Create Cinematic AI Videos for Free | Haiper AI Video Tutorial

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if you've ever wanted to create really high quality AI videos for free well this is the video you've been waiting for in this video we'll take a look at hyper we've tested every single major AI Video Creator out there and we think that without a doubt this is the best free option available on the market so in this video I'll show you how to get maximum cinematic quality from the tool let's hop in so before we get into hyper I want to just quickly note that in this video while of course hyper is completely free I will be using some other thirdparty tools to extrapolate maximum cinematic quality from the videos now you don't have to use these third party tools if you want to take the video directly from hyper you totally can but I'm just trying to show you how I found to get maximum quality so that your films can look as good as possible okay let's get going so inside of hyper you have the ability to type in text to get a video or you can upload your own images as a reference I always prefer uploading my own images as a reference because it allows me to create consistency and get maximum quality from the tool so to create my images I'm just going to go over to the website version of mid Journey so I'll type in a quick prompt here I say a c cinematic still of a sci-fi film with muted gray color grading shot on film now if I was to be working on a more expansive project with a story that I'm really trying to create a narrative behind I of course would get more specific we talk about all of that in our AI film making course but this is just an example so I'll go ahead and click entery on my mind this waiting is [Music] M okay so I have some renders here it only took a few seconds to render especially if you're using the turbo mode inside of mid journey and you can see that a lot of these images with the same prompt they look incredible and you can of course begin to pick and choose the right ones for your project again whenever you are working on a story concept it's all about consistency and creativ art directing the result that you are going for for our example I like this shot here of this kind of spaceman that's kind of in this worn out suit and I will go ahead and click subtle upscale to make sure that our image gets upscaled to a larger size you want to get maximum resolution from the images that you upload into your image to video converters and again after just a few seconds we have our image here it's in a really high quality format and the cool thing is inside of mid Journey we have the ability to vary we can zoom we can upres we can rerun this in the same style it's entirely up to you but I'm going to go ahead and download this image so one thing that I like to do whenever I'm working on an AI video is I almost always like throwing it through an image processing tool that can basically get maximum quality from the B image before I put it through my image to video converter and my favorite tool for doing that is magnific so this is an optional step but I do find that it gets just a little bit more quality from my exported videos so to use magnific all you have to do is go to magnific doai and you can click their login button and all you have to do is take your original image here drag and drop it into the input image section and for this one I'm just going to times two because the size is already quite large here so for our prompt we'll say a Spaceman looks around an alien planet shot on film The creativity in HDR I like where it's at but we are going to turn up the resemblance to six so that it stays more in line with the image that we uploaded and go ahead and click upscale okay so within about 30 seconds the image has been converted this is our original and this is after magnific does its work you can see the big differences are in some of these areas here if we kind of scrub that's before that's after before just kind of has a a tinge of softness to it even though this is supposed to be in Focus but then whenever we adjust the slider you can see that it adds just some of the crisp detail to make it seem a little more realistic so we can go ahead and download that to our computer so now let's add some some motion to that image so what you're going to do click the link below this video to go to the hyper website again this is free at the time that I am recording this video so completely free to use and go ahead and click the button now try not to get distracted because they have a gallery that features some incredible videos from the community and go ahead and click animate your image and of course it's going to ask us to upload an image so we can just take our image here from magnific drag and drop it into the upload image section and we can paste in our prompt that basically says an astronaut looks around on an alien planet you can of course adjust your prompts you can get really specific with it it all just depends on the asset that you uploaded and we will go ahead and click on the settings button here this is very important make sure you change your duration to 4 seconds and when you're ready go ahead and click the create button rendering the videos from hyper takes just a few minutes but I have a few examples that I want to show you directly from hyper that I created earlier so we have this shot here of kind of this engine room I love the the parallaxing I think we can create kind of an establishing shot with that one we have this shot of these engines that are spinning now there's a bit of a light leak because I prompted in rocket engines with fire and so it kind of created this interesting kind of orange light leak aesthetic but I do think that we'll be able to use this shot we have this shot which was another roll I don't know what's happening with that metal there but it's kind of moving around we have this shot of this cyborg moving with this woman in the background I think that shot's pretty rad this one not so great the shot's pretty interesting it does seem like the ship is moving in Reverse but if we uh flip the speed there I think that it would be really awesome that we have the shot this guy kind of looking into this futuristic hanger okay so those videos look pretty cool but there's one big problem if you take a look at the information for these videos they're actually only in 720p which is not great because that's not really a high quality video so what I always always like to do is run my lowquality videos through an AI tool to upres them to get maximum quality and my favorite tool for doing this is called topaz video aai you'll find a link below this video it is a little expensive to buy the first time but since I've purchased this software they've updated it so many times