Upgrading My Muscles For 24 Hours Straight

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today we're going to make this viewer sized individual much much stronger and we're gonna do it while wearing potato shoes in order to lift my adorable little dumbbell I've got a click repeatedly as I do that I'm gonna level up my strength and also earn money I can use that money to buy more power and more power again that's going to make the lifting action that much quicker there's level three I don't know if we look any bigger yet but we are stronger so we're going to increase our stamina and stamina recovery both and then a little more strength again our stats so far don't seem to be that good we have ease across the board but look how quickly we lift this thing and we don't have to use any of our stamina to do it we're so strong and we're so focused we don't even blink not once so I've decided to enter the dumbbell challenge I think we gotta lift this 10 times in 30 seconds we should be up to the task this is going to be the first time I've won anything ever so I'm very excited challenge success 200 experience 200 gold that brought us up to level four but we can move on to the three kilo dumbbells now we get three times the strength and three times the earnings I'm lifting this little thing takes a little bit more effort but we can do it probably especially with the help of an audio clicker I don't have to do anything at all and this guy's gonna get ripped we're about to hit level five we'll see if his appearance actually changes whatsoever nope but we're just a little bit stronger but maybe today we're just gonna go ahead and make the world's strongest noodle yeah I should probably also remember to spend my points level 10 strength we're gonna get level 10 stamina and as many of these as we can buy and if we manage to get up to 100 critical probability we get some new stuff unlocked but that would take a while we're level 15 across the board now we're literally missing like a real champion and a 30 gold for every lift we're making money ordinary person weak Man fight we're gonna go for an armresting competition I don't know how we compare to them so far they're winning pretty handily and I'm using an auto clicker so we need to get stronger wait I might be taking over stamina for the win Auto clicker for the win think we got him never mind he's making a comeback we're gonna give up and get stronger before we try that so we're gonna go for the challenge with this dumbbell all we got to do is 10 times in 30 seconds that's easy look at him go he's very confident I'd give him extra points for style but the game probably won't so we're moving up to the five kilos definitely take a little more strength to the left but not that bad I just spent some of my gems to buy a power water that gives me an extra 10 strength so that's gonna add up especially the stronger we get next we're probably gonna need a whole bunch more of everything so I just flush my power all the way up to level 31 now we're making very short work of the black dumbbell that's going to push us right through to level seven so we're stronger than ever and I think with all that strength we're easily strong enough to challenge for this dumbbell already we just got to be quicker than one rep every three seconds and I think we're there that was easy 2000 experience 1800 gold so we're doubling our weight now but we're gonna get three times the results and in case you're wondering how many different weights there are there's a lot so we'll add a little bit of strength onto him basically until we run out power level 83 now we should be able to tear through even this new weight at rapid fire and stamina doesn't really seem to be a problem right now because we're lifting it so easily okay we're so strong they were actually going to challenge this dumbbell almost right away not only are we gonna challenge it we're gonna absolutely smash it we're basically already done 6500 5400 so we're gonna add 50 to the weight that definitely makes it harder we're going through some stamina to get this one all the way up nice to see him finally straining himself for once no wonder his muscles aren't getting bigger I also don't really know what happened to our money we've got a 1A there suddenly anyway since we're gonna need more stamina we're gonna boost that up to level 50 and stamina recovery up to level 60. aside from that this is all about the strength so why would we not upgrade the strength a lot or level 100 and something 126 that makes lifting this weight quite a bit easier still a little bit heavy but we do get 810 gold per lift and quite a bit of experience we're about to hit Level 10 at which point our appearance will hopefully change and start to make this guy look a little more in shape I don't think it changed so let's see if we can spend a few of these to get some new I don't know what okay these are just skins I'm not sure these have any use whatsoever he's no longer wearing potatoes and he's wearing a red shirt red is a color of passion so he's very passionate uh whatever we're just gonna upgrade string the numbers don't matter except for they are Nubble we want this one to be a million but our strength is much higher than before now we're making short work of this one so we're gonna go back and we just destroyed that guy in an arm wrestle oh there's multiple rounds okay we got him again so instead of fighting a weak man we're now fighting the jobless one I guess if you're jobless that means you're not strong physically I don't know what the correlation is there but we won't question it will just beat them twice in an arm muscle I just realized with the next challenge is I'm not sure what it means but we'll just keep working towards that one uh I don't know what the gold thing is but we've unlocked it I didn't realize there's a bar that built up that's going to get us extra money so we're gonna auto click for a minute and save okay after all that we're actually gonna auto click this thing until it goes up to 232. now look at this girl we're making very short work of this one so we're definitely gonna challenge that we're doing a better rep every second I'm a little over so we're easily gonna do this and we're getting cocky with it again we're gonna add not quite double the weight but a giant step up we can still lift it but it takes some stamina and it takes a moment we're level 13 and I have no idea what the levels actually mean but presumably something I've gone ahead and topped up my stamina and stamina recovery quite a bit too no my little green thing doesn't wiggle that much because I need him to