qBittorrent: How to Setup with Vuetorrent UI on Unraid

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hi guys and welcome back to another court video  thanks for tuning in with us today hope you've   had a good easter and a good weekend so we were  looking at showing you q-bit torrents if you're   currently using deluge or another torrent provider  i'm going to show you qubit torrent which is   pretty similar as well as the version with the vue  torrent ui which looks really really nice and it's   very responsive for mobile as well almost pretty  much an app actually which i found to be quite   useful when trying to manage your downloads  and torrents or anything of that nature of p2p   file sharing qbit torrent seems to be very  very nice to use but with the view torrent   ui on top it's amazing so we'll go through that  real quick and uh we hope you enjoy the video   please remember to like and subscribe  we really appreciate your support before we get started in today's video guys i  just want to remind you about our website that we   have that accompanies our youtube channel with the  website you'll get news and latest posts directly   to your inbox completely free of charge and if  you want to help support the channel or support   me personally this is the best place you can do  it you have the option to sign up to a membership   completely either free or with our yearly and  monthly plans as well as donate via paypal if   you prefer using this option it allows you to  get the post directly to your inbox it allows   you to get them before it hits on youtube and  just allows us to give back to you a lot quicker   if you're interested head over to our website  ibracorp.io and sign up free of charge thank you all right guys so q bit torrent pretty  straightforward if you're already running   your torrent sort of software you know what  it's all about helps allow you to download   your p2p files whether it's from a friend or  home or anywhere else that you are doing it as   long as you're doing it legally we've got queue  bittorrent up on here it's pretty straightforward   feel free to pause and have a read through but  we want to keep this brief for people the real   seller here is the vue torrent ui here's the  view torrent ui made by w dan big thanks for   their work on this updated regularly which is  amazing here you go nine days ago for example   and it runs really really smooth you're a user of  any sort of torrent program first thing that comes   to mind is that old clunky user interface that  quite honestly just looks you know fill in the   blank so this allows us to have a nice interface  while also keeping all the functionality that we   need here's a couple of pictures as well for those  that wanted to know there is a dark mode which is   amazing and a light mode as well so let's have  a look now so we're going to basically install   this one here because i think it's going to be the  most familiar for people that are currently using   the deluge setup and honestly i was  just using it up until the other day so   let's start with that from binhex click to install  from the top network type let that to our custom   docker network which i covered in our docker  tips and tricks video all these ports are pretty   straightforward we don't need to change them 8080  i will change actually very busy port that one so   we'll change it to eight five everything else  is good some of these are what you will point   some of your apps to for proof oxy or for your  vpns but i'll leave those as they are unless you   have them in use already for me today on this  test server we aren't using the vpn so i'm just   going to go ahead and say no here change that to  no you do want to use a vpn like by the internet   access or anything like that there's your options  set that to yes and fill out your details but in   our case we're not going to use that today on our  test server you can leave strict port forwarding   you can leave provoxy uh if you want to enable  provox you can do that there's no harm in doing   that so you can set that to yes but for the  purpose of this video we're just going to leave   this as no layer network pretty straightforward  make sure that matches your setup at home   same servers we don't need to change unless you  want to there's all the vpn settings etc etc   so we don't really need to change anything here  all of that all of that looks pretty good to me   so once you're happy with all that hit apply  and we'll just wait for that to install   okay that's finished installing we'll  click done and head to our docker tab   so you can see we're now running it looks like  it's running okay flick that to auto start   so it's worth noting here guys if we go just go  back into the config for qpit torrent see the data   folder here which is being mapped going to the app  data folder what you really want to do is set that   to your download share so go back to our shares  here we'll see downloads if you haven't created   the share just go ahead and create the  share and you'll have download so that   way all your downloads are stored in  a separate share and easier to manage   once you've done that go ahead and click  apply again click done and then we'll go   ahead and open it and we're going to see this  unauthorized i'll show you how to fix that now   so we've installed crusader now  we'll left click and go to the web ui   give that a second and you'll see that now  we've loaded up and everything seems to be fine   we've mapped directly to the user folder in our  container template so in that case you just go   down to the next level in our case that's media  under media then got your app data folder as well   so go to app data we'll go to q bit torrent go  to qubit throwing again in the config folder   then got the qubit torrent conf file the first  thing you need to do just go back to docker and   we'll make sure we stop the container for qubit  torrent before we make any changes here head back   to crusader click refresh you've then got two  options hitting f3 will open a read-only screen   to allow you to read the document hitting f4  will allow you to edit the document directly now   if you wanted to you could edit this on your  host machine but you would have to change the   permissions sometimes permissions get in the way  so you can do that here as well in our case we're   just going to edit it in the actual crusader  ui so just at the very bottom here type in web   ui make sure you match the uppercase and lowercase  here as well click save close then start up   the container again now we'll try and access it  again left click and go to the ui and there we go   now you can log in with the default username and  password admin password is admin admin once you   signed in you will be faced with a pretty familiar  looking current application so all we need to do   now basically is get our view torrents so to do  that we'll go to the view torrent on the github   page slash view torrent is where you'll find the  utorrent ui to download on the right hand side   here you've got releases so we'll just click on  releases and download the zip now left click on   that i've already downloaded it so i'm just  going to close out of this i'll show you the   next step so the next step is you'll need to go  where the download is so here we are i'm in my   file explorer here's