Unreal Motion Design Auto Sizing Text for Stunning Visuals

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what up what up wimbush here and today I want to show you another cool feature that was added with the motion design tools and that's how we can actually have stuff Auto siiz to any items that we have inside our viewport let me show you what I'm talking about so Thunder Roll engine 5.4 opened up I'm in my motion design mode I'm going to come down here to create defaults and I'm just going to add everything in here then the next thing I'm going to do is double click on rectangle to bring my rectangle on here and then down here at the bottom where it says align actors I'm going to left click on this and I'm going to stretch it so it fills up the whole scene and then I'm just going to come over here to my details panel real quick and I'm just going to add some color to the background there so simple style instead of a solid I'm going to go to gradient let's just make this blue maybe something like that hit okay then I'm going to go to use unlp material just like so and I went through this on my last video so if you want a slower breakdown make sure you watch that but now what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to create another rectangle on here so I'm going to click this once and that's going to pop this in here maybe let's stretch this out a little bit so going to select this side here select this corner here stretch it out a little bit and I'm going to make this so it actually aligns with some text that I'm going to put in here so let's just say we're going to change this color to maybe something different that will pop out maybe something around there doesn't have to be too pretty we're not designing anything maybe that like that and let's say we want to make this so we can use it as like a lower third or something like that so I'm going to come down here and the bottom right to where it says Global bevel size I'm just going to scroll this up until we get something about there maybe let's go with 60 and then for subdivisions come down here maybe do 25 so it's a little bit more rounded there and now let's make this into an outline so we can add text in the middle of it so I'm going to scroll this over a little bit cuz I want to come over here the operator stack and if you don't see it right here if you look over in the top left hand corner you see see operator stack right there so if I click on this now we can add modifiers and we can make this into an outline so if I add modifier here if I come down here to Geometry we have this outline modifier here so if I left click on this now you can see it turned a rectangle into an outline so you can actually control it with this distance here make it smaller or larger I'm just going to leave it at default at 10 and now let's add some text that we can put into the middle of this so if I come over here to actors on the left hand side left click here come over here to text Act and with this selected I'm going to come over to my motion outliner so I can see it being added so I'm going to left click on this there we go now we have some text in here we're not seeing it because we have to add a font so over here instead of my details panel I'm going to come right here Theus motion design font left click on this let's just go with something we'll go with bangers again and then we're going to make a text we'll just name this one Pittsburgh or we type in Pittsburgh that's where I'm from there we go we have Pittsburgh there I'm going to align it to the center which is going to be right here align it to Center and maybe let's Kern this out a little bit just a tad bit something like that maybe let's bring it up to eight and then if we want to make this a little bit larger I'm going to come over here to scale just scale this up a tad bit maybe like 1.5 or maybe even two somewhere around there now let's say we're working on like a lower third graphic or something for a TV show and we want this to Encompass our text right here and so what we would do is actually with my rectangle selected right here here I'm going to come back to my operator stack and right here under modifier I'm going to left click on this and right here under layout we have Auto size now if I left click on this this is going to bring up this attribute box for auto size down here and right here where it says reference actor there's two ways that we can select this so if I select this right here you can look for the text down in here which is right there cuz that's what I wanted to reference or if you come over here we have this picker right here if you left click on this and then click on your text you can see that it automatic aligned with our text there and if we wanted to Pat it out a little bit right here where it says padding we can actually pad this out maybe let's say like 10 so we add a little bit of room in there even maybe go up to 12 something like that now no matter what I do to the text this is actually going to go along with it so let me show you an example so if I come over select my text and let's change out the text maybe let's go Pittsburgh Steelers now you can see that it actually stretched out with it so if I just do maybe be like Pittsburgh PGH something like that now you can see what I'm talking about so no matter what size we make this text this is actually going to be the same size which works a lot for broadcast Graphics Sports Graphics things of that nature you can see where this is becoming really powerful even if I come down here and I scale it up you can see that it's actually going with the scaling of my text there which I always thought was pretty neat and then what's also neat is if I come back over here the operator stack so I have my text selected I'm going to come to operator stack I'm going to come to animators and if I add just the animator let's come down maybe to like bounce something like that if I click on scale you can see that it's actually