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- Today, we are in Clifton, Texas with Sheriff Hendricks. We are looking for John Creech. We have six vehicles in the water here. It's going to be a long couple of days. This is one episode you are not going to wanna miss. - I might have a vehicle right here. Okay, let's latch onto to that one. - Oh, it's like... - It's right there, against the wall. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! (bumper snaps) (dramatic music) - We're gonna be meeting up with to go over Bosque Bounty Sheriff's Office to go over all of the locations that we're gonna search. We do have some extreme high winds that are moving in the area. We don't know how that's gonna play out. A lot of the elements in today's case, unfortunately will have to be completely redacted in order to properly protect the integrity of this case. As we're working with foul play elements, we're also gonna be meeting up with Jacob and Lindsay with Chaos Divers. They're here to give us a huge hand with today's efforts. One thing we do know is we have multiple cars at the bottom of a cliff, nearly 40 feet deep, extremely dangerous conditions. The dive team here unfortunately, is unable to assist with these elements being involved. We know we're working with a lack of resources here locally, which we are happy to provide our resources here to the Bosque County Sheriff's Department, and hopefully make today's case one for the record books. Let's get to it. Let's dive on some cars and hopefully we'll be able to pull some cars out today and get some answers for the Sheriff's Department. (dramatic music) - When we told you about there's three fingers of water, this is the Northernmost inlet. - Okay? - And then there's two more, just like this, right on other side of this. - And this is where they're all partying and swimming and- - Cliff jumping. - Yeah. - So how long has this railing been up here? - This has always pretty much been up here but they didn't have it over here. - Okay. - You could just drive right here and then you could go down to the boat ramp and then cut in two. - Okay. - And they just recently closed it off too. - And how many vehicles, if you know, that are over here, then? - We don't have a sonar on one here. We just got reports from multiple people with boats. Fishers with sonar. - Okay. - They say that they've seen, (wind drowns speaking) with the square, look like they're vehicles. - Okay. - We got real good water clarity, the brush that you see across here, all of those can be driven to, there's nothing to stop them. There's a few private boat ramps down there and around the corner and this dead-ends into a Marina. - Okay. - This slough dead-ends into a marina. So you have access there too. - Now in relation to where his house is at, where the auto shop is at, what's closer? This one, or the other one by the dam? - The dam. - The dam. - You gotta go down, if you were gonna drive somebody through there, you gotta go by a lot of houses. - All right. Let's go check out the other locations. Like I said, I think that today just needs to be a identification. I mean, the wind is really still, ripping throughout the entire day. - Yep. - Geez. - I would say right right now, as far as I'm seeing for a game plan, let's check out the other locations, check out the fire hall and then come to, right now, come to this location first thing tomorrow. - Okay, so this next little spot we're gonna take you to is gonna be real hard to access with this equipment. - Okay. - If y'all want to get out and get in vehicles with us, we'll drive you down there and show you and bring you right back here. - All right. (door open chime rings) (relaxing piano music) - So the lodge that your guys are staying in is right around this bend and on the left side of the lake. - Okay. - There's a boat ramp over there and this slough goes out into the main body. And right here, you see this little cliff wall and that point, that's accessible by the public. We've got some concerns right there at the base of that. - [Doug] Okay. - So this would be like the third location. - [Doug] Okay. - Yeah, I think that's so far from what I'm seeing, just based on the winds for the next couple of days tomorrow, I would like to start at the big point over here. Then we can drop, 'cause we're just down the road from it, right? Is that it way out there where we just were? - [Policeman] For the most part, it's still it's around the bend a good ways. - Okay. But you're not too far off. - Okay. And we'll drop back to this one. Since it's a concern for you. - Hm mm. - And then we'll plan on Monday by the dam. - That works. - We'll end up done. - [Policeman] That works. - All right. So game plan, no diving or scouting today based on the winds. And we just wanna make sure everybody stays safe and we don't want anything ripping up later on. Like, if like this is the lull and we end up some place, with a gust, so what we're gonna do is tomorrow, we will start at location Nr. 2 that we were at, that we're gonna make that our new location Nr. 1, we're gonna make this our location Nr. 2. So we wanna knock both of these out tomorrow. And then on Monday, then we'll do the dam and just knock everything out. - Okay. - Fire Department, this one doesn't but the Meridian Fire Department has a air force, which is 