sit here and pump this iron forever I've realized that rating is actually a worthwhile adventure and the Skins actually have an effect so we're gonna go ahead and put this one on now and that's just gonna add a lot of extra stats to us so we didn't really need well look at that strength go up now okay we did need this we're getting a stupid amount of experience because of our blue sweater so we better do the same thing with our haircut because I assume our haircut can also make a difference yeah it's actually four times power and stamina just for a new haircut wow that actually works way better look how fast we are level 17 and we're gonna upgrade our strength just a little bit all the way up to level 307 and now we're even quicker there's no stopping what we can do so let's go back to the dumbbell challenge we're doing this in like one rep per half second that gave me 373 a uh space 6461. moving on to the 45 kilos we're gonna pump these in we're gonna get big time money and experience to emphasize how tough he is he's doing this in a garage with a concrete floor and broken windows and then he does something like this it makes him look not tough but he's having a good time so he's just out there living his best life there is level 20. so I think we've earned a little more power wow these upgrades come quickly so we've defeated the weak man and the jobless it's time for otaku and we went instantly I think we're gonna do that again we probably should have done these sooner apparently high school student is stronger than all the aforementioned but I think we're also going to defeat him pretty handily at this point after that we're fighting Diner anti no idea why this makes sense but she's probably pretty strong she's wearing gloves so you know we're in for a good time just barely beat her the first time I think we're gonna get it a second time unless my auto clicker gets tired but I don't think that's gonna happen just about got her take that Diner idiot we're so strong they were also making short work of this dumbbell so we're gonna have to just do this challenge then we're not quite gonna double again but much bigger rates these ones are a little bit more of a struggle but they're making us really rich and really strong speaking of which we need a few more levels of strength we'll give them some more stamina because it seems pretty cheap in hindsight now also maybe some of these crit things 100 critical is what we need to hit eventually well even after all of those upgrades we're still not incredibly strong but we're quite strong it is also super smart to only get one arm stronger that way you really are balanced and your back hurts we're gonna use your golden dumbbell again I think that this gives us extra earnings while it's active it's hard to say because I don't really understand the gibberish at the top but we seem to make a lot of something okay we got one B whatever we can call that billions if we want I don't think that's accurate we're level 442 power that looks something like this we probably could challenge for the victory but we're gonna wait just a second we don't want to beat the challenge we want to destroy it so I quickly saved up another 2 million ish whatevers uh we don't want stamina we want strength that's probably only going to be a few levels so we're gonna go and challenge anyway I'm quite sure yes we're definitely still gonna do it we clearly need a bigger dumbbell to make this idiot stronger the next runs 100 kilos so it's not actually that huge of a step up but the earnings are and he's making it look so difficult it even has a flower on it how heavy could it be I decided it would be a good idea to unlock some more haircuts and I think if we get enough of them we can actually combine into the next tiers so instead of 3.6 bonus we have 13.3 he looks so much meaner and we're a lot stronger apparently this angry Hedgehog will stop at nothing to lift this dumbbell and I should probably pay attention to achievements like I always ignore because there's a whole bunch of gems waiting here for me so we're gonna spend 100 of those gems on more clothes this one might actually be a good one it's even the one be beyond the one we had I just want to hit the combine button because I very satisfied with combining things okay so this a tier shirt we have it takes us about 55 to 197. so I feel like that's going to help us progress because look at all that money we're getting now and with this we're making a fashion statement also okay time to spend all of this money on power we're going from 446 to 475 and we're gonna arm wrestle an old man to see if we can take him on so far looks like we can he's putting up a little bit of a fight but not much I don't know why we're doing this we're just randomly challenging and defeating people to humiliate them okay so by defeating arm wrestlers we get three gems the gems are actually gonna make a difference so let's spend another 6 billion or whatever simply on strength that took us over level 500 so now we're going to make this look easy so it's time to challenge we're doing a rep every second so this one's also easy our new dumbbells at 50 increase but we're still strong enough to make that look fairly easy just upgraded our lovable bar and strength a little bit more and he's really starting to make even this one look easy let's take a moment now to see if we can defeat puffy with an intimidating name like that I'm sure we can do it got him once we're a pretty big deal in the arm wrestling circuit and that gave us the achievement we need for 100 gems which means we can open 11 haircut boxes and hopefully get some better hair there's an S tier one which is actually quite a ways down the line this would have been a new one better for us because we were at 4.3 power and stamina now we're gonna get 3 200 power and we're blinking this thing to the top now we're so strong that that dumbbell blinks to the top that's the power of a good haircut ladies and gentlemen so I think we could probably pretty easy challenge for this one because we're going to be done in like four seconds flat so then it's time for these cool star ones 150 to 200 kilos and I'm pretty sure we're still gonna make these look easy so we'll enjoy these for just a second watching how easily we lift them before they're straight up challenging to get new ones again we're lifting rocks next this is a 50 increase in where we just were we're not quite blinking them to the top but it's almost there I've clicked our golden dumbbell so we can make a little extra money while we do this we just make a stupid amount of money right now and we better turn