He Was A Dark Man! ~ Untouched Abandoned Mansion of Mr. Jean-Louis

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So welcome back everybody to the Bros Of Decay. I'm Lesley and today I'm going  to take you on another adventure   to a beautiful picturesque abandoned place. I just woke up in this French town the sun  is coming up, you can see the castle there   in the background, this place is just magnificent. But this is still pretty far away   from the location that we are exploring today,  so that's why we woke up so early in the morning   because we have to make the way over  there before everybody wakes up. So let's go now right now and let's  see what this place has to behold. Okay I just arrived in the town you  can hear the bells of the church   ringing behind me and it's pretty early  here all the people are still asleep,   we don't want to disturb anybody,  but you also don't want to be seen. We just arrived at a place it's  over here, completely overgrown   and left behind, look at this! It seems to be open just about there. Okay, good morning thank you very  much, let's go into this place. Mr. Jean-Louis is a descendant from the  Depont family that has been living in   this picturesque French town since  the beginning of the 16th century. The family Depont still resides in town but  Jean-Louis passed away around a decade ago,   however, nobody seems to care about the  belongings and memories that he left behind. Many people around town speculate that  it's due to the shocking and dark display   of taxidermy animals that can  be seen throughout the house. Jean-Louis started becoming obsessed with hunting   after his wife passed away  and his children moved out. He was a very secluded person and could mostly  be found inside his home or in the nearby forest. His house is a reflection of him  and tells a much deeper story   than we would have ever expected  when we first walked inside. Let's go through what remains and let's  put the pieces of the puzzle back together. So, I just found the entrance to this  abandoned mansion, we have to crawl   through the doorway over here to get into the  place of Jean Louis the abandoned mansion. I'm quite excited to explore this  one we just entered into the kitchen   and let's start exploring this incredible place. So everybody let's start off this  exploration here in the kitchen of the place   where the bellies were filled  by the misses of the house. And actually, the story of this place is  quite shallow so I hope to find out more   what happened to these people  while going through this house. We see a beautiful exhauster  with a fireplace underneath   that would light up this room  when these people had dinner. Oh I immediately see this cabinet  as well that catches my attention,   look at the carvings on there, just amazing to  see, all the plates are still stored inside. Let's look underneath, some  animal carvings on there. A build-in cabinet here to the side of us,   with even the plates and the forks  and spoons still left on there. And that's gonna lead us into one of the  most fascinating rooms of this entire house,   but be aware viewer discretion  is advised for this room,   so if you can't handle taxidermy  animals you have to look away right now. This room that we are standing in right  now was Jean-Louis his proudest room,   he was a fervent hunter throughout  his life and loved to shoot animals. And he proudly displayed them very  disturbingly even throughout this room,   let me turn up the light a little  bit that you can see this all better. It's actually in my opinion quite disturbing   how the animals are displayed in here,  but we're gonna see it right now. On the middle of the table, he had a fox,  you can even see the straw in his mouth wow, The table where guests would be welcomed  for dinner and I would have to look   at the taxidermy animals that are  displayed throughout this room. We got a beautiful chair underneath  the table, let's put this back nicely. And then above the table, you  have an incredible chandelier   with crown molding that's up there  in the ceiling, beautifully designed! And here to the side of it we  have an incredible cabinet, wow. An Italian marble top above it, oh this is like  a little dinner plate this is like the little   menu that's in here maybe from a restaurant  that's nearby, where he loves to go to. All the plants are also still in here and  they seem to be real plans actually, wow   so it might have not been abandoned for so long. Above the door over here you have a beautiful  deer head displayed and also have a look at   the wallpaper all throughout this  room, it's also very fascinating. I'm gonna show them all to you in detail. And look at the spider webs that are  covering the sides of this room as well. and this one I find very much disturbing  we have a fox hanging on the plate   by a little straw, oh my god his  tongue is hanging out of his mouth. And spider webs are covering him for  years that he's been hanging here, crazy! Beautiful curtains on the  wall, beautiful blue curtains. People back in the day of course  smoked a lot of cigarettes,   so we're gonna see a lot of ashtrays  throughout this house as well. Here we have another one of those  foxes hanging from the plate. French countryside, two women  by the water chatting away. And then we have a fireplace that would  have lit up the room back in the day. That must have been such an  amazing feeling being in this room. A clockwork above the fireplace here,  the woman sitting there beside it. And over here to this side got a pheasant. I love how this man is casually