20 minutes away. - Okay. - How many tanks do you have? - Four, four with us? - Okay. (men chattering faintly) - No, no, no, we're we're good right now. So between the three of us, we've got 22 tanks available, for every car at 60 feet we're going to need five to six tanks total. The one on your back. So if you send two divers down per vehicle, that's two tanks and then you're gonna need four tanks at 60 feet. Cause you need one tank for... One tank will fill two bags at 30 feet. But if you take that down to 60, cut that in half. So two tanks to fill one bag at 60 feet and we'll need one to two bags. So we'll be able to rotate three each to four cars (wind gusting) and then have that rotation of tanks going when we need it over to Brinian, six to eight at a time. Okay. I like the game plan. - Sounds good. - Everybody on board? - Yep. (dramatic music) - All right. (dramatic music continues) The water looks a whole lot better today than it did yesterday. We're gonna be able to scan all this just fine. So we're actually gonna have three locations of interest. I don't know if we covered all that yesterday. I think we did. So we're starting here. What was location Nr. 2 two of interest, we're then gonna be jumping over to location Nr. 3 of interest as our second location today. Hoping to hit both of those. And then tomorrow, then we're gonna jump over to the cliffs over there by the dam and go after those vehicles that we shared on the sonar as well. - I talked to a couple of the fishing guides last night that have good sonar and they said that they believe there is a pickup right here. - Okay. - One pickup, and if you're in the water, looking at the cliffs, it's gonna be kind of to the left- - Okay. - of the clearing and that other place we went to yesterday afternoon, they said, it'd be a waste of time to go there. - Oh, perfect. - The last place. - Okay. - Apparently one of guides catches bait there quite frequently. He goes right there where we were gonna look and runs sonar and throws them net. - Okay. - So there's nothing down there. - Excellent. So whatever you guys want to do, this will be a good one. And then y'all wanna move straight over there. However, whatever y'all want do. - Yeah, 'cause the wind is like, I mean you have the app now, So yeah, you can see it tight down. So yeah, we'll do it, whatever we can find here. - Awesome. - And then we'll move over there. - Awesome. - Sounds good - That's good info. - All right. Well we're just gonna get the water. Start getting the boats out and do what is we do best. - That'll work. - All right. - Sounds good. - Okay, thank you. - We're gonna, we're gonna do what I do best. We're gonna watch. (laughs) (suspenseful music) (pump inflating) - What we're gonna do there, we're gonna do three boats. We got Jacob Drubbs, Lindsay from Chaos Divers. They're back with us, they're actually traveling on the road with us for the next two, three weeks or so. Their link is down below. You know, it's a collaborative effort, the AWP-movement that continues to grow, from you, the viewers that watching, subscribing, liking, sharing, that the families, who are you, are sending us these tips as to the different cases that we can get on. Then the Sheriff and these families are seeing us and saying, "Oh, hey, we have something that we can use you on." We have somebody that's missing. We have vehicles that are unidentified. We have red tape. Can you come help us out? So this is how the entire movement (hand pump huffing) comes full circle, and we appreciate each and every one of you. If you see somebody like Chaos Divers here, their link will be in the description and be sure to go join their channel, it's free, and support them as well. (relaxing music) (outboard humming) Lindsay! Have Jacob go around the corner and search over there first? - Okay! - The deputy was also saying that they had a potential suicide that was over there. - Okay. - They found him, but there has been cars that have gone off over there. - [Lindsey] Okay. - So actually let's run straight out from the boat ramp first, we got first shot that we want to take, and then we're gonna then focus over here on the cliffs. (relaxing music continues) If this is your first time here, we're gonna bring you into the world of sonar, sonar overview and what it is that we're looking at today. Starting over here on the left hand side, we're using a side scan unit. Right now we're currently casting 80 feet left, 80 feet to the right. Normally I like to run that at 75. So we're gonna bump that down to 75 left and right, the boat here represents our boat. The black here represents the water column. As we get deeper, you're gonna see that this number here, the depth, gets deeper as this gets deeper. So we just went from 18 feet to 36 feet. And over here we can actually see trees and structure over here. So you're gonna see this over here as well, for some structure. Now this is a picture in time. So anything that you see is what we've already gone over as a picture in time. This is our down imaging. And so, oh, we're already at 68 feet now here too. So you can see the cliff wall drop and everything. So this is the top of the boat here. Anything in black is water column, down to the bottom. So 75 feet is where we're at now. Over here, live scopes and anything happening in real time. If a