Immaculate Abandoned Fairy Tale Castle in France | A 17th-century treasure

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(♫ Magical dreamy music) On the grassy plains of an embattled French meadow that endured much political strife, sits a majestic castle with a harrowing history of its own. (♫ Dreamy violin music) Originally intended to be an important fortified castle, the construction of this dignified landmark was finished in the early 16th century. (♫ Dreamy violin music) Exactly one year ago, after the castle had been fading into oblivion for decades a priori, we visited this phenomenal place and could not believe our eyes. As centuries passed, the property was inhabited by the military nobility and various lieutenants who played a predominant role during the French Revolution. The personal legacy of generation upon generation is now left behind, only to be devoured by nature as vegetation creeps through windows and doors. (♫ Magical dreamy music) Today we take you on an intriguing adventure back in time, as we visit this castle and take you on a journey through priceless historical mementos and invaluable antique furniture. One can rightly ask how such places even exist, and how one could ever leave such abundant history behind for the fate of the elements. (♫ Suspenseful dreamy music) Today we are opening and sharing a discarded hidden treasure that has remained closed for years. (♫ Epic music) Fortunately, the future of the building looks bright. The castle was recently bought and is currently being replenished back to its former glory. But before that happens, we're taking you on one last look behind its spellbound walls. (♫ Epic music) (♫ Official Explomo Opener Intro Title) Our exploration of the place you're about to watch dates back over a year ago. The castle has been sold now and is, currently, under renovation. Making this property not abandoned anymore Alright, so, welcome back everyone. It's a brand new day somewhere in France in a forest. - And yeah, here we are welcome again on a beautiful way to this beautiful abandoned chateau. And yeah, I really love these roads. I mean, we really need to show this to you. It's just... have a look. - The endless roads to these castles. Yeah, just the imagination that the people who used to live here, would've always needed to take these roads only to get to their house, their castle. - Bro, it's castle time again! I'm so excited. Yeah, yeah. - I can't wait for it. There's always a very long driveway to, actually, get to these places. - Yeah, how long was it? Around eight to nine hours I think, in total? No, but I also mean to talk about the driveway here. - Oh...! It's always a long distance to, actually, reach the actual premises. - Oh, yeah, true! But yeah, also a long drive. - It was also a long drive. As usual, we drive long to be able to document all these fascinating places. That's maybe not the part you always see but it's definitely one of the most time investing parts. - Yeah, definitely. And also, sometimes one of the most exhausting parts. - Exactly, exactly. But yeah, as you can see, we are, literally, in the middle of a forest. There's not a single house around us. And here in the rural countryside of France, lies this enormous construction! It's truly a historical landmark. But we will tell you more about the history once we are inside. Now, let's try to find it! (♫ Dreamy ambient music) Yeah, as you can tell in this part, the weeds are growing a little bit higher. So, this road definitely has not been driven for a long time already. Always these creaking dry leaves at the beginning of summertime. So, there we come in a more open field. We can already see it - it's huge! It's freaking huge! Oh, oh, oh... Bro, that is humongous! - It's, literally, like a fairy tale. I mean, this is just an open field and then, over there is a castle - a huge huge castle! It's incredible, damn. I'm excited about this one! - Oh, yeah, me too, man! I cannot wait to see what beauty is left inside this place. (♫ Epic music) We did it! (♫ Epic music) Oh, my freaking gosh! Bro, this is enormous! It's definitely quite a while ago we've visited such a big castle, this huge in size. Wow! It seems that those shutters over there and the windows are, literally, just open. It's gonna be a little climb, I guess, but yeah, it's never easy to enter these castles. They're big and most rooms are, actually, built on the first level. Well, monkey modus Remon is going for the job! You can clearly tell it's not the first time we're doing this. (♫ Light suspenseful music) Do you have it? It's a hot day, man. - Yeah, it is. It's a very hot day. (♫ Suspenseful music) - Alright. Oh my freaking gosh! - Yeah... This is amazing! So, welcome back everyone on a brand new video. And here we are, walking down this grand staircase inside of a majestical abandoned castle that's just left to the elements now. And this place is a very historical landmark. Actually, its construction started at the beginning of the 1600s with the outside barn parts. And then, eventually, with a lot of help from people which is Remon going to elaborate on after this, they actually constructed this enormous castle in the start of the 1700s. - Yeah, and they started in the 1700s, and then, we come to these very noble persons and very important persons for this castle. They were actually lieutenants in the French revolution and their names were Charles and Julien. Charles was a lieutenant and he received many medals of honors and much respect because of his participation in the French revolution and French civil wars. And talking about Julien... this is actually a pretty sad story. He was only 31 years old when he passed away during a battle that took place very close to this castle. So, he, eventually, passed away. But due to this history of this beautiful property, it just remains so, yeah, I don't know how to say it, man... The inside it's... - This is one of those castles. Imagine that it was followed up by generation and generation of a huge family that was very important for their time era. It was the military nobility of that time. And eventually, the last family generation could just not afford the upkeep anymore, the maintenance, the renovation costs, and eventually, as I told you at the start, it's left to the elements now. Nature is making its way inside. - Yeah, indeed, and these people lived during the 1800s and then, we go to the 1900s from now. And this is actually a crazy part about it. On this area, and also on the land, there were around 60 to 70 people working near the castle, in the castle, just... I guess the original owners were part of the nobility. I guess, it just was an honor for the people that lived in the area to just work over here. It's unbelievable, man. It's, literally, located like... this is a huge garden! Like... this is part of the premises where we are right now. But actually, right over there is just a tiny little village with only a few houses. And back in those days, this was the most generous building at that time. Right now, it's just completely left neglected and forgotten about. It's unbelievable. - And we are just going to show it to you. Yeah, so, without further ado, enjoy watching another incredible documentary of a place in France that will leave you