Unreal Engine 5.4: Learn NEW Material Designer in 15 Minutes Using the Motion Design Tool!

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launch Unreal Engine click on games blank and then give your project a name in my case it's going to be Motion Graphics cup click on create once un rail engine starts on the top right click on settings plugins and then up here on the search bar type motion you want to go ahead and enable motion design unre is going to give you a warning click yes and then restart now once Andre restarts file new level choose empty level and then click on create let's go ahead and save our level as always I'm going to right click and make a new folder called it maps and inside here I'm just going to name this Motion Graphics cup all right once your level's been saved enable motion design mode by clicking on this button and then click on the create defaults button this is going to give you some lights and cameras to get you started and then save your level next I'm going to open the content draw right click make a new folder and call this meshes next you want to import the meshes that we've Linked In the description below you can do this by right clicking and choosing import to whatever folder you're currently in the other way you can import meshes and unreal is simply drag and drop the fbx files into the folder that you're in like this choose reset to default and then click on import all now we've given you three meshes two of them are walls and one is a trophy I'm going to double click on the wall a to open it in the static meesh editor you can see it's a very simple wall that kind of bends 90° I've also given you a wall that has a slightly beveled turn so it's a smoother curve here and a trophy mesh now when you're done inspecting your models close all your windows and click on this button here indicating you have four unsaved files and the floppy dis icon on the top left to save your level all right let's drag wall a into our environment and reset its position by clicking on this Arrow over here I'm going to reset the position of default scene as well and unlock my camera so I can fly around the level select your wall press the F key to focus on it and just a note here for everyone if you Mouse wheel zoom in you'll see this blue line on the up and the left here indicating that you have zoomed in so if you see those blue lines Mouse wheel down to zoom back out and then you'll get kind of this full viewport click on your content drawer navigate to the content folder and once again make a new folder here name it textures double click to go inside this folder and then drag and drop the texture we've provided in the description below it's a very simple black and white lines texture no Alpha each line has this randomized brightness or luminance that I made in substance designer now let's take a look at the new material designer in 5.4 this is an artist friendly way to author materials open the designer by clicking this button here this will either pop up or show up on the right here like this now it's very important that you first click on the mesh that you want to make a material for and then click on create material on the right here now I'm just going to spend a moment here to discuss this interface as it is new to 5.4 to the upper left here you have the surface and post process selector to the right of this you have the blend mode so your standard Unreal Engine blend modes opaque bass translucent additive animated and unlet is on the right here here this is the global opacity of this material now since it comes with a texture layer by default you have two squares here one is the texture itself and one is the alpha now let's talk about the different types of layers you can make to make a new layer click on this green Plus on the bottom right you can see there's a texture like we have a texture no Alpha and you can see if I create a texture layer it's exactly what we started off with so by default unre gives you a texture with an alpha layer right so let's go ahead and make a solid color I'm just showing you some more examples here solid color just has a solid color on the left side so I can click on the Square and I can change the color to like kind of red so click okay here and you can see there's a range of layers you can make like an atlas a texture Edge color scene texture gradient and even a material function now I'm going to click on this Alpha here and I'm going to change its type from a texture to a radial gradient by clicking on texture and then choosing radial gradient now this is working just like you'd expect it to wherever there's white we're seeing that solid color come through wherever there's black or Alpha texture that is being hidden now there's a white dot to the left of the texture in the alpha clicking it disables either the texture or the alpha so what we've gone ahead and done here is created a texture no Alpha layer right so I'm just going to go ahead and reenable it now let's talk about UV link what it is how to use it let's change our solid color to a texture by clicking on solid color clicking on color and then texture you can see our texture has been applied now note the UV link the chain is on right so let's make this a little bigger and you can see I can translate my texture and my Alpha is also translating now let's go ahead and reset this by clicking on this Arrow over here and I'm going to disable the UV link now when I translate my texture my Alpha doesn't move in fact it gets its own controls so I can change the scale the offset and I can move this Alpha around independently of the texture so to wrap up to the upper right here you have the opacity slider for each layer and a blend mode drop- down menu now let's use the material designer to make an animated background texture I'm going to start off by deleting the layers and adding just a blue very dark kind of Base solid color like this next create a new texture layer click on the texture and navigate to the folder where you imported the lines texture we're going to use the lines texture as our texture and our Alpha like this now each of the layers comes with its own stack of effects so I'm going to click on this effects icon here distort and slant this is going to let me slant my texture right so let's unfold this click on slant and now you can set up some parameter so I'm going to use 0.5 here now panners can be used as well so UV UV Panner the spans are UV so I'm just going to click on UV Panner the U multiplier is going to be set to zero I'm just going to change this to zero and we're going to set the V multiplier to -5 so you can see our texture is now moving across this plane vertically now let's add our trophy measure to the scene so just drag and drop it here and I'm going to put snapping on and rotate it so so that it's facing the camera now I'm going to use the overlay visibility button over here to ensure that we're getting all of that background plane in our camera you know we're not seeing any black areas once you've got a frame that you're happy with click on this button right here bookmark set bookmark zero that way if you move around and you hit the zero key on your keyboard you'll snap back to this view in the motion design outliner delete your directional light and your Skylight select your postprocess volume unfold exposure and set the compensation to 9 also override the metering mode and set it to manual this is going to disable auto exposure so we can light better now let's do some very basic three-point lighting I'm going to put down a red light rotate it to make sure it's working and then right click on the same light in the motion design outliner and add a look at modifier click on the modifier to open the operator stack and here you can specify which actor it has to look at do remember to flip this otherwise it won't work now you can see as I move this light it's always facing the cup the light we have already is going to be our backlight alt and drag to create your fill light no all the modifiers carry