They Left 70 Years Ago ~ Abandoned Swiss Time Capsule Mansion

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i want to give a big thanks to squarespace for  sponsoring this week's video more about them at   the end of the video hey everybody i'll welcome  you back to another documentary brought to you by   the bros of decay i'm Lesley and today i'm joined  by william and iron who's driving over there   and we are in yeah the mountains locked country  switzerland for the first time exploring here   i'm really excited because we are on our way  to an abandoned house that's been abandoned   for more than 70 years a true time capsule and  i can't wait to show you what's inside of there that's what you have to go through when you're  driving on these mountain roads when you   encounter somebody the person in front of us here  literally has to drive backwards to let us through   because we have this enormous bus of  course and it's very difficult for us   to drive backwards so he has to do it i don't i don't hope he has to drive like a  kilometer backwards because that's very difficult okay i think this will fit let's try it out okay okay we're now going off-road i see uh  switzerland is full of surprises as you   can see are driving wrong i think oh  you're driving the wrong way oh oh   we have to go through that uh gate i think  uh yeah i think there's a gate for the sheep   oh somebody has to open the gate to uh i  think so yeah i will drive i will open it in front of us now i saw him in the mirrors does that fit yeah i think so yeah i guess let's go there's a gate for the animals to  keep the animals in the inside of their territory wow the view is really amazing   if you listen closely right now  i don't know if you hear a bit   by the wind but you hear the  bells of the cows in the field okay we have arrived over here is the the house in   front of us but you are looking  how we can get there let's see let's go there's a lot of water here on the ground okay this is the house everybody let's have a look oh sorry a true historical time capsule   so this is the front entrance of the house  and the door literally has fallen out oh my god wow this truly feels like a time  capsule that we're entering into okay   let's film this place in great detail  and let's make an awesome documentary imagine being able to step back into time  to travel to a place where nobody has been   for over 70 years stop dreaming because  that's what we're going to do right now this time we find ourselves in the  country where fondue and chocolate   for everybody is part of its constitution  of course we are talking about switzerland   hidden inconspicuously right in the middle of a  small village lies a beautiful forgotten house   clearly time around it has moved on what  once used to be the backyard of the place   has been transformed into fields and there is no  sign of anyone ever rendering again for decades the house used to be owned  by a loving family of five   who have lived here from the late 1800s until  the 1950s when they left for an unknown reason that's everything we know about it for now  but let's go together on an investigation   and take a step back into  history of this swiss beauty oh welcome everybody inside of a swiss time  capsule this place has literally been locked   for 70 years in time unfortunately i don't know  much of the story yet but i hope to figure that   out with you all while we are going through  this place and going through the photos and   everything that's left behind in here i'm  currently standing in the barn of the place   and this is where we're gonna start our  exploration of this house it's actually a   fairly big house i didn't realize it when i first  got inside of here but there are four bedrooms a   kitchen and living room barns everything so  let's go let's start this epic exploration let me take you all let me turn you  around and let me show you what i'm seeing   so this is a little born area where people could  come in they had some little things like a saw   we see over there and some different appliances  here to work on the fields because these people   that lived here they were farmers they were  true swiss farmers you can still see a jacket   hanging here of somebody that lived here a jeans  jacket so the year was 1951 and that was the   last year that somebody had ever lived in this  place wow okay we can also see some wine barrels   so that leads me to believe that these people  might have produced some wine there are some   wine fields in the country of switzerland but  not much not like france not like italy so yeah some bills of iron iron rods we see over here there is a pushing card underneath i think you  call it a stow card or something like that i'm   not sure but this is a very vintage one that we  have underneath here wow look at these iron tires   that are right under the machine okay  and i just saw on the corner of my eye   here in front of me place the toilet of the house  look how it's built no way this is really cool   it's just some sort of a porcelain hole in the  ground that leads probably into a septic tank   somewhere in the middle of the barn and that  leads me to believe that this is probably also   the only toilet that we're gonna find in this  place here we have another little storage area   a lovely little lovely start of the video already  you can see that this place has locked in time   for 70 years spiderwebs are forming everywhere  throughout the house we are now entering into   a very small barn where some animals were housed  probably pigs as you can see from the barn itself cooking pot on the floor here now over here a few more animals would be  housed these people were just small farmers   they didn't have big fields and thousands of  animals that just had enough to feed themselves   to live a comfortable life here in switzerland okay let's go further through the  home isn't it just wonderful how   we're walking every step we are taking is  just back in time it's back to another era   when there was no technology