fish swims by, we'll see if fish swim by, so. That's kind of the two units and the way that we use all three of them working together. Got deep, real quick didn't it? - [Speaker] Oh yeah. (water burbling) Could be a really old vehicle. Did you see that? - Yeah, right. - Off to your left. - Yeah, right here, right now? Yeah. It's just the shelf. Like I can see the tree coming up though- - [Speaker] But nothing over there. I checked that, all right. - So one of the things that we like to do, we like to educate others as to how we actually perform our searches. So what we're going to do when we start, is we like to start between 35 and 40 feet out from the shore, casting 75 feet left and 75 feet right. Once we cover that, then we'll move over about 50 feet. And then that's going to overlap, because we're shooting 75 feet. That's gonna overlap what we've already done. But especially when we're working with big shelves like this, it's going to allow us to, if you have like steep drop off, we're gonna pick it up either on down imaging or we're gonna move over just enough, we're gonna pick it up on side imaging. So see that shelf right there? - Yeah. - So let me show everybody what looks like on down imaging. Oh, I just went too far though. Once I get this to kick back up and over, I'll show you what it looked like on down imaging. We came up on it and then it could be misread as a vehicle at first. But then you can see clearly we would go from a silty bottom to solid rock right here and then up to the higher shelf as well. So that's the point up there, but I don't think that's a truck over there that he's talking about. We'll go back over it and see. Just look like a tree to me. That's where you go closer to the shore, right about 20 feet out the we'll loop out to about 80 feet and run it over there. (relaxing music) - [Jared] I'm getting a really good scan coming out too. - Getting it beautiful? - [Jared] Yeah, I'm gonna run one more out and then I'm gonna come back and run perpendicular. - [Lindsey] I've done two so this is my second one. - Yeah, so far there's no truck out here. So again, the fisherman that said it could be a truck, the fisherman never said, "Hey, I have a truck for sure." It just said (sonar beeps) there might be a truck out there. Which I'm really surprised there's no vehicles out here at all that we've not picked up on. (relaxing piano music) - You guys find anything, right? - Nothing. Trees, lots and lots of trees. So beautiful trees here. There's little sun on the monitor, but everything's just so clear down there. No vehicle though. Yeah, I mean I'm confident in my sonar search skills over here. There's no truck down here. - Oh! You see that? - Do we have a vehicle there? Yeah. What is it? - [Lindsey] It looks like a vehicle... - [Jared] I think it's a rock. - [Lindsey] It could be, I mean from this angle it kind of looks like an SUV. - Yeah, it's right off of that. No, I totally agree with you. So let's then decide how far out it is. So it's right between those two streaks that come down, see the two streaks there? - Yeah. Yeah. - But now look to your left. Look at that big rock. Getting ready to fall into the lake on there on the left. More to the left. See it? - Right over there. - Yeah. - [Jared] What if that's all it is? - [Lindsey] I mean, I could see that too. - Yeah. That's all right. We're gonna- - [Lindsey] I feel like that's the importance of scoping out your terrain for your search. - Yeah. - [Lindsey] If we were in like a sandy pit, would you be questioning it a lot more? - Oh, a hundred percent, but I'm, I'm still questioning that. Like we're gonna go over it a couple times at different angles and verify it. Let's see that angle, we didn't pick it up. So no, then let's go back over to the right a little bit more. Okay, so here it is. We're coming up on it again. I believe it's just a rock. - Are you sure? - Oh yeah. Look at it. Okay. But you know, we- - Now that the shadows kind of picked it up a little bit more. - Yeah, but now what we'll do, we know that it's right here, so now we'll turn, okay. We'll back up over it. Now we're gonna scan right over the top of it. We know it's this far out from shore from that. - Yeah. - See now look at this angle. So see how we change 90 degrees? See how that's not a vehicle? See how it's a rock? You see that? I'll go back over it. See? So it is 15 feet wide. So no vehicle is 15 feet wide. So that is what that fisherman was looking at. And that's the location that they mentioned as well. All right. I can say this is clear. (suspenseful music) I can confidently say there's nothing in there. You know, one of the things, when we go out, when you guys go out, you know, we have to be able to look these families in the eye and say, "I've cleared this a hundred percent." We need to go look somewhere else. - Ah, well, thank you. - So anyway, I feel good about this. Let's find out what Jacob's got over there, if anything, and then we will pull up shop from here and go head over to the dam. - Cool. - Hello? - Do you have anything? - [Jacob] No, we are checking the insides of these other coves here. - Okay. - [Jacob] But I haven't seen anything that's sticking out. The other one was a big, big boulder in the middle. - Okay. Yeah, I ended up with a big boulder as well. I see how the fishermen could have misread