Starfield - How To Build The Best Starter Ship! Upgrading The Frontier

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how's it going everyone I'm gonna make this video here that will hopefully show you how to dramatically improve your playthrough early on by upgrading your ship I'm going to try and make it super easy I'm going to walk you through it with me and by doing this it's going to dramatically increase your cargo hold so you can store more precious items which is one of the most annoying hurdles in the game the inventory management but also we're gonna pimp out your ship with upgraded weapons so that you can fight things easier and also increase the Habs so that you're gonna have some useful facilities in there for upgrading your space suit your weapons for crafting and even for sleeping so you can pass time and heal yourself for free in your spaceship so hopefully if you are a starter to the game this will really help you out as I really wish I made these changes to the default Frontier ship basically as early as I possibly could you're going to need between maybe 30 or 40 000 credits to do this we have loads of credit farming guides on the channel and generally just collect everything and sell it between the vendors until you have you know about 40 000 and you can make these upgrades so as soon as you have the money you can basically do this you can actually see here if I show you guys real quick I've gone back to one of my really old save games I'm only level 14 so you could do this around level 10 to 15 in your playthrough if you have the credits and I did this so that I have my default Frontier ship back so we can walk through it together but basically we're going to make this in new Atlantis you know this is the one of the first places you come so this will be really easy for you as a beginner player you're going to have the frontier ship you're going to be able to come to New Atlantis and you're going to talk to the ship technician here this should hopefully make it super easy to follow no matter sort of where you are uh in the beginning of your game we're not even starting on a different ship we're going to start on the default ship that everybody has so you can see here the frontier ship uh we're gonna go into the ship Builder and I'm gonna walk you guys through exactly what we're going to want to do so what we're going to do is just drag out these landing gears because we're going to be expanding our spaceship a little bit so once you've moved the landing gears out the way one of these modules on this ship is unique but in my opinion if you don't care about that this is going to just dramatically improve your playthrough by actually changing out your uh your habit your hats on your ships we're actually going to delete that default Hab so you can see here we got sort of a skeleton going on now so then we're going to click the add button in the lower right corner and we're going to look for the Habs section because we're going to add on some modules that are going to really improve what we can actually do in our ship so here we are in Habs and you can see we're going to stick to the Nova Galactic style you know we're in new Atlantis anyway so it's available to us and it's easy and the very first thing that you're going to want to add in is going to be the workshop as well as the science lab so you see when I hover over this one's the workshop this one's the science lab and then we're also going to add in the uh the Captain's Quarters now I'm just going to quickly explain some things here so that as you go forwards it will hopefully make it easier for you as you want to tweak and improve things these different types of habs and there's way more different types of than just the ones that are available in new Atlantis in the game uh affect things physically in there when you're actually spawned in the ship but they also affect the passenger slots and the cruise slots or just the things available physically in them so you can see here that all in one has two passenger slots meanwhile if we go all the way over to something like the control station this adds four crew stations but something super important to note is that there's actually a skill that defines how many crew you can assign to your ship anyway so considering that our cockpit gives us two Cruise stations anyway there's no point adding in more crew stations early game because you're not going to be able to even assign them anyway but the Captain's Quarters even though it has no crew and no um passenger slots this has a bed in it that we can sleep in which will fully heal you and pass the time of day from inside your ship so if you want to heal up anywhere while you're out jumping around the Galaxy you can just do it in your ship by sleeping so I actually really like the uh the Captain's Quarters so I'm going to put the Captain's Quarters just in the middle there and then we can put the science lab on one side and the galactic workshop on the other these two the galactic Workshop the science lab and the workshop have a ton of crafting stations in them so you can upgrade your gear and stuff just as you're jumping around the Galaxy you don't have to faff about with you know fast traveling just to do some crafting then we're going to slap on our landing gear back so you can see we're a bit wider now we have a bit more girth but this is going to dramatically improve what's inside the ship now let's make some extra improvements on top of this if we go all the way to the back of the ship you can see that there's actually one cargo module here and what we're going to do is just duplicate this so you can actually duplicate this at least on PC you see the options button at the bottom and then we can press duplicate and this just saves