Audio Reactive Cloners with Unreal Motion Design

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what up what up wimbush here and today I want to show you guys how you can make your cloners inside of unal engine 5.4 audio reactive to any MP3 so right now we're inside of unal engine 5.4 looking inside the motion design tools and this is what we're going to create so as you can see right now this is actually reacting to a MP3 track that I have down here inside the sequencer but the cool thing about this is with the effector selected you can actually go through in real time and actually just go through and start messing with these and adjusting everything in real time and if you want this project file so that you can all follow along don't worry I'll put out my spack file up on my G Ro you can download it absolutely free so let's start this project from a blank slate so you can see the steps to get this activated So within my blank viewport right here I'm going to come over here to the left hand side where we have motion design mode and if you don't know how to set this up make sure you go to my previous video where I show you how to get acclimated with everything in the motion design mode but if you look over here under actors we have cloner actor and I'm going select this twice and that's going to bring our cloner into our viewport now you can see that we already have some cubes here by default but we're going to use these Prime bottles that I got off the internet here and put these inside a cloner instead so I'm going to delete the default Cube hit yes and then I'm going to select these three bottles right here I'm going to bring them underneath my cloner and now you can see that we have our cloner stacked with these three energy drinks so what I'm going to do is Select my cloner right here and this set my details panel I'm actually going to come down here here under layout under grid and I'm just going to make this one by one by one just so we have one just so we can see what's going on now with my count Z let's move this up to maybe like 20 so that's going up and down so that's not what we want so I want to do 20 on my X and I'm going to do 20 on my y something like that and that should be sufficed now you saw that it was really close to my camera if I click on my cloner and come up here to the top under location if I click on these three dots right here I'm going to go reset to default and that should zero everything out instead of our viewport now if I hold down the right click hit the W we're going to zoom in here on our grid like so and I think my Grid's looking good here but let's get this set up with an affector so if I scroll back over here up to the top under my details panel under cloner you should see spawn length effector now you can also add an effector over here on the left- hand side but I find it easiest just to do it here cuz it will automatically link it to our cler that we have selected so spawn link Defector there we go so now inside of our outliner you can see that we have our refector and it's already starting to do some work here so if I zoom in here you can see inside the viewport that this is starting to rise up here a little bit and if I come down here under mode if I look under offset if I start scrolling this up you can see this is where we're going to make it rise and go down there you go I went up a little bit too high there but somewhere around there so let's say 600 so you can see right here it's going up and down and we want to make this reactive to our audio but before I do that you can see right now we can't really see our effector like we see the axis but we don't see the actual effector and so if you want to be able to see that a little bit better right here under Advance where it says visualizer thickness if I scroll this all the way up we should see it better now let me actually bring this down and if you're still not seeing it if you select it inside your viewport and hit G so I'm going select something in my viewport hit G and now we should be able to see it here so if I scroll through here actually I'm moving my clone but you can see we have our effector here so let me select my effector again come right here and you can see that let me actually zoom in here a little bit so we can see it better so right now we're at 02 on thickness you can't really see it but if I scroll up all the way up to 10 now you can actually see it so that's just an easier way for us to visualize our effector there and then of course you could drive it through your cloner like so so let me actually come back over here I'm going to zero out my cloner so it's in the middle same thing with the vector zero it out now let's get this acclimated with our audio so if I come down here let's start off with magnitude first if you see right here under affector with magnitude let me actually scroll this so you can see what's happening so if I bring it down that means that our effector is not going to affect anything at all and if I bring it all the way up you can see what happens now we're at full speed here so if I right click on magnitude and then come down here under Soundwave it might be hard to see but down here in the bottom right under properties you should see magnitude now if I select this now under items you should see this little stack here now this is going to bring it into our operator stack so if you select your operator stack right here let me move this over a little bit now you can see under animators we have our Soundwave now it's not going to be reactive yet and that's because right here where it says sample Soundwave we have to put our sound wave into here so you can do this two ways