that for sure. - [Jacob] Yeah, so I was gonna do this next cove and I'm thinking that we go to the next spot, yeah? - Yep. Yeah. So we'll pack up and we'll go over to the dam where they have all the sonar readings. - Gotcha. - All right, cool. - All right, bye. - Bye bye. (suspenseful music) (water lapping) - 37. So our game plan right now that Doug and I just got done discussing is we're coming out here, we're gonna mark two vehicles, two vehicles only because we're already starting at this location later in the day today when we really plan on starting in this location tomorrow. So we're kind of ahead of schedule now because there were no cars in that other location. And so we're just gonna mark the two vehicles. Doesn't matter what two vehicles, because we know that we're taking all these vehicles out because we might actually have a missing person in one of 'em and we don't know what vehicle he might be in. So they all have to come out so we can process them appropriately. So that's the game plan of what we're doing. Waves are already getting bigger over here, Doug. - [Doug] Yeah. - I might have a vehicle right here. - Yeah... It kind of looks like a boulder. - No, how big is a vehicle? Just a feel? - Well, I'm not looking at side scan, so I don't know. I'm looking at data imaging. Yeah. You have one there, one there, So you have two. So we'll come back to those, do we just go for those two first? - [Doug] No... - Identify what else is out here? - [Doug] Yeah. - My side scan is not working that good though, because we're bouncing so much. Like we need to come out early tomorrow morning and really mark those other ones early before the wind kicks up. - [Doug] Is there supposed to be any wind tomorrow? - Hey, I dunno, it's supposed to be dying down throughout the day as well. See if I can identify right where it's at, right... There. See on live right there? - [Doug] A little bit? - We'll have to hit a different angle to make sure. So it's right off of that rock right there. So let's just take a car count and then we'll mark two of them. All right, so off to the left about 30 feet is where they're at over there. I can see sumthin'. Okay, so we're gonna be 35, 40 feet deep right there. Okay. Go ahead and drop straight down. I'm gonna bring you up right on. - Can you see my- - Yep. So you're at 20 feet right now. Drop straight down. Straight down, straight down, straight down. Keep going, keep going. Keep going. You should be landing on it right now. All right. Leave it down. I'm gonna drag you across it. This appears to be upside down. Okay. On the bottom? - Yep. - We actually have two side by side, I can see 'em. - Yeah. - So bounce off the bottom. Bounce, bounce, bounce. Now I'm deeper now. I'm not on the bottom. Yeah. Don't see you bouncing. We're at 50 feet now. I'm gonna just keep taking it 'cause it almost looks like there's three right in a row, right here. Yeah, I mean, I can see the windows on this one. It looks like you're right on it. You see my marker? I think this is a truck on this one. Oh, I have a beautiful image, straight down. 45 feet straight down. Bounce your magnet. Let's see your magnet. - [Doug] Oh. - [Jared] This one's on its wheels too. Yeah. I mean, I see, I see it right on it. Feel anything? - No? - [Jared] Okay. I'm gonna back it straight up a little bit. Okay, now here's another one right next to it. Should be on that one. Are you on that one? - [Doug] I feel something. Yeah. - Solid lock? - Yep. - You wanna pull that tight for me? - But don't pull it off. - Yeah. Don't pull it off. - Tighten it up. - And I really think that when I dive on that one, I'm gonna just go straight down also. - [Doug] Yeah? - And see, I'll explore. - You find those others? - What I'll do is I'll put, I'll dive on that one. - Yeah? - Take down what I need. - Okay. - To hook up solid. And then I'll probably take a second line down with me because I think there's another car or two right next to it. - [Doug] Oh, I see something there on live scope, a little bit. - So, oh yeah, yeah. We definitely have one right there. So I think that that's also- - [Doug] That's the 60 footer right there? - Oh, and then we got another one in front of us too. Look, look right here in front of us. - [Doug] Oh, I see it. I see it right there. - Right? Right there. - [Doug] Look at that. - Okay. Let's let's latch onto to that one. - [Doug] That one looks like it's on the side. - Yeah. That's a nice one. - [Doug] It's right off to the side there. - [Jared] That's off to the right a little bit. - Yeah. - It's right off that point. - How deep? - 35 Feet on this one. - [Jared] Easy pops today on these two. Okay, you are at 25 feet right now. You gotta go down 10 more feet. - [Doug] All right. I'm just trying to keep this looking good. - We have one marked already. We're going for the second one right now and then I'm gonna shoot up. Doug's gonna be topside. And then if one of you want to join me today. - [Doug] Oh, what's that? What's that? That's the one right there we want right there. - [Jared] Yeah. That's the one you want. - [Doug] Right? That's the one we want. - You see that one? - [Doug] Yes. I see it. - Right there. You see your magnet? - No? - You're dragging it right over the top of it. All right. Your magnet should be hitting it right now. You got it? - Nope. - See the