Updating Trees to be USEFUL in Minecraft! (#TeamTrees)
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Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 492,555
Rating: 4.9217868 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, team trees, mrbeast, 20 million trees, Minecraft tree update, minecraft trees, horses, spruce, oak, jungle, acacia, dark oak, trees, tree, minecraft tree farm, minecraft trees mod, birch, minecraft 1.16, 1.15, Minecraft 1.15, new biome, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft update, no cursing, new update, new minecraft game, new minecraft tree update, logdotzip, do good, donate, secret, new minecraft items, planting trees, planting trees in minecraft, teamtrees, mr beast
Id: exoFrIJwwV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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