when there was  no plastics when there was no nothing just very ancient time okay we have a little storage  rack here to the left of us with some appliances   some hammers some working tools that the  man of the house probably used back then   clippers all this kind of stuff see  what kind of products these people used   liquid durax p a liquida this is a feed spray wow look at these bottles they are still  filled with whatever kind of liquid   that's in there very fascinating okay i see this mesh door here in front of me and i'm  really eager to go through it and check it out   here we can we come into some sort of a storage  area we have a sift we have some things for the   household this was probably the food section of  the house where they stored all that drinks and   all that food products okay and down there a few  bottles of wine are left i was looking if there's   still something in there i hear something but it's  totally empty just some residue some pots and pans   and right above me the whole ceiling has  totally collapsed the barn is up there but i   have not seen a way to get there i will  let you guys have a look at what's up there okay everybody you can't believe my excitement  right now because we're gonna go into the living   quarters of this house we're gonna step 70 years  back into history and yeah let's just do it   here's the door in front of me that  leads to the kitchen of the house   let's open it up and let's go in there let's take our first steps  together inside of the house wow you've just time worked 70 years back into  history welcome everybody into the kitchen   and just by looking at it you can truly tell  that what i'm the story behind this 70 years   of abandonment it's just true you can see  it from the items that are inside of here   from how everything is placed and how the  things look like okay let me take you through   here and let me show you the remains of  this house first off this is the door   that i came in through and here we have a little  storage area i think you would store your slippers   your evening shoes in here okay they  even had a little window that peeks   into the barn right behind it does this thing  still open up yes it has these two latches oh   it's pretty stuck oh no it still opens up okay and  that reveals the barn you just look into the barn   from this from this window maybe they had some  animals in there and they could look after them   from the kitchen that would be handy  let's close this beauty back up here we have a little dining  table which is the breakfast table   right in the corner of the room  with still some plants on there   maybe the last owner in the 1950s placed  these here and they have been left ever since when i open up this drawer see all the  kitchen utensils the spoons the forks   wow the bread knives even a little soup for the  soup wonderful let's close this beauty back up   spider webs suck often they're covering  this building all around here's another door this one seems to be completely locked   spiderwebs are growing all around it they're not  growing they're just weaving their webs and then   to decide one of my favorite parts of  the kitchen the stove very ancient stove   probably a hundred years or older a wood stove and what i love the most is that the pots and pans   are still left on there from their last meals that  they had in this place isn't that just wonderful   here underneath the residue we have another  booklet left behind and then worked into the wall   there's some sort of see all these latches  there's a stove probably behind here because   that's very common for switzerland  you could heat it up from the kitchen see this is the last residue the last ashes  of when they lived here and through this way   they could heat this stove we're gonna  see the stove probably on the other side the ceiling is just caving in and i use  straw underneath it to build up this house the boots to walk the fields  and care for the animals   then they had this gas stove right in the kitchen  that's probably what i cooked most of the meals on   a very vintage machine as well and also  some wood left behind underneath there   and over here they had a very very small  kitchen they were actually i have not told   you yet there was a father and a mother  and there were four children in this house   so for six people they used to cook and wash all  the dishes over here in this very small kitchen i'm gonna test the water but i'm yeah was  fairly certain that it wouldn't work anymore wow even the drying rack is still left here  and underneath you can see a bottle of wine   just chilling there between  the rubble of the house completely caved in i love this little cabinet  that we have here to the left side of us   fantastic piece curtains behind the glass let's  open that up oh all the glasses are still in there   all the plates and everything a tea kettle wow fascinating pieces what do we have in the neat here some more  things even like a can of food still left here   a bottle of liquor down there amazing and this looks like some  sort of an agenda that they used a little inscriptions on  there as well little stories   maybe something religious over here it  says january february calendar you see   you see calendar 1951 a swiss calendar you see a  man standing on ice rocks somewhere in the ocean i want to open it up i want to  show you wow this is true history   true history everybody so william is going around  this place taking pictures of everything what what   are your thoughts about this place 70 years of  abandonment impressive it's quite insane right yes   you have just taken pictures in this room  i'm now going to take my first steps into   the room i'm really excited for it so let's go  in there let's open this beauty up and here we   are entering into the living space but in the  back i can also see a sleeping quarter so this   is going to be an interesting part of the house  but first have a look here to the right excuse   me the left this is what i was talking about when  you