other one in front of- - Oh, I do. I do, yep. This is the one I like right here though. This one that's like on its side. - Yeah? - Yeah. Yeah, got it! - Got it? I got it. - I got, I got, I got it. I'll take you short. I got it. - So, do you think that's a direct hit? I think that's a direct hit. - Oh yeah, you got it. Yeah. We're right over it now. All right. - Beautiful. Taking ashore. - Love it when a plan works together, yeah. - So I'm gonna go suit up. - All right. - Doug's gonna be top side with palms. - And Jacob or Eric will help me get hooked up in the water with me as well. - We'll have two divers in the water today. - Okay. So we'll take an extra dive tank for me. So far there's two for the car lift. That's three lift tanks. - Yep. We should need one, at least one more. (tanks clanging) - And that's two for each bag? - Yep. - There's four lift tanks. - All right. So that should take care of that. - We got four, so that's only gonna cover one car. We got four bag tanks, and one extra tank for your tank, so, easy. - So I need two more. - Four. So two per bag, right? - Oh, we aren't at - Cause we're 35. Okay. Yeah, no you're right. So we should be able to lift one car with two tanks. - Right. - But let's take one more, just in case. - If we were 60-plus, then we would need the other four. - Yep. (energetic music) (diving knife clicks) (air hissing) (energetic music continues) - So we got- - Double line up? - 30 and then probably another 30 out. I mean, yeah. I mean we could probably get- - We're gonna try to get it up here. There's no way that I can suck it up on this truck from where it's at. - Right. Right - So we're gonna try to get it up to where I can tilt my bed, slide it forward and maybe get the car sitting up here, truck or whatever we're pulling out right now. - Yeah. Up here. And then maybe pull the truck forward. - That's possible. - But I just don't know how deteriorated this car's gonna be. - Right. - You know, we're going getting a big truck now that's got a 10-foot boom. We can get out over here and pick it straight up and I can pick it 30 feet there and whatever. - Right, right. Yeah. With this truck here, it really is just gonna depend on how full is the car full of silt or rock. If there's no silt or rock I think this could work. - [Policeman] The only thing we can do, we can try. - Yeah. - If it don't work, then we got a bigger one coming. - (chuckles) Yeah. - That's that's up to y'all, I just want to dive down and hook onto it somewhere. - Because right now, if we float the car and you're gonna recover it from here, the bags are pointless. - Yeah, pointless. - Unless there's a problem, breaking it free from the bottom. Then the bags will help us. I mean, you'll know when you dive on it. So regardless, just take two chains down with you at first, 'cause we know those have to go on the car and then whatever you tell me top side, I can say send down, whatever you tell me- - We gonna get, I thought was getting this one. - Oh wait, we can do that one first. That one's deeper. - Yeah. - And further off the ledge. And I think I might actually have a car in front of this one as well. So I've not been down on that one yet. - Okay, so whatever you tell me top side, I'll just send you. - Yeah. If you need anything else, if you need the bags, I'll send them. If you don't- - Just tell us where we need to move to. - Okay. - We're gonna, we'll try it one time with this. I ain't guaranteeing once it come up, everybody needs, when I start tugging on it, everybody needs to be outta the way case the cable breaks or something like that. - So for confirmation, we're trying it without a bag on this one first? - Yeah, that was my understanding. - Okay. - Yeah. - We're gonna do it however you guys want to do it. - Yeah. - Okay. - You know, we try this and if this don't work, can't get it up- - Yeah? - If the big truck can't get it, then we're gonna bag and float them up. - What, if we're recovering from right here, the only advantage a bag is gonna give us is breaking it free from the bottom, if we need that, which you'll know as soon as you get there. - You have ledges too, so I mean, if we have some of those ledges, if it pulls into it, we're not going to get it through the ledge. That's why you have to float it, so... So anyway, like I said, I can run down on it, and then- - You tell me top side. - Floating it would be best for us. - Floating's so easy for us. - It can be best for us, then we know we ain't gonna hang on no ledge. - Then let's do that. - We'll just float it and then I can pick it up from right there. We'll just chain onto to it. 