Upgrading Farmers Rapidly Into Fighters! | Part 1 | Reassembly 2021

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greetings sir anseratz and welcome back to reassembly with me lathrox and of course welcome to the start of a brand new series recently i posted the video about reassembly when i was just feeling incredibly nostalgic and just wanted to play this game again and it seems like the vast majority of people want to see a bit more of it which i am so so happy about so thank you for the comments and likes there i am so happy to be getting back into this game so essentially what i'm going to be doing is just playing this on my off time after recording other things like today it's currently 3am i've just been recording something else and i just really really want to play the game my only real goal is just to have some fun mess around and hopefully become really powerful and really stupid i'm definitely the last one already so let's see if i can be a bit powerful as well and i've decided the faction we're going to be choosing is the farmer now this may seem a bit weird some of the factions may seem a little bit more interesting but in my honest opinion the farmer is actually one of the more interesting factions it can plant things on its own ships so we can have plants everywhere spawning resources it has solar panels it has a good range of weapons some really nasty lasers even i just think it's all around a really really fun faction from what i can remember again it's been a while since i played this properly we are going to be farm thricks and i've decided i would like to go for a bit of an ice kind of look so dark blue um more of a lighter blue and then a white kind of like yeah like an icicle don't know why i just really love the idea of frost farmers it's a bit weird but honestly i'm a bit weird too as my voice goes all weird there because it's very light and i've been talking all day now for those who haven't played this game or don't really know what's going on i will be trying to explain everything as we go on because i'm gonna be relearning as well so it's gonna be a lot just for my own psych honestly so we start off over here we're in pharma territory right next to a really dangerous enemy that's gonna be fun with loads of these damage stations and we have agents absolutely everywhere and the borg even lovely so these agents should be designs from other players and they can be really really big and really really scary so i'm glad to see so many we're going for a large galaxy because currently the wormhole system is offline which is when you can go to a new galaxy and save your ships and everything you can't do that you're stuck in the same galaxy at the moment because the servers are down shouldn't be a problem on such a large galaxy so let's just get going and we'll be following the tutorial mostly there we go so we're now in and the very first thing i want to do because we're right next to enemy territory is an enemy corpse right there i want to change my design a bit uh let's make sure this design is already saved yes it is so what i want to go with is missiles eventually i want to upgrade and go with things like this very big missile here but honestly i want lasers i want to go down this laser route if i recall correctly the farmer's licenses are very powerful and quite small like this one that's kind of what i want to go with but we have loads of options we have the longbow here which sends you a railgun we have the actual railgun there we have the station battery the heavy turrets with the solar panels we can buy but all this is going to cost and to get this uh credits we need to get some resources and trade them in one of our stations until we have our own factory in which we can spawn in things and sell them and then we can make money that way so i have to go to a station all the time because we are essentially the station now what's unique about the farmer like i was saying earlier is this they have a unique armor type here which will support vegetation if a plant seed hits this it will grow into new plants which will spawn resources over time this is also very heavy and can massively mess up your controls so not something i want to do straight away if i generator here passively producing energy while also having some capacity for resource that's the r there the p is the uh what's it actually stand for ship points just points basically okay so here's our missiles nice basic ones they're really fast really fast regenerating if i can speak 50 energy per missile this is doing 120 energy per second we might run out of missiles uh run out of energy i think for now we can probably support maybe three since since we do have quite a lot in the why of a reserve power as well how much is that reserve power is if i just spawn in 660 is that with the is that with the generator yeah 660. that's not too bad let's just test out our energy here yeah we can support three which is good because i think that's pretty much as much as we can get right now anyway since we are pretty darn small let's see if i can actually figure out a decent design for this thing what about kind of squid i remember building squids a lot the last time i played so to start with let's go with this then a couple more missiles there like i was placing them before and then how about if we use the adapters here i never end up using these and they can look really good i also think i might be building a space invader i've just realized we could also just flip this um yeah if i remove the main block and we do this then we can keep the idea of it looking like it's going backwards all the time kind of like uh yeah that'd be interesting so it looks like it's going backwards all the time would be very very cool let's go with that oh we are almost out of resource already i didn't even notice that um in that case let's put a couple of thrusters down here where we can [Music] and that should be decent uh realistically be nice to have some like that as well or like this but i don't have the resources for that let's have a quick test now sadly the test button in the bottom left