Nostalgia, Drones and LASERS! | Reassembly in 2021?!

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Oh boy, here we go again

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EchoPenta 📅︎︎ May 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
greetings sir ansarette and welcome back after many many years to reassembly with me lathrix and of course welcome to what is just pure nostalgia so today it's currently 2am i really wanted to play this purely as a hit of nostalgia and i want to see if there's any interest on the channel to continue this is a series so tell me if you have any interest in that because i absolutely love this game i finally grabbed the dlc which adds gravity wells and a few new items to the game and we're just gonna get straight into it so like i said i haven't played in a very long time i played very quickly earlier just to make sure the recording was okay which it was and we're gonna get started i will explain what the game is as we go on with the game essentially though just a brief overview now you pick a faction you can build your own ships you can take territory by rebuilding damage stations you can build your own stations you can eventually be a factory ship yourself building ships to follow you there's loads of different weapons there's missiles drones lasers and each of the factions have loads of unique things to them for instance the farmers can farm they can build plants which will give you resource over time or well basically just being the ultimate harvester as you can tell i can't talk right now 2am we're gonna start though today by just playing an hour or two as the terran because that's the basic one and i'm a basic kind of person so of course we are lathrik so what i would like let's go with red and white let's go with a sort of white flyers style from from the depth so that's maybe a little bit less it's more of a pink on some of the weapons ooh maybe like a crimson not sure yeah it's a bit basic a bit yeah let's go with that and slightly darken the white make a bit more gray just and see what we're doing yeah yeah let's go with that all the basic settings we have spawners and everything else and let's begin welcome to the world well the galaxy the universe whatever you want to call it so we have the objectives there in the bottom right which is basically our tutorial we have all the plants here as you can see they're throwing out seeds and over time they will give resources as well the resources can be handed into the stations like this lovely thing over here which they will give us credits to upgrade all sorts of stuff well it's more just buying stuff what i really want is the shields and the drones because the drones just make me happy there we are the drone launchers we also of course have missiles which we already have yet we have two missiles attached to us already and we have a nice basic gun which i may change a little bit right now i want the basic gun to be auto fire just because i like giving water fire wait do we have no point defense at all one second i'm very curious with any point defense so what do we actually have we have two plasma cannons and an autocannon we can get defense cannons as well okay you know what i'm going to be really stupid and i'm going to replace everything with missile straight away to increase my happiness and i am going to add a couple of these defenders but where should i put them i could put them there yeah just remove these two bottom hole pieces then we have two defenders these will take up some power though which is a bit of a concern since we have only one generator but i think it will be fine there we go actually attaching them tends to be the best case there we are more missiles let them load in okay so we can look at the map so what is our goal then really i want to find some inactive stations to give us some resources to get some new stuff yep find uh fly near a damage station to reactivate it is in fact our goal our friend there just going straight into one of those plans lovely it also wants us to trade resources at station for some more credits so yeah let's just get straight into it i've also changed my mind i'm going to turn off the auto kind of wish you could have them on multiple modes but yeah having at least one manual weapon is good because you can clear things like plants without wasting loads of missiles which don't actually take that much power so it was good adding the point defense just allies so far let's see if we can find ourselves an enemy i should also note i did play this game a lot on the channel many years ago but um the problem it does kill someone no i just collected resources cool the problem is since then the videos have kind of uh faded away because of id claims and stuff and the old system a lot of them have mute patches in so i wouldn't really recommend watching them because the audio is broken in a lot of the videos i do apologize for that though am i going the wrong way oh i've entered okay so i went all the way to top there so now i'm re-entering the space at the bottom this is very lonely i'm earning some credit so just by exploring oh hello lots of enemies so let's see if i remember how to fight so i've just locked on target i fired the missiles at long range bit cowardly but we are tiny and not very well defended so i'm just gonna try and snipe these little things at range now that's interesting to watch but until you get a larger ship and you get much larger in this game you don't really see yourself all that much there we are at point defense going off there one of my favorite ways to play is actually a brawler basically pure point defense and then shields and everything else you just run into the enemies and just hope for the best as much i do love missiles we are a fast little thing and deadly so these enemies