speechless. Let's do this! (♫ Music) So, there we kick off, and this will be an incredible adventure. One of the books for Explomo. - Oh, definitely one for the books! Oh my gosh. - I mean, these are carpets, and they are so so well-detailed. They're actually tapestries. - Yeah, tapestry carpets, and they remind me of gods. I don't know why but just looking at them, it looks like a fairytale inside here. - Those huge tapestries... they were all just hand embroidered, and they are so incredibly detailed. That's the most fascinating part, I think. - And I mean, look at them. Don't they look like gods or well, at least, very noble people? Yeah, they like angels and gods. - Yeah. Especially, with those things on their head. And look: this person is, actually, sitting in sort of a king's bed or chair with all those curtains and draperies. He must have been very important. And over here, you have this sort of nature-styled theme. - Some other landscape buildings. And even castle over there! - Yeah. Haha. It's just incredible. - Yeah, beautiful, right? Also, have a look at this lamp over here. All these master-crafted works are still inside, just left to dust. - Just the imagination that everything inside of this place is just handmade, and this beautiful furniture... is just going to waste. - It's dating from centuries ago. Dated from centuries ago, and actually, before we go further, we have two ways to go. And I think we should go there. - Yeah, so, let's stay in the style of this beautiful tapestry room to another tapestry room. Exactly, because I have a story to tell you because you're probably guessing when this place became abandoned. Well... Let's have a look, and then, I will tell you. Oh! This was their grand dining hall. - Alright, yeah, and then talking about the grand dining hall... the mayor of this town, or yeah, the mayor of this town she was so happy about this place in the year 2000, that she gave a dinner at this table over here. And all the people from the village were invited to come, and they were having drinks and wines and it was just a traditional French dinner evening. And what they did afterward, in 2000 and 2001... they created a riding school for horse riding. I don't know the English name for it but it's like a place where you can take lessons in horse riding and they, actually, won three medals in Paris for being the best horse riding school in the area. And then, talking about the abandonment. It, eventually, closed in 2011, and since then, it's been abandoned for 10 years right now. And the only thing that you will see inside of here. which is still left, is this very old decaying furniture. I really love it. - Priceless antiques, absolutely! Let's start showing all the wondrous items inside of this place. Over here, are these very chic candle holders, and even parts of oil lamp over there. And again, this entire room is decorated with tapestries on the wall. - And they look like gods in the middle of a war or something. They're holding knives, you know? I'm really questioning what it exactly is supposed to represent. - It's possible that those were all gods and goddesses from Greek mythology or something. - Yeah, yeah. Look over here. Even still, all the glasses are inside. And this is a dead owl. A dead owl - what is that doing here?! - Hmm, I think it's uh... Nah, it's a real one, man. - Yeah, yeah, but is it taxidermy? What the heck has happened with that?! - Do you think it's taxidermy? I don't know, man, it's very strange. It does not even look stuffed or something. - No... Wow! - It's for putting the ink in, right? Yeah, the old inkpot! - It's made out of marble. Wow, it's incredible! The items we will find inside of here are just priceless museum pieces. - Yeah, well, unfortunately... Nah, man. - I can't open this up. It's been closed for way too long. - Yeah, haha. That's the deal. - And then, look. Oh...! Do you know what I love about this place? We were talking about this huge family from generation to generation. This military nobility of that time, and we will almost see all of the most important faces of this family tree. - I think almost every single one - it's unbelievable. Actually, I will hold the painting for you. There are, actually, two doors. - I don't know where they are leading to. Oh, wait for a second! I'm gonna remove this chair. - Alright, as you can see, we are very careful with this painting. Oh my gosh. All their glasses and plates are just still left on these shelves. Probably, the people still drank outside of this in 2011 when the town mayor, actually, arranged this. Oh, oh... insane. Now, actually, there is another door over here. Yeah, this one is locked. - Ah, unfortunately - that's sad. Well, then, we come to these again. - You know, the size of these ones is just humongous - they're enormous. Yeah, I mean... - That's always so impressive. They are twice our eighth. - I mean, how can you, actually, make this? Yeah, imagine that they were just crafted by hand. - Yeah, right? And do you think they just put it over here and then crafted it, or that they just put it on the floor? If somebody, actually, knows how they made these things, leave it down in the comment section because I'm always very curious about how you can make something so detailed back in those days. - Wow...! And I don't know if you noticed something specific about this one. But look: it has oriental ornaments again. It was back in these days that those oriental decoration pieces were a sign of royalty, and it was a show-off of being wealthy, that you would have some furniture which has like an oriental background. - Yeah, oriental items. Oriental ones, indeed. Even birds and everything, and those are elephants. So, yeah, you can definitely tell the oriental style. Again, it's so incredibly detailed and there are plentiful things to look at. Over here, are all their china plates. - Yeah, haha. You really feel little walking inside of those spacious rooms in this castle. - (agrees) And then, yeah, we have the dining table. - Those were probably all used as jugs for liquor. Yeah, liquor or water. And look, right on top is the family emblem. - The family coat of arms is just carved inside of this impressive cupboard. Did you actually mention the curtains? - Not yet, not yet, it's about to come. Look over here at these carvings: the shapes and everything. This was also something they would put on top of the table. - Over there's a case for holding silverware. Oh, yeah, some silver cutlery was once inside. - Wait... Over here, even still some of the cutlery is left - imagine that maybe even the military nobility once... - their plates and got their meat with this. And just ate with this. Well, as Remon mentioned, there are also these huge curtains around the window frames. - Again, some chinaware down there. What is this? It looks like those were used for tea or coffee. I think it was for tea or water. - Yeah, or milk, who knows? Is there something in the drawer? Nah... - Well, there's a newspaper. Now, I'm really curious, man. What date is written on this newspaper? The price on these old newspapers is still in francs (the old currency of France), so... - I see... 2006. - Okay. Oh... I'm 100% sure that this place has been abandoned since 2011. - Now, there's one really strange