all this uh Stupid amount of money into more strengths or over level 600 650 39 and there's double 30 that's going to get me another pgms and we're gonna challenge this we're gonna use our rocket dumbbells we're gonna finish this again in about six seconds now we're gonna lift skulls these are 500 kilos or over a thousand pounds we're lifting a thousand pounds this quickly with one arm and we're making ourselves very very rich by doing it okay let's fight The Gambler with our Newfound strength yeah we're just absolutely annihilating him which brings us to tattoo man but we're so strong like we don't even see the arm wrestle happen if this starts and he's down to the bottom we're like Superman we've hit the bottom of the list Shaolin monk okay I think we could probably beat him too it's not instant but we beat him it's almost instant let's be honest uh since we're making money at such a stupid amount too we're gonna upgrade a few things over here and that all made such a big difference we're just gonna challenge this goal right away we might as well get to whatever is next I think we'll still be doing it quick we get Yin yangs these are straight up one ton one thousand kilos which is 2200 pounds and we're doing it quick we've earned a thousand bees I think for the first time I've already been keeping track because they're garbage numbers but we're going upgrader strength again see if we can get it up to level 700 just about that will make a difference but it's going to be hard to tell at this point now What's called the BJ challenge costs 100 gems to try and I guess it's just like a stronger version we won do we win gems we're beating this guy then because we're getting pretty sure beat him twice oh okay so I got my gems back I spent 100 gems to get here I decided I deserve better rewards than that so we know of 500 gems mostly because I want to open a relic box for one but also probably a whole bunch of clothes because we don't have any high level clothes yet and we're just gonna keep doing that until we hopefully get an S tier one or we might just have to combine a bunch of garbage well you know what that's okay I am used to dealing with garbage every five uh combines into the next tier so we get two of these and actually that makes things better too I didn't realize so we actually did get a nice increase from that we're really really strong so that's all that matters I pushed our power level over 700 with 720 at this point so we're gonna challenge the dumbbell Challenge and I think we're gonna crush it which means we unlocked at Captain America one Caesar three tons that's triple the size but that's also going to be triple the uh resources we get for lifting them okay apparently he's very tired so we should probably actually give him some stamina now we're gonna give him lots of stamina and lots of stamina recovery we've been kind of neglecting this people that go to the gym don't worry about cardio we all know that stamina it may be a problem now because it's very slow to regenerate oh I just realized we actually unlocked from ordinary person to Muscle Man for arm wrestling so we can fight a bodybuilder he's also naked idiot he was working leg muscles this is arm wrestling since my latest dumbbell is a little bit too heavy for us to work with I've gone back to the previous dumbbell because we can rapid fire this thing and while we're waiting we're also going to fight the US Marine uh we have this damage to definitely plow through him in a hurry and then it's on to Hulk Rogan who's gonna put up a little bit of a fight our stamina might run up before we do this but I think we can get him just barely after defeating the many arm wrestlers that can take us home 741 to 745 not as dramatic as I'd hoped we're gonna open another 11 clothing cases and got all garbage for our trouble I just opened another clothing case and I got two a shirts that means I can combine all of the ones I have and that's going to give us much better everything and fittingly we now look like the Hulk so going back to our Captain America dumbbells and we can actually do these reasonably well we still go through stamina but maybe if we'd make ourselves a lot stronger we won't go through it so quick it made a little bit of a difference we still need to upgrade that stamina but look at those earnings look at that strength I've let the auto clicker run for an hour so we've saved up a lot of money and we're gonna spend all of it on power from Level 824 to level almost 900. so now when it comes to the Captain America dumbbell we're gonna be doing it that much easier but where's your going through stamina faster than it's regenerating so we're just gonna have to sit back and let him pump some iron for a while before we do we're at least going to let him finish the challenge for the Captain America dumbbell because we'll get a nice reward for that that unlocked this literal diamonds weighing five tons each and to lift one of these takes a turn of our stamina so we're gonna let this run for a while don't let his enthusiasm fool you he's been pumping iron for almost 24 hours straight that's why we have the amount of money and experience that we do so that's too many strength upgrades that's going to give us 24 hours of progress equals from 919 almost 100 levels and that's a lot considering we're almost at level a thousand then we're just going to put the rest into stamina maybe now we've got what it takes to wield the diamonds so if you use an auto clicker nope we're still going through stamina quicker than ever so basically we're supposed to grind up gems and put on better clothes at this point but if we want to fight against silver G Jam bring we can maybe make a few extra gems here I think we just dominated the person wearing shorts one more time I think we're gonna get it and we're done and I've compounded that into 820 gems so that means we should be able to buy a lot of something we're gonna go with clothes because we have a higher chance of getting better staff 500 gems and one a tier still looking by their way down the list of spending all those gems really doesn't carry you nearly as far as you'd think we didn't even get another A8 here so we got no upgrades out of all that so I guess 24 hours straight of Pumping Iron means you can almost lift a heavy Diamond a few times well I'm gonna leave them running acres for a couple years then we'll see what happens [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 555,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HlCczlGD92E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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