Houseplant Haul | Rare Plant Collection

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel so I'm so excited to get this video out for you guys because I literally just got back from picking up my plants from crystal star nursery doing a curbside pickup but they ordered earlier this month and for those of you guys who's been following this story on my Instagram you know how long I've been waiting for these plants and I've been searching for some of these plans for a while now as well and a crystal star nursery obviously pulled through like they always do and giving this whole Cove in nineteen thing that's going on they obviously had to follow a bit of rules in order for us to access these plants especially when we're doing curbside pickup so really really appreciate their their work and there's just good people but I'm so excited to get to the plants and show you guys what I got and the like I said I literally just got back I haven't even had time to really look at these guys and really have my moment with them so we're going to have this moment together and hopefully you guys are watching this at the comfort of your own home and practicing you know self quarantine and social distancing so without further ado let's get this house plant house started I'll start with the plants that's a little bit more commonly found and then move our way up to kind of more of the rare ones and especially my favorite right now so I'm excited they're right there they're looking at me so we'll start with the tada the Hoya competi Albemarle chanita so this guy is a Hindu Rojo yeah and you guys have seen this quite a bit in some of the plant shops that you probably visit typically they come in the more the green one but this is a variegated one and this one specifically has like pink blush on it as the new leads kind of grow so really really pretty really really cute I did have a whole year compacta that just I've had it for a couple years but honestly hasn't grown at all so I don't think that plant was very healthy but this one for sure looks really good and that's one thing about crystal starting research plants is they are really really good quality right so now the rest of the plants I'm going to show you is plants I've never ever owned before so really really excited about these guys the next one is the tada the begonia maculatus so this guy in particular I'm sure you've seen at your local plant shops and even some of you guys have probably found these in your big box stores like Home Depot personally for me I've never come across them but this is going to be my second big going I've ever owned the first one I've owned was a Griffin wing and unfortunately that is no longer with me I think what happened there is I did not stay on top of the watering in addition was getting a lot of bright bright lights I'm hoping with that experience out of the way I can't this one and because this is abuse I really love these white polka dots in that green background and on the back is obviously this the fuchsia reddish color and it's such a signer and hopefully this one will be a little bit better than my Griffin wing one but the next plan I'm going to show you guys is the the Hoya Matilda so this guy in particular is a beauty and I love how this is arching over this kind of trellis just has that beautiful look there you're similar to my this kiddy apply the filler that you guys seen in my last house plant haul video and it has kind of these you know almost like circular or oval shape leaves so it is a Hoya and I treat these guys like a succulent where I give them a lot of bright indirect light and I only water when the soil is completely dry also touching the leaves to see if it's softer if it's still firm but yes I love this beauty and I can't wait till this one blooms I know very very rare for most of my horribly anyway I've only had one whole bloom on me but I'm hopeful that this growing season the Hoyas that I do have right now will bloom but yeah it's such a beautiful plant I really like this trellis piece I think it just makes it look so cool and again you guys could probably have these hanging as well and trailing or you can get them climbing up but the next time I'm going to show you is also another hole yeah it is the the hole yeah then sing the name Vietnam so I don't know if I pronounced that correctly but this is a beauty I love how large these leaves are and that texture and you guys can see kind of the midrib in those veins such a stunner and it looks like it has this like kind of star look to it and yeah I like it I really would like this and I can't wait to see what the blooms look like on this one but it is another beautiful hoya and again Hoya has a lot of bright light and obviously water when the soil is dry but look look at that come on how can you not love this guy so the next oh yeah I got it's probably I don't know if this is going to be my favorite Hoya out of this match or the one I'm going to show you guys it is the today the holiest sunrise so this particular hole yeah is a gem and one of the reasons why I love it is because it has these reddish and burgundy edges on its leaf and on this foliage and I love the fact that this is also on the trellis and my goal is to try and get this into a shape of like a Sun and as the leaves kind of grows especially with that reddish tip and reddish edges it'll look like sunrays so I think that would be pretty cool and like I said Hoya's they love love love a lot of bright indirect light and mostly I like mine and they're doing really really well so I only water them when they're completely dry and even then I'll wait even like a few days or even a week until I water them but so the next set of plans I'm going to show you guys are a little bit more rare and sought-after especially here in Canada because these plants aren't as easily accessible as you would find them maybe down in the US for you guys I know some of you guys in LA have access to these plans for the UK or even in Australia but really really rare for us to find these guys in Canada and this is why I appreciate crystal star nursery is they really do make dreams come true for us crazy plant people here up north and I really really appreciate them for pulling through and getting me these plants because ok let's just get to it so the next one so there's about 1 2 3 4 5 5 of these rare plants we're going to show you guys and we'll start with me tada the philodendron six nine six eight six so I don't know why this is called six nine six eight six but for now that is the name of it but it is one of those philodendron that has these like three leaf shape and that's why I think what tell dentists is they do come in so many different varieties different shapes and I know in my last video of like three easy house plants and three difficult house plants for beginners