thing. Yeah. - Those doors are, actually, leading to the other part of the castle with the huge tower you've seen on the drone shot. But they are all just firmly closed and locked. Not a single movement is possible. - Nope. And also not in the other one. It's so strange, man. - This part is just completely locked. It makes you so curious about what's behind these doors. But yeah, of course, we never force anything. - So, unfortunately. And we respect the places as we find them. - Yeah, yeah, but we are quite happy about the fact this is already amazing! Oh, yeah! - And this one over here's ismy favorite one out of all of them. I think this is so cool but that's just me. It's a knight just knocking someone down. - Yeah, and there's a horse too! Yep, a horse in the back. - Wow, yeah, it's amazing - absolutely amazing. And then, on this tapestry over here is, actually, a secret door. It's a hidden door that we often find - so elegantly made. And it's leading to another part. A little bit the behind-the-scenes part I would call it, where the servants would've worked for them and where probably the generous and important persons would not often find themselves in. - No... There are so many mice and rat droppings everywhere. - Yeah. The place has been very very badly decayed in only 10 years. - Yeah, it's crazy, right? For only 10 years of abandonment. What is this, an elevator? - Yeah, I think so, for food. Oh...! - Well, then you know you're wealthy if you had an elevator. Probably they had servants just in the basement there. Who would, actually, transport stuff up to here where there are cooks and everybody used to be working. - Because over here's a very tiny kitchen. Yep, this used to be their kitchen You can definitely tell that this kitchen is also not that big of a deal. It's quite a plain kitchen, and probably this was another just room where the servants would've made use from. - Yeah, they would've prepared dinner over here. Still, everything is there - even a coffee grinder. And look, there are parts of oil lamps. - Many many newspapers. 2010. - Yes. That's one of the last ones. - All these oil lamps. Yeah, plenty. You can only imagine that one day there was no running power and electricity inside this place. - Oh, well... Everything was just running on oil and gas. - Several days, bro. Oh, oh... what a history. There are also some other old parts of the oil lamps. You see? - Yeah. It was actually used to inflame them, right? (agrees) Yes, yes. - It's also saying "bougie de l'etoiles". And then, it's time for the fridge test. - Yeah, well... ...there's nothing. - Luckily, there aren't any drinks from the year 1600s. No, no, no... Well, and then, we come to the point where I'm actually pretty curious. We have some food products left. - Wow..! And I found some dates but these ones are very old, but then, right over here... and this definitely clarifies me that this place has been since 2011. Of course, also due to the story that I found but also due to this. - Some vegetables. Yeah, they're expired from 2012. - So, and they are mostly good for a fairly long period. Yeah, quite an amount of time. - Yeah, exactly. So, 2011. (♫ Epic mysterious music) Now, you've probably already captured a glimpse of the stairs over here going down. And they're, actually, leading to the basement! Well, I think this door is locked. It is very rusty. - Sadly. It's always quite frustrating if some of the doors are locked. - Yeah. Because you will still remain curious about what's behind them. - What's behind this door? Hahaha. Yeah, you can just tell that those are some pretty old kitchen tools, some eggs as well. Oh, look over here! The old copper pans. - Yeah, oh, oh! Centuries and centuries old. And that's so cool: the French people would, actually, preserve their cheeses and some food products inside of this. - Oh! I never knew. Yeah, they always conserved them in the basement, because over here the humid conditions and the moisture were just perfect. - Oh! This was once filled with vegetables and right now, it feels just empty. Haha. Still, some bottles of wine over here too. - Yeah. What is this bicycle over there doing upside-down?! - Yeah, I don't know. I think they were working on it. It's pretty strange, right? Over here, are even still the trash containers. - and they're just covered. And what's here? Oh, this was like a work room. - Oh, yeah! They probably did a lot of working on this table. - Yeah, well, actually, also according to the story, it said that they had like... ...sixteen employees. - Yeah, but the smith, the blacksmith. Yes, yeah. Damn... And then, just look at the cobwebs. Oh... This one's probably going to the outside garden, right? - Yeah, yeah. Alright, okay, so, now, we are at the down part of the main hallway. Hmm, there's just some wood storage over here. Okay, this is pretty random, haha. Another bicycle is standing upside-down. - Yeah. Why oh why? It's so strange. Oh, this is pretty cool! - What is this? Those are probably like all the electrical switches of the building. - Oh, I did not pay attention to that yet! It looks very old-fashioned. I definitely don't think the mechanism is like this anymore nowadays but you can also see all the electrodes on top. - Bro, they were pretty smart, look: it had to do with these jars. What is that? Huh?! Really? - Yeah. So, those cables are leading to those jars. I've never seen that. Do you think it's an anode and a cathode? - Yeah, it could be. Yeah! This is anode and cathode. - But why? Bro, why?! This was the very old-fashioned way of generating electricity - Okay, okay. Dating back from when there were no power lines in towns and cities. - Okay. That is freaking insane. - That's sick, man. That's really sick. That is something different, haha. Another level. - Oh, this is also another level. Dang! - I hope this was used for horses. But this is strange. I mean, that is definitely horse equipment and mechanic things but there is a bathtub over here in the basemen. Now, imagine the noble family had all their own bathroom in the bedroom. - Yeah, yeah. So, for who was this bathtub? - For the servants. Exactl. - In the kitchen. They just bathed themselves right in the basement over here. A very strange idea but at least, they had a fireplace so, it would be a little bit warm for a basement temperature. - Yeah, and they probably also loved to ski. Haha, those are, actually, skis, yeah. You won't say it on the naked eye but... - In the French alps. I thought this was torture equipment - I got scared. Oh, no, no, no, haha. - No, hahaha. Oh... But yeah, you can definitely also tell that probably one day people were imprisoned here. - Yeah, after the year 1600... ...during times of revolution and war. It's always, yeah, such a relative definition. I mean, the mightiness of army. One day, these people... everybody was, yeah, just obedient to them and right now, nobody even cares about this property anymore. - Yeah, yeah. One day, these people were, actually, the emperors. - They were just some of the mightiest people inside this village/town area. It's unbelievable, right? Yeah... It's very hard to believe how times can change but you really get aware of it when you walk through such places. - And then, you definitely get aware that status and materialistic