there isn't what you think it's basically like a um a fighting mode with other designs and you don't actually have manual control so you can't really feel how things work oh actually now think about as well this missile's gonna have a real tough time hitting targets i think i might just have to actually move backwards as my main movement this is gonna be really awkward sure you know what this could be fun it's going to be stupid i said i wanted to be stupid today so let's be stupid let's make sure our bindings are correct so we have the missile set to right mouse we have these two little mini guns set to the left mouse these don't do much damage but it's really nice to have a manual fire weapon to clear things like plants and everything without that we can get stuck really easily and then we have two-point defense in the form of the anti-missiles you you can actually have any weapons set to point defense on a side note maybe except for missiles and drones but even then i'm not too sure so chris have the miniguns is that no these have a faster turret speed so i can aim it faster they do 10 damage per round only four per second but they have a splash radius so these are going to do more damage but less splash radius and can't lock onto target faster these can lock on faster and then the splash radius can deal with i mean enemy missiles a bit faster as well so honestly they seem decent especially with the splash damage that's what makes missiles so dangerous i wonder if you can make a brawler just with these i mean they're very cheap they're only 15 the missiles are 47. and let's leave it light for now so right now moving backwards is the way to go so minigun missiles we fire for everything at once yeah then we're gonna run out of resources oh that's interesting i thought we had the other faction next to us apparently we have the red faction which is a lot easier for us oh yeah we're down here did i accidentally spawn into another map i'm sure he said i was spawning at the top did i misread that i may have misread that doesn't matter in the slightest i'm sorry no just it is what it is so realistically what we should be doing right now is harvesting resources staying safe in our own territory but i want to fire missiles at things so naturally we're going to try and find some of the red enemies now the red enemy is actually a pretty easy enemy to fight um now watch me die to them but they're considered a hard faction to play because they're a bit frail and they tend to love their really small craft says the nurse there nurse really well nurse these are missiles here's the swarm if they hit they should take it out pretty quickly we can stay nice and far back missiles be quite a cowardly weapon honestly since they're so far away here comes the storm now i actually love the red faction funnily enough i find it really fun but yeah the smaller craft just get absolutely destroyed oh nice like that just because of really low health blocks is it low health blocks or either way you can see they're very frail it makes the missile seem really powerful but honestly oh no that's bad this one's far far larger than us and it has point defense which means our missiles aren't going through so let's try and back up yeah none of those missiles got through then go after the storm instead actually pretty quick at trying to escape which is nice and actually now think about it being able to move backwards faster is better since we want to be able to stay at range as much as possible and if anything gets too close oh raptor being able to just get out of there is lovely i'm so happy to have point defense as well because those drones will be chewing us up otherwise yeah a bit of a stalemate we can run away faster than they can chase us and neither of us can get through our long-range weapons i'm just getting back now so i can hand in this hundred and fifty nine resource there we go it's not gonna upgrade what i'm going to do is i could grab the laser no i think we're a bit small right now we have to get quite close i mean range is a thousand but the missiles are far far more than that nothing for now yeah let's just increase our size so that we can grab some more stuff uh how about if we remove our head like that you're just casually removing your head it's fine and then maybe oh there's all zero really even the larger variants yeah okay so we can actually build some pretty big craft with the farms of the farmers that's interesting to know can we afford more missiles i think we fought one more right oh not even one more really that is a shame how about if i did this okay so put you in the middle put the struts there because it looks interesting more than anything else uh we could need proper hull there yeah there we are although i don't like how that's a little bit further back uh it's gonna be changing a lot as time goes on anyways it's not really a big deal sure it's only our first upgrade don't think we can overwhelm that point defense yet though so let's go and try and find some more small targets or perhaps we can actually do our namesake and start farming oh look one of our allie craft there just showing how farming works ooh look at that plant it's got it the little blue one what's that i don't remember you on what's better the standard green plants or those blue plants so those seeds they're throwing obviously seeds they'll grow if they hit something they can grow on but also um after they decay that's what turns into resource as you see there that one turns a little resource blob the blue ones are throwing a lot of seeds sadly our ally here is grabbing all of them oh it's a little farmer okay you can go and do that i'm going to defend the motherland i should also say after this episode there's likely going to be a lot more editing and a lot more downtime um just because there's going to be a lot more farming the very first few episodes is going to be a bit more every kill potentially gets us an upgrade because we're able to upgrade quite cheaply but every time you upgrade it gets more and more expensive i mean look at the price of some of these end weapons here on the heavy