Heavy Bomber Prototype! Destroy EVERYTHING! | Ep.2 Neter 2020 | From The Depths

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greetings sir answer ette and welcome back to from the depths of neo a3x and of course welcome back to the campaign mode where today we have one simple goal which is to continue our assault at vs the deepwater guard now off-camera I've been a little bit busy I had a little bit of rum last night and decided I wanted to build a cargo vehicle most likely a cargo plane just for the fun of it which would be involved in battles so naturally about eight hours later I've ended up with a new bomber it's happened but I do actually quite like this one so this is the prototype version - and it's going to be a new bombing vehicle a much heavier bomber than the other one this one is using smart bombs and lots and lots of them it's using to fuel jets it's got loads of armor and it has loads of redundancy the idea of this thing is to take fire from the anti-air of the enemy it will most likely not really be taken up by anything except for a direct crammed cannon or three to the face and yet I'm just really happy with it it looks interesting don't quite know what the idea was going with here but we is certainly zj-- themed and it has the cutest eye I ever yep that's right aren't you the cutest thing saying the weirdest things so with that let's get going and let's attack the enemy and test this thing out in the first proper battle I've actually brought in so I think this will turn out just fine and of course we're gonna send some darts with it to protect it from enemy aircraft since this thing can't deal with aircraft at all oh it also has four steam boilers because I wanted four steam engines I don't know why so continuing our trend of being the goodest guys who ever did good we're going to be tackling the fishing village just a little bit north of the last village because we here it is making arms for the enemy that is arms the weapons height in their arms the mannequin type so please remember this is gonna be a test fight more so than anything else and one thing to note is that we are almost certainly going to see some problems with this thing I've not yet had it in a fight where there's multiple opponents can I have a horrible feeling like it's gonna drop its payload anytime it passes over anything despite what it's targeting now is using smart bombs so essentially the bombs are being guided by the AI so they will go towards something and then they they set of magnets to finally hit the target so as long as they're within 140 meters of the enemy they will hit and there's a lot of them okay let's begin Oh yellow darts are offline aren't they because of the previous fight with the sinners outpost okay so someone looks you then at the enemy banks we have the regular houses we have a small defense over here which is adorable we have a very heavily updated version of this I remember you from ages ago got a little writing-desk our little barrel gut well hello there well it's been heavily updated good to know the people having a lot of fun with the mannequins very cool lots of all details do I count as a pirate lord do I get to drink because when I drink this happens cargo vessel the way now those smaller craft should be utterly obliterated by the darts and they're agile little missiles the main enemy and for which everything else is trying to kill the bomber and doing very little well done prototype and now it's dropping its payload as you can see lots and lots and lots of bombs the magnet on the other hand wants it to go somewhere else yeah it's not designed to attack things on land by the way the missiles are rolling around before the magnet finally kicks in Wow completely under bind that okay coming back round for another attack ya need to change the darts target privatisation at the moment they really like small targets over enemy Flyers so neat like flying a bit more of a priority at the moment that's just silly hopefully these will land against that nope take that there we go the rest did though no most of them still win against that sorry lad your vehicle your vehicle your buildings crumbling underneath you the enemy is still focusing completely on this and doing very little to it in fact outside nothing to it this thing is very heavily armoured and actually only 3000 volume or surprise costs a bit though it's 79 K resources before you add ammo fuel and everything else okay we will just target this I don't think you're gonna work though yeah I haven't set your pitch enough to really get enough altitude again trying to go specialised vehicle so this thing cut even really fight enemy aircraft that's at the data form oh but if you land it can fight you although we could capture it nope nope your disturb your justin'll right here k never mind him capturing was never an option not really the best fight to show off the prototype but yeah still worked why can't you target buildings what do you do the do what has happened ethically to work with the III as well doesn't seem too tart uh so to Amtrak all the way down and there could be quite a few were issues there but I mean it still worked why did you land in the water afterwards oh you did oh because you're AI wants to do to go lower down after the fight yeah just a bit too extreme so yeah things I need to fit come I can fix right now everyone else go over here and capture this please accept prototype because I've seen a slew of issues probably wouldn't actually affect you too much in combat but ya didn't use up that much fuel as well all things considered which is nice so bear in mind this thing started off with only about twenty eight K fuel it still ended up with a couple of thousand at the end it's not great and we can add some more fuel to it eventually but honestly it doesn't use that much these two Jets are actually kind of tiny so it is what it is for how heavy this thing is it is a little bit early to building something like this but it did only cost 79 k originally and fuel can be quite cheap if you start making it efficiently so it's not that bad it's burning about 40 something fuel per second which is well it's around about four times as much as the darts so it's equal to four darts to be a fight MOU sutures be extreme though so yep still things to work on with it but I think it's a good first test what I'm gonna do is break you off from the main fleet send you back send one of the darts over there for now regroup you three at least how we captured this this is why we need cargo vessels though because if we had a cargo vessel with hundreds of thousands of fuel more ammo and everything else that