could fuel up your stove from the kitchen and   then you have this porcelain stove bench kind  of thing here in the living room very typical   for switzerland let me put an annotation up there  i filmed another place that had multiples of these   stovis stoves throughout the house excuse me and  they are very effective because the porcelain and   the stone absorb all the heat from the fire and  then it remains fairly hot throughout the evening   and you don't need to throw on a lot of food  to keep the room at a nice and cozy temperature   very fascinating pieces of furniture i'm gonna  call them it's some sort of a furniture but it's   actually an attachment of the house here we have  a bed warmer this you would fill up with water hot   water put at the end of your bed and then your  feet would stay nice and toasty dry the night   i really love this okay you have a little  latch here and i think you can also somehow   fuel up the stove from this side or maybe  heat up something in here but i'm not sure   wow look at this lovely sitting  corner that we have over here the ball street chair to this side you can see  even a piece of clothing i think it's a dress   it's still left here from the woman that lived  in this place little stands okay they have a very   very big button here on the lamp i was looking  at it and you can see this how you turned on the house is totally falling apart you can see it  from behind there it's just falling into pieces   oh here we have the emblem of the wedding you  can see the man and the woman in here and it   says over here congratulations with the wedding  with the marriage wow look at this another bench they probably made this themselves and put it  on here maybe some dog lovers that lived here and this picture frame over the years that this  place has been abandoned has just fallen from the   wall right behind there this is not vandalism  this is just natural decay and that's what i   like to see in these places just you can see how  the place over the years that has been abandoned   falls apart in the corner of the room we also  had a picture frame over there that has fallen   now and also a wall clock a very beautiful one  with carvings in there spiderwebs covering it and it says r equals a on the clock face  r equals a don't know what that stands for another plan that i placed  here all these years ago and i was also looking at the windows when i came  into this room and something about them just gets   me look there is one window in front but there  is another one in the back and i think this one   has been placed later on for installation that you  have like a double window but then in the old days   that's how they did it and it's actually very  common over here in switzerland i don't know if   other countries also do it but but i have actually  never seen that before in france they do it in   a very different way here we have the kitchen  table where the family used to be together have   dinner talk about their days on the fields with  the animals lovely no television actually just   one radio above the accountancy desk that we  see here in front of us that's everything that   they had to entertain themselves and of course  the family that they had around them i think   there's a very nice way to live nowadays we have  everything tablets computers dear televisions to   all keep us entertained but these people didn't  have that and i think that's quite fascinating   a picture of a baby girl standing here here  we have another one of their wedding pictures   very vintage picture and there are a lot of  things left behind here at this accountancy desk   and let's let's just go through  them i see already here a letter   dem libre gurus motor that means you're  loving your your lovely grandmother   the latter is still sealed after 70 years has  never been opened and i'm not going to open it   i'm just going to keep this a cigarette i can  already see a big stack of pictures here let me   place down the camera let me show you those okay  everybody let's have a look at this beautiful   stack of pictures that we have here in front of  us because i know you all love to see those and   these all depict the swiss countryside as you can  see there is a house or a barn just in the prairie   we have this wonderful church with the mountains  behind it these pictures are probably taken   by the people that lived here a picture of a  swiss house with some people standing outside a lovely young girl playing in the field  flower crown on our head i just love it oh   and then we have this picture of these two people   look at this i just i immediately remember  them because these are the same people   as we see here on the wedding emblem on the  wedding diploma they are totally the same   people that's lovely those are presumably the  father and the mother that lived in this place   wow let me show you a few more because i just love  to go through them and i know you all do as well   we have this baby boy here that's how they  took pictures back then now we all do it   with our phones but back then this was a special  occasion that dressed up the child as you can see a girl on a bicycle in the fields a young man  lovely hair i love his style okay and in between   we have this religious postcard i think it is  and here again the lady the girl coming back a man some sort of a shop or something like that another wedding picture wow and another lovely  lady that's just incredibly beautiful to see   this all let's place this back nicely  over here wow now let's go further   throughout this place that was such a treat to go  through and there are even more and more of these   documents and everything but i don't want to go  too close because i want to keep this one a secret   little box with some keys in there a  fail for inked they wrote with inked   back in that day and here we have  this press to press envelopes what a beautiful piece we have also show you this accountancy  desk in great great detail and let's now head over to  their parents their bedroom   