Opening FLOOD GATES that weren't meant to be opened... Infra!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to infra yes i love my job so much that i just want to play the game of it in my free time and before we get started if you are enjoying this series please boost that like button it really helps the algorithm it lets me know that you guys are enjoying and you want more episodes right so we will continue and last time we got to this padlocked door damn you padlock were you invented by architects uh so i was trying to work out i did just get a key for this area we're trying to work out what it was for i read some of the comments you guys said there was a caged area outside to have a little wonder oh the cage over there yeah let's go have a look also i don't think i took a photo of down here remember down here i nearly died because i turned the electricity on did i take a photo i don't think so now we got the music yes so this this gate here we can now unlock it yay so now we can come and go as we please without doing that crazy detour yet today all right so i'm guessing we're heading back this is literally how the last video started back on our holy bridge i saw one in the comments as well said i didn't take a photo of the dead body i thought i did but uh like appears we didn't oops right thank you commenters we shall carry on as we were all right so after freaking days of walking we're finally back to this tunnel and uh we can head through here the flood door [Music] i'm pretty sure this was a one-way once we're in we're not getting back out unless of course there's one of these handy valves on the inside but as it's a video game i'm gonna guess it's not uh in real life would i open a one-way valve like this and just head in not knowing probably not but uh there we are look closing behind us goodbye world the worst thing is we know this was just filled with water so let's hope you don't die oh chapter three i didn't realize there were chapters chapter two must have taken me freaking ages right okay pretty dingy room here there's some duct tape on a box and a locked door with a red light and a handy notes robin if you've lost your keys again you heed to oh no need well i said heed to open fb12 and what the frig does that say torn tor and oh oh oh no that's on oh and turn on a2 b1 and c3 okay someone writing that down i'm literally gonna don't judge me i'm literally getting my phone out i'm just taking a photo i don't have the best memory i literally have a terrible memory ah here we go we're doing some wiring are we gonna trust a random piece of paper stuck to a wall i don't know and also this apparently fills up with water hence it's all dingy looking why is that note fine it's paper surely that would be completely ruined anyway who am i to judge all right let me just get my phone out fb12 uh we might have to go back and oh i think fb12 was the name of the door yes so we need to turn on a2 so if we follow this one that one b1 so b1 is there looks like it goes straight across and c3 i'm gonna guess it's that one that's covered with duct tape oh look fb12 cool okay so c3 you've got to follow that one around up there so it's that one i don't know what freaking order that's meant to be and why the wires aren't just straight like so many questions and why it's under the water line but uh but now if we head to here the green light is on which means our door is unlocked lovely that's a lot of security for like the flimsiest wooden door you've ever seen anyway look at the mood lighting here look at this whoa this is actually really freaking creepy it's quite quiet as well now there's a door that might need to be open it's got a red light here we go door controls yeah so that was door two so that's that the only thing is it sort of looks like where the water comes in do i want to open that while i'm stood here yeah let's take a look around first anyway so you need to reset the controls after using the levers okay i got some batteries got some beer um oh we got like a map type thing so where's the handy you are here come on there's always one there's always one here's a map of all the things that are broken and some other points of interest too eric eric wrote a very strongly worded letter in the last episode anyway what do we have stairs to the surface flood gates some of the buttons don't work and the floodgates are in very bad condition uh don't go here why don't go here that makes you want to go here a broken freight elevator block door okay yeah and another beer as well lovely all right so we can open this what do we have in here oh god we got loads of switches and stuff and a reset button right i would i really just know i don't want to touch any of this what am i what am i doing down here all right so to1 and that's got two on it were they on the map h25 any of those on the map no nothing literally nothing great all right probably take a photo of it though yes we got the good music so this sort of looks like a fuse box i can see everything sort of switched to off so maybe i just flip a motor on what's the worst that can happen eh um then door control that's door two say shall we flip door two nothing yeah that one reset button doesn't do a lot oh i don't know what i'm doing what does that say so i say don't read this this has something oh what does that even say i'll tell you what i'll get a bit of photoshop edge and i'll put it on screen what it says and uh when i'm editing this i'll be like oh that's what it says but uh there won't be any audio reaction because that will be done in post but i think that says something interesting maybe it says don't read this so obviously i'm intrigued i'm bloody idiot there's an on button there right flip all these back up again flip all those down all right now press the on button not the reset button you did when it worked i did go through i am such like what is wrong with me what is wrong with me and then i'm guessing now i press the reset button oh yes we got noise we got noise is flood water going to come streaming through no it's just where uh what is this of course i'm in a rush on a site visit i just get paid for the day not hourly so i'm gonna quickly just slide under there ah so we've got another door door number one anything good up here it could be noisy in here right fingers and ears people all right what do we have oh wow is that outside this is so dim i'm actually getting like a bit creeped out all right probably take a photo of that that don't look right excellent oh and