Starfield Razor Leaf Quadruple The Power for Just 70k Credits, Level 12 and No Skills Required.

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hey fellow Space Explorers it's angry terle and today I have for you a quick redesign of man's ship of the Razor Leaf to quadruple it its power on a budget that's the goal much more power on the budget and level requirement for this redesign is only level 12 so from level 12 up you will be able to do that and there is no other requirements no piloting needed no design skill needed no skills needed at all so this is very powerful early to mid game ship if you don't know how to get this ship it's very simple if you open your quest up you will find a Monty's Quest and you just do it it takes about 20 minutes to finish the quest and you will get the ship if you don't have this quest for some reason it's supposed to pop up after you loot fast bunch of spacers so just continue with your main quest the spacers will appear and and you will get this Quest really soon so now redesign we are in New Atlantis we don't need to travel anywhere for this we just need to talk with ship services in new Atlantis that's it modify ships so that's the Razor Leaf original montis let's redesign it so what we need to do there's couple of things first this landing gear will not be needed that saves the weight a lot those two engines will not be needed heavy like crazy heavy engines that we don't need basically so we are removing the stuff that is not needed to save on the weight that greatly reduces our weight already as well what we be replacing slightly better reactor is in order just two more power but if you really don't want to do it you can skip the reactor part if you don't have even this budget that we need here but now all the pieces that need to be replaced are removed so let's start with the reactor the reactor from dogstar 20 power generated that's the one we need 20 power for this reactor then the grab drive as original one that's in here insufficient you will suffer with original grab drive and I know on my list there's a lot choices because I'm higher level on this character but I'm only using parts that are unlocking at level 12 so you will have them so it's r2000 Alpha grab Drive jump thrust of 20 this will be sufficient for all your needs so now we have those base components installed oh what I forgot to remove those weapons go they are not helpful at all so those weapons go now need to add some structural elements to place more stuff in here so first here we go into structural and I'm adding Nova radiator is it seems to fit the team with colors and shapes although you can go with something else or without an and do the weapon attachments directly attached to the hub I prefer those radiators and at the end of those I do add Horizon weapon mounts on both both sides this side Horizon weapon Mount oh and one more weapon Mount that's a future proof in we are removing this cap and we are adding one more weapon mount in here that's for future proofing when you will be upgrading if you choose to upgrade Nova weapon Mount and we'll paint it so it will not be white it will look way better other important point there are two habitats that I would prefer to change so we select the habitat we only changing what it is because habitats used here are Captain Quarters there's no Act actual purpose for it it just looks nice inside and we need to make it functional so I select this pie at least on PC space bar to edit and then I can change options and I'm looking for uh Allin one it's called yeah Allin one B with passenger slots and there will be a bed so that's why I want it and the second one it's very very important again there is Armory there but what we want is crew slots a crew is incredibly important so we're looking for this one damos control station 2x one with four Cruise slots now we have Cruise space and a bed so the essential stuff is now on the ship and now the most important and most expensive step we need to arm it up it does need to put some solid damage at this moment the cost is only 17K but weapons do add up really quickly what I'm using those are quite cheap weapons that I can help uh regular electron beams three of those normally I don't use regular electron beams but in this case on the budget we do free cuz there would be no power for more than free I'm not using Vanguard weapons here but if you have more budget Vanguard weapons will be better than those so in the future you can replace those three PB 30s into Vanguard Auto beams Vanguard Auto beams way better but much more expensive six Vanguard Auto beams will cost you around 70k just Vanguard Auto beams so later on yeah sure replace it now we adding two more weapons that are already in start which are disruptors 338 Auto Electron Beam so those are the same as already installed on the Razor Leaf we are just adding two more and lastly for remaining four slots here on the bottom we are going for pb30 auto Electron Beam so this build doesn't even require you to join Vanguard we are not using Vanguard specific weapons so at this point you don't need to be part of a Vanguard in the future if you plan to build upon it and make it even bigger and stronger yeah the Vanguard weapons will be needed for now that's the that's the cost under 70k so I think it is really good of course we need to assign those weapons it's important to assign regular PB o30 electron beams as first weapon that will be our continuous weapon uh then I go PBO 30 out to Electron Beam and last three disruptor so I s them base how it will be used and we'll be firing all of them for most of the time so that's the build the last part of the build is painting that's easy just select it all open the paint Tab and just move the slider a little bit that will paint everything I will make it a little tiny bit darker a little bit tiny more aggressive orange colors to personalize it just a little tiny bit but still keep it like a montis ship laser Leaf confirm and that it is this is the beauty done that's how this ship look like after the modifications and let me show you this guy in Flight you probably want to see how it will perform on the highest difficulty versus some enemies try it in combat and you can see the power distribution in Flight you need to power up the first weapon to the full as this is continuous weapon that's how it works when you fire it need to reload after every shot unlike other two weapons that when I fire they put a Full Burst regardless of the power levels but then they need to reload after the fact I don't have yet the proper crew there is only Vasco and someone else so it will be better when the engines will be boosted and shields will be boosted with the crew that I explain in my video how crew actually works so I will have two extra bars of power to add to other weapons so this will be even better but now let's see if we can shoot above our league as we'll be fighting now some of those Crimson Fleet Pirates way above our league it's level 46 and this ship is level 12 even though I'm quite high level I don't really have points into any weapon systems but look at that we can and do some damage to Crimson ref level 46 ene I did recharge some other weapons the weapon number one you can fire continuously the other weapons do require to recharge but this burst is incredibly powerful and if I would like to put more continuous weapons I would need way more power as continuous fire weapons need to be fully powered to perform unlike all other weapons that do not need them and this guy is flying away let's try to go on it now they're not out of here lock it for me please and we have another taken down I think we are doing really well especially that's a very hard now they will take us down I cannot take with this ship entire Crimson fre myself but we did really well so far as we could and that's how she blew up as you can see this ship can handle itself and I'm pretty sure it's impossible to make better ship with this budget so that's why I choose the razor relief the Mantis ship to start with as it already comes with great engines that normally do require a perks like Starship design and higher level than we have here so those engines being available at level 12 amazing weapons we just put on two weapons are already good and it's a war machine after you do that I hope you will enjoy it if you are starting now or if you are early or mid game and if you are looking for endgame ships I already have those on my channel so you can check it out and that being said thank you a lot for watching and see you all in the next one
Channel: Angry Turtle Gaming
Views: 98,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, build guide, step by step, space ship, fighter, dps, damage
Id: LJ7iFWs14IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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