you can actually select right here under none and you can select your Soundwave right through here or if you come over here to your content browser and let's look for audio so I have it right here if I left click select this bring it right here now you can see it's inside of here and you can actually see that starting to react with our cloner in there but that's because down here under time Source we have it to world so it's not going by our sequencer in order to fix this we want to come down here to where it says World left click and we're going to bring it to our sequencer and that way once we play it through a sequencer that's when is going to react but one more thing under sequencer name you want to make sure you tell out what sequencer is hooked up to in which on this one I have it under avalance sequin undor 0 so I'm going to select this and now if I play through here it should be reactive so as you can see right now I played it it was reactive but it's not doing anything too crazy right and that's because we can add a few more attributes onto here so I'm going to bring this back to the beginning here and then right here under magnitude maybe let's raise this all the way back up to one even though it's being driven by the audio I'm going to start off at one just so we can see better what's happening here so another thing that I'd like to do is let's come down here under outer radius I'm going to right click down here and instead of going back back to Soundwave and doing it this way you can see right here it says existing animators and that's because inside of our operating stack we already have our Soundwave uncore 0 so if I come down here and let's go down to Outer radius and select this now if I come over here under length properties now you can see it added or outer radius so if I select this down now you can see all the attributes that coming with our outer radius and then also for our magnitude you can see all the attributes here as well now for magnitude I'm going to leave this alone but for outer radius let's play around with this a little bit so if I move this up and we can actually hit play on here so we see what's happening at the same exact time so this is why I like having it in real time because you can actually see everything that's going on as you're messing with it so we're starting to get a little bit of Bounce there and the reason it's doing it that way is because if I look over here on easing it's only under linear so if I left click on this and let's do maybe an elastic now you can see that we're starting to get a little bit better here some better results so it's just about going through and just playing with this until you find something that you like let's come through maybe do bounce in bounce out something like that so you can already see how cool this is just playing around with it inside the attributes while it's playing here in real time so I'm going to pause this because another trick too is maybe with your axes right here you want to have this moving up and down like this as well so let me actually hit control Z I'm going to go back here and then over here under length properties I'm in my operator stack animators under my Soundwave if I select this and then I come down here to the plus symbol hit this and now we can do it by location so I'm actually going to hit this right here and then I'm going to scroll this back down because now we can see that we have location going by Y and going by Z and now with these selected in here I'm going to turn off Y and I'm just going to go by Z location for right now and then let's maybe move this all the way up let's actually play this while we're Ming with it so for men I'm just going to put it down there a little bit and then for maximum let's raise it up there a little bit there we go so now we can see what's happening there inside our viewport I selected my affector there and you can see that's it's actually bouncing up and down on the axis so if I come down here let's play around with it a little bit more put it down here on negative so you can already see what's happen happening like we could just get really crazy with it and just have a lot of fun but that's how you would go through and basically hook up your audio to your cloner there so you can already see how powerful it's going to be being able to hook up your audio files over onto your cloner there that was just the MP3 that you threw in there but you can also use W files as well and then as I said at the top I'm going to also give you guys this project file so make sure you go to my gum rope link down the description if you want to download this project and play around with it so once again make sure you watch my previous previous videos if you want to break down how to get started with motion design if this is your first time seeing it make sure you subscribe to the channel for more content I'm going to be doing about motion design and until next time stay fresh keep creating and I catch you in the next video I see you soon take care [Music]
Channel: WINBUSH
Views: 23,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion graphics, winbush, tutorial, immersive, school of motion, mograph, unreal engine, ue4, ue5, cinema 4d, c4d, motion, adobe, artist, megagrant recipient, unreal engine 5 in 5 days, Unreal Engine 5, UE5, gameplay, real-time, PlayStation 5, Nanite, Lumen, 3d, UEFN, Unreal Editor for Fortnite, Fortnite Creative 2.0, Fortnite Creative Tutorial, UEFN Tutorial, Fortnite Creative Map, UEFN Map, Winbush, Winbush Creative, Fortnite, Unreal Motion Design
Id: yXbxq5hJkWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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