UE5.4 Free Motion Design Materials & Prop Assets

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let's add some piles of awesome Free Motion Graphics assets to an Unreal Engine 54 project and I'm recording this before 54 is released so a couple steps will be a little bit different for you once it is out uh but the first set of assets we're going to add is the uh virtual studios so in epics launcher we'll go to samples and on the samples page just scroll down a bit and you'll see this virtual Studio click on that and you'll generate a project now again 54 might be at leased as a version available but regardless either way just go ahead and create that project uh once that project is created you can open it up and you'll have that and we're going to get these assets which are loads of uh really glossy shiny glassy uh types of things that are going to be great for some Motion Graphics work uh one other set of assets that's really handy if we go back to our launcher is we could go into the marketplace and uh once we get there we can type in to the search and go to automotive and the very first asset here right now is the uh Automotive materials that are free from epic and if it's not you can always just click the uh filter for free and you'll get this asset so we'll want that and uh again for now this doesn't go out to five uh four but I'm going to add it to the project that I just created for the uh virtual studio so show all the projects and there's our virtual Studio project and that's okay we don't need to worry we'll just take that 51 and add that uh all right okay so now that's been installed we're going to go back to our virtual Studio kit here and let's just make sure the automotive materials have come through and they get compiled properly so I'm going to go into the automotive materials and then we'll just go to uh maps and let's take a look at overview and this should force a compile on all of those materials all right there we go so now we've got all of these materials available to us and uh that's ready to go and we've got the virtual Studio kit as well so I'm just going to select uh both of these folders with the control key and rightclick and we're going to migrate this over to an unreal 5.4 project so migrate we'll accept all of these and we'll say okay and then we'll find in this case I'm going to use my motion design tutorial fa project a Content folder and that's where we want to place it so we'll hit select there okay so the migration is done and I do not have my motion graphics project open so go to the content folder here move up and double click to open up that project okay so this is my little demo project open I just took a default uh demo level deleted out what was there and uh added in a blank sphere so now let's go ahead and see if we can put some of these additional assets to use so I'm going to go over to the content browser here and I have my Automotive materials so let's double click in there and go to maps and uh double click the overview so we can uh make sure that they load in okay great so now all our shaders are recompiled for 54 and I will go ahead to the uh virtual Studio kit and take a look at the same let's just open up the tracker list studio and sure enough things are looking good here too so let's go back and open up that demo level again and here we are real simple uh platform here with a blank sphere so let's start with uh the automotive material we'll go to content and Automotive materials and then we want to go to the materials folder I highly recommend you explore the exterior and the interior materials I'll double click on exterior for now and let's try a car paint and uh I really like this iridescent blue so I'm just going to drag that onto my sphere and that looks really cool already uh that virtual Studio kit also comes with loads of materials right so if I go to content and over here to Virtual Studio kit I can go into materials and they're nicely organized I'll go to glows and let me take this uh amber glow and put that on our stage ring so that is looking cool as well okay so we can also uh get some meshes from our virtual Studio kit so if I go to Virtual Studio kit and double click on meshes lots of different things to choose from here I'm just going to go into props and uh take out this little small circle like and we'll drag that out into our scene got to bring it up okay so we've got the light and uh let's try to feed that into a cloner so I'll go into my ADD actors type in uh clone and that should give us our motion design cloner actor that defaults uh with a bunch of Cubes so I'm just going to take that circle light actor and I'm in the uh motion design outliner drag and drop that in there and uh we'll go ahead and delete the cubes so that default Cube and delete it yes we do want to get rid of that and finally instead of a grid like this I'm going to select our cloner and change that into a circle and uh let's add a few more clones instead of nine we'll do 15 enter and position that really cool and there we go so we've got a lot of different things and there's plenty of different props and assets to look at here uh you know there's a different kind of light stand and I I think that uh you can have a lot of fun with all of these extra Assets in your motion design projects so I hope this helps until next time have fun
Channel: Pixel Prof
Views: 4,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avalanche, Free Assets, Materials, Meshes, Motion Design, UE5.4
Id: 1ZyYg9sj7qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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