Sheep And Goats: The Separation Has Begun

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[Music] apart from you we can't do nothing so we depend on you [Music] first i want to thank everybody for your emails and your letters wow we loved it loved it loved it i don't know when i respond if you get those or not sometimes i just respond and i hear nothing after so i don't know if people got them or not if there's still communication open but i did hear from several countries and for you i thank you we're all reading those now finding out what's going on and tonight i want to continue in first corinthians three there's a lot of things we cannot control but there are some things we are to control and that's to guard our heart control what comes out of our mouth and there's so much division i wanted to take a globe and just cut it in half and say half are on this side and half are on that side and that's why i had such an urgency in the last few years to get out some of the messages that i have preached because of what's here especially in other countries and america thinks it's safe but this is a world order so keep your eyes on some of the other countries and see what's going on if you can if you have friends i like people on the ground to tell me because sometimes the news is not accurate it tells you one thing or another but when you have friends in different places they tell you the facts of what's really going on in their countries and for that i thank you all uh it's been a great work week for mail mail makes me happy and just share your stories and what you're going through sometimes you just need to write it on paper and send it and just say this is what's going on and it kind of helps you get it out in first corinthians chapter three we're going to start off and i brother and i could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto carnal even as unto babes in christ i have fed you with milk and not with meat for hear the two you were not able to bear it neither yet now are you able in verse three for you are yet carnal for as there is among you envying and strife and divisions how can you tell if somebody is a spiritual baby and they're carnal because they walk in strife to be a mature christian what are we supposed to do we're supposed to walk in the spirit and walk in love and in as much as within you live at peace with all people some people you can't live at peace with because they're not at peace with themselves so you try to walk in peace with them and keep the unity and keep the spirit of faith but they're babies for you are yet colonel now it doesn't mean that they're goat but they might have goat tendencies we're going to talk about sheep and goats we're going to talk about some goats because i believe there is a separation going on and god said he's going to separate the sheep from the goats and you have to judge yourself and say which one am i because we can all go through some moments when we act goat-like [Laughter] but you're carnal and when people attack you you might want to get on the defensive and you might wanna well now it's time to judge ourselves we got to get back in the spirit don't let people that are attacking you waste any more of your energy and the division in families and churches is a real thing i mean the division is everywhere which side are you going to pick fix this side or that side and then this one victimizes and villainizes the other one and on and on we go so what are we supposed to do as christians hang on to the ones we love even if they differ with us in opinions remember we don't know how much time we have here there's things are happening fast and the main thing to me the most important thing to me is my relationships and i don't i fight for my relationships i don't give them up easily but if they want to be a goat and let go of you you got to let them go and then you got to move on from there but you are carnal for whereas there is among you envying and strife and divisions this is the sign that you're carnal and you're not you're walking as mere men and then he goes on the other things that makes him carnal following just a man and verse 18 let no man deceive himself we can also let people deceive us but we can also deceive ourself if any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world let him become a fool that he may be wise for the wisdom of this world is foolishness with god and then verse 21 read the whole chapter i don't like to just take verses out but for time therefore let no man glory in men whereas you know you're going to follow this preacher that preacher it's the day we've got to shake all that down and you've got to know the bible for yourself because there's a lot of truth telling people in communities but they're also controlled opposition and so you need to understand what controlled up they own both sides so they play both sides and they play both sides of the war they play both sides of different things so when you find that out you know wow it really is a narrow path but jesus is the one we're supposed to be following anyway so you'll be tested but here's a thought stop sitting at the table where they speak evil about others because when you get up you're the topic you can tell one night i was sitting on my couch listening to somebody murmur and complain about everybody and wouldn't you know yeah a year later i was a target but the person that's like that you got to know him when you get around him because if they're talking evil and gossiping badly about other people that's their problem and so i want this message to kind of help us spot help a spot we can't control what people do but you have to learn to help because i'm very mercy motivated and that my mercy's got me in trouble so i usually hang on longer than i should yeah narc magnet tired of being a narc magnet i'm really tired of it some of you can relate that but uh you can spot gossipers and busy bodies and the bible tells us what what to which watch out for so starting off there's different kinds of bones okay like wish bones knuckle bones back bones and jaw bones the wishbones wish someone else would do the work the knuckle bones they knock what everybody else does the backbone are those that actually do the work and the jawbone is the person who seems to let the cat out of the bag all the time oops they spread rumors and leak secrets first timothy 5 13 gossipers and busy bodies what do they do they separate chief friends they exaggerate and injure others they leak secrets with half truths and if you can be deceived by gossip then you really weren't a friend anyway being a minister