things are not a show-off. Nope. - It's all about the life experiences that you create. Exactly. Wealth doesn't mean happiness. - No... Is this for a hat? It looks like it, right? I don't know.... - Yeah, I really don't know. Hmm. - The velvet case's very special. It was bought in a store in Paris, actually. Yeah. Haha, the box over here and yeah, this is just some basement equipment. Well, this is strange... why? Why did they do this? - Well, they wanted to close this place one day, at least, with this bricked wall. Right now, it's just open on all sides. - Yeah. Oh, and over here, they were storing their food. There are still some jars, once used for canned food. It's still left in some jars, and it's completely digesting and rotting away. - I really love the structure, like it was about to fall but then, look: it just saved it. Yeah, haha, it is completely skewed and only on top of there, as Remon mentions, the wall, actually, prevented this thing from collapsing down. - Yeah, that's cool, haha. And then, as we were talking about jails and a prison... Maybe one day, those were the actual iron bars for the cells. Because you can see iron bars and everything over there as well. There is a very good chance that people were just imprisoned over here. - Damn, scary, very scary. Alright, so, then, we're going back up again from the basement, and we, actually, come to the huge main entrance! Over here are even umbrellas. - Haha, a game of "jeux de boules". Some badminton. And look inside here, you already see some woodstock but over here's even more. - Okay. Well, they definitely like sports: "jeux de boules, badminton, golf over there. - Yeah. They were very wealthy. It hasn't been opened for a decade and this is the aftermath of it. - It's so crazy, oh... only for 10 years. And then, have a look where Remon is walking up, and we still have so many things to show you inside this place. So, yeah, let's just get started! (♫ Magical dreamy music) So, we walk back and we come again in this part, where we actually kicked off our actual exploration. But now, on the right side over there, there's the other part that you've not seen yet. (♫ Magical piano music) Oh my gosh! - That's... Oh...! - We got this beautiful piano. It keeps on going. There's a wonderful grand piano, a "Pleyel" - a very very famous French brand that's very known for its harps down beneath in its wooden-carved design. - And this chair. A piano chair, because of decay it has just fallen down - it's broken on one side. - Alright. If I don't fall... I can see it's created in 1855. Pff, damn, alright... (♫ Piano key tone) Perfect. Yeah, that's still perfect, man. - This one is in perfect condition! There's not a single key or string that's broken. - And I don't know if you see it, but isn't this rat poison? Yeah, I wanted to say it too. It looks like rat poison, so, I think they are still really caring about this musical instrument, and for a good reason! - Yes. Because it's a beautiful, beautiful instrument. And I think also very valuable. - Yeah, very valuable for sure! Oh, wow! Look at this antique pram. Well, you probably know that I have a big prejudice and love for prams. - And this is a beautiful one. Wow... it's so old, and look at the inside. And the big wheels. It always reminds you of one of the first bicycles that were, actually, manufactured. - Yeah, yeah, haha, also the wheelbase difference. Wow. It's just sticky on here. - Yeah, and I don't know if you already saw that. Yeah, I already pointed it out. There is this beautiful portrait with its generous cover but there is also another one. You can clearly tell that these people were noble persons. - And then, speaking about noble people, there's another one. Once they were so important - wow! And by the way, also notice that on top of the doorposts, they also made these wonderful paintings. - I just, still, can't believe how they did this. Well, it was all master-crafted work - that's one thing for sure. - Oh, yeah. It looks like that for a certain part, they tried to store some stuff over here. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, because what's pretty strange is that there are some locks around some of the furniture, so, that's kind of strange. It's strange because some items are definitely, in my eyes, very precious, and are not being saved but chairs and stuff just have those locks around them, and like, they don't want anybody to steal and take them. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. What a chandelier. - Oh, oh...! It's so detailed, right? And then... - ...there's this typical French cabinet with the velvet inside. Well, and bro, talking about French, it also has an oriental style. - Yeah, well, regarding the items inside, or are you talking about the outside? Oh, yeah! And there's again a lion. - And up front, there's a fish. Yeah, yeah, definitely something oriental too. What's this box over here? There's nothing inside. Even an oriental vase is down beneath here. - Haha, it's pretty cool. Oh, no way! Oh, it's sick. That's so so so sick. You see what she's holding? - Yeah, an oriental fan. I think I saw that one. - Really?! Yeah. - Where? It's in the bedroom. - Alright, well, keep on watching and, yeah, find out if we will find this oriental fan of this beautiful woman over here. Damn, there are just so many details to point out. This is also pretty cool. This was an entrance ticket, and it's worth 10 francs, and it's dated from 1943 - even during the war. And over here, are some old games. - What do you think the entrance tickets were for? I don't know. - They're all numbered. I think they were for a circus,. Actually, some knitting tools. - Whoa, look at this! What is this? - This is like a French game they would play on this round table. Do you know the name of it? I don't know the name. Yeah, they could definitely put their scores or something in here. I don't know how this game works. - I definitely know mikado. Yeah, yeah, of course, but I think this game is very outdated. It looks like you had these balls. There's one ball still inside and you, actually, had to throw them in somebody else's hole and then, you would get a point or something. - (agrees) Okay. Well, there are again these beautiful curtains on top. And look over there: the size of that mirror is mindboggling! - And on top of it... that looks like a snake but... Well, let's try to get a little bit closer. - It's pretty tight in here. There is also a rocking horse - a very antique one. Let's see... a snake... yeah, like a cobra you mean, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow, this was, actually, an old class picture in school. - And from when it's dating? 