sitting  there, with a pipe in his mouth. Another cabinet. Oh my god, I didn't even see this one, there  are two squirrels with knives in their hands   with swords actually, having some sort of a battle   of the century, look at that  it's just a crazy setup, wow! So lovely when you explore abandoned  places to see things like that. And then we wander into the hallway of the house,  it's a chandelier with beautiful crown molding   above it and here the people used to come into the  house, welcome the guests, look at this hallway! And that takes us into another sitting area  that's also completely filled with artifacts   from back in the day and luckily it didn't  display that many taxidermy animals in this room. I love the setup that's here  in the middle of the room   with the chairs around the little  table, the people that once lived here   would have coffee and tea and liquors that in the  evening together on these beautiful red chairs. Wow, let's have a look at the paintings  that are displayed here to the side. Oh, this one also has amazing wallpaper. Again so many spider webs in this room as well. Oh my god! Is this a washing bear? Literally translated from   dutch is a washing bear but I don't  know the exact name of this animal. But it's very cruel how they  used all these animals to do   make furniture throughout the house, for example,   the squirrels that were in there that were  having a battle and this one is holding a plate. Nowadays we would call this animal cruelty. Beautiful curtains in this room. And then we have fire screens to the side  here of dutch country land my own home country   with the windmills, but they most likely  also had them over here in France. Wow, I'll have to see this, and over here we have  a little display with some children's pictures. Child reading a book in the display cabinet   underneath and unfortunately I've not found many  documents yet of the people that once lived here,   only the artifacts that are left behind in  this house tell the story of these people. Have a look at this fireplace it's just  amazing completely made out of marble, wow. And then on top of the fireplace, we have again  another clockwork, beautiful marble clockwork. All the artifacts are on there. Some guy holding a hat, I  don't know what's in there. Oh, look at these vintage pictures I just  love them, the man with the beard and then   he had a cat in there, a young lady,  a church that's completely destroyed. Those are the pictures that I want to  see and maybe they had something to do   with the family, a painting above here. I would love to transport myself back  into time and be with these people. Birds drinking away. Somebody loved paintings  and countrysides in France   with boats all around most  likely it was Jean-Louis himself. Now we have a big sofa to decide over here  and have a look at these chairs as well   they are just wonderful. And we have one more side table to the side here. Wow, what a place I can't get enough of it   and then we enter back into the hallway,  but it's not time yet to go upstairs. Ohh, Celine is sitting there as well, but  we first want to have a look in the room   over here, but that is completely locked, so we  gotta go outside again to look into that room. Okay we're now outside again because to  get to that room that I just pointed out,   we need to go to the back of the house,  and over here you can see a shutter   that's closed and that's the  only way to get into that room. So let's open it up right now  and let's head into that room. I'm going to ask you Celine to please  hand me the camera while I go in there,   here you go, let me try this out! Oh my god, this one's actually quite  fascinating, wow, thank you very much! Oh and that's the room that we couldn't  enter into from the other side. It seems like another dining area or  it seems like the only dining area   in this place, we have not  seen another dining area. But this one also displays a grand piano  to the side, look at this wonderful piece! So the people that lived here also  love to play music in their spare time. Let's see if it still works, this  one seems to be completely broken. Wow, candle holders, candles would be lit here  in the evening, "La Mysterieus" it says on there. Look at the Chinese vases that are up here. And even still an oil lantern  left to the side of it. And in this room, we also have a grand  fireplace to light it up in the evening. I love the design on it! This man was so much into animals, actually  yeah I told you before I don't like the way   he treated the taxidermy animals we also  had lots of displays like statues of dogs   all throughout his house, so he cared  for some animals but not for all of them. Beautiful mirror above it and the wallpaper  in this room is also quite fascinating,   flowers on the walls. Underneath it, we have an upholstered  chair a wonderful upholstered chair. Music notes again "La Priere D'une Vierge". Just opened up for us you can  see the plates that they used   when guests came over, fancy plates, let's  see what's on there, these are made in France. Probably very expensive china!   