belong to the red faction which is actually considered a hard faction to play because they're quite weak so yeah very lucky right to these guys first oh on the map there on the left i think that's one of the gravity wells wasn't paying attention to where i was going though so let's have a look-see then what that's all about got a little bit of resource now from killing those enemies got some credits as well from exploring we could actually increase our size already but first of all thrust around the star to orbit speeding up will increase the size of your orbit and slowing down will decreases okay blue line okay so the blue line is where i'm going to go oh my god that is a lot of stuff oh enemies as well farmers no i want to stay in orbit there we go we are now orbiting the star there's an enemy in front of us called the turtle it seems like the gravity also affects our weapons because those missiles going very quick oh very large enemy they're in the core wow that is mesmerizing to watch also youtube's bitrate probably won't like this very much the raptor let's see if we can get towards it oh yeah we killed it or the turtle kills i'm not quite sure oh don't crash into the star well who was piloting the ship just probably um [Music] died probably died that was that was surprisingly difficult to get used to thankfully you do respawn straight after you just lose the resource you had which is fine uh we just need to go out get some more resource at this time we'll actually explore the area around us not just going straight towards a star because it was pretty oh where are we oh we went past a station apparently now if i do this yes you can control the stations at least what they make at the moment they're basically making us but you could have them make whatever you want including designs you make yourself and then you can have how do you get them to follow you in your fleet i can't remember so it's like this i'm sure once we uh once we activate the station it will tell us how to do that so that's what we need to do then find a station what is this okay there's a station there but also like a green area some small enemies again not too scared of these if there's a lot of these red enemies around i might just go full on point defense oh we are very slow it's like a slow zone oh my god even the missiles are slow by nurgle that's low oh pretty plants hello pretty plants all your seeds so slow die slowly the missile's slowly catching up with it oh god could kill one thing in the slow zone please honestly it slowly explode oh what is that weapon okay let's have to fight for this station unless we're going to sneak around like so haha cheesing it lovely there we go so the station's now online it'll help to defend us it's even got a shield we're currently hiding in lovely so now once i tried 100 resources but first let's see what we can get so we could get the railgun a very long range turreted sniper weapon uh we have the plasma cannon which is pretty cool honestly the proton beam the drone launcher which will make me happy the torpedo launcher high damage on guided torpedoes launches flurries of unguided rockets that's tempting the rocket turret a plasma mortar a decoupler that's no burst shield and then an afterburner oh which already have yeah that's one the new item so i need to test out soon i do kind of like the lasers though um because it does help a lot when you're short-ranged manipulator or tractor beam i can't remember that so many options what you want uh rocket turret seems very very cool but it was like the drone launcher so let's grab that and then let's increase our size a little bit so now we are 399 in terms of our ship points slash power our powerpoint so what to do here then i could just replace these with the drone launcher no you cannot the drone launchers are much bigger uh how to do them what to do might need to just already edit the ship which is kind of a shame that's really quick but sure now i want to know if this one trick still works so do that do that uh it's giving me some of these corner pieces like so i've got how to rotate them so that really shouldn't work but yes so it turns out the actual drone section itself doesn't count so it's less of a trick more of a weirdness with the build actually no it's a trick because if they spawn in like they won't allow it so it could have like a spine like this going through and then just do that again here and have the drone launchers kind of on the side i don't really have enough time to make something which looks gorgeous but uh i mean to be fair i also have the skill i could talk a spine like that move these back so don't need that right now so move this to here oh don't like how that's all connecting now though i'm going to make loads of changes aren't i yeah i just realized i don't know if drones actually go through your ship when you fire them uh going to be a quick test now there is a test option here but be aware this test option is you well the ii taking control and fighting other ships i don't really want that oh no these aren't connecting because of that space um what to do i know what to do i know what to do because me has brain not good brain but it has brain then i can just knock that back one there we go i do lose a thruster by doing this but you know what i'm probably gonna change these anyway so you know what never mind right now we're a stick just wanna make sure the drones work there we are they seem to wow this station is brutal there go our drones and they're all chasing after that target orders engage my target lovely and actually have quite a long duration so we can get quite a few of them now they are also quite weak but they are also very cheesy and you can definitely choose the game with them so we're going to probably want to stay quite long range so speed isn't