us saves us not having to go back into the menus so we can add this in and just bring it to the front of the ship we're going to add two of these under these two halves this is going to increase our cargo to 870. now this is going to be really good early on later on you can you know we can get more powerful engines and stuff so we can put the bigger cargo units on and get into the thousands but just by adding these two on we've dramatically increased our amount of cargo almost up to a thousand which is going to be super good early game but because we've done this we will now need to add some engines so something that you can actually do in the shipbuilder that's really nice if we zoom in and go underneath the ship you see there's two slots here on the underside of these hats if we hover over it and press the add hotkey it then will basically show you what can Auto snap on here so we're going to Simply go over to engines and for the sake of like saving your early game credits we can just go for these basic tier engines and we're actually going to add two of these in now that's going to really really help us with um the mass of the ship since we've added on more halves and we've added in more cargo the engines are going to help us out here we can always check our flight checker and you can see here now we don't have enough grav jump thrust that's absolutely fine we want to upgrade this anyway so we can actually drag off the graph drive here at the back of the unit and then press add and we're going to look for the grav Drive Tab and we'll just add in a stronger version so you can see we currently have the NG 160 which is this one here but if we look at the 170 it requires nine power and gives 14 thrust whereas if we go over to the Helios 300 it's still 9 power but has 23 thrust it does cost a bit more but again we budgeted for this already as we mentioned at the beginning so we can delete our old graph Drive slot in the new one and now you can see that we are nominal but we're not done here we're going to make a few more upgrades now these next upgrades are going to be purely optional but I highly recommend them just to improve the overall we're going to add in a new shield and I think this one here this uh Marduk one for 6000 with 405 and only needs four power so we can add that in and if you look this one uses the same amount of power 4 but has 50 less Shields so that is a small upgrade for us there so the shields are now upgraded a little bit and we're going to make a bunch of tweaks to our weapons now which I highly highly recommend if you want to do some space combat especially early first of all we're going to completely remove the cannon having three weapons means at this stage in the game you just don't have enough power in your reactor which is down here by the way you could upgrade this if you choose that will cost more credits I'm not going to because we don't necessarily need it but if you have the credits upgrade your reactor but by having three weapons you're splitting your energy even further an early game you just don't have enough energy in your ship to Max them out so instead we're gonna stick to two weapons that are going to get the job done for us so we're gonna actually keep our missile launch and duplicate it to make a second one so two of these missile launches are going to be really good for dealing Hull and shield damage then you can see we actually have these pulse lasers now what's great about the pulse lasers is they do high Shield damage but these have super short range and only are really good against the Shield so instead there's a weapon that I really highly recommend you guys try out especially early on and we have loads of tips on the channel going over the ship Builder if you want to learn a bit more but for the sake of this video we're going to stick to this Electron Beam this has 3 000 range so we're trip nearly tripling the range compared to our pulse laser but this deals good damage against the shield and the hull and also more damage to the shield than even our pulse laser does and we can just literally slot these in the same place we can actually duplicate them slot them on and delete our old pulse lasers now as you can see here we're looking pretty pretty good when it comes to the weapons now but we can make a few cosmetic choices to the ship to make it look a little more pleasant and also some Cosmetics actually affect how the ship looks like inside so if we hover over the two front bits here we have this kind of ugly flat uh exterior if we go to structural it actually just adds some nice portholes on here only 500 credits each and we can actually look through these when we're in the ship as well so it's functional but also makes the ship just look a little bit nicer now super important thing to note we go to the flight checker you then need to go over to weapons and we need to assign these weapons so we're going to assign the electron beams first and the missile launches second so you can see here we are missing a weapon assignment which is that third weapon slot which we literally don't want to use at this stage in the game anyway in early game but now we basically have a ship with significantly more cargo all systems working Mobility is good improved Shields and much more optimized weapons when it comes to fighting we only have to split our energy between these two weapons so one is the Electron Beam which has more range and it's going to be really good for just every single fight because it deals both Hull and shield damage and then we also have missiles which also deal Hull and shield damage so we're going to be able to destroy everything no matter what the situation is but there's a few more tweaks that you could make to this if you want to and you could