another one there what the freak is that looks like it's bloody clawed or something i don't like this now i'm scared is this a scary game have i been tricked again it's a flickering light a bad thing i'm worried there might be ghosts all right yep very creeped out oh now i got a spider web i'm going to crouch and get right under that don't want that in my hair he says a bit of natural light coming in here not too bad through this door god it's really freaking creepy toilet's locked oh we've got we've got a we got a tape player all right it's basically the the founders were good blokes uh there was a bad egg who uh so took credit some shareholders made the good guys sell their shares and everything went to crap so basically just described like the demise of the company and oh look what's this i got a valve i've got a valve what do i what do i put it in i need to insert it into something all right i'll leave it there for now some more batteries you can open this jail door which is good i know look look look we can we can turn this do i want to turn this though that is the question a2 if i'm turning that i'm either stopping or allowing water to go through that pipe now that's not something i want to mess with until back i just died oh crap there's a messy greeting i just and that's water so how much do i weigh i fell so fast oh that was fun i kind of want to do it again ready weee oh man i am the least buoyant man to ever live oh god i probably should have paid attention to that map shouldn't i so we haven't been this way that's a door oh interesting okay so i can open this one it doesn't actually close by itself sweet all right oh my god is that a floating office oh it's got a bridge to it oh a drawbridge slow the drawbridge no it doesn't work oh we saw one of these boxes earlier it was like a um yeah water flow monitor we'll flip all the fuses and turn that on and then all the dials going so that's measuring the water flow now that's not going to help this button at all no oh god there's a lot of buttons over here what is this all right we got two switches and cables coming out uh so where do these go oh so yellow cable goes to the bridge it looks like both of them need to be turned oh there's a load of switches as well oh and over here we have a guide interesting okay so so do i like want to switch it like that so they're both on yellow and then turn on the s1u and s2u oh yes s2d that is so s1u is e2 so that one s2d is e4 and 5. so that one and that one so does this work now no i knew that oh it is it does oh i was about to say i knew that was too good to be true excellent do i trust this bridge that water is moving pretty fast and it will just slowly ease our way across right we're in we're in right so this button is the blue wire so i'm guessing we're gonna have to go back to the blue wire and the bridge should stay down i think so blue i'm guessing we swap the switches then we'll turn all those off and then we just want s2u and s1d nice now we should have power to the blue switch this one oh what's happening oh look the bridge is coming down ah nice yeah the door is locked though that's that's not nice i'm gonna guess we're gonna have to do the opposite of this note so batman wrote this for robin saying do not climb on the roof again so we're gonna climb on the roof uh the question is how do we get on the roof oh i know i've just worked it out okay we're gonna have to this is so freaking ropey you would not do this at all this might this might be completely wrong and my brain's just not right at all but what i would do is make all the switch go yellow hit that and then quickly stand on here and as it goes up jump into the roof a little bit worried if i do that i won't be able to get back maybe we should just check what's down here first so the question is do i turn that on and do i take that with me oh there's another bloody door here god damn oh it's underwater and that's a flood door and we know from the sign here if there's a red light that there's water behind it so if we then follow this pipe so it goes through that wall so if we head round here it might link up to that it says a2 and that's clearly c2 not a2 but it's worth a shot surely i'm not going to drown anyone i'm not going to drop oh there's another hole there bloody hell take a photo of that one as well i don't know how long i need to hold it for either right the light behind went red so let's head back down this hallway and it's green now it's green so we can open this nice we're gonna get our feet wet but uh should be fine a pretty moody lighting in this room look at that pipe i'm getting a bit excited by this looking like big pipes i'm like oh loads of valves i get to play with so i can pin that one if i want to i can spin that one whether i should another question entirely well i've turned both of them not a clue what they've done but what's the worst that can happen well i can climb up here as well can i oh not quite not quite i'm actually quite intrigued to know now am i gonna kill myself if i turn that pipe back on so if i head back down here and turn this on oh i can't it won't let me bear play game fair play you knew i'd try that didn't you yeah i'm gonna take this with me as well because it seems like it might be useful there might be a car that needs a steering wheel or something all right i'm gonna plunk this on there and then my plan is do all the switch stuff press that grab that and then go up there right sorted we have a plan so we'll turn this back oh actually no i can do it from this side i don't need to press the switch in there i can do it from over here right so i think it's just do the inverse so that at that swap those two oh i've already swapped those right so that's all set up i can get over here right so my plans are press button grab that jump on the roof ready boosh oh yes it's working it's working nice we made it yeah but now we're very much trapped we ain't getting back we are not getting back there's a load of beers up here pretty cool i kind of want to note do they float they do float okay we've got a can of beer and a bottle of beer we're gonna play beer poo sticks all right ready the can the bottle all right what's going to win what's going to win oh no the can suck did the can sink let's let's watch it again yeah the cans about as buoyant as i am so we'll do two bottles come on he's going to win okay they seem to not be affected by blow direction fair enough uh grab this head down here i'm gonna plunk that down there and just see