1954-1955. Damn... Most likely the last family generation that lived here. There are some tiny stuffed birds over there, and we found some old notes. - Yeah, well, this is a point system, and this point system was for...? I found it. Well, it was, actually, used for billiards, bridge... - Bridge, okay. Yeah. - They liked playing a game of bridge. So, we have this marble fireplace over here with, still, the old net in front but as you can see, they tried to seal it. - Yeah. Maybe because the chimney could catch fire and then, eventually, the castle would burn down? - I have no clue, man. I really have no clue. This could have been one of the latest residents of this castle before it became unoccupied ever since. - And then, what is this? It's very heavy. Wow, it's dating from 1846 to 1892. - Hmm. I think this was an important person for the family, and this was in remembrance of him. - Yeah, yeah, that's very beautiful, and it's very heavy, man. The copper plate. - Yeah, it looks like massive iron. And then, finally, we're gonna make our way to a part that will also, absolutely, blow your mind. - But first, this was one of the soldiers. Well, soldiers, sorry, pardon... Pardon, haha. - Lieutenant. Yeah. - This was one of them. Yeah, you can tell by his uniform. And then, there's another one of these paintings, and prepare yourself... Hold your seats, because there is this incredible library - a spiral library in one of the castle towers. And have a look around you. - This is some proper decay. I think this is one of the coolest libraries I've ever seen regarding the decay, and just everything that is left. I mean, have a look around. I can keep turning for hours and hours. There are books all around me. You, literally, don't know where to look - it is incredible. All these old books, bibles, dictionaries, encyclopedias... because back in those days, there was no modern internet. - Oh, no. People needed to search everything up in those books, different chapters. They were very well-organized because when they wanted to find something out they could not just grab their mobile phones and Google Search it. No! They had this library for their Google Search. - Books, encyclopedias... just all the information they needed was right over here. And what they also did over here, is writing a lot of postal cards and a lot of pictures. - Man...! And this is very cool. We have plenty of these but I want to take this big one. Uhm, yes, alright! Well, you see? Maybe if you shine with the light, you can show them how detailed these things are. - Wow! It's unbelievable. - These stamps, and they're all different ones. Yeah, they're all different sizes. And all different signs, and they're so well-detailed. (♫ Magical piano music) It's just incredible: have a look at the quantity of all those cobwebs too. Oh, oh...! And then, we have another family member to close the library part with right over here. You've already seen so many different faces. - Yeah, haha. You can probably only remember half of them right now. - (agrees) (♫ Magical piano music and fade-out) So, over here, we have another wonderful portrait, and look at the cute tiny duck down beneath it. - This is so well-detailed. And then, we've actually talked about how these people like sports, about how these people liked gaming, for example, bridging. - Yeah. But there was one other sport or game they really liked. - And what do you think it was? Well... If you've watched previous castle videos, they can probably guess it. - Oh, yeah, definitely. There's, still, one thing you've not seen yet - the billiards room. Yes, there we are! And what a beautiful room with again so many portraits. - Pff, so many, so many of them, and so well-detailed! Again, a fireplace. I really like this one! It's beautiful, to look at it as a whole. And actually, one thing you've maybe not seen yet but I spotted it while I was filming the cinematic shots, is here. Have a look at the chandelier, actually. Look at these faces . - We got those faces on them. Yeah! - It's so cool. That's sick, man... that's so well-detailed, but wasn't it that in the middle, they had like this big candle. - I don't think so, I think it was only for the outside part. - Yeah, okay, okay. Wow. - So many details, bro. Oh, yeah, absolutely... - And then, look at all the billiard sticks. They are all still there. At least, most of them. That is incredible! - Oh! That shocked me, again. And then, over here, they could actually count their scores with the abacus. Like Remon demonstrated, you could, actually, yeah, bend that out and then you could grab the sticks out. Wow, also over there. Wonderful! - Such a detailed portrait, very detailed! Oh, yeah! It's so lifelike. - Pff... Wow, what beautiful oil lamps. Haha, it's actually broken but... - No, no, no, no. ...they used to view pictures with this. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. Oh, yeah, it's broken on this side. Yeah, it's open. Normally, you could watch through these goggles on the other side, and then you could see the prints and pictures being displayed. Oh, and some child games. Yeah, well, they must have had children too. - Oh, yeah. Haha, the bricks over here - the wooden toys. - Haha, I remember myself still playing with this in my childhood. Yeah, and then, also... - ...there's green curtains. On the floor, there are some other games. - Oh, yeah! Some rather modern ones. Some we also know nowadays. - Well... Wow! A small marble clock and the little bust on top of it. Increidble. And it's a Mary statue, yeah. - Yes. And look, you were talking about oriental styles, and again on these bowls on top of the oil lamps, there are like dragons. And then, look. - Wow, genius! And you want to be more amazed? Look at this one. You know what this was? This is very very long ago. It's, actually, this property, yeah... - Really?! But this was indeed in a state where it was not completely built yet. - This was in its prime. Yeah, this was really in its prime time. - (sigh) So, this probably goes back very long ago. Imagine that back then, people were already so talentful. They had so much talent in all these details. - Oh, yeah, you can tell that this person had a high military rank - all the medallions. Wow! Oh, and this is funny! Those are actually the rules of a game of billiards, but very very ancient. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's saying over here in French: the rules of a game of billiards. Plenty of rules are written down. I would love to know from when this is dated. Now, we haven't pointed out the pool table itself yet but have a look on the sides. They have this very detailed design with all those heads. It's definitely one of the most beautiful pool tables we've found. Even down beneath, it's so well-detailed. I think it's a one-of-a-kind. - Yeah, definitely. Oh...! I'm not good at this, haha. But do you see that on the sides? They have those locks. - These locks? Oh, yeah. - Yeah, they were locks, and you could actually grab that out. Okay, okay, I don't know what that was used for. - And over here, is, actually, some of the score or something. "77" it's say. - Yeah. Seven, seven. I think you could do it like this. - Oh, yeah probably with the buttons. Oh! Well, yeah, you know? We're learning, man! - Haha, sick. That's cool, man. It's still flawlessly working. - Yeah. I can do that for hours. - Yeah, haha. It just also feels so amazing that some things are still working. Wow!!! That's mesmerizing furniture. - With the flower pattern on it, it's so beautiful. And then, again, this beautiful portrait. (sigh) - It's so huge and so detailed. It's all just made by artists. Sadly enough, this one is a little bit damaged right over there on his face but it can be easily restored. Oh...! But this is my favorite, bro. That's insane. - This one? Yeah, with judge's wig. My gosh. - He looks very royal, right? Yeah, and