for all these years i've had mothers and daughters pit each other against each other and i had to walk the narrow line of not you know taking sides and all this and i've just learned to let everybody's got an opinion everyone wants to be divided against someone else but if you want to make friends well you you can't take sides because they all want you to be friend your friend and take their side does that make sense so here we go see that there's gossipers and busy bodies in the church we're talking about in the church now but we also have mid-families we have them everywhere we have them in our workplace because people are people and that's why jesus didn't put his trust in men he knew what was in him and in john 6 6 6 he'd always say you want to leave two he was so secure in the father that he didn't try to win people over and when you're a gossiper that's what you're doing you're manipulating people to see your side the truth can speak for itself we don't have to manipulate people so a jawbone is a walking busybody who ruins reputations behind their backs and this is the key behind their backs because if the if the person was present the conversation would change but gossipers always gossip behind the backs of people and try to cause schisms and divisions it's happened since the beginning of man this is not new but we're seeing more of it now we're seeing it now in families we're seeing it everywhere the division is so intense right now betrayal brothers against brothers mothers against mothers mothers and mothers-in-laws what the scripture says but a gossip goes around spreading rumors where a trustworthy man tries to quiet them tries to bring unity and peace let's not talk about that let's try to but not everybody is a peacemaker not everybody wants unity and if you're giving place to a spirit of strife and division you want division and you want people to take your side so which one are you you have to guard your own heart and just say am i a divider am i one that likes to stir up things am i like people that like to i like to manipulate their how they feel about different people if you do and if we are we need to judge ourselves because the bible says judge yourself that you be not judged okay proverbs 11 9 a hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor now in matthew 25 we can turn there this is great about the separation between the sheep and the goats let's look at verse 31 matthew 25 31 when the son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him think about that day now we're seeing a lot of the satanic plans and agendas are coming to pass we're starting to see the agendas now what is an agenda it's a plan and they're following a plan and it's a one world order a one world religion which we've been telling you about but there's coming a day that he's gonna we're gonna see him face to face and we're gonna have he's gonna have his angels with him think about that get your eyes on heavenly things sometimes when you read the news or you look at the news it's so depressing isn't it but he's going to come with his angels then he shall sit upon the throne of his glory and before him shall he gather all the nations now remember in revelations it talks about all nations being deceived right by the pharmaca by the sorceries well here he's gathering all the nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats we're going to talk about sheep and goats tonight and he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on his left and the right hand the sheep they go to eternal life so that's what we're looking for we're looking for this world is not our home we're passing through don't forget that but the goats they're going to eternal damnation and we don't even want to have goat traits so when we find them in ourself we have to step back judge ourselves say yes i've heard yet they've hurt me but you know what it's time to move on judge myself i'm just done with that then shall the king say unto them on his right hand come you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world now listen to this for when i was in hungered and you gave me meat i was thirsty and you gave me drink i was a stranger and you took me in naked and you clothed me i was sick and you visited me i was in prison and you came unto me then shall the righteous answer him saying lord when shall when saw we unhungered and fed with thee or thirsty and gave thee drink when did we do all this stuff when saw we thee a stranger and took the in or naked and clothed thee or when saw we thee sick or in prison and came to thee and the king shall answer and say unto them verily i say unto you inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of my brethren you have done it unto me and this is the thing we are born again in the kingdom of god and even though people are acting demonic and all this and that we still have to choose to take the high road as much as we can right we're just coming into the end times we're just coming into the beginning of sorrows so we have to guard our heart we have to prepare ourselves to walk in love regardless if no one else does if they reject you if they betray you if they do a judas goat we're going to talk about a judas goat jesus was betrayed right so these things should not surprise us but it is surprising when it's people you never thought would do this this is why it's so shocking then shall he say unto them on the left hand depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels for i wasn't hungered and you gave me no meat i was thirsty and you gave me no drink and i was a stranger and you took me not in naked and you clothed me not sick and in prison and you didn't even visit me you visited me not then shall they say and answer him saying lord when saw we thee in hungered or a thirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison it did not minister unto thee then shall he answer them saying verily i say unto you and as much as you did it not to one of the least of these you did it not to me and these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal and that's why if you're discouraged by doing good don't be discouraged because people won't reward you sometimes you give money to someone they don't act thankful or you you feed somebody and you took a lot of time and love you're going to be rewarded from the lord maybe not in this life but he is collecting all the things that we do for him i think that's really exciting but it only takes one weak link in the chain of your group to bring in division are you going to bring in division you have the power to choose if you're going to be