I Bought $1,000 of Junk from Temu!

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have you ever heard of Teemu they're that crazy website that sells Seven dollar switches and five dollar drones well I've always wondered if these things are actually real items so today I'm gonna buy a bunch of stuff from the website and see if it's real or just a scam all right here's my credit card oh thank you you have permission to buy up to one thousand dollars of stuff that you think is cool we've got an automatic hair braider I don't think we have enough hair for that we'll make Sam do it okay oh we've got a telescope I love telescopes look at that you can see the moon the sun I don't think you should be doing that 123 people viewed this in the last 24 hours the rest of them are blind all right we've got an eight and a half inch tablet for three dollars it's good for boys and girlfriends [Laughter] you tell me that's not awesome watermelon no no okay so we bought like 18 or 19 items it was close to a thousand dollars it should arrive in the next like two weeks I can't wait for the next two weeks I found package after package at my front door until finally all right it has been exactly 13 days we got all of the items by the way this is not a brand deal from Teemu if the items are good I'll tell you they're good if they are junk I'll tell you their joke which box do you want to do first this one good choice oh no I forgot all right item number one is the watermelon cutter we gotta get a buttermilon for to buy a watermelon so first things first I think we need to cut the melon in half uh I don't trust you want to do it yeah I just cut myself so this thing was four dollars and 67 cents okay oh okay it kind of worked oh I almost had it look how fun that is next item oh this is one I'm very looking forward to this is a Robot vacuum I have one in my house that I paid like 500 bucks for this one cost 35.97 and you paid 500 bucks for yours yeah what an idiot whoa turned it off so how do we test if it works so this is the 500 one this is the 36 dollar one let's try them side by side okay first we're gonna go with the expensive one for our super official vacuum test I spread some kitty litter around the smallest room in my house and we put the vacuums to the test foreign [Music] this was the expensive vacuum there's some stuff like you can see right here right here maybe the 36 dollar one will do better what the hell it looks like it's doing something it does all right I think I'm calling it it's been like 10 minutes the room is not much cleaner I don't know if it got anything it moved it around it yeah it just spread it around the room oh oh this is the portable air conditioner cool yeah [Music] it's more annoying than anything it's like it's just like someone standing right below you like this is basically a replacement for a GoPro wow and it cost 18.89 how much did that one cost like 250 what an idiot yeah it kind of feels uh cheaply made no this is the action Ultra HD Camera 2.0 it looks like the camera's actually working so for the rest of this section we're gonna switch to this camera how do we look is it worth how much was it 18.89 I'm gonna be honest it looks like I'm recording a VHS like this is taking me back to 1997. see it's even a nostalgic feeling that it gives you all right oh this is a good one so this is an automatic hair braider now me and Steve don't have long hair but when Sam gets home from work I'm gonna try this on her but we're gonna skip to that video right now I'm excited for this one am I gonna lose hair because of this possible [Music] there's a braid oh is that not a braid you look like Rapunzel I'm gonna climb up your hair oh that worked really well or badly yes uh let's move on okay okay after that we tried the Hip Hop grills which clearly boosted our coolness level and then we tried the running parachute which helps you train to run faster and it was actually kind of cool so I got us a 3D printer it was 79.64 cents so it was enough that maybe it will work okay this printer took me and Steve so long to put together but after like an hour and a half we finally figured it out it's working it's actually working oh man this is gonna take a long time it doesn't look like a cat yet we'll give it time it just started what do you want a cat in three seconds I won't even need Roxy anymore no [Music] it's been about an hour this is clearly going to take a very long time but it is working yeah I could kind of see like the legs and the tail of the cat this is cool we're gonna keep opening other items but meanwhile this is going to be Printing and we will catch back up with this when it's done boom that's cool a drone so I spent like four or five hundred dollars on the Drone that we use in our normal YouTube videos this bad boy twenty dollars and 87 cents wow you could have saved so much money that is a bargain what a dummy we're gonna fly the regular drone that we use every day and then compare the footage on this one let's get this bird in the air we're gonna start with the regular drone just for comparison [Music] so that drone was cool but it's got nothing on this I'm gonna call this the Nighthawk the Nighthawk let's put this bird uh in the in the sky there it is yeah all right throw her on our high tech takeoff platform oh my gosh I don't know how to drive it [Music] that was well worth twenty dollars this might be the most fun out of everything we've bought so this is a water pellets Orbeez firing device I don't exactly know what it is but basically you pour Orbeez at the top and then you can fire them at people so the water balls are almost done and ready to be used so there's one thing I also bought that goes along with it okay what is it it's a bag where right here oh I didn't see it by the way uh you're gonna be wearing this and I'm gonna be hunting you with the water gun that's fun I'm gonna give you five seconds to start running and then I just start firing at you okay five four three two one [Music] yeah I think his foot fell off it's a clue [Music] all right the 3D printer is finally done printing this entire cat it only took about four hours and also we are done testing all of the equipment it cost about a thousand dollars was it worth it probably not but we had fun right Steve Steve [Music]
Channel: TFG Vlogs
Views: 2,139,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I bought $1000 of stuff from temu, is temu, is temu legit, is temu real, is temu a scam, tfg vlogs, tfg, frustrated gamer vlogs, tfg vlogs temu, i bought stuff from temu, testing temu products, testing temu, temu haul 2023, temu, I Bought $1000 of Junk from Temu
Id: wiafcoYeDLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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