Look at the spider webs that are covering this  table over the years that this place is abandoned. To the side of it, we have another  wonderful upholstery chair. And then look at this display cabinet   that's next to it, this is one of the most  beautiful ones I've most likely ever seen. A little holder here, most likely for  treats that they would put on a table. What's in here? More china for  the guests and crystal glasses   to give the guests, some  beautiful wine from the region. We have even more music notes over  here, to play on the grand piano. Oh, I love this hat as well,  this looks like a hunting hat,   1863, it's maybe like a hunting cult that  it was part of that this hat was from. And then in the middle of the  room, we have the table still made   for two people, two chairs around  it for two people to have dinner. The vinegar vials are still on  there with the glasses around them. Wow, what a place everybody, and then  little chandelier, it's not actually   a chandalier, it's just a lamp, but with a Chinese  design on it and crown molding on the ceiling. One last overview of this room! And now it's time to head back into  the house, of course, we can't do this   through this door because it's completely  locked, but we're gonna go back outside   and show you the upstairs floors right now. So we just saw the incredible  downstairs area of John Louis, his home. But now it's time to venture up there up  this winding staircase that's gonna take us   to the upper floors and this over here was the  door that was just behind the beautiful room. But completely locked and people have  tried with all these different keys   to open this door, but they didn't succeed. Over here we had a little  sitting area in the hallway,   let's see what's behind this little doorway. Oh, there is this storage space and you can  see part of the tinted glass window here. And shoe boxes with shoes of  Mr. Jean-Louis still left here. You can see these were in euro,   wow they were pretty expensive 318 euros, but  on top of it, it says that in frank's FR 701.87. That's the old French currency. Oh and even he had still some feathers left  with the taxidermy that he did in this place. Let's slowly back out of this oh and let  me also show you the intriguing design   on this stairway, it's quite magnificent,  leading all the way up there. A little blue on the front of the stairway  as well and with that, that leads us up   the stairway, I just adore all the  wallpapers throughout this place. For the lovers, I will show you the stained  glass window, with the birds painted on there,   and spider webs now covering it,  what a place everybody, what a place! I have to go closer on these hand railings  because they are just so magnificently designed. And here we enter on the first  floor of the house, with all-around   this flower wallpaper plastered on the  walls, the first room let's have a look. But what we do see is this  beautiful crib, a child's crib. With knives and carvings on  the bed frame with two angels. And here we have a vintage train set. Look at these train rails. I just love this one look at this  locomotive, probably fully handmade, wow! Those are the things that I want to  encounter while I'm exploring, old toys   of children back in the day and beneath  this all, the bed is still made. Over in this room, we also had  a fireplace because this house   doesn't have central heating on the upper floors,   so fireplaces were necessary back when the  house was built and still now as you can see. The vase on the side of it and  we got it seems like a lizard   a taxidermy lizard, but it's probably a  special kind look at the stings on his tail. There's a mirror underneath here, okay still  some beautiful things to see in this room. A high chair for a child, but I'm not  gonna spend any more time in this room. Let's go further to the  one across it and let's see   what's left behind in this one  and this one is quite magnificent. Still made beds, this house is in such  a pristine condition, I just love it! So I just closed the door over there, because  I want to enclose this space a little bit. This was a private space for the person  that once lived here, this was his room,   he slept here for many many years, maybe  even 20-30 years this was his place. His memories are left behind in here, so we can  get a sense of how this person lived in this room. So when he came in here at night the  first thing he did was most likely undress   and put his clothes on the coat  hangers that are here on the door. We got a coat, a man's coat still hanging  here wow, isn't that just amazing? And then we have a drawer to the side, in  here are most likely his socks and underwear   and on top of there, I see a jug that would  be filled up with water to my knowledge. You can see there's some tin in there,  yeah I think you could put some water   in here maybe pour yourself a  glass of water in the evening. We also have a picture frame over here of Lourdes,  Jean-Louis and the people that lived here were   most likely very religious French  people, like we mostly see. I love the drawer it's just  fascinating, there's even a key on here. And like I said this opens up to reveal,  uh they are not sucks in underwear,   we see some gloves over here and we see  some other things that he would have worn. Let's try to close this up  again and let's go further. As always people back in the day also used to  smoke a lot, so two ashtrays were in this bedroom. I wonder if somebody would smoke  in this bedroom back in the day,   that seems very disgusting to me right now,   but if anybody that's watching this video can let  me know that, did people smoke in their bedroom? We have a fascinating closet over here,  beautiful design on the crown of it,   wow let's open this one up to see. It's   completely filled with I think these are curtains,  these are definitely rings of a curtain, wow! Shoes and all these different things. Let's close that up. I have another closet in the  other corner of the room. Completely filled! A bold head of the person that  