this one is definitely very very old. - (sigh) It's incredible how they once painted this if you really start looking from an upclose and detailed perspective. - Well, the fact that it's so incredible is that you need to imagine that all these people you see over here inside this building, just once stood somewhere. Maybe inside this castle, maybe inside of another building. And they were just painted. They had a direct link with this property. Maybe they just slept inside the walls of this dignified building that we are currently in. - And all of these people were just or living inside of here, or indeed, slept over here. And they just took this position and then, they were just hand-painted. It's unbelievable, you know, if you really look closely it almost feels like things are coming alive over here. - Oh, yeah! As I mentioned, it's lifelike. Oh, a wonderful secretary desk . - It's so detailed again. Yeah, there it is. Hmm... - Yeah, you can pull it. Nah, maybe unlocking it. Oh, there it is! Wow! Look, look, look. - Wow, old letters! Sad... I don't know what is on them. I'm just always very curious to find some dates but... Paris. What is this even about? This is a doctor's receipt. - Yeah, this is a doctor's receipt - "optic medical'. You see? This was, actually, for their eyes. - It's an optometric measurement. Yeah, you see? An ophthalmologist. It's just empty. Alright, I'll put this back. (♫ Epic music) Okay, well, there we head back to where we started this video. But actually, before we are making our way to the upstairs floors... - ...there is still one place we need to show you. Oh, yeah! And you will love it. So, behind these doors... what do you think that was? Pause freeze for a bit. Okay, leave it down in the comment section right now, and now, we continue! - Haha. A fire extinguisher. It still looks pretty modern. - Yeah, that still looks very modern, hmm. Well, and behind this door, we have a bedroom. - And a beautiful one! Oh, oh, oh...! This is one of my favorite bedrooms we found in times, bro! - This is so typical... It almost looks like a princess would sleep here, you know? Really like a princess... if you think about Disney and stuff. - And I think that's our princess. Wow! With this bird, she's holding in her hands. I think it was definitely a little girl sleeping here in this room. - Yeah, and this is what I meant but I don't think it's the same one. Oh, yeah! But it's also a fan. - Yeah. Oh... it's really cool. There's a very musty smell coming from that thing. - Yeah? Yeah. - Oh. Well, there's also a rug over here on the ground. - And do you see what it is? Is this a polar bear?! - Yeah, haha. Insane. Look over here... who knows? Maybe this was her boyfriend. - Yeah. And look: actually, not the colors from France in this sequence, but the colors from the Netherlands. - But you need to look at it from this perspective, Maureno. Yeah but I prefer to do it like this. - Hahaha. But still: "Vivre la France!", we love you France. Especially, for all the kind people that live here and of course, its beautiful (abandoned) places and castles. Even still, incredible paintwork over there. - And then, this was a storage part. Books, loads of them. What is this thing over here? It looks like an oil lamp but it has a very strange shape. - Yeah. It's like a pillar or something. - Yeah, I don't know. I think it was just a normal lamp and there was like a lamp head on it. A rotary phone over here. Again, there are those tickets but those ones are five francs. - Hmm, and then, look: I always really like these cabinets. Plenty of bookshelves again. Wow. - Many old encyclopedias. Yeah, plenty. Wow! By the way, before you close it... do you see that giant book on top of there?! Oh, oh, oh... - Do we have a ladder? I really wanna get it. I wish we had a ladder because that book is insane. - I'm really curious about what is written in it. And then, what is this? It looks like sort of a walking cane or something. - Hmm... The desk over here. Wow, I really love the velvet design on it again. - Yeah, and then, look: the chateau. Oh, yeah! The loop glass. - Damn, there are many pictures over here, bro. Oh my...! Stuff is just falling down here but... oh, yeah! That's definitely the castle! - Sick. And imagine how the garden was just once meticulously maintained and done. - Beautifully maintained. Just neatly, haha. There's even a handwritten letter. Oh, they were writing to a friend. Her name was "Yolande". In 2004. And she was saying: "Soon, I will be on holiday, so, I want to confirm this to you if it's okay if you can watch after the house after the 15th of July. - They're probably talking about this house. Yeah, yeah! "Château", it's saying here. - And what is this? An old newspaper. Oh! Look: that's one of the family members! So, they were also prominent in politics. - Oh, yeah, oh... well, that explains a lot again. Another reason why they were so wealthy. - But this was in 1970, so, damn... It's a zipper or not? There's still stuff inside. - Yeah, there's still stuff inside. Maybe I'm just too dumb to open this. Huh, I don't get it. Okay, okay. Look over here, at the old ink blotter, to erase the ink. - Oh, yeah. So, we've found the inkpots and the ink blotter. - I need to say, I can not really relate to plenty of the stuff that we're finding. They're so, well, old-fashioned I wouldn't say but... Yeah, we are just not used to it. We never saw these items before we started exploring, we never used any of them. - No, no, no. We have to do it with all the knowledge of the people watching this at home. - And we are Dutch, I mean, these French countries and all the French furniture and all the French items are so different. - Oh, yeah, definitely. Well, over here's a stove in front of the fireplace - a beautiful marble fireplace once again. - Oh! And this is the man that we've seen in the newspaper, I think. Oh, yeah! It looks like this was in a religious meeting. - What is this? A medallion! - But for what? It looks like a medallion to give birth. "Family from France", okay, okay. You get a million for that. - Alright, haha. Well, the size of the mirrors is again impressively high. This is an amazing room. - Yeah. But now, let's continue and guide them to the upstairs floors. (♫ Epic music) Okay, so, it's time to go upstairs. I'm walking on this side, Remon has his private staircase on that side. And yeah, we're actually... it's pretty sad. We have to announce that again, that part of the castle with those two doors over there is locked. - It's completely locked. So, we only have a little part to show on this floor. But still, there are some beautiful bedrooms. Haha, I mean, if you keep standing there, just imagine the size of the staircase. - It's so huge. I mean, only the size of the staircase would already take one-third of my house. Oh, oh, oh, haha! Anyway, this is quite strange. Inside the wall they made like another door that is also firmly locked and not opening. Same for these two doors. We already checked it. Believe our word. - Yeah, they're completely locked. All the coats are still over there. Some puzzles, a game of checkers, and a lot of books again. Probably for the leisure time, just for some amusement. Well, I feel some fresh air. Oh, yeah, and that's logical. Those windows