carnal walk in strife and division or if you're going to suppress the strife and division sometimes you can't sometimes it will explode but as far as your heart's concerned you do as much as required of that you can handle you know i'm saying in these situations that we're facing and will face at work in fellowships and families because if one organ in your body gets unhealthy and shuts down the other organs are affected we are the we are to preach the word and we are to protect his body the true church from attacks within and without we're not to be giving place to the devil with strife and division and dividing people up now there's many pastors that are doing this there's a lot of pastors that have sold out their congregations and i've warned you that this was coming it's on a huger scale than i thought but it's definitely we're seeing and if you have to leave these places go nice don't leave and attack as you leave people that attack on the way out shows what's in them that shows and reveals the spirit of a person we see people's love growing cold we see divisions and separations brother betraying brother this is all by design divide and conquer divide and conquer the countries the nations the world to divide people over differences colors genders now health issues so-called they are much easier to control or overcome if you divide people into groups see them as the enemy and not the real enemy keep your eyes on each other rather than what the real enemy is doing what a trick of the enemy but when you're filled with oil you see right through it you see right through the plans you're not deceived divide and conquer it's a military economic and mathematical term a method to gain or keep power from another person another country another group whatever it is divide and conquer divide people over differences and they are much easier to control or overcome deepest destabilize a country destabilize a nation the devil uses divide and conquer in families churches and countries all around the world and he always have and now today we have the end time divisions what are you going to do in these end times division if people want to fight and quarrel i know people that have differences opinion than me and i try not to go on those subjects if they're family and they have a different opinion they have a different view it's their free right to have a different view but i don't want to waste the energy trying to change their mind when i know they're already set in their mind so what do you do you try to agree on what you can agree on and don't try to change their mind because at this point many people have already set their minds and they decided what they're going to do or not going to do so up to us we got to walk in love and remain what we have left to in our families the devil wants us divided i know people that are not talking to each other they won't have anything to do with each other blah blah blah blah because they're playing the right and the left paradigm in the politic world that's all by design to get people divided too he's been using this divide and conquer and family and churches forever and now we're seeing the end times divisions and the bible says how good for brethren to dwell together in unity for every person who desires fellowship and unity there is another person trying to engage in gossip spread rumors and cause arguments and division which one are you there's another person trying to engage in gossip spread rumors cause arguments in division or walk in unity as much as is possible within you which one are you well the bible tells us not to get into arguments over philosophies and now we're having so many philosophies going around so much deception and in romans 16 17 different translations say different things but uh watch out for those who cause divisions watch out there are people that are divisive you either agree with them or they want have nothing to do with you and they put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teachings you have learned false teaching we're not going into that tonight but keep away from them keep away from do you love them from afar but if they're causing device division and their divisive people what does it say mark them mark those that cause division doesn't say embrace them mark them for people are not serving our lord jesus christ but their own appetites either they're a goat they're either a goat or they're carnal by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of the simple of the naive people this is what we're seeing now people they they get into groups by flattery division strife and conflict what is it what does it mean to be in division it's a lack of agreement it's a lack of harmony i used to be in the music ministry for years and there's certain notes that they'd play and we'd all harmonize and then i'd have him get on the piano and i'd say just give us one that just doesn't harmonize and that's what it's like you get that on the piano you know what i mean right it doesn't flow doesn't harmonize it's divisive it's it's it's what it's the way it is with people they get in a group and it's all of a sudden it's just that that spirit they're never happy they're always complaining they're they're uh they have that jawbone just to jaw and away so what does strife and division do it produces quarreling people start fighting strife emphasizes a struggle for superiority some people want to be the leader of the group and they want that superiority they want to be the most brilliant or the smartest they're the ones that have you know what looking back you kind of see that person's got problem with everything they do at work they have to be superior at families everything it's like why does everything revolve around them well i call it the narcissist lovers of self some want to be superior the powerful person they want to be looked up at and they're really the insecure people because when you can't let somebody else lead you're really insecure goats don't like to follow now here in matthew 25 we read before him shall be gathered all nations he shall separate them one for another as a shepherd divideth his sheep the sheep from the goats let's talk a little bit about goats one of the marks of a goat is that it will eat almost anything goats love trash and spiritually it's the same thing their diet and their behavior totally singles them out they eat anything they listen to gossip they divide they quarrel goats love trash and thinks it's delicious they love those tiny morsels of juicy gossip the goats feed on what is popular and exciting you gotta entertain the goats you gotta