and they keep adding in new models so I really really recommend using their tool so I'll just grab all of our low reses videos here we'll drag and drop them into topaz video and what I'm going to do for output resolution we are going to just basically upscale this footage and I'm going to go ahead and click on the 4K button the right resolution for you really does entirely depend on your computer I found that I'm not really able to render at 8K or Beyond because my computer begins to hate me for it but 4K works really well and 5K is great as well especially if you want to get maximum quality because you can render in 5K and then scale it down into 4K in our instance I'm actually going to render in 4k and scale it down into HD to just get maximum resolution and details from my final result now for the frame rate we will go ahead and select 24 frames per second that is the Cinematic standard so we will use that one you also have the ability to slow down your footage so if you wanted the clip to be 8 seconds long or 12 seconds long you can just click on this Frame interpolation option and you can choose the amount that you want to slow down for R Clips I like the Speed most of them are actually in a slow motion style so I'm not going to slow them down but of course you have that option and down here under the export options you can select prores you can select h 264 it entirely depends on the project you are working on and the amount of storage that you need on your computer typically whenever you are editing a project you want the editing files to be in a highquality format like prores as opposed to h264 which is more of a file format for delivering to the internet like social media or YouTube but prores uh is a great option during the editing process and now you're good to go all you have to do is Click export and the videos will export to your machinea Tre okay let's take a look at the videos that we have from topaz video so we have these shots here and they are in 4k so we have much more resolution here I think we'll be able to work with these so now you need to actually edit your video together you can use any video editing application that you want I really do find that Premiere Pro and D Vinci resolve are two of the best options out there I like using Premiere because it's inside of the Creative Cloud but Da Vinci resolve is an amazing tool and it has some really great plugins and options especially if you want to get deep into color GR okay so I laid out a quick trailer Montage let's take a quick look okay so that already looks pretty darn good especially whenever you begin to scale down the video footage from that 4K resol ution into an HD sequence now we want to go in and adjust some of these clips just a little bit to extrapolate a little more quality so in order to do that there is an effect that you can use that is paid uh but it's really incredible and I use it all the time it's called flicker-free basically uh it removes flicker from your AI videos which is a very common problem in most AI video generators especially Runway and Hyper so all I did is dragged and dropped flicker free onto my video clip there and we are good to go I've gone in and adjusted the settings and what I've ultimately found is the default settings are the best option for you and if you're inside Da Vinci resolve you can of course use the D flicker effect to do the exact same thing now one thing that I like to do to my video clips inside of Premiere Pro is is I like to go to the lumry color panel and under the creative section you have the ability to sharpen your clips now you need to be very careful with the amount of sharpness that you add to your videos you don't want to go overboard with it I always like adding in about 10 points of sharpness but again it depends on your specific clip so don't go crazy with it people especially in the beginning like really cranking up that sharpen slider and it usually looks pretty bad so you know just use your best judgment in our specific use case I'm not going to use a lot because I think the uh color grading is pretty interesting across the clips but if you wanted to keep it a little more stable you can go in and begin adjusting your color in that way now the very last thing that I want to add into this video timeline I want to add in some consistent letter boxing because some of these video Clips have letter boxing some of them don't so it looks a little silly uh whenever the letter box dances around so to create a letter box inside of prer pro I'm just going to click on this button right here that's the new item button and we will go over here to the color mat button and we'll click okay and then we will turn this to Black we'll just say black color mat and click okay and we'll drag this and drop it right on top of our video here turn on the eyeball and you can see that it's blank but that's because it's just a black bar and I will go to our effects browser we'll type in crop and drag in the crop effect over our video clip here and we will crop the top there we go just like that so we'll say 90 for the crop so now we'll go to our color mat here I'll hold down option we'll drag and drop it above and now we'll go over to rotation I'll type in 180 for 180° and now we have the exact same letter boxes on the top as we do on the bottom and now you're good to go of course you can further edit this if you want go back to hyper render things the choice is entirely up to you but if you want to learn how to become an AI filmmaker from scratch be sure to check out our AI film making course at curious Refuge our course course is used by artists at every major studio and we hear stories all the time of artists who go through our training and land full-time jobs in the industry as an AI Storyteller you can join the wait list by clicking the link below this video we have courses that start up every single month if you enjoyed this video be sure to like And subscribe and of course if you ever have requests for a future video be sure to let us know in the comments thank you so much for watching we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Curious Refuge
Views: 231,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai video, text to video ai, ai tools, image to video, ai animation video, convert images to video, ai film, ai filmmaking, best ai tools, ai video generator, midjourney, free ai video generator, best free ai video generator, free animated video generator, haiper ai, free ai video, ai video tutorial, ai film tutorial, text to video, ai tutorial, curious refuge, ai movie trailer, caleb ward ai, shelby ward, Haiper, Haiper Tutorial, Haiper Video Tutorial, AI Video Tutorial
Id: fJQbP34GoHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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