'Cause I'll have to be tight enough to get it up high enough to where I can raise my bed up, to where I can get it. - All right, then let's do it. - Then once it's floating we'll reconnect it. - Yeah, well, floating's easy. I'm putting in 20 to 30. - All right! (suspenseful music) (diver splashing) (diver splashing) - And we're definitely out of line on the blue one. It's tied up top here on our side. I see your bubbles still here on the cliff. (SCUBA hissing) He's at about 27 feet right now. We're gonna need two cylinders per bag. So we need two bags with two of the cylinders. It has to be yellow or green. Sending down the chain right now. It's coming to you. It's coming down the line, send him this one. He's making his way to the car right now. (bubbles burbling) The first car is it's just extremely deteriorated. There's nothing we can do with it, but he's gonna, he's trying to identify it right now. We know there's two. We thought possibly three right there. (underwater breathing hisses) First car is clear. Really, really deteriorated. (breathing hisses) (diver speaking distortedly) 10-4. We'll get another line on there. You're gonna have to be patient. We don't have any more line. This one is completely pulled tight. All right, we have the other a hundred foot line. If you want us to put it on it, you let me know? (breathing burbles) 10-4, you're right at the car where we have marked, he found the car without a line on the second one, yeah. Two cars over here, one there and one over there. He's gonna try to find that one blind. Like he did this one. (air bubbles popping) - I know we've seen a car like that before. I just don't know... I think it was that Thunderbird that we saw in Pennsylvania that one time. That one time for that first one on the blue line? But it's so far gone, I mean, you touched anything on the metal, (purses lips) just falls apart. I'm on a different car for this one. It's pullable. It's upside down, kind of a side upside down. (air hissing) Same thing. I don't know what it is. but if you want to take control of this one with the orange line, take some lines or take some chains down with you and fasten it. Or if you just wanna pop on it, it's only at 35 feet, if you wanna check it first. - [Doug] I just grabbed the chains and this... - No, go on the orange line. This one's on a different one that we can pop if we want to. - Yeah. I'll go ahead and check that one. - Where's your chains at? On this one? - No, so what ended up happening, those chains were not fastened to the carabiner. They were only slid through. So as a result, when I'm taking 'em down, they slid out of the carabiner. They were not attached to it. So we need to watch for that moving forward. So check those before you send 'em down on that line with Jacob. (chains clicking) - Just gonna send them down there so you don't have to swim with them. All right. They're all the way to the car. (air hissing) (water bubbling) - Okay, so when I came up, I felt like I had to whisper, like everybody is up here and then it's like, so quiet. I'm like, "Why is everybody so quiet?" Anyway, they're they're on the pins and needles waiting to find out what is we find? The first one I found completely deteriorated, pushed on it. I think it's an old Thunderbird, but I'm not sure. there's no getting it out. It's sitting on its wheels. The moment you touch anything on it, just crumbles and falls apart. The second one that I ran into... So anyway, so then I came up, so I, from there, so that was like 45 feet. So then I went down to 60, because just kind of trying to remember what we saw in sonar. - Yeah? - If I went straight down, was I going to run into another vehicle? 60 feet? I went down to 60, 65. Didn't find another vehicle. So then I found the bank again. I had to find the bank again. - Yeah. - So I came back to that made my way up to 30, 35. 'cause I knew that this other car that Jacob's on right now, was at that mark. Somehow I completely overshot it and I ran into another vehicle that's on its side. It's red. I don't know what it is, but I did put a line on it. So that way it is gonna be an easy down to it. I think it was a vehicle dump. I think that somebody like backed up here with a tow truck or just a trailer. I don't know. (laughs) Anyway, dump the vehicle in 'cause it has no wheels. I mean, sorry, it has wheels- - No rubber? - No rubber on it. And in fact, some of 'em doesn't even have the wheels on it. Like there's some wheels missing- - Crazy! - from some of 'em as well. So I'm going to change tanks, jump back down on that one. Before I do, let's find out what Jacob's doing and assist him. - Yeah. - See if we can pop this vehicle that he's on. That's where we're at in the process right now. We are gonna show you a vehicle or two today, for sure. - That was crazy, how you went out on the line, went out off the car, came around and came back and found the first car that we saw in sonar, 'cause we marked the second one. - Yeah. - And then when we came through, we saw two- - Right. - In that area. But the fact that you did that blind, without a marker, that was pretty intense. - That's what I do. - Yeah. That was pretty cool. - All right, anyway, let's see what Jacob's got here. - [Jared] What's up, sir? - It's the same vehicle you were on with the yellow or the orange line. - [Doug] Oh really? - [Jared] I got it, I didn't see this line when I was on it? - Yeah. So, I was wrapped up in it, down there. - Yeah. (chuckles) - Well, why'd you that? - You find two good hook points? Are you attached with the chains? - I mean, I didn't hook them up. - [Jared] Alright. Is it too deteriorated? - It just didn't look like it could be pulled out. - [Jared] I think it can be. Just go to go to the frame. - I'll rip it out. I don't care. - Yeah. Rip it out. - Okay. - When you first go down, release the my line. We'll pull it outta your way. - It's twisted and turned and all kinds of stuff inside there. - [Jared] Cut it. - Okay. - While he's doing that, he's competent. I don't think that he needs me, but I'll be here. I'm