because they slept in this part of the house  but the children they're gonna sleep upstairs   we're gonna go to that stairway later on  it's on the outside of the house actually okay so a double bedroom still  made after 70 years of abandonment   this is probably the house that  has been abandoned for the longest   where i'm exploring in right now i've never  had a house that was older than this one we have a little stove here in the corner  to heat up the room look at the braided   cable that we have here on the stove then  in the corner of the room this lovely vacuum a wooden wall all around the bedroom i'm just thinking right i'm just thinking right  now have we already already encountered a bathroom   and i think the answer is no because  these people didn't have a bathroom   they just didn't that was not included in the  house yeah sorry i was just thinking about that   but that just popped into my head and i'm gonna  look throughout the house if i can find one but   i'm fairly certain that i'm not gonna be able to  find one a night stand right next to the bed here completely empty and this  was their medical cabinet   right next to the bed look at  the products that are in here wow it's all made in switzerland chalet swiss wow what a find everybody let's close this beauty  up look how the thermites are taking it over   the sod is just just falling out this  wider spider webs are crawling around it   i just love to see that then we still have  this side of the room to cover there are a   few things here i was looking if this in front  of me was some sort of a vanity or maybe the   woman used it in the morning but i'm not sure we  can however see some of her necklaces left here   her pearls that she used wow and another  heater in this room because in switzerland   it gets really really really cold in the winter  like meters of snow especially in this part   sucks still unused yet the cat is still  on there oh this was the knitting box   wow with all her supplies still in there even  a deck of playing cards in the knitting box   isn't this just wonderful i think you can  lift this out yes that reveals more things oh the sound it makes just love it and it can  also be used as a seat if you're not knitting see if there are any clothes left behind and yes  there are full of costumes of the man of the house   still left him here wow let me take  one of those out let me show you   what these poop people were back in the day fascinating find okay everybody we're now gonna make our way  to the children's bedrooms but we have to go   back to the barn to get to that place of  the house and i was already looking a bit   further if i can see any bathrooms  but i have not found anything yet   okay to get to those bedrooms you have to go  outside and then you see the backyard of the house   there's even a barn left over there then  here to this side we have another doorway   and that reveals not a stairway yes and  that leads to an upper part of this house i just love how it's built in such a unique way  something you don't encounter in countries like   france where i explore often it's again a very  unique way of building style again all these   windows here in front of us and the mother of  the house also used to dry her clothes up here   okay a few things we can see here in  the hallway we have this plate left here   wow this is the stairway to come up and i also  quite like these shutters that we have over here   in front of the bedrooms and this everybody is  the first one the first bedroom the children's   bedrooms wow welcome inside of this place and  they had actually fairly big bedrooms for that   time era because children used to sleep together  but all of these children had their own bedroom   wow a classroom picture two women together walking  wow i love to look at pictures in these abandoned   places but you have probably already figured  that out i also have a costume in this room   and some shoe boxes left here as well  but they don't hold anything anymore okay look at this lovely bed that we have here in  front of us there is a cap hanging from the bed   still made yet again after those yes and even the  shoes are still in front of it leather black shoes here we can see another batting picture okay lovely little vanity right here in front of us  presumably one of the girls of the household used   to sleep in this room and she would make herself  beautiful back in the 40s 50s maybe even earlier   in front of this vanity some working men depicted  on this picture another child's picture over here   and even a purse is left behind here i love the style of this vanity  i have to show it one more time wow this is very stuck but you can  see there are still some t-shirts   and some clothing some very  old clothing left in here let's put this back nicely okay there we go i'm gonna  glue up the floor set up later   some more artifacts hanging here on  a wall depicting swiss landscapes not a class picture presumably of  the child that slept in this room wonderful little bedroom really really also has a cabinet but a can is completely filled  with clothes but look at this this looks like a   military uniform oh my god you see an emblem  on here a white cross that's for switzerland   and even a little flute when you get  lost that people can retrieve you wow how amazing is that everybody what a find okay let's head further let's see this  place where are we ending up in here yet   another fascinating bedroom just fascinating the  first thing that grabs my attention in this room   are all the jacks and all that over there all  the buckets i think these were oh these were bee   hunting bee hunting schweizer hunting honey uh  so they probably wear imkers as well and i kept   all the honey in this room as you can see lovely  to see a basket hanging from the wall over there i love this lamp as well there's a weight on it  so if i'm very careful i'm not gonna do it because   i'm probably gonna pull it apart but you can  swivel it up and down very common for switzerland   a slate bed in