this wouldn't be an issue oh also before I forget the reason why it went straight into the water is because I'd set its cruising altitude outside of combat to zero by mistake rather than 100 so it was always going to belly flop into whatever terrain it happened to be above thankfully it was water in this case at first of the little drone ships is now complete as well some more anti-air just because I really like the advanced cannon version still going with the very silly turret cap what I'm going to do whilst it's on its why is I'm gonna add some detection systems it does want to feed from the parents but I still wanted to have at least a basic detection by itself okay the prototype wasn't in position yet we have been attacked by a single flying squirrel I think they're harder to see with the land there but yet just a single fly squirrel we should win this fairly handily honestly I mean yeah the darts aren't particularly the strongest but this is kind of the vehicle they're trying for oh look at that the floats will actually move during the combat phase the positioning values there is something different yep that was it nice and simple again this is what the darts are built to fight really agile missiles using using remote guidance thus they're completely immune to flares and Oh apparently one of ours did lose a wing ago in the process how about you start healing each other you know that might be nice how about if you have just a single repair tentacle each so you can at least repair each other outside of combat probably not gonna happen much inside of gum bat but that's not really the purpose here just so you know wings and stuff can get repaired that might be nice okay we'll be healing up by itself excellent I really want to do a phone oh we've also been attacked by flying squirrel over here it turns out the enemy are being a little bit more sneaky than I originally thought now this one is actually damaged so it's not gonna really win this not gonna start the fight though until after you have to and that way our drone ship should get in position and should help out never mind let us fight in the water no didn't okay oh we won the missiles well I think I just fell in the water that is that what happened no if some reason the camera start off down there either way yeah the dark one turns out oh oh of course I forgot the wings are mostly decoration so the width the wings do have islands but there's also some ailerons in the core of this craft I completely forgot the dart skin a half function without their wings flying squirrels are not having a good sign even I'm dirtying up okay you go there and take the place of that dart you stick together I'm really hoping for a proper flight soon back to capturing that maybe the prototype should go on the water instead don't wants to be fighting in these mountains you know what sure another flying squirrel why are you just spamming these at me I mean I guess they are godly designs and this is some of the earlier fights so it makes sense but surely the AI I should know hmm maybe these interceptors can probably deal with the flying squirrels since that is what the tactical I always meant to do figure out what we're fighting about fighting with I should say come see the flying squirrels so dark there it is I love remote-controlled missiles so much it is so easy to deal with things like this flares just don't work even the radar versions don't work actually took a screenshot their prototype in the first of the drone vehicles are now heading off over there almost have enough material to build another of the drones or we could save up for the drone parent which would probably make a lot more sense complete staff two materials over here though since we are painful the fuel and ammo and everything else so this whole new world material replenishment system how I think it works is when things are destroyed the material goes into a pool that pool is then distributed to all of the different resource owns based on their material replenishment so our starter base has quite high replenishment value whereas the one we just stole has very low so when we destroy stuff this one's going to get a lot more than this now I could be wrong here so feel free to correct me but this is a new system for me but that seems to be how it works at least according to me really need to build more satellites okay so next video cargo vehicle and a proper satellite are both desperately needed another flying squirrel come on let me see something else please when set to load the aisle will build vehicles you can handle quite easily at high values the aisle will try to build vehicles that will really challenge you and apparently the IRS smart about this there what could be wrong with that as well I mean so far we have seen just godly designs are there any things in you're actually creating so that is something to note okay you two over here now we've captured a lot of territory today there you can't guess what we're fighting back a base I've also made four new darts and they're essentially gonna act as our Scouts stick together lads and just find anything interesting not playing on capturing anything else I also wanna see if there's any fortifications anywhere now don't worry I will be moving away from missiles soon enough because we are gonna be making our drone ships which are crammed and advanced cannon and the drone parents which is advanced cannon originally the prototype was going to be a particle cannon plane but after a lot of testing I realize it's just not really feasible right now with our limited resources the missiles themselves are expensive but keeping up the energy needed for a decent part some kind of long-range was just horrendous waste quite a few hours building it will return eventually okay kind of going and blind here yeah we need a faster satellite right now it's gonna be problematic oh look it is a flying squirrel we found to the village oh no I did not notice that flying squirrel okay so four darts versus a flying squirrel and a small village we are totally the good guys here this is pre-emptive self-defense they would have attacked us eventually Oh Oh swordfish I'm seeing those yeah well swordfish an atlas oh no this is not gonna go well yep I've seen chunks flying off our poor little darts already one dart is down the second is now being attacked by the swordfish okay everyone focus on the swordfish it's using a really nasty looking flak why is your aim so off I'm thinking the detection has been nullified yet one darts just gone into space once too damaged is about to die this is a terrible idea oh but the swordfish at some point must have been Wow