our download or view torrent  so we'll just control c and click and save that   then we'll go to our server here we are in  the server now and we've got our download   share here so if we go to downloads we  just go to new create a folder and call it   theme paste the zip in there once you've  pasted it we'll need to actually open it up   so go ahead and open that up now with that  we've extracted it go in you'll notice it's   actually created a subfolder we don't really  want a subfolder so what we'll do is go   take everything out of the subfolder  put it into the top level folder   remove this subfolder here so you should  be left with your downloads theme utorrent   public etc that's where everything is saved  in there now now we can go back to our qubit   torrent now before we apply the ui there's a  couple of things i recommend you change first   the default save path so we've got qubit torrent  downloads does that match what you've got set up   that's up to you now if you remember  the it's got slash config there now   if we go back to qubit torrent that this container  slash data is actually where our downloads are   by expand this slash config is where we've got our  app data being saved what we really want is this   to be flash data and downloads can be anything  basically under that so if you wanted it to be   downloads in our case usually i have complete  and then keep incomplete is basically the same   get rid of all this and we'll just say incomplete  so data again got it here flash data basically   replaces this entire path means data complete it  will create a complete folder under a download   share and an incomplete folder in our download  share as well that looks good once you're happy   with that you can go ahead and click save go  back into the settings again go to connection   change all the connection settings that you  like as well your speed settings bittorrent   and your ratios etc make sure you change them to  whatever you prefer rss again and then we get to   our ui so the first thing we'll need to do is  change our password remember our username and   password is just the default stuff so make sure  we change it to something a little more secure typing in a password there you can also tell it  to bypass for localhost if you're signing in as   localhost then we want to apply our new ui so  to do that click this box use alternative ui and   we're going to map the data folder again in here  type in theme and the reason we're doing that is   if we go back to our folder we've got to remember  that downloads is mapped to data i'm going to keep   swapping between data and data because somebody  had an issue with it last time so i'm just going   to keep swapping around just to make it a little  bit more tricky for you we've got downloads   theme double click the theme then you've got view  torrent so then the next setting is orange so make   sure we map current in there as well so forward  slash all right once you're happy with all that   you can go ahead and click save if there's any  other settings that you want to change this is   the best place to do it now because some of the ui  will change and it might be harder to find certain   things so go ahead and click save now the first  thing you'll notice is it's straight away taken us   and applied the new ui we'll make sure we sign out  we'll just log out here and here's your login page   so let's log in with our new details and we've  successfully logged in everything looks good   we'll switch it to dark mode welcome  this is your new torrent application   so straight off the bat it looks a lot  cleaner i think it looks a lot nicer if   you go into the settings you'll notice a  lot of the settings are modified as well   see it looks a lot different and if at any point  you felt like you needed to switch back to the   old ui just uncheck this box and click  save that will pretty much do it for you   now that we've set up cubic torrent we  set up view torrent for our user interface   we now to need to add it to our media management  tools so this will be the same for sonar and lidar   but we're just going to do it for radar here today  so to download clients we'll just click on that   click the plus you'll see qubit  torrent right here click that pull this view torrent ip address of your server where jupiter is running port which is running username and password  category now that's something we didn't end   up setting up actually so we'll go  back to view torrent click settings   tags and categories available categories just  click create new and we'll call one radar and another one sonar save again and we'll quickly head back   and we'll see category matches  what we just created so that's fine   but all those settings we're happy with we'll  click test now that's actually connecting to my   live one i'll just change this to our new one that  we just created that's tested good so click save   and that technically should now work so if  we go ahead and set that up we'll try and   add a movie that looks good click add movie head  back to view torrent and there you go it's added   it directly in for us the rest is managed by  the settings in radar which they aren't actually   configured all the way in this test server so all  we've tested at the moment is that it downloads   and it puts it in the correct folder and then  radar should take care of the rest for us   if it was configured correctly but in terms of a  torrent application that's pretty much done now   the most impressive part of this is loading  it on your mobile phone so after you reverse   proxy this you don't know how to reverse proxy  we've covered it in a few of our videos already   but after you reverse proxy and access  it from your phone it's actually so   easy to use and easy to monitor anything that's  downloading so i highly highly recommend ubit   torrent i think it's a lot cleaner than deluge  and it's been working really well for me so far   and i mean just having a dark mode  is obviously an advantage already   but being very responsive on the phone once  you access the page it will prompt you if you   want to add it to your home screen and then it  almost pretty much acts like an app so that makes   management even easier again it also works hand in  hand with organizer if you watched our organizer   video you can integrate so that your home page  shows your ubiquitorant cue as well definitely   worth checking out guys i hope you enjoyed today's  video if you have any tips or suggestions for   future videos leave them in the comments below  and let us know what you think more than happy   to pick up some of your suggestions and until next  time we'll see you in the next ever court video you
Views: 40,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: automation, best torrent client, bittorrent, btt, deluge, home server, how to install qbittorrent, how to torrent for beginners, ibracorp, lidarr, p2p, plex, prowlarr, qbittorrent, qbittorrent best settings, qbittorrent download, qbittorrent install, qbittorrent settings, qbittorrent tutorial, radarr, sonarr, spaceinvader one, torrent client, torrent download, torrents, unraid, unraid 6.9, unraid 6.9.1, unraid setup 2021, unraid tutorial, vpn for torrenting, vpn torrenting, vuetorrent
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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