Unreal Engine 5.4: Create STUNNING Product Commercials with Motion Design

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first go ahead and launch Unreal Engine 5.4 preview one then go to games we're going to be using a blank project and then give your project a name when Unreal Engine starts on the top right click on settings and then plugins in the search bar above here type motion and there'll be a plugin called motion design click on this check boox to enable it click yes and then restart un rail engine once un rail engine restarts we're going to create an empty level so file new level choose empty level and then create inside your empty level we're going to enter motion design mode and then choose create defaults this will give you some actors to get started with click on spawn here and then click on the save icon to save our map so I'm going to make a new folder called maps and inside this folder we're just going to give our level name so in my case scan commercial click on Save and then you're good to go in the bottom right click on content draw right click and then choose new folder we're going to call this meshes inside this new folder right click and import the meshes we've given to you now we've given you a can mesh and a Infinity wall mesh you'll find the locations uh to both these meshes in the description of this video so just download those meshes and then drag and drop them into the content browser like this drag and drop them here for the can mesh make sure the combine meeses is checked because it has two pieces and for the infinity wall you don't have to worry about this so just just drag and drop that into the meshes folder and then click import all once you've got both your meshes you want to go ahead and set up your materials now once again we've given you some textures for the reality Forge Cola or soda so make a new folder call it textures and then inside this folder just drag and drop the textures we've provided for you okay so just drag and drop into this folder un rail will automatically detect what textures what then you want to go back to your meshes and double click on the M soda can when the editor open up delete this note and then drag and drop the textures we provided this will go into your base color your normal texture will go into your normal output and then this pack texture has a different texture on each channel so the red is ambient occlusion the green is roughness and the blue is metallic once this is done just like I've shown here click on apply and then save you can double click on your can mesh to open the static mesh editor just to check that all the textures are working as intended 140 calories h wonder what this tastes like next we're going to make a new folder and call this materials inside this folder you're going to right click and choose material and call this mcore wall double click to open the editor and we're just going to set the base color to8 on the Vibrance click okay click apply and then save next you're going to open the static mesh for the ball by double clicking on it and then assigning the material we just created as the default material this mall material here right so we have this nice white Infinity wall once again apply and save and then close next we're going to create our emissive master so right click choose material and name it mcore emissive then double click to open the editor I'm going to put down a constant 3 and a constant one and multiply them together so I can control how much emission is coming out from this material and then I'm also going to change the shading model to unlit then we plug the result of this multiplication to the emissive color and then set up some default Valu so just white for the emissive color and one on the emissive multiplier we're also going to convert these to parameter so right click and choose convert to parameter like this and name the color emissive color and the multiplier emissive multiplier this is going to come in handy when we make instances of this master material now to make an instance you're going to right click on your master and choose create material instance I'm going to name this mcore emissive uncore yellow this is going to be our yellow emissive material now because this is a material instance when you double click on it you only get access to the parameters we created earlier so in our case I'm going to override the color and set this to like an orange then I'm going to go ahead and quickly make some more instances so we can just go ahead and press control D on our existing yellow instance and I'll name this mcore emissive blue double click once again you can see this is a really fast pipeline right so it's just changing those parameters and once again I'm going to control D and create a white emissive instance right so mcore emissive white double click and for this one I'm just going to take the saturation all all the way down to zero that way we've got a white a blue and a yellow kind of like a teal orange uh that you see a lot in Motion Graphics next unfold default scene and unlock the camera this is going to let you use that typical Unreal Engine navigation all right with that done let's go ahead and put down our Infinity wall we're going to go ahead click on details and reset its position to kind of the zero of this uh environment here we're going to go ahead and delete the Skylight and the postprocess volume because we're going to add these in later so let's go to an unlit shading mode so we can see things because there