the corner of the room here wow and  this one again has a pair of shoes in front of it a uniform laying here in front of us on the bed   wow you can see that this bed  is much older than the other one and then here proudly standing  in the middle of the room   just like it's nothing it's a  vintage washing machine everybody and this is how you would swivel it around   i don't think the lever still works but what a  piece of machinery we have here in front of us depiction of people working in the trees oh and this little cord that we see  here hanging is to turn off and on   the light in this room and it would hang  down so the child had slept in this room   could easily turn off and on the lights again more  costumes so many costumes throughout this place you would think that these people were more than  farmers not that farmers don't wear costumes   of course but you wouldn't expect it from a  place like this then we have more artifacts   a little vanity table as well in this room  i love the marble that's on there oh no   it looks like marble but it's actually wood  oh yeah it's actually wood i didn't realize in these boxes we have again jars for honey the bay and honey it says on there bayon  is also dutch but also swiss for bees i just noticed something while going through  this room have a look at these shoes that i have   here in front of me we were just talking about  them that they were here in front of the bed   but when you look closer at them they have  spikes underneath and these were literally   shoes made for switzerland to go through the  mountainside and go hiking wow ancient snow boots   from the person that lived in this place   was probably an advent hiker yeah that's  most likely when you live in switzerland just have a look at the view that these  children must have when they woke up in   the morning presumably back in the day this  was all clear i could just look out over the   mountainsides behind there that would have been  amazing clothes hanging here from the drying rack the last hanged it up in  1951 and never took it down some gold let's as well go  to the swiss mountain sites   then we come into the last bedroom of this place  and it's not at least because look at it it's just   so ancient so historical and so incredibly swiss  there's an enormous beam there's actually concrete   coming through the floor into the ceiling and  this is actually connected to the chimney this   is the chimney actually and this would heat  up this room beautifully we have this latch   here that's probably to clean out the chimney so  this room didn't need to have any heating at all   a slate bed here in the middle of the room you  can see how it was filled with feathers back then   that's how they would fill up a bed wow pillows  are still there what do we have over here nothing of interest in here just some wallpapers  and stuff like that and then two chests in the   room as well that reveal blankets and these  are girls clothes i think yes they are wow even more of those i would store it up here and i was looking at this wall as well you can see  behind the wallpaper they used to use newspaper   and i some of my subscribers have  told me that people used to do this   for insulation so they first would put newspaper  and then in front of it i would put wallpaper to give an extra thick layer to that  wall beautiful chair here in the corner and then we have another chest  it's a can filled with clothing and a little table for the child that slept in  this room the study he had to sit at and just   enjoyed himself wonderful bedroom really really  wonderful i'm gonna slowly back out of it okay   we're gonna go back outside your roon is gonna  open the door again that's almost falling apart let's go as well oh there's  a snail still in english   there's a snail on the ground  here fairly big one actually okay okay you think there is a  pathway to the right here   okay yes let me show you the front of the house i  think there are some animals in the field here so   this is the house that we just explored from  the outside it's a fairly fascinating place i really liked the style of this house and just  how it's built you can see there's already a tree   growing here in the front yard of it wow  wonderful let's leave this beauty behind   and let's go on another adventure  guys you ready yes let's go before i end of this week's video i want to thank  the sponsor squarespace squarespace is a powerful   online platform on you on which you can build your  own website but that's not the only thing that   squarespace can do for you on your own websites  you can also create a community because people can   reply like and share the 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or  website want to thank squarespace one more time   for sponsoring this week's video and let's end  it off now so everybody who made it outside of   the place we are now at a camping spot in the  middle of the woods in switzerland it's very   peaceful over here we parked our van and  we're just gonna chill here for the night   i already have the barbecue on the guys are making  some bread drinking some beer and we're just gonna   enjoy ourselves for the night before we're going  on another adventure tomorrow morning i want   to thank you all for watching this video it was  amazing to explore a place that has been abandoned   for 70 years and i truly loved going through  that place if you did so as well subscribe to the   channel like the video and write a nice comment  and there's also a little link in the description   of patreon that you can help us and support  us for going on these trips around the world i   want to thank you all and i'll see you next week  in another epic adventure i love you very much
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 138,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home
Id: WznMVREq2lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 40sec (2800 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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