really a necessity but being able to get out of fights is uh so actually i think an afterburner might be best so an afterburner will burn energy go faster never actually used one before though so it might be dreadful might be the best thing i've ever had just a stick okay let's uh let's build a front hull and the back i kind of like having these exposed almost like drone hangers which are quite like oh we could have it just like that you know what i've accidentally made something i like look of i approve of myself which you know it's good for your mental health in general okay look i get it this is a stick it's a stick with extra steps i get it it looks terrible but i'm out of powerpoint and i wanted it to i'm just going pure aggression with the drone launchers okay it'll look better later i'll somewhat promise i somewhat guarantee i'll somewhat give my word oh that's ugly but there we go lots of point defense and oh hello there we go and now i can summon loads of drones at a time which will soon be adding us though we do we don't really want to get close to an enemy uh we do have the point defense defend us a little bit and we do have the afterburner now out of the slow zone we go let's go to the next damage station unless you find a large target which is really what i want to find since that's what the drone's gonna be best for well i'll call you a large target but i'm gonna use the drones in you anyway oh hello too many targets hello out that's my thruster gun thankfully you do regenerate fairly quickly in this game so it's not too bad if you as long as you get out alive come on i want to show off the drones probably not being mobbed this way i prefer brawlers go after this one there we go as soon as you lock onto the target all the drones go up to that one specific target there we go just got a kill we are killing them by being very annoying and just kind of bouncing around using the afterburner under attack from behind that's fine there we go one of these little things down there goes the other the swarm collectively destroyed it fantastic for a tiny little ship remember we are basically minimum size we're okay we just look awful oh why there's so many little stations everywhere i mean yeah i get it's their territory but i'd expect more ships less these ships we are seeing a tiny wow yeah if they get close our point defense can mow them down we do have we are yet pure offense no defense like if we get one hit in this in the call we die oh big enemy big enemy beginning of me where where'd you go there he is gonna run past just keep on throwing out drones it's trying to run away i think yeah it's running away so it's point defense can deal with them now one tactic with the drones i remember is since they have such a long lifespan you can just stay away get the maximum number of drones ready then send them all at once so i'm going to go after this little guy instead for a sec let my drones kind of regenerate hello ally really fighting above my white here which isn't great where'd he go i also need more generators it seems yeah i don't know how i have two generators and it's not enough to keep up with the drones oh big station big station that point defensively take out all of our little drones but we'll try they're getting a few little hits here and there but no they've been taken out way too fast so what you should do then is move back here stop targeting no they're still in combat darn it well either way we're going to sneak bastard that's fine get get a little bit more money so we can get some more size oh i thought i could take that out by being close to it i can't i'm just about alive i have detached completely station heal up faster please i need you i am completely stuck by the way making a few drones here to defend myself oh i was really dumb there i'm still getting used to the controls again after all this time yeah i am just completely stuck i'm gonna die i think i should respawn here it's healing up using the resource no okay well at least we did sell our stuff so we can get the upgrade which for now is just going to be pure size let's just increase our size so that we can get some more generators which by the way are explosive i believe so yeah i've placed them really well as you can tell both in critical positions well too bad i'm making it worse will this work if i throw these here now that's still yep okay see if i tried to put it there oh look that one isn't loading its um drone the rest are though oh the two outer ones aren't let me just check make sure isn't just a visual thing yeah they're not are they yeah i'm not adding five each time okay so it seems like you can cheese it a bit but uh yeah if you go too far yeah there you go instantly grow that's a shame [Music] could if i'm on the outside i mean i'm just trying to think of the defense of the craft right now because right now we take like one or two hits and we're instantly down and out but i do like having them like that in the core rather than being so far out but maybe just one further we do kind of have the size for it now it also means we have this middle section which is defended by a few blocks which we can easily put our generators and um maybe then we have the drone launchers all in the line here and here it's gonna look a bit dull but sure let's just start again with that in mind it's gone from a stick to a uh slightly overweight fish the natural progression of building a spaceship sure that's exactly right also i'm now realizing i have not placed these two symmetrically and i wish there was a mirror mode now there is a mirror mode in the controls but that's not what you think it is it's not a mirror mode like from the depths where you place one thing on one side then it places on the other side it's literally to mirror an item you're holding like this so that you can