I put a philodendron in the difficult category and only reason being is because a lot of these field entrance are a little bit more exotic and more rare I do find they are L a bit tricky to take care of I mean look at my silver sword right now my philodendron silver star I'm struggling with it but obviously there are philodendron it's like your heart shaped leaf ones or the Brazil that's a little bit more easier and similar to care for like a pathos but these ones I'm going to go through I need to get bit of research and if you guys do have any tips on how to care for some of these plants definitely comment below and let me know because like I said I'm still learning and I know a lot of viewers out there also learning so that you'll appreciate obviously the comments and the tips that you guys are offering but I yeah I love this guy because I like these three leaf heart-shape almost looks like a star I guess in some way but I can't wait to see how this guy grows and another beautiful beautiful philodendron and such a stunner so the next tip plants going to show you guys far the okay we're gonna go to the etherium so I was gonna do the 200 fill genders but we'll do the ethereum the first imperium I'm going to show you guys is the tada the etherium crystal in them I mean come on look at how beautiful this fleet is and the foliage on this can theorem and I know a few of you guys have seen these in people's pages and whatnot I didn't search for them for a while and again they're so hard to find so I was so happy to finally get my hands on these and it's so beautiful I mean look at the habit how can you not love a plant like this with that kind of foliage so definitely definitely get fine and I am I'm so happy to finally have this in my hand and I have another aetherium that looks very similar but different it is the tada the etherium clearing their vm so look at that leaf and that foliage look at those veins and it's similar to the crystal in them but just you know obviously little bit different and these two guys I am so happy to finally have in my hands and I've been looking for them for a while and like I said they're very very hard to find here in Canada so the fact that I have these I'm so grateful and thankful for obviously crystal star nursery for pulling through they work hard to get their plants over to us crazy plant people here in Canada so really really appreciate them making dreams come true but uh yeah so in theory UM's for me I don't have much experience so I am definitely need to do a lot of research but usually when it comes to plants like this and the ones I'm gonna show you guys I do want to make sure that they are going to climatized well in my home so thankfully I have some really good humidifiers I got two of them right now and I'm gonna get them going here in my home so that way these guys can you know feel a little bit more familiar in terms of the environment that they are from typically mostly in like South America you know so it's Asia and all of that where it has a lot of high humidity and yeah so these aetherium so happy okay so next to plants when I show you guys are philodendron they are the tada the philodendron gigas so this particular philodendron has one of those a velvet texture to it sleep and it's such a beautiful plant such a stunner love the way the shape of the leaves are it has one of those more a longer kind of not necessarily a heart shaped leaf but more of a longer slim look to it but the velvety texture on it is such a beautiful plan and so so excited to have this with me as well and it's just oh my gosh I'm I'm just a nod right now but the next plant is probably going to be my favorite plant and the reason being is because I remember seeing this at the New York Botanical Garden a couple months ago and it's like huge form and it's amazing glory and I was so amazed by it then I like to think about is having this plant in my home one day and now I finally do it is the tada the philodendron Mela no crisis so this is a beauty and look at those leaves again has that velvety texture to it and has more of that heart shaped leaf to it and these guys can grow huge like I said the one I saw in New York at the Botanical Garden was humongous and this is a fairly pretty good size for what I paid for and I think I think it was I think I got a good deal out of this to be honest because like I said this is a rare plant and I just need a moment with my plans here for a second [Music] alright guys we're back we just had to have a little moment there because honestly I can't get over how beautiful this plant is I can't stop looking at it it's such a stunner and like I said I've seen it in its giant form and I can't wait for this plant to grow and thrive in my home obviously I'm gonna do everything I can to kind of give it that similar environment that it's used to I'm going to turn on my humidifiers and I'm also going to be setting up a greenhouse that I'm gonna place upstairs in my bedroom and if you want to follow that journey or that story follow me on instagram that's where I'll vlog about it but yeah so these are other plants I got and I do put my pricing on it so it gives you guys a better idea on how these plants are priced relative to obviously the market the demand and where you're located and in my opinion I think these are priced pretty well considering that this is a frigid rare plant for this size finding a plant like this probably on Etsy with some of those you know resellers probably will cost a lot more so I'm thankful for it but I always encourage you guys to please buy responsibly and don't go beyond your means you know I'm very very thankful and very grateful that I am in the position to buy these plants partly because of obviously all your support of watching these videos and whatnot so really really thank you for that and hopefully you guys are living vicariously through my plant journey here but if you are looking for plants right now definitely contact your local nurseries and right now I'm sure they do a lot of shipping as well as curbside pickup so go ahead and support them other than that hopefully you guys enjoy this video enjoy the rest of your week and I'll see you guys soon please [Music]
Channel: Crazy Plant Guy
Views: 40,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houseplant haul, indoor plant collection, rare plants, philodendron gigas, tropical plants, indoor houseplants, houseplants, philodendron melanochrysum, anthurium crytallinum, anthurium clarinervium, hoya sunrise, indoor rare plants, indoor tropical plants, apartment jungle, quarantine plants, easy houseplants, houseplant collection, meet my plants, plants for beginners, begonia maculata, philodendron 69686
Id: tt_04CbnxvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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