torque being 3400 and i really want that because i've never used that before at least i can't remember oh that is terrifying you have a healing beam now that explains why you have nurses now okay oh that is horrible yep the mothership there has lots of point defense lots of point defense lasers we are never getting through their missiles especially when they're all clumped nope still can't break through the raptor let's just back off way too small it kind of looks yeah this looks like a dot in space a pale blue dot a little interceptor there we go lots of small targets now is when the laser would be really good hit scan weapons against small targets like this as well lovely okay this guy's a little bit of point defense but nowhere near enough and it's gone and the resources got stolen that was just mean thrust around the start to orbit speeding okay so this is the gravity well dlc let's have a quick spin around oh this is a mistake i am moving as fast as i can right now it's hardly affecting my orbit oh my god some okay that star can throw fire um good to know that the stars can be a hostile the claw and the cruiser the missiles redirect if you choose a new target uh it seems like yes if the target gets destroyed by swap target midway and none of them changed until the death uh i'll do more testing around the future could be wrong there are there's so many but they're all so far away yep you will go and fight the other thing you're fighting just ignore me just lobbing missiles in your general direction as fast as i can oh we're out of energy okay so now we definitely need a new generator that's the next thing we need to upgrade it just so happens i had enough for an upgrade now so you gone generator in so close um i'll leave it for now add a bit more point defense sure the issue here is i'm gonna have to kill all of these uh now they have point events nope okay is there any damage stations nearby is the gravity well and explode oh there's a damage station right underneath us can't zoom in here which is a bit annoying i mean i can hardly see that so i can't imagine it's going through very well oh yeah there it is on the map they're killing these would be the best idea then stay away from each other so i've only got once at a point defense so close come on yes okay one down this is gonna be a while oh ambushed and down we go yeah needs to be more zoomed out well that's a pain okay i'm gonna go around then try and find another damage station somewhere else and activate it because that's my next objective anyway and i don't want to farm because i'm a rebel like that a little rebel farmer this shoe is honestly completely zoomed out so i can see where i'm going and what's heading towards maybe also i want to zoom in so i can see what i'm doing i would like to see my little angry squid ah more large targets i just can't get any of those damage stations they're all so well protected the same i have now killed two of these at long range well that healing beam is really cool i wonder if any any other factions have that i do not remember healing at all last time i applied so that is really cool to see come on take him out it's so close we're being hunted there as we try to hunt something else hey station i'm just gonna go to you for a bit of defense he's really hoping i don't get destroyed again i'm just gonna rush directly towards the station the enemies around here a bit too scary for me so from lucky i might be able to just get through ooh what is the camera follow me like that it's really annoying actually i think there's a setting to change that but essentially if i'm going fast enough uh the camera changes so my position on the screen is a bit further forward it gives the feeling of movement which is great but who's i can't see where i'm going i'm not a crap for this which isn't particularly maneuverable quickly i need more warning oh yes no one's actually defending it that's really dumb oh actually a couple of these are this faction is fast scarier they have spinal mounted weapons on their larger craft they have really good shields and their armor is a bit higher i think they're called something like the tinkle or something like that they're actually one of the factions i'm not the biggest fan of playing love the looks and everything just not my style okay so i've got some credits there i'm gonna grab a laser and i'm gonna upgrade the size a lot so the lines are just grabbed i do remember this one there we are this small laser gun is small it's the same size as a mini gun or a missile just essentially one block uh this small laser kind is capable of taking out small targets in seconds it has a range of a thousand which is really good um well for starterizers at least the damage is okay 75 per second perhaps you can stack them up quite quickly and they're only 14 at ship resource so i'm gonna do i might transition from missile straight away into lasers and shields that'll be the fastest i think i've ever went from one design to another okay so let's name this one before we stop using it this will just be the doom squid which i think i may have called something before actually anyway and now we're gonna try and go for a shielded variant so the shields only cost energy when they're being regenerated correct yeah and they can stack like this which is good so essentially we're going to want a core of lasers followed by at least one shield but not more than that okay so a generator there with some hull around it so i don't want that to get sniped early how am i gonna do this how about something a bit weird i know me doing a weird idea that's so out of uh out my character and similar to squid having the adapters coming out oh the adapters only grow like that that's a little bit annoying but um this gives me loads of space and loads of layers of armor if i build like this and loads of places for thrusters and other weapons and shields everything else as we continue to grow the craft would be nice if we kept the same crap for a while okay so those are touching you know i had an idea on my head i don't think it's gonna look exactly like i thought it'd look which