophets are prophesying what lies they're prophesying lies in my name they're coming in the name and remember he said not all those that say Lord Lord well haven't we prophesied haven't we done this in your name and he says depart from me you workers of what iniquity its iniquity when you say you went someplace you had some vision most of these people are gonna end up in institutions I think because they're on something they're making up stuff jello city's fun centers really and Wow they're prophesying lies in my name what does what does the Lord say I didn't send him well if God didn't send him who said to these people I didn't send him I didn't command him to write books basically I didn't command them or did I speak to them they prophesy what a false vision they prophesy in my name and they prophesy a false vision in Revelations too what do we are supposed to do we're supposed to prove them and test them and find them to be what Liars because it's adding to the Bible it's putting things in there that we don't need to know we need to know what is said what is written is what we need to know and not all these extra tourists know it's just everyone's Turing because the big thing now is heaven coming to earth and if you want to be a part of this move this revival you got to have heaven coming to earth well it's a lie heaven is heaven it's not coming to earth we die and we go to heaven but people at flesh-and-blood doesn't enter into heaven now flesh-and-blood doesn't enter in so these people are I don't know where they're going but demonic visitations he said I did not send them neither have I commanded them or spoke to them they prophesy of vision and divination witchcraft ocultism demonic spirits and deceits of their own heart and of course when one person goes to heaven now the next one has to have a better trip they have to outdo the last guy that went the last guy that went in the 80's that went by a cable car with the blonde angel he saw a lot of things he'd like I talked last week he talked to King David and he talked to different ones that said I was a little negative when I wrote the Bible because he wanted to change it to the Word of Faith doctrine up in heaven we don't God doesn't change his word and you're not gonna talk to dead people up in heaven that say oh by the way I wrote the Bible wrong so these visitations are lies and what do they do they use a vision to distort or to change the Bible okay so these are trends and false visions and unfortunately expect more of these as the end times increase but don't be deceived Amen God is not mocked you can be safe and secure knowing that God's said what he wanted to say amen we don't add to it or take it away father we thank you for your word I just pray for all the people listening that if they've been deceived by these things that they would wake up and like we all have we've we've thrown some of these books out we sure wish that some of the good things were true with such comforting but the bad things were weird and it did a little mix little leaven leavens the whole lump so we got to throw them all out and just stick with what's true so we thank you in Jesus name everyone said amen we want to share a message with our YouTube audience today please like and share on your social media if you find these youtubes helpful also if you'd like to subscribe to our channel so you get every message right in your inbox that would be nice and we'll send them right to you we are viewer supported here and if you'd like to 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Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 2,726
Rating: 4.7762237 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: ujpFLPs0PKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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