is no lighting now and I'm just going to save everything because un rail does get unstable especially this is a preview build right so now let's go ahead and add our soda can and it looks everything looks a little large this Infinity wall so we're just going to scale this down to 37 make sure the lock is on so that it scales uniformly okay that looks a lot better now with that done I'm going to go ahead and add two planes one on the left and one on the right you know if you've ever done um or seen a soft box for product photograph uh this is kind of what we're trying to emulate here so I'm just putting on a plane I've scaled it up to two and I'm just going to position it roughly over here right's go back and Del it now the second we add that emissive texture we're going to use the blue one here so I'm just going to go for my emissive blue drag and drop it on this and you'll start seeing you know Lumen doing all the work here we're getting this amazing look and feel here I'm going to alt and drag make a copy of this rotate it and we'll use uh the orange emissive texture on on this one and so we get that teal orange uh look here we're also going to alt and drag and make kind of um a light above here put the white emissive on this and I'm just going to scale this up on the y a little bit more because it looks looks a little narrow so we'll go 45 let's put this back to two and then 045 here like so for our camera I'm going to click on this AA cic camera actor and just change its rotation to 0 0 18 180 we're also going to reset its position pull it down a little bit and pull it back a little bit click on camera and then choose the name of the camera to look through this camera now I'm just going to dial in these numbers and if you're having trouble getting it in the center you can go to the Cinematic viewport has a ton of great guides here you will have to go back into your camera and you'll see now because I've used the Crosshair it becomes really easy to position this dead center all right so we're going to save this we're also going to set a bookmark in case I move my camera so if I move my camera I can just wherever I am hit zero on the keyboard and I'll go back to bookmark zero I'm going to change the lens to a 50 mm I really like long lenses and I'm going to zoom out just a little bit now to ensure that your can is always in Focus we're going to go to our Focus settings here we're going to change the mode from manual to tracking and in tracking I'm going to say always track the SM soda can actor that way no matter where my camera moves it's always in focus now we're going to add some physical light into the scene because you shouldn't use just emissive light cards right so we're going to put a rectangular light actor here point it towards the can and I'm just going to make it the size of the plane we put in here so 175 uh for both of these and we're just going to soften this up a little bit like so put it behind the card here and I'm just going to change the color now to roughly more or less you know eyeball the blue here now in our second light I'm going to show you what you do when you don't want to eyeball so let's say you want the exact orange as the plane there right I'm just going to put this light here click on the plane uh head over to the material and you're looking for the color attribute now you can copy this code click okay and then go back to your light and then in the color here you can actually just paste the code in here so you get exactly the same orange or yellow now we're going to once again make another copy for the light above so I'm just going to put this roughly about here and and I'm also going to go ahead and make this light a little wider right so it can match the emissive card that we placed so let's go ahead and change this value oops wrong value let's reset this and make the height value a little bit wider that looks okay maybe a little bit more yeah that looks a lot better we're also going to go ahead and change the color of the slide to White so just take the saturation all the way down now I'm going to view the scene from my camera so to select the camera here and you can see what it looks like to have physical lights and emissive light cards I'm just going to toggle them on and off here I think I'm going to make my lights a little dimmer so we Chang this to one CD One candala all three of them and we're going to go ahead and fix our exposure to do this you add a postprocess volume so under the place actor spanel search for postprocess and in case you've gone and lost the spanel you can always add it like this so search a postprocess volume and drag and drop the post-process volume into your scene reset its position and search for infinite extent you want to enable the setting this will let the postprocess volume effect the entire level now unfold exposure and set it to manual and then set the exposure compensation to 10 you'll notice that the scene looks a little softer and a little bit more balanced okay so next let's Orient the scan a little bit back like this actually I'm going to undo this and put snapping on I wanted 30° tilted backwards just so it gets that nice white light let's also yaw it so we get a little bit of the blue a little bit of the white light and also push it back a little bit so it gets a little bit more of that cast on top there like this next I'm going to select my can and in the motion design outliner click on these four arrows over here this is going to create a null object for it F2 to rename the