is a bit on the annoying side okay that's all we have for now uh so two minute guns for point defense yep where it's set up loads of lines in the core three shields though they are very weak we'll get better ones later we get much better ones in fact and thrusters kind of placed anywhere and there's enough armor we can take a few hits but it's not particularly well armored it's more for offense i don't think this is going to really excel in anything but it looks different to the last design which is something i like we've really weird shapes about it it's like a weird triangle essentially it's a weird pyramid oh wow that's why slower than i expected if i really wanted a faster ship though i would have went with the b faction they can have some seriously weird designs because they have um you they have unique thrusters there we go killed that first raptor straight away it took very little damage there and it's already gone oh those are a bit too scary let's just run away from that this really as fast as i can go wow i expected this to be way faster than this oh my point defense is trying so hard yes okay we got revenge at least it's really struggling to kill my core oh i'm being healed by red weapons did you nick the reds weapon ew cheeky little thing thank you vengeance is mine well at least we've shown it could be holed up decently of those shields has three of them oh i've revealed the major flaw in the design it has no backwards thrusters i can't reverse well at least i've learned that issue fairly quickly ah yeah uh let me out i can't position myself oh wow look at that's going straight through oh no it's being healed though still still got it wait are they healing drones as well oh that's so cool what a cool way to make the red a little bit more durable rather than giving them better armor or shields they have healing capabilities like healing drones that is really cool also the ship is really doing some damage to these things let's grab that resource and let's give ourselves backwards thrusters please so with that resource we now have some weak backwards thrusters we also have some more forward thrusters so now we are yeah much faster even a little bit more turning yeah controls much better now okay so what should we do there's another damage station over there this station is now creating things which is great and it looks like we actually have most yeah mostly control over this area now in fact on the map what's the class does i can't tell because it's too close to the active spawners it looks like it might be ours it's a little bit hard to tell yeah it looks like it's farmer territory okay let's see if we can make it to another damaged spawner before the end i am actually running out of time right now because again it is super light and i do eventually need to get some sleep oh a battle nurse by itself a lot of its resources and healing so hopefully oh never mind it's an absolute brute no i just carved straight through it wow yeah it's armor is so weak look at that i might use that as a thumbnail excuse me lad oh the lasers are so good versus the red faction there's two frials who end up carving into its court okay i will be killed here by the mother ship which is a 2000 resource ship but i'd be we just killed loads of larger craft so that's fantastic kind of want revenge don't think i can do it but let's give it a shot anyway oh it's got all its drones out already we have point defense to deal with that let's just back off oh it's those guns there the slightly larger one it just wrecks my armor well i'm not gonna be getting revenge today i'll be amazed if i get out of this with my life the mothership is incredibly quick and a spawner as well so it's not exactly uh well i'm killing all these children in the way at least okay it's gave up the hunt no it just does way too much damage it'll get right to my core straight away actually how well armored is my court it just isn't uh the core itself on this crap is pretty weak it's just these weapons almost no health i'm gonna be stupid for me oops i rambled right into it i ram didn't okay yeah i am falling asleep right now and i am making very questionable choices okay but at least we know now the only real scary thing then is that and maybe the battle nurses especially if they have allies okay let's try against this eagle i wish i had a bit more range on these weapons if the enemy ai would be smarter it would try and kite me because their weapons are definitely longer range than mine wonder the longest ranged one of these is oh a healing bit oh we do have healing beams that's cool 800 range 900 like this is shorter but way more damage as if i want to use lasers that's what i have to go with i mean yeah it's a brawler weapon get close to the enemy and oh hopefully you can survive that is a terrifying little group there yeah so their stations are actually those mother ships and they're not like our stations which you know stay put they're spawners but they move and they fight and obviously are kind of terrifying since i can just carve through me at the moment i love how many i love how your allies steal weapons and stuff that's so cool okay with that though i'm afraid i really am all out of time for today's video uh if this video does well likes and comments wise just to show interest i will be putting more time into it i will be playing it regardless and continuing the series but please let me know if this is something you're interested in um even more so than the usual outro or ask for likes and such because it's important with this because this is my free time and i really want to play this so if you like it tell me it's definitely a more old-school laid-back way of recording so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that reassembly is a series you wish to see continued in the future with our lovely little icicle farmers next video i'm gonna get beefier thank you for watching and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 56,952
Rating: 4.9888644 out of 5
Id: MWbNgOt93EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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