once slept here, I love it! What I also want to point out  in this room is the wallpaper,   look at the flowers that are designed onto it,  perfectly plastered on the wall, just perfectly. And then we have the bedroom itself, the bed  itself, the place where the person slept. With these two toy horses in front  of it, they have even have wheels   underneath and they once used to be  of the children of Jean Louis, wow! Oh, there is a radiator in this room,  yes there is, just behind there. But we also have a fireplace from the early days  left in here, with some copper statues on there,   beautiful dog. Oh this reminds me of my own country,   we call this "Manneke Pis", I don't know  what is exactly translated to English,   but it's a boy that's peeing and it's a famous  statue in the capital of my country Brussels. Oil lantern and then a little boy  with a goat, beautiful statue again,   wow isn't that one just amazing? A mirror above it displays the room. This looks like a little drawer here... Oh my god! Do you hear this? No way there's like a musical instrument   in this drawer, oh you would wind it up and  then it plays a little song when you open it up. I literally love that! I'm spending too much time in this bedroom,   but I don't mind, I just love to  see the things that are in here. A little girl with some flowers and  a thinking face, a vase underneath. And then we have some hats  left behind, wow what's this? Looks like something you would give as a  present, it's like a wrapper around it. And we have another lady's bold hat underneath,   religious symbols all plastered over the  bedroom, and of course, a still made bed   with an incredibly huge pillow actually. Very springy! Wow and I also love the light switches  that they would have on these beds. Very handy! Nightstand with again a beautiful copper statue   and I can also see a picture  of a child behind here. Maybe she used to sleep   in this room but later on the man's clothes  were there, so that's also quite interesting. And then we have the nightstand itself. These are probably religious  books and the chamber pot   in the nightstand of course, for when  you had to do your duty at night. Okay what a fascinating room, I want to play the  little drawer one more time to end off this room. Wow and that leads us again to the hallway  and I think I'm gonna go right first because   the one in front of us was  most likely the bathroom. But for some sort of weird reason people  have overthrown this place, but now   we venture into another room of this house. Okay, this one is very different,  the other one was blue all around   this one has flower designs  all over the wall, incredible! Let me first show you the wallpaper in this  room because that's also very very fascinating. Okay and now we have a closet in the corner   and I'm just thinking of who would have slept in  this room or would have slept in the other room. This one is again filled I think these  were tablecloths or something I'm not sure,   a lot of accountancy books are  also still left in this place. Let's close that up! And then we have a fireplace again next to  the bed and they all seem to be very similar   maybe they got them in discounts  somewhere in the store back in the day. Seems to be ashes in front of it, from  the last time that this one was lit up   and then we have a copper statue on top of  the fireplace of a girl looking at an animal. Look at this! And in this room, we have an amazing   upholstered chair, where the people at night could  hang up their clothes for the morning, that's what   they would do they would put their shirts and  their trousers and everything on this chair. Painting on the wall and in the corner of the room   there is a very dirty display area,  with a statue in there, look at this! I don't know what this all is and I don't want   to touch it because I don't  want to destroy it of course. All these little nicknacks on there, little  statues all made from porcelain I can see,   they are quite fascinating! And then on the nightstand, we have  a picture of a child, a little girl,   and this jewelry box from 1934. Michelle the 18th of October 1934, in  1934 she got this incredible piece. The bed itself is still made, there seems  to be some sort of a marine head on there,   let me see this marine hat. Okay, there's like a little, what's this?  little emblem of the marine I think. In front of the bed we yet again have one of  those toys, one of those horse strollers or   how would you call it, it's not  something you could sit on or anything. But you could tuck it around throughout the  house and that's what the children would do. And I at first thought that this was a vanity,  but this is just a drawer with a mirror above. I don't think it's something that a woman  would sit in front of in the morning   to make herself beautiful. We got this beautiful lady on the Chaisse Lounge   statue, another jewelry box that's also  completely empty, a child's picture back here. Oh look at this fascinating piece and this is  like a little calendar that displays the months   and the days wow there's like a deer on there. Those are the days in French, Oh if you  turn it around, it displays the days. I immediately figured it out, okay I think  it's a little bit broken by now, it still   functions a little bit, wow  what a fascinating piece. The things you can find in these places,  keep surprising me after doing this for   eight years, yes everybody, if you don't  know I have been exploring abandoned places   around the world from when I was 16  years old, now I turned 24 in July. So 16 years