Ctrl G and then with it selected I'm going to add it to the sequencer like this I'm also going to add our static mesh for the soda can to the sequencer the same way but I have to add a transform track for our control like this now I'm going to set our sequence fps to 60 FPS and set our working range to 350 frames now to set the end of our sequence to 300 I can click on this gear and dial in 300 here I can also do this by moving the playback head to 300 or dialing it on the bottom left here instead of 300 right click and just choose set end time but I like to be more specific so I dial it in over here next let's set our frame to 60 and then I'm going to go over to the transform and unfold it on our control on our location I'm going to add a key frame and then go back to frame zero let's move move our control which has the can as a child all the way down cuz we want our can to come up and then we're going to set a key frame over here now I'm going to select the first key frame and you get this new curve editor choose exponential and you can see the can kind of zooms up it kind of starts really fast and then slows down like this next let's add our rotation key frames I'm going to add a key frame at frame zero and a key frame at frame 300 like this all right so now with our key frames added let's unfold this and delete the X and Y key frames Z don't need them now select your first your key frame and type 360 so we're starting at 360 and we're ending at zero this is a full rotation like this now I'd like my rotation to start fast and end slow so select the first key frame and click on this button to open the curve editor now on your control can unfold rotation and click on y I'm just going to actually check if roll and Pitch have any key frames on them seems pretty good click on y select the first key frame right click and choose weighted tangents now you can kind of Ensure that this starts fast and then eases into that final position like this let's close this and let's see what that looks like let's press play you can see we're starting really fast and then we're slowly easing to that final position for the text I'm going to add a text actor from the motion graphic actors panel let's go and reset its rotation and position and also turn it around so the text is facing the right way I'm going to change what the text says to it's unreal cuz why not right and then also enforce an upper yes we change the font to a font that I like you can use your own we're also going to Center align this text so that when we scale it we can get the size perfect I'm going to put this right behind my can and we'll also click on our camera and pin the camera view so we can see what the camera sees right so we'll get this right up behind our can because we want the white of the text to kind of reflect off the can material right so I'm just going to scale this let's actually go and view from the perspective of our camera put it in the center almost and then I'm just going to scale this just that it fills the area behind the camera all right with that done we're going to add our text to our sequence just like we did before and I'm going to add this actor hidden in game track here now let's go to frame 120 which is 2 seconds and key frame and then go to frame 119 and turn this off so our visibility of this actor comes on at frame 120 like this now let's also animate the kerning you can key frame any property by clicking on this diamond right so we're just going to go ahead and go over to frame roughly about maybe 240 64 is a 24 I'm just going to add a key frame here so zero cing we're going to go back to 120 and then just take this down maybe I think -5 should be okay add a key frame like so and if I play you can see that the gning increases kind of like you know what you see in the uh motion graphic commercials now I do want this to be a little faster let's see what that looks like and I also want it to start fast right so I'm just going to get this um key frame here the last key frame on the king this one right here we right click and choose weighted tangents like we did before I'm just going to drag this handle to the left here like this so it starts slow and then it just Zooms in to its animation right let's close this and see what that looks like there we go to render this out add your camera the same way to the sequence and then click on this Clapper over here you can click on unsaved config to set up your render settings when you're done simply click render local if if you like this tutorial please let us know in the comments drop us a sub and if you'd like to support the channel we've added information about that in the description for this video this really helps us make better videos and supports the channel as well any support is appreciated and it goes a way with that said thank you everyone see you in the next one
Channel: Reality Forge
Views: 10,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5.4, Product Commercial, Motion Graphics, Motion Design, UE5 Tutorial, UE5 Rendering, 3D Animation, VFX (Visual Effects), Product Visualization, Marketing Video, Materials (UE5), Unreal Engine 5, UE5, 3D Motion Graphics, Real-time Rendering, unreal engine 5 tips and tricks, unreal engine 2024, unreal engine, Can unreal engine do motion graphics, UE 2024 tutorial, unreal engine 2024 tutorial, animation, product lighting, ad in unreal engine, material instancing
Id: yWQIz5yzTrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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