over and finally alt and drag one last time to create your key light now I'm going to change the color of the backl to a cold blue so we have this blue Rim around our Cup right so just click okay here now to see it better I'm going to actually turn off the fill and the key lights so you can see this is what it looks like this is the intended view actually I'm going to view this through our camera now for our fill light we're going to use a contrasting color to the blue so I'm going to use an orange here warmer color but but for our key light we're going to go with a similar blue to what we have for our backlight for our materials we're going to be using the quixel mega scan so window quickel Bridge you may need to sign in once again with your epic games account in this window that opens here on the left you surfaces because that's where we're looking for and I'm just going to search for black space metal from the results that show up choose a material that you like I chose this iron material over here select the quality that you'd like to use download it once it's downloaded click on this blue add button over here and from the window that pops up just drag the material and drop it on your static mesh if you want to modify any quickel magga scan just double click on the material instance this is going to allow you to override properties such as what I'm doing here with the minimum roughness just increasing it to give our you know our trophy a little bit of a better look and feel it was too shiny before now you can use the material designer for the cup as well create the material change the blend mode to opaque and make sure you uncheck unlit now we're going to disable the alpha change our texture to a solid color you can choose any color you want here the problem is you can't set PBR values here so you'll have to select your cup press this button on the upper right and choose open and U material editor here you can dial in your metal specular and roughness values and then click apply so for now if you want to change your pbrr values this is how you can do it for the material designer for our background we're going to choose the uppermost layer expand the FX stack and add a color tint here select your newly added color tint I'm going to use 20 on the red and 2.5 on the green to give us an orange next disabled UV link select your texture and offset at 0.1 on the X to give us this really interesting look here I'm also going to scale down my Alpha to give us more lines right so we do 0. five here and you can see we have these smaller lines now showing up select the uppermost layer contrl D to duplicate it expand your FX stack and I'm going to use the color tint to just change this from an orange to a blue so let's reset this and I'm just going to dial in these values here increase these values till you get this really nice nice electric blue after you have a secondary color you like select the texture and now offset it point two so this is one of the strengths of the material designer very quickly we're playing around with layers and getting a look that we want now I'm going to duplicate the uppermost layer and rotate at 90 to do some even more interesting things with it we're going to take down the opacity to make it a little bit more subtle and then I'm going to change the color to like a red so once again FX stack color tint we're going to use just one on the red zero on the green zero on the blue and let's just also raise the opacity up to .5 just so we can get these red dots coming through now to add contrast and emphasis to a certain part of our background we're going to add a radial gradient select your newly added radial gradient and use the multiply blend mode this is going to add a whole lot more contrast to your scene so you can scale it down and you can offset it like this for text I'm going to be using a text act and if you're like me and the text ends up in the middle of nowhere that's okay I want my text next to this cup so select the cup expand your details SP panel and shift right click on the location now place your text actor select it and shift left click on the location this is going to then copy and paste its values so we'll just change the text here to first place choose a font that you like I'm going to use a font from the first video one that I cannot pronounce I'm going to make sure that Max height is on along with scale proportionately and then I'm just going to specify where I want my text and how wide or how large it's going to be so I think 36 is fine for the material on this text we're going to use the material designer so so navigate down here and choose custom material then click on create with material designer change the texture to a solid color over here like this I'm just going to use a very bright orange I think I can go brighter like so now I'd like this text to Glow so I'm going to add a effects color glow once again expand your effect tack select the glow and I'm just going to change these values until I get a nice warm orange glow not too yellow not too red something like a nice orange neon glow like this now let's make a diamond behind our cup so I'm going to use the 2D shapes ring and shift and drag so you get a perfect circle I'm going to shift click again to paste the location so it's just above the cup and down here is where you can change the sizing of the Rings I'm just going to push it back a little bit just make it a little smaller put snapping off here all right so we're just going to make it a little bigger and I'm just going to turn down the thickness like this right so 0.9 and use four on the sides there so we get a diamond right so now you can play around with the sizing until you find something that you like I want it to be slightly further back and maybe a little larger like this going to move our text a little to the right try to center it as much as you can and now we're going to use the material designer for our Diamond so change the material type from simple to material designer and then change your texture to a solid color like this I'm just going to use a very bright blue like this and to add glow to this we're going to use the same technique as mentioned before so effects color glow expand your effect stack select glow now you can dial in the numbers you want right so I'm going for a once again a very electric neon sort of glow some other ideas controll D to duplicate your diamond shape just place it at the back here and take down the inner size one of the other great things about shapes in unreal 5.4 is that you can make instantaneous changes so let's take down the opacity like this to give it that interface sort of look some concluding thoughts here on the final piece I swapped the colors on the lights Illuminating our cup I moved the orange one to the right so it would sit in better with this glowing orange text also on the right to make the light blue outline around our Diamond a little bit more interesting I'm using the same Technique we used on the background so we have that same texture applied and we have a UV Panner effect added to it as always thanks for watching this video everyone let us know in the comments what you thought about it give us a like give us a sub if you found this content interesting there's ways to support the channel in the description of this video and we will see you in the next one
Channel: Reality Forge
Views: 11,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, UE5, unreal engine 5.4, unreal engine 5.4 tutorial, Motion Design, 3D Motion Graphics, Texture Displacement, Material Instancing, Motion Graphics Mode, Real-time Rendering, motion graphics, unreal engine 5 tips and tricks, unreal engine 2024, unreal engine 2024 turorial, reality forge, shaun ansari, unreal engine, UE, UE 5.4, Can unreal engine do motion graphics, UE 2024 tutorial, UATC, Material Designer, Material Designer in UE5, Material Designer in UE 5.4
Id: osK99tICgso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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