cosmetically change it but that will affect the mass but just as you can see here by making these few tweaks to the frontier ship we have a super improved viable ship here more storage and a bunch of crafting stations and things inside so let's go and take a look inside and here's our new ship check it out visually it's you know the same style it's just a bit wider we can run inside and go up and I'll show you guys all the systems now when you do go into your ship for the first time after modifying it all of the doors will be closed like you'll see here so this store's closed now it's open this door's closed now it's open and this will be the front of the ship here so you can see you're coming up into the Captain's Quarters which you know has some storage options around the place uh and in here you can see your bed so by sleeping in this bed you can pass the time of day and it will fully heal you no matter what your health is on which I personally like because you go back to your ship quite often you know to store stuff in the cargo hold so having a bed here means it's a free heal you can save on those Med packs but if we go into the side halves that we made you can see here one of the site Habs has the spacesuit workbench the weapon workbench and the industrial workbench we got Sam here currently uh currently on it but then you can do all your upgrades for your your gear you also have the porthole that I said before you can actually look out of which is just a really nice little cosmetic touch and then all the way on the other side we have the uh Pharmacy Hub which has the pharmaceutical lab for crafting uh things that you know heal you and buff you and stuff like that so this gives you these crafting stations like super early oh and the research lab by the way which is really really good because you're going to want this if you're planning to do crafting you can just dump all your resources into learning the different mods for your weapons your spacesuit and all that kind of good stuff so you can do your research in your ship you can craft a load of pharmaceuticals with that research you can then go and upgrade your upgrade your weapon upgrade your spacesuit whatever it is you need and of course if you want to Pilot the ship you just go this way into the cockpit you get in and you're off you go basically so I'm gonna do a few jumps around and then check back in and we're gonna see how this this new and improved ship does in a fight for you guys just before we go and do that ship battle demo I just wanted to give one more quick tip for you guys if you want to customize the look of the ship simply double click on any module and it will highlight all of it in red from here you can press the color button in the lower corner and this will actually allow us to change the entire way the ship looks in terms of its color palette so we could go for a really nice kind of black and red look or we could tweak it even more and maybe go for some kind of blue and yellow look basically any kind of color you want for me personally I really do like a black and sort of white and red you see this just makes it look really nice if you ask me but this is just a quick tip if you wanted to customize the look of it as you've added all these new modules on so now you might as well personalize it a bit more so let's go and check out that ship demo all right here we go we've got a crimson Fleet level 14 perfect Target for us let's close the distance start getting some damage in once we're in range see how we do with our new ship I'll even zoom out so we can sort of see it it looks quite nice when you're flying it if I do say so now that we're about 3 000 range in I'm gonna start blasting it we're locking on so our missiles will start to kick in soon or once the missiles hit is he's gone boom we basically took zero damage he didn't even get close to us because of the extended range on our new electron beams also the electron beams like recharge so quickly that you never have to stop shooting them which is just really nice also you can see here we're juggling our power uh we can actually invest a few more points in engines so that we actually have some speed but you can juggle the beams up and the missiles up and down as you need as you can see I'm just sort of doing here but you don't even need to assign full power to them this is the literal starting reactor so we only have 14 power but we're still able to take out enemy ships extremely easily and quickly so that's pretty much what I wanted to show you guys my starting ship but upgraded you can see it here so that you have more cargo have a better time and have everything in your ship that you need for early games so I really hope this helped if you have any extra tips or things that you think should be added onto the ship do let me know we can all learn together as a community and the two videos on screen now I think you guys will really enjoy we have so much content coming your way you won't want to miss out on so make sure you're subscribed check out these two videos and then tell us what you think in the comments down below
Channel: Arekkz Gaming
Views: 231,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, How to Build The Perfect Starter Ship In Starfield, Starfield ship building, Starfield Ship building guide, Starfield Perfect starter ship, Starfield ship design, Starfield ship design ideas, Starfield cheapest ship, Starfield Ship, Starfield review, starfield guide, starfield best ship, starfield best ship build, starfield best starter ship, starfield best starter, starfield how to build a ship, starfield ship building, starfield ship building guide
Id: de2BKCmNH60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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