build symmetrically i always wanted a proper mirror mode in this but sadly never really happened with people like me who have trouble with patterns yeah it can be a little bit problematic now connect to the there we go it's connected to the drone launcher which makes it a bit less defensive but i prefer it rather than having like a gap sure trying to go for a bit more defense this time but i'm now realizing i don't really have all that much space for the thrusters especially turning thrusters so i guess i could have on the front oh this thing is hideous again i don't have to i don't i literally don't have time to worry about these things i do want to get some sleep tonight oh it's like a really stupid fish i yep this is this is my creative genius you know what sure there we go we're done loads of point loads of point defense way more armor and why more generators and storage capacity probably a bit too much for oh my god how many shots are happening there probably a bit too much what we've got but uh yeah we can always size up now nice and easily how much point defense we have had so many little shots there we go just about enough energy to keep up with the drones let's do two more generators look at that though we now have 37 47 okay i wonder how he changed their orders currently the orders are engaged my target i actually don't know how to do that oh okay so left mouse in command mode to recruit an ally use leftmost again to release the ally and gain c okay so i think it costs to actually get the movement move wow we are slower than we're before no we're in the slow zone that's why i'm being so slow look at that point defense just insane amounts of death shame it's pink i wanted it to be more red but instead it's pink fish away we're so tiny lots of little guys point defense come to my eye ow i just cracked my head on a rock note to self get used to the afterburner if you're gonna use it that much get used to it already why is the station not attacking that little guy why am i not there we go slow area so difficult to move in nope never mind i'll go find a fight somewhere else i keep forgetting how small we are as well i keep going up against enemies which are just gonna crush us okay this time just remember our core is at the back so we shouldn't fling ourselves what did i just say me though i do want to kill that station i want i really want to use my drones against that so let's uh do that again but this time remember after burner makes you go quick quick quick quick means hard to control bad especially if you're as dirty as me with the controls okay let's summon some drones they should just follow me until i have to find a target seems like the most sun gets like 40-ish go i'll just stay cowardly over here oh the point defense is just mauling them no chance i mean that station is four thousand one away again like five hundred yeah ha masked one of the little babies that had the there's no way we're taking out those shields oh it has drones itself now i'm very happy about point defense points lasers that's far cooler than what we've got that's what i want point difference lizers which faction is this the blue faction they have really cool weapons more looks of things might go then oh my god that weapon is so deadly it's killed me now like three times why am i doing this right now what i should be doing is recruiting allies staying near bases and harvesting that's what i meant to be doing at this size but i can't help myself also i spent so much on drones i'm not even using them properly if you have drones this is how you meant to fight you fight at long range and wear down targets it's a safe methodical and honestly quite fun way to fly just because i have point defense doesn't make me a brawler i have light armor i'm just good versus missiles and drones myself there we go look at me being a smartypants playing smart i am so tired there we go look harvesting resources killing enemies which are smaller than me actually that one's oh no that's a horrible weapon and look if i use my drones now hide behind this rock i can quite easily kill them stop getting overconfident overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer in my case a very fast killer oh wow we have 79 drones don't mind i have way more thought i had before there we go move not into it so difficult to see which way i'm going at this size it's like playing spore the cell stage damn that thing's tiny but so like powerful ow yep yep yep i can't move yep great yep lovely let me out come on drones i'm being really stupid here let me get one kill against these things there we go it's cornered the drones are slowly peppering away at shield i'm gonna close myself and try and help don't let it regenerate why won't it die i mean i know it's bigger than me technically but kill it there we go revenge i've got its corpse let's go home don't i don't don't no no no no no no this thing is so difficult to control the controls in this game are actually fantastic but they take some serious getting used to it's a combination of mouse and keyboard and i love it a bit but oh my god when you're out of practice it is vile and i'm just bad at these games anyway let's be real yes okay slow zone we're home look i got corpse for you ah there we go oh that's really pretty when you fire those is that gonna be thumbnail maybe let's grab that laser okay last thing i want to do last thing i want to do is let's see if i can make myself a bit more broadly how much health do the lasers have lies have the health 200 whereas a whole block is 250 so actually it's not much oh my god they're massive okay i thought they were way smaller than that all my plans kind of went pretty quickly there oh how much damage these do 100 damage per sec 400 range these are doing uh 10 per round 15 per okay so 150 versus 100 but these