gonna go mark another vehicle or two so we can possibly do another dive today as well and pull another car. (energetic music) - I think all the cars are back there. I don't think there was a car past that one, but we will check over here. We have one right here. - Yeah. That's the one he is on now. - That's not where he's at. - [Doug] He's got the bag down there. - We have another one right here. Right? Have potentially another one right here. See what that one is. There's a truck right here. Nice big truck coming up. You run the magnet line down and let's see if we can get ourselves a truck here. There it is on down imaging. It's back there. So it's back there behind us. Okay. Drop the magnet it down another 10 feet. All right. Yeah, we're locked, nice and tight. All right. Now we want to slowly feed this line out and take us to shore. Ready? - Thank you. - You need this carabiner? - Already went on the buoy. - All right. (energetic music sustains) It's at 35 feet, so, one bag should do it. At 60 feet where the other one is, you'll need two bags. (suspenseful music) He's done with the first one. (chain rattles) (suspenseful music rising) - C'mon out. - Good look, good feel, good. We're good. (diver splashes) (diver splashes) (suspenseful music continues) - [Jared] On this side. 10-4, I copy that. Do not pull. And you also have a older, possibly Silverado. Copy that. Nobody inside the cab, windows are down. (cheerful music) (air bags pop) - Whoo! Got it! Here. Take this to the wreck and we'll pull it around. You can come hook it up? - Yup! - So once you get it up and the bags are gone, there's no letting it go. And once you get the weight on this, it may not want to come off the feet. Do you think you might want to do it with the bed in its natural resting place? - I don't wanna get the truck that close to the bank. - Yeah, yeah. - This way I, I got this pull lift on the ground. - Yeah. Yeah. - Once we get it up, we'll be able to tell what we need to do. Maybe suck it that way a little bit, tilt it, and if I don't, we'll follow another route. - Okay. So he took the, the rollback line down. The rollback line's doubled up with the snatch blocks gonna be anchored on the vehicle. And what that does is y'all know, we've used them in the past. It increases the pulling capacity of the rollback versus using just the standard one line. - That thing is a mess. - Where are we connected to on it? - Oh, terrible spot. So right now, vehicle's upside down. - Oh, upside down. - This is the driver's side. - Yeah? - The frame is nasty, the axle's completely pulled off. We're barely holding on right now. - Axle completely pulled off? - We're not on the axle. We're on the frame. - Okay. - But the frame is really weak. - [Doug] All right. Is it it's not full of anything? Is it? - No. - No, it's completely upside down. - [Doug] Okay. - And I cleared the cab before we came. - Okay. It's gonna be very hard with this rollback to get it up over the cliff and onto the truck in this position. In my opinion, we would need a boom truck to lift it up and over and on here. So I don't know if this is gonna work or not. The bag just came off, which means the truck is coming apart. The other bag is still connected at this moment. So we still have the vehicle. (winch whining) (operator chattering) So the X-factor we're working with right now is, this line is being pulled up at a 90 degree over the sharp end of that rollback, which definitely could pop that line. (winch rolling) (dramatic music) (cable snaps) (metal creaking) (men chattering) - Tie it up. - Right down there. (wreck clanking) - So I just wanna say that down at 55, 60 feet, this was a whole truck. - Yeah? - I don't know how long it's been in the water. If I had to guess 30 to 35 years, based upon the way it's how, you know, deteriorating, the first car that we were hooked up to today, worse than this. I mean, you just touched it, and just the entire thing would fall part. - Thank you. But do we know, is it Ford, Chevy? - Ford. - And the (indistinct) here says it's still restorable? - Yeah, I know a good mechanic. (men chuckling) - You would have to be a real good mechanic. - Yeah. - On the next one we'll back our big wrecker here and then we'll just lift it straight out. - Sounds good. Speaking of the next one, we have to go find the next one because Jacob has one, Jacob, fill me in on the story? - All right. So everything was said and done. I let the tank do its thing and I was coming up and I don't know if it broke loose or if it's floating around, somewhere out in this lake. - It could be next to the dam by now. I don't know. We're gonna have to go find it. I'll jump in the boat right now. I'll go see if I can put eyes on it. - Okay. - And then Eric can suit up. - Eric is suiting up and he's going to finish it off and we'll see if we can get this one out. - Okay, sounds good. Obviously, if I can find it. No, I think it's still right here. Let's see, coming up on it right now. Does that look like it has a bag on it? Yeah, there's still a bag on there. There's still a bag on here. - Still there? - Yeah. Did you move the valve? - [Jacob] Shut it off? - No, it was already shut off. - [Jacob] No it wasn't. - You sure? - [Jacob] It all came out at the beginning. - [Jared] I see it lying, your line's like right on the side of