can i open this door from this side nope so we shall keep going up here there's a flood door d2 to open oh and this one shuts but i've seen can you see that there i think that's where i can put my steering wheel if i grab this i can plonk it in there and now i can open it from either side oh god it won't it won't spin it won't spin no i'm trapped bollax no if i just squeeze under i would be chopped in half can i oh that literally does nothing and it's trap it's wedged in there now i can't even take it out great well that was a waste of time oh god that was a hell of a hole that needs a photo gotta reload my camera run out of batteries we've got a half open door can i open it further no that's wedged as well yeah limbo it is then limbo champion oh god we got another collapse photo i don't know if that light's working it reckons there's a flood behind there um no i just came from there we can do a quick update on the old pooh sticks like going to be a long race that one think le mans 24 hour i reckon oh god i'm here in some crazy control room now there's a cat remember to feed the cats shopping list milk bread beer and pontico which someone in the comments told me is like a homemade alcohol think like a moonshine or something so uh let's have a look at their calendar see what they're up to sleep new oh new b2 code 4027 i'm just going to take a photo of that i've got a bad memory don't judge me and looks like it was counting down to retiring so good on you me alright time to be nosy again and do some reading this is from hartman he's the ceo all right so some accusations of people being kidnapped and they reckon the mayor might even be involved so a lot of corruption is happening all right we got a floor d-door i thought i said floor d door blood door d oh god that was really complicated see uh we've got the old switches and buttons again what's going on over here hopefully i don't have to touch any of those they look far too complex for me oh and don't forget to take a photo of all the documents you see matt the game likes it when that happens right we'll head down here oh so that door opens we've also got a walkway over to d5 oh there's a newspaper underneath me do i want to go underneath me oh yeah there's a ladder there's a ladder i'll use the ladder to get down all right let's read this bad boy okay that's a lot of words i'll just read the headline bergman group shady downfall raises new questions yeah so i think basically this company some dodgy like corruption stuff started happening and it started affecting like the actual engineering and maintenance of stuff all right that's got a red light so i assume i can't yeah i can't move that we've got to try and open that somehow uh same for down here down in d4 so i don't know if i can just literally make them green so is it d4 and d5 nope still a red light down there oh it looks like that one might gone greenlee oh i've just realized this thing they don't both light up so maybe i just need to do one at a time so d4 oh yeah there you go that is green now it's just opened i could see it open oh it's time this time do i want to oh i don't know if i want to do it do i i wonder let's see if d5 does it and then i have to pick oh god yeah that one opens as well is it gonna shut yeah it's also on a timer bollocks all right so i'm gonna have to pick between d4 or d5 i'm going to use the type of engineering judgment you only get from nine years of being an engineer meenie miney make catch an architect by his toe if it bites let it go eeny meeny miny might okay we're going for d5 lego sprint ah the door oh come on oh dude we made it that looks like a knob so oh no i could have put the thing in there oh no am i going to be trapped now and there's some there's some dodgy rebar show in there that's not good in case you're wondering rebar is like metal sticks like go inside concrete to make it stronger uh really wish i didn't waste my valve in another door now though oh look this is a right mess there's more rebar there more there all right i can open this door it seems to have a weird frame rate this door very stuttery yeah it also comes down so i should probably check what's through here not a lot not a lot okay we will go that way then floodgates a1a2 emergency override to access the flood door control panel all floodgates must be open if the alarm sounds this emergency overrides can be used to manually open okay now we've got the same for b1 and b2 so b1 is green b2 is green but b3 is red and we got buttons here that was broken so i'm going to take a photo of that why doesn't that work that should work also in case you're wondering how i know it works without actually pressing the button the camera has like that little square thing and if it gets smaller it means you've found something to take photo of i'll show you next time next time we get to one so i don't want to press this button bt it's green but it didn't do anything now it's going to press all the buttons oh way one did something me something's vibrating what's going on oh that's going up oh god i don't know if i should have done this i've just oh greg uh i need to take a photo oh god look at the cracks up there what is going on now are we safe i can hear rumbling still so uh that really did not go well oh god oh god there's more did that i think that just i think that just got even worse there's a lot of dust about a lot of dust oh me god the big old lumber concrete just fell off rig ah no i died i died oh no i died and no one knew i was there oh my goodness believe me it's a good thing this is a game i've already died like oh bollocks i've died i've died two times this episode not a successful sight visit uh but i'm gonna leave that there for today guys we will continue next time peace love and death it's a bit grim isn't it remember if you liked the video please boost that like button bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 489,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infra, infra gameplay, lets play infra, infra walkthrough, civil engineering, civil engineer, a day in the life, a day in the life engineer, a day in the life civil, a day in the life civil engineer, what do civil engineers do, what do engineers do at work, what do engineers actually do, real civil engineer, rce, is infra realistic?, infra flood, infra flooding, infra flood gates, flood infra, flood gates, opening flood gates
Id: ZETEn7g1i_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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