old, eight years ago  I started this hobby and I still   am every time amazed by what I find  out when I go through these places. Little alarm clock on the nightstand wow. And then here in here though there was  some medicine it's just some paperwork   and a spray for the shoes. And then a little holder for the walking canes Okay, another bedroom covered and  let's have a look at it again,   yes I just don't know who slept in this place,  there are also no clothes left so I can make   an assumption if this was a girl's room or a  boy's room or a man's room or a woman's room. And now we are wandering into  the last room upstairs here   and I assume we have not seen a master bedroom. Yes, this definitely was Jean Louis his room,  where he slept together in with his wife. Let's close up the door behind us  to get that enclosed feeling again,   wow what a fascinating room  have we just entered into. I just love the wallpaper again and  this one as well very bluish wallpaper   always gives these places a very warm feeling. Okay, and here to the side Jean Louis had his  desk where he most likely did his important   work for the province or his accountancy  just for the house, we will never know. A beautiful upholstery chair that's left up here. Wow, look at this all the books,   these are military books it says on there. We have a frame hanging from the wall over here   with some flowers painted on  there, margarita it says on it. Little boxes in here, with different appliances,   oh these are underwear, these  were his underwear lovely to see. And then we have a radio, a vintage radio  made in Italy it says on there and behind it,   we have some sort of a military picture,  maybe even a representation of Jean Louis. Lovely to see, look over here we have  another display area and these are all   religious symbols from Lourdes, from the  cave, and Lourdes where Maria arose again. It's amazing to see! Look at these curtains that are covering  the window over here, I just love them! I'm a bit colorblind so I'm not exactly  sure about the color, I think it's purple. Spiderwebs are taking over this place. And again in this room we also  have the horses coming back,   they are present throughout the house. Let's see if there are clothes in this closet,  it's locked up, oh this key doesn't seem to work. This one seems to be completely closed up. The bed in the middle where they both slept  together, oh I can definitely see them back   in the day laying in this bed, wow still made  with a beautiful pillow at the end of it. Again the same fireplace as in the other rooms   coming back here, the tools for the  fireplace are still in front of it. And there are vases above it and this side  as well, wow so many things to look at. And over here we have his glasses left behind  from the day he passed away from planet earth. Mont Saint-Michelle we have over  here, that's a famous place in France. Fascinating room! And with that all concluded, that brings us  actually to the last floor of the place, the attic   but not the least floor of the  place because attics are always   one of my favorite places of the house. Because people just store  so many memories up there. Okay first off look at this tinted glass window,  but actually, it's just the sticker on this one. The downstairs one was a real painting,  but this one is just a sticker. Maybe they replaced the glass  someday and wanted a sheep option. Okay, let's go up to that  attic, quite excited to see it. Welcome inside of the attic! Oooh... Look at this, there even  seems to be a bedroom up here,   so some child might have slept on this attic. It's actually still made and this is like a  thick wooden frame bed from back in the day, wow   fascinating things in this place left. They even had like a little closet up here. Again filled with blankets and bed linen. Lots of different things stored up here games  that the family would have used to play together. Wow, playing cards, some booklets down there and  even gun shells, shotgun shells are left here. And then let's wander around the bedroom, it seems  also like they have constructed this, later on,   it's like construction that they would have made. A little basil up here for some back in  the day they would have washed in here. There's not much more to see on this attic  except for the stroller here in the corner. Lovely piece! So everybody in front of this incredible place   I'm going to thank you all with the  bells in the background of the church. Thanks for watching this video,  this was an amazing place   and I really thoroughly  enjoyed exploring this place. I hope you did so too watching it,  if you liked it please like the video   subscribe to the channel if you're  new here, and write me a nice comment. There's also a link in the description for  Patreon there you can support the channel   and help us out go around the world  and explore these abandoned places. Thank you all and I'll see you next  week with another epic adventure. Bye-bye, I love you very much! you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 103,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, Dark abandoned House, Abandoned House, Abandoned Manor, Abandoned Manor in France, Abandoned Hunting Manor, Noble Abandoned Mansion, Dark Truth, Disturbing, Abandoned Mansion, Exploring with Josh, Taxidermy animals, Decaying beauty, The proper people, urban exploration, abandoned hospital, urban exploring, abandoned houses, exploring abandoned, abandoned places
Id: 9YyLgnqQodg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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