just detonated I guess the flak cannon was highly explosive sorry I wasn't expecting one of them to actually be hit so it's focusing more now Atlas is dying how did you get better with the camera angles I really do they're so easy to detonate yet the Atlas lost all of its guns oh but we are losing our life get people focusing on that one that's good that's fine whoo although over here what have you lost which is making you go so weird no seriously what have you lost I don't get how are you doing this we might actually win because it doesn't seem to be chasing us down Oh does it keep on missing keep obviously that's it your detection is cleaned up compensating for our weird movements okay I've got a look what have you lost which is doing this oh okay it's hard to see but it's lost of wing one of its back wings there's actually lost all of its tail wings yeah it's got like one two three it's got three out of no two four out of six there and none on either side so it's completely asymmetrical the darts just being super annoying so thing is although we are doing some damage bear in mind we don't have unlimited ammo ammo doesn't regenerate anymore which means eventually these things are gonna run out of fuel you can tell as well that that some of its detection is gone so it's got its radar so it knows the overall area of the enemy but that's why it's moving like this enjoyed fires and sometimes the missiles don't really hit the mark at all just look at me like I don't know there's an enemy they're sort of just not quite what doesn't help as well because it's spinning the radar isn't always locked on sometimes it's gonna be blocked from the enemy oh they look so drunk go drunk missiles nope not quite okay hello go for a larger target just so you might actually hit something gauging now oh no one of the missiles finally hits sorry - you did better than I expected though and stupid why what's the last one oh I was joking about being in space father he wanted a satellite now I am one yeah you've lost all of your tail do these missiles even get the target because I'd only last 20 seconds oh yeah look at them they can't quite lock-on okay can I manually fire these yes this feels Chiti once the fuels got am I get to crash or am I actually full-on just floating inspect I'll choose 1500 so for reference this is why I don't make combat satellites because they're overpowered like really overpowered so the point that most enemies can't actually fight them I don't mind a bit of imbalance but when it comes are just not being able to fight okay I'm gonna call it now this is gonna take way too long oh don't run into that pleased up stir up stuff what is it a tried fleet whatever that is and a fishing hole we could attack that resource zone now on the upside this means are gonna really rush through deepwater guarded gaffed of the stronger enemies which is actually why really want anyway you're in low on fuel nope darts you've kind of reached your max range there you two on the other hand go around and you can go after the harvest zone allowing the prototype to be useful we are tacking the rapier and the sinner's outpost okay apparently dissidents outpost runs and we self-destructed so that's good that drone vehicle is an anti-air vehicle so it's not really doing all that much this target however our bomber should be doing quite a lot go prototype go finally using the missiles correctly there and then magnets so the reason why they're detonating isn't because of each other it was cause of the flak shells from our ally oh there's another rapier apparently interesting that's sending them one at a time I'd think they'd be sending them more in groups let's start him nice and closest done well considering the voice oh and say him but still yeah I think I need some more fins and proper guidance on these things they don't quite get to the target well enough but just look at that oh my god it's God it's just God that it's beautiful well I'm afraid I am all out of time for today's video this has been a lot of fun but clearly there are some problems with the prototype which does need a name so name suggestions are very much welcomed in the comments below so ideally the two things that needs to be fixed are that when it's not in combat it needs to be a little bit better just you know staying in the air and being a bit more graceful and secondly those missiles need to glide a bit more right now they just fall so quickly oh hello excellent Maurice or sones they fall so quickly that they don't really have a chance to get towards the target and then just fall into the water and that's because they don't have any specialist guidance or anything else they just have the remote guidance and some fins that's it so they're just gonna fool that targets in a general way but I would like to see them do is float towards them and stay in the air a little bit longer it will make them more vulnerable to anti-missile defenses but it will look cooler and against their misery aren't defended it's gonna be devastating so I really do hope you enjoyed the video and of course if you have then of course likes favourite shares car beds all that good stuff helps out may helps out the channel and most importantly shows it from the depths as a series you wish to see continued in the future of course and one final note in this extended outro before we end I just want to say right now it does seem like the enemy are a little bit underwhelming but bear in mind we are being more aggressive than I have ever been before in a from the depth campaign we are very quickly just taking every bit of territory we're making quite fast craft to the craft were making are also very weapon heavy though the battles are also being fairly short we're not really giving the enemy time to respond and apparently they are already sending in a Buccaneer which is gonna be an interesting fight to start off the next video is a bit of a cliffhanger so they should get stronger over time and of course all the other enemies are getting stronger as we wait and apparently there's some resource over here since they are fighting each other as well the enemy are trying to gather territory from each other so once we move on to stronger enemies after we've rushed the deepwater guard that's when the real challenge is going to start so once again thank you for watching and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 132,043
Rating: 4.9805603 out of 5
Keywords: from the depths, gameplay, lets play, part 2, sandbox game, sandbox, campaign, battles
Id: nXukHfzqY4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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