have a better program in town than any other church because goats like to be entertained they love gossip and they spread trash it's a mark of a goat the biggest mark of a goat is they bring division remember satan is the author of division and they start yielding over to the wrong spirit goats are arrogant they love to exalt themselves in isaiah 14 13-14 describe satan as their father the great divider he divided heaven think about that he's in heaven it can't get any better and he he attacks god and he wants he takes a third of the angels away and he brings division just think i mean he still thinks he's going to be the winner he said i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god and i always think about when they put these new space programs in these new satellites up there this new ai stuff i will sit upon the mount of the congregation and the sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high god that's what his goal is it's what the devil's goal has always been he wants to be like god but he perverts everything everything god made he uses it and perverts it and is it any surprise that in satanic ceremonies they use the image of a goat the goat is the greatest of all time they call them the goats not funny they don't call them sheep they call them goats and they use the image of a goat to identify themselves goats like to be in high positions over others to dominate and control others sheep are humble now goats don't have a spirit of humility they have a spirit of pride like their father the devil jesus told them you are like the fat your father the devil and he was talking to what religious leaders we still have them amongst us today in proverbs 16 5 everyone that is proud in his heart is an abomination to the lord though hand joined in hand he shall not be unpunished and when you get mad and you see a lot of this injustice happening you have to let it go into god's hands vengeance belongs to him guess what he knows how to take care of the wicked and he will unfortunately it's not fast enough for us but he will take care of the wicked another thing and a trait of a goat he's very aggressive it's another mark they're angry and offended defense they get very defensive and they're very destructive goats are aggressive sheep are supposed to what hebrews 12 4 follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the lord goats go head to head with anyone who crosses them they butt heads that's a goat they don't like to follow they don't like to flow they like to lead and cause division doing okay a little bit more goats have different behaviors they're rebellious they're stubborn they're selfish they're self-centered and they're self-seeking but remember their destiny we don't want to be a goat we want to be like a sheep we're given eternal life goats are cast into the lake of fire goats some of their traits they're always poking their heads through fences they may be standing on their hind leg legs stretching for leaves just out of reach why goats are never content with what they have and i look at some of these people that are governing and ruling and doing these things when is enough money enough i mean when follow the money when they aren't they'll never be satisfied because they're goats goats are never content it's better to have little and be content in your life without division it's better to be content the bible says but these people they're never content with what they have they always do their own thing they're rebellious and they're not good followers that's why they don't follow the shepherd do as thou wilt is their saying they prefer leading in going off on their own goats will never stay with you too long because they have to go out and do their own thing and they're never content in meat packers they train an old goat they call them the judas goat and judas we know is the one that betrayed jesus but the judas goat is led the sheep to pens for slaughter their slaughter houses and they mix among the sheep and they lead them to the wrong path the infiltration of the churches for the last 50 years or more we've seen judas goats we've seen false preachers we've seen false movements leading sheep to the slaughter to deception a well-trained judas goat will lead group after group of sheep to the slaughter all day long they have no conscience they don't care they just take your money they just keep leading the sheep to the slaughter false promises goats cause disunity and want to take over they cause trouble wherever they go goats always eventually will cause trouble they will eventually expose who they are as they do not want to be led they like to lead they don't like following they have to always be the leader they look like sheep but they have horns for hurting others usually with gossip i was going to do a whole lot on gossip but i'm not going to go too much into that but what does it mean to gossip it means injury you injure someone you're telling things you shouldn't tell busy bodies is to have a long nose in other people's business sometimes you just have to say you know what too much information i really don't care i don't need to know that talking about the private affairs of others and ruin reputations and it's always behind someone's back that's a gossiper a walking busybody spreads rumors and leaked secrets first of all the person being discussed is never there the discussion would change if the other person were present our mouths can divide people the power of life and death is really not to create things like we've been taught you can just speak the same thing god says and have it how's that working for you we blow that away some preachers don't even get me going i didn't go too far i guess but mouth mouths our mouths can cause division we can set verbal fires there's been so many times that someone will tell me their secret this won't tell me i thought i could just destroy that person by telling this person what this other person just said about them because i've been in a position of trying to lead people and i don't use it against them i try to keep them united as long as i can but people are just amazingly want you to not like anyone as well as you like them so they divide they set verbal fires they injure reputations and they spread things that probably are not even true because exaggeration just makes it a little more juicy so where i go so why do we do it why do we gossip we've all gossiped we've all done it so we're judging ourselves tonight we want to go forward walk in friendships that are united family members that are disagreeing with us but we try to stay as far as is possible