going with the bounce of the text so no matter what I do to the text here it's automatically going to align with my text there which I thought was really neat so if you're just adding random modifiers in here maybe let's do like rotation you can see that it's aligning up with our text there so no matter what we do to our text this is automatically going to align with it now let's say you are working with a broadcast network or you're working on a sporting event or a TV show and you need to send this over to the network so that can work with this Live While on air you can actually use the remote down there so you can set up a toolkit and send that over to them and they won't mess it up so if you want to set that up what you're going to do is come over here to where you have your text selected let's move this over like so let's actually do it down here for text so I'm going to select this right here and you can see down here in my remote control it actually add added it down here now this is really helpful if you have like an artist that doesn't know unreal and you need to send it to that client and you want to make this as foolproof as possible you can actually set everything up down the remote control here and they could just go in and just type in you know the next text so let's say Atlanta something like that so there you go or actually I spelled Atlanta wrong but you can see what I'm going for so if you come in here and they could just type it out down here let's just type in Denver boom just like that and so it makes it really easy for whoever's on the other end to just go in and type this out they don't have to miss with anything else in here you can set up othero parameters that you want in the remote control and which that's another tutorial so I'll go deeper into that but I just want to show you that just in case you want to play around with it so let's say that you're happy with how your text is you have your lower third all designed out but you want to set up some parameters so that the client on the other end can't really screw it up once you send it over to them so you can set those up if you come over here inside of your text file so make sure I have my text selected and then if I come over here and I come down to where we have layout you have your max width and your max height so if you want to set it up you can actually select these like that and then let's say you want your max width to be around 350 so no matter what type you type in so let's go back to Pittsburgh down here something like that then let me select this right here and this is going to be a Max width so if I start scrolling this in you can see that it's squish it around so if I come back over here and I type in Denver you can see how it doesn't go past that but let's just type in a bunch of letters something like that you can see how it's starting to squish and that's because we set it to be within these parameters you could do the same thing with height too and then if you want to do it manually inside the viewport you just select this yellow arrow right here and you can see that's it's actually changing it with the max width so let's say that you have to work within title safe like that you do have some leeway there so let's just go back type in a few letters so you can see how it's larger here but if they type in a lot of letters you can see how it's starting to squish it out and that's so you don't go past your title safe there whenever you're working in broadcast so this is really important if you're working in broadcast you don't want stuff to go off screen you do have some leeway there where it's going to squish it a little bit there but you know you just work within your parameters now for motion graphics artist I find this to be really helpful so let me show you like a real world experience where I think this could really be sufficed so a couple of years ago on the History Channel I worked on this TV show I had to do a whole plethora of lower thirds for it and what you can see right here this is just an example and so we have the footage here we have the lower third that I designed out and for every character inside the TV show I had to create a lower third and it got to the point to where you know the episodes were coming in really fast hot on the deadlines so the editors just wanted some templates to work with in which we have the short version right here and then we have the long version right here so no matter how long the name is they at least had two different sizes to work with but you can see with unreal and they would just be able to type this out and it would automatically size up with the text which would have been really helpful when I was working on this TV show so hopefully you guys and ladies out there are excited about this new tool set I can see where this is going to be really powerful especially for broadcast designers or people that work on TV shows like myself like I showed you I do a lot of lower third works from working on these TV shows so this is going to become really handy whenever I'm working on my projects so again make sure you keep it unlocked here on my YouTube channel hit that subscribe Button as I'm going to be doing a lot more motion tutorials so till next time stay fresh keep creating and I catch you in the next video I see you soon take care
Channel: WINBUSH
Views: 2,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion graphics, winbush, tutorial, immersive, school of motion, mograph, unreal engine, ue4, ue5, cinema 4d, c4d, motion, adobe, artist, megagrant recipient, unreal engine 5 in 5 days, Unreal Engine 5, UE5, gameplay, real-time, PlayStation 5, Nanite, Lumen, 3d, UEFN, Unreal Editor for Fortnite, Fortnite Creative 2.0, Fortnite Creative Tutorial, UEFN Tutorial, Fortnite Creative Map, UEFN Map, Winbush, Winbush Creative, Fortnite, Unreal Motion Design
Id: Uw5Qr9wpk1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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