New & Improved Bevels in Unreal Engine 5.4!

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today just a quick video on the new updated beveling Tools in Unreal Engine 5.4 this is something and a bit more of like a quality of life update where they've just sort of improved their beveling tool to be a lot more like standard or traditional 3D modeling software in 5.3 and prior versions you could only pretty much like shamer edges but you could not make them a smooth bevel so you would just have a shamer with no smoothing subdivision option in the new 5.4 version you can actually add subdivision as well as change the bias of whether it's beving outwards or inwards so I'm just going to go through those quick examples and hopefully this is [Music] useful okay so I'm just in a basic scene and using version 5.4.0 first thing that you will want to do even though I'm probably sure it's enabled by default is enable modeling tools editor mode in your plugins window uh I haven't actually tried the modeling mode in static mesh editor so definitely Keen to try that as well so once you have that enabled you can just go to modeling in the selection mode dropdown menu and the first thing we'll do is go to create box and let's just do some simple beveling on a box that should be fine just hit accept I'll go to this side so we can see a bit better now once you have made your box you can go to to the model Tab and then go to polygroup edit this is where you have access to your vertices edges and faces as you can see I'm just going to turn off my vertices and faces for now and then just leave my edges on and then select all the edges of my box and once you've done that you can then select bevel and as you can see here I don't know why I love saying that so much there's a bunch of tools that you can use as well so we'll focus on bevel and this is pretty much what the old uh beveling tool would do it would just be a straight chamfer with no curve to it and now you can see on the panel here they've added subdivisions round weight uh they've even added material ID things so really useful pretty cool for them to finally upgrade the tool even though I kind of expected they should have done this in the first version but it's okay at least we have it now so the default is a bevel distance of four CM I'm going to just change it to a one or maybe a 0.5 and then here is where you can see if I just type in three in the subdivisions it's now curved that you can see like in this corner so if I go back down to zero and 1 2 3 5 six whatever you want to do and then you can also toggle show wireframe and then you can see the actual subdivisions being made on the cube so if I go down to zero there's no subdivisions and then it slowly adds it on so let me quickly and then make sure you hit accept and then accept again because otherwise it will revert back to the default Cube we made earlier let me just quickly put a metal object on so you can see that's the bevel okay so now let's just add a few more complexities and make some extrusions as if we were modeling you know a tech product or something with paneling so I'm just going to go to my my polygon selection select that's face go to my face edits inser that a little bit to somewhere there and then go to extrude and I'll extrude it a little bit and then let me inser again and then extrude inwards a little bit and let's leave it at that and hit accept so now we can go back to our poly group edit go to to our edges and then let me try using the edge Loop selection so yep it's working sometimes it doesn't so this is really useful for just selecting continuous Edge Loops so let's start with these two guys here and then go to Bevel and I'm going to make these like a 0.1 and hit accept and then accept again so now we've got a bit of a bevel there and actually let me contrl Z that and I also want to select these guys yep so I want the corners as well and then also I want the inner Corners so I just went from my Edge Loops to ring selection to select Each corner and then now we go bevel 0.1 should be fine and then accept and then accept so now you can see we have these nice bevels on that edge now let's try the changing the weight of the bevel so I'm just going to go to Loop selection like this guy let's say we wanted to Bevel this Edge and make it5 which is huge but if I play with the rounding weight you can see we're actually changing the bevel from going outwards to inwards so because in this case it is uh two faces of a polygon need into a concave Corner the default value will obviously bevel inwards and then if I go negative it'll go outwards so we could go inwards here to get a really nice sharp uh bevel or we can go a bit further out to get more of a smoother finish and then we can up the subdivisions too and if I make this one you can see you can make it even bigger two three so pretty pretty cool the stuff you can do with the new beveling tool so I'm just going to leave this on on like a04 maybe and then maybe reduce the bevel a bit to yeah 1.5 and then hit accept and accept so that's a really cool new addition to the beveling [Music] tools now the next thing I want to show you is how to import an asset or an object from another software and then bevel that rather than creating something in our unreal because that is obviously the most common workflow when working with Unreal Engine so I just have this random cube with you know a hole cut out and a and I've moved some edges down with the vertices kind of being stretched because once we subdivide it it'll have a nice smooth falloff and then the circle will also be nice and smooth and then I've added a cloth surface to give it thickness because if I flipped it around and did cloth surface for thickness and then subdivisions it would have made this Edge smooth but I want to leave it sharp so that we can smooth it in unreal just to kind of replicate an example that might happen when you download an asset or you forget to Bevel something uh yada yada yada I never even say yada yada and I've also got this cylinder in the middle to kind of act like a knob that we will also bevel in unreal and then I'm just going to export both of these things as an fbx okay so I've just imported those two objects in I'm just going to select select both of them and drag them into the scene and then let me just rotate it a bit place it into the light here cool so let me hide the cylinder for now and let's just focus on our box so you can see here that's that sharp edge that I was talking about around the whole cutout now when we have our object selected and then go to polygroup edit you'll notice this object has only a single poly group use the group gen group point or Tri colelection create poly group tools to modify poly groups a lot of that does not make sense but pretty much what that means is this doesn't know where the edges and faces are yet because we haven't assigned them uh even though obviously with built-in