hit instantly all do hit i say all it's a laser it's it's instant hitting basically it's hit scan so as soon as i'm talk as soon as i target the enemy they're hitting it so only 400 health though for this whole thing that's not great and i first saw 400 i was quite happy with it but i thought it was much smaller for its size that's not really that good and defense cannons on top maybe i just want to use it for a second yeah and then we could interlace this of whole probably shoot the other way around actually now i'm thinking about it really should have the whole bottom since the whole has more health right 127 versus sorry 125 versus 25 yeah this should go at the top then the actual one natural piece connecting them both should be at the bottom definitely there we are i said that wrong then but i don't particularly care i know this is hideous i just want to use the pew pew laser okay i'll try and connect it a little bit to the rest i mean that's yeah it's hideous that's gonna say it's not that bad but it just is oh it just is okay what i would like though is some um thrusters there i'm gonna uh some backwards thrusters actually i haven't gotten any too bad more forward thrust gonna be able to move very quickly as we want to and then also had a bit of hole here so it looks like an exhaust thing i don't know do some more points left um what should we spend it on with some flat cannons yeah sure they're basically point defense as well we've got some autocannons instead yeah let's have some manual weapons so we'll replace some of the front here with the autocannons we definitely should have generators since the drones are so expensive how much of these three percent yeah we'll be absolutely fine with these the main weapons um actually i haven't tested out the plasma cannons yet so let's do that instead i'm waffling way too much here i do apologize this isn't the most interesting thing ever but uh if i do record more of this and uh tell me if you would like that likes and comments aren't the way to show that as i say at the end of each video uh then uh i will be a bit more edity and stuff and a bit more smur about how i recurred uh let's have two backwards so sure um thank you sure sorry drones okay so the lasers are currently on that but i'd like to be auto really yeah i definitely want the laser to be auto that way and i have to think about it as soon as anything gets close they'll attack and also help point defense like like select all of a weapon type i think you can somehow double click to select all lasers aha there you go that's how you do it okay so the light is now point defense i can manually fire the plasma and that's me sorted we whoa i'm way faster than i used to be [Laughter] i don't have much control oh i need more time to build something decent stop there we go okay so the damage actually is pretty good it's just difficult to get close enough because it's such a short range weapon this thing has shields which is annoying but okay against smaller targets we are going to be pretty brutal love the lizards okay i think i might choose a faction there were more lasers for the future also boy do i realize i'm british when i say words like lasers and yeah and comments make sure to remind me about that every five seconds thank you this is way too addictive i will build better ships they'll be glorious in the future yeah brawler is definitely my fly style maybe some missiles though in the future i can miss a launch you know what i am playing way too much now it's getting way too light it's like 4am now if it's half full thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments or good stuff helps me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that reassembly is something you actually wish to see in the future i've had loads of fun tonight i may do a mini series on it i may do like one big hour long episode which is heavily edited i don't know but if you would like to see more then tell me and also let's go back to my menu for a second tell me which of these factions you'd like to see we were just playing the terum there's the protects the farmers the crystalline the the crystalline the bee the sentinel the tinkrel oh there's the blue one which kept killing me the red which is the hardmod one which i honestly don't want to play not so much because it's hard mode i've played it before and got huge before and it's fine it's just not a play style i just don't like them that much because they're not very tanky up for tanki builds and this one which i can't remember the greatest of the league what are you okay i know i just said we're about to end the video but i want to see ooh willow oh wow those thrusters look cool whoa fast firing yeah i can't remember this faction um yeah great great we have a shield straight away whoa frigate deployment constructs light practice frigates of which are large shielded under heavy cannons launches huge slow-moving missiles extremely effective against capital ships whoa super heavy generates r passively hey this is really that shoots drones as well now you're playing this one i don't remember this one at all wait was this added in the dlc or am i just not remembering it for some reason it doesn't seem to be in the dlc um might be in the base game i i honestly just can't remember that look how much recall these guns have bye yeah maybe i'll play these but honestly the factions are great as well every faction i like except for the red faction the basic red faction is so thank you for watching have a lovely day do take care until next time goodbye now i'm going to go to sleep and editor lothrics can try and sort out this ramble tomorrow
Channel: Lathland
Views: 43,994
Rating: 4.9927006 out of 5
Id: 3weE2A4LBzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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