over there are open, and that hurts me. We have to close them, man. - Yeah. To prevent any water from coming in. A beautiful pattern over here, actually. Yeah, but apart from that, the bedroom is, actually, quite plain. - Yeah. But this chair is also a high-end antique. And you can clearly tell there was nobility because they had their own tiny bathroom over here like, yeah, not much of a bathroom but, at least, there was a sink with a mirror. Meanwhile, it's getting a little bit darker because Remon's gonna try to close the windows as much as he can. - Yeah, I'm just gonna leave it like that, man. Do you know how they work? - Yeah, I know but... Hmm, I just don't want to touch too many cobwebs. I'm just afraid of the spiders. Do you want me to do it? - Alright, do it, boss, haha. I'll check it. I think it's also a little bit stuck over here down beneath. Isn't it? Like... it seems it's blocking somewhere. - Ah, I was missing that part. I don't know why this is not closing. Like this. Now I know it. - Yay! Okay, let's go to the next bedroom. That's right next door. I think this one has a lot more charm than the other one. - Oh, yeah, it does. Still, a crucifix above the bed. - And after all, the bedrooms were just pretty plain, also normal for that time. And do you see this? This was for the woman, so, they could change their clothes. - Yeah, and again, it has an oriental design. It keeps on coming back in the home. Well, I guess we have another window to close. - Hahaha. Everything is so wide open, I mean, at least, over here the windows are still inside. Over here, I can just stick my arm through. - Yeah. It's unbelievable. - What a good man. I mean, if there's, literally, not a single owner or relative that seems to care about this place, I think I genuinely care more about this place than they do. So, yeah... That's number two. (♫ Dreamy ambient music) Now, this wallpaper is, literally, all resting over the door entrance to the connected bathroom that is right over here. Dang, it's filled with rat droppings. Ugh! What is that, a spider? Haha, it's a fake spider or nah? Yeah, man, that's a plastic spider. - I'm getting more afraid of spiders than you are currently. I don't know why but this place... pff. It's spider paradise, that's one thing for sure. - Yeah, this really is spider paradise. Oh, this is sick! Imagine that this is one of the clock towers. - Yeah, it is! Yeah, it is one of the clock towers, right? They just had their bathroom inside the clock tower. - Oh! It's sick but this is even sicker. Yeah, the uniform. - Do you think it was from the first war or the second? I don't think it was a war uniform because it's bought... well, it's saying "tailleur militaire" - it is actually a military uniform! - Oh! Also according to this. Oh my... - I'm gonna hold this for you. Yeah. - So, you can properly show it to them. Because on the left sleeve. - Yeah, you see this nautical thing. It looks like it's from the air force or something. Yeah, it's actually a rank - it's a ranking system. Okay, probably these things also have a certain definition but if you know that, just leave it in the comment section. And right over here's a Burberry suitcase. - Oh, yeah! It's a pretty brand. And then, there are even more of these frames. Luckily, that frame didn't damage. So, yeah, we should maybe put it back in a wiser place than there. There we go. Now, I haven't checked this... yeah, this window is closed, right? - Yeah, this is closed. Well enough. - I mean, some light is okay. Okay, so, we're walking outside that bedroom, and we come back in the corridor again. There is this door over here. Oh, it's only a toilet. - Oh... nothing too special. What is this? That's locked. Well, there is a key. - Hmm, no, not the right one. No, unfortunately. Too bad. Then, the last thing for us to show them is, actually, the final floor. - Oh, yeah., The attic. - Well... there's one other room. It's immediately around the corner. It's this one. Another tiny bedroom. I think it's definitely from a child. - Yeah. Also regarding the childish and colorful wallpaper and everything. That could have even been on their marriage day one day. Wow, look at how the people were dressed. A beautiful iron bed. Those are even some nine-millimeter bullets. What the heck. - Well... Look. - Also again. Yeah, those chairs are again just locked to each other. - It's very strange, right? Why oh why? - Yeah, some old magazines. And there is not much left behind over here. Only some frames are hanging on the walls. - Yeah. That's what I always like about the chateaus - the walls are never naked but they're always decorated with plenty of frames and stuff. - Always decorated. Now, what's really neat is that attached to this room, is another castle tower, and that was actually another private, yeah... - ...well, bathroom? Sort of a bathroom, yeah, because you had a mirror over there. They could do their grooming over there. Even still some leather man shoes are still in the box. - Haha. That's crazy. - Some trainers also. Yeah, and then, overlooking the front garden. So, we wanted to go to the attic but just did another quite unexpected discovery. - Yeah, look: down over there, there is also this beautiful, well... what is it? Oriental. - An oriental-style cabinet. Yeah. And then, right next to it, actually... have a look at this! Oh... - These are very old belts, and like very old ones. I said to Maureno, they look like Versace. But then he was like: bro, this is even before that was made! These are very old. And also maybe once worn by the military. Yeah. And also this: I thought this was like a broom. - No, no, no, it's not! But this was from knights and even this. This was like the side part. - On their shoulders. On the shoulders, yeah. - Oh my gosh, yeah! Oh, there's dust coming from it. Bro, this is unbelievable. This has been laying here for a long time, man. - (sigh). This is incredible, man. This was definitely from the lieutenants. - Yeah, I think so too. Wow! - We find so many historical treasures inside. Oh, yeah. - Now, let's go to the attic and find out what more historical treasures we can find! There's this spiral wooden staircase going up. And then, we, actually, come to the servant quarters. This is where all the servants would sleep. And you can clearly tell, bedrooms with less elegance, less luxury... they're plainer. - Yeah, pretty basic overall. Just basic needs. - Well, at least, they had a better view. That's true! - Hmm... Look at the tiny vanity over here. - Yeah, it's completely empty. Dang, there are some giant mainstays over here. It's in very bad condition. I'm not even going to walk there anymore. - Well, bro, look: you talked about the system. Oh! Again, the electricity, you see? Over there, it's saying the "room of the madam", the "room of the mister", the "room of the friends", meaning they even had a friends room. The "red room", the "yellow room", the "green room", the "rose room". So, they had... the "green room" was probably the billiards room. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow! - Sick, right? It's so cool. They just had names for their rooms because maybe they would otherwise just get lost in their own castle because it's so big. - Yeah. What's there? What is that? I really don't know. A can or something. - Normally, there are hats in it, right? Nothing special. What did you say? - Normally, hats are stored in there, right? Yeah, but this was no hat, man. - Unfortunately. It didn't look like anything special. - Yeah, this is just a big storage room. Alright, we're making our way through the corridor. - Oh, yeah, you can tell the decay in there. This is a very plain room. But actually, the one on the other side's amazing. - Yeah. But they've placed all these planks in front of it. So, yeah, we gotta crawl our way over it. Wow, this is like one of the most beautiful servant bedrooms I've seen, and I'm even doubting whether this was a servant bedroom. - Yeah, it's way too beautiful. Which servant could, actually, afford this back in the time? Wow, there's a beautiful French clock. - This is too good for a servant. Oh, yeah, what a charming room. The wallpaper is all just peeling. - And also, the chair over there. Oh my... - That's so well detailed. Wow, I really like the radio over here. - Yeah. A tiny pocket radio - a very vintage piece. A rosary's right next to it. - This here is filled with straw. It seems very solid. - Yeah, it is very solid. And then, over here, we have plenty of religious artifacts. Even still, a receptacle over there for the holy water. And what's... yeah, that was all made from copper. Look! There's even a woman sitting inside of the castle. - Yeah. That was probably one of the grannies from the last generation that lived here. Wow, they would probably pray here on this table, I guess. Beautiful. Okay, so, at the end of this corridor on the attic we have two other rooms. But have a look at the corner over here. It's strange - there's just one sink. I'm wondering where this, actually, served for like... what would they do with this? Wash their hands? - I think they used it for washing their hands, washing their feet... Oh, no, we don't have feet washers anywhere. You know, the sad thing is that, if you look there, you can see the other parts of the castle that we can, actually, not access. All of that, we cannot access. There's a huge part. I think there is even a chapel. If I look at that entrance, I even think they had a chapel inside this castle. - I read something about the chapel. Yeah, because if you see that door entrance it really looks like the door of a chapel. Yeah, we will check it afterward after we left this part. - Alright, then, let's show them this room, Oh, there's a wonderful prayer chair, but that's far it for here. - And I think we gotta close it off for this one over here. That is very beautiful. This was definitely a bedroom of a servant. Religious artifacts again. This picture of a boy. - Now, what I just really love inside of this room is that beautiful stroller over there. Oh... it's properly antique. It's even more antique than the other one we've found. - Yeah, exactly. Wow! Imagine that you would have been transported by this. That must've been such a big honor Also, this tiny stove over here. And again another sign that these people loved sports. - Even back in their days. This is way older than the oldest ones. Alright, and then, we only have this corridor over here, and then, we covered this enormous generous castle as a whole. Well, this is again a room full of decay. You can see the ceiling and everything just slowly collapsing and degrading. - It's full of decay, man. Oh, oh... it's unbelievable. Actually, I also saw another part. Was this, actually...? This was a carpet or something one day. You see? - Yeah. It's just so dusty that you barely notice it anymore on the ground. - Look, even the wall is destroyed over there. Yeah, it's incredible. There are plenty of chests over here. And just some general storage. Now, I noticed this. I checked out this castle tower and don't shock but there are so many like rests of old bee nests and wasp nests. It's incredible like... over there, over there, over there, over there. They've all just been here in the wood in the summertime. Right now, they're not there anymore, luckily. - Yeah. But this is then swarming with bees from the summer. - Holy. It's, yeah, it's really insane. There are really big nests. At least, some of them. And then, lastly, we have another servant bedroom with... it can't get any more French: a slave bed, a wooden slave bed. - Hahaha. Damn... Also, this beautiful baby bed. You could wiggle around with it most of the times. - Yeah, it should wiggle, as you can see over there. And then, over there, we have a complete gallery full of old people that were involved in the family ancestors from centuries ago. - Damn... that's beautiful, man! Yeah, a baby chair over there too. And now, to show you the contrast of humanity and mother nature: a bird found its way in, and never found its way out. It got stuck in here. There's its skeleton. There are even more rests of these bee nests. Everything - that's really insane. Whereas the castle has been withering away for several years afore, it was recently bought by a passionate French man who is thankfully going to breathe life in this meticulously designed historical structure once more. For us, it was time to leave now after being inside for eight hours. We closed everything again in the way we encountered it and appreciated the architectural beauty of this castle once more. Alright, so, there we walk away from this giant abandoned castle here in France, and I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it,. This was insane! - And I mean, just looking at the front of it right now, this is unbelievable. There are even faces just over there. As you can see, it's so so incredible - this structure, how you can create something like this. - Yeah, yeah, the details on the facade are mind-blowing. And also the inside, man. Oh, yeah! I really really like this. Anyway, it's actually such a shame that nobody ever decided to replenish this castle back to its former glory, and we sincerely hope that one day, people still have enough money to invest in it, and make something beautiful out of it again. But until that day, the future of this generous building is still rather unsure, and before it might be history forever, we documented it, and we really hope you enjoyed our perspective on this place, and our journey back in time together, and if you did then you know the drill. - Yeah! Like, subscribe, and comment right down below. Ring the bell notification button right up there. And then, we will see you on our next adventure! Peace-out! (♫ Outro title - special thanks to all our Patreon supporters)
Channel: Explomo
Views: 720,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned castle, castle, abandoned places, chateau, abandoned chateau, abandoned mansion, mansion, house, abandoned house, urbex, urban exploration, exploring, urban exploring, exploration, explore, abandoned 17th century castle, fairy tale castle, fairy tale, abandoned fairy tale castle, immaculate, immaculate abandoned castle, 17th century, 17th-century, treasure, a 17th-century treasure, france, abandoned france, exploring with josh, the proper people, bros of decay, french
Id: eV4uQxRrPKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 0sec (5400 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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