geometry that you create it'll be automatically included so to add those poly groups you know faces edges vertices you just want to go to attributes uh sorry cancel out of the poly group edit that we were doing before go down to attributes and then generate poly groups and now you'll see that it is kind of analyzing the imported geometry and then creating faces and edges and vertices based off of that so this is using face normal deviation with an angle tolerance so if we increase the angle tolerance we can go from 0.1 to let's just max out at 60 it'll now group faces that have an angle of 60° or less together and anything anything greater than 60° it'll separate into a different group so that's why you can see here it has kind of separated all of these guys into different uh faces and uh groups and you can obviously go higher you can go 180 not sure how to make it one single thing you can also try the other option so find quads and this will actually analyze the objects quads that you have modeled in your 3D modeling software and it'll replicate that uh and you can do try all these other methods as well UV Islands if you've UV unwrapped it a specific way and then you want to Bevel based on those seams also very useful but for this example I'm just going to do face normal deviation and then just do 60° and then hit accept nice and then we'll go back to model polygroup edit and then go to edges and for some reason uh I don't know why I say that weird for some reason Loop selection or Edge Loops do not work when I create these uh ring selection I think does yeah but for some reason Loop selection doesn't but um we can just select it manually so I'll just do this or actually I should have done this boom boom boom and boom and then we can go to Bevel and this is where we can just play with our values again so two is way too much it'll overlap each other so I think this would be good at like a point 05 and then let me hit accept and then accept again give it a sec and now to really see it let me just drag a metal material on it there we go and now you can see this has that nice little smooth fall off and lighting and highlight as well on the edge so if i contrl z turns out you cannot control Z let me actually just drag in the source object again so give me one sec so you can see here this has the nice beveled Edge and then this one has the sharp edge so definitely makes a big difference to like the Fidelity of a model and actually giving it some detail and realism and then here I'll just enable my knob and then go to poly editing mode so that is shift five for the shortcut generate poly groups accept model polygroup edit and then just select my edges bevel and then maybe I'll give this a bigger bevel like a .15 and then hit accept and then accept boom now you got to remember when you are editing these meshes it is actually editing your Source object so this is why this object here on the left I had to reimport that same fbx so this is what I imported right and if I drag it out onto the scene drop a metal material on it you'll notice the thing I imported is beveled because those modeling tools we do actually edit the source uh object that we import it doesn't edit it edit the actual fbx but it edits what unreal has imported so the UA asset [Music] file now the next useful thing I'll show you real quick is very similar but actually this background you see here was also made using the bevel tool so to do something similar is just go to modeling mode again so shift 5 drag in a box hit accept go to model polygroup edit uh face selection turn off Loop or ring selection sorry and then just delete all the unused faces and then select these two and we just got to flip the normals here so that they're facing us drag it up a bit and now you have a background so let me quickly drag a material on it before I bevel it sorry for some reason the normals are behaving weird so when that does happen you can just go to modeling mode attributes and then normals and then it'll recompute the normals and then hit accept and now the shading will get fixed sorry random bug that's actually not happened to me before but I'm glad it did for the tutorial so while this is still selected go to model polygroup edit do the same thing we did before just select your bevel actually first let me make it a lot bigger so drag these guys out and then drag these guys out and then this guy and then this guy obviously I'm clipping through lights here but should be fine and then back into polygroup edit select our the intersection and then go to and let's make this something like that maybe and then here with the rounding weight you can actually change the sharpness of that bevel so really useful and remember you can always type in values higher than that so 250 if you want a much uh bigger bevel maybe you have a massive Studio background and then you can hit accept accept and there we go we now have a Studio background and if you hit search in the static mesh on the bottom right these are all the different static meshes that you've created using the modeling mode so it saves it here in content generated and then your username now one thing you may have noticed throughout this whole process let me just delete this guy is there are some weird smoothing issues so again if I make a box shift one let me drag like a really plain material on it go back to modeling mode let me bevel the edges you'll notice like weird smooth smoothing happening on the edges and even like a bit of banding that could just be subdivisions but even if you go yeah see here in this corner there is always like a really hard Edge on the smoothing whenever a bevel meets like a 90° face so I'm not actually sure what's causing that so if you do know please let me know in the comments I've tried remeshing it I've tried recalculating the normals I've tried looking at the tangents as well and I'm not entirely sure how to fix this weird issue where if you do have a bit more of a bigger bevel to something these weird harsh Fong issues or shading issues become really apparent so please do let me know in the comments if you do know but typically I do quite little or small value bevels on objects so this is really useful again if I want to quickly create a Studio background if I have like skirting at the bottom of a wall in an architectural scene I can quickly bevel that uh also when I'm importing assets sometimes the edges on imported assets I've downloaded online haven't beveled certain edges or anything that I forget to Bevel I'll just do it in here and it's just really useful to get something really quickly done hopefully this was useful catch you in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: ali.3d
Views: 1,923
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Id: i4xf7Fq2uR8
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Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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