it. - [Doug] Alright, I'm on it. - [Jared] Yeah. Still upside down. Nice and taunt. We're leaving you with this one. We're gonna go see if we can spot the old truck (winch whining) (wreck clangs) (fast-paced music) (tow truck rumbles) (men chattering) - So far... - Ooh! - Watch out. Watch that tow truck. Yeah, it's gone. It's gone. No, no, no. We got something over there. (dramatic music) (bag deflates) (bumper ripping off) - It's just standing straight up. You can see it right there. - Okay. Oh, it's like, it's against the wall! - It's like six feet under. - So listen, what happened? Jacob went down on the car to rig the car. He told me how he rigged the car. He's like, "Yeah, I put the chain around the frame." I'm like, "What part of the frame?" He's like, "Well, it's back by the bumper. It's on the straight part. Okay, so first of all, when you have a frame, there's nothing else holding it. There's like, no... Chain's gonna just split it. Chain goes up. Well, this thing is gonna come right off. - Those old school bumpers are designed to push in and out. - Yeah. - Yeah! - So they're like pistons almost. - Anyway, so I was very clear in stating that once it comes up, it's gonna rip the bumper off and the whole thing's coming off and you're not getting the car out. It's three, six inches underwater. - Yep. - And standing up against the wall. - Right there where Jacob is, it's right there. - Just two J-hooks around the axle right now. It's standing up. - It's like this straight up. So you just need... - Just get two J hooks send 'em down, right around the axle. Pull it up. - Sorry guys. - Hey, hey, look, it's okay, you're learning. You live and you learn. (diver splashes) (dramatic music continues) - [Doug] Is that my cylinder? - Oh, you got it around a wheel axle. You got it around a wheel hook. - That thing'll shoot off like a rocket guys. (men chattering) (dramatic music peaks) (wreck clanking) (diesel throbbing) (upbeat music) - What a day to day today, Jakes. We started with those heavy winds yesterday. Made it out here. We still had some waves this morning, but we ended up with like, everybody's beautiful. - Yeah. - And I hope it's like this tomorrow. What we know so far, we know that we have a car on the other side, not your county. It looks really old. We've got the pickup truck. That's completely destroyed. - Right. - The other car that we can't get out, 'cause it's even worse than the truck. - Right. This marker that I've got here, that is actually on a different car than what Jacob was on because that's a red vehicle. So that one is pullable. So we're gonna check that one out tomorrow. - Okay. - I have another vehicle right here. - Okay. - And then on the other side where the vehicle was from this morning, that was like, you know, I could just punch holes in it. There's actually a vehicle just up from it and another vehicle down from it. - Okay. So that makes four? - 1, 2, 3, 4 this location with a possible fifth. - Fifth, yeah. - Possible fifth here. - Yeah. And then we got the one over there. So tomorrow I think we just start nice and early. We start at eight o'clock tomorrow. - Sounds good. And then we're gonna mark 'em all. And then I'm gonna, - We're gonna pull it all out. I'm just gonna take lead and just keep things popping on this one. - So yeah. - But it so far, it's just looking like a dumping ground, - Yeah. - Yeah. Cause this one doesn't have wheels, either. An engine or transmission. - I notice this one has a Pontiac steering wheel and it looks like it's front wheel drive. Vehicle's got a straight axle on the back. - Well, not yet found a missing person. You know, we've been clearing them before we even started pulling them. So, and they're just falling apart So really what we're looking for is, we're looking for a vehicle that's only been down here for 20 years. These vehicles have been down here for 30, 35 to 40 years. - So, but with four, five more tomorrow, who knows? That's been identified. This one is not, this one is another 30 year old vehicle right here. - Right. - We're still hopeful. - We'll be back out here tomorrow. - Thank you, appreciate. - Yes, Sir. - If you have not yet subscribed, be sure to do so. It is free because you also want to turn on that bell notification because we are gonna have another episode coming out after this one with everything that happens tomorrow. - Yeah. I'm on it. - Yeah, you have three, all within 15 feet right there! (diver splashes) (water burbling) - Other than that, we'll see you on the next episode. Thanks. Later, bye. (suspenseful music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 1,888,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john creech, john creech missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, missing persons cases solved, found car, recovered car, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, true crime, family friendly, Recovery, Adventure, For you, diving, murder, mystery, tow truck, wrecker, missing, search and rescue, car crash, car wreck, cold case, cold case detective, crime documentary, crime stories, search and recovery, searching, cold case files, sheriff, abandoned cars
Id: I0zTq_6he1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 34sec (3094 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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