with us to unite why do people do it why do people give place to the spirit of the division because it's all about control talk is control this need to control is the essence of sin flesh we use it to control other people's perceptions and we put our own spin on what we want others to feel see and know we have low self-esteem we feel bad about ourselves and we see others as a threat and focus on their weaknesses and i remember this one lady she was not real pretty but another lady was really pretty she comes in she goes well she has nice nails i can tell she doesn't do any work just those little digs because you're jealous so you see someone else as a threat you focus on their weaknesses we strive to elevate ourselves above them what is that pride we've never potty trained our mouths we've never disciplined it we've never controlled that should be taught in school some of the things we learned were not really worth living you know going through but how do you talk about others how do you talk to your mom and dad how do you none of that stuff stuff that you really needed in life you didn't learn even how to balance a checkbook none of those things were taught so we never potty trained our mouth to say you're not going to say that you might think that but that doesn't mean just because you think it you should say it because if i say this how will it affect usually it's your close family how will this affect my husband how will this affect my wife how will this affect my friend well i just blurted out what i wanted to say and then you make them deal with the poison you've never disciplined yourself you don't have to let everything out that comes to your mind none of us do with the person i'm talking about be offended by what i'm saying if they knew i was saying it when we're preoccupied with other people's dirt we love to be preoccupied with other people's dirt we don't have time to clean up our own if i can focus on what a mess your life is then i feel better about mine that's why people gossip that's why they all like soap operas not funny they call them soap operas because they want to see if this guy's going to have an affair in his wife he's miserable so what does he do those slop operas i used to call him a lot of people were hooked on these from episode episode because their lives were miserable and they wanted to see what dallas was doing back in the day remember oh my goodness so people get preoccupied with movie stars and magazines and they want us i mean i think that's kind of fading out i don't know but we don't really want to be like those movie stars anymore we see how messed up they are but you're preoccupied with other people's dirt and we don't have time to clean up our own lives because we're so focused you know and that's why the bible talks about busy bodies you're sticking your nose over the fence of everybody else's life and then you don't have time to judge yourself so i just wanted to bring this message to us that we strive to remember our own weaknesses and our own failures before we comment on others and every time i preached on this in 40 some years it's always a little different but it's the quietest fellowship afterwards nobody talks but that's not the reason the point is that we're facing division as we've never defaced it before different opinions as you know the news what's going on in different countries and what's coming even in ours and what's coming this fall was coming this winter and different things that are happening uh the relocation of people is happening where there's floods in the united states where there's fires all these different things and the bible says that they're going to increase so with the time we have left do we really want to fight do we really want to argue with the people that we love so we have to make a decision when you get around people that disagree with the way you believe on anything choose not to get into a divisive spirit and it's hard to sit and listen to people when you know they're deceived they haven't done any research it's really hard because you you really do want to give them a holy ghost slap and say wake up but they don't want to wake up they feel good about not knowing what's coming and they feel good about not knowing what the evil plans of the enemy is but the bible says that we still have to be watched we got to watch and warn but the the thing we want to do tonight is to judge our own hearts so let's pray father we want to be a sheep following our shepherd and in these days how important it is that we hear your voice and the voice of a stranger we will not follow and even though we have knives in our back and people have betrayed us and we see the judas goats all around us workplaces wherever we are father we just give it to you we give these hurts pains betrayals loss of friendships to you and father we thank you lord we judge yourself that we would not be judged we judge ourself we ask you to help us lord with our mouth and with even our thoughts as our thoughts go dark and our thoughts dwell on negative things and all the different things that we're going through you said count it all joy my brother when you face these tests and trials and we are we're we're in fires we're in testing fires to see where our loyalties will be uh who our friends will be who our pastors will be who our leaders will be we're seeing them deceived falling to the right and the left but as we make you lord and savior and our shepherd many shall fall to the right many shall fall to the left but in these end times lord we trust you we thank you for giving us faith to walk these dark hours thank you lord for giving us friendships that are divine we thank you father for helping us hardening us to difficulties in this day and hour and give us eyes to see and ears to hear help us not be like the lady osean church that was so lukewarm that you spit him out of your mouth help us father we thank you for filling us with oil as we listen to these words and we read our bibles we thank you for filling us with oil that we will not let our oil run out that you'll help us you'll keep us and you'll guide us in these hard times and we promise to give you alone all the praise and glory in jesus name and everyone said 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Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 4,340
Rating: 4.8376384 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Gilbert, Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible-based teachings
Id: 0jXiE9FrRSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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